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The Billings Gazette. SBE I--aLEEKLY. E. H. BEOKER, Prop. E. L. BOARDMAN, Editor and Manager. Entered at the Billings Postofice as Seoond Class Matter. Subscrtption 1Rates. One year, in advance..............$3.00 So months..................... 1.50 Single copies..................... .05 FRIDAY, MARCH 81, 1899. THE DEMOCRATIC ROW. The real fight for the democratic nomination for the presidency will bi started in New York next month. Col onel Bryan, having refused to attenc the Jeffersonian $10-a-plate banquet of the 'ammany braves, the friends of the boy orator will give a rival banquet at the same time, a $1 affair of the Chi. cago-platform variety. An Associated Press dispatch says Jefferson's birthday will mark the parting of the way for the New York democracy and concludes with this paragraph: The promoters of the dollar banquet were as frank as ever in their declara tions that it would mark the real be ginning of a systematic and organized effort to elect Bryan delegates, or at least a contesting delegation, which would prevent the seating of Richard Croker and his followers in the na tional convention of 1900. Leading democrats all over the coun try are taking sides in this banquet con troversy. Ex-Congressman Outhwaite of Ohio says "it is ridiculous for Mr. Bryan to read democrats out of the party," and also that "the controversy is likely to result in a strong organiza tion of democrats who oppose Bryanism and contest the right to use the name and to be considered the democratic party." J. Sterling Morton of Ne braska declares that Byran "represents the discontent in all parties" and advo cates the organization of a new party, with ex-Senator Edmunds of Vermont, a life-long republican, as the presi dential nominee. And so it goes. The gold democrats are stirred as they have never been stirred before. Led by the powerful Tammany organization, they will endeavor to wrest from Bryan the democratic leadership. They have over a year in which to prepare their plans. In '96 they made the mistake of under estimating the free silver sentiment and were not prepared to resist it at Chicago. Next year they will overes timate the strength of this exploded theory and Bryanism will be but a recollection. But, after all, this democratic row outs very little ice except to depose a few demagogues. It makes no differ ence who the democrats nominate next year as far as results are concerned. The republican party, since the demo crats were deposed, has lifted the coun try from the slough of despondency to its highest plane of prosperity. There is every indication that the prosperity will continue for several years at least. The people are satisfied and want no change. President McKinley, during as trying a period as that of the rebel lion, has gained the complete confi dence of the masses and will succeed himself. Thie democrat who secures the presidential nomination next year will be unfortunate, and from this standpoint, perhaps, it had better be Colonel Bryan than some better man; he has gained notoriety and a fortune through duplicity and can afford to meet with reverses. PROTECTION VS. FREE TRADE. The United States is now the largest exporter in the world. Despite the as sertion that a protective tariff would injure our markets abroad, our expor -tations have gone steadily on, gaining upon those of free-trade Great Britain until we have outstripped her in the race. The exports from the United 'States in 1889 were, for the first time ,in history, greater than the exports from Great Britain, while the growth -of our exports since the adoption of the ,protective tariff has been far greater -than that of the mother country. An examination of the record of the past thirty years-for it would be unfair to include the period of 1861 to 1868, which was so much affected by the civil war-would show that our own exports have more than quadrupled, while those of Great Britain have in creased but about 40 per cent. Our exports of domestic manufactures in 1868 amounted to $269,389,200, and in 1898 to $1,210,991,918. Those of the.-United Kingdom were in 1868, -Y19'6 6l7,0f, and in 1898 . £28,390, 792. Th~t wei should have doubled our axports more than twice during thirty years of practically all protection, while Great Bzitain increased here less th .bif during thirty years of free tde, ought to forever silence those he.ave been asserting that protection fiaeriou to the foreign commerce of i P aepting it. $700,000 PER DAY. The predictions that the Dingley tariff would produce sufficient revenue while it proteoted manufactures are fully justified by the recent record of that act. The average daily receipts from customs during the month of March have been seven hundred thou sand dollars per day, an astonishing sum when compared with the receipts of the last six years under three tariff laws. The average annual expenditure during the five years preceding the be ginning of the war with Spain was one million dollars per day. The general plans of the framers of the revenue leg islation have been to make the cus toms law pay one-half of the running expenses, and this was all that was ex pected of the Dingley act. This plan would require from it onlf $500,000 per day, while as above indicated it has produced during March an average of about $700,000 per day in customs receipts alone. While about 10 per cent of this is from the duty on tea, which was levied as a war measure and was not a part of the Dimgley law, all the remainder is the normal produc tion of that law and shows that the prophecy of its framers, that it would, with the internal revenue law then upon the statute books supply ample revenues for the ordinary expenses of the government, was fully justified. The money in circulation in the United States on March 1, 1899, was $1,928,842,612. On ,July 1, 1896, just before the nomination of Mr. Bryan, it was $1,514,903,142. This shows an increase of $412,939,470 in the thirty two months since that remarkable an nouncement of the democrats at Chi cago that the money of the country could not increase except by free and unlimited coinage of silver. That the money of the country should have in creased more than 27 per cent in thirty two months, in the face of the refusal of the country to accept the financial "expansion" theory of Mr. Bryan and his followers, seems to put them in bad shape for resuming their arguments on this line in 1900. The few democrats and populists who still have the assurance to insist that they see no evidence of improved busi ness conditions would do well to note that Bradstreets'-a journal widely quoted by all silverites in 1896-states that during the single week ending March 18, 1899, the wages of some thing over 25,000 workingmen-factory hands, railroad hands, cotton operat ives, iron workers, etc.-were volun tarily advanced from 5 to 11 per cent. In the preceding week the record was about the same. The farmers continue to be the chief beneficiaries in our wonderful export trade. More than five hundred mil lion dollars' worth of their products were exported in the seven months end ing with January, thus putting into their hands and pockets more money contributed by foreign consumers than in the corresponding months . in any year in our history. Here is a little table which every re publican should paste in his hat and show to those who assert that protec tion is disadvantageous to foreign com merce. Observe the increase in United States trade; then note that of Britain: 1868. 1898. Exports from protec tlive United States.. $269,389,200 $1,210,291,918 Exports from free trade United King dom ....... ....... 179,677,012 £233,390,792 A STUDY ON GREECE. The Literary Department of Womans' Club Holds an Interesting Meeting. The literary department of the Woman's club met with Mrs. H. M. Brayton Tuesday afternoon. There was a good attendance and the meeting was very interesting. The lesson in cluded the following topics: "Early Law Givers of Greece," " Grecian War with Persia," "Supremacy of Athens," and "The Peloponnesian War." Miss Hayden read a paper on "Solon," Miss Panton a paper on "Battle of Mara thon," Mrs. Clament gave an interest ing biography of Xerxes, Mrs. Herford read a sketch of the "Battle of Sa lamis," and Mrs. Donovan read a full account of Pericles and his work. Mrs. Dr. Clark, in telling of the Pelopon nesian war, spoke of Demosthenes and Alcibiades as being two of the noted men during that time. After a thorough discussion of the lesson, the ladies ad journed to meet next Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Rixon. The legislature having failed to pass the bill appropriating money for the purchase of the Allen collection of In dian relics for the state historical so ciety, the librarian of the society has issued an appeal to the pioneers of the state to contribute toward a fund to be used for the purpose of buying the col lection. Those desiring to help out the society are requested to send their sub scriptions to the librarian, Mrs. Laura E. Howey, Helena. Fergus county has a grand jury in session, the principal matter under in vestigation being the murder of Moody at Lewistowr some time ago. NE WAR SECRETARY 9 Assistant Secretary Meikeljohn if Acting, as Such During Alger's Absence. A BANNER MONTH 1 March Will Be Such in Amount of Custom Duties Received-Bryan Belmont Controversy. Alpecial Correspondence of The Gazette. Washington, March 27.-During Sec retary Alger's absence in Cuba, where he has gone partly to inspect the mili tary posts and partly for recreation, As sistant Secretary Meikeljohn will be acting secretary of war. The depart ment had no important news from General Otis last week, but unless the Filipinos respond promptly to the proc lamation of the Philippine commis sion, calling upon them to lay down their arms, there will be important news from him in a few days, as it is known that he has everything ready to make an attack upon the headquarters of Agninaldo. A committee of citizens called on Secretary Long to request that Admiral Dewey be ordered home in time to par ticipate in the big peace jubilee to be held in Washington the latter part of May. Secretary Long told them he would submit their request to President McKinley when he returned to Wash ington, but intimated that, owing to Dewey's being a member of the Philip pine commission, he would be unable to leave his post in time. March promises to be the banner month in the amount of customs duties received under the Dingley tariff, pres epjt estimates being that the receipts will exceed $21,000,000 for the month. Nothing could more certainly indicate the prosperity of the country, as the present high duties make imported goods luxuries, and only prosperous people buy luxuries. Chairman Proctor of the civil service commission is doubtless sorry that he tried to tackle General Grosvenor in a civil service discussion. He could have enjoyed the answer General Grosvenor made to his charge that abuses said to have existed in the bureau of engraving and printing were all committed by those appointed outside of civil service rules. General Grosvenor said: "This is the only point made in the gentle man's deliverance, and my answer to it is very simple: it would suggest itself to anybody with capacity enough to stand a non-competitive examination for the position of law clerk in lumber yard. Here is a system of administra tion which went into effect in the bureau of engraving and printing cer tainly long before the beginning of this administration-the exact date I cannot give-and long enough to have become assimilated to the provisions of this wonderful system of purification and merit, and yet at this late date the chairman of the civil service commis sicn comes before the public and admits the allegation- of wrong doing and outrage existing in the bureau, and ad mits that he knows the men by name, can identify them absolutely, and cor rect them with the irregularities proven in the irzvestigation, and yet they are there; they are in the bureau, and the chief is there, and Mr. Proctor is at the head of the civil service commission. Now, there need be nothing else said. There is the very proof of the utter valuelessness of this whole system. In order to get rid of these men there must be a lawsuit begun and finally tried upon charges preferred, and a copy to be furnished, and a judgment of ouster rendered upon full proof re solving all doubts in favor of the ac cused and compelling the government to prove its charges beyond a reasonable doubt. In order to avoid the impossi bility of this administration these men are continued in office, and so it makes no difference to the force of my argu ment where they came from. The crime is not in their coming; it is in their staying. The fault of the organi zation of the bureau of civil service was not in its coming; it is in its stay ing." It is the opinion of shrewd political observers that the correspondence be tween Mr. Bryan and Mr. Belmont, president of Croker's democratic club, in which Mr. Bryan read Mr. Belmont and all other democrats who bolted in '96 and have failed to publicly an nounce since then that they will sup port the Chicago platform, if it be re adopted next year, out of the demo cratic party, will result in accentuating the line between the dollar democrats and the ten dollar democrats, as the sil ver and gold democrats are now called, and in increasing the certainty of re publican success. A prominent New York democart said of Mr. Bryan's letter: "It is perhaps a play to the galleries-an old Bryan trick-a bid for the continued support of the south and west by this act of voluntary an tagonism to the east. It seems to me a clumsy performance and how it will make the Nebraska man friends any where it hard to understand. He could have sent a courteous declination with- I out any insulting allusion; nobody but the most fanatical will commend his action. " Brigadier General Corbin, who, as adjutant general of the army, was on duty eighteen hohrs a day during the war and who has been on duty con stantly, exoept one day, since; gives the following as his reasons for not ao oepting the omnmiaseon of major-gen- 1 ai of volunteers, wih was tendered him last summer by the president: "The number of major generals was limited, and we needed every one of them in the field. I could not stand in the way of any man who was ih the fighting line. I wanted them to have their promotions first. " HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Grand. Tuesday, March 28.-R. W. Griffin, Denver: Max Bendix, New York; Miss Jenny Osborn, R. J. Collins and wife, Chicago; T. S. Van Alla, Minneapolis; H. Moser, Bozeman; S. E. Bowler, Grass Range; A. G. Hooley, Grand Forks; J. M. Rapelje, Glendive; M. H. Murphy, J. J. Oliver, St. Paul; E. C. Steele, W. D. Jameson. J. H. Grady, Chicago; H. C. Eggleston. A. Des jardins, St. Louis; R. F. Bacon, Dead wood: J. H. McNeeley, Evansville; F. M. Jacoby, Butte; Sydney Fox, Big Timber; F. Henry, Livingston: W. Dean Hays, Geo. W. Pierson, J. M. Fox, Red Lodge; J. Dunn, Chicago; C. Emmerich, Glendive; Henry Green hood, Helena; J. R. Haynie, Crow Agency; M. L. O'Brien, Glendive. Wednesday, March 29.-C. J. Cart wright, New York; E. Gilletly, Sheri dan; T. P. Cullen, Glendive; L. A. Nutting and wife, Laurel; N. R. Wes sel, Helena; T. McGirl, BHuntley; W. E. Russell, Carbon; C. Cohn and wife, New York; C. S. Haire, Helena; A. Mueller, St. Paul; W. C. Cres, Den ver; J. W. Dodds, Helena; J. A. Wearer, T. R. Carson, Cliff Lindsey, A. O. Taylor, Minneapolis; H. L. Miller, Glendive; Jas. R. Haynie, St. Paul. Thursday, March 30.-E. M. Bran wich, Povetove; F. H. Hathhorn, city; F. Wannamaker, Washington, D. C.; A. E. Anderson, Glendive; A. G. Hooley, Grand Forks; Elisabette Schneider, Lewistown; E. Niles, San Francisco; D. B. Mudgett, St. Joe; J. R. Burhau, O. F. Robinson, Kansas City; F. W. Smith, Wibaux; T. Ring walt, Gebo; M. Conhbain, Jr., St. Joe; J. M. Fox, Red Lodge; J. S. Day, G. P. Fleming, Glendive. ' Notice of Nominations. For Mayor Peter H. Smith. Christian Yegen.. Joseph H. Rinehart. For City Treasurer H. V. Bailey. Hugh S. Evans. For Police Judge Alexauder Fraser. John D. Matheson. Frank L. Mann. Henry A. Frith. Bernhard Schneider. James Kelly. For Alderman of First Ward Geo. F. Bennighof. For Alderman of Second Ward H. F. Clement. George W. Robbins. For Alderman of Third Ward Uri E. Frizelle. For Aldermen of Fourth Ward J. W. Appleman. F. R. St. John. E. W. Szitnick. City of Billings, County of Yellowstone, se. State of Montana, I do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full and comrlete list of all the nominations of officers, to be voted for at the city election to be held in said city of Billings, on Mon day, April 3, 1899, which have been filed in my office up to the publication hereof. Dated at Billings, Friday, March 31, 8:30 p. m. J. B. Herford, City Attorney and Ex-Officio Clerk of the City of Billings. Billings Opera louse ONE RED LETTER NIOHT SATURDhY, APRIL 1. IMPORTANT ENGAGEMENT The Romantic Actor, piy. John Griffith (OF "FAUST" FAME) In the Great Historical Play, "The Avenger" Supported by IKathryo Purnell and Carefully Selected Company. (reseent f6iegeles 4' T1e Record-gBeaker in east years.... " 'jle Leader Again Sfor 1899.... You estimate value by comparison alays. We invite you to careful ly examine our Crescent Models, and compare them with any other high grade wheels on the market. 1899 CATALOGUE FREE. GEO. SOULE, AGENT. Drua Drugs Attention . Line of given to Perfumes, Physicians' '... CSoaps, Combs and Prescriptions 1 .." Brushes Day and Night .-. " ý of all kinds. LIEBERG, HOLMES & CALHOUN UILDERS SHOULD CONSULT THEIR OWN IN j TEREST AND B3UY * SLUMBER *. E E I I V I" EI . 1w. fJ. Y(OUNAN i Close Cutter on Every Class of Building Material. Location-N. P. Right-of-Way, South Side, Billings, Montana. I *I ýlFtlall++*eawlclt#liloInneannousfalý++cI O t A. L. Babcock Hardware CGo BILLINGS, MONTANA. HARDWARE, WAGONS, IMPLEMENTS. Savage, Winchester, Marlin Rifles, Colts and Smith & Wesson Revolvers, Ammunition and Sporting Goods STATE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED CYCLONE CAMERAS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. 1899 MODEL BICYCLES Yellowstone Valley Mills CONNECTIOI IN OUR NEW STORE THE FINEST IN EASTERN MONTRNR. PAULt IIcCORJICG1 CO. Wholesale and Retail Groeers and Dealers in General levrehandise. Come and See Us in the New Wardwell Block, Opposite Depot. liiCrystal Springs Hard Coal Constantly on Hand'W3 Donooon 4 Spear Wish to announce to the good people of Billings and surrounding country that we are headquarters for SGroceries, Queensware, Harness, Studebaker Wagons and Buggies, 4 Barb Wire, Nails, Lawn Mowers --AND A FULL LINE OF SHELF HARDWARE Yours to please, SRocky Fork Coal~" Donooan s pea n +t pay and Grain. 9 . r "To VESTiBtULED TRAINS-DINING CARS. ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS TIME CARD-BILLINGS. AND POINTS T-* I ARRIVE IDPART EAST &SOUTHH No.Z2.tAA.atiol.... I 8.Oa.m. 1 810-a.m. I. No..1,a .o Ua. . . .... ...I 0p.m . I :10p. m. BUTTE GOa PERMIT AT TICKET OIrror roB FameaT. SPOKANE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY SEATTLE RBed Lodge Aoom....... 7:10lp.m. 1.0 am. TACOMA Bridger Carbon Accom 806 p.m. 6:00 a. m. PORTLAND OALIPORNIA all in i the nd ALASKA ,,_ . ., .aIoo(mo the N. UP.]s:. KLONDIKE C". Bnkb everhez. H. NK oiit7C. F A.... PullmF irt-ClmauTouristSleepi.'Cara, --LIee EON?. 3?. 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