Newspaper Page Text
*~4~ } Xi: ý'"? Vll XIX o to :.this t man M pi biptnss., to suit: to a n+l w~~il receiv 2/ "-Z-- *' "--'-.,": h t " rs ,ax. my Famous Oati t"' Yellowstone J National OF Bank BILLINGS .CAPITAL,. - $50,000 SURPLUS - $20o,o00o :A. L. . .OCK, President ' 0. A.GI0dOOS Cashier44. B, II. HOLLISTER, As't Cast IREICTORS. .A L.ABCOCIK DAVID FRAi $D. CARDWEL1 PETER LARSON Reg lr anklI, in allI its ranches. S~af oeposit ioxes, Rented. SpecialAttuaflo Give o ` Collections. S DEALERS IN. °e' IgN.S 4.ONTAA. Transuct a G.enural l3B.fki a ,. BusLness. Ad m ia¢t1 Eat ates. L. ·etritok. e. o . !2a$15,0. Take Cha 4I`nes 1 . I 1 Tdert .r ·: " :": i S - r ·· AL 23 N »66"" ýR "" z ". - L ' d a { - 1 .p a ' .3 .fr. d ." . TF.. ~ -BRIEF JA OF:iERTY A.LLEGED, SHEEP STEALERS' DIS CHARGED PROM CUSTODY. : ARRESTEI A[IN :AT Motion for Dismissal Granted-Serv ed With New Warrants , Statement by Smith. Much to the surprise of the officers Wtho " sedt them, Arthur Smith, tugene Grimes and Wclford Woods, tithe three alleged .sheep stealers at eested last week in the vicinity of Columibus, this. u..u tl e.,e 4;t fi;ore whom they were a.iaigned: While litey were apprehended in Yellov~stone county ,4hey, were taken to Oarbon, the "heep tlhey were charged witih hav ing stolen having been reimoved from Only two witnesses .were -examined Iby, the' prcecut'loa t . a'nd ..'When the 'state. announced that, it rested, the itornetacsor the defense moved that the accused men be discharged- for want. of testimony' suticient to war rant holding th~m to the district court. 'The' motion was grant-ed, _ But".-for 'only a tew monaents were 'th ldefend and-ts free. Before they could leave t'i co-irt ioom they wet rearrestd on new 'warrants. The second coanplaints lodged iga~nsa the men 0charged themn with Agraidft larceny. 'The finrt merely oharg ed sheep stealing, .which Was practi cally the same. As soon as they had been rearrested the defendants were srraigned and in the case of each bond was 'fixed at $300, ash or. $500 in case that reaslty was ivye. as secur ity. Grnmes "iiiediately'- "produced :the requ red amount of oash to secure his release from custody and said he would send lback tei anioubt inees isaryY to obtain Woods' release. Smith Is still suffering from. his roui.s and is at 'the haospitai, ::i.'aid he die not care fqr bail, . The second heariig of the mefi wae 'fixed for ,Augut -26. In the opinion' pAhy sijin who is caring for. him Smith is . very like ly to lose his fodt. If the man is .-eventually acquitted his rJawyer says C~arbon ..couty wilo l flnd'd- itself the d" fexis )t in a etilt for Aheavy 'da - 'ages rfor personal l.juries. Statement by .mi~th. AlthougbtSi lth hal been cautioned by his attorney -aot: to spak to' a~; one about 'his . : ase, .h talked .freely about the -ihooting- and the cause he aleimel led up to It. T a "reporter for the P'li k'et"hee 4enierabaolutelyn that he or ap oft jhi party bad to len or attetped tob ` el andy aheep .r$im McKay or Weott. , He ..aid 'the whole.troub'ie was due: t- the fact that Deputy Sheriff Malt. :i*qiiqnbus had -it '$i for him'-'" beoaiiad he had several gone to Columibus and art:, irdnk 'Smith furthernore said thit IHol ha4 attempted to ki8 him - his prtnr Glt without ,the l~est provqcfenq ' ,·--, 'east ~roi~~ ºr. tide "I 4n ~ t. wia' ie;, or what: tAIOYr do' w~t miie3Kz Uth_ de~ ~tl ec; e"60 theyev 4wb an ; e - cio me,1 fve tiwm .idil was Awxgin . !hip a e r4ou11 d b. s d 'to: b1 n rhea he %ý s4ong' a .. ý, ý " ,,ý men Vie.ey.~tt~rrC~ Ie;d~ o4ptiTyzý~ bus b 'O fo " 1Q01iOU h ts, Yi worked -1 Al. > , ?i1 du º¶ *OP -. oi hr ~~ Y " _ ems- 2 ~rcuuV#, ~:~ai l~~ s~ ~m4 L h~jj ~hoW si d" nteepl 2iet j o7eIO?1g t Smi*4h denite*. tii$t h $ te SPELL I' BROKEN Billings Team Finally Manage. { WIna day~e. ~hether Pen ntyi or, Sppoe ~of Obwl int 4r hold can ot y i t ',i l 'gee ' " hoodoo" that 'ehas been ing the Billings ball teami all ;4n relaxed its grasp long iD eu*A . Suinday to enable the focalt win a game. The men over they pult it came up from; and they beat them by one t and down stroke on the taaly The game was interesating n*114 citing at tlPtes bedause of th " in which 'the : score conti1 (L change untiJ{l'i lear;t_ e$?t i played a very: pour game, Whlit played an a ptionall brilia'` There was auttle of both Rso sand h edd hat 4it prevented nionoton way dn ithe spetators *uehlg y ntil the.nal *r*,, '*iim weuld beat, Corcran ueual dlsplay of peevishness by thiw ifig mot badi over the granndn&1 e seemed to lbe -i need of a nesyr as he app nly was suffeln "l lack of eleep. But for all th4 sopie very good worki in fronm t e plate. Whelm a:n IKeret n wer&e he a ht, tery 'for the visitors and Corcran: aind Platt for the home team. Doi'e; 10 to 9. PLEASING EVENT. Logan Orchestra Conmplimentar;oe t Proves Highly Entertain ngri Friday evining 'the Logan breie4tra made its fiest appearance befor,-: a homet audience ineee tlhe return of bh meimbers from` their study at .t Ohfbago cosiervatory of, e occasion being. a complimentary co-p cert tenderd .by the orchestra to the Elks and ethe .xetern, woil buiye s in thei city. It toolk rlace 'at l.ik'.ihalli and proved to be a hirlty enjoyablc and successful event. The programme was in. tJ parts nd durlng.'tli intermission .he E~lls served- refieshments, a portion- of the gustatory diversion being ai:u'Ditcha" lunch and some of the ladies present had ,their firt- experience with Elk hospitaity. . In :addltton. to 'the members of the orihestra the Mlises Biennighoff took part in the. misical entertainment, petite _Mis. Jtilia singing a couple of songs in a ha rming and clever man ner,- her sisters accompanying her on the violin and p ino. The concert was greg~tiy enjoyed and -the marked improvement notice-, able in the performanqe of the Logan :children was much commented upon. *itce their last apepartnce they have been strenthenied to t.-e extent of :-the "ddition b. one.~ member,.. little Grace, wh presildes yovr the "traps aid4 plays dte differjitt- ituments f t.tyt part witih th..'ise and' skill of an old nmiicaan. CAUo ED By DRINK. Old -Colored Woman Die's Suddenly L-ast Saturday bdrholer Rinehart wias- til le of thf lndin of the ded . bo d ' od . -A '. tromrng, "n elderly, : o- lived in ja .or p sgluttA .aide, weli 44i o d He pm paneled a j 7 4dI;r v ,vwing the remainp he° Ardoh: r the testi them Luke -Bryt, =. :,t e- dead ry ther mthat .` re !_; 1 th 'most 'R t'e n4uht. ; g she sand he a w-wl(bth W:b *went lying 0Wma4 a fi4fli-v ·te Y8 4 % t" AGRICULTURAL EXHIBIT AT ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION. ~iL·IE IT P'ENT Desire That State's; Showing Shall: Be as Complete as Posiible-YeI lowstonrei Opportunity. As has been prqVl sly published, the Montans wain e. < l ta sm'nhisaioU. ha' 'elebitod to tahe rl9eurs ural college the work ";C. 6lIcig th3 state's agricultural exhitlh. at the Louisiana Purchase exposition.: The responsibility bhase b en accepeted andr alreaedy the nwiei en at the head of the ti collese Ai egagedian the'biins of gathering ands preparing t e dx!hiMt and in order that it may be as; com plete and thoroughly representative of the state's possibilities Io the -way of the prodiution of the fruits of the farm, garden and orchaird as possible they are asking t.he co-dperatibon of the feirmeer· of every 'part of Mon tana. Realizing the .difficulty of per sonal request to eacth of the many hundrede wihom they wish to reach, Professor, . B. Linfleld, 'acting direc tor of the experiment station, has ap pealed to ,the 'newspapers of the state ,t lend their help in rleaching Sthose whose ' assistance' .· desired, with the request thalt they pulgish a liut ,of the samples that are wanted and general directions as to ;:heir se lection and mode of shipment. Those who desire to contribute to t-le ex hibgt 'fw, ..:be to ,no expease,. except that of the 'time and- little labor con nected in selecting ani ~packng their samples, as the cost of freight to Boze w wili be defrayed by the state. Ali, samples bihould be sent by ex teei, collect, 'to the experiment tS tion, Bozeman.. 'Following is Professor tilhileld's let 'rto The Gazette, and he bioes thbat liberal response will be made by the rmers of -.Yellow'stone county, the center of. the 'farming industry of Montana: We ".wish to get sanmples of every variety of -haty, o~lover, afialfat and grasses of lll~ kinde used as bay, also isampls of grain in the sheaf, of every kind of grain grown in thie :various localities. In addition, we desire to get'. samiples of the tthr.shed grain o l ;vesoius varieties, " aboi t two qusttsinr each sampile, aid samnaples of O ovij, afalfa and various :kinds of grass seeds, grown in ,thestapte., We would like as full an account as possi b:of the variety, giving especially the yie1d per acre, kind of land upon ,h:ch: growni and' whe'her irrigated :no.t i'::..otographs illustrating agri. cultural secenes of all kinds would also' .e very valuable... ri"TI leeting the samples of grain in. tie. sheaf .the following `points it be Toted: I May arnd Fodder Plants, .Separate samplesaof irat, second ain third cutting of ellalfa or clover -4be sent and each separately id. Send separate samples al]o ;: lry and from irrigated land. 2., iQt he samples before the planti ad ry it perfetly without .Cut the sample · olose to the . .s t :o get ths height_ etteplat.s. Select a good samplei % da small .1a%, ,about a ,to ea t'a" e, pack: in aBardtboardO* r- wood bo: ~:ape spr eun4 tlae paaniM. ly abel japle 4wth t n a gnjid variety o l timne the yield per` t O se me e n aud, add s. s of th grain Oample. der p head aine wbeat oats, lmA , e rye, corm n. beans _, and nd a isis sseas, etc 4se9parate: emple f gtrali Saegp~eS bdt ore tie plant e .ts =psi ea g out. to *±=t ..+11Iewgth :to *'w. - Sl~i'`e~~ nil? i " sen: hi a smaila )o not.: "dam ±h ea4 of the samiile...:. 5 Properly'abel. oh omple with ,he nas p! i1i v riety," the tine when dty: th, gr'aini yield r " ire i :pounds, and the name and aaddrese if the sen4er. The threshcd igri and gras, and slover seeds should be put in a strong sottoa sackfor rhipadent. Send tIw quarts tof .each variety of irain id one quart of seed. Send &"luxmpeeo otnly. IPhtia labei` hi each sack giving a If~ aime' Y' the variety; of grafil, or seed,, hte yield per.acre In pounds, the kind )la upon ,wich it iVisgr wn Mad ':-iwhethe i' igatedor not. Give 1 miso the ntiie hand address of the sen ter. Thie gratxin SioEui eto be shipped 'in the ame bmi oxwith the shea! grain or hy seamples. We are anxious to get samples of grains anid todeirs from the unirri ated ianme of the state as wel1 as rom the 1irgateidI land. IEt is very irn portant thatli thesamles of hay and grain in th; sheaf reach us in good condition. o1StitY LEL VY REDUCTION O ONE' MILL MADE BY' COM MISSIONERS. ELEVEN MILL8 THE FIUURE List of All Taxes, State,... School, City and Special Ordered Levied. 11'eduotion of the county tax levy is getting to be :a regular proceeding of the qounty commissioners. Last year a reduction from the levy of the preceding ,year was made and now a reduction. of on; mill "has been made fromy last; year's levy, making the -taxes for t.he ensuing year 11 i.lls. '1h board' met ~ yesterday for the purpose of fxitng the levy for the state, county, city ana. the different school diatriets ot the county. Only in the matter of the copnty levy, has the tbhasda.ay~-discretion, the other taxes being fixed; either by law or by the action of different bodies, which vote for their imaposition and it becomes the duty of the commissioners to make the respective levies. Following are the different taxes levied: ~ ~tate. State general...............2 mills Fish and game .......... .10 mill Stock Indemnity ..........10 mill Stock inep. and indemnity.,1% mills heep ip. nd ind indemnity.. fa mill Stateb bouny..... .........35 mills Total: ............... 61.95 mills County. Genperl ftund. . .... .... 3 . mIlls CoOf.agent .. .. ...l . . ..... mills .forf... d .. .,..... - mri Sinkling ed.-. , ... .. .1 mIll Rb5 lg . . . ....... 1% mIflls Ger al, chool -fundi. . 2, l mills Bridge fund.. ....... }4 mill Bond interest fund ....... % mill Tot.l .. ...11 m.i'lls 'Th general qchol tax is fixed by city of :Bilirng. (Uiy atfwi s a pipecile,.......10 mills City of flnins fire. ... 4.... 1 mill To , . .. ,... .. ...... .11 mIll .' pecial School Taxes. l itiNo. 2.. ........8 mills t .. . . .6 . 8» mills r o.:. :. ...... 3 - mills altt :Nodi . . ...... 3 mills lstr i*44 ..1: . ....... 5 mills ptl No.· 11 .. .-. . 3- Splls Nog. 22..........21 mills PFai Tax. a ;csg ilir .baSd .}a. ^ tom"; of $2 l~q :i s s in e"co· Jty4 m . aul McCormlck Grigie Which Yellowstone My ute Unique If plans now maturing te ueceedfully Yeliowatoie 0 ontrite what w._i d he nmot unique , ;o O: .terestMig features of the , is n. ot'hing less than Ui teno o-riciling on the 'air gi fl arge bane of taro w Indians, a 1 u The distinction of origfns hg iea of uech an exhibit he H onorable 1Paul M his city. lrady: '$eghy iie he extent of ecIring eft, r artnipation in the air ai4 i se lias been made eof eaet ieration. Only the detai o be worked olut. As now outlined bea. plai o ske a band of the Indi a , u oi men and dhildren, toflei1# ih4 *f representing the tribe . D what may be tea rmed 'tjh acy" of the tribe, that is onlWt ressers, those w14 will k eat antd most im sing e ahe liaked for dbeor wvumun weir annes; F If the band o~e ~t 'wli=ll a narload, otfik fljts8 'a ' of- ` tribe for entry in some of ithe ac In ,which. whitemen't East in t coimpete and potibly it can arranged to have races ia l ithe Inlans. It eas; ept e tided ajs to whether there wir'e Y exhibitions of the. ga. es.i d f the redman, but veryr eik h will be, as that would ' tnd highly interestig . programme. Even if .tlihere wi be, itie already settled, th1t ihe women will enter in the.. relay race of five days: btiath management is advertising as :he stellar attractions.: One of the young women of .the Slinoted for -skill a., .a rienee an4i as she will t mold that the ;pale Faced4 will have ,to look very sharp will oocupy only a place i 'tMhe a' an'' column. Plenty Coues, the old c4hi.e grows, has had aevena,, k iIr. McCormick and noto... '' ad himself highly, pleastect' i 5uggestion of an qhlbiit by. t ut also promised that hel ll in °his power 'to make .i.. As the Crows iong ago rom their old state of sa _re among the most ror iighly civilired Indi'ne of t aent, they are: bound to.reate. Eation among the viSiti t rhey will be able to give proof of the assertio tut not always jeioed, t'at oerly managed Indidans' nd eaxtentt least "trav(' t the whiatemaun an f 'thie good as well as .tll". iustonme, mnaneers andl iab t;; Soy Cured of Colic fter c i Trdatment Had My boy when . four aken with scolic an - eomach.; I senti ort ie injeoted, rept getting w ' calf a tease l Lnd ia )o·4~~i. ~w~A~