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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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- -l - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- - - -------- Iý nIMW 1 . s-alst teo the woul -better made. of better meterials apd finished better than others. Compe. iag with the world's best makes. Ke Katter Tools received SLT IwuI awarded ny complete line of edged tools. for excllene of quality PICKENS BROS. General Merchants Huntley, Montana Kobelin & Weistaner General Merchants The New Big Store of the Huntley Project is Now Open for Business In Its New Brick Building. Flour and Feed Boots and Shoes Groceries and Canned Goods Tinware and Hardware Give Us a Call. You Will Be Welcome. Kobelin & Weistaner Huntley, Montana Steam Heat Acetylene Lights Baths Hotel Huntley Ella A. Hooton, Prop. Rooms $1.00, Meals 50 Cents Rates by the Week and to Residents New Management Huntley, Montana RUSSELL DRUG CO. She Pioneer Drug Store of the Project Carries a complete line of Drugs, Proprietary Medicines, School Books, Stationery, Fine China, Lamps, Glassware, etc. Owen's Cndies a n tley nly Place ino Huet.dI Sp Montana orSouvenir Post Cards Appropriation for Indians Unnecessary Payment to Minors of the Sac and Fox Tribes May Be Made When 21. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 17.-A spe cific appropriation by congress is not necessary to pay interest on Indian moneys provided for either by treaty or general law, according to a de cision of the comptroller of the cur rency. The comptroller holds that until the minors in the Sac and Fox of .lis souri tribe in Kansas, shall arrive at 21 years of age. their resipective shares in the fund accruing to the tribe for the cession of their landl to the United States, shall draw initerest at 5 per cent. The $100,000 fund of the tribe, r, , resenting an unexpended balancer, w~ ordered by congress to be distributel per capita to the members of the trlbe, the per capita to the minors, how ever, being retained in the treasury until the minors become of age. The minors' shares aggregate $:l,227. ]News of Huntley Project Local and Personal. William S. Arthur, chief clerk and fiscal agent of the reclamation ser vice, left for points west on his vaca tion trip Wednesday evening. Mr. Arthur will visit the Alaslka-Yukon Pacific exposition, several points in California, and spend some days at his home in Denver, thence returning to Huntley. C. D. Howe, assistant engineer of the reclamation service, returned Mon day morning from a week'S visit at the Lower Yellowstone project at Glendive. The young people of Huntley gave a dance in Day's hall last Friday even ing. The dance was well 'attended, Billings being generously represent ed, and all enjoyed a good time. The erection of the new residence of T. P. Walter, one of Huntley's lead ing merchants, is being watched with interest as it promises to become a big improvement and addition to Hunt ley. During the past few weeks a great number of homeseekers have visited the Huntley project and all were fa vorably impressed with what they saw, the crops and conditions in gen eral on the project being a good draw ing card. The result of thi4 season's crop certainly shows what the soil on Huntley project can do if properly taken care of, and in many cases ex ceeded expectations. C. H. Pollard and wife, accom panied by Mrs. M. A. Hooton and granddaughter, arrived Tuesday after noon from Chadron, Neb., to visit Ella L. Hooton, proprietress of the Hotel Huntley, who is the daughter of Mrs. Hooton and sister. of Mrs. Pollard. Mr. Pollard is a printer and came here primarily on a visit and for rec reation, but is so pleased with the project and the community that he may decide to make his home here. R. Richards of the United States geological survey at Helena has been at Huntley the past few days on busi ness in connection with the river gauges. Everywhere on the project signs of prosperity and improvemexnt are in evidence. More cement sidewalks are appearing on Huntley's main street and it is hoped the good work con tinues. Women and the Home The best dustclothes are made of old silkaline. Grass stains may be removed by cream tartar and water. Scotch snuff put in holes where crickets come out will destroy them. Salt on the fingers when cleaning fowls, meat or fish, will prevent slip pig. To clean aluminum wash with strong soapsuds with a little of am monia and soda. .Mustard water is useful to clean the hands after handling any odorous sub stance. A few drops of oil of cloves added to paste will prevent the latter from turning sour. For blood stains use cold water first, then soap and water. Never use hot water, as it sets the stain. Wood ashes put in a woolen bag and placed in the water is a simple means for making hard water soft for washing. Yellow soap and whiting, mixed to a stiff paste with a little Water will' stop a leak in the pipes as quickly as solder. Use vinegar instead of water for mixing stove polish; this will make it stick much better and will also give a better polish. Half a teaspoonful of sugar thrown into the embers, will nearly always revive a dying fire, and it is always safe to be used for that purpose. To prevent lamp wicks frpm smok ing, soak them thoroughly in vinegar and then let them get dry before put ting them into the kerosene lamp to be used. If the ceiling should become smoked from an improperly regulated lamp underneath, the blackened surface may be cleaned by washing it with a little weak soda water. When packing away white summer dresses or any white goods for the winter, wrap each piece carefully in blue paper. It will prevent the white material from turning yellow. Writing ink, especially it kept in an open bottle, quickly becomes thick and unfit for use. In that case dilute the ink with a small quantity of vine gar and shake the bottle wiell. If soot should fall on tle carpet, cover it liberally with salt before mak ing an attempt to sweep it up. It will then be possible to remove the soot with the salt, leaving the spot clean. Rugs often have a tendency to curl at the corners. To prevent them from doing so, bind them on the underside with a strip of narrow webb ng of the kind that is used to hold the springs in furniture in place. It is a thing well worth knowing that a few drops of oil of lavender scattered upon hook shelves back of the books will prevet damptess from injuring the bindings of books during prolonged seasons of rainy weather. .\loths do not like to make their nests in any place salt has been and one may often get rid of' them by scrubbing the floor with a hot and strong solution of salt before laying down the carpet and scattering dry salt on the carpet when sw;eeping it. Deferred. The. Pessimist---We'll pay for all this fine weather later on. The Optimist - Well, cheer up! That's the regular time for paying for things, isn't It?-Puck. 'Fl.e Complete Bookkeeper. Mrs. Knicker-H-ow do you nmake your books balance? Mrs. IBooker-That's easy; I always spend the exact sum I receive right away.-New York Sun. SLocals From Osborn Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Bingaman are receiving a visit from her parents, who arrived this week from Kansas. The two Misses Coliers of Lockwood spent Tuesday at the Johnston ranch at Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Cohan are entertain ing friends from Billings. William Jeffries, Vasco Jeffries, Ray White and Arthur Spence are spending a week with Ray Spence on the ranch. Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Eiker, after a pleasant visit, departed for their home in Illinois last Wednes day. Miss Edna Eiker took charge of her school at Pompey's Pillar last Monday. Miss Violet Peterson is teaching the Myers school. Miss Eugenia Eiker has returned to Billings to enter the high school. A carload of lumber was received Monday at Osborn for the new build ings on the demonstration farm. Miss Jessie Riley entertained a school friends from Townsend last week. A musical given at Osborn Tuesday night was highly appreciated by all. Mrs. Cohan rendered several vocal selections and Mr. Sheats played a violin solo. The violin solo by Attie and Frank Russell was good, showing they are on the road to success. A recitation by Rev. Gault was good, while Miss Haw, who accompanied, needs no praise, as it was all so well done. C. Campbell of Illinois, who has been visiting at the home of William Seagle, has filed on a farm and will settle here. Ballantine Briefs. School opened Monday with a full attendance in 'both rooms. A number of new pupils were enrolled. Miss Phyllis Trask left this week for Minneapolis, where she will be come a student at Graham Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Trask accompanied their daughter for a short visit. E. A. Boschert and A. A. Boschert made a trip to Helena last week. Rev. Joseph Pope will preach at Ballantine Sunday morning, Sept. 19. Mrs. Edgar Hibbs and Miss Re Bryson entertained recently in honor of Miss Nora Holbush of Billings and Curry Bryson of Nebraska. About 20 young people were present and spent a pleasant evening. The Ladies' Aid society will meet Wednesday, Sept. 22, with Miss Grace Mackinson. James Silvey of Custer was visiting Ballantine friends lst week. Charles Kinmouth is building a new house on his ranch east of town. .T. W. Webb has rented his farm unit to 1. L. Brooks for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brooks have gone to Billings for the winter. Why Pat Dropped. An Irishman fell from a house and landed on a wire about 20 feet from the ground. After he had struggled a moment the man let go and fell to the ground. Someone asked why he let go. "Faith," was the reply, "I was afraid the domn'd wire would break." -Medical Summary. For Him to Say. "Do you think I can stand an opera tion, doctor?" "You know your financial condition better than I do."-Houston Post. Huntley Branch of the Billings Creamery Located at the office of the R. E. Shepherd Lum ber Co. S. E. DOVE Resident Agent Settlers of the Hunt ley Project Take your Milk and Cream to the Huntley Branch and get the Best Market Prices J. H. Graham, M. D. Office Over Day's Store Huntley, :-: Montana T. P. WLA TER Successor to J. W. Day 111]We are Increasing Our Dry Goods Stock Every Day Shoes Complete Hats and Line Caps Up-to-Date We want to make our store the Deering model store of Huntley. Harvesters Full Line Weber Come and trade with us and Hardware Wagons and feel at home in our store. Gpoood Heath and We have everything in Dry Milligan Paints Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Har- Grand De Tour The Yankee Zenith ness and Implements. Yankee Line Brand Guaranteed Our Prices are right and we will Tools will treat you right. Discs, Harrows Harness and and We are lowering prices in our Cultivators Saddlery store. Yours for business, The Best Equipped Store Put Your Shoulder to We do the Business of in the Huntley Project the Wheel and Push the Huntley Project T. P. WLATER Successor to J. W. DA Y HUNTLEY - - - MONTANA -- -- -- ---- M-----r--- ----------------------------------- HUNTLEY STATE BANK HUNTLEY. MONTANA CAPITAL $20,000.00 DEPOSITS $60,000.00 Officers and Directors J. B. ARNOLD, President T. A. SNIDOW, V. Pres. W. L. SCHOLES, Cash. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS ^- - - - --------- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Osborn Mercantile Co. H. C. PAGENKOPF, WILLIAM ENOCH, T. A. ROBEY, President Vice President Sec. & Treas. SELL EVERYTHING Full variety of Canned Goods; all kinds of Break fast Foods; National Biscuit Co.'s line of Crackers; Flour and Feed; Household Utensils; Garden Seeds of all kinds; Lamps and Chimneys; nice grade of Dried Fruits; fine line of Candies, Nuts, etc.; Cigars and Tobaccos; Comforters and Blankets; good stock of Dry Goods; Notions in large variety; all kinds of <4 Garden Tools. The location of the Osborn Postoffice. Money order department was established June 1, 1909. Money orders made out to any part of the United States. Osborn - -----. - -- Montana a C. H.CHASE LUMBER CO. HUNTLEY, MONT. We sell Building Material of all kinds. Quality is the best and we will give you a square deal. See us before you buy LET US FIGURE ON YOUR SUPPLIES The Valley Meat Market i. f. DAVIS, Proprietor Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Butter, Eggs, Poul try, Fish, Etc. Huntley,Montana The Evening Journal, 50c month.