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DVSum ~= vTb wuwosb sWIW WIT44P cXT NTma@ VOL L-MO. .ý ANACONDA, MONTANA, MONDAY MOUKING, SEPTXM3R 30uU,. rauc .iv TRIGr uuunm c?~m DR. D. J. WCDDNXLD _m___ -oa. wmin ar +a mmraa §W=_ - ...W. .-. F. L. ST. JUAN, A.5., M.D.. C.N. Om r inaM M M sw e e i. Jons $ iMsmain OMUA.3..3.6a"TiIhn.M. T. D. FITZGERALD. "US AmmiErB TM welt swam, · a. ..aa. IM J. f. DOXNRXN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. MAI SVY OE., Rv- SA&MINA JAeCE3r0 OFOSA 1. V'=T, A£Um @Ms M Cmilr at Lw. VrMUm tain3 *f the9 fisafa fmm U1I.4 Btat NVSMSINS IsC' ana a tk-4 j~~~ina~~~ v o I vsran.eaih hu wfa Otott-*-trmf~.-r^^ ft on-i to Ml~wrm=ut-«-Mo~ onbe atmae an Oa V. P. CHRISMAN, D. D. IL 4000 nMt tfj: StW and Ok* TENTH XXTRACTD WITHOUT PAIN blk~ta *mauMe. a~fly'nbeoe at a law. Aaaso*ds. Somas.M H-W. w. STfPH moNs.. PHYICIAN/ AND URUOZON, ANCOOm in * MOMtAN-A DRS. MITCHELL & SIYDIR, 39NmlCONDR UM4- ITrL.* (Neat to Meain HBel.) ANACONDA * - MONTANA Anaconda Real Estate Agency. FITJPATRICK " ASPLING, lRAL WITATI & INSRANOE ACTS. ing si.roC tes amd Comveramoees. SANACONDA - . MONTANA PH. BEST BEER HALL C. CARIOnN. e .esm d o Lau. aum Cl~rs i the T .a | 5im| . rs loe .. r sm lr i varl s m .eets. WmIaaIu, 3arnt a BriS, Wholesale and Retail Butchers. Famoy uppubMs a .pedat. AN OrMes Ddlerv Frro t charg . a. Vrms Usteet ANAcoDAm em. MR.Rg I INI 0 (Orrostra . mAN ) WAXES A SPECIALTY OF FINE CIGARS OUTICn. suomltD AND I3T warr. THE GOLD BOOT. in atcOW sBooT, SWeo Park 3t. V. H. S baw, PrpriLtetr. READ'S DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, A.mmooda. - - . Montana. A. Q. HOEFLiER Has the FiPnes Fancy Cakes, Candies and Ice Cream nd Rube Dm171i ! nlr; Ans 1caLur Ho. I . ire. Hies a Trial IUIL ORDERS GIYEN PROMPT ATTENTION ns West PaIk utrses. ettSe, Ment. The * Morris * Cousins, pFuhihh DRESSKA KING. 3 wark preipt done ate a petfee It guear ErarsV Ds Malta srens Fs Fires. 3av.t V.reame ti. 4-TLMITEMI HOUSE, On Frost burns, Larnooea. + R. 4. BLI)( + ',Ir i tM' amiud £rrcla bodt. Nose wbrr e bdp .mpbeL rim umm masrd a. IorIs rw 0. Pi . ~M no@ weak EXTRA. A HEAP OF ASHES Splendid Business Blocks in Butte Swept by Flames. LONG LIST OF LOSSES lu ame @rIh Pewgmpeu Burr SWept. 4-At 10 minuaes pasat o'cloek fae was discovered in the new brick buildingm known as the Bowe block, at the corner of Utah and Granite streets. When ALsa diseovered the Lanes had buwt the lower rear windows at the south west oearer of the building. A STANDARD repoart was the Ains to discover the ire. Instantly an alarm was gives, whistles were sounded and bell were ringing. The iy Ae depart nent and the Butte fre brigade respond ed with remarkable promptness, but n as incraedibly st tmue the whole d bulding was wrapped Ln Larme. In ls. than Aire miautractr the lue was rust dlmecured the splendid Afveseuvr building was wrecked and the walls tll ina. The fre had gained such headway and the wind was blowing much a gale at the tlme that the fremen, although t worked heroicallyr were unable to prevent the Lre from spreading, and in a few moaent. the eames bad lleked hp half a doses traume buildlngs on Granite steet and had caught in the gable of the lne brick store on the corner i Granite and Main . This building was occupied by the D. J. Hennemay Mercantile aom may and A. J. Duessa.. photographer. The strong, thick fiLre wall and romn sheeted windows held the Bmes in cheek only a few omnents. The wind carried the flaes treen the burn Ing buildings Ln the rears through every crack and erevice and soon the Barnes burst out through the root. Two powerful stresms froa the fire company were unavalling and by 1:216 o'clock Hen mnes.'s dry goods store, one of the largest and best stceked in the state. was r duced to ashes with its $*1,W stock of goods. Adjoining Hennessy's store on Main street to the south was the First national bank. This was burned next. Spreading still south down the front of Main street on the uest side, the fire destroyed three brick bul*d ilgs adjoining the First national bank. The first was owned by the Centennial Brewing company, and occupied by Schmidt & Gamer, saloon keepers. Next came the brick store owned by H. Jonas, and occupied by Kahnweiller's basar. The well known dry goods and gents' furnishing house "311," a branch of the mammoth Bonner outfit, and managed by Mr. Charles Palmer, was the next to all a prey to the flames. The fire was checked here from extend Ing tarther to the mouth on Main street, though a number of stores a block farther down were damaged more or less by fire, smoke and water. Babcock Bros., the hatters, removed all their goods and the rear of their store was damaged, a num ber of rooms occupied by clerks and others in the second story being burned raway umaletebiv. Meantime, the ft -, aided by the high wind which was blowing, was carried into other parts of the town. The Bernard block, a rine brick structure whlich stood nearly opposite the place where the fire originated on Granite street, was con samed. In this block of buildings sev eral business firms were located, amongst them belng Cushing's drug store, Dr. W. M. Schults, omce and resMience; Dr. Reed's dentistry omice, Mrs. Deer nlg, millinery; Samunel Perry, tailoring establishment the offices of the Butte and Boston Mining Co.; S. V. Kemper & Co.'s real estate ollice; Patten's real e tate o4fee Carter £ Hathaway's collect ins and general agency ofce; Dr. Gillee pie's olfeo and residence, and a number of other ofces. West of the Bernard block stood a brick store:owned by Mrs. Bishop. This burned next, with all its contents. Dr. Howard's oice and residence was also in this block and jer completely destroyed. West of this was A. W. Bernard's residence and oice and Curtis Major's real estate office. These were gutted and the furaltue completely destroyed. A small coniectionery store occupied by Mrs. Peatherley, was injured to the extent of SIC0. At this point on the north side do Granite street the fre was checked though some small houses in therear of the Bernard block were de straed. Mrs. Soot owned a small frame bouse o the oearner of Utah and Granite streets just opposite the Bowe. block. This was burned up. It was occupied by Mr. Bowes as an a... These buildings being mostly of wood were burned rapidly. The greatest struggle of the day was made by the Afremen when the Bonner building on the earner of Granite and Main eaught Are. This build. Ins Is almost . re proof being prroteteed tar hge iron window shutters. twith hltadi this the aes worked into the erevices and soon the whole southwest eorner of the building was afire. PFlawe were issuing from a number e1 laes l the roof and all the windows in the ear of the store. Grat sheets of fire and clouds of smoke were swept by the wim ft om the burning buildingo OW aftem. It leAked as Vf t would be km possible ts save lbs Rournr building, but the thu. JI oon"sirles. skide bi a few altises, fawlsems a smoke, am. and fidl. Meg mWa~s washe lke hecmse mad sue .eedsd In MM-plahting whM looked &1 mmwo Ubs a mirale. After half an hour of am bard and darngerous wark s ever was done br Are man. the Ikames were qusenhed and the buildig saved f ea ampvsI dosmuction. thomuh It did not eamps without serious da-ags. The windows sad easings w burned away and in many places large boles were burned through the root. The lame plate clam window on Granuite sae was splintered by the beat and sorne of the fooring on the second now v was burned. The damage to stock to the Donner building will be enormsous. The bame mment of the building was literally packed with bales and boxes of lnlammuable and perishable goods. Some ol these bad caught fire and partly burned away before the water reahebd them. The whole plans was soaked with water. On the muai foor mootdamage had bees done y amok.e and water. In the talloring dlgjailmr« a large atoeek of goode was rnubed so. fie A bole was burned through the rooa and the alles, furniture was burned to a cin der. In the millinery and carpet depart ments much dammage was doom. Carpet. were partly burned and water trickled fromn everything. The nowr end of the buldings occupied by Calkins' bookstore. Girim's bookstor, Jamem H. Lynch's saloon and other building, in that block north of Bonner'. were frequently on fire, but by the heroic work of the fOre men the deetmuction ended when a few cottages in the rear were destroyed. When the fire was checked at Bonner's the other buildings were saved, and by a o'clock the fire was under control. UNDER FALLING WALLS. A Dl ta nteag Ao6d.lo to eONe of l Iihbtrst Westbes at bs Visep. spesel to the tianard. Btes pt. 11.-Perhaps the most thrill4ing ind of today's fre oecurred at 6:45 o'clock this afternoon. The flames had died down and the weary sfemen were playing on th ruens. Among the debris, where a few hours before stood Henlnee~'s bil lstor a volunteer firemen named William Chapman was directing a stream at the smoukiering mass. For three hours be had been holding the nee sle. Behind him was another firenen named Tucker. Suddenly the west wall of the building was mean to sway. A ma meat later there was a deasfening crash and then a saining cloud of dust. Fron the darknsas emerged the frm of Tucker, his whlte freman's moat blackened with dirt. N. had been slnek on thes eead and back with falling bricks, but be cried out, "Rave sny partner." A dosen men sprang into the smokng ms and sd oon pulled out the apparently lifeless form of Chapman. His head was bruised and bloody and he gave no sign of life. He was removed I. a back to the McDermott House. His wife was summoned from South Butte and was soon at his side. His lie is despaired of. He is the father of eight children and Is poor. He worked in the Montana Unon ftsebMt wand Meanwhile the southwe teu ortr of the Bowes buildlng still projected upward as far as the fourth story, like a meantiel butte, all the other walls being in a heap on the ground. The firemen attached ropes and tried to pull it down. Twice the rope gave way. But the third time the wall tottered and fell, crashing into the rar of the wholesale liquor store of H. L. Prank, at the corner of West Broadway and Utah street. The roof of the building was crushed and three rooms on the top floor were demolished. The building is owned by James Murray. To-night the citimems of Butte are gath ered on every street corner discussing the fire. Everybody I. loud in praise of the firemen, both the paid and the volunteer men. The volunteer firemen of the Alice mine came over from Walkerville carrying their hose on their hacks. They did gallant service. One citiszn to-night said, "At 1 o'clock today I wouldn't have given 5 cents for the whole of Butte." The fire men did. indeed mnake a wonderful light. Their victory was especially notable in saving the Bonner Meircantile counlany fromn complete ruin. The finnmen stoaod almnost in the midst of the flasmes and poured in the stream, while the home was hurning behind them. To ,,nention the firemen and the citiaens who hecame heroes today would be to n ention a f~r.,rth ,f th Is otisn . It Is not generally believed to-night that the origin of the fire was Incendiary. Sev eral theories have been advanced, the most plausible of which is that three plunbers were at work in IBkwes' new hotel, that the gasoline engine with which they were working exploded and caused the fire. This theory is considered espec ially plausible from the rapidity with which the entire structure was in flames. Dr- W. M. Scbulta, whi first sounded the alarm, says it was not five minutes before the whole building was aflame. Tae Missouri river could not have quenched the fire then. But further investigation has thrown doubts on this theory also. One of the plumbers says they were working on the main floor and the fire started in the basement. Further more, he, himself, carried the gasoline en gine, and can produce is to show that it dkid not cause the fire. LOSERS AND LOSSES. .guaraF g Un the Vamlue o tie Preperty swept Away y tee PiT. special to tohe Btanda. BTrz. Sept. .-Tbe total los. by to days fire is estimated to-night at fromn =o,(VWo to ,00.000. Insurance mes telegraphed to their companies tonigl t that the entire loss would b- N400,000. Mantle & Warren's estimate is aS0J00. The actual afures will probably show the loes to be not less than a MJ)I0. The total insurance is not tah hor $190J0. Of this Mantle i W'ar ren held S;0ale Prank Marsh about S8WM00, and maler ampaniss S16.00 to - M tI he -.uiltn who.. the Bre da d, h4. a. t aah sed Omaheo ..ce4 dem of Utb and Grani- a..*. s of bralckh ad cousisted of re easib ad baL ement. People ma aud I was prwadentltal for it t bhur, it the are had started wshe thei was hll of uests few rcould have . sved. The building was owned b- J. M. and be estimates his las at He bat *ha o 000 inmurance. He bad fotar 10,0 -nore lasuranhe sad the glcy was to date rm Octtober 1. .*ltesute bo.l and Hetner 's slor., at the eer of Main and Graulte, were thus. ao eor hsrame builleagl, which bumI like tinder. The first was owned br H. 0. Hauer of Helena and was valued at 1,0t It I believed that was no Insurance The meatwo baues were owned bh W. J. Melamars at Copper street. They wee. valui ati.W00 and were Insured. These hboam were occupied bG E. H. 4herman, the mdwtaker, whose lss I. tram $t000 to 0 hasot halt covered by Insuramnce. Dr. oJgn hsahved nothing hut the clothes he had a. His loss Is about a.,Jo with at Immaesaee. Dr. archet's loms was abeu StOO without insurasnce. In the war 1 sones thframe buildings were fgn t tle to the, sear of Kahanweller's haser. These were all ownaed by J. M. Bowes. They were valued at .2,000 all to sther and were insaured afor each. Shewstaa the undertakevr, oupied two of them a-l the third was occupied by Macker " Co., arpenters, who met with a losms of0. About the hotel was a bi pie of luaer, bricks an materials and tools all kinds belonging to Whitney 6 WI nere, the contractors on the Bewes building. AllU were d araied and the loss to thea Is esthmatdb at r0M or P000 with sa nl surmmes of S O0. Across Utah street from the hotel was a one-story frame house owned by Mrs. L . Seo.M. It was a atla rem house and was oerupted bE Mrs. lan. by Madame Ales. a cair vlrant, and Ward. the real estate agent, and Bemes. Mrs. Scot save PY0 ftoer the houe and lot last FPeruary. The bouse war insured for 01.100. Mrs. Flyna got her furniture out and her lass was triling. The rgasi were tarnished by Mrs". cott, and tie furniture was not insured. Ward ad not yet maoved Into his mam and so lost nothing. The fire ceased in itseourse westward at the Albemerle hous, sext to thim train buildin. The only damage to this hoese was from water which poused through the windows at the werst injuring the carpets. Mrs. Scott also owned this hause and its furniture, the latter no being insured. The loss was t. Mrs. Scobad rhlad es eat "ha vew hotel at Mr. Dowes. On the opposite side of West Gratter stree, at No. 21 Is the oflle of Cyrtim & Majors, a one-story frame building. The. damage Eere was about 000. everesd by insura.ce. At No. 37 is tsy aluaaing store of Plunkett & Kreeger, who moved out in time to prevent tuch loss. The total loss of the plumbner. Including the work in the hotel unpaik for, was .l8.W; no Insurance. Next east was a ose-stury frane house owned and occupled by A. W. Barnard. It was valued at tP$W00 and is nearly destroyed. It was Insured for about one half Its value. Nest enst was a brick building owned Eq Mrs. A. C. Bishop. It was totally destroyed with a loss of $1,O0, shout one-half covered bt Insurance. Tbhe Barnard brick block stood between that and the Boner Mereantile comalmy's store. This was owned by A. W. Barnard. The buIldking cost 1t.000 and was insured for about one-half. Mr. Barnard thinks. In tlhe Blishop block wa Mrs. LDering's millinery store; loam about Inu0, usninaured. In the Barnamrd blck were tihe om ie of S. V. Kemlpr, and stores of McLeme Co. and Samuel Perry. the tailor, and ('umhirag druLrists. S. V. Kemper, the real estate agent. lost his oflfe furniture. lom. about $MO; not insured. Melree & Co., Jewelry stor, loms $1.0iu; covered Qb ilmuranece. Perry, tlw* tailor, *,00Ul. unismurd; and ('ulitnag, druggist, $5,(tu1. 'Mr. (c alshinmg de c.lilnel to tay wlhaut his instarance*. Il. liI time. .e.tltnd sitory was a ie.sat of lphysician*s'll oftltae. rnt fact, no ltss ttlan e*iglat playi ihans alnd denitiits w. rt* .imrHllteal tutt anal nearly a l of tlhew w.-r uninsuredl. Dr. Howard. the Enr.,leor. lust $2,0ju; lDr. W. M. Sehults, $l..aut; Dr. Murray, Stra,,; Dr. Gill.pie, $3,011U; l)r. J. W. Reil, 83,:Mo Dr. Halailtoa. .(.Kt)U. l)r. lReel was in llured, lutt it is thlmouglit t(hem olthers tnot. The loe to the. lela,.r Me-ra.ltilel conalmp.y is estimaltel at frmoi t i.,ll to $75,U00, covered by Islsurance. The Butte & Bosmtoal coulpaly llt its onfl.l furni ture, valued at V(di., uninsured; John T. Forhis, lawyer, Iommee $2,(1)U, v.o iislur ance; and Hiranm Knowhlew J2,11), with $1.4m0 insurance. U. J. Henne.ay eti mates lhim l.s at from $1:10.13l) to I. 5,010 , with inslurance of ..2.,lu. A. IM. I)sseau, the photographe.r losesa 1I Uu, with ilasurnltet of $1,10. Es.tilnats. to-alight of other k.sses are: Johlb t )'Noerke, ownesr of the buildinlg ocupied by Hennem.y. MuuOuu; insured. Tl'e First Natiomal bank, about o10,000; unil.nured. Kahn weller. .~4000; $15.000 insuraace. ('en teu.lial Hrewery, U1,tU0; imasured. . (C. Babcock. gents' furnisalillag gods' stor. claim a llms of . 0. solely by water aid theft; f llly Inaured. Mr. C. H. Palmer. manager at the dry goods store at No. 311 Main street, I its ian Francisco, and It is noet known what his insuranuce is. His loss i. alsist $4JU0. Henary . Frank, at the corner of West Broadway and Utah streets, and Jamnes McC'rmick owner. have met with a Ines of $1.0lU or tU(.x from the fallinag of the wall. It will probably he a question of law whether the insurance eoapanales or the city shall pay for that. H. L. Frank's house at No. 117 Utah street was also damagel about 1t1U by cor-hlingl aned water; Insured. Mantle & Warren have prepared the following schedule of losses through them: Bonner Mercantile Co. stock, State Investment $1,000; Spriglekli$2 ,0O; ('allifornia $a,00); London & Imncashlre $7.t00; Fire Associ ation of Philadelphia '.1W; Building el tate of St. LAms, Etna. St. Paul, Fire and Sun anml PLamlia. $1400 each. Building, owned by Bonner and others, St. Paul, Pins and Sum, and Queen, 1t,800 e.mb. D. J. CalJlobraeda, 400 Quese. 8U00. AangsNeveddm U Sm State Investment, r.0g ý Am;erca FPhe, 0o00; tnas,4os00 Londom a Lancashire, 0P,000; Commeeal Unlon, 00e0. s. C. Babmock & Co..~- Canrl Union, O; tma. t.mLMO; London i Lwaehwire. Si0m. Jacob anwelU.--On mtoosk: State l. vestment. S.00; North Amerlran, 000; Ema, 10oo; C('ommeelal t·nion. $,000. A. W. Barnard-London & lancashire. Eo000; Etna, 0sOi0; California, 1.a';; Queen, .P0. Centennal brewery ('om inerial Unlan, 5O5v. Hiram Knowles, German Amerkia, S1,0. Mr.. iabshop. Liberty of New York. 8,t00; ('onmmecial Union. 1,Uo00; Anglo Nevada. 1.00. I)D. L. Dellinger, Queen, 82,m; Snpringfleki, 82,60); Fire and Sun, '.00; Pennsyl vania, ,5o00. P. E. W. Patton. insurance agent, has placed about S.000 fer Hen new., 81o,0)00 for eBananr, and about M0,u0) for smaall aoser. They are placed with the Sun of London, Girard, Phmai of Hartfrd, and the London and Lan casibre In about equal anmounts. G. Frank Marsh has placed insurance as follows: For Kahnwesler P1M.0,m of which tJ4001 is with Firemen's Fund; $6.1m Hartford; $1,00D Western of Toronto; $1.100 iremen's Ammriation; $1.000 Non wirh Union: ;$1,0 Scottish Union & Na. tional 1,2j0 Phtrni of London. For J. M. owes 610U000, divided ..L500 seach i Hartfoul. Lynn, London, ULverpool Globe, and Norwich Union. Henry Jonas, owner of Kahnweller's huilding. QS.,01 1,~0o0 each in Harteord. Firemen's Fund and Home of New York. Jo.lm ()'Rourke, owner of Hennesqy's build. tlasg t1 \, divided U.M0G eae with ULverpoul, London and Globe, Hart ford, Pirmenes' Fund and Hosen, of New York. For D..J. Hennessy $1S,U0, divided as follows: $,000 each with South Brit. iob Fire and Marine, and Western on Torono; 8a,500 with Denver, ansd $U000 each with Northern and National. Schmdt & Garner. Centennial Brewer saloon, 5,000, divided betwe n National and Commercial. Murray 6 McCo(nari iH. L. Frank's huildingl, 1554, allw with Fire Amsociation. Babcuck Bras. W-N-rM divided between South British and Lion. Miner Publishing conpmayy $8.80 divUide equally with Home, Lo.don, Lancashire anud lobe, Western of Toronto, and National. H. L. Prank, dwelling fl0, all with Lion Laura J. NSctt, S1.00; with Scottish Union and National; G. R. Cuashing, druggist. . 8U000 in the Haos ad New York; A. J. Dusaeau, 1,aea, in the North British and Mercantile; Brnelr Meeftatile Co.., $S,700. The kiss to the Miser Publishing company was GAO, the rar of the building being slightly dan. ased. The Banner huilding was owned y Barner, Robertson and ('onnell. The damage was about 1s.uuO on ties stock and l ul3 ona the building. Bray i Davikdso luave $1&,000 worth ad grou.rkie in the basement of Balbcock's sture, but have sustained no damage. ). L. Dellnger's brick building in the reerol Thbeault's saloon was damaged $00 cov. ered by insurance. AFTER THE FIRE qe Ss Puked t'p Ne. amd hee.. by the ma-aiet. smpnews . The ticket eases, safe and other olllce hurniture of the Northern Pacific ticket o. flee were carried out as It was feared at time that tihe amn.e would cass the street. Mr. Bowes, the ewner of the building where the Are started Iha been 'a rticu larly unfortunate. Two years ago his brick ir.skl.ene stoan upon the she of the buikling that was burned to-dry. The house was being raiued to the level of the gradedl street. when it suddenly colapsed andl Mrs. Bowers. who was in the building at the time, was killed. Mr. George V. Marbh. insurance agent. is busily engaged arranging him set of lswes. It is not known yet whethet Mr. Bowes will rrheuill. P. J. Gilligan d1d sonse splendkl work in he.lplil to save* the Hknner huikdiag. M. J. ('onnimell. iuanarler of the Honner Mer.*rantile. itinltaiiy, was iMiully ~uirne.l aiiant the ifate. and ieark. He also rce eeive.d a la inflll ilut in the hand. Fire Marslal J'ltrrle. by the. bave and mensible, nirannler in whlicdk-he lhuatdlel blis clmen. .denmlnsutrated his finess for the p.,itiaoa oft nar.hal. The eitisens are jantly gratcful to Mr. ()'Urilen for the nitainner ili whie*h Ihe fmalght t.-tlay.'s httlk. I). J. Hci,,a**'nsy, it is said, will l-se alelmat tt1),aIN hay tle' fire. Jeehn ()4 'llurk*,('hau. S.hastulcin and M. Muklo.Lk of thl*. Miirny J.rneul, were all hl.rrea d slevrely aboIut the heIadl and hIaed.. Dr. Gleason, who rasomns with Dr. John s,. awoke I)r. JohJnson when the. fir broke out. G;leason hinmin if delayed his ek*larture until the fire surrun.inkld hims anel he was horr-ily herneld about the I.ead and fare. H has sufflered th"e nst inteicuse agernly ever since. ('hapluean. tthe man huried under the fallinlg wall, war alive at 11 o"'lock to night,. anl hopes were enterutalined of his life. alth.atagh he i. hel ly injured in the head. He ie able to converse. Dr. Leavett i.e attendingl hinm. "'ol. C. F. Uuyd. of conpany G., Wash ington guard. called out hi men when the fire hegan tao The bouy promptly responded arnd did good service in gtard. ing goads and keping the crowd in check. ('apt. Kessler, of cumpany P., Montana rifles. and Capt. Bransigan. of Emnet guardls also had their omen under arms and aUsiteid tie police olBllrs in the dl charge of their duty. About silty special policemen were sworn in to assist the r.nemen. That the whole northeastern portion of the city was not burn. d Is due to the ru amarkably gold work of the tfremen. Every man proved himself a hero. A .re was discovered in the rear of 0. Stenherg's paint shop on West Park street a few minutes before the bi g fire broke out. It was put out without the aid of the department. About the mamne time an in cipient fire was discovered in the rer of the old Centennial Hotel on Main street and was promptly quenched. Theme three fires, coming so close together in diferent parts of the town, led to the belief that firebugs were again at work. IJEFFERSON IS -IN LINE "Ihe"W Cpisi ra Tu * suoj Wiffh a heftg lAm. mesald. smwm alvo m Ww *1in ema~~a %we" ord low u Cmmwwo so Cie" Om-Waab Sinned I.. -p.wia so the u taaiad. Doctwna, Sept. 9.-IS requied special train. no impolted entheans hnmlle from the state central eornehm.e to Inmure the sutess of the demoerma-f grand rally at Boelder Hon. Sam Word was advertised a the orator, and everthodt turned a So do honor to to l.old-t~ r. Mr. Werd was received q a ooemmitte a local dea.irata. headed by a basrs and. At o'clock a paresear i ol edima of the 'amses and moulder imade Aeambmen clubs and a large number ot chimes praded the principal ireets and maremed to the court house, wher the spaios court rom was erowded to its utamoet parity. Mr. J. J. McCe la-m troimuced the Aru ts. " reen, of Wick the demoratie ed date for the legI lture. Mr. Bren - a ringing speech. and addreMeed che" to the working elems. Me paid hi.s r splrt. to the Balder AIW, whieh i. It last ImmUe attaked Mr. Dre's record a a friend o labor In the lasts oatLtinol convention. Mr. Weed made one of the most efectivse speeches of the cmapaign, reviewiag ha im..s abi showing up the ridielous cehns of Carter la a maner that lasurtd sad entertained the lUage audieare. Mr.W-e sk of the lanferior quaeledsme of t county caadldates, mahkig am addres which was received with constant manilfesttioams oat app.s At the coanclusie of his pesek was remfd with a handgome basket of th mllmeatag o the ladies of Boulder. Tae rmpaign virtually dned to Jefw w caunty withto-nighte great demcrasti demonstration. Upon af simes is thea assurances of a democratl vicory a Tuesday. The canvase oe the part the democrat. has been most thorough, the local ticket i paopulr with all c er land eenepu sn.ede a dme arnate majority on the states ticket Ao trm part o eata tcst. There wMe evidence of any serious scrae , be so~l denocratic. Nodthing nwil er yoe to-morroew 4 pyo euoIn the ticket properly. ON THE OTHER SIDE. An syaI at Smp neameg to xafmae Npealm to thw namird. L.oanow, Sept. b.-Tb. mnw plW, "The Dead Heart," of wleh so mesk habs bIea maid and epectMd, was praad as tl 4sCIUum onlght, the momatsnssg of whiab p-ee was perelet. The easege were farimiek of he wmer i bn the dlem cl-aum at the prm'id of the Freme revekm tion. The imeiden mude, comnpod I Jabi, was mrs h The duel with maubs betwee Irerit and Dancroft was a terata sad e tl e piece of realism. The guilne eemue was thrilling ia the ad the pad ieae up to ia hlq was a powertul sad bePI a one. H. was repeatedly calmd hbae the curtain and at the else mde a spusek thanking the sudenele oar the gamess kindes with which they had receivedthe that they would do their bertr siiauar treatmenst lea the leate. It is esed. ses to nay that the homse was crwded with much an mudieace as only ameembae oan B.rt nightdat the Lyeesm. Kbpa4linsuaateurrunner oe tLaud twic b in t. UN) yad rrm d In Ju 14aeeonqmt. whine be hiarsi cd. I lNS7. He, ran the distan. amo. totbsa in t 4-5 seconds and a second time In 184 mecum da. ie, bhad te wind in bihs fva. A.. imnene crowd rceived the aertaer, alike., with rtre of applause. lst it is hkubtfal whether the record clainsed will An explosion occurred todayn ltea. gsivenmma*t Iahuratory at Spaabdoa and niftyr srs ias were frightl~fully maneM spin wilic us a the vit· tim·r of the dims nate r warrt girls eiuployt d ini packing aa utaitioni. A.. explslen of fire slump took piae. tndLUy iIn as alliCry at Ruhraxtlib emish 1'rtaaia. whaile the saw. were at work, TVwalve. mwn were kiUlkw outrilgh. Ot the- nrrneriiluhr who were remscud q mar h)rribly huntS andt .acme can't smrvlv. Dan 1.1 Gooch. president of the Gras Wt.*·ru railwaty company, Is vsry Ill. and is ntao eapeeted to mover. It was M ported at midnight that he was dyrin. Mr. Chaplin. the mItnimtsr of Newtoo renate d by the deparSnawnt of agricuhuu% enjoys the reputation of being imeiluamd tlaut degree of protection known a !-Slr watde."" ueaen Natali. of Serrla ha. laforn her friend. in Dhaiarwa thaI now tW mhw has entered Belgrade she will remuai three. The derrocrutic ticket is Vodt through; yet on buoard, tlewrbod. MAKING A CONFESSION. A. Kutaine Wa Rom 5.S Wmwm3r m >" "be Was r.. aeb. ('Ewroo, Hept. .L-A as-sa3r .1 O ma: ended the cus.Omas viumtt ss I tbe Rock IaLnd rstih w.-' ese-r t evening. Tb. jug bad Jus rrias verdict holding E·ase Tw-inhb aS Fireman Laclock vsesrlbl· !r 1· wreck. when IL.soek brehe d r 1 f hi wkl. wis Sh Intim t ed tt e otfcial of the rpp~d ·atlo r to t I. I tri - ~-rt c apt