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- -lglr fe - «»*»* 5T<-re em*dtc trr me3 s for soink. I epm boom fim l0do any amma in CS aeanUto«4-- of a - nw two i~~r»»iilnna seemn.Th o rhr w awh old black hem IL W. HeedS.. a&1uh ., sepas 60 a U raMdmoes Ua. kille In ame. log a~ hin hamse In the TmgW4Ourtb die. W&Acoe awMMweek.__was on" aU Majilr of Iowa and Jusatice oFeld of aforim, ame tWo mmaed w on the eugus beac who owe their places to Pseldst Umoole. The other two wham he todh tE aid Davis and Noah H off he talda Justice Miller in nearly 711 years oeld & bashful ong nan of WeflavUle. N. y olffers. sil k umbrella to thi ong e mlae ing the beet ptropdassi ma ed. Point. to he contidored are coIn toidon epeiling, writing. brevit and reasons ior wishing to be married. Maidak an ladies over 75 ame barred out. The men who baa been going around Ormam township, Ohio, clipping the hair ORthe tSail oforses, boas at last been Scaught. He turns out to be Insane. He eaplained that be wanted the hair to make a bed, and took his captors to a cave in thewon6Lwherme he had three bags full ': iouta o at aelast Me., srn av getd spr ln dlppin tlhe . .pll aware thhe torch is wo hi.btraeh is estended see six ore . S,,sel over the hr y at same and, w all is ser.~ the tb So sand the r e give t"p " and in Iw a f nutvs Use w i rlive with flb. Willian Tel L still . onored by the -.ltaers if no doubt had ever been east an his existence. A grand Tell onon mrt is to be erected br public tion at Altdort, nea luelen, on Lake Lsuere, where tbhe p.trot shot the apple oe his sos's had. The fedesnl aunmcil have premised a handsome contribution. More eagles b been see this year along the bluas at ensea lake, New YarLthan at any time duringl the ewrs rears. Parties have countedrn t Iur to seven flying about at once. They are the genuine way eagles, the emblems of liberty which race the colns of our country. The people of the lake never kill a b a f oaneu s binave The title oa "prince," with it correla tive "princess" is unknown in the United Kingdom as a title of the peerage. It is smpjr like "thighaess" and "royal hlgh e a courtesy designation. Until ee I created a peer, bs t itle of duke or other sank in the peerage a member of the reglning manily-ewve te sovereign'. '-,mer son--though styled "prince" and Shighness" is in law but a cos macea. In the late war between the Black Flags of Tonquin and the French, the leader of tbhe Chinese outlaws made a monetry a timate of the value of his enemies. He offered his men a sum equivalent to $S. for the head of every Frencbmau and JI additional If the victim had gold braid on his eoat. The fact that moat Orientalm esres great contempt for native Chris. das was illustrated in this Black Flag cdla atlon, which hsed araspi.ece o native soldiers In the Frenaeh servke, but added that Pi for the heads of native Catholics was all they were worth. A ih lresiading In Harlem has a novel manr evading thsezense law, through whh it also gets credit for being veryre- a thelr ofhe wmrm a of _o hold Is seen to leave the house carrying what appears to be a bible under his or her arm. Instead of gola to chureh, however, he or she oes eaO soe on the avenue sand comes hoe again in about 10 ulsasseen. What i . Imask somtr tosedl and a~ tbok. nothing more than a ease, the top of which is a h oedover. Inside is a ask which can be eout ad In which the family Lnbds the na beer. Imstsag ma masn ltebs. Traveling in Japan becomes mther a serious business when the magnates of the ceuntm are also on the wing, for they thinak it beneath their dignity to mingle with ordinary mortals, and therefore en gage the entire Arst-class aeomnmoda ties for themselves. When applying for tickets one is frequently met by the reply: "Oh you can't start to-morrow, for my Lord Sond-So will be on board. You must wast a week." "But what if some other grandee should chance to go nest week T" "or ouake I hope no lord will be traveun." The Hon. Lewis Wingeld says l n The Wanderings of a Globe-Trotter:" On one occasion my ire was kindled and I fear I was rude, for by missing a particularocal boat I should lose the Sweekly steamer for Yokohama. A gov ernment minister's wife would be on hoard the little boat, I was told, and there fore I must delay my trip. "Very well" I said, "I will o second eleass third clsos plasse, but so I must and shill.S The dilemma caused by the obstinate foreigner produced such a commotion that ofllcials wee rushing hither and thither all through the night, making in eursions in the small hours in the hope that I would change my mind. "If I go t must be third clae saong thes cei they dcared, "and uggage eh by all seans, but the lug shall not le beibnd. and alarms, consultations aument. I was obdurate, and on I 1went, n triump and perched on my hoses forward. T upper deck was aeupied by small knot o the elect, the ld and her suite. Leaking down sh Ieheld the foeier, unomorble but Sdignibed, and, remorseful sent a secre tary to invite him aft. H e was muchob liged but preferred the esociety of the eahles. At least, then would he accept the loan of a chair? o, he was much obliged. but preferred to prch on a hos. It was doubtless rude to be Implacable. but he was smartin under a sense of out rage in that this lay's caprice would have ket himn, had he gi.en way to her, for an enre week at one of the most unendura ble seaports in the world-at a time when cholera was rasing. N. Weeded the wIem.I r the Damnes erald. P lease gIe poor man five cents ?* "r warmrant you'U spend it for liquor." Yes sir, I will. I want to buy a 'hi _- cocktall. " kgraciomu! That drink costs $2!" "I know it. I've got 1.96. A Pnnsyrvaniat democrat wars saukd re eently who was hi cbuice for governor. He answered: "When a man can lie on a siak bed in New York and run the denmo erae satate convention of Pennsylvanlt at salt himself and win 0M.000 on a hores raIe at the same e ime the Pennsylvania ' cman't arld uo ' throw that ma for Bill Scott." TH9 LOCAL MARKET. sfm -oo Am news"& a" coo. bbmg.-fsoft 1-brlgbeas P=75 PAK ~keup prkea.m Mr.. @MS- d ate; W- fsia'.m M 2.u-rer "a" bPfi~ e #CotS meal. pe 11m sL m Wheat meal pI NO lb 0A Vue;W~k" Meal-IN mk bee Is m lmb Bran er wo rwl.Sim; bý and isc; pertNO beef W'ew mer IN; Plimaamee b", 4; ok. W*-~~01 soft *86 * SA Hay-Pee gaL 02i.58 ol. Kft, TRAVLELR'S GUIDL. TRAINS £33 VS. flj&*0 A. Wl.-Ftrvi the mouth. Rapt and W.wt l .15. 1M.-Prm the North most Mm- gyre t161 tm . ct, Deter a at l l , worversR10eh aYoum Msal 4 (krra n~qb~ arri~isa wttth 00d~Hs4 Ybrlr ud 1* r. n.-Krona the South-TDirwt fram uantts 4.3,W iver Dw 44, Grima S. No C h u e t 1 a t f t S .mt. West-Bette 184, Mlivr 44 UvuwI mm. iuarrieom * ( Iege Emits 641, Wmm husd. Tacoma. MettsIIIIpdmr S. ]Utimua Itelen. Bt. Paid and Iutecr rabs TRAINS6 PUPAS?. R A. M.-Vir Mouth sad urth-Arr ives at (h ghura ma S ve aa Iante "out 1040 1n.-For the Mort-4Camg can1 at NImat fur Uregaoa II 9, Bter ow 1: 41und ster.l M.-For North sad Mouth-Arrves at 0116...a 301, silvr flw 3:47, Butte 4106 Wairm elo 4:14 mad (a 610 P. H.-For the onth-Arves 06"e S Stern,6 Silver Dlow 6 :414 ithe at 1:m Pl[ Coumeietsa t Silver flow with Utali a Nort~era Denver Kansas Cit6y m ad the U sue. saad for th WeSt to Portiand sad Va Frmaetsco Ib . WU. L. HOOK, PMiimL WI. Theraem, Ca-bier. First National Bank ANACONDA. MONT. qy amd mu Damaes mm4 sd lbapm Rhem.. mad teaawCt a 3WUMU bai bmema. Udiselma wmmj~ to~a z.L Hahmmr dra JL alWnh leadlag cites at Ksuaapa. HOGE. BROWNLEE I CO., BUTTE. conamm"WODX?e: Welfs.. s. al & C.. w Yark . ý &Jaio. flail Inr.. SHank. OMerchant' Nan Helena, ('lark & iamaie. LDer Lodge. Firs National Dank. timaha. Wehllu Fargo s b...laa Fraadmeo. W. P. BURROWS. CENTRAL + MARKET rIu. ftre t Alrcdr a. Moat. WMOLBAL3 AMNID METAI + WV.T~ * H.. - * R + The Only First-Clads Family Market in the City. TOOY at H UNT. Dealers l FINE WINES, LIQUORS. CIGARS. Billiard and Pool Tables In ConnecUon. ELErGNT CLUB ROOMS Opes Day and Nigs. MAIN .TRLT, - - ANACONDA. CROCKET & KING, Stationers ,p Booksellers -DfALUIa IN CIGARS. TOBACCOS. ETC. Postomee News NIamd. ANACONDA MONTANA. THLE B ES7 SERVICE. The Rocky MAountain Telegraph Company has direct communicatio* with all points East and West. The service is promp and accrrate. Office at THE REVIEW OFFICE. Main and Seconrd Shrets Union Pacific OVERLAND ROUTE. T I IC I TS Principal Points EAST, 1VEST, NORTH AND SOUTH -AT * * *THE DEPOT * * S. D. ures,. caYr Teld AIIs. J. A. LEWIS. smal Age No IMore Delays AT GARRISON. GO LAST AnD W.ST VIA ----WWg--' Noithern Pacific R. R. The Dining Car Route and Qreal Short Iine to all EASTERN CITIES ALT.L H RAN a1 -wM Through Pullman Car from Butte The Fasten tm to md hfrm C(hies. Ca( mnd 3meserm Peitt& L-.l9tg R9TMS. Peerless Pullman Coaches. Palatial Dining Can. Elegant Day Coache., d alrt n taaaVree TIME SCHEDULE. [eq PhU(I erg and Mim ou lliý. . am a For Anoada.... ".J" a. .. 4.30 and AO p. a. Fow Anacmada. beer lodge (E1rvtaa mad all through Itut a to aW. Paul. Nt.ush. m dhka. a1.0 to " Wed. vis soua poai TaC~)amad laman aid. racmoo.................. .. SAO p. M. For Miusrt Ieer lodge and iuwarrtia (FreLght train)......h. eam a. a.. ad rn p. a. NI amahip tickets lir an points im Emrope via may Uyrn crammng the Atlantic at cheep rates. For fIl Informatlan address ('HIAN. K. F .K. (fat'l i aerm m fi.. JAN. McCAIEI. &eneral ARt.. r Main nt. vpP. Hmaner Mercantile. Company, Butte. Montaia. TAKE THE SCENIC ROUTE THE NORTHWEST. -TKU Montana Central AND- Manitoba Railways. -TH. NEW ANH- POPULAAR SHORT L/IAE. Brtween Asseads. bute. Hel-. swrs e. Mr. POtwau., Chicma o Nov Open for Passenger Traic. SOLID THROUGH TRAINS DAILY. Teonly mn. taun Palar. bagCauu Laa~urk~u I~m~ug Cm. Magml~cmI IsCamrbr Mad Yr,. ?4kepAJ Car. fur aIes C).. Pa-·es BUTTE AND r T. PAUL. Safety, Comfswt aid Cemuteey for O. Patron.. P. P. 11HRLY 0ý,, 11 THE LARGEST. THE BRIGHTEST. THE BEST. THE ANACONDA STANDARD Gan make Better Time by mail .in reaching every point in the State than any other NeWvspaper in Jorontana. BEGIN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WITH THE FIRST ISSUE I GET YOUR NAME ON THE LIST NOW I OUT EARLY EVERY MORNING. FROM the date of its first number the STANDARD will have more readers than any other daily newspaper published in the Northwest. It will have plenty of interesting matter every day. It is good for office, shop or store, for mill or mine, for hotel, saloom or rectory, for farm or fireside. It is a paper for the people. Try it for a month. It will cost you one dollar. The ANACONDA STANDARD gives particular attention to its advertising department. It directs your attention to the skill and care and taste with which its advertisements are arranged and displayed. No newspaper in this part of the world can match it in this respect. Each issue of this paper will be a model of the printer's skill in the display of its advertisements. The terms on which the STANDARD takes advertising are moderate and every prosperous business man in this region can put himself in communi cation with the public at rates that will pay him handsome returns. If you want live advertising send in your copy or write to the business office. Strangers visiting Anaconda are invited to visit the publishing house of the STANDARD. It is complete in every department. It is the pride of the town. The STANDAKRI is an eight-page daily having the full service of the As sociated Press and a thoroughly organized special service which brings news direct to its editorial rooms by special wires. It is a Democratic paper. If you belong to that party you can read it with profit. If you are a Republican you will find in this newspaper a fair fighter and can have all the opportunity you want to "talk back." At all times and under all cir cumstances the STANDARD will be inspired by a determination to treat all men and all issues in that spirit of fairness that distinguishes successful journalism everywhere. The department of the STANDARD relating to news will be most complete. Its general and miscellaneous reading will be edited with greatest care. Men and women will enjoy it and it will be a safe and suggestive paper in the hands of every child. Order the STANDARD sent to your address. You get it for three and one third cents a day. THE ANHCONDA STANDARD ANACONDA, MONTANA. r - ---