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The Billings gazette. [volume] (Billings, Mont.) 1896-1919, March 28, 1905, Image 5

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036008/1905-03-28/ed-1/seq-5/

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When planning your Spring House-cleaning-bear
in mind that we are Headquarters for House-cleaning
Supplies of all kinds. We can supply you with every
thing you need in this line: at . L & t
Borax, Lye, Copperas Washing Compound, Ammonia,
Insect and Vermin Destroyers, Furniture Polish and
Chamois.. t , i . at
1- Friday's Daily.
/lee Stephens of Rosebud is visiting
(he city today.
Harley E. Reckard has sold to
Claud B. Miller lots 7 and 8, block 49,
Foster's addition to Billings; consid
eration, $2,500.
W. Panch, recently with the D. J.
Hennessy company of Butte, arrived
in the city this morning to accept a
,position in the dry goods and silk de
ent of the Hart-Albin company.
radn Mrs. John Graham enter
ned a party of town people at the
Gaborne ranch north of the city last
evening. The early part of the evening
wals spent in card playing and at mid
Bi.ght 'the visitors were invited to pa
toj of a sumptuous supper.
- Invitations have been issued for the
annual roundup of the Maverick Hose
company, which occurs the evening of
April 8. It is purposed to make this
the most successful and artistic of
any attempted. The usual number of
distinguished visitors from elsewhere
will be in attendance.
'Harry S,'m'mers, general super
tendent of construction of Ithe Roc
M'ountain Bell Telephone company, aur
rived this -morning from the west for
the purpose of making a general in
s~ection of the company's property in
this Vicinity. Mr. Sommers' headquar
ters are at Salt Lake.
A telegram was received at police
headquarters today from the sheriff
at Forsyth requesting that a watch he
krept for John Doe, a very black negro,
who is charged with kidnaping a col
ored girl 15 years of age. Shortly af
ter the receipt of the dispatch the po
lice learned that Mr. Doe and his com
panion had been seen earlier in the
day at Bull Mountain station on the
Northern Paacific. They were on foot
and -headed this way. Their arrival
on a freight train is expected some
time this evening.
Brown Hussey, who was released
from the county jail only a few days
ago, i's in trouble once more. This
time it is believed he wi11 find himself
an inmate of the state's retreat at
Deer Lodge before he finally emerges
from his difficulty. The present charge
against him is robbery from the per
son, being accused of having stolen
947.50 from John Matheson. The al
leged theft was committed last even
ing and Hussey is said to have robbed
the man while pretending to assist
'him in getting to 'bed. Shortly 'before
Matheson was. relieved of his money
Hussey was known to he penniless,
while immediately afterward he was
spending money with the liberality of
*sq prospector.
/ One of the 'busiest and most inviting
places in the city yesterday afternoon
was tihe millinery department of the
Hart-Allbin company, wilo'h had its
spring opening. Professor Hey and
Miss Buchanan rendered a musical
programme that embraced all classes
of music, from the popular marches
and latest successes in songs to selec
t!ins from the classics. The ladies
were there in full force and the spa
cious apartment was crowded to its ut
most. To every visitor was given a
carnation as a memento of the occa
alon. The room had been handsomely
decorated in honor of the event and
presented a scene of rare lovlin'.s
and animation. From the many excla
-mations of surprise and admiration
tirat were heard it was mauifest tliet
the styles shown pleased and that'
feminine taste was more than suited.
From Saturday's Daily.
Final papers were granted this
morning 'to August Lisse, a native of
Italy; Andrew Cedarbolm, Sweden:
ed cad le· w tost su es. ekt ab
limh a srit by systematically savna a
part of your ·arlyo, Von will neely
aer t LIlater. s o tdpodt at
Tb. Pmphs Slgs
Ftranz Sommer, Austria; Charles John- Ii
son, Sweden, and Friederich Tows, i
Brown Hussey, arrested yesterday for
robbing John Matheson, while pretend- 1
ing to put the latter to bed, is having
his preliminary examination this af
ternoon before Justice Mann. The
charge against him is grand larceny.
A telegram was received this morn
ing from Sheriff Northway at Forsyth
annoupcing the capture of the negro
charged with kidnaping and for whomn I
the local officers were looking. The
man and the girl he is charged with
abD uting were found at Huntley.
SV. M. Parsons, traveling secretary
of the international committee of the
Y. M. C. A., will arrive in the city to
-morrow for 'the purpose of assisting .n
'the organization of the local society._
Mr. Parsons will address a men's
meeting at 3 o'clock in the Methodist
church, to which aell men are invited.
In the evening he will occupy the ipul
pit of the First Baptist church in place
he Reverend C. B. Miller.
SJudge Fraserd is authorized to issue
'hunting and fishing licenses, having
received the necessary equipment for
the 'performance of that duty today.
As the 'matter is in the nature of a
trust or combine, his honor wants it
distinctly understood that he will not
cut under the advertised rates, nor
mlake zeductions on account of rrum
Walter G. Schofield and Miss Mild
red C. 'Smith, both of Musselshell,
were 'made man and wife by Judge
Mann last evening. The ceremony
took :place at the Neel house. Mr. and
Mrs. Schofleld are among the most
popular of tihe younger people of their
community and their return home is
awaited by a large number of f lends
eager to Ishower congratulations and
good wishes upon them.
George Lewis was arraigned in po
'ice court yesterday afternoon on the
charge of disturbing 'the peace. He
was found guilty and sentenced to
perform 20 days' work on the streets.
As no one appeared to 'prosecute on
'the other charge Lewis was not tried
for striking his wife and almost cut
ting her Itongue in two. The woman
is reported as getting 'along nicely
and it is believed the tongue can be
A jury was secured this forenoon to
try the case of Talfoutrd vs. Steele, a
matter iending in the district court
and which involves a controversy over
certain irrigation ditches owned by
the parties. The Jurors are H. E. Hen
drickson, D. J. 'Hogan, R. A. Marsh,
John Hollister, F. H. Hefford, K. T.
Farri.sh, William Dickie, A. Arvidson,
R. H. Dowling, William Jellison, Wal
ker Browning, R. S. Montgomery. The
plaintiff was still on the stand this
This morning the Helena basket ball
team arrived and was met by a delega
tion of the local players and their
friends, who escorted the members to
the Grand, where they are making
headquarters. The team is comipose'
of the following: Anna Milligan,
Merle Davis, Ellen Benson, Margaret
Burke, June Jackson, Gretchen Fiske,
Virginia Kdenett, Maud Sagle, coach,
Bessie Wirth. The game tonight will
take place in the gymnasium of the
new southside school 'building.
dge Mann has 'been appointed by
Game Warden Scott as the offiRial col
lector of fish and game licenses,
whioh are now required- of all who
would hunt or fish, women and child
ren under 15 years of age alone ex
cepted. The fee for cilizens of the'
state is $1 a year. Every license is
Suec expires December 31, regardless
of the date it ,may bear. Applican'ta
*uet appear In person before the jus
tice, so that a oomuplete desoription
of the lioensee may be Inserted in the
doom~uist, wbloh bears the owner's
amse, weight, mbel.t. Dolor of hair sad
eyes, remaeee sto.
Monday's Daily.
B. Annin of Columbus is among
today's visitors in the city.
A daughter was born last Saturday
to 'Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Welch of
South Thirty-third street.
Mrs. F. L. Cameron and son arrived
yesterday from Minnesota and will
make an extended visit with the for
mer's sister, Mrs. W. A. Evans.
Mrs. J. G. 'Sherman left for her for
mer home in Wisconsin yesterday,
having been called there by the an
nouncement of the serious sickness of
her mother.
F. D. Laflin, formerly of Billings,
but a resident of Missoula, is in the
city today. Mr. Laflin is on his way
east to select a stock of merchandise
for a company recently organized and
of 'which he is the ,manager.
Captain E. W. Wynne of Butte is
playing his first visit to Billings. The
captain was in command of one of the
companies of the First Montana dur
ing the regiment's campaigning in
the Philippines and has found several
of l'ate comrades in this part )f
ert G. Shorey has returned, after
absence of three months, spent in
the east. During the 'major part of
the time he was gone he was super
intending 'the -feeding of a lot of
sheep near Chicago, while the ibal
ance was spent visiting old haunts of
boyhood's days in Maine and others
of the New England states.
Jesse Toy was arraigned before
Judge Fraser today on the charge or
petty larceny. He entered a plea of
guilty and was sentenced to 90 days
in the county jail. Toy's offense con
sisted of stealing a suit of clothes
belonging to Donald Palen, a' nurse
employed in St. Vincent's hospital.
The prisoner was a patient 'there and
last week, during the temporary ab
sence of Mr. Palen, helped himself
to the latter's wardrobe and decamp
ed. He was arrested at Miles City
last :Saturday.
ccompanied by his 'bride, Guf W.
Stapleton passed through the city
this morning on the way to Butte.
Since his last visit to Billings Mr.
'Stapleton joined the order of bene
dicts, having recently married a
young lady of Arkansas Hot Springs.
He is expected to return within a few
days, when contracts will probably be
left for the erection of the business
Iblock he and his father intend to
build at the corner of North Twenty
eighth street 'and First avenue, exca
vating for which has been completed.
No defense was offered at the ,pre
liminary hearing of Brown Hussey,
who was examined last Saturday af
ternoon 'before Judge Ma~nn on the
charge of grand larceny. John Math
eson lappeared as the complaining wit
rhess and alleged that Hussey robbed
him of 'considerably over $40. The
testimony showed that Hussey, who
only a few days before was released
from the county jail, was without
money the morning of the alleged rob
bery and tried to borrow the price of
his breakfast. Late that night he
seemed to have plenty of it and spent
is freely.
Last Saturday Under S!heriff Stat
fek went 'to Junction in response to
a telegram stating that an insane
man was there who should 'be placed
under restraint. Arriving there he
found Clyde Cotter in the custody of
some men who had captured him.
They ,said the prisoner had been
roaming about the hills for a number
of days, apparently eating nothing
and having no place of shelter. It
was also said that he was believed
to 'be suffering from the effects, of a
protracted drunk. The latter diagno
sis seemingly was correct, for since
ihis confinement in jail Cotter has
acted anything but like one bereft of
his reason.
The Very Latest.
The very latest cesigns In ladies'
Sengraved calling cards and embossed
note paper and envelopes at The Ga
zette office. dt.
Money to Loan
On City and Farm Property.
Real Estate For Sale.
Billings Loan & Trust Co.
EAlT SOUND [aaw oa Dpaa
No. 2 North ot L'td.. 1' :0 .m. 10 0a.m
No. 4 Twin Cit Express 1110 p. m. 120 p.m
No r Pasitio Rpreas..... 8:40 am. 9I 5. a
No. 2 Red Ld L ocal 6:80p. m.
No Brider ........ 4:40 p. m. I
No. aPeo el rs. 285 a. m. 2h45 a. m.
No. 5 ul1. PaoExp. 70am. 0:0a.m
No. I. 1rdLode, aoI I 1050a. m
fLas paige Tuesdays. Thursdays and
--d-r. Tihardays and Satrdays arrive
Through Tickets to all points in the
United States, Canada, Alaska, China
and Japan.
G. P. A. St. Pail Aguat
Impression Growing That Presence
of Warships in Venezuelan Waters
Would Help Matters.
Paris, March 26.-An official dis
patch from Caracas, Venezuela, says
President Castro, who was absent
from the capital during the recent
supposed a'melioration of the situa
tion, has returned and has manifested
strong hostility against American
and French interests. His attitude,
it is added, is particularly menacing
againzt the French Cable company.
It is premature to say what steps
France will take, as the information
has just been received and the offi
cials 'have not had an opportunity to
consider it. However, is it likely that
their action will depend upon Presi
dent Castro putting his menaces into
effect by overt acts against the com
pany or the forfeiture of its conces
sions. No orders for warships to be
held in readiness have yet been issued
or are contemplated for the present,
,but there seems to be a growing im
pression in official quarters that the
presence of a warship in Venezuelan
waters might exercise a salutary in
The official dispatch adds that Pres
ident Castro's declination to arbitrate
the American demands was acoompa
nied by .a refusal to hold any con
versation on the subject. The French
Cable company has received advices
practically to the same effect. These
indicate that President Castro's influ
ence will probably cause the court to
render final judgment upon the caible
company's concession early next
week. It is the unofficial opinion
that the attitude of President Castro
against both American and French in
terests makes the moment opportune
for some exch'ange of communications
I SBASEMENT For our Basement
FOR BARGAINS Arriving Daily
Just While They Last
Wednesday, March 29
at IOc per yard
These embroideries are real Swiss goods,
worth up to 50c per yard.
No one can afford to lose this opportunity to get goods
of this quality at the price we ask.
See Our Window Display
We will make our * No Such Bargains
Basement the Ever Offered
Cheapest Place j as shown in our
In Billings. Basement
The kind reception given our
"Formalin Letter"
last year has led us to prepare a folder giving
the latest results of scientific
investigations and
v "You Can Get It at Chapple's"
cW or we will mail a copy on request
o It's as Easy to Have Good Crops as Not
CHAPPLE'S I Watch for Our Next Ad. I CHAPPLE'S
between the two governments toward
eventual action along similar lines.
Bowen Heard From.
Washington, March 26.-In a brief
cablegram received at the state de
partment yesterday from Mr. Bowen,
dated at Caracas, the minister refers
to the action taken in the case of the
French Cable company, not, however,
indicating that it has been postponed,
but rather that it is still pending on
the court's docket ready for consider
ation, and that the matter is in a
chronic rather .than an acute phase.
Goes further and further. Never
stops until you are 'well. That's what
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do. A great tonic. Makes rich, red
blood, firm flesh. 35 cents, Tea or
Talblets. Holmes & Rixon.
SAustin North
W. W. BEEMAN, Assistant Cashier.

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