Newspaper Page Text
®I)C Ooilu illiinuGOto pioneer. fcARLE Sr GOODIiICH, PROt»klfeTOß. PIONEER BUILDINGS, CORNER THIRD AND JACIKSON STREETS. *- * . SIX PER ANNUM. VOL. I. DAILY PIONEER. rrUBUBArST. PAI L, NIV.VtXoTr.ICVkXr WKKK DATXUUiIMiI EARLE S. GOODRICH, Pioneer Buildings. Corner Third aft<l Jackson Street*, DAILY PIONEER, SIX DOLLARS PER ASXVSt. KATES OF AD VEU riSING. R ANSI EXT ADYERTIff KMKN Id—One Dollar per Square of TTn Lines, for the first insertion, and Fifty Cent* par Square for each subsequent insertion. YEARLY AIIVKKTIC'KifENTS—Ten linen of Nonpariel type make a Square: 1 Square, 1 insertion, S <5 1 Square one year,- - - sls 1 Square, each additional '25 JjColumn, 3 mouths, - 15 1 Square, one week, - - 1 75 fi mouth*, - 22 1 Square, two weeks, - 275 JjCulumn, one year, • 30 1 Square, one mouth, - 4 00 1 Square, two mouths, 500 *,Column, 0 months, - 30 1 Square, three months,? 00 '.Column, one year, - 45 1 Square, sit months, - 0 00 1 Column, one year, • 75 Advertisements inserted in both Daily and Weekly Pio neer, on* half prioe additional. All Advertisements, unless the time is specified, will l>« inserted till forbid,and charged accordingly. Book and Job Printing executed at this office in a supe rior style, at reasonable rates. Saint Paul Business (Earfcs. «. W. BIDDLE, URGEOV DENTIST, Main Street, between St. Peter’s and Market, St. Paul. L. MABVIN, DEALER IN SHOES, BOOTS, Ac., Ac., Third Street, near Roberts, St. Paul. MILS. L. M4HVIN, FASHIONABLE MILLINER, Third Street, near Roberts, St. Paul. KOIU P A OAKES, BANKERS and EXCHANGE BROKERS, Third Street, St. Paul. N. E. TYSON Ac CO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISICCj, Ac., Robert*, between Thin] and Fourth streets, St. Paul. H. FOWLER, CLOCK and WATCH MAKER, St. Anthony Street, opposite the Rice House. St. Paul. W. G. I.EDIU, )OKffEZ.LER and STATIONER, junction Tliird and Bench streets, St. Paul. J. FROM’, WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCER, Third Street, oppos its the ITo.ykkk Office, St. Paul. CATHCABT & CO., WHOLESAI E and RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 20 Roberts street, St. Panl. MARKLEY Ac KUHN. ‘ DEALERS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Ac., St. Anthony Street, one door shove the American House, St. Paul. CHAULES E. MAYO * CO., n WHOLESALE aud RETAIL DEALERS in HARDWARE, StOVES and TINWARE. Third street, betweeu Minnesota and Robert* streets. St. Paul. WILKIAMIA, HABCIM K A UltlSßlN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Third street, St. Paul. CHAHBLIY A MORGAN, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Ac., Third street, St. PauL J. T. HAI.STEO, SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, Office St. Anthony xtrvet, opposite the Empire Block, Upper Town, Saint Paul. IV. II- FORBES, FUR COMPANY ST. PAUL OUTFIT, also DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, Thirl street, St. Paul. II . S. COMBS. BOOKSELLER and STATIONER, oppodfo the American li-otse. St. Paul. AJiEt A van irrruN, ATTORNEYS and COUNSEI.I.ORS AT LAW and SOLICIT ORS IN CHANCERY, Office corner of Third aud Minne sota streets, St. Paul. tuiiram h. smith, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, NOTARY PUBLIC, COI.I.EC TOR and GENERAL AGENT, corner of Third aud Min nesota streets, St. Paul. j w JAH. I.AWTIIEK. F. BRADFIHfIU. J. IV. SIMPSON A Ullq WHOLESALE GROCERS. I RODLCE, FORD ARIffNG and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lower Is-vee, St. Paul, Minnesota. Advances made on Consignment*. Bt. Paul. June 24»h, 1854. dH r H. F. JIAbTEKSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, St. Anthony street. St. Paul. MHEBSLER A GEOUGI, STORAGE. FORWARDING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in Wines, Liquor*, Groceries aud Provisions, Upper Landing, St. Paul. ‘ i. I*. FUIsUKR, WHOLESALE and retail dealer in DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS, near the Upper I-anding, St. PauL GEO. I- BECKER, AGENT OF HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Office iu brick block, above American House, St. Autho •y street, St. Paul, Minne-ota. KTEEH A HUNT, CABINET WARE ROOMS, and DEALERS IN SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Thirl street. St. Paul. HAM KHORNT a MATIIBS FASHION A IMF TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, Third street, near the Post Office, St. Paul. IVILLIAn UREUSTEU A U4K, BANKERS, EXCHANGE, aud REAL ESTATE BROKERS, St. Paul. J. E. FULLEHTON, WIIOIJSSAIF and RETAIL DEALER IN FANCY and STA PLE DRY GOODS, CLOTHINO. BOOTS, SHOES Ac., near th« junction of Third and Bench Street*. St. l’attl " TI LLIb, LIVINGWPON Ac Co., WHOLESAiF. A RETAIL DE.U.ERS IN GHOCWIItS AND PROVISIONS, Rice House, St. Anthony street, St. Paul Minnesota. I.OUIS HYNEAANi WAOI.ESALE AND RETAIL DEAIF.K IN READY MADE CLOTHING, Thirl street. St. Pawl, Minnesota. HAWS BOHi r A Clb, WHOLESALE GROCERS, KORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GENERAL STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Lower Levee, St. Paul. Minnesota. J. U. UI RBAMK A thV, STORAGE. FURWARDINU A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GROCERS, and DEAIFiKS IN GRAIN and PROVISIONS, Wharf Boat, St. Paul, Minnesota. * Am VAMt'E ffffffCOMrJS “* REAL ESTATE BROKER, SL Autliony.Street, near Kellogg k Kinney’* store, St. Paul. Minnesota. O- iralfNEY, DAGUERREAN ARTIST, Corner of Third and Cedar streets, St." Pant, Minnesota. _________________ HOUSE, SIGN corner of Fourth and St. Peter street. St. Pant. G. g. SPEKKY. 81. Bm _ BOMCKPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office on Third Street opposite O. E. MAYO k CO. Residence at the Cential House. ALX. BEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS, and all kinda af Colwtbv Tmmicl. Robert street, south side, three door* front Third street, aud at the Lower Levee, Sc Paul, Mian. MERCHANT Dealer In Cloth i.. and FurnlshiAg Goods, No.’ 5 Fort Street, under the Winslow House, B*Ut Paul, Minnesota. * Sept. *,1*54. SAkwit HI. SHERMANi HOUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL Fourth nod St. Peteratreet, SLPnuL PAINTING and GLAZING dune tn a superior and workmanlike mam mas. Ail order* promptly and neatly exentaed. Work warranted tu |in aatisfoetioe. > JACOB J. NOAH. ATTORNEY AT IAW and SOUCfTOR f 4 ’ tfIANCERY, COMMISSIONER for Bute* of 'aialan,Rhode l*Und, Connecticut, New York f i'*na«glvanta, Virginia, 41- nhmnta, Ohio and Louisiana- CF All inurnment* to b* q»*d or reenrded |» SPY of *Lo ahuvff italPfi may he taken nt my fn), IFAGGON and street, 81. MECHANICS TOOLS, I.VNCY IMPLEMENTS, he., sear Ut* head 9( Third street, SL PauL Saint Paul Business CatSs. "" * ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR and GENERAL 1-ANT) AGENT. Particular attention will be given to collections, paying tuxes, entering lands,securing pre emptions, and eutriea Baade by military land war rants. RUBY Ac CALLENDER, MANUFACTURER OF LIME. Shukopee, Minnesota. “ I*. T. BRADLEY, MANUFACTURER AND DKAIJuR IN AIJ. KINDS OF SAD DLE*, HARNESS, UKJItI.ES, COLLARS, VALISES, Ac. Keeps constantly on band all kind, of 1-eather; Oak and Hemlock Sole, Band, Bellows, Ac tie. St. Anthony street. EL Paul, Minnesota. may $. 1 TBAVIS aoaSEB. M. L. OLDS BOBBER A OLDS, ATTORNEYS and COUNWFI.I.fTRs AT I.AW. Office in the Secretary’* Room In (he Capitol at Mt.J’aul, M. T Am ill. A «. T. HAVEN, ATTORNEYS AM) COUNSELORS AT LAW, Has tings, Minnesota Territory. sept'Jl wtf Uli. J. H. DAY, WILL practice his profession in Saint Paul and viclni ty. Office on Heuch street. C. HAMILTON *Co^ BOOKSELLERS A STATIONERS. No. 3 Winslow House, corner of Eagle and Fort streets. j7cTdo u\ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Hantinyt, NinnestCa Territory, WILL attend tin- Courts iulhikota. Goodhue. Houston and Fillmore Counties, in JJinne-o.a, and l’ierc County. Wis.-onsin. sept2l’s4-w.v HENK Y iMWUR FANCY DRY GOODS MERCHANT, Daguerrean Building, Third street, near Cedar, St. Paul, Minnesota. WAKEFIELD Ac BROUN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Holmes street, opposite the Wasson House, Shakopee, Scott County, Miuueaota Territory—will give prompt attention to the buainess of their profession in this and adjoining counties. Claims bought and sold, infor mation furnished with reference to titles free of charge. J. a. Wakefield. [nov23wlv] l. n. drown. PALMEH A HAYWARD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Office No. 1. Empire Block, St. Saul, Minnesota. Referenres: Ex President Fillmore, Buffalo. N. Y, Ex-Gov. Win. A. Palmer, DanvTle, Vt. Gov. W. A. Gorman, St. Paul, M.T. lion. Hiram K. Jerome, Rochester, X. Y. Hon. P. A. Smalley. Burlington, Vt. Messrs. Kent, Eaton & Kent, New York City. HIW.tR!> C. I'.W.MKK. WII.WR X. HAYWARD. iJvrstott, SZAfstonsiti. A. C. MORTO.V, Prescott, Wis.—cor. Broadway and Kenni.'sintck sis. HAS on hand, and for snlc, at a moderate advance on cost, a general assortment of DRY GOODS , GROCERIES AMD PROVISIONS. Also, a large supply of RBADV-M*Db Clothing, Heavy Woolen Blankets, Booth and Shoes, Heavy Flannels, Over and Under Shiuts. Salt, Pork, Msckerel, White Fish, Ac.—Shingles, Lumber, Lath, Ac., besides every other article usually found in a Grocery aud Dry Goods Store. Call and see. Prescoi i, Dec. 15, 1653. 35-1 v ' SAW MILL. fllllE subscribers hav'itg leased ami thoroughly re* M. paired the Saw Mill on the Kennikiiiiek, known as Code’s Mill, are now prepared to furnish Lumber of auy dese ip'ion at the shortest notice. Sh'ngles, Lath t.nd l'lcstvs, always on hand. Custom Sawing done on .he most reasonable terms. Those in want of Lumber lot building or fencing pur poses, will tii>d it tu their advantage twgivs esa call be fore put chasing elsewhere. ASA P. MANNING, ISAAC N.HO'.UEN. Prcscoii, Dee. 1. JS~". 85-iy. ‘ PIILBCOTT LAND OFFICE. I*. V. AVI.SE, GENERAL LAND AGENT AND DEALER IN REAL ESTATE. LANDS EnUred, Land Warrant* located, Taxes paid, Interest paid on State hind., 4-c. Township Plat* •or sale, I antis selected, anti eveivtuing co mected w ith the Land business tione [t.'ttutpt I IT r Address l'rescott, Pierce eneiity, Wisco sepi 2' 1 v nn *• SAW MIL.L.. THE subscribers having leased and thoroughly re paired the Saw Mill on the Kennikiiiiek, known as Cove’s Mill, are now prepared to furnish Lumber of any description at the shortest notice. Shingles, Lath and Pickets always on hand. Custom Sawing done on the must reasonable term*. Those in want of Lumber for building or feuciiig purposes, will find it to their ad vantage to give us a call before puicliiuing elsewhere. ASA P. MANNING, ISAAC N. HOLDEN. Prescot;, Dec. 1. 1351. 35<y. J. R. FRKE.VIAXr^ DEALER in Dry Goods, Groceries,Hardware, Cutle ry, Fancy Goods, etc. A complete assortment on hand at all limes, and very cheap for Cn»h. P.-es- ott. 1)> c. C, 1853.-' t-’y JOHN GAUMO j, CABINET MAKER, PAINTER AND GLAZIER, I’BKSCOTT, Wisconlin. ALL work done at short notice and very cheap for rash. Prescott, Dec. 5, 1853. 35-ly SAINT LOUIS HOTEL, BETWEEN Fort Snelling and Minnehalut Falls will be opened June tith, 1854. J. NEW EI.L, Proprietor. St. Panl. Mav 31. 1854. Sm JAO. MASTERS, BOARDING HOUSE, in building formerly occupied by G. H. Spencer. E<q., Traversedes Sioux, Minnesota. Stillrouter Business (jarfos. 4BUA.It VAN VOUHLS, ATTORNEY and COl NSELUIR AT LAW and SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Stillwater. Will attend to all business entrusted to his care. SEKIUN, llt KILLAS A LEWIS. ATTORNEY* AT LAW and JsOLICITOKB IN CHANCERY, Office* at Stillwater, aud at Hudson, SL Croix County, Wisconsin. THEODORE E. PARKER, ATTORNEY and COCNSKI.I/lR AT I.AW. Stillwater. M.T. CURTIS 4.GILFILLAN, ATTORNEYS ami COUNSEIJAIBS AT LAW, Stillwater J. MOWRON. NOTARY PUBLIC and LAND AGK-NT, Hudson, St. Croix County, Wi*. Pre-emption claim* secured, ard entries Bit* by Military I*tml Warrant*. Man* t> -ds and Mortgagjes constantly on hand, and conveyances care fully and promptly attended to. THENJTABIIN ALLEN, ATTORNEY A LAW, Hudaon, St. Croix County, Wt*. NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY! FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION. rpHE subscriber take* pleasure in inviting the attention 1 of the citizens of fft. Paul and sunroand ing country to hi* new estahlishiuent, located on the CORNER OF ROBERTS AND FOURTH STREETS. He ha* just opened the above estabiirhreent with a rick and well selected stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Of the very best and finest manufacture and latest style, made expressly for this market, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A very fuU supply of BOY’S CLOTHING, a Hats, cap*, shirts, collars, gloves, cravat*, undershirts ■oek*. etc., etc. A splendid assirtment of TRUNKS, INDIA RUBBER AND OIL CLOTH CLOTHING, Having partners in the East who buy directly from im- he is enabled to sell at the lowest New York Gash Price*. i rail * B T >Sk CLOTHING STORE, - . Oomer Roberta and Fourth sheets. Hl* terms are Ca»b -qq ... M. SCfIWARTZENBERG. Oot. 18, 188. H ' oetjS-dtf, CHAMBLIN le MORGAN. A WARE that * hainbug” |. „ e order af the -fi \* SL *« Pterea )*el*im any In gallon to tmpota upon tha pabllc la announcing that they are offering their present stock of Staple and Fan ey Dry Goods, Clothing, Hnta, Caps, Boots and Bkon, Ac., at greatly redoeed price*, preparatory to the open In* of the “Spring Campaign. 44 With an assortment yet upfcfofcfcp. thpv can *vpply the wants of the pnolic, for ah j gopifs in fftetr line and ate determined to “let slide.'’ -They will offbr inducements to merchants wishing to replenish their stock a* they intend to devote particular attention to the Jobbing Department. Can at their Btdre on Third *trpet, between Robert and Jackson street*, and be convinced. fob 3 43-tf CAM. SAINT PAUL, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1854. fitilison. st* mm awtp. MINNESOTA RIVER OUTFIT! WHOLES ALK III) RETAIL. 7’fthd Street, between Roberta and Minnesota. B PRESLEY, has just returned from bnh>w with *n 4 ntnuivt assortment of Groceries and Provisions, and also a targe stock of Fancy Articles to be exhibited in the Fancy store, Xext door, and ready foi vale. His Groceries and Provisions consist in part of the fol lowing, vis: BAOflFf. XOLAARB. 5 lihdscountry Hams, 10 brls Belch’s AH in hf* and 5 4 sugar cured do. quarters, 4 *• shoulders, 5 “ Golden syrup, 3 “ clear sides, UD kegs do. 3 casks do. Beef. pip h. tkas. 2 casks Codfish, 6 eliests Y. Hyson, 20 brls Mackerel, in hf* and A “ Imperial, qrs, Nos. 1,2, and 3; 5 “ Gunpowder, 5 brls Herring; Also, a variety of H lb, 1 3 “ fresh cove Oysters: lb, 2,3, and 6 lb. boxes. 20 doc. small box sardines. comas. I’Kixtatv m in uuow. 20 sacks Rio, Peaches, Qaineea, Pears; 10 14 Government Java, strawberry, Raspberry and A “ latguayra. Currant Jelly; M’UiKS. Pickles of all kinds. 12 hhds New Orleans, ca.nouoi and soap. 3 hhds prime, do. Fifty boxes star Candles; 50 bis of A and B clarified, “ “ S pressed do; 10 44 crystalizod, 2 boxes solar sperm. 10 “ crushed, pork and Kioto. 10 “ powdered, Fifty brls Mess Pork; 6 “ loaf. “ “ Jasper Mill Flour; 41 44 Sinsinawa do. MISCELLANEOUS FAMILY GROCERIES. Hominy. Corn meal. Rice, Beans, bag salt, box do, sale ratus, soda ami acid, Yeast powders. Chocolate, Cocoa and Broma, Corn starch, ess. Coffee, ground Coffee, Matches Brooms, Brushes and Mops with handles, Clothes Lines, Bed Cords, stove Blacking and Lamp Wicking, Cider Vine gar. Dried apples and Peaches, Buckwheat Flour and Rye do. Pepper sauce. Walnut Catsup, Tomato do, and Lemon syrup. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Paiuted Tubs, Cedar do; Indies’ Rolling Pins and Zinc Washboards, Dippers; Knife Trays; Dipjwrs, Keelers; Potato Mashing Boxes; Chopping Travs and Bowls; Buckets, Axe-helves: Spoons, Butter-knives; Market Baskets; Clothe* Basket*. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. We always have the largest ami best stock, which ena bles us to sell lower than auy one else in the city. In one word—my stock includes everything in the Gro cery line, which will be sold cheaper than tlic cheapest, ami 1 respectfully inform all my friends and the public generally that whatever they may wish in my line of busi ness can be obtained either at wholesale or retail. B. PRESLEY, St. Paul, May 20, 1954. d-tf J E WETT Ac R O OT* S " Stores! AT WHOLESALE AT CHICAGO AND BUFFALO. JEWETT & ROOT have erected at Chicago, a Ware house for a Stove Depot, and ojiened an office and sample room w ith Messrs. J. K. Hotsforil & Co., No. 209, 1-ake street, and will henceforth keep on hand at Chicago, a heavy stock of stoves to accommodate the trade of the Great West. The advantages of this arrangement will be at once apparent, and we invite special attention to its conveniences. For extent and variety of beautiful and original designs, for durability, usefulness and economy, our assortment is not excelled by that of any establishment in the United states. Our facilities hare been very largely increased during the past year. We offer to the trade upon the most liberal terms— -3 sizes Western .'-'tar new elevated oven. 3 4 “ May (jueen 44 44 44 4 44 Eagle, Air Tight. 4 44 Clipper 44 4 44 Prairie Flower 44 3 44 Express 44 4 44 Premium 44 4 44 Huiokc burner, new cook stove for hitnminous coal 2 44 Parlor Oven—lias boiling and bakiug facilities. 1 44 Jewett A: Root’ new Hotel stove. 4 44 Belle Air Tight Parlor, for wood. 3 4 * Casket 44 oval shape, opentopand cast iron. 2 44 Cottage Parlor, sheet iron, upper sec. open top. 2 44 44 44 44 44 witli ovens. 4 *• Pearl, top and bases sheet iron, open top. 1 44 new Regulator* for sheet iron stoves 50c. each. 8 44 Jewett A: Root’s Folding Door, for wood 8 44 Diadem, a new Franklin, for coal 3 44 44 44 44 44 wood 2 44 Franklin, round hack, for any kind of coal 3 44 Dwarf, a small cook stove for coal 7 44 Jewett & Root’* Dining Room, with oven 7 44 Oval six plate Air Tight, a new stove 2 44 Oval Dining Room, with oven 7 44 Jew ett ti R< sit’s celebrated plate stoves 4 44 Ektra heavy plate stoves for wood 3 44 Jewett A: Root's King coal burners for hard coal 3 44 44 44 celebrated gas burner coal stove 1 44 Furnace Flat Heater* 2 44 Potash Kettles, w ith and without Flanges 3 44 Cauldron Kettles 8. 5. and 3 pail Kettle* Those who prefer buying at Chicago, will order from us at Chicago. Those who prefer buying at Buffalo will o r der from us at Buffalo. JEWETT At ROOT. August 15, 1854—<13m. STRANGE, SURPASSING STRANGE! THAT Groceries can be *old so cheap. Great inducements are held out to persons wish ing Family Groceries, at my old stand, as I am deter mined to make room for my apring stock. J. W. DOWNER, FIRE! FIRE 11 FIRE 111 TIE “Old iEtua” continues to dispense “aid and com fort” to the unfortunate, a* usual, at the St. auag* rn.yc RICH’S SALAMANDER SAFES. WILDER’S PATENT. A Large assortment of Safes, of various sizes and patterns, with and without powder proof locks; for sale at the Depot, 146 Water street, New York. Burglar-proof Bank Vaults, and Vault Doors made to order. STEARNS te MARTIN, (late Roff, Stearns A Co., successors to Rich Ac C 0.,) 146 Water st. and corn er of of Avenue A and St. Mark’s Place, N. Y., sole pro prietors of Rich’s Patent, and the only makers of Sala mander Safes, combining Wilder and Rich’s patents. S WM. CONSTANT tf CO., Nov. 18,1853—tf Agent*, St. PauL FORRES * KITTSON, JOBBERS IN INDIAN GOODS AND DOMESTICS. HAVE on hand a large assortment of Indian Goods, which they offer to the trade on reasonable terms — also Family Groceries, among which are an assortment of Fruits, fresh and preserved, Fresh peaches in caus. Star Candles, Fresh Quinces, Tallow do 1 “reserve Peaches, Soap, Currant Jelly, do Fancy, Currant Jam, Hams. lie Fruit, Teas of all kinds, Date*, Citrons, Fig*, kjugere, Raisins, Spices, do Crushed, in ‘{barrels, Assorted Extracts, Coffee, Spanish Olives, Lard, Lard 00, Prunes, Butter, Catsup, Lobsters, Sardines, Oysters, And everything required for family "use, all of which will be sold Low. STONE STORE CORNER THIRD k ROBERTS STREET. St. Panl, Sept. 11. s*pt2l-oi' RASH, DOOR, AN® BLIND FACTORY. THE undersigned respectfuilly informs the public that he has fitted up an establishment on the corner of Fourth and St. Peters streets in the rear of the Presby terian Church, for the manufacture of sash, doors and bunds. He will at all limes keep on hand the largest and best assortment of »U work In hi* line to be found in Minne sota. Orders promptly 611 ed at the shortest notice, on reasonable terms. The attention of the public is called to an examination or hit work and prices. N« B.—All orders from the country promptly attended to. N. GROSE. St. PauL Angus 17, 1854. aug 19-dtf POffPDf POOT AND SH»£ STORE* WOOD & MORSE, WHOLESALE and Retail dealer* ta Bool*, At toes. Rubber*, Buffalo Overshoes, Ac., Ac., would re spectfully gnppunce to the cjtuena of Minneeot* that they fyayp on Which will he sold cheap for Mack ta of Dm genuine Massachusetts make, WIUPMUed to give satis. City and country dealer* will find M for their interest to give q* a gall before purchasing elsewhere. Store pit Third, near Coder street. »t. Paul, Nov. 81, 1854-4lf WOOD A NORMS. cmfflK - A LAHGR and beautiful assortment for gal* low by Nov- 30,1654id1f HAUL and checker BOARDS. LARGE assortment for sale by Nnn, 30,1854-dtf DAHL. T. WAEENTOiEB T VALKNTTNKS ! HE best and most beamiAil assortment ia Minneao- Jinl* ■* •*» Che «P Rooks tore of Nov. 30,1854-dtf WM. St. Dattl airh’lß. C ST. PAU|* BAKERVi * W. BATES, keep constantly oa hand a good • assortment bf Bread, Cakes, Crackers and Can dle*, of all kinds; a variety ef nut*, plea, beer, Ac. Also, just rac'd a fresh lot of Groceries, all of which will be cold cheap for caeh, nt the old etand on Third Street, Lowe* Town. at Paul, Jtnte », 1853 \ y cHaile* « nonVP. cmaeles h. oaksa BOR UP Ac OAKES, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE DEALERS, BAIMT PAUL, MINNESOTA. TYKE the liberty to inform the merchant* and other business men of the Territory, that they have ately formed such basincss connection* in the priaci al cities of the East and South as to be able to afford heat all usual BANKING FACILITIES. They will receive current bank notes on deposit, for whioh they will giv* their certificates payable in like funds, or ia coin or exchange on the East at cur rant rates. EXCHANGE ON THE EAST, SOUTH AND EUROPE. BOUGHT AND SOLD. Collection* promptly attended to and proceed* for warded, less exchange. Land Warrant» Bought and Sold. Uncurren t hank note* taken at highest rate*. [4O-6m NOTICE. SELLING OFF AT CASH. TIE subscriber* offer their stock cheap for cash at the following rates: Golden Syrup at 90 cents per gallon; St. Louis S H Molasses 65 cents per gallons Butter at 18 cents per lb; Sugar cured Hams at 13 rents per ]b: do $d 12 1-3 do Sides, 10 do Shoulders, 9 do Rice, 8 do Good Barley, 10 do Soap, Candies, Salt, Ac. DRESSLER A GEORGII, March Btb, 1854. 47 tf Upper Landing J. McMAIION HOLLAND, Attorney and Counsellor at Lam and Solicitor in Chancery. SHAKOPEE,SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA MINNESOTA KEFEBENCEB. Gov. W. A. Gorman, 1 J. Travis Rosser, Esq.’ Sec. Min. Ter., ] Capt. J. H. Simpson, U. S. Top. Eng’ra. > St. Paul. A. J. Morgan, Esq., Pioneer Office, ] D. A. Robertson, Esq.,’ J Hon. H. H. Sibley, Mendota. MARYLAND BEFEOENCE*. Gov. E. Louis Lowe, 1 T. 11. O’Neal, Esq., Secretary of State J Judges Legrand, Tuck and Ecleston of J Annapolis Supreme Court of Maryland, | Hon. Alexander Randall, I John V. L. McMahon, Esq., Baltimore,Md. MINNESOTA LEATHER STORE, At the Old Stand of E. A. Colli,is fy Co., opposite the Rice House, St. Paul. PT. BRA DL.EY', dealer in Saddles, Harness, • Trunks and Saddlery Hardware, Saddle Trees, Skirting, Harness and Patent Leather, Calf Seating, Bag and Top Leather; Carriage Trimmings, Saddlers’ Silk; Bellows and Band Leather. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS’ STOCK. Hemlock tanned Sole Leather; Oak tanned Sole and Upper Leather; Kip and Calf Skins; French, German, Philadelphia and Cincinnati Calf Skins; all kinds of Ladies and Gentlemen's Morocco, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink and White Linings; best Goat, Buck and Sheep Binding; Boot and Shoe Findings; Boot Trees, Lasts, Crimp Boards, Pegs of all sixes; Shoe Thread, all kind* Iron, Zinc and Copper Nails. CARRIAGE TRIMMING, Executed st the shortest notice and in workmanlike ninnner. Country orders particularly attended to. EJrThe highest market price in Cash paid at all times for Beef Hides, Sheep aud Deer Skius. P. T. BRADLEY. June 9, 1853 Stf TRUMAN M. SMITH, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Collector and General Agent. HAS removed his office to the Brick Block opposite the Post Office, corner of Third and Minnesota streets, where he will be found ready to attend to the collection of debts, purchasing and selling real estate, payment of taxes, locating Land Warrants, Ac. Hav ing been in the business for some time past, and being provided with maps of all the surveyed portion of the Territory and of the cities on the St. Peters, he flatters himself that he wilj be able to give satisfac tion to all who may give him a call. N, B. Town Lots in St. Paul, St. Anthony and all the towns on the St. Peters for sale at reasonable prices. Also, Farms in the country, with or without improve ments. St. Paul, June 2, 1853.—7tf. J. A. M. HOIMNGTON, BOOK-BINDER, third story of B. Presley’s Brick House. Third street, will attend to all business in liis liDe with which he may be entrusted. Books, Magazines and Periodicals bound in any style, Old Books rebound and Music bound in QUICK time, for the Ladies. Faint Paul, Oct. 2. octSdtf Have you good Understanding ! L MARVIN, invites the public to examine the # best stock of materials in his line, that has ever been seen in the Territory. He challenges either side ol the Atlantic to produce a better quality of French Calf Skins, specially adapted for the winter season. On hand, also, Ladies’ fine custom made shoes and gaiters. Also, Gentlemen’s Calf and Kip Boots, the best that can be made. You know the stand—Third street, near Roberts street. SaiutPaul, November. 1851. 81 MARBLE WORKS. The undersigned has been appoin ted agent fer Kent A Fuller's celebrated marble maunfuctory. w uerebv he is enabled to fill all orders for Grave Stones.Monuineirts. Rusts and Mantles, at the regu lar St. Louis prices. Call and sec specimens. W. S. COMBS, May ICtf. —. Near American House Miscellaneous books.—a large assortment late publications, among which is the lamplighter. Autobiography of an Actress, Life in the Mission, Frank Forrester’s Field Sports, “ “ Fi*U and Fishing. Shady Side, And many other papular Books for sale cheap. for cash, v W. S. COMBS. BY EXPRESS. Mathematical instrumeui*, vellum cfoth Poe’s Complete Works, ~ . Hood’s 44 *• Almanacs for 1854, New Novels, at COMBS’ Bookstore. FOB THE LADIES. RB. HAI.I. S New Household Receipts, “ “ New Cook Book, Mrs. Leslie,s Complete Cookery, “ 14 New Receipt for Cooking, u _ ... C. HAMILTON k CO., June 30-dtf No. 3, Winslow House L m NEW BOOKS. ' ~ IFE and Barings of Mrs. Partington, Husli Times of the Mississippi Russia A* It Is, Africa and tbs American Flag. , C. HAMILTON k CO., _Junc 30-dtf No. 3> Winslow House JTO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. UST received all sixes ol Whatman’s Drawing Paper II fine setU Mathematical Instruments. ‘ ■loan’s Model Architecture, 2 Vol’s. Beniamin’s Architect, Modern Builder's Guide, ?v'VL®J1 n r, thi l’ r „ m,6<tod tbOTa - for «ele cheap for cash at 8 iv>nk near the American House. june 12 Hav* ( r * co. AYE just received a large assortment of Miscellane ous Books, and all the latest publications, and iu vHe their friends and the politic generally to take a look „ he ■*?* i»t the PIONEER B< lOKSTORE. Pep. 1-dtf Opposite the Tost Offiee. mumc ! music 11 NEW and splendid assortment of SHEET MU9IC, just opened and for sale by £. HOWITZ k CO., Rep. 1-dtf Opposite the Post Office “ HOMES OF THE NEW W OHW BY MUt> Fredenka Bremer, for sale at - E. HOWITZ k CO.’S, Sep. 1-dtf Opposite the Foot Offiee. A BY EXPRESS I NEW supply of 44 Fashion and Famine Nolte’s Fifty Year* in Beth Hemisphere* ; Edgar A.Poe’s Works ; Vellum Cloth, Copying Boohs and Brushes at COMBS’ Bookstore, oct3stf feag 0* American House, St. sa«! aivtß. HUBRAH FOR THE RED KANE, Mmam hf&tStsA' heksotCs RED LINE COACHES with the best of teams and careful driven are now upon the road between St. Paul and Bt. Anthony, ready to accommodate Ibe pub lic on all occasion They have a large and excellent Livery Stock, several new and elegant Carriages ami Barouches; also new Harness and Horse Furnishings, and equipages of the most elegant description. P. 4c 3., in returning thanks to the public for Lbe lib eral patronage heretofore bestowed upon them,take pleasure in stating that they have just received, in ad dition to their former extensive stock, several young, elegant, and J WELL BROKE HORSES. specimens of stock that have never been equalled in the Territory. Their present stock needs but to be seen to be admired and approved by a discriminating public. Will our friends and the public remember, that at the Livery Stable in the rear of the American House, at the upper end of Saint Paul, they can at all hours, have such conveyance by land, on wheals or on horseback, as (hey may desire. PATTISON 4c REN RON. St. Haul, June 90, 1853. ly Whole attic and Retail Grocery aud Provision Store. > THE RICE HOUSE AGAIN IN MOTION .* TUI, LIS, LIVINGSTON 4c CO., have just received from the East and South, a large and general aat aortment of Groceries and Provisions,consisting in uar of the following: * * 25 hogsheads No. 8 clarified Sugar. 85 Crushed and Powdered 44 40 bbia. Molasses and Syrup. 50 boxes Cheese W. R. 5 drums Codfish. 15 bbls. Mackerel. 30 chests Teas, assorted. 50 boxes Soap. • 20 kegs Tobacco, assorted. 5 casks Dried Beef. 20 44 Hams and Shoulders, 10 44 Clear Sides. 100 bbls. Mess Pork. 100 kegs Pigs Feet. 10 hags Coffee. SO boxes candles ttar and Tallow. All those wishing to purchase fresh goods, and at fail pricea, will please give us a call, as our stock will be constantly replenished during the season. St. Paul, April 21at, 1854. 2_tf PATENT DIAMOND PRINTING PRESS. THE attention of Printers is respectfully called to tlie examination of a Xew Hand Printing Pres*, recently patented by Dr. J. I.kwis. of Buffalo, New York, la pre senting tliis Press to the Trade, we rely entirely upon its merits as a cheap and desirable article, combining in a small space, all the requisites of a I'rinting Press. The tact that Printers have long desired a Press which could be afforded at a low price, has been the main in ducement in getting this up; ami although not a Machine Press, yet work can be done well and expeditiously by a boy. The platen acts the same as a tympan on the or dinary hand press, being hung on hinges, and balanced with spiral springs, and when down upon tiie form, the power is given by pressing down upon the lever. Tin rolling of the form under the platen being entirely dis pensed with. These Presses are set up ready for use, and can be sent to any part of of the country, with less expense than any other Press, being less in (ire and weight. We are now making three sizes, the smallest of which will make 500 impressions per hour, on cards and other soiall work for which it is designed. MUCKS, WEIGHT AXT> SIZE. PLATEN. BED. WEIGHT. PRICE. Half Cap,... 9hx lS 10*4x14 120 SSO Cap 14xl« 17x19 245 75 I/ing Med. or Proof. 9)*x 24 They arc made entirely of Iron, and warranted. M. W. CHASE ft CO., Manufacturers atul Sole Proprietors, Office No. 5 Past Swan street, Buffalo, New York. Wells ft Webb, Agents for New York. Messrs. E. S. GOODRICH & CO., at the I'ioxeek Office at Saint Paul, are Agents for these Presses, and will re ceive orders for them at manufacturers prices, adding transportation. One of them can constantly lie seen in ojieration at the Pioseek Office. We recommend them, after full trial of tlicir capacity for good work and speed, june 29-dtf E. S. GOODRICH A CO. Ofiftaso. BI BWELL A. POWERS, MERCHANT TAILORS, AND DEALERS IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, A'o. 7 Tremnnt Buildings , JteartKirn Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. MESSRS. BUHWELL& POWERS, respectfully invite the attention of gentlemen travelling hi the Northwest, as well as those residingin Minne- (lA sota, to their complete and elegant assortment - f »D GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. The largest and most tasteful selection of the finest French, English, German and American clothing studs will bo kept constantly on hand, as it is the design of tho proprietors to sustain the reputation of their establish ment as the Great Western Emporium of Fashion. Gen tlemen can leave measures with us, and have their orders filled at any time, in the most fashionable styles. Strang ers visiting Chicago are invited to examino our elegant stock, at No. ■J, Fremont Buildings. Dear bon street. H. BUR WELL, Chicago; June 21 -tf 8. A. POWERS, Cleveland, O. General Comniwlon and Advertising Agency. CHARLEs"wOOLLETT, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. r Mercantile Men, Farmers, and others having busi ness in this city:— I respectfully announce my intention to establish myself permanently, in the above business, in thin city, and offer my services to effect sales of Produce, purchases of Mer chandise, Lumber. Ac., on Commission, together with any business which rcxuircs personal attention, for which an experience of over seventeen years, in active mercantile pursuits and a thorough knowledge of the city trade, has qualified me to effect, on the moat advantrgeon* terms, thereby frequetly obviating the incoveqience and expense of leaving home and bunltiesa. Hoping to be favored with your commands, trusting that this introduction may lead to transactions, extensive nnd mutually beneficial, and as suring you of my best efforts in your behalf, I am truly your*, chas. wollett. Rhhm to AM. W. Kennedyi E. B. Williams, W. Way man. M. 1.. Keith, A. H. Blackall. Esq., John Rogers, Esq., H. Frink. Esq., Inssra. Mugent A Pa nes, C. 11. ft L. JLAIXIN, PAPER COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND MANUFAC TURERS AGENTS, 175 South. Water Strati, Chicago, Itlinnii. A GENTS for Laflin Brothers laid and Wave Letter, Cap, jx. Flat-Cap. Medium, Demi and other Papers; Crane A Co/s Superior Colored Medium, Bond, Tissue and Envelop* Papers ; Smith A Peter’s Printer's Cards and Card Board; Loomis ft Co’s Domestic and Imported Cigars; Thomas C. Miller A Co’s Tobaccos; Westfield Whips and Lashes; Laflin ft Smith’s celebrated Gun Powder and Safety Fuse, ftc. pally Line OF STAGE COACHES BT. PAUL AmTsTILLWATEB. ■YT7TT.J. leave St. Taut every mornfng at 9 a. w., and on W the arrrival of the St. Anthony Falls stage. Will leave StiUwater every morning at 7a. and ar rive in time to connect with RL Anthony rail* stage. STILLWATER AND TAYLOR’S FALLS. W|U Ware gtilhrater on TutTfcurmlay* and Sat urday* at 7a. *•» *nd rtturn alternate day*, uraays, *** *£ pACL SHAKOPF-E. Will leeve St. r*«l every Monday, Wednesday, end Fnday, returning alternate days. .... rassanger* will be called for at the principal IIo te" I. POWERS,Proprietor. August 8, 1854. _ d-tf vug 11 MABKLEY ft KEBN, HAVE received their tall end winter stuck of Herd ware. Tools, Cutlery, TTated Ware, Saddlery, Whips Churns, Can Shelves, Straw Cutters, and all kinds of House Furniture and Furnishing Goods. No. 1 Empire Week below the American Bowse. St. Paul, t'ept. 25, 1854 ueiffltf (A TITHE KNOUT and the Roestans,” stft X E.HOWITZ ft CO.'S, Pep. 1 -dtf T Opposite the Post Office TTTAH and the Mormons, hy Ferris, Into Secrotary ot IJ Utah Territory, just received and fur sale at Sep. 1-dtf E. HOWITA ft CO.’S Bookstore. Boy • l-Att Opposite the Post Office. jFottoarhCnß. A. C. BURBANK Ac (B, £*TORAGE, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Grocers and Dealers ia Grain and Provision* Wharf Boat St. Paul, Miu. J. C. BURBANK. C. T- WHITNEY. Shippers and Consignees will find It to their Interest ta do business with us, as the expense ol Label sad DruV ag* is saved. . REFERENCES Gov. W. A. Gorman, Henry M. Rice, W. 11. Marshall; A Co. ( Bt * P *“ 4 Alex. Wilkin. * U. 11. Campbell, A Co. . Gao. W. Campbell, A Cs»f r ■ Lor rain, A Co,, 4 Galea*. R. 8. Harris, if Co. * Otis West, . B. P. Buss, J «»- Eouio. Charles Scudder, A Co., ) „ Manning A Blanwood. J Mark Packages care B. AC. Wharf Beat At. Paul Mir.nesota. Ht. Paul, May 1„ 1854. i. W. BASH. THKODOa BOHC pi I. I. IHiNrUS. BANS BOKIP Ac CO„ storage, Forwarding and commission mer chants, AND GENERAL STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Levee, Opposite Steamboat Landing, St. Paul, Min RkrEBUKL-Es.—p. Chouteau, Jr. A C«,, New York; D. A J. W. Banning, Cincinnati; Riggs A Levering, St. I.ouis; P. Chouteau, Jr. k Co., At. Louis; Chouteau A Valle, St. Louis; Buford Brothers, Rock Island; H. H. Sibley, Mendota; Livingston A Fargo, Buffalo; Do!*, Rum,ey tf Co., Chicago; Geo. Smith, Chicago; James Carter A Co., Galena; B. H. Campbell A Co., GalenUt H- F. McCloskey, Galena; Franklin Ktaele, Fort Knell ing; Borup tf Oakes, St. Paul t_/' Liberal advaures made on consignments—Mark packages “Care 8., B. tf Vo., At. Paul, M. T.” St. Paul, April llth, 1854. I—tf EhTAHLiIHIED IN 18(1.' " NORTH-WESTERN EXPRESS COMPANY. COXNIXTING with the American Express Company, 4a all the principal points In the Canada and Europe. The cheapest and safest way of transporting light and valuable Goods—Specie and Rank Notes. Particular attention paid to the collection of Notes, Bills, Drafts and Accounts, Purchase and Sale of Merchandize. LOST FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE tooked up and delivered to owners, kc. Messengers—Semi Weekly. J. C. BURBANK k CO., St. Paul, May 18, *54. Propreton. SAINT PAUL AUCTION BOOHS. * FRANK. E. COLLINS. AUCTIONEER APPOINTED lIY LAW FOR THE TER RITORY OF MINNESOTA, RBSPECTFUIXY iiifirms his friends that his arrange ments for the transaction of his business tit all its branches are complete. REGULAR SALE DAYS For different kind* of Merchandize, tdock, Ac., will b# held, in future, on stated days, his increasing business having made this absolutely necessary. SALKS FROM THE SHELVES Will, therefore, be held every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday evenings. FURNITURE SALES Will be held every Wednesday and Saturday, either in thn day or evening as may be announced. HORSES, CATTLE, HARNESS, ETC., Willi Stock of every description, will be sold each Satur day morning, at 10 o’clook. Great attention w ill be givea to this ;>articular branch, and it is confidently believed that troiu the arrangements made, great inducements will be offered, as well to those who have occasion to *#ll, AS to those who hav« occasion to buy. CARRIAGES Of every description will be sold, and those having vehi cle* to dispose of are in vited to send them along early. REAL ESTATE Will he disposed of on the most reasonable terms. BOOKS At STATIONERY Will be offered frequently at announcement, and in tha miscellaneous sales. No pains, attention or exertion will be snared to glva entire satisfaction to all who may confide tneir property to his hands, and purchasers may rest assured that on na account will a folse representation l*e made to them. Liberal advances made, and Uonsit'rinienfs respectful y solicited. Sales made quickly, and proceeds acuouuted for without delay, AH persons having goods to dispose# are invited to send them ti> the OLD PIONEER AUCTION STOKE, In the Brick Building on Third near Minnesota street. MISCELLANKOUS SAI .KB Held every evening at early candlo-liglit. AT PRIVATE SALKS Bargains can be had at all times. Call and see FRANK. E. COLLIN®, St. I aul. Sept- 9, 1854. tf Tsrritqrial Auct'nr. THE ELYSIUM. ~ "* BY CHRISTIAN SUTTLER, Grocery Merchant, Port tirert. Saint Paul, Minn. Terr., KEF.I’B constantly on hand a general assortment of Groceries. Also, Holland Herring, Swiss Cheese, Oysters, Sardines, together with all tlie luxuries of tit* season, all of which he sells cheap for cash. Oct. 25, 1854 <l3iii* „ „ p. s. DRUM. Main Street, Opposite Galena Hotel. MANUFACTURE and keep constantly on hand a complete assortment of fancy and Wiudsor Chaira Also, Bureaus, Tables, Blands, Writing Desks, Looking Glasses, Bedsteads, Ac., Ac. Persons wishing to pur chase will do well to call before they buy elsewhere, an we are prepared to sell a good article, and as our terma are invariably cash, we can afford to aell an cheap, or cheaper, than any other in tlie city. A reasonable do duction made to persons buying to aell again. AII order* from a distance punctually attended to. Galena, May, 1851. 9.4 y A MBROV OYSTERfL ' * A superior lot ofitobiusou ft Menu’s Aabro; Oyster in calls, and for sale by W. CONSTANP, Levee, Lower Town. April lj, 1854. 1 dtf WALL PAPER AND SHADES. 2' AAA rolls latest styles, received by Galena. svUv Persons having rooms to paper would on wolf to call early. octl3dtf W. DAHL GUOVELAMB GARDEN AND RtIKSEBY, BETWEEN ST. PAUL AND ST. ANTHONY, NEAR THE HALF-WAY HOUSE. lIIIE subscriber, would invite the nficntion ef thane . who wish to set out fruit trees this fall or the en - suing spring, to their slock of trees that have been i growing in this Territory from one to three yearn. In i connection with the Scott Nursery, at Davenport, town. - they are prepared to fill all orders for either standard or dwarf trees, of any and every description, that will be required lor this climate, together with Currants, Gooseberries, Grape Vines, Ac. Also, an) thing in th* , ornamental line, such as Roses, Dahliaa, Phloxes, and the various kinds of floweriug plants usually kept in sui h establishment. Orders are.respectfully solicited from those who wish . to set out lruit trees or embellish their grounds. As wo have not asoflicieat quantity on hand to supply the demand, we hope to receive orders early this fall, so as to make up the deficiency at the nursery at Dav ! enport, where we expect to spend the winter. Order* ntav be addressed to us or left at the store of Mr. J. 6. Fullerton, Si. Paul. L.M. FORD ft CO, St. Paul. Oot. CATIICAWX, tfn 20 Jtfdert Street. Saint Paul, M. T., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN I'fffiDW ANI> DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. tv EEI'B constantly on hand » large and well selected IV stock of fancy and staple Dry Goods, consisting in pari of Brown Sheetings, Shirtings, Stripes, Drilling, Prints, Muslin de Leioes, Lusters, Merinos, Velvets, Ho sierv and Gloves. Silks, etc. A large stock of Carpeting. Druggets, Mattings, and all kinds ol House Furnishings, low for Cam at A. 43 No. 20 Robert srntEET. St Psnl JENNY LIND Ijf ST. PAUL, " BEGS leave to inform the eiUsens of St. Psnl and vicinity, that she has brought to the Bookatorq, corner cf Third and Wabashaw streets, the largest and moatbeautifnl assortment of new Books and Stationery, which will bo sold as usual at low prices. For psrtiru. lars iaqnire at I.EDUC’rt BOOK STORE. iSKTTOtmSKTTr - TW ENTY dozen bottles Ink, of ail tutor., just received and for Rale law by • DAHL. Sept. 30-«et3dst , n N„.A..r ) A Sfe*f?r E ’ ■ U D. NEWELL. Oct. 25.1854-ly , AIL oraaonejr from the East, by express, mill pK*w« direct the sain* U» he marked to the “Care of Burbank ft C»., Galena.’ X V. BUBBANK ft CO!. ang 30-dftwtf Prop’s Northwestern Express Ca. . BEA JAMIY F. FELT, wholesale sttn retail dealer m GROCERIES ft 1 ' MAIN STREET, GALENA, ILL. 19* Will sell at the lowcat cash eetJ.— NO. 182.