Newspaper Page Text
I TmDLASAT~RAI ANACONDA, MONTANA, FRIDAY 4RMINo, Sa"TIM3R a7* hz1 zl U uuum ARDS. DR. D. J. RMcDN LD -molloa Oatf!. WS w I in . wi a .. .... -C AIin r -Cu-~- P. L. ST. JS"M, A.I, M.D.. C.M. 3-bm - M .....a ukJ. it it a oaa s V" ML. is IL Joa iMhg. U1.:In . 1 I$ A. IstauaaT iP.M. T. D. PITZ@3RALD. F"i @w.% . Me" J* R. O Rp[WXN. ATTORNEJY AT LAW. WAIN OR., OWN .A1 & a, AGS '.a ewme Amuses" lesson&II !. fLZMI, AIIu r1 Csinulii at law. Vw90m 8 4r F. P. CHRIUMAM. D. D. S. Mr.vL. I lwajb M am Oat, rTEEH EZKTAOTZD WIT WOUT PAIN 019. P. URO3MN* MUSJm at Low. OMS . Durrne S Ja kym 3sl*, Maim ISve, H. W. STUPIIONS. PNWVCIAN AND IUIREON. ____Im N, Btt & Jamkp bM uI-te~4. DRS. MITCHELL & SNTYDER, wIIWICOMIDR HO ITRL. (mezt to Maw"m HoteL) ANACONDA . -. MONTANA Anaconda Real Estate Agencry. FITPATRICIK ARPLING, REAL ISTATE & INSURANCE ACTS. MiAu 3rrsteetrs amd Cmvemaseers. ANACON DA . MONTANA PH. BEST BEER HALL C. CASLrON. ThM ·rs mes d ~. ami aCgsm am the Th.tem nsa ker, nMrrst .in Vkr I~ulug, limit s linup, Wholesale and Retail Butchers. ramuly Suppmes a Upeelday. Al Orden Dedvrei dree e Cd CLse. eipa Vrint Sr"e - * AwANowaA *iTd. 7mIRRTIN* (orrourm nrN Swan) MAE.r A SPECIALTY OFFINE CIGARS DOE1U1mr, oIPrDmT AND m lwarn. THE GOLD BOOT. M Went Park L F. H. 33Aw, proprietor. READ'S DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, .u . .o .- , ma A. C. HOEFL ER Has the Fine" Fancy Cakes, Candies and Ice Cream ha Mosey (Ioa I _ Ivals AnDr E raim ald be Cooviaeed. UIlL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ass Weft Pr. k trehi IBut, , L. M t. The - Morris • Cousins, DRESS1M KING. 5 worok prom daei a apeots St tS-m Ma flwa am Mke~ffltaimbWd ar.t i g."ýa ifesaud the ATLMNTEAII HOUSE, .a Vas crM , rAaaooia. + A. J. BLI)( + stea ad.b'S Eria l week now &M pw I" mzY r " aw br Bre HE MAY LOSE HIS HEAD SSun tbe r aF mb nsc m w was Ae e us e Imeas WUt lna Abma bm. ooe am Ia.Use iteow le r e ameismmes P 0as0 epr ..e rtd tast amn. r d in tAh FusaboNod, Sept. L-The dsues eaatrymae foe. indrnral claims grante, e the Unit.d overment et ..S riaeels h a d t -aIte Itoma W. T.and heveas retas las The aair was brtang to light by de anrrival hn thi eit .t Dboak imn. - meashaa at PuPorlad. Oe., who seated hlmmet as the audgiee of a mum bher da coaes who erm r eatited to pa.rt of t. manr bd b.een phai the oosulyeaal and on which he is Tsaid to eave reno l eonuing. Man attamm1 faor HockHiclaimamtn cv'ut4 Pas Aln . d a salt In the U for . $,700 ss med s t claim and held. bock HIUJ . resdnp faor it. He myps that the amouer was Iaidtro.L rame Gum Ye Ha who now hnt. let er uree-e ensu eelvd trom HrsH _ oase l a Chin.a mechant declares t aGm u Sm was swves tar the .aasui.genemi on con ditlauat the should siMa a receipt foar the 17,000W dse to Dock la and aothers. The weet at d e ose, MIt Is . was ~~~an. and GeO Yu Sans mwas. ested soon ater hil arrival l China where. he emains in . Te prevails that Tesne d useder a wet anod at back heese isa trial. Shoukd he be convicted there, his bead will liter. alty tMl hase the basket. USED THE STATk'S MONEY. Uew ux.* we. Daubs, at iLesltam e amsne Up Uass. rette smasss. Nsw Omailns, Sept. a.-The state nment of the cashier of the state treasury during Burke's term that he had called Burke's attention ina 1i to the fact that coupons had been presented of bonds supposed to have been destroyed. was cabled to MaJ. Burke in London. Burke has replied, telling how the apparent dis crepancles might exist, and says he is tied down by his business in London, but when when be can get away will mall for Louisiana. It is understood that Judge Mare will charge the grand Jury next week to investigate the msatter and bring Indictments against those found to have been engaged in placing in valid securitiee on the market. Judge Stanbery, who was for ness capacity, has madea statement show ng enegotiatedloans fo Burke at differ eat tinmes amountin to thousands of dollars, always dep in collateral state bonds handed him by Burke for that . In eoparlag the numnbers he d with those now blished, he Uads that g the bbdy& him nearty L s th. He had no doubt their validity until the re cent diselosures. Stansterry's statement. which is made on the advice of his attor. ne.y, shbows that Burke as far bmak as 188I was using bonds then in his keeping as state treasurer as collateral in borrowing monrey for his own use. 3. Paver of thue Nerthera Peasie. WAsmIoTox, Sept. SS.-In the case of the Northern Pacific railroad company vs. Randolph, secretary Noble today decided that by falling to appear to oppose the fnal proof of proceedings on the part of pre-emption or other claihants a railroad company does not forfeit the rights which the whole case made shows it to possess. It simply cannot insist on any further op portunity to contradict proofs submuitted, as it has had its "day in court," but if on these proofs themselves it still aplears on the face of the whole record that the co.m pany has prior or superior rights, juca ment must o accolrdingly. This decision corrects the widely prevalent misapprd hension as to the effect of the "PForest" and other cases which were supposed to infliet forfeiture of rights upon railroad conlanies who failed to appear at hearings. Observanee of the labbath. PARIs. SepL. 26.-The Sunday observ ance congress palsed a resolution to-day tp the effect that in cases where otserv ance of Sunday is imlossble weekly holidays should be given to employees. The congress also adopted resolutions ad vising employers not to pay their men Saturday or Sunday. The presklent of the United States in his letter to the eon es sakidl: "Experience and observation ave convinced me that everyone who works with his l.ands and head needs the rest which Sabbath alone can give." BauLx,. Sept. 9B.-Tbe Cologne Gasette says that the proposal of the ebief of the general staf of the Russian army that a second line of rails be laid to the western frontier, being esaried out, despite the - of ot d e minister of finance. hundred - locomotives and the requisite aiount of rils have been or dered for delivery in May. This will eom plete the strategete net work o Ruiran railways, Ianreasie the t acity to mass tope on the German fronier. The amsmas.e , Lotn.vsLas. Sept. .-At the Amerlcan hunane assoeatio toda a resolution was adopted thb the amus ation request every state or loeal society in the union to endeavor to obtain from the legislature. a law makin it penal offense to deborn attle, to dock t lls of bormed and shoot pigeons and otbher live birds from leave. Mm m"- W.uSpmud. 3owros . Sept. IS-The seesannouuced fortkr atMYs Park and Franklin Park Wrem pawoaad oan eesans of rain. The event. _mm to-morrow take -a 8aft-n. THE ADMINISTRATION FAMILIES. Whe reswne c i e mn e Other Ar A Thmas . . Sinea the days of Ges. Grant's adhL adms. thele has bame nothing NLb the that at presens a sit k Harrion. Is mayn he news to he emnte, bt Iu am tol it le a act b a tautewrthy aman, that two o the fisans abinet ola 4esetay Nole and Attorney General Miller-as. both dieiantly related to Gen. Harrison-Mr. Nobe on the prerei dent's side, and Mr. Miller ao Mme. Ha rieao's sids. Presdklat Harrison has directly or thrgb his appoinatees appointed the foe lowsi ohis coasst to omce: Hiswrate. Carter .. Harrison, to be United tates snarshal in Tennessee. His brotherin-law, J. D. cotitobse gapesrnteeadsnt of enanwtrtl at putb buildigat Part Towanend. Rell Harr 's fAther.i-law. Alvin Raunders, to be Utah eamnm..aoner. Bab ee's unne Prank obe dt e soeer of eme~sO a, Washingn tn - M!in4n-l-aw D. W. oMeCis to be oe Seter a internal rgvewue ina .b Mr. RBusemll Harrison's eusin, William Haynes, to be law clerk In the postoe deIZ 6Parker, nephew twnarriage, de talesd to none al duty at Berlin. P.eadent Harrisn's appointees have Imitated his easopLe by apointln or em eerla the uaintnent th eir esmas tirea deral S oees, a foIlows: Seereiary Blale's man is the law oeer of the state departnent; one nephew is the assistant postaaster at Augusta Me.; anothenr eephew i a ecelal agent a the esea u; the brother o his Boas anee. is msvemrnia of Asist 'onmae enld *Clark oen's san Is ia the postnos e department. Assistant Land osalseeer one b a san in thse ueneral lad o e. - C-sl-a er - Tanner had two d hre In the pensiaon .serve lately. and one now. irs Auditor Fisher has a daughter aIn his o.ce. Private Sesetarry Hallford's brother-in law Is postmnaster In aspaiLa, Ill. Compisoier Matthew's nepaew is a sistant district attey for southern Ill Conanlssloer Morgan's wife Is in the Indian obce. EMMONS BLAINE MARRIED. Te mam . t'e ameretary oJ sste Wedded to a Chiemme oirt .tsee~dr. Rwtcrtsmn Niuoas, N. Y., Sept. M. The wedding of Emmons Blaie, son of the seceary of slate. and Mis Anita Me Cormlik of Chicago wans olemnlisd her. to.da$ at noon. The little Pres.tteriua church in which the ceaemony took plteo is situated upon a knoll overlooking the village. It was lighted with electric lights and its arhebo trimmed with umnlas, aut umna leaves and ferns. The pulpit was a smns of flowers. As the hemaa arriving at the church soon . ter 11 a10te dark clouds brea inso mrai Te m mnes hefore the hour of the ceremony Mr. dStephen B. Elkins and wife enteled and were eoon followed by Secretary of State Blaine and wife. The mother of thte lbrde, plainly attired, entered oon after and it was now that tbe hrkidal party was making it way into the eburch. The clergrynan entered the chancel and the a fol lowed. At that noment. the bride, attired in a dress of valenciennes lace and white satin entered, upon the arm of her brother Cyrus. Ennmms Blaine awaited he# at the altar steps and prsenting the snlves, the Rev. Dr. V. HmU, the local pato b na readS the marriage - Rev. Dr. o rrmckj m Cthe taking up the ceresmany. Tihe bride was given away by her brother Cyrus. The marriage war with a ring, te couple kneeling during the invocaion of the di vine blessing upon the union. The newly wedded pair then led the procession from the church, taking carriages for Vdrive through the pourlng rain to the McCor mick cottage whither the invited guests followed to the wedding hbrekfast. The party left at 2 o'clock for Bar Harbor. ltalmg at lellevlrle. Lor.svatLL. S ept. B.-The attendance to-day war small. Jockey Ray was ruled off for striking Jockey Sloan after the fourth race, Nloan's mount Imaving hlter feted with Ray on Bonair and iPeventing his getting through. The results: Seven-.iglthtian alle- -rm'lamor won; Elee trkiity suecond Lucy P. third. Thlwe, 1::32. Five-.igltllta mile -Engilihla Lady wonl: Milton secondmd. Lollikins third. Intw Mie--4..en of Tr.lnps wol ; Plunlmwr a lonld. Bill Iw.thl..r trinl. Tilsws 1:44%. Threg-fourtihs mile.- Bettina won; AHonm A. wro...oil, lBonair thinl. Tinla, 1 :17%. Mile and eighlth ')-rs won: Anltonia lerend, Tenlike th.irl. Time,. 1 :MSP. 'eteraam a a C('INNATI. Sepl)t. 21.--O-(hrer ~00 pierso mat down, at the banquet of the Army of the Tennessee to-night. The president, General Sherman. sat at the center of the table, at right angle to tables at whicb the multitude feasted. The first toast. "Cam pagn for Atlanta," was responded to hy General Sherman. In which he was brief. and in which he related only the alre.ldy known facts of history of that memorial event. The plan of the progra~ me of toasts was followed out. each as they rc cured on the famous Atlanta campaign. Ihyestead by Ilrttlb-Arameraa.. Boarox, Kept. 5B.-The Dorhewster branch of the ritibb Anmeriean auocia tion last night remslvet that no British Amerlcan can vote for Mr. Brackett. the republican candidate for overnor, in this anpaig. and e true to the priEaiples of the i American assoeation. This action is based upon the statement that Brackett was invited to attend the Queen'. juhilee hanquet and r fused and a short time ater made a speech at a land league meeting. OMANA, Sept. 9S.-- idne Dillon Is bere and will nmet President Dodge of the Den ver. Temxas Port Worth railroad. It I. reported on what purporto be the best of autbhorit that they w negotisate for the sale of the Foet Worth road to the Union Pacific and the sale will be con sumated at the October meeting of the Union Paetde directos. The Wateh beast easted. ('.rxox, 0., Sept. S3-A private d patch frem Mew York mays the four larg est jobbeer in watches in the country bare withdrw frmen the trust. breaking the ccmhnatlso. FOUR MEN__WILL DIE WIn"M mi as cum&i ONi Waft No"r MOMug A no"O~r Pug.... flawing Wit% pgi Shlosela-A Well-Kumwn Xam ft. moolei ad area virrieB. Iftalsy flu rued. Paruauvnu. Sept. *.-At Carnegie's Ed gar steI. works at Braddock to-night fri es ('," one of the larest at the glas fteeres, gave way ate the bottm and ton at sIken mnetal like water es.eping tfro a reservoir ran out. The fuernase had not hees working properly during the day and Ca in Jones. general manager of the wa-S. called tonight to ,se if he could tae.lain the cause. He was working with a number of men near the base at the hfrnace when the break oc eiurid. In an instant flames oat rn -s-' ntrtbh and the hot metal exploded and l like sheets of water. That any as pewd inutant dalths Imarvelous. C Joe. was horribly ,b urned and phr are unable to state to-ime whether he live or not. Michael na was ob hl harned that his flesh peeled of. He onaot live. John Mokake was badly a bout the aody. Ned Quinn was Samd Bar e wsver iro and Abr dis -b msays: The named of tle w rwho were burned are Pa lHughes. Michael Conner and eeden. Michae Klg, a HungarLns, was t when the mssethisug am a.ut tof turnace, and as he can f found it Is eared he is covered up. Ao si carlads of molten metal pousds out at the break. The terrible rusmh t liquid steel knocked Joses down. For tat he fell beetweena two etrucks or he d ave been burned instpa ly. Wh novoedt from the pit his closhi d urned enteirlyr hisbody. Te to the company will be uie Ath pqdnight(a n Jones was resting sa5,HispTi ears he will rcovrer. --al U- ---ar.Tb ml CAt'Ao, Sept. 9S.-The mew west edlu cti4 c umnisuionu, object of whieh is to preo.te cbris.tiau lviltsatoea In Utah and adjuat states and tetori had h ad an nual m t here today. The report of I Moovetary Blis. who spent se.r oral la Usb this suummer, includes a brs luuestion that the grncral pulley now ling pursued by the cnna.mlom oul4 not b radically changed without to a peril the lfluencesm ran the eistesl.e of the ee aid ntkuted are mreatd anal well imnag.t t epepx.ltuem, will he n..wesary fr a nrew doe t for hoar ding bnou.mes and ad diti accommodatikus. The cmunuron rschols are larvin ian imprtaret influwmera hut the Introduction of publk- -ch.dols is an uncertain and probably so distant. that new alhoolhossnru should at once he erected in sev.eral localitiks. Tl u.ruee tary says the work is far more extensivre than the public or even the ehbu.h sup YI'uadinys sill Oa.u. At Pittthurg-Pittaburg , Philadet At B ltimo-e-Baltimore U, Athletic 1. At Brooklyn--4olumbua 7. Bruoklyn 7. At Indianapoli.--laadhanapolla 6. Bas toll 12 At Kamm ( -it-Kan.asty Cit 8. Clarci mati 8. At Clev lasd-Waahishyglo 0 (leve land 3. subject to the deelalon of the di rector. of the hcague on account of Waa* - ingLoe not arrivisg at Cleveland until nearly dark. At Chicago---?l;cw York 3. (Chiago 4. At St. Louis--St. LAuis b. Louisville 4. At Baltimoru--Baltnaore U to 0 in favor of Baltimore. sconul game. An Oil Plir tie.." rundr. NEW YOKK. Sailpt. W.- -Pugiaamtaher & Co.. exported ol petroIiouIS, fiadl4 ant awaigflniait to-day. Their atttroatym may that thn- preeu .mt dtiffhqmaitje. an- rmalely dot.. to the faailure' of Aaaairw Uro~wi. of Ilsafla I., to take cane of his obldlgatmoil. The ainait liabjrlitiaw1 am hear am 'ill IEto a .r tuamA adire lutwiem.1 '11). uE 4111(1 $4'P.tNMl. (., on iUitiiiiiaxt1tiation aNNi4'1ataaI.* aIKd .nbma~rmianuatm for Itnawn. It Ilrowim. tim. hlwylerS imiy. wiw1 mila tke cars of hisi iiS1tt etaclindn uhhlicatiota. atid liy 1*'win state her & ("o.. they i.muld' show a hatnd maisame surplusa. AItrsIw Ilntrow is will knawn an "ta*a Buffanl Iumutur kInk.' Cam't Vote for erl e ager. PAR.I, kpt. li. -Thle nRtrll'n!lal .om* nio ouan Iera di . ned tar tl e vote cast for Boulangrr in Montnartre in t. r . c* electionls ane voki ani derclared Jot. fries. the labor canslldlate., lklt.d. Th.e cminsuision alno iaullifl- th1e votes rant for Henry I.NIrbfort in B'lk tolle. The ha., co efirmed the, e-le tionl of Count IDilloll for th. ickl3paAntnlt of Morhlllan. Cael Weather in MW. Peak Tr. PA'L., .tet. gI. -To-lday has hbe the coldest ol tLe b wanos thum far in thin city. .imuilar report* have aera received from a nuhsber of points in the narthwst., and meow has fallen at St. Cloud asnd Ilu luth, Minn., and Black River Vailt. Wis., and inevertl loc-alitkl to be heard froan. warpped Deed at a Feaerua. NEW Yoax, Sept. 9S.-While attending the funeral of Colonel Governor Carraw, the Journalist, to-day Jaeob A. Water )ouse, a friend of the dkeea.ed and a .senimer of his reglime-at during the war, dIropped dead of paralysis. e Alded tihe J..bamw. sabeer. Davtgi. Sept. :LS.-Father Mavin. a Catbadlk priest who was nmst diligent in rendering a.istan.e to suferer. in tht e ti-|ntd dater at Johlntow|n. died at the st. Janae today of aoute stomach troubles. The remainu will be ment eaet for buriah Osseese Mamahp Arritvas. At New York, the Spain from Liverpool. At Stoutbampton. the Harnmonia and Seal. from New York. At Qumeenstown, the Wiscnsin from New York, the Kansas from Boston. BONDS AND STOCKS. Or il a m in Umb. VaIm as me nmw YambaSsa mbsm. Maw Toss, mpt. .-Tb. clamk mebm -si showed Mm * c Ini and .lt ibm.o a to d..-mw. w masma7 .tmeg, Sumtaiomwa wrem a. stall a. ev~e and welrdimilo ato b. mIni hour wiped out omanr ot fm he al md. in lb. early pwton fib. duay. oeuomameui. wore adt of btafer Pibe firmi make, becam Bhal and of fo ", thbn rase"d and ckmoed mstedy at as. On the .sock eudasasl the opening wasr 1Y34. ighes g' lowest sae, losing fn4. O the (onaoIhlraid ecubange tI opening was o. .bighust SOW lows"n USOW. closing.. bakes~. D brrels.C~ The loming quoaiaUm werea: V. $.· rvghstrevd 1Use'.nrd. 9... 74%. V. P.. 4mae Itpsa... 117{. ?4ihwauters.... $3' V. K N%'s rricr..... Imti Ttf~t..... t lt. K s iC'·ouppoc 19ai WY. l ruralJ..... im. raatae ec...... IN (rpaasm'.,t~ l Ammica Iipie 1t? rep a'gr,· il UM T.~~ as..7 (Uk;X~3aS imfr %C 1keI reas ..... Nab:umwei . . a ..... ?s s Ito . + atbLerm .wk,.. T4 ' I bte eeui' ,ai 5t4c... pub Money on ca .* sirI4*sn p... wrmmreenW. paper.,triw _ chanmaquietanMI Nsteady aaist day Mining quoiaiioi a follws: ('rows s'a~i.. to ?gl Sra Nmtaahaa Cand Nraj.... am MUiamS . . .a 1 m ou a~ih.. (u ftic~l.... .. I Tn. S .imhahS7 srI~ IUssuevage . I 1tea. . (ed abade ('Un.....a t wev Nevada ..... i U1 (b d 4 tfUs.. " U Cam.W .. ...... 1 M Iorlwoal....... v. a .. . 4aka . I~r~L~.. 1 w I Yw~ l' ........Y 7s~w ler .......... t l Ikdvc is.rsrtak..... ·., f Ma .... . 1 s~ (Ilrn7Pec.... eluaUend C dull wad bu& Ii s ..X.. f10.70.. Ladsteay; beter d domneatic LI St. Tin, quaiet i fiture Armers tueIb, BANKERS IN SESSION. Imapsetame t Wms aresemaetd Testeeday men the smweetnsm A"is em.r. l KAlSS Crryv, ept. IL--Ina the .a kers' eonvematlo, today. a remohation froest the New York delegation resaanse g to conaress that sucb maetot be taken as will revive the Aaeserlea mnerlant marines and ome feerm the Kansas dkealntio whlde wanted the eoavenatko to endorse the oajeet of the Texas eoat deep harthr conventia~ t to be hsld at Topeka in tc tober, were vigo. t dlemmaaLd iml ly referred to the executive .councl. The seretary's report showed an inrease in menmbersdui the past year of W, the totl se-mb s ae t 4 M Rnseed t KEantueyn otefed a reentleo that meotineo &198 of the revised statutes of the U'nited Sitates ugve.rsinl national hanks shosuld he so amn ksd by cangemse as to exchange clause governing forfeiture- of interest. Mr. Mneed condemned usury laws in gem eral. The esolutken alsomeor that all banks should be aendarbl to the state laws of the state in whikh located. It was not Just that an heavy a penalty should be merred out to national tbaks for usury when stater baks wes .ot amen able to tha. anoe law. It wa w fnally re ferred to a special 'oennlltee which report. ed recommnnawding that enagessa be re qusted to amenl the law in question so he penalr would be forfeiture of only the amount of interest over the legal amsount. The liveliest discuasson of the convention occuered over the report of the esecutlve council recunanmendin that the paper read by Mr. Nt. Joban yeterday on coinage etc., he referred to th next executive council. The recomsaemld ation provokeJd a log debate. Finally a plan was aduoptc to fully conskler Mr. rt. Johns' pep.sitlon, and take a vote- on it lby nmal after the exrcutive cumnoril tad wset its reports to the delegates. The nmom Inatig unmkteiee nmadea report whibh was, u s, d .reco,.wsndisu t- re-elea lou of ( .rbles Parsons of St. Louis, as prelident of the aeeriation. sald Morton MLramel as vi* resi.tLdent. A stew exelr tive wa c-·.lon. with very few ex ..rItionlJ. te rmanae an last year. Ther .on velstio(sn tha1n aldj.Usarl. Timber Pa.tentsl Is I Nbe'rtlwet. W'AMIlnrTUas. S..eI. :J. - The olnitlae in tie. ag.sermll Iulstd niffhe.. say tsel y an' not uwarn' that am st4.1t1" in a Portland, Oire R.oIa. lihIukatihh tlha g.v.r"neie.lmt it with holding frnin it.tlenra ill O)rergon mmatenats foe tinllitr lallda. te. ariy grret iextent ao thl. gKrueslle tlhat the. lausli alre agricrultural. Tiae.rn. erm ..wrni. alire* heldI up pefnding in ve.etigasti..n by special agelatle to ehtermnine tie c-hlarl.ter oRf tIe lanal. The. great trloubhl. that time Lsla offliials have to deal with, tlwy may. liu t pyrvent vik latlion uof taN law i regarnl to tihe elatry of tillmber land s(ut only il ()tre.eel. halt ian the northwe-t gels erally. y law r414* peronut4 ca. snlake only lNae entry of 140 acres of ticsuh r land. Sy1dia`ets hatve t )een fortmeled anu great billlis of land.l m.netitnes as much as M)t4l or 1I tIJO a-cres have been pur chased by Inl.uiduatl with the under ateleditmnl that wher n they r.ra4ve. l a patent It would hb turnaed over to the syndicate, which nut only furilshed the mnoney to isluividuail to purelbase tih land. but paid him alu, for the tuas of his nase. In mnassy case these men are b ghutf trumen eastern clties, as msen living in t coun try who have as a a esral thing e.austedl ther right to elr pu relas or enster government land. *ow Marriage Ameea" aeme Pepes. From the Te.rr Hamte E prem. Judge-You rev a freeholder? Prospective Jeswyman-Yet, air. Judge-Married or single? Prospective Jurysmaa-Ma-rrid thre vasýe aro last month. Judsge-Have you foremned or eapreesed PrOaspctive Juryuan-Not for three aela I.o Mlep Out. rom the New Yutk Man. Monerbag.: "You say yon wish to mnrrary a daughtersf Well, you know I have thie., ad on the anuauri la eaeh I shall ive her husdand00. Which one do you want t" Jack e: "PIl ead you wuat we'll do. You' mve eat to Utah, and I'l take allU te o tiu at your r. I'm wiling to do .th.t a thin.", TAPPING THE SIIRPLI In Club51 Ind P -nks -mnS 901NO Osbe the Isu The store" f$e asI1 It Ih aa.~ umn" fe Owmum3su' smaksh~ Ou clm. ~ m u r. Waed in 0om... WAuM O1Nm , Uejs. -L-Thu DIn (bpdh1 als.: Tbhe rpor d Id U... hag, (Caapbeil sad Braes, the esarinsn that heart lumed the pseles n·.her (kase7 guarided hr tbe hatwmdedpawtm.Se oilia. it wsduaflv husomla hmsw., >k is kaown that the import hakse up sashek ratlig s. sespvarately sad.aear - les hibed a inmuif. Shae Is hld Ws fact that Dkp CDeputbyr Urr Satith, Jr.. rese lva ovre SlaU asa vs ml hag. Thi. sates of h oea. ta no vae criticsmw ha t impost. Wrhuabr Smith bas returned this A or not thu repoat den mat atots Smith receive. his peseas at thu Topeka sunewy. Secretary Noble ha vie wf r. potf c mseRism bas bAM teemed Mr. Smith as to thu toa ethama the r,.ating. Te reporepalso ae eesl " Squir empeelft far his aswab ha i mabl eases specisi. It wastha that quie pow s- thu etap of Tanner ma e. - aiomew sand &Sial it to papers Mithaat the a kn hawitdum h a ah. efstet mech cam..A er I~I·Ceu. mmbebLv Md CouMMmheeuu m awr T it rewuei for his csrdrrrim ha dmLr ·kesntees Pa ish hiss. The mamms of pemiinfe oclsias who c~arvd themulv4 hat hu ma. rated, form a 1---D--Om.pis part et the m Sevety ral Iwo" · IU SeLw diehaU.ed at the tires their- rt orn who mew pd - ma~d. the haveeg~oe hae s m porter that the chief culprite werne aSI ha inoarnEd -om e allw Taemer sU:peuo do Comtlsiteier Tamaw aiMb ted ta the asoiated po that the ram r d, r -6a u Is was writtsn In Is . it was inholes. This wesagMr T r telegraphed ha private D.alheM t ha whether his letter had hebs ales or b" reached the pblic ha me.. other mwnr. Itpeakag tb a for a Nseaom paper meae Smith. Tamer. saw comes cm betors ha leat may sdwh the matter was uader dIsedma the Wer armmt In hi .aiim Gemnera l.w Wallace, BealSsmuo, of Ne~w York and a dems Mies. The. wa not he j tlr ree of In~ - twr~ t. iý »~rirX i tigating co ittee whi as mt vet hues made pab c. IpS 1 to lt. Ntamardd. OMBAT ALA., Sept. UL-Am mumuimim train returned about makahl bort do grading camp at Haud Codl, .wrwo a great meeting wa held. Mr. J.bmsm, the maining The ·m( arsfr ru a" am - rbs PLis she hail, was/~ ~ L Ame~~r kernmd UiI.awYV ~m~ rwad hIk mm. iag Sgmmmebm. ,wve hr muori W. unty afaideylor Lu oema imnmus..a H. wa fohawed hr 3am Word of Helmes wh mut near maidnight upn the o - mi Tooke, [agicnn i and Sb. .me. siakbt to puble support. Hi upwe y as warmar received hy the mainers. who are W astic for the State sad conmte Bes. Mr. Ward mal e a teling appea[ t the rpab. Bran. present, who a oidrnl a I agrit nudljind heartilm in t(c .. ( were Rhe rlra at thre clos Mgnn an Jry olis wtr..... t at rn inin.. G Avfatzmn, Sept. yl.-The Week Wint auddy 6041eV. The evernW rnwh.d - follow : Ilile-Aurmnia won, Crnkumam aseorn, Etruria third. Time. 1:443(. Mii. and(1 one-rcihb-Now or NeveW watt. (.'lieaatw 'scond. 1111 B. thir. Tisuat.. I :5% Mil. agatE on.-.risterntb -gyp worn, 7.ephyrOuz rscond Swun. Wood tird. Time. laaCOEI sp cial nile and oneHt R"i's.r'.r wUn. Lis Angel.. se d, .Tr third. filnw. 1:&hi5%. Six farl'..p -ortla nd won. Cii - Wavr. ut. ILah lulp eyaud thr. Tth ee, Six furl'ang.--FPrdhaa waorn second. l /.rnman third. Time Traims"S. SS M.Me. PowrtlnD. (ban.. Sept. U-A Spekain special uays: The cit balI wa eruwd to-4dy t ciiseun interested 1 n heargwu meiat in the h cam agains Coaein Waters. chasw~l wih stai eavr teal the reliefwee" sittseas. g. les "a war concluded and th. -s ishe adviemene until aSaraiag. This km the flmuist intering legal esame ever wccurmd ian Spokane Vets. 3.hmw lngais. chayged with the sot ofemt s whore volunntary satraesat led t " rest of Couninlima Wateard and Policman G~flerpl~w ed -L lou. Chief of es ar wern r rrwmi him, but he sdeh d te , esaa mpel _ LONDoN. Sep. !L-Tr. Tmwel.1 i Von at Peki. eousm YSatmt . -ur ham bus. d~d bva4·r Mtl", Sept IL-- t1. ..0o -of eamfiaLabed hams ·Id~, - were kIUd - ad ~ rrt r` P~aovw.uc 3. 1., Sep. 1 -.-J, lik iete -I- - ofamI. psI - ir. ýý y de·J Ummeuss ~rrr '·'~- C~h bhur