Newspaper Page Text
EARLE S. GOODRICH A CO., PROPRIETORS, PIONEER BUILDINGS, BENCH STREET VOL. I. DAILY PIQyEER. I*l ;iu9UUATMT.PAt I . o . , KHY w 1* 1% M UtMXUHV KAKLti S. COOHUHTI & CO., lSoueer Hull ii: !’ ik-Ii Street. nrar junction with Tl»ir**. daily s/.v j* h.i.ahs asm h. RATIOS or ADVKIITISI.VC. TRANSIENT ATtYKRTI 1- MKN I'*—Mite Doll .r ja r Square *»f Tivelve I i:n , ~. lor the |i,-~t iii-iTlmii, and fitly leuti j« r Sjiiarv for .• in-crib.u. YEARLY AHVr.RIir-KilLX is— lN, dve lines of Xonparicl ty|M* make a Si|ii »iv: 1 Njuarc. 1 insertion. $ To 1 Square ono year.- - - sls 1 Sjtiari*. each ad .1 inn 'j mouths, - 15 1 Square. <i:u* w ok. 1 ‘.a * t <*ol inri. <> months. - 22 1 Sjuan*. tvu iv.'.k-. -‘J ‘Jo ‘ ; t'olmiia. ono year, * Ml 1 Sjuare. one in unit - :t st, Nt ol mi i. o months, - 20 1 S|iiar«*. t .vo in.mti: 4no *.*'»• 1 aau. *i mouths. - is ) Square. three hi o' ' • i i 'ji'.d r.w, one vrar, - 4(1 1 Square, six m-eith •. SO' I 1 (1 uni. line via r, - fo A'li-rti in'ill-in < il, l in noth Daily and Weekly l’io- Bii'T. on. ;..ii price aildllional. \ll A tv* rH-cin.-iit-. mile--the I'nie is specified, will be in-ortod till forbid, and charged accordingly. Ilu.ili an 1.1 ib Iviniing \ •1 at tui* olliee in a -upe rior sty I*\ and at lea < liable r.»tos. Saint JJaal Sttsiiuss vLaii)3. G.W. liIUDLK, SURGEON DENTiT. Main St.i et, la-twceu St. Peter's and Market. SI. I'aul. L. MARVIN, DEALER l'\ Silii'i'. I Jim ITS, &(•.. j£c.. Third Street. near Robert-. St. !*n 1. MRS.. 1.. MARVIX, FASHIONABLE M11.1.i .Thirl Strut, near Roberts, st. IVol. PATTISOJf > BK.N'SO.Y, 1.1 VERY STA ’i K lie ol e Aeie. ;, m ;io:is». St. I’aul RORIP v OAKES, liAN'XKIS ail EX' iIXK. il Bib i.»Eii.*, Third Street, st. Paul. b. tyso.y .. (<>., UFAI.EUS IV Ultra KUIFS. I’l,<iVl.di».VS. Ac.. Roberts, b • a Thi I ■-. t. Paul. r 11. FOWI.ER, UlJK'ix and WAiVil MAKER. st. Anthony Street, opposite tile Klee 11 1 . . St. 1.. :1. \V. G. LiEDfTC, BOOKSELLER and STATIONER. juuction of Third and Bench street*. St. I’aul. •I. FROST, WHOLE-ALK and Ki iMI. < RIGGER. Third Street, oppos i- the ! i ' 'a. t. IV .1. CATIICART & CO., WHOLESALE a. ! Ui:i A K Id.Al.i'.itS IN' FOREIGN am Ml . V I : ‘ • . No. -_i• IS in i’- - e si. i’11..1 MARK LEY * KERX, DEALER* IV !l\K:-WAKK 1 d i! TUI'. .Vsc.. Ft. Anthony street, one d '• the Aiiieriean lion *t. PfkuL CHARLES 11. MAYO & CO., AVIfoLE'ALK i ll 1 I’l TA K 1 KALI '.S ill IIaRDWARF FfllVfS i t TIV'.VAit:: i hi. ! - . et. Mimiesot; an ! RoV • - !. WILRI.VSOX RA JJCOCNv .V JIRISBI.V, ATT*iRNr i > A'l iA \ . i Uvi’. Pa I. McCarty a ih sti.v, ATT'»i*.'-T.V - eel f* 1 V 1 .id.* IK A'l I.AW. Third .••♦.reel . WAT. VV. Hit liCOX, llltl'tliil.'T. i: ii r of . d and I'edar >treet<. oppnsit- II A I.A>I. 1..:!i a v<' !iee .1. I‘a 01. CIfAMIILI.V Ac MURRAY, tVIP'i.K-Ai.i-: ae i 11... ! 11. U.hit.-'- in ldl\' <;<«»!•.*• t I.lli 111. Vi.. 1 .ii.-. -i • I>. 11A1V. ( A!>. »Vc., Thir -t ■ . 1' . i I. H A I.STEF, Sl'ltVliV* :•••!. , :l. I M.l> I i .it. ei filer of . r.;et I , • 'J. !':i il. \V. 11. FOR RES, KIT. I'MJU’A V. i. iA t I Ib i lit. : 1 (I liltv (.11(11 an 1 »;»:»»* HSlhs. t’ir 1 r-et. St. 1 it.l. \Y. S. COOAIiiS, I’l ii iKSK'I i'K ■ i - . opio-ite the Anivi-iein ii • ; '• ■ • I AJIIIS .V VAN LIT EX, ATTOitXEVs .Ilid t ib'N 1- i.i.ols Al I .AW and SOl.Ki'i i ijt- IN I II tNi'HtV lid. e. lie ; ol 1 bird and Mime I. \Y AIiK EX • \Y Aiv! .i i ELI), att'ii:m.v~ .m ii id v-i i.i.i-:: a: an i soi.kti (lit.- IN I'HtM'KKV. lb) e on third . treet. lietwei it. . ... ■ t. I'aul. TRI -MAX SMITH, jrsTK'i: id' nit: 11 to:, noiakv ii i:i ic. c< : 1. li'it i.i i t.1.-l : Ah .«• hVJ. ci.ln-r ol lined and .\i i ne nta st. Panl. 11. F. .II ASTEUSOX, AiTiiltN'KV AM> 11 I N Id.hull AT I.AW. St. Anthon Strect. .ml. DRESNLER A- CEORLII, .‘■TOR.kITK. 1 ' litWAltl !.Mi a:i! t' i.M.'ii' ION MKltt HAN'T mi'l Until S' ill v\ me. . , l.roceriis and iron ion I ] jut I binding, st. 1 aul. M. SHERMAN, lUrt'SE. slliN nOKNAMKM Ah I AIN iKit, comer ■ Fourth an 1 St. I'••ter >treet. st. I'aul. G, RI SSKLL, UKAI.F.It IN Ki'uYllS and TIN WAItK. Tihid street, a fev if ors #t‘d « f -!ae)v-i n .strut. St. I'aul. S TEES .V 111 XT, CAIMNFT WAItF. iX'tM-. and HKAI.KUS IN SIX'ONI HAND Fl'UNlll UK. Third street. St. I'aul. SIIELTZ v MATHER, FASHIONAIM.K l All.oltS and t UoTIIIKItS, Third street near tin* host OlJiec, St. 1 ant. M CLOUDS A WALKER, WIIoI.FVAI.K and I’.KrAII. I'F.AI.KUS IN II.HtDWAKI MIX 'll A.N'SCS Tool,<. lA.NCV IMII.KMKNTS, &c., neai the bead of Third street. St. I'aul. WILLIAM BREWSTER & CO., HA Mi KUS. hVilANi.l-:. and ItKAL IVTATK ItItUKERs St. lard. J. M. MATTHEWS, fI'AUCON and CAUItIAUK MAKKIt, Itebert street, Ft. I 'a id. TI'LLIS, LIVINGSTON «v CO. WHoI.I AiJ:\ IddAih H A'LK' IN GROCERIES ANI i’KOVISIK».N>. I'.Le House, st. .inlhoiiy street, St. Paul 1 Minnesota. LOUIS 11 V NEMAN, WAOI.KS.M-K ANM I'd'lAll. I'F.AI.KIt IN' KF.AHY MAK.K CLOTHING, lliiid street. St. I’aul. Minnesota. BASS, BORI'F, i CO., WHO!£SAI£ GROCERS, FORWARDING k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AM* GENERAL STEAMBOAT AGENTS, l/iwcr Levee, SL Paul, Minnesota. J, C. BURBANK k CO., FTORAGE. FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. GROCERS, and DEALERS IX GRAIN and PROVISIONS, Wharf Boat, St. Paul. Minnesota. ' A. VANCE BROWN, REAL EsTATE BROKER, st. Anthony Street, near Kellogg k Kinney's store. St. Paul. Minnesota. B. G. BRIGGS, WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCER and CONFECTIONER, Corner of Roberts and Fourth Streets, St. Paul, Minne sota. J, E. WHITNEY, DAGI'ERRK \N ARTIST, Corner ot Third and Ce '.ar street-'. St. Paul. Minnesota. RICE, HOLLIXSIIKAD \ BECKER, ATTORNEYS and COL NsEU IRS AT .LAW, St. Anthony Street, alnive'American House. CAVENUER & MATTHEWS, MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS, and XV AG ON MAKER. Roberts street, St. Paul, Minnesota. Saint jJattl Businr?? Qlarlis. .1, JB. FULLERTON, WHOLES A !.K ml KI I AM, I I'Al.l'dt IN FANCY and ST V 1 LKiiitY ii(h)ii.s. i JOJUJNG. Roots. H! >l's \ t . Hie ’ 'll of flii ! :i d Ben 'll S reefs sip, 1 HEX It V AlOlt Itls, FANCY DRY GODIN MERCHANT. Ji.r.oi n.-aa Ilaililing Hiu ' t. near Ce lar. St. I I « ■- >. Gi:o. L. BECKER, AGENT OF IIA"TFO>t!* FIRE IN SERA NCR COMPANY. Oils re in !•■ a'k ilc. nlinve A"ierie;.n Hon St. Autlm ny street, st. Paul. Minnesota. P. T. BRADLEY, MAXIT .U'iTRhR ANI) DEAI.Fit !N ..! I. KINDS OF SAD iji.Ks. harness, bridlix coi i .mh. vaix.-ix «... Keejwconstantly on hand ail kiwi of i. *utlier; Oak and Jleniloek .-id •. It aid. Bell >«s, tcc ike. vt. Aurhony stn i t, st. i'aul. Minnesota. may S. » 1— ..: v„. - a Stilliinitci* 33nsincs3 AURA Al VAN YOItHK.S, ATTORNEY an 1 < <U'NHd.Lolt AT 1 AW ami SOLTCIToI IN 111 INi st ll \ ater. \\ ill attend tu all businc'-: Milrie'i' ' to !:i. rare. skmmes, mc.yiillan ,y lewis, A ITiiRNEVS AT LAW and SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY oilier-- at .'tillivuter, and :it llud-on, st. Croix County, \\ i -eon>in. THEODORE PJ. PARKER, ATTORNF.Y and CoI'N'SLI.I Olt AT I.AW. Stillwater. M. T. CURTIS A: GILFILLAN, ATTORNEYS and Cot N.-ELLORS AT LAW. Stillwater Ijnbsor* JOSi:i»JI BO WROX, NOTARY lriilJC and LAND AGENT, i! .d-oti. KK Croix County, IVi-. I’iv e nptii".! i I tint -eei:*--i. eutrit - m.ii'.e by >1 i.i: iy l.m! Wanant-u I ; a :k De.'ils and Mortga d.intl . on hand, and conveyaneieare tiilly and prom; tli altended to. B J-; VIA Mi N ALL F, N, ATTORNEY A ! ''V. Ilud on. St. Cr< ix County. Whs. RUBY' - CALLENDER, MANI'FAtTI lthlt OF LIME, slinki-nee. Minnesota. st♦ xma &wt*. NATiI’L. E. TYSON Sc CO. (ON ROBERTS, DCrtVKa.N THIRD AND COIR Tit STREETS, NEW STORE AND FRESH GOODS AND A WORD TO TIIE MINNESOTA RIVER AND ST. CIHMX TRADE. A S we are mm fairly lived in utir new buiii'ini;, and 1 ». havin'* Mllin uuit ron.n to store u large and coin* jdete stork iif (troseiii s, Gr :in, Flour, and Provisions, we won! irt : *'ti'uUy cal! the aiteutiou of our friends u Si. I’aul and ! ite >u. iaimiiling I'ouiit ry .to (lie FACT licit we have ji' t rei l ived the largest and best selected is<oi i incut of lUUH I RUS, VIUiViSTO.\S, (111. 1 /.V, 4-C., Vi r lireitgilt 'o 'in:- esota, and vvi' can now say to our St. Croix and Minnesota liver friends, that we are l i ming hotter inducement-: to tin -r trades tli..n an\ other mtise in S: l ui.l; and at wholesale; we pledge our -i Ives to sell at (tw.itx v l’itu tis. t)i;r goods are ali resit and iit tiie very best condition. Goods delivered it the hunling or to any part of lue city free of elturgc. We would again rc-pt .ilully call attention to our lew stock, as Dealers and our friends throughout the •uirroutidiiig coiintry vx.'.l tli A it einhrares ev ry hing usually lo i ! in e 1- !'• •• i f lui-itir- :: and ii: doing ■o, would oxpri - - out thanks for favors, and the liln ral .ißtroimge extended tov. irii.-. us the past winter. We ••nmiii rate in part tis lidlows, which we will sell strictly for cash at the lowest Market rates: 500 Uhls Hour, m u bags corn meal, 50 “ le.e-s jiork, 1 250li(l assorted cigars, 20 “ prime do 12 doz bed cords, 40('() lbs sugar cured hams, H kits mackerel, ltitnj “ 4 * Mioitlilers, 5 bids do 2010 “ rib si'li s, 5 bx cndlish, 2 (ij “ clear “ 25 “• dried herring, 2000* 44 lard, .‘55 ‘' p nui sea-i, 2-iuU *■ In.: ; r, ]ti “ v. ■ i gated s.isap, 1500 “ idler c, 10 “ea-t'le do do Id- N . i). sugar, 4 “ sliowv do 35 “ chirilit'i! (A) do 40 “ mould candles, 30 “ “ (It) do 25 ‘"star do 3i) 44 44 (O)do 5 44 sperm do 15 41 crushed do b 44 pipes, 10 41 pu'.vd. red do 0 44 fancy stone pipes, :5 bid- N. O molasses, 4 l ah-s camllew iek, 5 4 S IK do !l •" w rapping twine, 10 44 eider vinegar, 5 bx ground spice, 20 sks Rio eotiee,. 10 44 pepper and ginger 7 44 Java do 4 mads cassia, 6 chests Y 11 ten, 2 Mils nutmegs, ti 44 itiip‘l do 2 44 cloves, 6 44 G 1* do 9.5 gross Mat king, 12 caddies imp’i do 6 do/. Mucking brushes 5 4< black do 4 “whitewash do 10 do/, brooms, 5 bids a!.maids, 4 “ sen’ll brushes, 4 44 pi a lints, 4 Mils -ah rat us, 15 sK> dairy salt, 4bo .es tj soda 50 44 G A salt, Iti d >/. zinc washboards, lo Idds rice, 100 cu till idlers powder, l(i do/, hot I It's olive oil, 10 kegs do 10 bids soda crackers, 111 sacks shot, 3.) 44 butter do 40 M percussion caps, 5 levs chocolate, 500 cans oysters, £<) 44 raisins. .4’Jbxs sardines, 2 Mils madder, Jti bid.- diicd apples, F 5" small cans mustard, 4 “ 44 jti aches, 111 lex : ir- It, 40 levs jinnies, 2 44 clothes pins, 12 doz bottles itiF, 10 doz buckets, 2 44 lemon syrup, 6 44 carved do 10 44 assorted pickles, 8 44 wash tubs, 5 44 catsup, 2u bx smo. tobacco, ti “ pepper sauce, 10 44 sratlaletta do, 4 44 Mmtghioii bitters, JO 44 line cut chewing, 80 gro. mateln s, 4 44 mai keronli, Id bx mustard, 4 Mils dried currants, 30 large cans do 1000 bushels shorts, ALSO-.—A large lot of choice Preserves, consisting ■ I reai h, Pear, Vfuiiice. and all other vai i« tics in use. 111—>J N.VTH’L. E. TV.SON CO. WINTER AND SPRING ARRIVAL. THE WORLD’S FAIR HAS received per Itiirliinik A Co.’s Express, a varied assortment ot l’Ul.Yt S, DeLAIXLS, CASHMERES, JWcrinos, Gloves, Hosiery, li oolcn Goods , Muslin collars and Unilerslceves, Velvet Ribbons, etc. I’tiese Goods, together with t!ie remainder of Full and w inter stock of Fancy and Domestic Dry' Goods, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Hats and caps, Boots and Shoes, carpeting, Yankee Notions, Ac., will be sold at a small advance over Eastern cost, preparatory to starting for m> spring stock. EDWARD IIKENAN, -jl World's Fair store, cor, 3d and Roberts, ctt.vs. w. BOIM. p. ciias. a. OAKES CORUP OAKES. fIAHE undersigned having formed a copartnership for m transacting an Exchange and Banking business in all its various branches, will be prepared to furnish sight and time exchanges on the East, and principal cities of the West. Remittances to Great Britain, Ireland, and continent ol Europe, made in sums to suit purchasers. — Sight and time bills and European exchanges purchased, collections made, and proceeds remitted at usual rates of exchange. All other business committed to our care, punctually attended to. _ BORUP it OAKES. Jyi- H-tf BROPIIY SETTLEMENT. A FARM containing 176 acres in this highly flourish ing settlement, which is near St. Paul,' bordering on on a beautiful lake, soil rich and heavy timbered, from which some 2,001) cords can be cut; also a good heavy grass meadow which will yield 60 to 70 tons of hay; an excellent dwelling house 50 by 20 feet and good sta ble 50by 20. 16 acres of the above already, broken and under fence, and have yielded to the proprietor an übundantcrop. HENRY McKENTY, Dealer in Real Esstate. Jan. 9,1874.—12 m. HOI SF AND LOT FOR SALE. A House and two Lots in Kittson’s Addition, imme diately bulk of the New Hotel. The l/oiise is new and convenient, having been built during the Fall.— Wishing to devote our attention exclusively toourbu*i iip*-s we will sell the above property at a reasonable price and upon accommodating ttia**- CiLxMULIN fc MORGAN. July 9. 1874 13.] Third sfrt ct, st. Paul. ■ of all kinds; extratlne Worcestershire l sauce; Catsups as-orted; Oysters and Sardines: in tact every thing in the Grocery line can be found at No. 4, next door to Fullerton’s, oil Fort Street, mar 2 J. W. DOWNER. iSAIXT PAUL, FRIDAY MOKXIXG, MAY 19, 1854. lIUitRAII FOB TIIE BED LINE* PATTISON ? y A- BnNHON'S RED LINE COM HUS with the best of ti urns ttm! careful drivers are now upon the road between PD. 1 Paul and St. Anthony, ready to aceo uuiodate the puK i lie on all occasions. They have a large and excellent : Livery Stock, -ev- ral iic’.v ami elegant Carriages and | IJironehes; also new Harness and ilorse Fur mailings, | and eijuipages of the most elegant description. I P. ic S., in returning thanks to the pul.lie for the Jjf>- I eral putronage heretofore he-towed upon them, take pleasure in stating that they have just received, in ad dition to their former extensive stock, several young, I elegant, and WELL BROKE HORSES! specimens of stock that have never been equalled in the Territory. Their present stock needs hut to lie reen to be admired and approved by a discriminating public. \\ i 1! our friends and the public remember, that at the Livery Stable in the rear id the American House, at the upper end oi Saint Paul, they can at all hours, have such | convey mice by land,: a wln Vs or on horseback. i.-s thev I may desire. I’ ATTIriON HEN3UA. St. l’anl, June 3'), 1«53. U « A BIN ET IV ARE BOOMS. ALW AYri on hind, or made to order, f(* I' A S EASY* CHAIRS, DIVANS, WILLOW WAGtJONS, MaTTRASSES, C\KI» AND OLN TRE TABLES and CHAIRS of every Deseriptiou. Also a few METAI.I.IC COFFIN S, a superior article. _ . TO buy second hand furniture, is too £• ’ •-V/J much line buying second hand gar ii?.*y j -5 ~ 'F- . incuts. We take it for g/n.iited, that -K* people of our Territory, would rather prefer to have their chairs, bureaus and tables, made to oriler, and I'xpressly ter their own use; although old furniture might be bought for less mo noy. Then we think our people would lather havearti cles made of the timber that grows here in the Territo ry, manutui'tureil by our own mechanics, who have cast their lot in Minnesota, for In tier, lor w orse. We will tniii.c prmnpily to order, whatever articles of furniture may be wauled, (if m- have net what is desir ed on hand;) am! will warrant our goods better mid all things considered, cheaper, than they can be imported. promptly attended to. STEES&HFXT, Manufacturers of Cabinet Ware and Furniture, Third street, St. Paul. Sst. i’aul, J line 23, 1853. 10-tf FIE?!:j FIRE! ! FIBI-:!!! rnYtr: “Old .F.tua” continues todi-pense “aid and com- H. fort" to the unfortunate, as usual, at the riainl Paul agency. CAPITAL STOCK, §3000.000. Thomas A. 15kaoe, I’res’t rt. L. Looms, Scc’y. R. R. NELSON, 3-30 y Agent for Minnesota Territory ~~ mlvxksota' iTeatiTer sitire, At the Old Stand <f li. A. Collins 4* Co., opposite the Rice 11m r, NV. Pout. PT. BRADLEY, dealer in Saddle-. Harness, • Trunks and Saddlery Hardware, Saddle Trees, Skirtin'.*. Harness and l’uti nt Leather, Calf Seating, Bug and Top Leather; Carriage Trimmings, Anilide;s’ Silk; Beilow s and Band Leather. boot and sii;*i: makers’ stock. Hemlock tanned Sole I.i atlier; Cak latnu-il Sole and Paper l.ralher; I'.ip and Call >k:us; French, German, I’l; Itia and Cincinnati Calf Skills; all kinds oi I.allies mid Gen'Semen's .Morocco, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink and Whhe Lining-: best Goat, Buck and Sheep Binding: Boat ar ! Shoe Findiug*.-; lie.» Tree-. Lasts, Cutup Boards, Fees of all si/es; Shoe Thread, a'l kinds Iron, Zinc and t topper Nails. CARR ! Att K TRIMMING, Executed at the shortest notice and in workmanlike manner. Country orders particularly attended to. 1 , The high, -t mat ki t price in Cash paid at all times for Bovf ! 1 it!« s, Shm p and Deer Si.i::s. P. T. BRADLEY. J tine 9, 1 '3.—'.lf WHOLESALE A\l> RETAIL CONFEC TIONARY. r !''iin subscribers in returning their tliunks to their J patrons and the public in General for the liberal encouragement they have rceeived, desire to inform ; them that they have new m.uehmery and other fa iiilies to »upjd> the Terr levy with Plain and Fancy Candy of i thi irov.ii in:tnel.iet :•.*«•; among «.the: s. all sorts ot Stick ; Cm.dy, i’li'ii i.nil i! : : t Almiinds, Cm ianders, Aliisse, \e; ml a ! ed I Tit it, tin I ail other kind of Drops; Candy and Sugar Toy s, a e , w hit h they w ill .-cl! by the Itox nj lower rates, m1..1it.; f. !_:rt. tIi:• uii i-;.n Ik; bought in Galcuu or Si. I.i. . \\ \ n the ailvant-ige ol having a fresh aitielc. Also, I'rein'.h, (Jermmi and Engii-li Toys and Fancy Goods. All orders for Cukes and Ice Cream promptly tilled at the lowest possible eriei-s. 21* ' BENZ iv KARCHER Til OI \ V M. SMITH. Justice of the Pro e, .A toil/ Put'lie, Collector and (liiteral RAS removed hi-- opine to tin* Brick Block opposite i the Post OJicc, corner of Third and Minnesota j streets, where he will be found ready to attend to tilt: ! collection of debts, purchasing and s< iling real estate. ! pay incut ot taxes, ioeu'ieg Lund Warrants, Arc. I lav- j ii g bieu in the business fur some time past, and ‘ In ing provided with Hit's of ;•!! the surveyed portion of the Terittorv mid el the « :r; . - on the St. Peters,: he Ratters liim.-elf ihat he wKI be able to give salislai'- j tiou to ail who may give him a call. N. I*. Town Let - in St. Paul, St. Anthony and all j the towns on the st. i‘i ter- lot sale at reasonable prices. ! Al.-o, Farms in the country, with or without improve ments. St. Paul, June 2,1-53. —71 f. J. McMAIION HOLLAND, At tonic y and ( ' .un.-ill'ir ot Luo end Solicitor in J (’ll I'l rri). si i \xorr.r, s <r fi tc< >i \ ty, m ixxf.sota MINX K OTA ItKKKttKNCKS. Gov. W. A. Gorman, 1 •I. Travis Rosser, Esq.’ Sen. Min. Ter., I Capt. 11. Simpson, li. S. Top. Eng’rs. > St. Paul. A. .1. Morgan, Esq . Pioneer Oiriec, I D. A. Robertson, Esq., J H on. 11. 11. Sibley, IMendota. >1 A HVf. \ N I) It nr Kit KNC KS. Oov. E. Louis Lowe, T. 11. O'Neal, Esq., Secretary of State | Judges l.egrmid, Tnek and I Vie stun of JAntiupolis Supri-me C'oert i f Mary land, lion. Alexander Randall, J John V. 1.. McMahon, I’sq., Baltimore, Mil. S A BE ST \ M BE. i'HE subscriber has taken the stable on Third street formerly orrupied by J. W. Vincent A: Co. The stable has been thoroughly repaired and I am now pre pared to ink'- horses, catilr, Ar., on -n1.., ot m keep by the month, week or day; and will give strict atten tion to all stock that may he left at nay stable. My friends and the public generally are invited to call when 1 in town. E. A. BISSELL. | Nt. Paul. March fi, 1854. - 4(i-tf | N E\V 11A R\ESS ESTABLISHMENT. I riIHF. suhsrribeis would inform the cili/.eiis of Saint A Paul and all the country round about, that they are j conducting the above business in all its branches, on j Third Street, nearly opposite the Post Oillce, where cus- , turners can be supplied, on short notice, with all kinds j of Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Fly Nets, Trunks, Valists. ; Whips, &('., we. May I i, *53-1f MARTIN I)REW CO. J. E. IT ELF.It ION. I AT his old stand, which is known to a great many 1 friends, especially those who have patronized him ] so long, A ceps a di’Ferent stoeA' of Goods from the mix- | tnre which he formerly kept. He now keeps Dry , Goods alone, including a prime selection of Ready Made Ciothug and the largest and best stock of Boots and Nhoi - ever opened any where, includii g Bailies’, Shoes, lie lias also a variety of Blankets, Whitney and Horse Blankets, which as he .always has done, he sells at prices to suit his friends. STOVES AND TIN WAKE. At Newell's old stand on ’Phird Street, a few doors IWsf of Jackson Street. TIIIE subscriber will keep on hand constantly a good . assortment of Tin Ware, which he will'sell at wholesale or ritall. Also, a general assortment of Stoves. Orders from country dealers solicited. N. i*. Repairing done on short notice. GEO. RUSSELL, Agent. St. Paul, June 2. 1853—7—1 y. Inutlian Hoods for Sale. BY order of the Indian Department et Washington, 1 will sell at private sale, for cash, a number ol b*>\<■ : . If,!, , Ac., containing blankets, cloths, calicoes, hardware, Arc. W. A. GORMAN, Gov. and Ex. OIL Supt. lnd.Alt’s. - st. Paul, Dec. 7. Is. ..{—34-tf STB A NGK. SURPASSING STRANGE! H HAT Groceries can be sold so i heap. I Great inducements are held out to persons w ish ing Family Groceries, at my old stand, as I am deter mined to make room for nr. spring stock. J. W. DOWNER, mar 2 Next Door to Blum’s. i I ALAN oft lie best quai-ilv at No. 4, Wpt slow House, . JL J. YV. DOWNER. I ST. JJattl isiirtPtsß SIX DOI.LAIiS PEll ANNUM SL S-'ntt! SHrirts. DENTIST St Y. C G W. IHDDI.E. late of Ti-Tsburg, Pa., : <C, * lias pcrtnauc.itly located tu Saint Paul. ■ Fiiurii . ii years close application to bis "*—*—*—' l*roli-» ; on, togs ther with a large and be.iuibil assortment ol j .ainauil giim ti'etli, cuahle him to insert from ene to an entire set :ti > tli by atmosphi ri« j"-< sure, with a beautifitl rtqiri ol the natural gun),restoring the mouth to its ,■ itural sh tpe. Di-c-'si >! teeth permanently :.avi d l»> plugging; uscle*s C''th < tr.acted with as little pain us ;io--ililc. Teeth eleuiised and diseased gams restored to !i aiTi. O lice an I residtaice on .Main street, between Sai tt 1 Peters and Mai ket. ! N. IL—AD jobs warranted. I St. Paul, July 28. 1 , MUTAIL LIFE INSI RANCH COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Gt Kit-it 111, BttOADw.vr, Bt ii.m.vo. j NETT A ’CI MITLaTEI) FUND, FEBRUARY 1,1353 §2,013,775 04. I Si ah> hi:j.—Seem il if, — Pcrpcfui! if ! j r FIIIS Company h.;s now estaldished itsc'f on such :t I * firm basis, that it can ofli-r c> those ib'siring an in vestment on their lives, that greatest of all desidiuatiims iin life insurance, viz: full and perfect .-ti urify. Its his | tory is almost, if not quire, without a parallel. Com mencing Ist February, 1843, (Id years ago,) without a j dollar of capit 1 except its ri ceipl- for premiums, it Iris now an actual ca-h capital which is “invested in Bonds 1 and Mortgages on Real Estate, principally in the cities of NV w YojA-and Ifrookly u. woi ili dmildc the amount J loaned thereon, of over N2,i;'d>,(it)o. Its receipts for pre miums during the past live years have been nearly !j2,- 2011,000, and lor interest on investment over 8350,00!*, 1 and lias paid on notifies terminated In death during the same lime, nearly £BOO,OOO. It.' dividends (after reserv* i ing a fund sii.-icicnt to re insure all out-standing policies) were 52 per rent ihe first live years, and 33 1-3 per rent, the la.-t live, on the amount ot premiums paid, being an average id over 42 1-2 per cent per annum for ten years These dividends arc added to the policy at their rever sionary value, payable at death with the nmiuint insur ed, or be applied ro the r< hietion of future premi ums, at the option of the insured. The business of tiie Company is cunducted siiictly on the h plan—no credits—and it is held v. d to hold out greater induce ments than any oilier rompanv, whatever. its rates of premium an as low as tho-e t>f any good oilin', anil are believe I to he 1. v cr tli n some who pro fess to insure from 25 to 5n per cent less. FREDERICK .8. WINSTON, Frcs’t. Isaac Akcott, Sec’y. Charles Gill, Aetuarv. JUST!SS I. McCARTY, Agent. Titos. R. I’otts, M. D., Medical Examiner. Aug. 11,1t*5o —y 17. TO CAPITALISTS* I rpilE immense and valuable water power at Sank A Rapids, is now for sale or rent on the most reason aide ti ruts. IVtsons wishing to engage in the manu facture i 1 lumber ami Ilnur, will llml litis the most de sirable point in Minnesota The amount of power that run be made available for driving machinery is not ex ceeded at any point in the Territory. None need apply unless willing to I'lmimem e tile erection of mi! Is imme diately. To such, KXTflAOltyiN AR V IX I>l eit.MK.vrs will be od’ered. For particulars enquire of tie* subscriber, or of Bo lt! :• iV Ou t:.-, Banker*, Si. l’.iul. Way 11, tf- GEO. \V. SWEET TO BUILDERS. ’FKNTKKS w : I. I’.K Ki'A'i 1\ Ki> I N i il. ilirl I t .lav ■>' JL Jm," !■ t 11. - • ft’"ii and c in; !• >' >*; of :• t o -tory IP .;i a t i’i- i B; 4 -"'.'n it lia m-ay’s addition. 11 ms and p cdicalioii, can he ,-e. :i at 11.• di of tic • üb.-:'i li.. r. A. YAM K Bit. \VX. M. I’a id, M.iy 13. 1=54. [dimes. Democrat, and ?.11 *tsr<• otian copy.] SIIULTZ 4 31 ATIIES, :.I I: il C li A X T T.l 1 L () R S . m., ’>. »•; Mt-xt or., st.c r. nAYE :>•(■ ed a larg" a .utnen; of '’l'itbs. Ca.- -,res, \ -. Ac., . \\lnch tlu'y art j»rc -!mrt"'t tto’i e. ddivy lime al-o on Hand a splcn lid a* | s. rUaent of Ready made FI tir*4 ; of the I.ite-t style, and j .ii'l* adapted to ltd inuikvi. Ail of v liicli mav be bad at!.:' ji'i.e- and neennunodatiing teini*. Fall and ex amine tb.-ir stock before p .-ing el w'.ere. MARSHA •*'* ‘ v UO. AT TI IK si AJO IKON STOKE, A RE now receiving large and fill! stock of Iron, x'W Steel and Siimiri. s. Tiny r. specliully solicit the patronage of Dl.ichsmit s, I low .'lakers, ami other. Maiiuf .et t: it rs, giving a sit ranee that their stock is of the best quality, and will be solo at the lowest living prices. 22t f S OTICE* M public are Ii i eb\ notilic.l ih it the undersigned. ! Q tin* true and rightful owner* ot “Be Sueur City," I in the county ot Be Sueur, and lirii'.orv ol Minnesota,, .lid. On the 'gtiiiiduy of \ugu-t, 1853, lay out the said < ity ol l.e Sneer, and that a plot of said City has been Unix rt a or.led in the 0111. e of Register ol Dei d* in said cm;!,tv. And the public are hereby cautioned against iiising piopirty in said ( tt\. without having first; obtained title from the undersigned, as they alone can j give good and sniitci' nt title to purchasers in tin- first in to nee. J. *' Cliß ISTY. i Ai pt. 12, I • 53—22tC J MES CUKR \N. *.5,000 VVAXTI *», Of I’ in i4* Oil,e.s' fV ltific. tes of Pejy.sit, BY the subscribers, who will give goods for the same at as reasonable rates as nuv House in St. I’aul. ( HAMBLIN A MORGAN. Third Street, Bower Town. J. B. CFI.VHK A CO., \\ iiislow’s Hotel. I’pper Town. .V t) TiC rl» raTIE stibscriln r olli r< to .-clI or to lease for a term of j M. 4 cars, bis SAW MIL! , situated near the 1 pper j Banding, Saii.t I’aul, In ing one of the best locations for [ the Bit ulu ing business in the i ily. The .'111! is in good j repair, has one upright mu!ay saw, one cut-oil -aw, one , lath saw, and a macliine for making cut Shingles. The ; Boom at tin* Mill is an excellent and safe place lor keep ing logs. This properly w ill be sold or leased on favor able terms. ' JOHN It. IRVINE. St. I’aul, Dec. 30th, 1853. 3fc-tf M. SHERMAN. House, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Corner of Fourth eind St. Peter Stmt, St. Paul. PAINTING AND GLAZING done in a superior and | workmanlike manner. All orders promptly and i neatly executed. Work warranted to give satisfaction. St. I’aul, June 23, 1e53-y _ i GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED. «•■■,»< ■ inertia* -10, on amt 100 acre tracts ol laud M. that will he sold low for cash, or on time; or ex changed for village property. A good horse or span of horses and wagon or other valuable property will be taken in pay incut or part pay ment as the case mav be. 44 tf ‘ C. If. PARKER. BED SPREADS—Git up expressly for a Minnesota 1 winter, by Hccuan, at the WORLD'S FAIR STORE. BONNETSI BONNETS! SPRING BON-1 X ETS: JEST RECEIVED—By Burbank's Hxprc.-s. direct from New York, at Mas. Al. L. STOAKES’ I 52—tf Millinery Stoic. i KlT'i SON’S ADDITION H* M’. I'Al lT FBAIIIS desirable ground, lying in the most central and Jl advantageous part ot the basin of St. Paul, where must inevitably be the principal river business of t'.e town, and atliirding also most choice and delightful Lots in the rear, upon the bench, for dwelling houses; is stir , veyed into Lots, amt now offered for sale, with titb-s tin disputed and indisputable, at reasonably low prices, and upon liberal terms of credit, lor most of the purchase money , and Limber for building on Lots sold in the ad dition, will be furnished at the rotary saw-mill, on easy | terms. CHARLES 11 OAKES, Agent for Proprietors. I St. Paul, July 31, 1851. 15 NEW MILLINERY GOODS! And the Latest Fnshions. MRS. M. L. STOAKES, St. Anthony-*!, St. Pan*, has just returned from the City of New York, with a stock of Millinery ware, very much superior to any i goods in her department of trade, ever offered in the Territory. To her usual stock, she has added Gloves, Mitts, Needles, Pius, Tapes, and many other new arti-. cles. She has also taken great pains to obtain the fash i ions, of this, and the winter seasons; all of which she ! will be happy to show to such a* call. 0ct.21-27-tf. A3IKS’ STEAM SAW 31 ILL 'V'EAR Dayton's Landing, is now in operation, and 1 IN prepared to furnish lolls of lumber of evetyde-, di riptioli. Will saw Oak, Ash. liass Wood, or other tirnbi r, of any dimension required—can saw forty feet stHlfif necessary. Lath and pickets always on Band. ECU INK'S WANTED.—Sion. Masons and (Ist* pouters are wanted to work on the mill of Xehu- Icltburg, Boeckeler Co., at Stillw ater, at the head of | Lake St. Croix. Good w ages and prompt payment may be expected. Apply to C. CAKLI, Agent, i April 10, 1 -54. &2—-It ' jJattl .TTab’ts. TIME! fume: time: WJf PO \\ LEli, Welch Manufacturer, Working i ■** *, Jeweler and Dniti-t, would respectful. l ' inform the inhabitants of St. Paul, that he has opened a store OUM Anthony Street, in the building opposite the J'ie. I louse, two doors from Robinson’s old stand with an n*sorim. ut ol Clocks, Spectacles of nil ng. s, Buck ai.u >1 l,: i ombs, in great variety, bosom pins, gog-les chimney ornaments, steel b" and tassels, ladies work bags, childrens' teething lings, llutes.ilicc and boxes, amt a \;iru iy of other articles. Duplex, Horizontal, Repeating and Lever Watches, ol the most complex and deli, ate w orkmanehip, care fully repaired. < 1 ’ California Gold Rings made to order. Engraving neatly ereruted. Ti if T |" Cv,n:Fr, : l v Fxtii\ctfd. i*cai.ep fc PtiftOEn. If. 1-., from his long experience in some of the first shops in Liigland, flatters himself that he shall be able to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with theij work. His motto is Punctuality Dispatch and Moiler ate charges. t*t. Paul, March 21st, 1873. 4 49. v W REMOVAL. M. S, COMBS has removed his Bonk Store nearly opposite his old stand, where he would Id* ]jJt\i>ni lo suu ail his friends; fcclinjr fissured that lie can now *iut them in every tiling in lus line. Mv new goods have arrived; among which can be found 200 Rolls W nil Paper, Window Curtains, Bordering and Screens. All the late Cheap Publications, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and Fey to same. Blank Books in all varieties, r>tatiunerv of every des cription anil ol the best quality. Fancy Goods, to nu merous to mention; but call in, as it is 110 trouble to show goods ut COMB'S FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, Bet *vct n thi' Hire anil American Houses. GiIOVLBAM) GARDEN AND NURSERY he tween St. Paul ami St. Anthony, near the Half way / louse. 6SIHh ;'i:V-ci.lier, woto.i invite the attention of those ■. who wish to set out fruit trees this fall or the cti suing spring, to t!ie:r stock of trees that have been grow i: gin this Te: ritory from one to three years. In connection with the Scott Nursery, at Davenport, lowa, they are pi ep; m."' to fill all iirdiis.'ur either standard 1 r dwarl trees, o: any and every description, that will be ii quired lor this eii.iiate, together with Currants, Gooseberries, Grape Vines. Arc. Also, any tiling in the ornamental line, such a* Roses, Dahlias, i'll luxes, and the various kinds id llov.eriitg plants usually kept in such establishment. Orders are respi etftilly solicited from those who wish '••set out fruit treis or embellish their grounds. As we have not a sullieiettl qil i'itily 011 hand to supply the demand, we hope to receive orders early this fall, so as to make up the deficiency at the nursery nt Dav enport, where we expect to spend the winter. Orders may be addressed to us or left at the store of Mr. J. E- Fullerton, Si. Paul. L. M. FORD CO. fit. Paul, Oct. J 3.-1 f. The only Crockery Store in 31innesota. 1 R'l A It 4 IX is truly'grateful to the iuhhhilnntf j • ol .SI. i'aul and the whole Territory, fur the ‘ prompt and very liberal support which they have award- j ed to the above undertaking. Fiom the first, it lias been bis ambition to do a business, which being exeiusivelx lor China, Glass and tluectisv.are, should meet the de mands ol the piililie in that line mute ltilly than a mix ed business eoub! do. R. M. can sell as cheap,and ran fill orders as well as any house this side of St. Louis; he has now a heavy 'toek, and notwithstanding the high price of freight, anil tiie scarcity ol crockery in the country, on account of the closing of the English manufactories, he is deter- i mined to sell at his former very'low prices. Call and 1 see my stork, of (Jilt Band, White and Lustre China. Glass-ware, Iron Atone China, Tumblers, Cut Mulberry Ware, do Pressed, Blue Ware, Fruit Bowls, Granite Ware, Syrup Cans, C C Ware, etc., etc., etc. St. Paul, M nnesot 1 Crockery Store. s»t. rani, Dec- 8, 18.53. 34-tf \V M. \V. F J XVII. M. !>.. OFFERS his professional services to the citizens oft St. i’aul and vicinity. Office in Jttilge Lambert's new brick building. Special attention v ill lie given to Rheumatism, Neu ralgia. Scrolnla, anil all chronic di-eases. Being famil iar with the use ot i;t 11 Kit • ope rat ions ill surger v will be performed under its inlL'cnrc without pain,' if tie- 1 sired, litre Vaccine Virus sent to any lent of the! country by return mail ini Lie rcccapt of one dollar, post paid. It i.i- tutt'txrtts. Prof. Mediate' k. ot Pit:! alt Ipliiu College of Medicine. I 44 Perkins, of Vermont Medical College. ALLEN I*l ERSE, .11/ornn/ at Law ait d. General Land .dgrvl.\ HAAINO been Register of (lie Land Olliee under the late admiiiisiration, lie is able lo select the best land in the Territory subject to entry, and will warrant the regularity of all locations made by bint. Olliee if' Cedar Street, next door to the Episcopal Church, St. Paul. M. T. Jan. 19, 185 L—j 10-tf BIGELOW fc FLAXDRAU, Allot /toys and Counsellors ut Law. Olliee oxer 1.. B. Wait ,V Co's, store. Third street, below Roberts, Sr. |’.\t n. M 1 xxkmita. WJ 1 LL at tend pro nipt ly and care lit IK to profession a! ♦ T lm*itie.*' it. a I the 1 onrts of t lie Territory.— A Iso to the collection i f lelitami to all other business in .any manner com ncted with the profession. Mo.xky n> l.uiN m small stuns on good security. !IO!tli:K 11. 810 BLOW. CIIVKt.KS K. FLA.MIR.M'. 3 ly. EDWARD M’LIKAN, STORAGE FORWARDING AND COMMISSION, At the Lower Landing, St. Paul. ALL < iommissiou and tiotisigiimeiits, will be prompt ly and carefully t'M 'f.ded to. References: IL 11. Campbell, R. M’Lagan, Galena; (Ji o. Dellaun, St. Louis. Lower Steamboat Landing, Bt. Paul, Min. March 25, 1852. 4 MINNESOTA BANKING HOUSE, \ March I4tli, 18.54. > WILLIAM BREWSTER & CO., Late of Western Bank, I’liil’a, Linkers, Ext lunge and Real J'.stute Tirnkers. PROMPT attention given to collections in all part* ol the Ten itory, and proceeds remitted at current rates of exclimtjre. LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT AND SOI.D, And located on time to the favor of actual settlers. Town and country property for sale for cash or oil time. /Fe give personal attention to the purchase and sale of property, the payment of taxes, entering land, ] locating land warrants, mid all other business that may ! lie tnt rusted lo our cure. 49-tf ’ JENNY LIND IN ST. PAUL, BEGS leave to inform tile citizens of SI. I’aul and I vicinity, that she lias brought to the Bookstore, corner < I' Third and Wabashaw streets, the largest and most beautiful assortment of new Books and .Stationery, which Will be sold as usual at low prices. For particu lar* inquire at i.klHvs book store. DOCTOR L. V. K 5 N \ \ Ojjiee in Holland Place, Sunt Antho.xv strkkt, Saint Paul, 'l'’EN HERS Iti* professional services to the citizens of I St. Paul and vicinity. Having had nn experience! of over Ten Years in the practice ol Medicine, one ol which was spent as Physician and Surgeon with the IK 1 S. army in Mexico, lie flatters himself that he will be I able to merit the confidi nee of all who may favor him , with a share of ihi ir ; al;image. .1 tilv 23, 18.53. ’ _ 1 OLIVIER, STONE «A FOLSOM. OFFER for sale at their Heal Estate Rooms at the Court House in Bt. Paul .Win., the following pro perty In the City of St. Paul: 1 of lot No 14 in block No 2, l.eache's Addition, being *6 1-2 feet front on llamsey street. A so, Lots 1 and 2 bloek 1, and lots 16 and 17 block 3, and lot 4 hloi k 4 in .Varklev & Walker’s addition. Also, Lots 7 and 8 block 16 in Kittson's addition, upon winch is elected a new cottage dwelling, etc. And Lots 3 and 4 block 3 Base’ addition. Also lauds near St. Paul, as follows: 111 Tttvn 29, Range 22, 400 acres, being w bf a w qr and n eqr n w qrsec 26, ami s e qt s w qr sec 23, and w bf n w qr, and 11 e qr s w qr sec •>, and se qr n e qr, and n w qr ne qr and n c qr 11 w qr sec 6. 11l Town 29. Range 23. post paid ICO acres ns follows: w bf n w qr ami » e quarter n w qr sec 10, and s w qr s w qr sec 3. In Town 30, Range 22. 4(2 acres as follows: Lots No 1,2, 3 and 4, and shf s e qr aud u w qr s e qr, and e lifs w qr sec 31 and lot \ o 5 sec I".*. The above property will be sold cheap and upon rea sonable terms. X-or iurtln r particulars enquire of OLIVIER. BTONE V FOLSOM. St. Paul, March 23, loJl—4‘J-tf SINOIaE COPIES THUiiE CENTS. St. JJitttl I A. L. CARPKM’KIIIi, ? Pc'inr in Dry Cords, (rronrics, Provisions, Cl- thing t j Hardware, Chinn an-l Quenutcarr, Cutlery, §*c. THIRD STRF ET, Near the corner <-f Third and Juckson streets, St. Pan!, Minnesota. ! river is c’osed, hn? the stores of A. 1.. I.arpcit tour are still open, \\lit re may lie found the inns 1 extensive assortment of Foreign and Domestic Dry 1.00,15, ( a; peiii I*, Jewelry, (.Yntlemens’ clothing, in • * . il,!< Hoots arid Shoes, and every oth j i er article necessary to comfort or proper for display, n*£- **A stmk of Groceries and provisions oi a.i kinds which cannot lie surpassed; and a full as I *‘ ,r . ,Tm ' m "f Hardw are, Delf and Queensxvare, Cutlery, i ,V 11 \ ol*'er article suitahle for the Minnesota trade; m .° f f VIU I."' 1 lie sold Wholesale or retail, on the | 111 ntvtirahle and accommodating terms. „„„ h !’j , ' e v,, rieiy of double and single harelled shot ) guns rules and pistols, powder flasks and shot pouches, i », .k H i W;,U r I'roor percussion caps, extra gun locks, I i screw-drivers, and a driving business, tnay all he found at A. 1.. LARi'ENTEUK’S. ! LOL,s M o' tvinrt, j. m., s. r. folsom. Reg, Deeds, Rnm’y co. Judge Probate. Co. Surveyor OLIVIER, STO.VE A FOLSOM, GENERAL land AGENTS St SURVEYORS. Office at the Court House, Court House Square, St Paul. Sf A M N(; f ?™«> * fo-part net-ship for the pun oss h»> ina ».ki""ii";s z:;::!zz 'z'zri c """" 1 ,o I**-'-"-*- -I S' s as x ?,■ 7 ' z?,u svztir t..iiiu tuin.t in this cieintv, corri eted semi-w-eelt. I 'V, H I' , rf< -7.«'•>»* act of each and Cverv piece or parcel of land in this county from Hie United States to U-s, grantee; a lot of lands sold K, S IS.' I'* 1 '* “ WtU US | M ,e .lotto to order, per. iin iln* Ki> i."t(u-'Vii ‘Vi - * r r , ’,> ol **">' " ,e m »l'« «•" #l* mails of anv I ' ‘ ll ;, "_ ls O' county, or township naps oi any l.iims surveyed m the Territory, run lie ! aide'prhvs! 111 lhc * a,, "‘» 0,1 th “ rt u «‘«ce and at reason. ' ritorv S hv S i-oTi r « Sto r i !t, r l«»'l anywhere in this Ter ! . 1l '"" 1 x'.arr.uits or otherwise, will flnd it to their advantage to apply to ;his Unit. All business in despatch.*' '* aUe,,ded 10 ' Nit, ‘ promptness and n „,, . REFERENCE® Hon. 11. M. Rice, Washington City; Ifnn. H. If. Sildcv iloMlnshead' v n‘ , fc ,rU| '.* ° ;,kt ‘ s ’ and Ilice’, itOiltnshead A llccker. Attorneys, Ptt. Paul. 47>|y ' WHOLESALE AND pjyrVit RY AND I‘ROV«S!OV sToRjL r| l|l, /v. )r ‘m n , x . Af:A,V ,N MOTION ! i i-y.« ;i., 'a c.f r «l'.'“ '’ rov,lti ‘ >, ' ! Scoti.i.ting in pnn ur, hogslieads No. S clarified Su-ar. Crushed and Powdered 4i) "Ills. M<dasses ami run. fit) boxes Cheese \V. R. 3 drums Codiislt. 10 Mils. Mackerel. 20 elicsts l’eas, assorted, lid boxes Snap. 20 kegs Tobacco, assorted. 5 cii'ks Dried llecf. 2lt “ 1 1 ai ls and .‘■boulders. 10 “ Clear Sides. 100 hills Mess Pork, 100 kegs Pigs Feel. 10 l.a-s Codec. S« I'.'xes candles S''nr and Tallow. All those wishing to purchase Irish goods, and at fair |>rn ♦ >, w ill pJi' jrivc ns a rjill, as our ptm k will b« couxiuiiiN r«*}i|fiii. lifij <• ;ri 11 *r Itif fcea»ou. Si. Tai.l, April 2ls|, \c 9 \. 2-tf XOUTII-WESTE \ i:\PRKSS CCL t onmctiHff at (raltn-i wth the American Jirjirrss Co. the spc.idy and safe transportation of light and valuable taoods. Packages, Itank Notes, Spe cie; collection and payment of Notes, Drafts. Hills, Ac counts, Ac. To and from ali parts of the Union, Canada ami the ('outincut <d Li mu-n. I n -t (hinds, age Ac., looked up aid forwarded to owners, and all business usually done by express at tended io wiili promptness and despat, h. Messengers will he despatched dining the close of mix igalion Iroui sit. Paul and Catena every alternate Monday. J. c. HI'RHA.NK A CO. , . l’roprietora. A. J. V iiitxey, ) E. V. Hom.oniib, ; Messengers. J. C. It'. ItItAXK. S Cilice in the Ni w l'ost-Ofliee building. „ . W. (J. LeDUC, Agent. Tan!. Dee. 1, rTa \TTfilTrv a 51T7ii7.' an . \ \\ Mil, that *• liniiibitg ” is the order of the » day in Si. Paul at present, disdaiui any in eiitiou to impose upon the public in aiiiioiiliriug that they are oilcring their pre-.-nt stock of Staple and Fan i < > Dry (ioods, t 'lotliing, Hals, Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Ac., at greatly reduced prices, preparatory to tile opeii -1 ingot ill,■ “Spring Campaign.” V illi an assortment yet unbroken, they can supply the wants of the public, for any goods in their line and are determined to “let them slide.” 1 They will ort'er inducements to merchants wishing to replenish their stn, k as they intend to devote particular attention to the Jobbing Depai tin,-lit. fall a; their »tor<-on Third street, between Robert and Jackson streets, mid be convinced, feb 2 12-tf C. it M. pirurnrrs sermon gold pkns’ Subscriber has just received a large and com plete assortment of the above Pens. They took I the Pri/.e of a Cold Medal at the world’s Fair, ami thoss | who have used them say there is none better. For sale at COMPS’ HOOKSTORE, j mar 2 near the American House, j cTRoCI R 1 IIS A\l> PROVISIONS^ FOR THE MILLION. BFRESI.EV has left on last Saturday, the 22,1 inst., • for Sf. Louis, to purchase the largest stock that was ever brought to this place. He would re- I spectfully call tin- ntteiitiou of his surrounding friends 1 and the public 111 general to that good opportunity for | those who wish to buy cheap, in every thing in his line, w ithout running all over town to buy what they want, I please step in and examine prices an,l quality. Also, in addition to ibis, has just received tins week llama, 1 Eggs, Fresh lluttir, Cheese, Oxsters, Sardines, Lard, | FI, •11 r. I’.xtfli and Supeiflu,-, Corn Meal, and a gorsl many | other things too numerous to mention, at the large brick block, Third street, St. Paul. Wholesale and retail 2—tf Have you good Tndcrxtanding? I MAR VIV. invites the public to examine the Ja b, si stock of materials in his line, that has ever been sc,-u in the Territory, lie challenges either side of the Atlantic to produce a better quality of French Calf , spe, iaMy adapted for the winter season. On hand, also, Ladies’fine eusto, ll made shoe# and I : niters. Also, Cent lemon"* Calf and Kip Hoots, the bent 1 1,a can he made. You know the staud—Third sire, t, | near Roberts sir, et. HaiutPaul, November. 1651. 81 U IZORS. RAZOR*. ROCLR? 5 ’ very lo st, Congress Knifes and all kinda of the finest cutlery, ju-t received at 100 DHLS. OF OLD WHISKY! sul,s< rilicrs have just received a consignment of JL Old Whisky, which they oflVr to the Trade at very reduced prices. They respectfully invite an early call. Also, 4'Jfi snrks of Family Flolb, 100 hbls. extra superfine do, 100 bids, mess Fork, With llama, Shoulders, liacon. Out#, Com, 4r<!> Alao# everv article usually kept in a Family Grocery. Don’t forget the staud on St. Anthony -st., Upper Town. 2—4 t KELLOGG tf KINNEY. ST. FAIT. BAKERY. CA- W. H ATES, keep constantly cm hand a good • assortment of Dread, Cakes, Crackers and Can dies, of all kinds; a variety of nuts, pies, beer, Arc. Ac. Also, just ic 'd a fresh lot of Groceries, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, at the old stand on Third Street, Lower Town. St. Paul, June !t, 1833. iy_ ( KM RS. I" ~ -t /A /\AA IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS JL Vr • vF vF the best in the market, warranted ' \V. S. COMBS, Between the Rice and American Homes. CASlTpaul for OW Iron,’Old lines KmF(7o**er, at be St. Paul Foundry, near the Lows# Landing Nov 13, lo.;2 F. gHLMAJt. | ND \y AUKAN fa taken in exchange ISO. 17.