,nwW AMPS 'ran MV PW if Tlw~ ~11- w !iJ"%I to 1 twig~ r i~~k.! P#1ý 19 #t ·cf(iu if NO G A 441h lr c'rr4 Fumbles *Ik~II r P~~hkEn 'lnt 9b lt' I~vri~ht to iifl ' pi d, ehiidi oo '. ' twe L~am1f, Iiaa c, bright. sIM4 ,04 1 '11111I'~ .wº.rei, ~. Los IlIllrnS)I C. Mr Mir/ l 114 rº N. M. , I 1W .1 M. 11 . t SN'i. 11u, I Ss, 4 r. till r 4 n F)*'1' MIIRlNU N . . C, s u 1 1 1 . m a : 0151 IA 5041*5 iSA$ . WS. sm .s u3l4b X~t~flT~ i4666554 , *!r, tUWr 144 SWi." )$. 111U~ 1 t4 11 .. ll.fti 4141 11 lu..41g1 r N... i44.1 1`0Nº1 *N;.W~'1,s. V4h1441 41. 45.º 5554*4g .s ýýll"N 154/ (4* p.1.1. .. 11+ Yimutuir . lu , 44 Nwnl H~ N. 11044 ot w a ll T . asN.. pr ews1 rsi1 45 1:1C k i 4. to. 5srw4 I w ) it... 55* 591 41 , e.. Y*11161 r *1. *1W41 54rO s L.. %.. 41. a.. 4$p.'WD . ais. 1 ~ . 14141 ot A 14 * a.in l' . i. I l..ai5 l~ ls.*Wi'iM 41, 1/45. 0'rssa rU N.. I I 4401.1)iis 14, as .. *IUI*414. to:. sJ4515)I . 44*541u9 i, 5)5, Irasas. Nr... Uo 14! 1.54 1. ,1ss., I.:Mil.tr r45,5 5 R.r s an0 51., I 0 40. 1"46o 44k,. )Af) ' .5 I r 4 4.s.15405 I.. .. . 4 I.5M4EN'M.Vsi.0sso, o. I'ru1 Nt, U Ilwa19141.,e ro:6 it tor LN.oA $.. 41Y954. NVusa., .15isW1*UVI .4 41 11s 1 5MUIJ 1;.1911 14.11{nu1 ;45441 1411 114 41410 '1'vtu~rn 14141$41444 dW1 y. 4t1 U .11w11 FI C ,,.+*w 1*444 u Tula* 14110 tlwlwplw4 i uu 4411uii i t IH111w wi1M 11w Illium 1194155 .11144410sy 4141 uuiuw1 40 oo14 W.ush. t mr5)10 $5041*1105514411 wish kuheW 1111W 1 -Iou)1 rk I.45 )1044 i41thihs iW will lp Mu b)uldwy 4551 Iiau wujy. w -'Tie MoIi bo w$#uv wows k. ao "ne. W 444100(1 will 44 W 1404 um0. "-b'ss yu*NwU 114W to 11r1ºN111I 14411 Mil uss. b 10amoeJ It I; wa Mom -'4 1r~ ururrbwv ut usrv u1114a1r 04 -wrvPuej ee I ywsl wiw ourr pW she cruru~owI#II bewwrSq.W Ii 1W s booms --4lurwilyil Mw uu$ihltrl WWI rIruo hI4e4L*6010 0544 4amsvni #ua wr. T54-, lb $Isei I ul 541 Ih44 fJ t i ....'4hNe 4w. lae WI shuiou vleeIoe 14 ke ww4 1444$ s ilwli Mowoi In~ ~ ~~ 4 vw "IFs4 444s I..soe MUN4P.w 1 14 She 151, 0 4 h oJ IW 14 N1 11 ..hesI mep 1 f+N 110*4 tw l ebW tuox, I -U* se tw f %",*l *11 Ww t 1wC~k su O 5 esho *0NU Miss. Wuwlb.e vet do h 91 in M# Arl bba toe la«W aS Pb. pg --his Asils4 $S, 4W N krwpllw b the 60 ....t 11)asihlt . `54.WW .51 ma smau rih tus a -btw~ r(. Is will t" lothWae4W in fall P.s.... -tw*r val elvl t r otd/tW tf kw All*Itl. rrw -Yb 5541.5 beraw.ept W14 iisb1t l. CPI g~a4 bum wsek he prheN b.t kf Irf wo mm tir tuor' mod moot Ii rwNlt bup"l 1 * will 0s t4 s u b ---'(d ll Vuwasews 5elt~fle..Mu V t1U lksW ...ar j * i,'i Wpt l f a t it . t sg14t1w.t cbe" 3ts bsule w.5lib s esewv tee .5pr co w'lee *h. Ie..e.,4e.4e..4. 'ewbtio he ,e or Wallows : "Matt m H nIMd. Pa 'rurllt tleru tw uts wllh uughlisy .N tittLE* 's '.4 Srsises isv....,. easd er ii 'r..e( ssW i t*,1 5,5w. b adyurrtwr (td r"ocr y -'rltb. I54tlh 14h. Mu 4te4, &Lb. bara swuss stwbead ai. lee as asg tueetul we bigw: "las me.hwI.. sIbsehl 5.. eewus, ye.. w~ll u~be shoe Oew. " --Mus... of ma uess Lo I ii and rue. W*blrLkUC. kipu ida ooprsg Li 4VJ krlkts~ ~ ~ Aa. iS 115*0rl YWI UCU, -W.a 11. MeC4,rUwke 6rlea we.wak pul. u44lesrt iiuitwo les r us WNsrt 'r'w.nsy siusM a rItortk HaatM of am (c 'a)rtap u tas. 5. tiuwibewu.r o4 Svlu.geesetu, Ili,. eel. bsisa 'sael. s4.y(uss4 slw ew prwel 14410 4rwj uC Irr t am tkw 1c4l sastw gwue (4siwil. .h lfuu. -~s101wsia ba uueaeswsvee4 ml tau, aeeusic uprtig '"UMiss," Ieo bi tlv.ae by been. llu.I. 5S the dbuusim ao u t Ms.. Ti. 54. leaspklele. 00s Peuple qoit pusue.asl ewuMlueli YUr as. isl 14.. su.well lir. 441esS Isu p'is will bee. ajosseol 14 sewuile as wuuS4.y et pub114 pliisttwty~r. -Jd U. Neaese, who &ausgagly w'a#4d I is 4. Irk lweqaes lPoud klg4. WOes., heca pyaie4.s4 She Stiwe Psush 44..s usrrsil4 ft Iuss. L. KSA 554l 1u dwvsb 111111 t tlmf ULI( k. sva hi wsle al. .a. to suit blowng sod will »Al uliJ.w v.e44.Meg isas y l. -'lTh. siuwsl Amw ww siosr 4w vvle of Aldsuusi u iassusasu Ha, t* SOlN. bepl'. wwl, w114 be 14 n be Np4neoaasi legs as001 Usaud, No 14. eM 1I u'slukwt .u I as aaW~ai 10aRieugeei Thi. sesm* wtaasalwsu wWl "Webalel IN the up~less '4I 10 u'loubu b. ui, W t *4.m dr Wig ,.Wisp **"m*I J.4. Nd mow al si~~uul~c Iw w 1$w I Wr Q it 440 1U u'ul 0111166101 P" QULLY i slY:1ww ilo is of IkP iebl I I 'Siiuiewusdw IR** u h4" urr t k will kd. 4r4 wi * BILLINGS' MERCANTILE Co. * Great May Shoe Sale S1,+t 111/\' llN4: 11 il 1 I 1-414c, 424u 1-I l uI v+44k44i l i; 41141 ; 1,:142 I 4:44,i 111 liA*1i1}4144 tillutý 1 4iº14t i it ýýi( u' r ºr l l( cta un in tite ýulai}ýt'i tll ýý}aº}Ilr I,!rº ' Pri ý4. I4( khi u l 4 I il, l'411I1 Ii I l4411 4.' ll l'VW 61441 illa h 1 OP'(=144, M210-0 11411 t11.3121- 41-11 a11 14 11, illtIh14211141- we4.4 41141.' 0v141 44111' 4111111144 11121*i lt1 111.11114. I It 13111 'cur "SMALL PROPIT8 AND QUICK SALBS" I. ItI Ic M~u I a Ily I tl ',to l c4 u k4 Iu4i4 t41 t i4 1114- 4r44lrl 1444 4211yl11e 1, I 44y 11 uju41-au11 tit 41142 %:u% 1 1-144 1114kV 111114 111441 4 II1V0l10444 tit Y 4441 k tit I141,3. Aly diC Il' MUAIlI Y It this lNMI 11142 w 1 $11,1 1 . 13 Ili fltl , 1II la 111y*' ur llY 114 Q211 li.i w 1'riwl l O VM , 41 1 'k alid u 41, tilro Ill'}' ~t I Cl4 us litt4 wrii l i'u y4=1 Cn #lvr rir to uf ill t ,tlll o oDr (4N4 w 1L1 lu~rlnutr ill MNC R. Witt #In1 W '#4 iiyUctl 1111 4 51$ i Jr u i llly untý' vrvWl e i n KI44itvrn }4nItUCa 1,I wt $4 44 11 w NO wV )llilvII It t!$1ylCuful( c 41dii11* 1,14 lvitI utl 11141 ? wW Hv will,' f44ilitiur (41111 wv cne~tinly, clir) th~t till tllCvl tutu 0111 4, 1,44 i1I1r4tl) wi ll, '1lC1ryc~ii Al 711 MIIROFIfCII yllr Awll w4r 4 4tilvyl~ rwu~Clulll ttt~r llvnt wi lltatyr CIP I) 11141, (IUI in 0 10 U /IP( IIC YC IO, tit 4 41"4:6 I5$ ll WýlICI 161,41v iri wjlJhoHt 4 1lrlk yyv(ry IIVW 4titl 1 I Iý111' rli v f lUvvvu n auOVfIIC III All i#OCHC(S Il tit Avortuccl4rrkl Marvul~ntililr, w$1tvll rrllliljiitvtl 114 41t4I, tiliotlttlutl al 1 i y 41111nn nllvlcH~lc o114ur214' ul wiiul u414 VtnlvIy awW 4o hy 1141 ``iE I lri 41n142 k o linrufukowrr agiolt 1tho iucreuubility 4 .ll Okl ur i rcular f Specia inc Qnyu t io s S Our Circular for Special Price Quotations! + t + +' + '4 4'4 º +º' + + +'+ + -W~6qs ##.*U~ r 944..SS rags~ -'mNhm~~is AMO l1 b. -0rs to ta r hell cost rrro s 00 aarrbw V, MM 14$ no ll 1$) i N, a 1 t 4 wow N o Mils .AN ppt eIMusss loaarl It u W. MO -. M me '4? apI .o w absamNO-I4 S IIii, ood rw ·rrmulr #n c 110"w" w at wadi am--A-r hr I 00 rttw.+-~Y~ r Aasfs) a .*mw r "' lP1* Wk N rl~ ~r otitullF~ m~rlw1 mpIN S .ai aa m44m It. ,.Ns e pO st sb atrns dbd if Mtyer t l tr .0001 0w Q -.15 mipSe~ 9.44.. maja 5.34 . Ii1M UCt t aI rvb4s s r rri* the u O4,11 w014 are4@ mkd to Nil .smwo p tilSh at whs Mis er 1 s ttss m The I ~rtt ldrI'wats rkolp by a Ht the "watt r fr ih. rk is tt º la ·O*0 rill the lr *rs wrtr rksd 6 gi.3tOt ulus '41rw #Iy ws tltsv.4 Now ha. lsJ s4 8 *,1451 ,sr, 'r4.ad os .4rrtit, OW I'. how l.4.41, wisos e 4Pe9030 li Tile wnubes willIu dIohr I Ufw, A. Vw * t of. by M .1 lb. ' sa .us.14ulw daf. - - lily 'ma dk the Nism PuMa0 w sully lwswelw4dqsuh e r. T o ww IIpl w as tie / owl Shot url *ldbe wit lh 4491 9.5,,a wttt h ad. I rr is w sipped tttitwbh c msttk th w t aunt .IdMr ts at pis., .3454454 I M d wila l be s...vwks. 15.g0 womb) wW)8 5mm. 4.. 3. 1)5mw. h4is isdw he Uwa i.l. 5u llya pu tty.. -Uso a Mui~s44te Jash Igmed hu eis o4 maNimt .34 proud ,b, whom F" osued .4s Ibast/al 'la Nowlmg ma waisp 1 *wN spp9ku lb. Wl4 ibs $ has. Is a abmgta isolmastets amuis hee~s I.~ 4lr h(r 4.appsdc bslbwis as, cra l UI m tali M . r.Ir1 srll asi wwSa4 .sprats tse tel.l am.' hisol will Am$ thou jmadapl by ausp --W Uh. Usagp 1i. m.$ sith rNaw !wk sad i.1.ma beslmass 1/ tos f 5. sp w d is to ta eisa arnw low pcu is of siabad ISm, is miss. suem null wull Us sI 5w lrs. cises lti Mose Mill, as de s pN w k i pl1>, hnt as so us~a wm esas. r~ 4re1atl to so Nrislo wall rsind M. l juclfY of aIps" -Saow 01k. Ual4.emh am I, oise Vkoml ra.. .,maeliaO.~ wieisml lq*56 Is awwea lihsk svssle Rlog W=5 all it lCwlwp L ilh r l r~ s swr cha~lsm .. Sbl aoits 4619 .aiim. --uuror'rYow Ma shier~y used wobI UhIa l mp will Mily M 11114, I. o.. I . hras p ad ha bi . ,m.$aumaae '4 Os5u oQ~r ceW~u maots muvw, ker.. lo 9Miler. tobacl 4.sasol.dmeba IN a 0h e0 d.iapeguagdhtlvs v ts40" sje IbdAis I w w OI s ow Sm sm*4iI eyhlawl Is Sbe. lsius homu.. -Ueuhaull Mi sscisy N slw 9 bsis4" wI iOslueo od- kg 4 op d Ili tis wll may i cesoiI(I IS SOIJisl4UI 4... .aluuellvu', pwk ha 9 Aesasism I~Mea. ~ i m -0000 ifbiwin*I A 11im mc. me W111ilNiot Ws* aie Is pf rot* ps .,w rp4 ii * ee. I*mc. ma . btc s31rr pina# .~nlinp "9wSsst,~k .cpl keC 6, 9 rrb.. p., ispt isp . st.0* i !a+ a t"+t pw* q*OW7 04 whoaby, tool* - pleeb1t.ish wisst ·me his aloom 4-i -034.4 r im oe9 I.' Jenm O a d t -N * *eice mooit 40n to .cw Mill "MU 00, 6 0 1M0 to kM D *e0 Jamcf, W, wa .1m0. 1N sr is ap* trw k 11th, 9kB piA w ý I -wti Sb .71 cectJI Ildn air N0 -"-w" d worst 10 W3 III WNIiJWU.In~W hW 45M Iow* I 9'eeebo e sue s.d sI.4u yallat it 100 11 "w etýº 1111106 Ifwtwl l a/ .4* '01*W , out n o e I. k f" ouuke0 beo ill Qrir Isl~te~,waem ewIie Ike well wI.ak. .4 flit 1j1eges 0 -it I. with Iqe SIho ts r cs(oh woe... fiat J. N. lubeslu of Rise low uidofJuke.e "1 fitbi .1N, rod depuegr a . Sun iCLh d1 Ito isgreC cad Lceat IN MCIl.. i'Is' fair The .9 is& pta. fwl c Cr sofa, ra . I. MCI. t.hisie ekisIsOI .aLeei rk to lowolly is w11Mh h 1at ld 111 New. we aas~ ,7001.0 stIu.eet do .0 e .1M011 sad ..10 hilni1NuI.udM.e M.1 ,0 ell' y h d wcw twio s levb be 1I1ro, 1ebr dll Nlai ..0101 P POWt, OW 141W lop s1Ilk Sb -I. ..cemmeewho !ne.Ol sad well wsOle.. clim eal w se lhiC,.. 11ke11 b.a eait~w4 Wd ^t yS W Maly IT, w6 ft Jokea 4 MelIven'r big edi "Wd rtospei pa yse., TOe cp'uhit1 Lutelisuihw will saduebiedl, sees .1N .N Isus to sa.I.m.m. iwo tso 10014 o mpne .4 eid of the 010 4 old W basseS oseee. Jame 4. dulilvee, eskceuvrwe4lsb oksmplf"of.. Aem0rhae. TMi. will 0eS.11 Awle 11.t1.ue of tha twIo 11.11.sarmdll iia kOws"thedir pstobO isvblY is Italy w 001.4 ltea wed Sk.v ws.t Isr« sw 111. AsWe rm Igis03s 1W 1a44 hlseop sad sides W11" Ike aweusll I pNi, V41 skn.y 11oo lisis pesuld 54.r d in 1111Y01 ise iss $i ss alm s o a sl 110 whole the a$ * f1 kuaub 00 ) W il~kjr --"'{111 1>11h. al 001$ UspAdl 0114 eLasecl Il.wRump o. Islllsnla'' 1ll 60 sualel sseauu ý1111rbeee 11ir11oYl of 4 sekissl Mw I1111.1" ur11rwrlaubb . WA Neuednh Nod twiL ek Lt lma low rkuw 11 Y Lullk# k, ilwhsd wa-1b¶- hem In Ib Ike is'. I. -V ýý ee, wI Wad 11w. 1tt ll 1WY.II1*5~ 1.al 1b will WWI al ý1r1ru llwrw what M no 1610I wic ill ikyti f 111 wSliit .ou 11 i1 do W$ W 01 w~o~brroosl wmw u wlrw rk ýnlLs W1keS"T 14' b11. hill. ltOauwlselI wit o Ito ikect011ae1 en sel l w) 1sh1 wa cYd 10M11 1 wool t1 Wwwo. f l. uialiwily04 plw. I~a ,11td wll TO. 41- O eisv' M1041'141 Wof1410 vMN1' W ill 1$. Moroi 4041 wooHY (uW ~'- Al aw e u P e4 I 4.4M W '14 4ii, MIW 1'I, Julru M Yllllvw ill 4i4Mt1F LU su# Wkkll4 w rkr~s1$ il wer1 4w41 wkuw1 Iww a 411414tW uwia ` ''ro who i1iN 14s4141' Hnwu. li wtU. llN u 11t, I. 4, N444114 to 4w u I'w, t1k'ýi liu#i,. $It lweew '! 14 1 NM #1N1$ ldu'41 1I 114 4(41 4 IWRl Ia a thy Notu luhw wwulvy witkittIwou l Woo Mitwt, tlwv ttl lrrl l~ I~w1444.441 furI a.w 1444e4 e1 4l thy woikel 'Io'V will ll1lm6u le.o o 4011