Newspaper Page Text
vULo tv A WTM3TVB . *. nt ,sunm who ensr ishsee s lm in s..h sgumh S" a mi st a a erMmt .m]V- nm ts In w. - solo M - Mth know e* I tvI; adYed .bh r , r adr tbe r n the We uepad: M"eoe that I eslM *lve von wshhen teabe t asself. There is. . ~emni was eem.ered. I do iod he. U be is our furether duat I as to why e was mdered. The quetios. remaaln --g to he solved is, wh is the guilty tman .I do not aknw it, hut I mapomse that wheever they convicrt a the crise will he marted on el ate.astial evldence. I ad a ea oe--tat Is to may I w iasn rested Ina emae--la which te ceaireua stamiel eMieance agaimet the accused was I &but the man Is .still living. and the but I I at o him he was a coaaercial d,'ginmreai the state of Ohio. "It I a ears with which the earlier met t des this seetior ase familiar. Vast derpl. e & Field wea bankers in Mante. tee. Mkch. Vanderpole was the senior euteber of the Br and a married mam. Field was the noneyed maen -- the concern. One Moday mnworing the bank failed to open. A baty inquiry evealed the fact that ePld ou nwere he found. Vande wae s at hisi houae -ad when innfr tmt the bmnk hid at hems opned epemed all the murprise o a lauemewent man. He eare to the hank and opened it. In the private o.lkce the dlscovery wa mnad that a piece had beeh cut out of the carpet. This wasn't mouch a a starter, but is trying to kler, why it had been done earn one drmpprtl an Ici dental renamrk to the etect that the nmeln hers of the Amm ruid bem. quarreling aeout their buminess affairs, aid thit Vederpole hadId hbe trying to get the yp. te haad. T"A earesh of the amaement of the hank resulted in the andling o a hatchet. It was blood stallined. Vander expleineed that be had a dog which had received al accident, and he hiad takes him into the erom to perform aoine kind of an opera tion on hima. Thtim stained the catr. and h ad ut out the stained sertion ml had t wno the bhtcheb into the bamsment. *On this Vanderpole was arrested. Ablot a week freom that thie the hbody o Feldd wuahed ashore near ther mouth of the river. The natee of the inuriesl a his bead was urb as to see the suspicion that they had hbeen in iested b. an as or a hatchet. A mipe was tied around the body and a inooe in it showed that mome heavy autetare IIad enoriginally paced in the mouor, the eade.t hein to sin k the hbody. The theory was that the nurder had tmsa committed Sunday and the body taken hoat out into the lake and droped In the water, and that the anurker was done with the hamtchet. Vanderpok made a statement in whichb e accounted curmtely for his whereabuts evey win at Sunday, not one of which had been passed at the hank. To nuke this mtate ment tronger it had nsme corrobsration. "He was, however, found auilty and was remanded for sentence, am I reau nenher It now. The usual motion for a new trial was argued and granted. A change of venue to another county was nade, amd the result oa that trial was that he received a litentiary sentence. Mr. Van Armnan a1 ChicaM o who was then the leading law wer of ocr crminlal bar, was sent for and es corpus proceedings followed. Vanderole was taken fr prieon and had a thi trial. On thiMs e was releuaed. General Cuteh~a, now mem .er of con reae hs Man distrit wa then a tI attorney. I never her detee ives ad lawyer talk abot eireunsstan ial evidence that I don't recall this trial sad ites result." A mig lse DMal DUsl. Speama to the mtasdia. 1T. PAtu.. Sept. I.-4Conant, dUe maikw embaer of the famous Bostsa Trumvl rate of Co(nant, Billings & odrnen, will a. rive here tomorrow to eanler with Frank Nolse, manager of the Omaha team, who represets Bfosta's interest in the north west. The object of the visit in belkved to be the treaster of every tea in the Northweetere asorlatioe to the Na tisnal leae for next ( easoM . The teorms iffered bh the. kl.gue are ibheral al though individual players will receive tno monetaery dvatncement. Lural nmanaaru in each of the we.tetr citkie will he. lhace ally meaupeneattel. The pla in this a- .clation ale generally in favor of the -:m a1, h w. uarvvlwor .f lb. Lilly. pwr. Into tlw mladiard. HALIFAX, Nepteenber 1.- -Her MaJesty's ship. the Enuerakl, arrived here today with 9S ofeers atnd nme, the survivorsm f the crew of the wrecked war ship LllE. Tbh Lilly ras on a neef In Poert Ln Hay nan the Labrador 'iast, and was brokeng up hy a hilhe mEN, alnd six sailors and one marine lost their lives 1by bIeing da.msls violently in the rocks while trying to e -r by a hawser. ThI Emerald mrtn ,lp. whk'b proved nioot uefutl. The stores and heavy gunsr we're eft on board the Lilly. Chrlstr a l n m.Ig (ret... pgerial to tlb INaCuard. ATHIa.S, Sept. M.-It in regunartetl w. that the ('hritilan in (reti. were heImt(g ruthlemsly flogged and turtured. and wo men subjected to grow inldignities. The prisons are crowded with prisoners, and thosaWnds of persons have fledI to the mountains for safety. A Greek gunblat has been dispatched to 'roete to put a stop so tbe outages.. Ien4owm Wreak In- Dlaware. WsL.lIsurox, Del.. Nept. 25.-A collinon ouurred tolday between a wildcat engine and a eabror filled with worknmen nte tlhe Philadelphia and Baltinmore road. Twelve" aen were injured quite m'rioe'lyy. but it it totaght no nwe will die. Mr.. Maybrltk' (Cue. perial to the Ntandard. LoxDox, Sept. 25.-Tle comnmittee ap poitaed to Invemtigate the came of Mrs. Maybrkk,. will shortly mnake application for a writ of habear corpu. for her retleIum, o-th* grouand that her mwntake.s war ill Ybrw.u i mlk. . Paramu .1. Iaa DvUBLI, bwpt. 6. -Tb. men emnpireo d lbequsarv y at Arklow, owned by P.. winl, threaten to utrike unke.. the age.. -b lsobiioloiIl replaced by a l MADtD Sept. fA bomb warn ."s pleimd emdS bebhnd Ayete palwa at Swan arbwr Queen Christiana it .inmr Wlae area hurt and n dams.,, ~e.m U.N mmd b.w LuIlW. 10..a M7f a"te£ UY l. the NtamI rd. tinvu.~. dept. !.-A report reaches his *um bummi. ohat Enain BHy has en r th amLviie of the English Africmn -wang.w NoW ST CA M ABOUT.B The W a . ppaes W WMaS arm Im "Lemmans w en a m omal.s Di -M." hian susoamuS muatms bew he su to wert t t bMs mos- rweesentat pI was Suewed the eloe esat sd Esl S-W snwd e" amwe um nse wt h Miss zaeom Seoa .s p .owam t .esees. at ear theater, the orumpsle, New Teek. i uopeend Is emamsia Dmai.," aMohb .hat wt wue se.eem.. ad was faiiws. Ia tlroe Sq "Vanty Valer," a ene in thres aen, whle bats. Mr. ~ ae'oeamt, wh sa.em ets speak. centiues is tese wide s "Two work had bhesa mlied ea to eary tue eagmogete prt pera. ly to the esd of twelve rwks d disaster ly ahead ia w ai Ut h wo, t of sie asae, and .m , .. m t i7nvitabiy diKn a n. t bus ee tnrow and talk it out.' "It wlar a hitter lrbht anl the 3sleet drives t a narterl blast, lal the A few dayi msfr th theater a dim lilagt in w cellar showed that a thrifty lttle Ittllan who b oll cheap publications and small stationery, Invited the telated pedenstrian to buy a mnasne-anale ecfar. His nase was Dretano. Deieendla Into tbs des, where he knew hI would inl the mnual display of locent literature, Bousecault asked for two novel. , over which heI InteNdked to sp ad the hours of the lnight. Brentann pointed to a shelf where a seanty row of cheap novpl4 represented hib stock l trade. Froem these the visitor seke*td a d.-men at mbasard and with the pockets of his overtcat staifed he pushed his way through the sleet and darkness to I'nion square, near which he resided. The fol niorsnlsg Miss Koon. received this letter: *MV l AR l.AUIIA: I have it! I mrldl you arver steed engravIgs t uwes iarunld Kilar awry. Git vuUr ru-aiOr to wawk nem threas at or-*.. I alm seedt a sbk to Irish kartMies, with tamt murred I desire Makel r to mure for the orhrstrs. I shall r& a art tmar of my new rulsh rloy on Friday "s we r1herse till while I am writing the mentc w lakhi will tr ready ause 3ge day and we rehearse the secetwd whie I san de er the third. We cers gt the play eut within a "Asmona the books pkeud up at Drea tano'. war, happJ r, The legla.'h Gerald Gerin. Tbrowing it aside UBasci eault evolved 'The Colleen Dawn.' These neldekts may a per too trivial for such particular rorde but these results will he seen to have a signal irmportance. The least impo nt was the revolution ef fectled b this play in what may be ternudn tthe Irish dramsa aun the representatio of Irish character. But the adventures of 'The (olleen Bawns' in England will hber mse to have conltributed mainly to a fundamental change in theatrical affairs throughout tie world. In September, tiMIit was Iwruduced In Losndon at thie AdkIphi theater, and itl success enabled. Mr. Boucnkault to carry out the plans he had vainly end*evored to lpet in olpration. in 1$i8. He refused to allow "The ('ot keen Bawn' to be played os royalty or fees. He engaged four oesneedian, John lD.ew, Mr. Sloalne Mrs. Slamne. andl Mrs. Hudsonl Kirby *and in structed themn in the principl characters. He offered the play a the star, sup ported this group of Anerican conse dian. He peri d much resistance asn the part of managers in the provincial theatres, but at last his terms were ac cepted, the play becamo the thing, asl the author received half the gross re eeipe.. A second and a third company were orgasared and sent out. In the following year he sent out 'The N es of London,' and in 18te he muit out three oampanions with 'Arrah-na Pogue.' The leading dreamati authors, peceliving the very epros accruing irom this new emethd, to secede foen the Dramatic Authr society amnd to follow the new method, under which tbe name of the author of the play was starred and his importance reacognied. The provincial theatres became so over run with these new companies that man agers proposed to the author. to s.nd eaut noet groups. but entire cospanies of conmedians. By such meaan the nmn agers could dispnmse with local conmpansie altogether. This suggestion was accepted, aml thus 'stock companies' were swept away. At a nmeeting of the French draunatluts and comupoers, held in Paris in 11141, Mr. Boueriault described this new method of harvesting the provincial theaters. The shrewd and practkical Frenmchen adopted thie iea at ncem. But it was inot until after 114Ur that the Um.Ited States Iltially gave lap stock cospanlies and adopted the How to Kll Umqesita.s. Three or four ment were sitting on the plassa of a s asklek cottage hotel smuokaing writes a Washingtonl cowresponskislt, to keep the mosquitoes away. "',earnithlng funny about nosqulitoes" rather ahmentt-nlmisldly. *"Yes. rathr,'" was the drawling reply. "'Funny how much blolI it takes to till one of tlwm n up." "No. ilut honest, now* d- a oun know that if at mosqulito gets. his hill downIwl into ur hatld he ianl't lull it out while you hold yslur bareathl?" "'lkull't ielive it." "It is truen however, for I have tried it." "Lect ylu thei cigars a mosquito can take his bill out lany title he wants to do it. asnd we will try it right here. Is it a go." "It is, anld I'll let tiwen try." A lamp was lighted, the cigars Ilut out and all waited. In less than a milnute a nmoquito had placed itself on Tomi's hand and b n opoerations. "Now," said Tomn, and plaed the fore fingerl of the other band downl clo~e to t mosquito. It did not udge. Hlo lad his nail against the abdonen of the in sect and whirled it around. Still it re mainuled xed. "You can dlo it every time." sakI Toni. as he killkd the nmlsullito and drew a long br.atlh. It in a fact. dio and try it. rw'vu tlar Irltmit VFre Prehs. ('ivil mervice esanninr--"What are your qualifleations for thme Stat of Texas :' Applicant for adlualsioln to the' postal w.rvk. (tnlty ing an lnaarignary revolver with lsu~ ntrvt --"Tlrow up your ('. S. e. write, out first rade certiflea.e without a waft. Dmesaemeim th. Whites. 4pM.pieal to the MitanYrd. WAKmHItrroN, Sept. 25.-At a mnrtina of the colored eltimens of Wadhingtola held to-night, t·r courmw of the white IK* pie of the mouth towards the rolo-re r -ctdi srsa was denounced. They calledl ulpon the pnwrkleas. t and co.reMs to enfor~ the sawn mina prowcui co flor cuaena. A Eaeu.wrug Su.tuaACS.m. From Tea"~ Mltingm. Arioukx ratk New York Lady-P'd like to know, Bridget. what taw hvoetw. of all the roast beef and cake that were klft over trae jerste'rlay ? Bri a·1-Sur , mun. didn't yer niver have a a *V lnaIk rYIallt on yea. wheel you weer~l of nuy age Y· SNOUS ANO STOCKS. U-- nrInsIn '-'lr 1 a. gkp t in 111"M Vaft.. lmnl M NEW Toms. E suý-Th.. w . mb M I - t. wer mia wh. -1 sad .1.r I .1 - m tew -kr l r--l(t um,% mmd Deaw.t, Tenms & Vt eelh a . .15% Cmm"dlm Pmles mmd Uh.w Pm " I. msueb 1y4. Teune.s. eaS mmd 1ul ° vIe maad Umahy ille e.ein 1. 54. v bnI wt"wlyb u 4 U rmmd a . ·CisM redrdkr mauawt t Ibur ed l'igwma i~h1d eta"k op. ?1 as Y was r sii lwu. I 34c, and tb. tug to 0..011 wt r. lows ý ( elo.ý.s "K.I~ TIM Stotal awes wre .AOD barra4.. The closing quotation weaw: -:V. K 1'. l. trrd $. ' 7 " U. K 1'astpus.. 12' io uw1,e.... 3 . K 1 a ru I 1ua 7 I N. X. ii.Iriii:::: ul Hw~l~e 4.......... Its .s SAinerrim BIparsW~ IKi. EItUWUS. XsVE. '4 (am. I'ai.e'*..... .s.6 S 1.. 34 (as. awatbera.. 54'm aaleua £alS .w.gawI lati..... 47 ' Paul... 47 n . ..u...... ...... a narc . 61 I 41Tr.. . t7'qrT M..... 4 . 1, t'm IaS.s .. a4?' M OM o \ah.... 7.7 ý 38rd..... 3 a, .. srr.. ir 1itao entrl. f1 tiw3 .w ri .."lk"... 14', A's ontus US.. 712 a I ortkrrn Pa."Hl.. RL'· Ii no can easliy at 4%~1 I sent. me ec t paperes '1 Sterling ecb quiet a tity dhar hula. I demand, N.87% atd ining quotations a. IfolowS r V Ier11r ................ " 1 le ............ e .3 a I smuId nI *wr... 3 itj)t atý. ItablO ..... . 3 ('iakuan. Ii. 11.. a aU m.......... i C' 1 a"2Intalrvl ............I.34r I, I ru I' ant.. .... bow Is g..............24am , jobd1adNt Tea.... t ea Wan ia......... 146 1'u a ('ama. ('ar V... s S3 Hyuluth .......... Ier' h I lt'vrr *a'Ld (4ue .... 2 l y a4 s 5. K. " " " " e ~ U Tum.............i evd..... 2 a1 11 ('ýNaalººwr·*h.... 9 SI rlnkw, t".w......... a se u lkwdwood Ter..... 110 Ward('ou.... . I l U Kur (.N1r........ 9 Yellow Jacket...... 3 U (knnk1 and Curry.... 19o Holyoke ............. .... lisle nd Noma.. INS 1. K.R. &Mile. .. .º aeatake....·. ...s0 ·Un Tuume.... ... I I wes live........ I a Y, Nebadia..... .... Slana Nilve...... F r nominal. Lake, October. innwr active and steady Straits, A XLn IadIeats.mmoser Progrms. I.rnem the Wahultntamn (lalttal. "How are you getting along with yoear work on the piano?'" asked BlinkiLa of a youeag womnan. "'Oh, very well; I uere great pu-mgres in my work." "How is that ?' "Well, tlie family that lived next door niovel away withiln a week after I oon unelw.l to practice. The next family staid a month, the next ten weerks, and the peo ple there now have relnalmied neerly six (heed Omem. Are MeSree. rYnss the Nie.w York Truth. Hopwood-Knox, did I ever tell you the story about the Judge aud his coon dog? Ksox--I dun't rlemeunher. Was it a gool one'.' Hopwood--Yes, a mighty good story. KIno--Tlwl you never told it to anw. Tae KiL. They lrke. Proue the Wasabiatua C'apitld. The rrltkus rave o'er maaters old, MurrlB and Vuam Ilyke, ut the pirtures am the dollar bills Are the works the people like. Terr e Metor Im a aple.. Rosa, Nept. 21.-A terrie storm waged at Naples today. A large part of Naples is submerged. Premier Criepi' villa I I to"WInhip. ita the rm r ellAN tmrl-o to.y of M .utaa. BrcJ.e i". J. it , Patc J1. Ik. of the rreer. Versus lat, Alas m ons I Afendant. The People of the Territory of Montana. to the above-named defenmant, grueStig. Yem are hereby sumamoned to and apar hefure me. M. J. P1tz Patrick a Justre the Peace in and for the county o Iher lde at my.1 ~e. in Anaronetn Tuesa the t d Sk-*otiarr A. 1). Ito, at Aeo', ak a. 1n. of Sil1 day, or within ten days thereafter, thee and there to nake answer to the crplaint eft Frank Newkirk, the lsh'e-nuamed itlantii, In a ivil altkm to remnoer the sum of twenty 1m1n dollars fr renut of room furnishe y t your spi rl In tancw and reqlur.t by plaintlif from Jlune Iuth, 114e1 to AugIt lith, INU anud In derfault thereof. jldmetll will Iw renl~red yp ytou. Frit Ref er. the ve l-ad- defeda.nLt ( for the uum of twenty t1 dollars anut 4,uuts of suit in his be half expenlded. I;iveen uander my hadl this llth day of Neptem her, A. I). eSu. M. J. VITZ IATRIC'K, JNLstke si the Ptece. A. P. RBH.wN. Attorney for Plaintif. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. AMrKIC*AN (It'tA'H MININ4a AND MIL.AN.J ('o. try ANKI(t'AN (it'IA'I. i, nIL.V IOW (t'ONTV, MowNT. Notice is herety given that at a meer*ting of the truntees of alaet "ulunpmny held on the slt day of Auguat. InS, an asuus.aea. t of two t1 cents s per share was levkie upsu the aapital staok of said funlflany, u'aldr ya on or t.itre the 12th day of (k*tobr, IlNlS ts I. A. Kingr, the treasurer of maid eo.lusany, at the city of Anaeoda. Montana. Any stoak u mn which maid amer.sanent hall re maisn unpaid n the day of 4hltoner lan, shall be delinquent and will 1b duly ad vertised fur male at public autio, and unle pyayent shall he ade before, will ien sold on ue auth day of Okttober, Imt" to ay the della quent asses , tgetr wih the tcosts of ad. vertlaing and xpe uam of male. li. A. K I(I. AAxrnDA. D)eWr Loadge Couty,. Mont. NOTICE OW aeLCTION. There will be an election held in the city of Anmeonda on Thursday, thse eth day of ktacIwr,, A. I). 19n ,I at which there will be sutillttal. to the quallked electors of said ity). the lqucsthmm as to wlether the aum of 1t talu of the lbIlms of the city of AnaIeNdata sIall I t issue.d uln.n the credit of sad city. to nun for thel terml of tren nears, arnd to draw 7 Iwr ciet. N1r auumnl vil hld.iert, for the larIet of 4ewerts fi city. T.w vo ilng placs In the se.eral wards will be the eua0w as dtesignated Iy the etnlasy i euils sUlemrs for tI.e geiwnrl elet.etlH, Ito I h.el Tue. ,lay. the first day of trhtolwr. A. I). Ilse. th Judges all d .erk of said will - tht same persons dlesgnated by thI Ihaudt of scounty a.uanmtisaktners to .at as such at the ral es.lttkn to he held Tuesday. the trin day of tkAtober A. I). ien. within the city of Aunoatda. HIy order of the City ('munnl of time city of J. U. Iko*AtmN". ~ ity C erk. A. 'M LIN DOLl. WMULt.ALR AND KWrAIL DKAI.P1 IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. EBcrUemt Fresh Fruls and Table %c~e les 0001)D WINE, LIQUORS AND DOYN TIC AND IMPORTED CIOARI FauSt haKE??. - ANACONDA. MOMT. TO RUNT. *S. H MSe~N* Now York Meorohant Tailor. 1,000 - SCWFO.M of COW 1AO ma" ma" PaMvva I-aagrM bw H. N AVItka .,inda Vna r ew,. near Maim. alupdldywims dome wer SAM PRAMENKO. Fresh Game, Oysters ad Fish, Liquor. Cigers. Candies, Nuts and Fruits, Butter, Fresh Eggs, and COJNTRY * PRIODVC" -A SPUIIALT ams FirL stsreet. Aaaeomda, !aoet ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOIS -AT THO DOLMIQOICO. THE HANDSOMEST IN ANACONDA Atl ere.osnb . atr.. Mam mit, Near Proums. CHAR. $E3TCH. Wiran Spring Liery Stable. TI" ilee1m T iraeut. ja Aaaeaeia. New ad LANDAUS. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. FINE NEW HEARER. Our ADDEI.F. HORSER for Ladle. me Genh Mae lte .PlaeLt the new .ute. CHA8. W. FRENCH. Proprietor. hrtr imLet.e We t at Mai,. Aaaeoda.l Most. VOTERS' ATTENTION EXTRA I DRS. LIEBIG & CO. rwmaatly baetead In BUTTE CITY At soutrheast Corer of Malm amd "roadway. irivast Kmaramee at a SAEBIO WORLD DISPENSARY AND INTIENATIONAL Medical and Surgical Institute. Kane.. City Ma. lNp Frnacimeo, (al Cmau RU T CITY. cataan. Dr. Uel.o & (o. are re ar graduates ed trine am surgery and sU-elalrat m tMhwtned by the states of California and MONTA NA, to treat all C('br ervo a and Pri vate diseasers (whether eamusd by Imprsadelu Exwess, or ('ountatUka), Haemiml Weakne. (might lse), Sexu I Debility, tims of sexu* pMwewer Nervouis )De-lity, (ie of nerve fre). I.isers.e of the blood, (inyphill.o (koo.r the, bliet and Ntrkturel Cured. Ctursee cases raartmead with life membership. 'harges tow. Thaoumads of cses cured. All medieiaes nar em jeually pIrrrd for each individual trs., at Ia rtor)-. No injurous or polummu easompounds used·. No time last from business. Patients at a dis tance treated by letter and expe. Medicine meat weerywhere free frmn or In disease rof the Lild rain. eat and Nervous system, as well as lverK and travet t'ompllnt u 1teu m raramtyi and all oither ('lrnir dieases. Write for illustrated mon Deformtles, Club fret, Cnure a ttu pn Pl. )Tumors, ('neer. ('r. rohtit, Inhalatio El - trkrit, Ma tism, P'aralyls Ep Kp, idney, teer, Kryr, Ear, Skin and Wood, all Sur. ILseases of Women a Specialty. Separate par. iors for lady patients. Thiw ely Reliable Medical atud urgital Inst~ tute makian na pecrlaty of Private Iimeses. All blond diseases suee-stully treated. ntyph flltis Pouisn removed from the system without mercury. New Restorative Treatment for ilasu of Vial P.rwer. Perrms unable to visit us may be treated at home by erresqmadenee. AlU .-sm munieations eonldkntial. Medknr or Intru ments sent by mail or express securely packed. Oun personal interview prefrred. Call and con suMt us, or send history of your ae andl we will mend In plai wrmappe r mrHak Frre explaning why tlwusands eManot oe cured ot Private, Special and Nervous I~mnes s., a Weak es. iperuLonrhsr. Imtputencyp4llr (n orrhem. tileet. Varkrocole. tc. etc; r. . a co. are the o.M or re sponsibe ialis left In to ta u iace the new medical law. UDae hours from 9 to 5 and? to a p. in.; or by appointment La ebscure and urarent ases. ('INSUILTATION PRE. t NWewton Bros. art agents for sale of Dr. I.eIg's Invigourator in Rutte City. Montana. MONTANA LUMBER AND PRODUCE CO., -DEALERS INh Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows and Mouldings. LHOLS..eSL.. DeL.. 114 lLOVYR. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hay, Grain, Feed, and Hard and Soft Coal. Agents Continental Oil Company. We carry in Stock a Full Line of BAIN & NMITCHELL WAGONS, thun QUARTZ GEARS to litbt SPRING WAGONS. Also CLARK, PERRY, STUDEBAKER and STXNDKRD BUGGIES AND CXRRIOGES. and a uln line of ROAD CARTS of beet makes. Geaden Citi, C0pper and Oliver Chilled Plow •. A d Is of ~Pete s' and Norler Bros.' CoCnesd Harness. BClth Wdlloo Cou at k and T a Hammn s. WCallrand look through our oek. lt is emplete I all the diNeent ,li ua asa o we d et (stor. J.T. CAHROLLtU. M . DON'T MISSI I.i It's a matter of interest to every In, Woman nd Child in the Conty : SAVE: MONEY!: And by not spending a DOLLAR until you have examined our IMMENSE STOCK of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. YOU CAN DO IT. Here goes $2 for $1 in a sample lot of Men's Un derwear. Again we offer you a 5oc Ladies' Heavy-Knit Jer sey Under-Vest for 25c. Our lines of Plashes, Sils, Armares, Cashieres ad Flannels Are marked W1AY DOWN. Our ladies', Misses and Children's Cloaks are immense. 'Tis a fact we will save you money on anything you may buy of us. Call and see. LOSEE & MAXWELL. One door South of Postoffice, Anaconda. C. M. SAWYER. CHAS. HOUCK. C. D. BAKER. SAWYER, HOUCK & CO. Wholeml. aid lMeta deelera m Wagons., Carriages, Buggies. Road Carts, Har ness, Robes, Whips. Etc. " A whoteum eamL m sl l)ers In BUTTER, FLOUR, EGGS, CHEESE, FRUIT, &c. Thurston's Block, Firet Street, Between Chbrry and Cedar. ANACONDA, - " - MONTANA. CHARLES T. kW. CRESS, milrubsM l M eyj Dealer in Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Window Glass, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Statiomry, Cigars and Tobacco. Pre scriptions accurately compoadod day and ight. First Street. - - Anaconda. Montana. D. B. BIRRPCN, FIRST STREET, - - - ANACONDA, MONTANA. Carriage Builder, Blacksmith and Wagon Shop. AU claew crf r ew mad wumi woodwork esIcuuted pr aptrd is the bes ·r-. atirvam p· 9pcc~il stear o F AD ukid. of ·acbirrmy rcpartrimg will m~tv. i. pemum~i mape rviguom