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£l)c Dniln itlimu-oota JjJiom’cr EAItI.E S. GOODRICH & CO., PROPRIETORS, PIONEER BUILDINGS, BENCH STREET f- - SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOL. I. DAILY PIONEER. 1 :!IMIKI> AT ST. PVTU XII.XNKS >T.\. KVKIiY » KKK HAY MDK.MXII IIY KARLK S. (iOODIUCJI & CO., I iiniit'r lliiil-ling-. Beueh St root, near junction with Third. IfAILY PIOXEEH. SIX lutLL.XHS I’h’.U AXXCM, RATES OF ADVERTISING. TRANSIENT ADVERTISKMENTS—One Ix-llur p< rtiquare i*t T.velve line, for the lir*t in-it ion. and Fifty Cents jkt >S|iuri‘ for each -.ab-ejiiont insertion. VEAHI.Y ADVERTItiKMKXTti—TweIve line-of NV-.parnl ty|>e m ike a Square: 1 S)ii»rc, 1 iii'crtinn. $ 75 1 Square one year.* - - 315 1 Square. each additional 25 'jf’oluum. months, - la 1 Square, one week. - - 1 25 * .Column. fi months, 22 1 Square, two weeks, 2ii one year. - I)!! 1 Squan*. one mouth. - 3 ait 3in Ultlis, - 21! 1 Square, two months, 1 <lO > 2 Col non. f> months, - 2S ' 1 Square, three months.<i 00 one year, - 40 ! 1 S<|'iare. si\ months. - 8 Oil 1 Cel unn. one year. - fa I V I > ei ;i-ene uts in -erti' lin itotli Daily and Weekly Pio neer. halt' price a Iditional. All A i\er!i-sun •at', unless the time is specified. xvilL'tc in-s-rte I till forhid. and charged accordingly. lksik and Joti Printin 'executed at this office ill a supe rior style, and at reasonable rates. Saint JJaut Business Carte. C.W. BIDDLE, SI ItdEltX DENTIST. Main Street, between St. Peter’s and Market. St. Paul. I« MARVI.V, DEAI.P.i; IN SlluES. poors, ,Vc., Ac.. Third street, near Robert-. St. Paul. MRS. L. MAItVIX, FASHION* AIU.K MII.I.INKIt. Third Sireet. near Roberts. St Paul. 1* ATT ISON v 11 EXSOX, 1.1 VERY STABLE. ho k of tie- American House. St. Paul. RORl'l* \ OAKES, RANKERS anl KXUIAXGE BROKERS, Thir-1 Street, St. Paul. X'. E. TYSON* i CO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES. PROVISION'S. kc., Robert-. tM tw. cn Third and Fourth -treets. St. Paul. 11. FOWLER, CIJH'K an l WAT* 11 .MAKI.K. St. Autlionr Street. oppo-iti the Ric- II >u-e. ,-t. Paul. W. G. LEDFC, ItOOKSEI.I.ER anl STATIONER, junction of Third and Ik-n.-h -treels. St. Paul. J. FROST, VVII oLK-AT-E and RETAIL GROCER. Tli-rd Street, npjx.s it - tl: I i ixKtu. < Mice. -st. l a :l. CAT HEART -v CO., VVIIoLE'AI.i: and RETAIL 1 i-LVI.ERS IN FOREIGN* ate NIMK'TIf I*UY lii'Hl l '. No. 2« Robert* street. St. Paul MARKLEY A KERX, HE.VI.ERS IN HARDWARE t TII.KUY. &c.. St. Anthony «tr< -t. <>.!-' d«i-r a hove tie- American llou-e. St. Paul. CHARLES E. MAYO A CO., WTlo’.K-AI.E a id CI7I A!I. 1 EAI.ERS in HARDWARE SfoTK-' an 1 riNVVAIIK. Iliir-I -tr>-et. h.-tween .Mi.nie-it. and P...h •>•!- -Ireet~. St. Paal. WILKINSON 11A UCOCK A BRISBIX, ATTORNEYS AT 1 MV. Third street. St. Paid. McCarty k dustin, ATTORNEYS : . n l <‘ol N> LLI.oRS AT LAW. corner «1 .-t. Antle-ny an ’. Market -tre.-t St. Paul. w.m. w. mcncox, IRCGGI-T. f uner of Thi. I and Cedar >tivet-. opjai it II A. I.»M r ttf Mai < ibice. St. Paul. CHAMBLDi A MORGAN, M I!oLE'ALE an 1 RETAIL I EALERS in 1 I.Y COODp < t.oiHINi:. llooT.-. riioLS. HATS, CAPS. \c.. Thit in l St. !hut. .1. T. HA I .ST ED, H'RVEYo:: and CIVIL ENGINEER t.lhee corner of Tliii a el »>• lai -tael.. M. Paul. W. 11. FORBES, Il it COMPANY. sT. 1 M L til 111 T. ;lo IRY (10(11 and GROCERIES. 1 !•::-! 'net. St. Paul. \V. s. COONIBS, RooK'EI.I.KK and sf'ATloNl-.IL opposite the America. lli-e M. I aul. A.IIES & VAN ETTEN, ATTORNEY.-aiel CoCNSEI.LoRS AT LAW and SOI.HTI OR- IN CHANCERY. <hliee corner of Third and Mime wita streets. I anl. TUI MAX M. SMITH, .11 -TUT. OK THE 1 FACE. Nod ARY I I liI.TC. C < 1 lol! atel GENERAL AGENT. corner of'third an <1 > la-.4a -1 nets. St. Paul. 11. F. AIASTERSON, ATT*iRNKY AND CHI'NsELLDR Al LAW. .-t. Anthoii. sllirt. st. I :ud. I»RF.SSLER Ac GBOBGII, STOP.ARE. FoRWARDINt; and COMMISSION MER( ’HANTS atel I teal -r- in Wiin-s. laquer*. Groceric->> and I roi i-ion.- 1 ppi-r 1,-i tiding. St. Paul. M. SIIERMAN, IP-I SE. SIRN axd ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, corner e f ourth and St. Peter -treet. St. Paul. (dt 111 SSELL, DEALER IN' sToYES and TIN WARE. Third street, a fev .loots »ve-t of Jack-on street. St. Paul. ST EES \ HINT, CABINET WARE It*h>.MS. mel DEALERS IN SECON'I HAND El RNHI RE. Thir-1 street. St. Paul. SIIVLTZ -v BATHES, FASHIONABLE TAILORS and CLOTHIERS. Third street la at tin- i'o.-t Otliee. >t. Paul. M ILOI DS * WALKER, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE MECHANICS TitOlti. FANCY IMPLEMENTS, &c., non the liea-l of Third street. S,. Paul. WII.UAM BREWSTER & CO., KElks. EXCHANGE. and REAL E-TATE BROKER.-. >t. I a ut. J, M. MATTHEWS, WARGON and CARRIAGE MAKER. Robert street. St. Paul. TCLLIS, LIVINGSTON & CO. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES ANI PROVISIONS, Rice House, St. Anthony street, St. Paul Minnesota. LOUIS IIYN EM AN, W.VOLKSAIT. ANI> RETAIL DEALER IN READY MAPI CLOTHING. Third street, st. Paul. Minnesota. lAM, BORUP, -V CO., WHOLESALE OR*K ERS. FORWARDING X COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND GENERAL STEAMBOAT AGENTS. Isorer Is-vee. St. Paul. Minnesota. J. C. BURBANK k CO., FT* (RAGE. FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. GROCERS, and DEALERS IN GRAIN and PROVISION’S, Wharf Boat, St. Paul, Minnesota. A. VANCE BROWN, REAL ESTATE BROKER, St. Anthony.Strcet. near Kellogg A; Kinney’s store, St. Paul. Minnesota. B. G. BRIGGS, WHOLES AIT and RETAIL GROCER and CONFECTIONER. Corner of Roberts aud Fourth Streets, St. Paul, Minne sota. J, E. WHITNEY, D.VGI'ERRF.AN ARTIST, Corner of Third and Cedar streets. St. Paul. Minnesota. RICE, HOLUXSHEAD A BECKER, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS AT .LAW, St. Anthony Street, above'American llou-e. CAVENDER & MATTHEWS, MACHINIST’S. BLACKSMITHS, and WAGON MAKER. Roberts street. St. Paul. Minnesota. _ J. E. FULLERTON, WHOITSALEamI RETAIL DEALER IN FANCY and STA j»LE DRY GOOI>S, CLOTHING. BOOTS. SHOES kc.. near the junction of Thirl and Bench Streets. St I’auL Paint Paul Business (Sards. HENRY MORRIS, l ANfX DhV <i*MIDS MERCHANT. Daguerrean Rail.ling. Third strwt. near Cedar. St. Paul. Minnesota. GEO. L. HECKER* AGENT OF HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, otliee in brick block, above American House, St. Antho ny street. St. Patti. Minnesota. P. T. BRADLEY, MAN! F.VCTURER AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF SAD IU.ES, HARNESS, BRIDLES. COLLARS, VALISES. Ac. Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of leather: Oak and HeiuliM-k Sol -. Band. Bellows, kc 4te. St. Anthony street, St. Paul, Mimic ota. litav S. Stillunitcr Unsincss Zariba. ABRAM VAN VOIUIES, ATTOBNKY and COCNSEI.I.OR AT LAW and SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Stillwater. Will attend to all business entrusted to his care. • simmes, mcmillan a lewis, •VITOBNEYS AT LAW aud SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, t tlHees at Stillwater, and tit Hudson, St. Croix County, Wiseon*in. THEODORE E. PARKER, ATTORNEY and COl’N.-ELLOR AT LAW. Stillwater. M. T. CURTIS & GILFILLAX, ATTORNEYS and COFXSELIJtRS AT LAW. Stillwater. tjnbsor. JOSEPH ROW RON, NOTARY PFRI.IC aud LAND AGENT. Hudson, St. Croix County. VVis. Pre em]>tiou claims -eeure-l. and entries made by Military lauol Warrants. Plank Ik-eds and Mortgages con-tautly on hand, and conveyances care fully and promptly attended to. BENJAMIN ALLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Hudson, St. Croix County. Wis. RUBY A CALLENDER, MANUFACTURER OF LIME. ShakojH-e. Minnesota. St. J3attl aavi’ts. NATH*L« E. TYSON A CO. (OX nonilUTS, nCT\VK3X THIRD AND KOL'RTiI BTRKETS. NEW STORE AND FRESH GOODS AND A WORD TO TIIE MINNESOTA RIVER AND ST. CROIX TRADE. A S \vc arc no*v fairly fixed in our new building, ami rll having siillieient room to store a large aud rom ,dele stock of Oro-teries, Grain, Flour, ami Provisions, we would respectfully call the attention of our friends ti St. Phiil and the surrounding country, to the FACT 'hat we have just received the largest ami heal selected issortinent of 'IIIUCKIUES, PRO VISIOXS, GRAIN, s•€., •ver brought to .Minnesota, and we can now say to our -t. Croix and Minnesota river fitends, tlint we are of i-ring better inducements to these trades than any other muse in St. Paul; and ut wholesale; we pledge our -clvos to sell tit Galena I‘uices. Our goods are all resh and in tin- very best condition. Goods delivered it tlie lauding or to any part of the city free of charge. We would again respectfully call attention to our m-w stock, as Dealers and our friends throughout the iirroumling country will find that it embraces every itiii” usually kept in our line of business; and it: doing -i>, would express our thanks for favors, ami the liberal •atmilage extended towards us the past winter. We numerate in part its follows, which we will sell strictly or cash at the lowest market rates: 500 Bids Ilnur, 200 hags corn meal, 50 “ mess pork,' 25000 assorted cigars, 20 “ prime do 12 do/, bed cords, 10M) lbs sugar cured hams, 8 kits mackerel, 1000 “ “ shoulders, 5 bids do 20GU “ rib sides, 5 bx codfish, J'OO “ clear “ 25 “ dried herring, 2()t/0 “ lard, 35 “ palm soap, )500 “ butter, lo “ variegated soap, 1500 “ cheese, 10 “ Castile do 30 hi- N. O. sugar, 4 “showy do 35 “ clarified (A) do 40 “ mould candles, 30 ** “ (l’)do 25 “ star <lo 30 “ “ (O) do 5 “ sperm do 15 “ crushed do 8 “ pipes, 10 *' powdercil do 6 “ fancy stone pipes, 5 bids N. O molasses, 4 bales camllewick, 5 “ S. 11. <lo 9 •* wrapping twine, 10 “ cider vinegar, 5 I>\ ground spice, 20 sks Rio coffee,. 10 “ pepper and ginger 7 “Java do 4 malts cassia, 6 clu-sts Y II tea, 2 bids nutmegs, 6 “ imp'l do 2 “ cltves, C “ G I* ilo 95 gross blacking, 12 caddies imp’l do 6 do/ blacking brushes 5 “black do 4 “whitewash do 10 do/, brooms, 5 bids almonds, 4 “ scrub brushes, 4 “ pea nuts, 4 bids salcratus, 15 sks dairy salt, 4 boxes S V soda 50 “ G A salt, 10 do/ zinc washboards, 10 Mils rice, 100 rannisters powder, 10 do/bottles olive oil, 10 kegs do 10 bids soda crackers, 10 sacks shot, 30 “ butter do 40 M percussion caps, 5 bxs chocolate, 500 cans oysters, 20 “ raisins, 50 hxs sardines, 2 bids madder, 10 Mils dried apples, 150 small cans mustard, 4 “ “ peaches, 10 bx starch, 40 hxs prunes, 2 “ clothes pins, 12 dor. bottles inF, 10 dor buckets, 2 “ lemon syrup, 6 “ carved do 10 “ assorted pickles, 8 “ wash tubs, 5 “ catsup, 20 bx sum. tobacco, 6 “ pepper sauce, 10 “ scafialetta do, 4 “ itoughlon hitters, 10 “ fine cut chewing, 3o gro. matches, 4 “ mackerona, It) bx mustard, 4 bids dried ruriauts, 30 large cans do 1000 bushels shorts, ALSO:—A large lot of choice Preserves, consisting >f lYnch, Tear, Uuiucc, ami all other varieties ill use. 11I—>1 —> J NATII’L. E. TYSON CO. WINTER AND SPRING ARRIVAL. THE WORLD’S FAIR HAS received per Burbank A Co.’s Express, a varied assortment ol PRINTS, DcLAINES, CASHMERES, Merinos, Gloves, Hosiery, Woolen Goods, Muslin collars and tlndersleeves. Velvet Ribbons, etc. These Goods, together with the remainder of Fall aud winter stock of Fancy ami Domestic Dry Goods, t> t n v MAIIF. PI.OTHING. Hats and caps, Boots and Shoes, carpeting, Yankee Notions, &c., will he sold at a small advance over Eastern cost, preparatorv to starting for niv spring stock. EDWARD HEENAN, 44 World's Fair store, cor, 3d ami Rubens. CIIAS. YV. DOBI P. CHAS. 11. OAKES BORUP A OAKES. raAIIE undersigned having formed a copartnership for J. transacting an Exchange and Banking business in all its various branches, will be prepared to furnish sight nid time exchanges on the East, and principal cities of die West. Remittances to Great Britain, Ireland, and continent of Europe, made in sums to suit purchasers.— Sight and time bills and European exchanges purchased, collections made, and proceeds remitted at usual rates of exchange. All other business committed to our care, punctually attended to. 1 BORUP fc OAKES. Jyi. X ±lL BROPHY SETTLEMENT. A FARM containing 178 acres in this highly flourish ijig settlement, which is near St. Paul, bordering on on a beautiful lake, soil rich and heavy timbered, from xvhirh some 2,000 cords can be cut; also a good heavy grass meadow which will yield 60 to 70 tons of hay; an excellent dwelling house 50 by 20 feet and good sta ble 50 by 20. 16 acres of the above already, broken and under fence, aud have yielded to the proprietor an nhundantcrop. HENRY McKENTY, Dealer in Rea) Esstate. Jan. 9,1854. —12 m. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. A House and two Lots in Kittson's Addition, imme diately back of the New Hotel. The ffousc is new ami convenient, having been built during the Fall.— Wishing to devote our attention exclusively toourbusi ness we will sell the above property at a reasonable nrice and upon accommodating terms. H CUaMBLIN k MORGAN. July 9. 1854. 43-1 Third street, St. Paul. PRESERVES of all kinds; extraflne Worcestershire sauce- Catsups assorted; Oysters and Sardines; iu fact every thing in the Grocery line can be found at No. 4, next door to Fullerton’s, on mar 2 J. W. DOWNER. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! 50 do*, superfine Linen Bosoms warraated Grass Bleached, at ORLD , g rA , R SAINT PAUL, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1854. St. Bawl HURRAH FOR THE RED LINE. PATTISON A BENSON’S RED LINE COACHES with the heat of teams ami careful drivers are now upon the road between St. Paul aud St. Anthony, ready to accommodate the pub lic on all occasions. They have a large and excellent Livery Stock, several new ami elegant Carriage? and Barouches; also new Harness and Horse Furnishings, and equipages of the most elegant description. P. A S., in returning tluiuks to the public for the lib eral patronage heretofore bestowed upon them, take pleasure in stating that they have just received, in ad dition to their former extensive stock, several young, elegant, aud WELL BROKE HORSES! specimens of stock that have never been equalled in the Territory. Their present stock needs lint to be seen to be admired and approved by a discriminating public. Will our friends and the public remember, that at the Livery Stable in the rear of the American House, at the upper end of Saint Paul, they can at all hours, have such conveyance by land, on wheals or on horseback, ns thev may desire. PATTISON k BENSON. St. Paul, June 30, 1853. ly « All IN E T \\A RE ROOMS. ALWAYS on hand, or made to order, SOFAS EA9Y CHAIRS, DIVANS, WILLOW WAGGONS, MATTRASSES, CARD AND CEN TRE TABLES and CHAIRS of every Description. Also a few METALLIC COFFINS, a superior article. I.j i TO buy second hand furniture, is too lllllc *‘ line buying second hand gar Sr -i -rr* inents. We take it for granted, that ”'MSI the people of our Territory, would rather prefer to have their chairs, washstands, bureaus and tables, made to order, and expressly fer their own use; although old furniture might he bought for less mo ney. Then we think our people would rather havearti cles made of the timber that grows here iu the Territo ry, maiiiitaciured by our own mechanics, who have cast their lot iu Minnesota, for better, for worse. We will make promptly to order, whatever articles of furniture may he wanted,(if we have not what is desir ed on hand;) and will warrant our goods better and all tilings considered, cheaper, than they can be imported. Undertaking promptly attended to. STEES k HUNT, Manufacturers of Cabinet Ware und Furniture, Third street, St. Paul. 9t. Paul, June 23, 1853. 10-lf FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! THE “Old /Etna” continues to dispense “aid and com fort” to the unfortunate, as usual, ut the 3aint Paul agency. CAPITAL STOCK, $3000,000. Thomas A. Bn ace, Pres’t 9. L. I.motis, Sec’y. R. R. NELSON, 3-30 v Agent for Minnesota Territory MIN NESOTA LEAF HER STORE, At the Old Stand of K. A. Collins 4* Co., opposite the Rice. House, St. Paul. PT. BRADLEY, dealer iu Saddles, Harness, • Trunks and Saddlery Hardware, Saddle Trees, Skirting, Harness and Patent Leather, Calf Seating, Bag ami Top Leather; Carriage Trimmings, Saddlers’ Silk; Bellnxvs and Baud Leather. BOOT AND SHOE -MAKERS’ STOCK. Hemlock tanned Sole Leather; Oak tanned Sole ami Upper Leather; Kip and Calf Skins; French, German, Philadelphia ami Cincinnati Calf Skins; all kinds of Ladies and Gentlemen's Morocco, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink and White Linings; best Goat, Buck amt Sheep Binding; Boot and Shoe Findings; Boot Trees, Lasts, Crimp Boards, Pegs of all sizes; Shoe Thread, all kinds Iron, Zinc and Copper Nails. CARRIAGE TRIMMING, Executed at the shortest notice and iu xvorkmanlike manner. Country orders particularly attended to. TV The highest market price in Cush paid at nil times for Beef Hides, Sheep und Deer Skins. P. T. BRADLEY. •lime 9, 1853.—Ptf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONFEC TIONAK Y. rHE subscribers iu returning their thanks to their patrons ami the public iu General for the liberal eiicoiirageim ut they have received, desire to inform them that they have nexv machinery and other facilities to .apply (lie Territory with Plain and Fancy Candy of their own man n fact lire; among others, all sorts of Stick Candy, Rose and Burnt Almonds, (’orianders, Anissp, Acidulated Fruit, and all other kind of Drops; Candy aud Sugar Toys, A*'-, wliieli they will sell by the box ai lower rates, adding freight, than it can he bought in Galena or St. Louis, with the advantage of having a fresh article. Also, French, German and English Toys : and Fancy Goods. All orders for Cakes and Ice Cream ! promptly filled at tlie lowest possible priced. M RENZ AKARCHER TRUMAN »L SMITH, Justice of the Pence, Notary Public, Collector and | Umrrul Agent. HAS removed his oilier to the Brick Dlo< k opposite i the Post Odice, corner of Third and Minnesota ' streets, xvheie he will he found ready lo attend to tlie j collection of debts, purchasing nml selling real estate, payment of taxes, locating Land Warrants, Ac. Hav ing been in tlie business for some time past, and being provided with M \i*s of all the surveyed portion of the Territory and of the cities on the St. Peters, he Matters himself that he will he able to give satisfac tion to all who may give him a call. N. B. Town Lots in St. Paul, St. Anthony and all the towns on the St. Peters for sale at reasonable prices. Also, Farms in the country, with or without improve- ■ ments. St. Paul, June 2, 1853.—Ttf. ~ J. IHcMAHON HOLLAND, Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. SIIAKOPEE, SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA MINNESOTA REFERENCES. Gov. W. A. Gorman, *1 J. Travis Rosser, Esq.’ Sec. Min. Ter., ] Capt. J. 11. Simpson,U. S. Top. Eng’rs. >St. Paul. A. J. Morgan, Esq , Pioneer Ofiice, j D. A. Robertson, Esq., j Hon. 11. 11. Sihlev, Mendnta. MARYLAND REFERENCES. Gov. E. Louis Lowe, l T. 11. O’Neal, Esq., Secretary of State | Judges Legraml, Tuck and Ecleston of [> Annapolis Supreme Court rf Maryland, I lion. Alexander Randall, I John V. L. McMahon, Esq., Baltimore, Md. SALK STABLE. r pilF, subscriber has taken the stable on Third street I formerly occupied by .1. W. Vincent A Co. The stable has been thoroughly repaired and I am now pre pared to take horses, cattle, Ac., on sale, or to keep by the month, week or day ; and will give strict atten tion to all stock that may lie left at my stable. My friends and the public generally are invited to call when in town. E. A. BISSEI.L. At i-aui. rnaren <>, icwa. 46-tl N~E\V HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. - r 13111! subscribers would inform the citizens of Saint JL Paul and all the country round about, that they are conducting the above business in all its brunches, on Third Street, nearly opposite the Post Ofiice, where cus tomers can be supplied, on short notice, with ail kinds of Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Fly Nets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Ac., Ac. May 14, ’53-tf MARTIN DREW A CO. J. E. FULLERTON. AT his old stand, which is known to a great many friends, especially those who have patronized him ; so long, Aeeps a different stncA of Goods from the mix ture which he formerly kept. He now keeps Dry- Goods alone, including a prime selection of Ready j Made Ciothug and the largest and best stock of Roots and Shoes ever opened any where, including Ladies’ Shoes. He has also a variety of Blankets, Whitney and Horse Blankets, which as he alway s has done, he sells at prices to suit his friends. STOVES AND TIN WARE. At Newell’s old stand on 'l'hird Street, a few doors lYcsf of Jackson Street. THE subscriber will keep on hand constantly a good assortment of Tin Ware, which he will sell at wholesale or retail. Also, a general assortment of Stoves. Orders from country dealers solicited. N. B. Repairing done on short notice. GEO. RUSSELL, Agent. St. Paul, June 2,1853 —7—l y. Inndian Goods for Sale. BY order of the Indian Department et IFashington, I will sell at private sale, for cash, a number of boxes, bales, Ac., containing blankets, cloths, calicoes, hardware, Ac. W. A. GORMAN, Gov. and Ex. Off. Supt. Ind.AfFs. St. rani, Dec. 7, 1853.—34-tf STRANGE. SIR PASSING STRANGE! ! rjMIAT Groceries can be sold so cheap. X Great inducements are held out to persons wish- | ing Family Groceries, at my old stand, as I am deter mined to make room for iny spring stock. J. W. DOWNER, mar 2 Next Door to Blunt’s. 'PEAS of the best quaHty at No. 4, Winslow House, X J. W. DOWNER. St. Bawl awts. DENTISTRY. fg. G. SV. BIDDLE, late of Pittsburg, Pa., Z “ ,w Permanently located in Saint Paul. -UITtTT fourteen years close application to bis 1 1 J Profession, together with a large and beauifiil assortment of plain and gum teeth, enable him to insert from one to an entire set of teeth by atmospheric pressure, with a beautiful representation of tlie natural gum, restoring the mouth to its natural shape. Diseased teeth permanently saved by plugging; useless ecth extracted With ns little pain as possible. Teeth cleansed and diseased gums restored to health. t) lice an I residence on Main street, between Saint Peters aud Market. N. H.—Ail jobs warranted. St. Paul, July 28. MUTAULLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Office 111, Broxdwav, Trinity Bcii.oino. NETT ACCUMULATED FUND, FEBRUARY 1,1853 $2,018,775 64. ~ Slabil ily,—S ecurily,—Perpelu ily ! THIS Company has now established itself on'such a firm basis, that it can offer to those desiring an in vestment on their lives, that greatest of all desiderata ins iu life Insurance, viz- full and perfect security. Its his tory is almost, if not quite, without a parallel. Coin-- meiiciug Ist February, 1843, (10 years ago,) without a dollar of capital except its receipts for premiums, it has now an actual cash capital which is “invested in Bonds and Mortgages on Real Estate, principally in the cities of Nexv YorA ami Brooklyn, worth double the amount | loaned thereon, of over £2,000,000. Its receipts for pre ; Illinois during the past five years have been nearly $2,- | 200,000, and for interest on investment over $350,000, | aud lias paid on policies terminated hy death during the same time, nearly SBOO,OOO. It.x dividends (after reserv ing a fund sullicieut to re-insnre all out-standing policies) were 52 percent the first five years, and 33 1-3 per cent.’ the last five, on the amount of premiums paid, being an average of over 42 1-2 per cent per annum for ten years These dividends arc added to the policy at their rever sionary value, payable at death with the amount insur ed, or can he npplied to the reduction of future premi ums, at the option of the insured. The business of the Company is conducted strictly on the cash plan—no credits—and it is believed lo hold out greater induce ments than any other cumpunv, whatever. Its rates of premium are ns low as those of any good ollice, and are believed to he lower than some who pro fess to insure from 25 to 50 per cent less. FREDERICK S. WINSTON, Pres’t. Isaac Arbott, Se.c’y. Charles Gill. Actuary. JUSTUS I. McCARTY, Agent. Til os. R. Potts, M. D., Medical Examiner. Ang. 11,1853 —y 17. TO CAPITALISTS* THE immense and valuable w.-.ter power at Sauk Rapids, is now for sale or rent on the most reason able terms. Persons wishing to engage in the manu faeture • f lumber aud llour, will find this tlie most de sirable point in Minnesota The amount of power that can he made available for driving machinery is not e\- ■ ceedeil at any point in the Territory. None need apply unless willing to commence the erection of mills iiiinie ! diatelv. To such, extraordinary . inducements xvill [ he offered. For particulars enquire of the subscriber, or of Bo nn* A Oakes, Bankers, St. Paul. May 11, if- GEO. VV. SWEF.T __________ Rs Tenders will be received fstil the i<t day of June for the erection and completion of a two-story -tone dwelling on Stinson. Brown \ Ramsay's addition. I lans and specifications can be seen at the otliee of tlie subscriber. A. VANCE BltOWN*. Ft. Paul. May 12. IRSL [fimes. Democrat, and Minnesotian copy.] SHULTZ 4-JIATIIES, MRRCII ANT TAILO RS . THIRD. NEAR VIXNKHJTA STREET. HAVE just n-eeixeda large as-ortment of Cloths. Cas simeres. Vestings, kc.. kc.. which they are pre pared to make up to order in the be-t style and on the -liortest notice. They have also on hand a splendid a -i rtment of Ready made Clothing of 111” latest style, and mil adapted to this market. All of which nriv Is- had at low prices and aceoinmod.itiing terms. Call and ex amine their stock before p Debasing el-i where. MARSHALL k ( O. AT TIIE SLIGO IRON STORE, ARE now receiving large and full stock of Iron, Steel and Sundries. They respectfully solicit the patronage of Rhu ksmit s, Plow Makers, and other Manufacturers, giving assurance that their stork is of the best quality, and will besolu at the lowest living prices. 22tf NOTH public arc hereby notified that the undersigned, JL the true ami rightful owners of “l.e Sueur City,” in the county of l.e Sueur, and Ti rritory ot Minnesota, did, on the 2tiili day of August, 1853, lay out the said City of l.e Sueur, and that a plot of said City has been duly recorded in the ofiice of Register of Deeds in said , county. And the public are hereby cautioned against pureliasing property in said City, without having first obtained title from the undersigned, as they alone can give good and sullicieut title to purchasers in the first in tanee. J. C. CHRISTY. Sept. 12, 1853 —22tf- JAMES CURRAN*. S5,OOl) \V ANT ED, Of Dorup 4’ Oakes’ Certificates of Deposit, BY the subscribers, who xvill give goods for the same at as reasonable rates as any House in St. Paul. CHAMIit.IN A MORGAN, Third Street, I.oxver Town. J. B. CULVER A CO., Winslow’s Hotel, Upper Town. NOTICE. ’ THE subscriber offers to sell or to lease for a term of years, his SAW MILL, situated near the Upper Landing, Saint Paul, being one of the best locations for the Lumbering business in the city. The Mill is in good repair, has one upright iiiulay saw, one cut-off saw, one lath saxv, aud a machine for making cut Shingles. The Boom at the Mill is an excellent and safe place for keep ing logs. This property will be sold or leased on favor able terms. JOHN K. IRVINE. St. Paul, Dec. 30th, 1853. 38-tf M. SIIERMAN, House, Sign and OrnameHtal Painter. Corner of Fourth anfSt. Peter Street, St. Paul. PAINTING AND GLAZING done in a superior and workmanlike manner. All orders promptly and neatly executed. Work xvarranted to give satisfaction. St. Paul, June 23, 1853-y GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED. THE subscriber has 40, 80 and 100 acre tracts of land that will he sold loxv for cash, or on time; or ex changed for village property. A good horse or span of horses and wagon or other valuable property will he taker, in payment or partpay " 44'tir K * C. If. PARKER. BED SPREADS—Get lip expressly for a Minnesota winter, by llceiian, at the WORLD’S FAIR STORE. BONNETS! BONNETS! SPRING BON NETS! JUST RECEIVED—By Burbank’s Express, direct from Nexv York, at Mrs. >l. L. STOAKEB’ 52—tf Millinery Store. HIT i’SO.X’S AUDIT ION TO ST. FAU LT T3IIIS desirable ground, lying in the most central and advantageous part of the basin of St. Paul, where must inevitably he the principal river business of tlie town, and affording also most choice anil delightful Lots in the rear, upon the bench, for dwelling houses; is stir vexed into Lots, aud now offered for sale, with titles mi disputed and indisputable, at reasonably low prices, and upon liberal terms of credit, for most of the purchase money, and Lumber for building on Lots sold in the ad dition, will be furnished at the rotary saw-mill, on easy terms. CHARLES 11. OAKES, Agent for Proprietors. St. Paul, Jillv 31, 1851. 15 NEW MILLINERY GOODS! And the Latent Fashions. MRS. M. L. STOAKES, St. Anthony-st, St. Pau*, has just returned from the City of New York, with a stock of Millinery ware, very much superior **» w>y goods in her department of trade, ever offered in the Territory. To her usual stock, she has added Gloves, Mitts, Needles. Pins, Tapes, and many other new arti cles. She has also taken great pains to obtain the fash ions, of this, and the winter seasons; all of xx hich she will be happy to show to such as call. net.2l-27-tf. AMES’ STEAM SAWMILL NEAR Dayton’s Landing, is now in operation, and , prepared to furnish hills of lumber of every de dcription. Will saw Oak, Ash, Bass Worn), or other timber, of any dimension required—can saw forty feet 1 stuff if necessary. Latli and pickets alxvavs on hand. 2 ' ' AfECIIAMCS WANTED.—Stone Masons and Car penters are wanted to work on the mill of Brhu lenbtirg, Boeckeler A Co., at Stillwater, at the head of Lake St. Croix. Good wages and prompt paymenr may ( be expected. Apply to C- CARLI, Agent. April 10, 1854. s*-« St, Baul awtfl. TIME! TIME! TIME! KJ FOWLER, Watch Manufacturer, Working Jeweler and Dentist, would respectfullv Inform the inhabitants of St. Paul, that he has opened a store ou st Anthony Street, in the building opposite Ihe nice House, txvo doors from Robinson’s old stand with an assortment of Clocks, ript-rtarles of all nges, Back and Side Combs, in great variety, bosom pins, goggles, chimney ornaments, steel beads mid tassels, ladies work bags, childrens’ teething rings, llutes, dice and boxes, and a variety of other articles. Duplex, Horizontal, Repeating and Lever Watches, or the most complex and delicate xvorkmanship, care fully repaired. ’ California Gold Rings made to order. Engraving neatly executed. Teeth carefully Extracted. Scaled A Pli ooed. 11. r., front his long experience in some of the first shops in England, Hatters himself that he shall be able to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with theij work. His motto is Punctuality, Dispatch aud Iloder 4ti> cnxrgp*. tit. Paul, March 24st, 1853. 4 49-y W REMOVAL. M. S. COMBS lias removed his Book Store nearly opposite his old stand, where he would he pleased to see all his friends; feeling assured that he can now suit them in every thing in his line. My new goods have arrived; among which can be found 200 Roils Wall Paper, Window Curtains, Bordering and Screens. All the late Cheap Publications, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and Ley to same. Blank Books in all varieties, Stationery of ex’ery des cription and of the best quality. Fancy'Goods, to nu merous to mention; but call in, as it is no trouble to show goods at COMB’S FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, Between Ihe Rice and American Houses GRO VELA N D GARDEN AND NURSERY Bitwecn St. Paul and St. Anthony, near the Half way House. T3HE subscriber,'would invite the attention of those who wish to set out fruit trees this fall or the en suing spring, to their stock of trees that have been growirg in this Territory front one to three years. 111 connection with the Scott Nursery, at Davenport, lowa, they are prepare:.’ to fill all orders for either standard tr dwarf trees, ol any and every description, that xvill be required for this climate, together with Currants, Gooseberries, Grape \ ines, tec. Also, anvlhing ill the ornamental line, such as Roses, Dahlias, Phloxes, and the various kinds of flowering plants usually- kept in such establishment. Orders are respectfully solicited from those xx ho wish >o set out (ruit tret sor embellish their grounds. As we have not a sufficient quantity 011 hand to supply the demand, we ho]»e to receive orders early this fall, so ns to make up the deficiency at the nursery at Dav enport, where wo expect to spend the winter. Orders max be addressed to us or left at the store of Mr. J. E. Fullerton, St. Paul. L. M. FORD A- CO. tit. Paul, Oct. 13.—tf. The only Crockery Store in Minnesota. U MARVIN is truly grateful to the inhabitants MK* ot At. Paul and the whole Territory, for tin prompt and very liberal support which thev have award ed to the above undertaking. From the first, it has been his ambition to do a business, which being exclusively for China, Glass and Queensware, should meet the de mands of the public, in that line mote fully than a mix ed business could do. R. M. cun sell as cheap, and cat* fill orders as well ns any house this side of tit. Louis; he has noxv a lieavx stock, and notxvithstanding the high prieeof freight, anil the scarcity of crockery in the country, on account ol the closing of the English manufactories, he is deter mined to sell at his former xery low prices. Call and sec my stuck, of Gilt Band, While and Lustre China. Glass-ware, Iron Stone China, Tumblers, Cut Mulberry Ware, do Pressed, Bine Ware, Fruit Bowls, Granite Ware, Syrup Cans, C C Ware, etc., etc., etc. St. Paul, Minnesota Crockery Store. St. Patti, Dec. 8, 1853. 34-tf \VM. W. FIXCII. AI. D., OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of til. Paul ami vicinity. Ollice in Judge Lambert’s nexx - brick building. Special attention v ill he given to Rheumatism, Ncu-g ralgia, Scrofula, uml all chronic diseases. Being famil iar with the use of ether, operations in surgery will be performed under its iniluenre without pain, if de sired. Pure-Vaccine Virus sent to any part of tlie country by return mail on the receipt of one dollar, post paid. references. Prof. McClintock, of Philadelphia College of Medicine. “ Perkins, of Vermont Medical College. 38—6 m. ALLEN PI ERSE. Attorney at Law and Gcncrul Land Agent, HAVING been Register of the (.and Ollice tinder the late administration, he is aide lo select the best land in the Territory subject to entry, and xvill warrant the regularity of all locations made by him. Ollice ott Cedar Street, next door to the Episcopal Church, tit. Paul, M. T. Jan. 19, 1854—[40-tf BIGELOW A FLANDRAU, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Ollice over L. 11. Wail & Co's, store, Third street, lu-loxv Roberts, St. Pai i., Minnesota. KK7ll*l* attend promptly and carefully to professional ▼ V business iu a’l the courts of the Territory.—Also to the collection < f debts, anil to all other business in any manner com ected with the profession. Money to Loan in small sums on good security. HORACE R. BIGELOW. CHARLES E. FLAN ORAL*. 38-ly. EDWARD M’LAGAN. STORAGE FORWARDING AND COMMISSION, At the Lower Lauding, tit. Paul. ALL Commission und Consignments, will he prompt ly and carefully attended to. References: B. 11. Campbell, R. M’Lagan, Galena; Geo. Deßaun, St. Louis. Lower Steamboat Landing, St. Paul, Min. March 25, 1852. 4 MINNESOTA BANKING HOUSE, > March 14th, 1854. > WILLIAM BREWSTER & CO., latte of Western Bank, Pliil'a, Bankers, Exchange and Real Estate Brokers. PROMPT attention given to collections in all parts of the Territory, and proceeds remitted at current rates of exchange. LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT AND SOLD, And located on time to the favor of actual settlers. Town and country property for sale for cash ot ott time. tVc give personal attei lion to the purchase and sale of property, the payment of taxes, entering land 1,1111 wnrrutus, niiu an utner mismess tnai may be intrusted lo our cart. 49-tf JENNY LIND IN ST. PAUL, BEGS leave to inform the citizens of tit. Paul and vicinity, that she has brought to the Bookstore, corner < f Third anil' Wabashaxv streets, the largest and | most beautiful assortment of new Books and .Stationery , which will he sold as usual at low prices. For partieu : lars inquire at LkDDCM IHiCTK STOKE. DOCTOR L. C. KINNEY, Office in Holland Place Saint Anthony street, Saint Pacl, TENDERS his professional services to the citizens of tit. Paul and vicinity. Having had an experience of over Ten Years hi the practice of Medicine, one of xChtch was spent as Physician and Surgeon with Die 11. S. army in Mexico, he flatters himself that he will be able to merit the confidence of all who may faYor hint with a share of their patronage. July 28, 1853. OLIVIER, STONE A FOLSOM. OFFER for sale at their Real Estate Rooms at Die | Court H'Mise in tit. Pitul >/in.. the following pro-1 I ierty In Ihe City of St. Paul! a of lot No 14 ill block No 2, Leslie's Addition, being [ 1 )6 1-2 feet front on Ramsey street. 1 A xo, Lots 1 and 3 block I, and lots 16 and 17 block 3, , and lot 4 block 4 iu Varkley A Walker's addition. A’so, Lofa 7 and 8 block 1« hi Kittson’s addition, upon which is erected a new cottage dwelling, etc. And Lots 3 ami 4 Mock 3 Hass’ addition. Also lands near St. Paul, as follows; In Ttwn 29, Rnnue 2!», 400 acres, being xv hf n w qr hiul n eqr n w qr sec 26, ami s e qi s w qr sec 23, and xv hf 11 w qr, and 11 c qr s w qr sec 5, and seqr 11 e qr, and n w qr Re qr and 11 e qr n w qr sec 6. In Town 29, Range 23. 160 ncres as follows: w hf n w qr and a e quarter n w qr sec 10, and s w qr a w qr sec 3. In Town 30* Range 22. 462 acres as follows-. Lots No 1,2, 3 and 4, and ahf S' eqr and n w qr s e qr, and e hf a w qr sec 31 and lot No 5 sec 29. The above property will he sold cheap and upon rea sonable terms. For further particulars enquire of OLIVIER. tiTONE k FOLSOM. St. Paul, March 23, 1854—49-tf SINGLE COPIKS THftfeE CENTS. St. Paul MWtU. A. L. CARPENTEURi Dffibr iri Dry Goods; Groceries, Provisions; Clot hi tig} Hard u-arr, China and QunnsWarr, Cutlery, Qv. THIRD STREET, Near the corner of Third and Jackson streets; St. Paul, Minnesota. TIIE river is closed, but the stores of A. L. I.nrpert U-nr are still open, where may be found iht mos extensive assortment of Frreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Carpetings, Jewelry, Gentlemens’ clothing, in cluding Huts Hi;d Caps, Iloots and Shoes, and every dtp-' er article necessary to comfort or proper for display, the city affords. A stock of Groceries and provisions of all kinds, which cannot he surpassed; and a full as Kortnwnt of Hardware, Delf and Queensware, Cutlery, and every other article suitable for the Minnesota trade; all of which will be sold wholesale of retail, on thb most favorable and accommodating terms. A choice variety of double and single barelled shot suns, rifles and pistols, powder flasks and shot ptptrhaif gun wads, water proof percussion raps,extra gun locks' w-ash reals, screw-drivers, and a driving business, may all be found at A. 1.. I.ARPENTKUR’S. LUC IM M OLIVIER, J. M. STONE, 8. P. FOLSOM. Reg. Deeds, ltam‘y cti. Jmlge Prrfbate. Co .Surveyor OLIVIER, STOXE A: FOLSOM, GENERAL LAND AGENTS St SURVEYORS. Office at the Court House, Court House Square , St Paul. Having formed a co-partnership for the purpose of currying on the above business, will attend trt buy mg and selling real estateat public and private aale; titles examined; abstracts made to all lands bought and sold by us; Taxes paid for non-residents and others.— lieriiH drawn and ar taken. There may be found at our mitre, Township Xfaps or all the surveyed lands in the Territory; also maps of all the cities, towns and their additions In Uainsey county, as well as * complete list of all the entries made at th y. ». Land Ofltce in this county, corrected semi-week ly; a perfect abstract of each and every piece of prtreet of land in this county from the United Slates to the la test grantee; a list of lands sold for unpaid taxes in thig wise I'’ 1 '’ HS W<! ** HS *' e,U judgment or other- A!l kinds of mapping and pit '.ting done to order, per ■ sons desiring a correct eopy of u.y ot the maps on Hid tit till! Register s oflice of Rnmscv county, nr townshid maps of any lands surveyed in tile Territory, can bo furnished with the same, on short notice and at reason able prices. Person* desiring to enter land anywhere in this Ter rilory by land warrants t>r otherwise, will find it id their advantage to apply to this firm. All business in ; trusted (oour care is attended to yxitli promptness ant! | despatch. I BEFEKEMCES. Hon. If. M. Rite, Washington City; Hrm. 11. 11. Sibley, Meudota; Messrs, iiorup A Oakes, Banker*, anti Itice, Holliitsbeatl t\ Becker. Attorneys, tjt. I‘aul. 47-ly WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCE* RY AND PROVISION STORE* THE RICE HOUSE AGAIN IN MOTION 1 rBM'LI.IS, LIVINGSTON .V UO., have just received A Ironi the Eiist and South, n large ami general as sortment ol Groceries and Previsions, toiigi*ting in part ol the following: i£ > hogsheads No. 8 clarified Sugar. 2a Crushed and I’owdered * 4 40 bhls. Molasses and Syritp. 50 boxes Cheese W. R. 5 drums Codfish. 15 Idds. Markert I. 20 chests Teas, assorted, fib boxes !*dap. 20 kegs Tobacco, assorted. 5 Casks Dried Beef. 20 44 Hams and Mtoulders. 10 “ Clear Sides. ICO bbls Mess I’m it. 100 kegs I’igs Feet. 10 liags Coffee. 50 boxes candle* Star and TalVxt. All those wishing to purchase fresh got (Is, and at fair prices, will please gitc its a call, as our stock will be constantly replenished during the season. St. I’aul, April 21st, 1834. 2-tf XORTII-WESTE N T EXPRESS CO. Connecting at Galena with the Atmriran Prpress Co. fjNOR the speady and safe transportation of light and valuubfe Goods. I'tickuges, Bank Notes, Spa fie; collection and payment of Notes, Drafts, Bills, Ac counts, Ac. To and from ali parts of the Union, Canada and the Continent of El'Rope. Lost Grods, Baggage Ac., looked up and forwarded to owners, and all business usually done by express at tended to with promptness and despatch. Messengers will lie despatched during the close ol navigation from St. I’aul and Galena every alternate Monday. J. C. BURBANK A 00. Proprietors. A. J. Whitney, V E. V. lloLco.Mnn, J Messengers. J. C. Bt rbank. > Office in the* New Post-Office building. \V. G. LeDUC, Agent. St. Patti, Dec. 1, 1853. CIIAMDLIX A MORGAN. AWARE that “humbug” is the order of thfe day in St. Patti at present, disclaim niiy in i entiou to impose upon the public in announcing that ! they are offering tin tr present stock of. Staple and Fan cy i)ry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, ' Ac., at greatly reduced prices, preparatory to the open ' ing til the “Spring Campaign." With an assortment yet unbroken, they.inn supply ! the wants oi the public, for any goods in their line and 1 are determined to “let them slide.” They will offer inducements to merchant* wishing to | replenish their stuck as they intend to devote particular ! attention to the Jobbing Depaitment. Call at their ttorc on Third street, between Robfeff ■ anil Jackson streets, and be convinced. feb 2 42-lf C. tr M. PtCQUETT’S SUPERIOR PEIfS fANIIE Subscriber lias just received a ami com A plete assortment of the almve Pens. They took the Prize of a Gobi Medal at the World’s Fair, and those who have used them say there is none better. For sale at COMBS’ BOOKSTORE, mar 2 near the American House. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS^ I OR THE MILLION. B PRESLEY has left on lu*t Saturday, the 23d m*t., • for St. Louis, to purchase the largest stock that was ever brought to this place. lie would re spectfully call the attention of hi* surrounding friends ; and the public ill general to that good opportunity for | those w ho wish to buy cheap, in every thing in his line, ! without running all over town lo liny what they want, ; please step in and examine prices and quality. Also, in addition to this, has just received this week Hama,' Eggs, Fresh Butter, Cheese, Oysters, Sardines, Lard, Flrme, Pvfra «rw| fix Dot nM« ral, '*»»«! m mnnj other thing* too numerous to mention, at the large briclt | block, Third street, St. Paul. Wholesale and retd fl 3—tf Have you good I’ndcrstandingt L MARVIN. Invites the public to examine the • best stock of materials in his line, that has ever been seen fn the Territory, lie challenges either side of the Atlantic to produce a better quality of French Calf I Skins, specially adapted for the winter season. On hail/?, also, Ladies’ fine custom mqde Shoes ami ! gaiters. Also, Gentlemen’s Calf and Kip Boots, the best that can be made. You know the stand—Third atretf, near Roberts street. gaintl’aul, November. WS*. *2 RAZORS. RAZORS. ROGERS’ very best, Congress Knife* rittS all kind* of the finest cutlery, just received at too BBLS. OF OLD WHISKY! THE subscriber* have just received a consignment of Old Whisky, which they offer to the Trade ai j very reduced price*. They respect Atlly invite an early , call. Al*o, 4u« sacks of Family Flock, loti Mil*, extra superfine do, 100 W*. mess Pork, With Un its, Shoulder*. Bacon Chrt*. Corn, tff . AUd, every article usually kept in a Family Grocery. Don’f forget the stand on St. Authonv-sl.. Upper Town. 2— 4 t KELLOGG *r KINNEY. ST. FA I L BAKER*. CA W. BATES, keep constantly on hand a goot? • assortment of Bread, Cakes, Crnckers and Can dies, of all kinds; a variety of nut*, pies, beer, Ac. Ac: Also, just rec’ri a fresh lot of Groceries, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, at the okl etiHi*l on Tbirtr Ktriet, Lower Town. f»t Pauf, Jnne 9, 185-3. . >T CIGARS. -g AA f-MPORTED HAVANA CIGARS J| Ut UUU the best in the market, warrantetf " W. 8. COMBS, Between the Rice and American House*■ ABII paid for Old Iron, Old Brass antf Copper, a i he St. Paul Foundry, near the Lowtar Lanotng Nov 13. in 2 F. GILMAN/ AND WARRANTS taken in exchange Lands, by <!• *>• WHwH/ NO. 19.