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The Billings gazette. [volume] (Billings, Mont.) 1896-1919, January 30, 1906, Image 1

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The Billings Gazette.
Death Will Put in Mourning Majority
of Ruling Houses of Europe-Was
Directly Related to Nearly All
Through Ties of Blood or Marriage.
[By Associated Press]
Copenhagen, Jan. 29.-King Chris
tian of Denmark died at 3:30 this af
The king's death was quite sudden.
Although for some time past he had
showed evidences that the weight of
years was beginning to tell upon him,
there was no indication of his ap
roaching end.
His majesty gave a long audience
this morning, lasting three nours. At
the lunch afterwards the king showed
signs of great fatigue and almost col
lapsed. Physicians were hastily sum
moned, but they were unable to rally
the aged monarch's strength and at
3:30 p. m. he died in his bedroom, to
which he had retired.
Crown Prince Frederick. Crown
Princess Louisa and their children
and the dowager empresl of Russia,
Marie Dagmar, were present at the
king's bedside when he passed away.
Both houses of parliament will as
semble tomorrow, when their respec
tive presidents will formally announce
the death of King Christian.
At 3 o'clock p. m. the members will
assemble in the hall of the
Folkesthing to receive the royal mes
sage announcing the accession of
Frederick VIII. The public announce
ment of the death of King Christian
and the accession of King Frederick
will be made at noon from the balcony
of the Amalienborg palace.
It has been known for some time
that King Christian's health was fail
ing. His physician recommended a
change of air and the king had decided
to take his advice. It was his intention
to go south in the near future, accom
panied by the dowager empress of
No definite funeral arrangements
have yet been made.
Majority of Royal Houses Related to
Dead Monarch.
[By Associated Press]
London, Jan. 29.-The sudden death
of King Christian of Denmark called
the "Father-in-Law of Europe," will
place a majority of the royal houses
of Europe in mourning. The rulers
of Russia, Great Britain, Greece, Swe
den and Norway are directly related
to the dead monarch, either personally
or through their consorts. His sons
and daughters were preparing for
their annual trip to Copenhagen to
celebrate his 88th birthday.
Queen Alexandra received the news
of the death of her father at Windsor.
It came as a great shock to her, as
apparently there had been no previous
intimation of any indisposition.
Mysterious Knife Wielder at St. Louis
Adds Another to His Many Victims.
[By Associated Press]
St. Louis, Jan. 29.-While turning
from Grand avenue into the entrance
of Redemptorist high school today,
Gertha Rude, a 13-year-old school
girl, was apparently accidentally col
lided with by an unknown young man
and a few minutes later she found
she had been stabbed in the hip. The
knife cut through her clothing, but
did not penetrate the flesh.
This makes the 17th girl myster
iously stabbed on the streets within
the past two weeks, but makes thq
first case of stabbing during the day
time. None has been seriously in
The girl's description of today's
stabber tallies with descriptions fur
nished by others who were stabbed
and, the mysterious knife wielder,
pow known as "Jack the Stabber,"
is being searched for by every mem
ber of the police department.
[By Associated Press]
Augusta, Me., Jan. 29.-The Old
Glory Copper company filed a certifl
cate of incorporation today with the
secretary of state. The company
owns property in Montana and is au
thorised to have a capitalization of
St. Petersburg Authorities Decline to
Say Aught Concerning Vladivostok
Mutiny Except that it Is Ended.
[By Associated Press]
St. Petersburg, Jan. 29.-The story
of the recent mutiny at Vladivostok
and the manner of its termination are
a sealed book to St. Petersburg, owing
to the difficulty in telegraphic com
munication and the reticence of the
war office officials, who alone are in
possession of the details. The navy
department has not received any mes
sages since January 25, and the de
partment of the interior received only
today from the chief of police a dis
patch dated January 24, recounting
that the origin of the mutiny of sail
ors was due to the arrest of a doctor
and a Jewish agitator who had a
great deal of influence.
A meeting was called at which the
revolutionists decided to liberate the
prisoners. The mutineers demolished
buildings in which arms and munitions
were stored, seized rifles and endeav
ored to compel the commandant to
grant the prisoners' releace. According
to this dispatch the artillery men of
the garrison were greatly enraged
against the mutineers and seized six
soldiers of a wavering regiment, held
them .as hostages and threatened to
execute the six men unless their regi
ment refused to join the revolutionists
and co-operate in crushing the mutiny.
Beyond the mere statement that the
mutiny is ended and that all is now
quiet at Vladivostok the war office
is unwilling to give details.
The American embassy has not re
ceived anything from the consul at
Vladivostok for several weeks.
Late Brigadier General Laid at Rest
in Arlington by the Side of Others
of Nation's Dead.
[By Associated Press]
Washington, Jan. 29.-Home to the
southland which he loved so well they
brought the body of the late Major
General Joseph Wheeler, U. S. A., re
tired, and laid it to rest in Arlington
this afternoon on a shaded slope over
looking the Potomac, near the graves
of men, who, like himself, were vet
erans of two wars. Thousands uncov
ered their heads in silent tribute as
the impressive caravan of mourners
made its way slowly out of Pennsyl
vania avenue beneath a wealth of sun
shine that made the day seem spring
like All along the line .of march
whfie carnations marked the memory
of the late Wm. McKinley, who called
General Wheeler to the army when
the Spanish war broke out, and on the
casket wrapped in the folds of the
American flag there bloomed clusters
of these pure flowers.
President and Mrs. Roosevelt at
tended the services at the church.
Coroner's Jury Returns Verdict in
West Hotel Disaster.
[By Associated Press]
Minneapolis, Jan. 29.-"We the jury
find that J. B. Peisinger of New York,
a victim of the West hotel disaster,
came to his death from hemorrhage,
resulting from shock, caused by a
Such was the verdict of the coron
er's jury which has been investigat
ing the West hotel fire, after an ex
amination extending over several ses
sions. But to this brief finding is ap
pended a more detailed opinion which
forms a pointer for the officials hav
ing in charge public buildings and the
safety of their tenants.
Cabinet Members Oppose Proposed
Change in Russian Laws.
[By Associated Press]
St. Petersburg, Jan. 29.-The pro
ject for making alterations in the fun
damental laws of the empire so as to
harmonize them with the manifesto
of October 30, which has been under
informal discussion for some time by
the council of ministers, has now been
printed and will be taken up immedi
ately for formal discussion by the
In its printed form the project is
sure to precipitate sharp controversy,
since it contains a number of ideas to
which several members of the council
have already taken exception
District Attorney's Office Studying
Testimony in Hapgood Case.
[By Associated Press]
New York, Jan. 29.-Acting District
Attorney Nott today began systematic
study of the evidence brought out in
the Hapgood criminel libel trial, for
the purpose of submitting its sp!ient
points to District Attorney Jerome
next Monday.
It was definitely stated at tne dis
trict attorney's office today that if this
evidence is sufficient to warrant such
action it will be submitted by Jerome
to the appellate division with a view
to having that court proceed with
measures looking to the removal of
Justice Deuel from the special ses
sions- bench.
House Calls on President for Cer
tain Information.
Pennsylvanian Opposes Adoption When
Too Late---Conside. ing Hepburn Bill.
[By Associated Press]
Washington, Jan. 29.-What is con
sidered a strike at the railroads was
taken by the house today in the adop
tion of a resolution calling on the
president to furnish information as
to the existence of an alleged agree
ment, in violation of the interstate
commerce law, between the Pennsyl
vania, Baltimore & Ohio, Norgolk &
Western, Chesapeake & Ohio, North
ern Central and the Philadelphia,
Baltimore & Washington Railroad
Opposition to the resolution did not
develop until after it had been de
clared adopted by the speaker. At
Two Fishermen While Out in Dory
Become Lost in Fog, Drifting Hun
dreds of Miles Before Finally
[By Associated Press]
Boston, Jan. 29.-After having been
adrift in a dory for four days without
food or drink, Charles Matheson of
this city and Charles Homon of Shel
Lurnes, N. S., two fisherman, were
picked up by the fishing scooner Flora
S. Nickerson and brought to this port
today. Both men were unconscious
in the bottom of their boat when the
schooner came up to it and they still
were in serious condition as the re
sult of their experience when they
reached here. The men belonged to
the fishing schooner Quannapowitt,
which they lost in a fog last Tuesday
and they had drifted more than 200
[By Associated Press]
New York, Jan. 29.-The finding
today beneath the false bottom of a
trunk of about 50 securities and bonds
said to have a face value of over $100,.
000 by customs officials who were ex
amining the baggage of passengers on
the steamer Finland, which arrived
from Antwerp, led to a mystery which
the immigration authorities have
taken up for investigation.
The papers were bonds of the Hun
garian government and securities of
various Hungarian railways, all ap
parently genuine. They were in a
trunk consigned to Isaac Heicher, an
Austrian grain merchant and second
cabin passenger. He said, however,
that the trunk did not belong to him,
this point Dalzell of Pennsylvania
moved against it with a motion to re
consider. This motion was laid on the
table with the aid of 37 republican
votes that united with the democrats,
which makes it impossible to recon
sider the resolution without a two
thirds vote of the house.
The house gave its unanimous con
sent to begin tomorrow consideration
of the Hepburn railroad bill and con
tinue with the same until the bill shall
have been disposed of.
A tribute to the memory of General
Jos." H. Wheeler was paid by the
amendment of. a bill under considera
tion so as to name one of the streets
of Washington "Wheeler" street.
miles from the fishing grounds when
found by the Nickerson.
Matheson was able today to tell of
their hardships, which were more ter
rible than any recently reported from
the fishing grounds. He said:
"We went out last Tuesday from the
Quannapowitt and could not find our
way back on account of fog. Tuesday
night we anchored. Wednesday morn
ing there was a northeast gale. One
huge wave wrenched away our oars.
Another sea swept Hemon overboard,
but I caught him and pulled him
badk. All Wednesday night and all
day Thursday we were driven in the
teeth of a gale. Thursday night Hem
on went out of his mind. No food or
water made our suffering terrible.
Hemon raved and accused me of not
using him right and then he leaped
over the side of the dory. I jumped
after him and after a hard time got
back into the dory and got him in.
After that Hemon was unconscious
and I had no further trouble from him.
"Thursday afternoon I sighted a
steamer and two fishing schooners,
but they did not see the signals I
made. Friday night when I thought
a passing steamer had heard my cries,
she suddenly increased her speed and
went out of sight. After that I
thought sure the sea would get us.
Saturday the Nickerson found us."
[By Associated Press]
St. Paul, Jan. 29.-H. E. Gallagher,
aged 38, member of the firm of Lynch
& Gallagher, Grand Forks, N. D.,
dropped dead at the Savory hotel at
5 o'clock this morning. He was pass
ing through the hallway to the dress
ing room when he fell unconscious
and died before Doctor Burdett, who
was a few feet away, could assist
him. Heart failure caused his death.
but that it was the property of Moses
Greenberg, who, he said, was a passen
ger on the Finland.
Failing to find Greenberg among the
Findland's cabin passengers, the cus
toms officials turned Heicher over to
the immigration authorities, Who had
him held pending a search among the
steerage passengers for the trunk's
owner. The latter, according to Hei
cher gave him the trunk at Antwerp,
requesting him to take charge of it
until they had landed in New York.
The apparent disappearance of
Greenberg and Heicher's story of how
the trunk came into his possession
caused the authorities to think that
there is some hidden motive for the
bringing the valuable papers secret
ly into the United States.
Having Former Experience in Mind,
Officials Responsible for Canal Con
struction to Carry Out Original
[By Associated Press]
Washington, -an. 29.--It can be
stated authoritatively that no consid
erable part of the work of construc
tion of the Panama canal will be let
at contract within the next two or
three years.
After consideration of the proposi
tion to have all of the work done by
contract and having in mind the ex
perience of the engineers who sought
to have dredging of Christobal harbor
done by contract at a reasonable
price, the officials responsible for can
al construction have decided that the
contract system is not feasible at
German Vessel Stranded on Alaskan
Coast-Cargo Total Loss.
[By Associated PressJ
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 29.-A special
to the Post Intelligence tonight from
Sitka, Alaska, says that the German
steamer Mariechen went ashore at
False Bay, 100 miles from that point,
last Thursday. The officers and part
of the crew arrived at Sitka Sunday.
The Mariechen cleared from Seattle
for Vladvivstok, January 19, with a
cargo of general merchandise valued
at $250,000. This is a total loss but
the ship may be saved. No lives
were lost.
Typographical Union Enjoined.
[By Associated Press]
New York, Jan. 29.-An injunction
signed by Justice Gildersleeve of the
supreme court was served on Presi
dent McCormick of Typographical
Union No. 6 tonight by the Butterick
Publishing company, restraining the
members from what was alleged as in
terfering in the printing department
of company in that the union had
tried to persuade the men engaged
there not to continue at work.
One Branch of Standard Oil Company
Takes Fright at Threatened Law
suit and Leaves Illinois.
Chicago, Jan. 29.-Anticipating an
ouster suit in preparation by Maywood
Maxon of Decatur, Ill., the Standard
Oil company of Kentucky, according
to the Tribune, has made preparations
to withdraw from Illinois after Janu
ary 31.
Maxon was for 30 years an employe
of the Standard Oil company, but was
discharged recently. In the suit he
has in preparation the Standard Oil
company will be charged with parcel
ing out the state among the Standard
Oil company of Kentucky, the Stan
dard Oil company of Indiana and two
other companies in the western part of
the state, which are supposed to be in
dependent, but which are subordinate
to the Standard Oil company.
Auditors from New York are now
checking up accounts in this territory
of the Standard Oil company of Ken
tucky, preparatory to its withdrawal
from Illinois.
Neubaubaumer Believed to Have Bur
ied Fortune in Alaska.
Boise, Idaho, Jan. 29.-Henry Neue
baumer, the Alaskan miner who com
mitted suicide here Monday morn
ing after having fatally wounded Ol
lie Powell, his former sweethetrt, who
ran away with another man the night
before her marriage to Neuebaumer
was to have taken place, and serious
ly wounded Lafayette Gray, success
ful rival, and the latter's mother and
sister, left what is believed to have
been a considerable quantity of gold
dust buried along the Yukon river in
Alaska. That is the statement in a
letter from Henry Neuebaumer to his
brother, Edward Neuebaumer, which
the latter received upon his arrival in
He declares he had "put this by for
a rainy day, thinking I might need it
in the future. But if I do not need
it in this world there may be another.
And if there is another life and I
ever came back to the world I might
need it then and could get it. No
one knows where it is buried. No
one knew I was burying it but my
There is no hint in the letter
where the gold dust may be hidden,
but it is supposed to be in the neigh
borhood of his Klondike mine. Ed
ward Neuebaumer arrived from
Jamestown, Cal., to take charge of the
body of the suicide, wnich was buried
here. It is stated in a letter left ny
the dead man for his brother that he
left his will in the hands or his at
torneys at Dawson. The brother is
heartbroken over the tragedy, having
been his favorite brother in years
The family left by the suicide con
sists of a mother, two brothers and
five sisters, all residing in Laufornia.
Neuebaumer declares he will bear the
expense of burying the victims of the
shooting. He expects to take a trip
to Alaska as soon as possible to get
his brother's estate in proper shape.
Cross Examination by Prosecuting At
torney Proves Tedious-Witness
Charged with Arguing Instead of
Answering Questions-Court Over
rules Objections and Permits Full
[By Associated Press]
Chicago, Jan. 29-Trial on the pleas
of immunity made by the packers in
dicted for conspiracy in restraint of
trade was resumed today before Judge
Humphrey in the federal court.
Louis C. Krautheff formerly general
counsel for Armour & Co., was the
only witness examined. He described
in detail his interview with Commis
sioner of Corporations Garfield, which
prepared the way for the commission
er's investigation of the packing indus
try and during which the packers al
lege he promised immunity to them,
provided they would allow him to have
access to their books. Krautheff de
clared that Commissioner Garfield told
him that the information would not be
used in any criminal prosecution and
that his department had no connection
whatever with the department of jus
tice. Acting on these statements
from the commissioner, Krautheff de
clared that he advised his clients, as
well as Nelson Morris & Co., and
Swift & Co., to accede to the demands
of the commissioner and give him
such information as he desired.
In the afternoon Krautheff wasr
cross-examined by District Attorney
Morrison. The examination was slow,
as the district attorney continually ob
jected to the answers of the witness,
declaring that they were argumenta
tive rather than responsive. The court
ruled, however, that the witness had
the right to explain his answers.
When court adjourned tonight Dis
trict Attorney Morrison had not com
pleted his cross-examination.
Charged That Steunenberg Murderer
is Hired Assassin.
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 29.--Cap
tain Wilson S. Swain, manager of the
Spokane branch of the Thiel Detective
agency, who had charge of the inves
tigation of the assassination of ex
Governor Steunenberg at Caldwell,
Idaho, is in the city visiting his fam
"There is no doubt that in Orchard
we have one of the men responsible
for the deed," said Captain Swain.
"There is no doubt in my mind that
the murder was the result of a con
spiracy. Orchard had no grievance
and I believe that he was paid to do
the deed. Before we got through I
expect to have the other conspirators
under arrest.
"We have a very strong case
against Orchard and there is no odubt
in my mind that he will hang. His
trial will come in the latter part of
[By Associated Press]
Youngstown, Ohio, Jan. 29.-A Lake
Shore engine today crashed into a
car containing 400 kegs of powder.
Jesse Eagan of this city, the fireman,
was fatally, and three others were
seriously hurt.
Victor Demogeot of France Holds
World's Record for Fastest Two
Miles Covered by Automobile.
[By Associated Press]
Ormond, Daytona Beach, Fla., Jan.
29.-Victor Demogeot of France was
crowned speed king of the world this
afternoon on the Daytona sands, after
driving his gasoline car two miles in
the marvelous time of 58 4-5 seconds.
Demogeot maintained a speed of
123 miles an hour to make this rec
ord. The two-mile-a-minute race clos
ed the automobile tournament. Com
petition had narrowed down to Mariett
and his big 200-horse-power French
car, whoever should drive it. Demo
geot was finally selected. Mariett
made two miles in 59 3-5 seconds. It
seemed impossible that the slumsy
looking French car should reduce this,
but the Florida Tinmes-Union $1,000
trophy was lost to America a few
minutes later, when Demogeot thun
dered over the two-mile course in
58 4-5 seconds, the fastest speed ever
attained by an automobile.

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