Newspaper Page Text
Dtiiln ittinncGotft pioneer. YOL. I. DAILY PIONEER. rrUBBD *T.«T Pin, miwksota. kvkxv xvkfk pay mokmnu by EARLE S. GOODRICH & CO., Wonwr Buildings, Bench Street. near junction with Tliird. DAILY PIONEER. SIX DOLLARS i t'ft AXXI V RATES OF ADVERTISING. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS- ‘W I*.U:.r per Square *>f Twelve Uufi, for the first insertion, and Fifty Cent* per Square for each sul sequent insertion. YEARLY AnVEHT!'!i\lEN’TS—Twelve tines of Nonpariel make a Square: I Square, 1 insertion, $ "ell Square one year, - - sls 1 Square, each additional 25 j IjCniuniti. 3 months. - 15- 1 Square, one week. - - 1 25 J H Column. a months. - 22 I Square two we> k.*, - 2 25 I \ J'ol'.inin. one year. 3u 1 Square, one month. 35 i ! l ,('ol min. 3 month*. - 20 1 Square, two months, 4 00 ; ' .<!ohiinn, tf month*. - 28 1 Square, ihree month,.6 on [ I,odo nn. one year, - 40 1 Square, six month*. BOn j 1 Column, one year, - f>s Advertisement* in-erted in tec It 1 Unify an 1 Weekly Pio neer. one tin If price additional. All Advertisements. unh-«* the time is specified, will he lo'prW till forbid. and chanted accordingly. Book and Job Printing executed at this office in a stipe rior style, and at reasonable rati*. Saint Paul Business Cavils. • G.W. BIDDLE, BURGEON DENTIST, Main Street, between St. Peter’s an 1 Market. St. Paul. L. M.iRVI.V, DEALER IN SHOE**, B*KHS, Ac., Ac.. Third Stiect near Hubert*. St. Phiil. MRS. E MAR VIM, FASHIONABLE MIIJJNKR. Tliinl Street, near Roberts. St. Pa cl • DA I TISON * BEXSOM, I.IVKRI 4 *TAltl.F back of the Amcric in House. St. Paul. DORI I* k OAKEs. BANKERS and EXCHANGE BROKERS, Third Street. St Pa .1 X. E. T YSO.V k (U, DEALERS IN GRo('KKlr>*. PROVISIONS, ,Vc.. Robert-, between Tliinl md Fourth Greets, St Paul. 11. FOW LER, CldH'K and WAD 11 MAKER. St. Anthony -treet. opposite the Rice House, St. Paul. W. Q. LBDUC, . IfOOKrfEIJ.EU and STATIONER, junction of Third and Bench street*. St. Paul. J. FROST, WHOLESALE anil RETAIL tlllOt'Eß Tliinl Street, oppo* it,- the Pi<f\KKK <Khcc. St. Paul. CITHCART k fO„ Wilt»!.!>• Ai.E and RETAIL DEALERS IN FORKFCN and’ DOMESTIC DRV it>oß. No 20 Roberta afreet Ft Paul. MARKLET K ER V, liE.Vl.Fnts IN HARDWARP. CUTLERY \c., St. Anthony -treet, one dooralmre th House. St. Paul. CHARLES E. MATO A Co.. and RETAIL DEALERS j., HARDWARE STOVES atid TINWARE Tliinl street. hetuceu Minnesota and Robert* streets. St. Paul. WILKIXSOX BABCOQE A MISBIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Third afreet. St. Paul. 9 McCarty a dust nr, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Third street. ! St. Paul. | WM. XV. IIICHUOX. DRUG« IST Corner of Tliinl and Ccd:u street*. opposite - H. A. Liamacr’* law Office, St. Paul. CTIAMBLIX A MORGAN, , WHOLESALE nud DETAIL DEALERS in DRY GOODS 1 CLOTHING. BOUTS, SHOES. HATS, LAI'S, Ac.. Tliird j atreet, St. Paul. J. T. IIALSTED, SURVEYOR and. CIVIL ENGINEER. Office corner of Third and CinUir street*. St. Paul. \V. He Yorbes, nil COMPANY. ST. PACE OUTFIT, al o I RY GOOD and GH<M*KKIKS. Third street, St. Paul. W. S. COOM BS, BOOKSKIJJCII and STMTIONKK, opposite* the American Hu use. H, l\ml. AMES Ac VAN F.TTEN, ATTORNEYS and tt>UNSEIJ.ORS AT IAW and Sttl.PTl'. ! OKS IN CHANCERY Office corner of Third and Mimic i *otn streets, St. Paul. ( WARREN .X WAKEFIELD, ATTORNEY* and COCNSI J.EORS AT LAW and SOLICIT ORS IN CHANCERY, Office on Third street. between Robert* and O lar street*. St Paul. TRI MAX M. SMITH, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. NOTARY PUBLIC. CoLI.EC DIR and GENERAL AGENT. corner of Third and M*n I ncsota street*. St. Paul. H. F. MAST.ERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. St. Anthony street, St. Paul V DRESSLEK k. GF.ORGII, STORAGE. FORWARDING and (TIMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in Wines. Liquor* Groceries and Provision Upper landing. St. Paul. M. SHERMAN, SIGN and opN (MENTAL P.VINTFJL corner of Fourth and St. Peter street, St. Paul. G. BUSSELL. DEAIJiR IN STOVFIS and TIN WARE, Third street, a few doors we*t of Jack-on i-treet. St. Paul. STEES * HUNT, CABINET WARE ROOMS. and DF'.ALERS IN SECOND HAND FURNITURE, Hurd afreet. St- PauL SHULTZ * MATHES, FASHIONABLE T.-iHJORS a n.l CI>HHIERS. Third street near the Post Office St Paul. M<€LO(IDB k WALKER. WHOI.ESAI.E and RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE * MECHANICS ToOIS FANCY IMPLEMENTS. Ac., near j 111• he* 1 ■ f Tib d street St IN*l j ** WILLI AM BREWSTER & CO., .%KERS, EXCHANGE, and LEAL I*TATE BROKERS j . Paul. ! J. M. MATTHEWS, A WAGGON and CARRIAGE MAKER. Robert nrcet Si. Paul. _ _ I TULLIS, LIVINGSTON k CO. VIIOIJvSALE Ac RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISION:* Rice House, St Anthony atreet, St Paul Minnesota. I4H7U BTKEMAJI, WA* IT.FIS AI F. AND RETAIL DFiMAR IN READY MADE CLOTHING, Third sheet. SC Paul. Minnesota. BASS, BORCi*, k CO., t WHOUKAIA GKOCFIRS. FORWARDING A COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS AND GENERA! STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Lower Levee. St. Paul. Minnesota. J. C. BURBANK * CO., STORAGE, FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GROCERS, ant PF.ALERMN GRAIN and PROVISIONS. Wharf Boat. St. Paul, Minnesota _ i; VANCE BROWN. REAL ESTATE BROKER. St Anthony. Street, near Kellogg k Kinney's store, St Paul, Minnesota. * ’ B. G. BRIGGS, LESALE and RETAIL GROCER m l CONFECTIONER, „er of Roberts aud Fourth Sti-cets. st. I’t.ui. V.nne r _ _ __ , J, E. WHITNEY, "EF.REAN ARTIST. Corner of Third and Cedar streets Paul. Minnesota f iICE, HOLLINSHKAD & BECKER, >RNEYrf and COUNSELORS AT LAW. St. Anthony eet, above American House. GEO. L. BECKER, T OF HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ofe* in brick block, above American Ilou.->e, St. Antho ny afreet, St. Paul, Minnesota. , CA-RLE S. GOODRICH & CO., PROPRIETORS, PIONEER BUILDINGS, BENCH STREET Saint }3atil Business Carbs. | c A V Elf HE H Si MATTIIE HI s, MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS, and WAGON MAKKP.S. , Rolx-rts stm t. St. Paul. Minnesota. HENRY MORRIS, FANCY DRY GOODS MERCHANT, |s ai{ uerr.> n Bmhlin-, 1 Tliinl stre»-t near Cedar, Bt. Paul. Miiuif *ot.i • L. BLUM. f FANCY and STAPLE DRY G(*u| ' MERCH.i.NT WHOLE I j •''ALE * RF.TAIL: New York Iki/aar, -St. Antliom treet. ! St. raul Minnesota. MARS * SMALL. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHING ROOTS. siloF.s I CLoTIIS, VF>TINGS. and TAILOII S TRiMMINGSs. No. ! 128. Main Street, Galena. Btilltouttr Business Curbs. ABRAM VAN VORHES, ATTORNEY and ( ol NSFJJ.OR AT LAW and SOLD ITOR : IN CHANCE IV. SiilUater. Mill a,und lo all bu.*iiie.** I entrusted to hi* care. SEM.MES, Mc.MILLA.V A LEWIS, j ATTORNEYS AT LAW and .-OLKTIORS IN CHANCERY I offie..* at Stillwater, and at Hudson, rq. Croix Countv. '■ Wi-o i* Til EO DO RE E. PARKER. ATT< IRNEY and CQI"NSETJ/)R AT LA W. StiUwater, M. T. ; CURTIN A GILFILLAM, ATTORNEYS and COI NSFII.LORS AT LAW, Stillwater. * guftson. j«sf:pii bowron, NOTARY PUBLIC and LAND AGENT. Hud-on. St. (Yoix C.uinti, W*. Pri emption elaiiu* secured and entries made by Military laud Warrant*. Itlank lkx-d* and i Mortgage* constantly on hand, and conveyances care [ : fully and priuu|tlv attended to. BENJAMIN ALLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Hudson. St C, i\ Count\. Wi . i RUBY It CALLENDER, MAVTFACTT'RER OF LIMF, Sliako Minnesota St. jJatti Sbb’te. WATII’L. E. TYSON Si <■■•>. (OV HOBEftTS, BETWE3V Tlltltn INTI EOI UTII sriIEETS. NEW STORE AND FRESH GOODS AND A WORD TO THE MINNESOTA RIVER AM) ST. CROIX TRADE. VS we are now fairly lived in our new building, t.nd having sufficient room to store a large and com plete stork of Groceries. Grain, Flour, a b I’rov'sioii'. we would respectfully carl tti* uttention of out iiu-nh- St. Paul and the surrounding country, to the FACT that we have just received the irgest and best * elec led Hssoi tuieiii of GROCERIES, PROVISIOXS, Gli t/.Y, SfC.. ever brought to Minnesota, and we can row s _v to our St. Croix ami Minnesota river friends, that mi arc of fering heller inducements to these trades than un\ other ' bouse in St. Paul; and at wholesale; wr pledge our- j selves to sell at G.vluna Pkicivs. Our goods are all fre.-fi and in the very best condition. Goods delivered i at the lauding or to any part of the cit\ free of charge. ; \\ c would again respectfully rail attention to our new sto< k, as Dealer* and our friends throughout the ) surrounding country w ill find that it embraces every thing usually kepi in our line of business; ami in ilniitf ! so, would expris.s our th iiks for favors, and ihe liberal | patronage extciuh-J towards us tin past winter. We cinnru rate in part as Pdlows, whi-lt we will sell strictly fyr cash at the !■ west li.'.rkct fates: 500 llliis llonr, 2 A) hags corn meal, 50 “ mess pork, 25000 assorted eignts, 20 41 prime do 12 dor. bed cords, 4000 lhs sugar cured hams, 8 kits mackerel, 4000 “ “ shoulders, 5 bids do 2000 “ rib sides, 5 l>\ codfish, 2>oo “clear “ 25 44 dried lit rring, 21 nO 44 lard, 35 44 palm soap. 2500 “ butter, 10 4- variegated soap, 1500 “ cheese, 10 “ Castile do 30 Ids N. O. sugar, 4 “showy do 35 44 clarified (A) do 40 44 mould candles, 30 « “ (11 ydo 25 “star do 39 ‘ 4 *• • (O) do 5 44 sperm do 15 “ crushed do b 4 ‘ jiijies, 10 “ powdered do 6 “ fancy stone pipes, I 5 bids N. O molasses, 4 hales camllewick, | 5 4 8. 11. do 0 44 wrapping twine, 1 10 “ cider vinegar, 5 bx ground spice, 20 sks Rio colice,j 10 *• pepper and ginger 7 44 Java do 4 malts cassia, 6 chests Y H tea, 2 bhl* nutmegs, 6 - 4 iuip'l do 2 44 cloves, fi “ (■ P do 95 gro.*s Marking, 12 caddies imp'! do f> doz blacking brushes 5 44 black do 4 44 whitewash do 10 doz brooms, 5 bids almonds, 4 44 scrub brushes, 4 “peanuts, 4 hbls salcratus, 15 sk.* dairy salt, 4 boxes 8 C soda 5o 4 * G A .salt, 10 doz zinc washboards, lo hbls rice, 100 canuisters powder, lo doz bottles olive oil, lo kess do 10 hbls soda crackers, 10 sacks shot, 30 “ butter do 40 M percussion caps, 5 b\s chocolate, 500 cans oy aters, 20 “raisins, 50 bx* sardines, 2 hbls madder, 10 bbls dried apples, 150 small cans mustard, 4 , 4 44 peaches, lOhxsturih, 40 b.« prunes, 2 “ clothes pins, 12 doz bottles ini, lo doz buckets, 2 “ lemon syrup, 6 44 carved do 10 44 assorted pickles, 8 “wash tubs, 5 “ catsup, 20 b* stno. tobacco, C 44 pepper sauce, 10 44 scalfaletla do, 4 44 A'toughlon hitters, 10 44 fine cut chewing, 3o gro. matches, 4 44 mackerona, lo bx mustard, 4 bWs dried curtants, 1 30 large can* do 1000 bushel* shorts, ALB<>:—A large lot of choice Preserves, consisting of Peach, Pear, (Ounce, and nil other varieties in use. ! 11 —> ] NATH’L. E. TYSON CO. WINTER AND SPUING ARRIVAL. THE WORLD’S FAIR HAS received per Ilurbank t Co.V Express, a varied assortment of PRINTS, DeLAINKS, CASHMERES, .Vit linos, Gloves, Hosiery, Woolen Goods, Muslin collar* and Undersh-eves, Velvet Ribbons, etc. These Good*, together with the remainder of Fall and winter stock of Fancy ami Domestic I)ky Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING, Hats and caps, Boot* and Bhoes, carpeting, Yankee Notions, Ac., will be sold at a small advance over Eastern cost, preparatory to starting for tnv spring stock. EDWARD HELNAN, 44 World’s Fair store, cor, 3d and Roberts. < u *->• w BOBUP. i ilvs. H. 0 vats BOR UP k O AKES. PBTIIE undersigned having formed a cojiartncrship for M. transacting an Exchange and Hanking hußitiess in a'l its various hranrhts, will be prepared to furni*U sight and time exchanges on the East, and prim ipnl cities of the West. ID inittatices to Great Britain, ln-lund, and continent of Fitn ope, ma It m sums to suit purchasers.— Sight and time bill* and European exchanges purchased, collections made, and proceeds remitted at usual rates of exchange. All other business commuted to our care, punctualh attended to. DOR UP A OAKES. j>L 11-tf BROI’II V SETTLEMENT. A FARM containing 178 acres in this highly flourish ing settlement, which is near 81. Paul, borderingou on a beautiful lake, soil nett and he. iv\ timbered, from which some 2,000 cords can be cut; also a good heavy grass meadow which will yield b 0 to 70 lon* of hay; an excellent dwelling house 50 by 20 feel aud good sta ble 50by 20. If acres ol the above already, broken and undrr fence, and have yielded to the proprietor an abundant crop. HENRY McKENTY, Dealer in Real Esstute. Jan. 9,1854.—12 m. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. A House and two Lots in Kittson’s Addition, imme diktely back of the New lime). The //onse is new and convenient, having been built during ihe Fall.— W ishing to devote our attention exclusively to our busi ness we will sell the above property at h reasonable price and upon accommodating tciin.*. CIIaMMLIN k MORGAN. July 9. 1854.—43.] Third street, St Paul. MARSHALL k tO. AT THK SLIGO IRON STORE, ARE bow receiving large and full stock of Iron, Steel and Sundries. They respectfully solicit the patronage of Rlacksuut s, Plow Maker*, and other Manufacturers, giving assurance that their stock is of the best quality, aud will be sold at the lowest living prices. 221 f SAINT PAUL, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1854. St. 133ul aiHi’tß. HURRAH FOR THE RED LINE. PATTISOX Ac BENSON’S KED LINE COACHES with the best of teams and careful dri\» rs are now upon the road between St. Paul and St. Author., ready to accommodate the pub lii on all occasions. They have a large and excellent Livery Stock, several new and elegant Carriages and Barouche*; also new Harness and Horse Furnishings and equipages of the most elegant description. P. A- S., in returning thanks to the public for the lib eral patronage heretofore bestowed upon them,take pleasure in .stating that they have just received, in ad dition to their former extensive stock, several young, elegant, and WELL BROKE HORSES! specimens of stock that have never been equalled in th - Territory. Their present stock needs hut to fit seen to be adtnited and approved by a discriminating public. Will our friend.* Hint the public remember, rhat ut the Livery Stable in the rear of the American House, at thi upper cud of Saint Paul, they ran at all hours, have such conveyance by land, on wheals or on horsr b.i.. k, a..* tlicv may desire. PATTISON k BENAO.V, ’ Bt. Paul, June 30, 1853. ly J. E. FULLERTON A T his old stand, which is known to a great many aT». Iriends, especially those who have patronized him *o long, Focps a diil'erent stoc.A of Good* from lie mix ture which he formerly kept. He now keeps Drv Goods alone, including a prime selection of Ready Made Cioth ig and the largest and best stock of Hoots and .Shoe* ever opened any w here, including I.adie*’ Shoe*. He ha* also a variety of Blanket*, W hittle) and Horse Blankets, w hich as he ahx ays has dour, he sells at prices to suit his friend*. MI V S ESOTA LEATIIF.R STORE, At the Old Stand of E. A. Collins 4* Co., opposite the litre House, St. Paul. PT. BRADLE V. dealer in Saddles, Harnes*, • Trunks and Saddlery Hardware, Saddle Trees, Skirting, Harness and Patent Leather, C'nlf Seating, H-u: and Top Leather; Carriage Trimming*. Muddlers' t Silk; Bellow* and Band Leather, j BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS’ STOCK. Hi-inloek tanned Sole Leather; Oak tanned Sole and I Upper l eather; Kip and Calf Skill*; French, German, . Philadelphia and Cincinnati Calf Skin*; all kind* id Ladies and Gentlemen’s Morocco, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink and White Linings; best Goat, Urn k and i Sheep Binding. Boot and Slum Findings; Boot Trees, ; Last*, Crimp Boards, Pegs of all size*; Shoe Thread, | | nil kinds Iron, Zinc tind Copper Nails. I CARRIAGE trimming, Executed at the shortest notice and in workmanlike ; manner. Country order* particularly attended to. 3 The highest market price in Cash paid at all tiroes for Beef Hides, Sheep and Deer Skin*. P. T. BRADLEY. June 9, 1853.—8tf NEW HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT." | r|MiK subseri eis would inform the citizens of Saint ; M Paid m i all the country round about, (tint they Hre - conducting the above business in all ifs brunches, on t Tliird Street, nearly opposite the Post Office, \x here cus- | turners can he supplied, on short notice, with all kinds | ol Harness, Bridles, Saddle*, Fly Net*, Trunks, \ ulises,' W hips, Ac., Ac. May 11. ’53-tf MARTIN DREW k CO. W IIOLESA LE AND RET til, CON FEU- i TIO.VAIIY. ! THE subscriber* in returning their thanks to their | l patrous aud the public in General lor the liberal encouragement they have received desire to inform them tint they li ive new machinery and other facilities ’ to supply the Territory with Plain and Fancy Candy ol j their own manufacture; among others, al) sorts-of Slick Candy, Rose and Burnt Almonds, Coriander*, \nis*e, ! Acidulated Fruit, and all other kind of Drops; Candy and Sugar Toys, 4-c-. which they xvill *cil by the box, at lower rates, adding freight, than it can he bought in i Galena or St. Louis, with the advantage of having ti fi••-■'li article. Also, French, German and English Toy* j ami Fancy Good*. All order* for Cake* and Ice Cream I promptly tilled al the lowest possible price*. 20 RENZ A K ARCHER j SALE STABLE. 'PIIE subscriber hu* taken the stable ou Third street ’ • formerly occupied by J. \Y. Yine* nt A Co. 'I he ; stable, lot* been thoroughly repaired and 1 am now pre- j pared to take horses, cattle, Ac., on sale, ,»r to keep! by the mouth, week or day , and will give strict atten ! lion to all stock that tnay he ieft at my stable. My j friends and tliepubli generally are invited to call when ! in town. E. A. BISSEI.L. st. Paul, March 6, 1854. 4fi-tf TRUMAN M. SMITH* Justice, of the Peart, Xutary PublC, Collector and | General Agent. HAS removed his oflice to the Brick Block opposite ! the Post Office, corner of Third and Minnesota! streets, where he will he found ready to attend to the collection of debt*, purchasing and selling real estate, ' payment of taxes, locating Land Warrants, Ac. llav- . ing been in the business for some time past, and ' being provided with maps of all the surveyed portion ! of the Territory and of the cities on the B®t. Peters he flatters himself that he will he able to give satisfac tion to all who may give him a call. N. 11. Town Lot* in St. Paul, St. Vnthonv and all tlie town* on the St. Peters for sale at reasonable price* Also, Farm* in the country , with or without improve- j meats. St. Paul, June 2, 1853.—Ttf. J. McMAHON HOLLAND, Attorney and Counsellor at Law mul Solicitor in Chancery. SIIAKOI’EE, SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA MINNESOTA KEKERENCKS. Gov. W. A. Gorman, J. Travis Rosser, Esq.’ Sec, Min. Ter., j Capt. J. 11. Simpson,U. S. Top. Eng’rs. >St. Paul. A. J. Morgan, Esq , Pioneer Office, | I). A. Robertson, Esq., J 11 ou. 11. 11. Sibley, Mendotn. MARYLAND REFEREXCK*. Gov. E. Louis Lowe, 1 T. H. O'Neal, Esq., Secretary of State | Judges I.egrand,4riick and Eeleston of J- Annapolis Supreme Court cf Maryland, lion. Alexander Randall, John V. L. McMahon, Esq., Baltimore, Md. SI6 VES AN D TI N Y\ AR K. At Newt Ids old stand on Third Street, a few dears \ IV ist of Jaekseen Street. TRVIE subscriber will keep on hand constantly t good JL assortment of Tin Ware, which he will si ll at wholesale or rftail. Alsu, a general assortnicnt of Stoves. Order* from country dealer* solicited. N. B. Repairing done on short notice. GEO. RUSSELL, Agent. 1 St. Paul, Jane 2, 1853 —7—ly. I A. BIN ET \V AR E ROOMS. ALWAYS on hand, or made to order, SOFAS F.ASY CHAIRS, DIVANS, WILLOW WAGGONS, mattrasses, card and cen tre TABLES and CHAIRS of every Description. Al*o a few METALLIC COFFINS, a superior article. , TO buy second hand furniture, is too €•*4 much iihe buying second hand gar meiit*. We take it for grtxnted, that the people of our Territory, would ' rather prefer to have their chair*, wash*land*, bureaus and tallies, made to order, and expresslyYcr their ow n use; although old furniture might be bought for lessruo ney. Then wo thinkour people would rather haxearti j des made of the timber that grow* here in the IVrrito ry, manutartitrcd by our own ine< hanic*. who have cast their lot m Minnesota, for better, lor xvorse. We will make promptly to order, whatever article*of furniture may be wanted,(if we have not what is des-r --ed on baud;) ami will warrant our goods hotter am) all tilings considered, cheaper, than they can be imported. Undertaking promptly attended to. STEES k HUNT, Manufacturers of Cabinet Ware am! Furniture, Third , street, St. Paul. St. Paul, June 23, 1653. 10-tf fire: fire:T~flre: :: 13IIE “Old iEtna" continues to dispeuse “aid and com fort” to the unfortunate, a* usual, at the Saint Paul agency. CAPITAL STOCK, 13000,000. Thomas A. Brace, l’res’t S. L. Loomis, Sec’y. R. R. NELSON. 3-30 y Agent for Minnesota Territory NOTICE* THE public are hereby notified that the undersigned, the true and rightful owners ol “l.e Sueur City,” i in the county of l.e Sueur, and Territory ol Minnesota, ' did, ou the 261 b day of August, 1853, lay out the said I City of Le Sueur, and that a plot of said City ha* been ■ duly recorded in the office of Register of Deed* in said j county. And the public are hereby cautioned against I purchasing property in said City, without having first obtained title from the undersigned, as they alone can i give good and sufficient title to purchasers in the first in tance. J- C CHRISTY. Xept. 12, 1853—221 f. JAMES CURRAN. LAND WARRANTS taken in exchange fur improved Lauda, by J. L. WILSSN- SIX DOLLARS PI R ANNUM St. Data auvpts. DENTISTRY. i j G. W. RIDDLE, late of Pittsburg, Pa., *V S permanently located in Saint Paul, j Fourteen year* close application to his ! ' 7~ U "‘- r profession, together with a large and' . beauiful assortment of plain aud gum teeth, enable him t to insert from one to an entire net of teeth b\ atmospheric j ! pressure, with a beautilul representation of the natural , , gum, restoring the mouth tolls ii iturai shape. Diseased teeth permanently saved by plugging; useless . extracted with as little pain aV possible. Teeth , cleansed and diseased gum* restored to health. O lice and residence on Main street, between Sai it ! Peters and Market. j 'j N. H.—All job. warranted. St. Paul, July 28. ] { i:*.xjx* w \nitnn. joskpii wakekiei.d. ! ’j WAR KEN Ac WAKEFIELD. ! Attorneys and Councillors nt Law and Solicit ors in Chancery: ( j Office on Third Street between Roberts and Cedar j > sr. r.\i L, m. r. 5V . A - W. will attend witii diligenrt- and rare to all I | business of tlieir prolessiuii in the dificrent courts of] ] this Territory, that may he entrtistial to them. Tlieir : ' arrangements iu lue States ot Nexx York mid Rhode \ ’ ] Island are such as will euutle tlu-m to transact busi-j 1 ! ties* of u general or special nature in those States with j the utmost dispatch. They will moreover attend to ! the collei lion of debts, the locating of Land Warrants, j the purchase and sale of city lots or real estate in the 1 * 1 country and to all other matters dire* tly or indirectly i connected with their profession. |42 y* ' I , MUTAULLIFKINHURAIIC'E COMPANY I OF NEW KIRK, I Office 111, Broadway, Trinity Bciipino. i . NETT ACCUMULATED FUND, FEBRUARY 1,1853 | J $2,018,775 64. . Stability, — Security,—Perpetuity J ! r T HIS Company ha* novx established itself on such a! * ! J- lirm basis, that it can ofler to those desiring an nt- i ! vestment on their lives, that greatest of all desideratum* I! in life insurance, viz; full and perfect set urity. It* his < ' tory i* alino-t, if not quite, without a parallel. Cum • j j uiencing Ist February , 1347, (lo years ago,) without a i dollar ol capital except its rccci) is for |iremium*, it h i* j i now an actual cash capital which is “invested in Bond* | 1 and Mortgagi son Real Estate, principally in the cities I d ’i of New Xoik aud itrookly u, worth double the amount I ’ | loaned thereon, of ovt r .52,000.000. It.* receipt* for pre- t , mi urn* during the past five years have been nearly &2,- j , ' 200,000, and for inte rest on investment over $350,000, and ha* paid on policies terminated by death during the I same lime, nearly SBOO,OOO. Its dividend* (alter reserv- 1 ( ] ma a fund sufficient to re insure all out-standing policies) I ' were 52 percent the first live years, and 33 1-3 pel cent. ! I the !a>t tlx*', im th* amount of premiums paid,being an | ' | tivernte of over 1-* 1-2 per cent p* r annum lor ten years j 1 I'liesc dividends are added to the policy at their rexer- 1 | solitary value, pay able at death with the amount insur- ] . ed, or can tie applied to the reduction of future preini- 1 1 1 urns, at th* - option of the insured. The business of the j l Company is conducted strictly on the cash plan—no ] j | credits—and it is believed to hold oai greater induce- ] I tnent.* than any other I'oinpanv, whatever. j Its rates of premium are as low a* those of tiny good ' ; ollirc, ill;<I arc believed to In lower th in some who pro- i ll i less to insure from 25 to 5» per emit les*. FREDERICKS. WINSTON, Prcs’t. j Isaac Vt.iiott, Sec’y. 1 Charles Gill, Ae.tunrv. I * 1 JUM l 3 1. MrCARTY, Agent. Tnos. It. I’otts, M. D., Medical Examiner. Aug. 1 1.1953 —> 17. r SHULZE A MATI ES, j FASHIONABLE TAILORS \M> CLOTHIERS, , TllirtD ntrebt, near the post office. c Keep on hand, at till times,an extensive assurttnent , , . of ready made clothing of the best quality. They ; have a!s*> a large assortment of 1 lot Us, oassimercs and . | vestings, an i xvill give gentlemen tits in the latest fash lions. Their goods are of their oxx n selection, >iii<i vv ill !he found to be neat hiiH durable. Being practical men, j ibex warrant th* ir work equal to mix in the citv. | Oct. 20, 1853—27 if. N OT M E. i subscriber idler* lo sell or t 1 tease for a term of J B. years, hi* SAW MILL, situated near th* 1 Upper ; ] Landing. S unt Paul, being one of the best locations for j . the Lumbering business in thecity. The Mill is in good ! ! repair, has one upright tnulay saw, one eut-olTsaw, one | lath *aw, mid a ma* bine for making cut Shingles. The J Boom at the Mill is an excellent anil safe place for keep : ing log*. This property will be sold or leased on favor* : able term*. JOHN R. IRVINE. ( iSt. Paul. Dec 30th, 1653. 3fc-tf K ITT SON’S ADDITION TO KT.FALL. 1 d*'<iralde ground, lying iu the most central and i I advantageous part ol the li.t*iu of St. Paul, where * j must inevitHhly he the principal river business of the : : town, and affording also most choice ami delightful Lot* 111 the rear, upon tilt- bench, lor dwelling houses; is sur- : 1 | vexed into Lots, and now o lie red for sale, with titles till- ; disputed and indisputable, at reasonably low prices, and I upon liberal terms of credit, for most of the purchase t money, ami Lumber for building 011 Lot* sold in the au- j <lllion, will he furnished at the rotarv saw-mill, on eas\ j , terms. CHARLES H. OAKES, . 1 Agent h'r Proprietor*, st. Paul, .11 d\ 31, 1851. 15 $5,000 WANTED, Of Deernp (l ikes’ ( ertihentcs oj Deposit, BY the subscribers, who will give goods for the ' same at as reasonable rate* a* any House in St. PauL CHAMBLIN A MORGAN, Third Si reel. Lower Town. | 1 J B. CUI.VF.R A CO , Winslow’s Hotel, Upper Toxxm. I ‘ .1A COB J. NO AII, I, Attorney at J.aie and Solir.iteir in Chancery. COMMISSIONER for States ol Maine, Rhode Island, j , Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, j Alabama, Ohio and Louisiana. (CrAll instrument* to be used or recorded in any of l the above Stat"*, may be taken at mv office in St. Paul j j July 31, 185 h 15-tf j B. W. LOTT, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, and General! Land Agent. Particular attention xvill be gix’cn to j collections, paying taxes, entering lands, securing pre emptions, and entries made by military land warrants. ' St. Paul, s tf J J THAVIS BOfISEA. M. L. ObDS. ! ROSSER *Y OLDS, Attorney nii'l Counsrllens ut Law. j , Office in the S.aretary’s Room in the Capitol at St. P uti.. Mixxbsota Tk«. M. SHERMAN, House, Sijrn and Ornuineutul Painter. Corner vf Fourth <ewi St. Pct-r S'rcet, St. Paul. j FAINTI NG and GLAZING don* ill a superior and : workmanlike manner. All order* promptly and | neatly executed. Work warranted to give sulisiaclnm. St. Paul, June 23, 1853-y Have >ou ?;oo(l (liderstaMliiif! I MARVIN, invites the public to examine the best stiK I; of material* in hi* line, that has ever been seen in the Territory. He challenges either side of the Atlantic to produce a better quality of French Call 1 Skins, *pt< iaily wlnptcJ for the winter season. ‘ t'n hand, also, Ladies'tine custom made shoes and g-.iti r*. Also, Gentlemen’s Calf and Kip Boot*, the b»*st ; that can he made. You know the stand—Third street, i 1 near Roberts street. ■ Satin Paul, November. 185 L 31 i CIGARS. j $ /WW| IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS ; _$ Vr» v V/vl the best in the market, warranted , y 7 W. 8 COMBS, Between the Rico an ! American Houses. f GREAT BARGAINS OF FEB ED. THE subscriber has 40, 80 and 160 acre tracts of land that xvill be sold low for cash, or on time; or c.x- ; changed for village property. A good horse or span of horses and wagon or other 1 valuable property will lie taker, in payment or part pay- j 4 mein as tlie case may be. 14 if C. H. PARKER. f ‘ Iniitlian Goods for Sale. BY orxler of the Indian Department M /Fashingtou, I will sell at private sale, for cash, a number ol 11 j box***. . Ac., containing blankets, cloth*, calicoes, hardware, Ac. N' • A. GUItMAN, Gov. and Ex Off Supt. Ind.Aft'*. • St. Paul. Dec. 7, 1853 —34-tf PRESBRI En of all kinds, ejrirmflae Woronater e sauce; Catsups assorted, Oysters and Sardine*; j in fact every thing in the Grocer' line can he found at j No. 4, next door to Fullerton’*, on Fort ■‘treet. ; mar 2 J. W. DOWNER. 3 j ST. PAUL li K HO. 11 & W. BATEi*. keep constantly on band a good d ■ assortment of Bread, Case*. Crackels and Can- 1 1 die*, of all kinds; a variety of nut*, i'tes beer, Ac. Ac. 1 Also, just ree’d a fresh lot of Groceries, all of which u will tie sold cheap for cash, at the old stand on Third - Street, Lower Town. St. Paul, June 9, 1853. Jy_ CABH paid for Old Iron, Old Bras* anil Copjier, at he St Paul Foundry, uear the Lower Landing j | Nev - GILMAN- St. J3a ul SWb’ts. TIME! TIME! TIME! HFOVX LER, Watch Manufacturer, Working • Jeweler and Dentist, would respectfully inform the inhabitants of St. Paul, that he has opened a store on St. Anthony Street, iu the building opposite the Rice House, two doors from Robinson’* old stand wuh an assortment of Clocks, Spectacles of all ages, Bank 1 and Side t riuiibs, in great variety , bosom pins, goggle*, chimney ornament*, steel bead* and lussels, ladies work hags, childrens’ teething rings, flutes, dice and boxes, | and a variety ol other articles. j Duplex, Horizontal, Repeating and Lever Watches, of the most complex and delicate workmanship, care i fully repaired. j ( ahfornia Gold Kings made to order. Engraving neatly executed. TkF.TII CAKKFI’LLY E.XTII XCTEI). Sc.XLEP A PI.I’QOKI). li. F., from hi* long ex|>erieiire in some of the first I sho 1* in England, flatter.* himself that he shall he able to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with theij ; work. Hi.* motto is Punctuality , Dispatch and Moder i ate charges. j rit. Paul, March 24*t, 1853. 4 49. y REMOVAL. IATM. S. COMBS ha* removed hi* Book Store 1 Y ▼ nearly opposite in» old stand, where he would . he pleased to see ail Hit* frien is; feeling assured that he j can now suit them in every thing iti hi* line. My new goods have arrived; among which can Ire found 1 200 Rolls Wall Paper, \V indow Curtains, Bordering and Screen*. All the late Cheap Publication*, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and Lev to same. Blank Books in all varieties, Hlatiunerv of every dea | cription and of the best quality. Fancy Goods, to 1111- merous to mention; but call in, as it is no trouble to; i show good* at COMB’S FRANKLIN BOOKSTORE, I Between the Ike and American Hit tune j TO CAPITA LISTS. FA K M ERS AND EM- i IG RANTS. i '■'HIE undersigned has always ou hand for sale for , M. cash or on time, from TKN TO TWENTY THOUSAND ACRE* | of rural land, improve ] or unim r ived, including farms * ol diffiuent size*, and degrees of impioveinent at prices coricspomliug with these. Also—property in St. Paul and suburb*, and in Man- ! kalo city. St. Anthony, Sliakopec, LeSueur .'Universe , des Sioux and Eureka. He can at all times arconninlate. 011 the easiest ■ terms any one who really wishes tee purchase. HENRY McKENTY, Dealer in Real Estate, r>t. Paul, Muni. Ter. Office,— the old Post-office building, Third sttcet. St. l’uul, Feb. 11, las i. 41 if. C A TIIC ART, No. 20, Robert street, M. Paul, HI. T. Wholesale amt Retail Dealer in Foreign and \ Domestic Dry Goods, KEEPS constantly ou hand a large and well selected 1 slock of l im y and staple Dry Goods, consisting iu part of Brown Sheeting*, Shirtings, Stripes, Drilling, Prints, Muslin i.h Lames, Lusters, Menuos, Velvets, Hosiery an I Gloves, Silks, etc. A large stock ol Carpeting Drugget*, Matting and all kinds of House Furnishing*, low for C xmi at 431 N0.'20 Rootin' Si hket, St. l’anl. WM. W. FINCH, VI. I).. OFFERS tii* professional service* to ihe citizens of • St. Paul and vicinity. I Olfice in Judge Lambert’s new hi ick liuildiug. Special attention will he given to Rlieumatistn, Neu- J ralgia. Scrofula, and all chronic di-iases. Being famil- j iar xvith the use of tTHEit, operations iu surgery will lie performed under its influence without pam, if de- 1 sired. Pure Vaciine Virus sent to any part o< the 1 country by return mail on the receipt ol one, dollar, j post paid. tIEFKREYCrs. Prof. Me.riinto k, of Philadelphia College of Medicine. 1 “ Perkins, ol Vermont Medical College. 38—6 m. ALLEN ,PIUUSE, Attorney ut Law and General Land. Agent, HWING been Register of the Land Office under ■ the late admiiustralion, he is able to select the ; best him) in the Territory subject to entry, aud will | xx arrant the regularity of all locations made by him. j Oflice. on Cedar Street, next door to the Episcopal Church, St. Paul, M. T. Jan 19, 1854—|40-lf BIGELOW k FLAN OKA U, Attorneys anil Counsellors at Law. Office over L. B. Wait k Go's, store, Third street, below Roberts, St. I’acl, Minnesutx. WILL attend promptly aud carefully to professional j business 111 all the Courts of the Territory.—Also ; to the collection o* dr-lu*, and to a!) other business in j any inuuuer connected with the profession. Money to Loan ia small sunt* on good security. IIOHACE It. BIUELOW. CHAltl.E* L. ILANORAI'. * U| »- -- i DBS. HU IS HI \ E xV WILLEY, Physicians arid Surgeons, ST Anthony street, St. Paul. Opposite Bond 4r 1 Kellogg’s Drug Store. DR. J. 11. i» AY, WILL practice lit* profession in Saint Paul and vi- : cmity Oflice on Bench street. Oct. 9, 1851. 25-tf ! DOCTOR L. 4'. KINNEY, (florin Holland Plewe, Saint Anthony sthkst, ■‘xixr Pa; l, r I ’E.N HERS Ids profi ssiouai *i rvice* to th- citiz< n» of ; .1- St. Paul and vicinity. Ha'ing bad an experience j of over Ten Years in the practice « t Medi me, one ol ■ v\liich was spent as Piiys.ciuu and Surgeon with the U. s army in Mexico, be flatter* Irimstlf that he "ill be able 10 merit the confidence of all xx lio may favor him with a share of their patronage. July 26, 1853. DUS. POTTS A M> MORTON HAN I.NG associated themselves together in theprac tiee of their profession, olb r tlieir service t" the citizen* ol St. Paul and vn mity. Office on Third street, over H. C. Kandford’s store. Her. 8, 1853. Hit HENRI A. LAMBERT, ■ Attoren y 'it Law, Oflice, corner of Third and Cedar streets, St Paul. DR. U. L. VICCHERS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucher. Will practice. Ids profession in St. Patti and vicinity. Office cor. north aud Robert streets, over Catlicart k Tyson’s tore. 12"' > " EDW AU I» M ’LAGAN, ! STORAGE FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION, At the Lower Landing, St. Paul. 4 LI. Commission and Consignments, >v;li be prompt ly and careiullx attended to. Reference*; B. H. Campbell, R. M Lagan, Galena, ' Geo. Deßaun, St. Louis. Lower Steamboat Landing, St. Paul, Min. 1 Much 85, 1858- 4 MINNESOTA BANKING HOUSE, I March i-lih, lt*s4. > WILLIAM BREWSTER k CO., 1. ite of Western Bank, I’hil’a, Rankers, Exchange and Real Estate Brokers. 1 IJROMPT attention given t<> collections 111 ail parts !H. of the Territory, end proceed* remitted at curtciil rates of exchange. j LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT AND SOLD, ! And lo aied on time to the favor nt icto 1 *ettlers. ! Town and country property fur stile for cash or on i tunc. De give personal attention to the purchase ami ; sa.'t: of property, the payment oi taxes, entering land, I,,eating land warrants, aud all other business that may ■ be entrusted tooiir care. tV OF FEE—Old Java, Ceylon and KlO at .No. 4; j J. W. DOWNER. J.K. FRE EM AN. DEALER in Dry Good* Groceries. Hard were, Cutle fv, Fanev Goenl*. e*tc. A complete assortment on hand at airtime*, and very cheap ftr Cash, preacott, Dec. 6, 1853.-35-1) R. M. SPEJfC ER, DEALER in Hats,Caps, BooU and t4tiocs, Clothing and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods Thin] st., between Jackson and Robert*. Bt. Paul.M. T. De- . 1«), 1863.-3 S-D JENNY LIND IN ST. PA I L, BEGB itave to inform the citizens of St. Paul and vicinity, that sh»- has brought to the Bookstore, ' comer 1 f Third and Wabaahaw sir-ets, the largest and .most beautilul assort me ;. 1 of new Books amKktHitonery , i which will be *oidus usual at loxv prices. For particu i jar* inquire at LeDI ( > BOOK -STORE PtMiTE >it»N \k 1 ES. 13ROM 30 cents to $5. The it.ost elegant and best * oi the market at L1.1H.1. N HOOKS 1 ORE money to loan. fBMIE subscribers tiave on hand to loan * few thou- I s„nd* upon amid security on terms to suit hor r()Wer,. am Erf k van F.TTEN, rtt Paul- Feb 14. U 54. 4-1 tf JEFREY T. ADAMS, M. D., P H > S ICIAN AND SUR G EON, Oflice comer Maine and Fiont .Streets, Mami.xto, Bin Eastii County. SINGLE COPIES THREE CENTS. St. flaul aub’tfl. AWES’ STEAM SAW WILL s ]%TEAR Day ton's I.uniting, is now in operation, and ' f-n 'I re pared t«» furnish bills of lunitter of everyds dc rip non. Will saw Oak, Ash, Hass Wood, or other i timber, uf auy dimension required—can saw fctty feet 1 stall if necessary. Lain and pickets always on baud. ; A. L. LARPENTEUR, Dealer in Pry (foods, (Jrocerirs, Provisions, Clothing, > , Hardware, Chinn and Cutlery, , THIRD STREET, - 1 Near the corner of Third and Jackson streets, Si. Paul, Minuohjyta. TWiK river is closed, but the stores of A. L. I.arpen tcur urc still open, where may be found the most | extensive assortment of Foreign and Domestic Dry <»ood». I nrpetiugs, Jewelry,(Gentlemens’ clothing, U»- luding h its ami Caps, Boot* and Shoes, and every oth i er article necessary to comfort or proper for display, the city affords. A stock of Groceries and provisions j of all kinds, which cannot be surpassed; mid a full as ; sorirnent of ffiirdwarc, Delf and tiucenaware, Cutlery, and every other article suitnhle for the Minnesota trade; all of wliiih w tit b> sold wholesale or retail, ou til a I nio>t favorable and accommodating terms. A choice variety of double and single harelted shot guns, rifles and pistols, powder flasks and shot pouches, ; gun wads, watt r proof percussion caps,extra gun locks, wash rods, sc row-drivers, uul a driving business, may | till be found at A. L. LARFENTKUR’A. I PORTVEICIIT KPLBXDID LOTS," (10MPKISING TWO AM) HALF ACRES EACH, J and situated near St, Paul. Capitalists, strangers, or citueus wishing it. purchase desirable property for | Cottage Residences, Vn./.x , and Summer Houses, are ; invited to call am! take oh ivok at the locality. The j so’l is ol the first quality. and adapted for Gardening ! or the culture of the Grape. HENRY M’KENTY, Dealer iu Real Estate. St. Pual, Dec. J 9, 18.53.-ly. NEW MILLINERY GOODS} ‘ And the Latent Fashions, . Yl RS M. L. ST< >\ K Ht. Anthonv-st, At. Paul, haa ! .» T JI just returned from the City of New York, with a , stock of Millinery ware, very much superior to any I goods in her department of trade, ever offered in ths j Ferrilorv. To her usual slock, she haa (idded Gloves, Mitts, Needles, Pins, Tapes, and many other new arti- I cits. She has also taken great pinna to obtain Ihe fash I ions, of this, aud tlie w inter seasons, all of which she will be hiippv to show to such as call. 0ct.21-27-tf. NORTH-WESTERN EXPRESS ( O. 1 (wnncctmg at (ialma with the American Kaprese Co. Fioit ilie spe.idy and safe transportation of light and valuable Goods Packages, Rank Notes, Spe I nr; collection and payment ol Notes, Drafts, Dills, Ac -1 counts. Ac. '1 o an i from all parts of the Fsio.v, Canada and tha | Con lint lit of El ROCK. laist Goods, Baggage Ac. , looked up hi:d forwarded to owners, and all business usually done by express at tended to w ith promptness and despatch. Messengers will be despatched dining the close of navigation from fit Paul and Galena every alternata Monday. J. C. BIRDANK A CO. Proprietors. A J. Whitnev, 'i I E. V. llot.coMiin. ' Messengers. J. C. Bcrbvnk, S , Office in tbe New Post-Office building. W. R. LeDl'C, Agent. St. Paul, Dec. 1, 1853. J. C. iWuiIANK At uo”, STORAGE, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Grocers and Dealers in Grain an.i Provisions.— Wharl Rout St. Paul, Mill. J C. lit II HANK. C. T. WHITNEY. Shippers and Consignees will find it to their interest to do business with ns, ns the expense of L&bot and Dray i age is savt d. REFERENCES Gov. W. A Goitnan, llenry M. Rice, f H .. . \V. U. Marshall; \ Cn.t S 1 j:u - Ale*. Wilkin * H. H. Campbell, ic Co Gen. W. Campbell, A Co , f ~ , Lorrain, A Co„ l Galt ns. K. S. Harris, Co. ' Otis W i st, I . K. F. Sasa, \ 81 Lo,u *- Charles judder, 6c Co., 1 „ |on> Manning ASt an wood y Mark Packages care II AC. Wharf float St. Paul. M irnesota. St. Paul, Nov. 24. 1853. J “ GREAT BARG A INS OFFER ED. 400 bids Flour, 200 bbls Pork, 100 bids Dried Apples, just rcc'd on consignment at ! the Wharf Boat, and will be closed off at reduced prices. Also, corn and coin meal, oats, potatoes, bran, lime, I Ac., at great bargains. je 23-tf J. \V. BARS A CO. CROVF.LAND GA RDE.V AND M RSKRV , lit twini St. Paul and St. Anthony , near the Half way Hours. TBAHE subrt riber.’would invite the attention of those I who wish to set out Iruit trees this full or the en suing spring, to their stock of tree* that have beets ! growing in this Territory from one to three years. In j ponm ctinn with the Scott Nursery, at Davenport, lowa, ! they are prepare'* to fill all orders for either standard j or dwarf trees, of any and every description, that will ! be required (nr this climate, together with Currants, Gooseberries, Grape Vines, Ac. Also, anything in the ' ornamental line, such a* Roses,, Phloxes, and ,110* various kinds of'flowering plants usually kept in sin U establishment. < 'nlers are respect fully solicited from those w ho wish i*n set out li ml tre> sor embellish tlicir grounds. As we j have not a sufficient quantity on hand to supply the | demand, we hope to ree, i\* <«rdeis kvri.y this rsi-t, ; so as to make up the deficiency at the nursery at Dav enport, where wc expect to spete. the winter. Orders 1 may be addressed to us or lelt at the store of Mr. J. E . F .'.lertoti, St. Paul. L. M. FORD CO. i St. Paul, Oct. 13.-tf. Tlit; only Crockery Store in Minnesota. R ,\J \lt\| Xis truly grateful to the inhabitants • of At. Pm! and the whole Territory, for ths | prompt and verv liberal support which they have award ed to the ahove" undertaking. From the first, it has been I his Hintdtioii to do a business, which b* mg exclusively i lor China, Obis* ami Gn> ensware, should meet the de -1 mandk of the publiv in that line more fully than a mix- I ed business could do. R. M can sell is i heap, and can fll! orders ns well »« *nv house ibis side of Si Louis; he has now a heavy , : stock, and notwithstanding tbe high price of freight, and the scarcity of crorkerv in the country, on account of the closing of the English manufactories, he is deter , mined to .-ell at his former very low prices. Call and I sec my stock of Gilt Utml, White and Lustre China. Glass ware. Iron Atone China, Tumblers, Cut Mulberry Ware, do Pressed, Blue Ware, Fruit Rowls, Granite Ware, Syrup Cans, C C W are, etc , etc., etc. St. Paul, Minnesota Cro:kiry Store. r»t. Paul, I/er ■B, 185« * » -tf M APS OF ST. PAUL, t LI. in need of a correct map of St. Paul, will Ac well _ 1 to call on Combs and procure one, sa there art but a few left. Price- SI,OO and $1,25. at COMBS* BOOKSTORE, Ob J 5 near the American House. - poSAL(S w-sxyiLL be received by tin: undersigned until the Ist f' of Ma', for »h« delivery at this post, on or he , fore the Ut uf September next, of twenty five hundred bushels of corn, in good sacks, j Each bid will be accompanied by a written offer ! from two responsible persons, to become security un i der bonds uf Sl'biO, fot the faithful performance of the ! contract. Extravagant bids will not be considered, nc will one bidder be accepted av security for another. Fort Ridgely, M. T., March 20 1854. i JNO. C. KF.LTOV, 50—’It) A. A. Quarter Master. A\ ew supply ofFern Leaves” just u-ceived Vt [33] LsPLC’S HQ«)Kt»T?Rg. m \s IMSKY. - i bids, best rectified, for sale cheap for cash, by , J W. DOWNER, | Feb. 1854. 44 tf ROSENHEIM’ Ac TOOK* Impater* end Wholesale. Dealers in Ribbons, Silks, Millinery Goods, Laces, 1 TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, PARASOLS, FANS. Ac-, t Sew) So. r»G Main At., over American Exprett Offct, ST. LOUIS, MO. The attention of Merchants and Milliners is respect i fully solicited to cur large stock of tho abovo articles. ! April Wh, IW4. n -' ,y NO. 3.