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Newspaper Page Text
LATE NEWS FRMKBUU gIma of am n on* 6m 2%o Imm Com -e -w Comnimso wopdin UshwumadIf aerob nowsu~ Ue biMe the UmdMW. s.., 1eka. 06 --Tmh esNtn gMs of the .mpalin lad the demmsemle prta in h eit aeove, *nS. e emm wM.*wahs. The ,epa, - SmeLs - m +s 1 amm espms thrn. m selves a ma eam owslai t bht K is ab. servamlt that their nfiene ds lumsam espueasad li regard to Caiter, whit. h .ltes ds Too.l. i p wet eal nded haew. Repstl e are strainng every eatw to 0r.s Silver Bow eeusnty, for, as th r msr "As Silver Bew uaty goes, so ge~ the territory" Thab. . a a. dl ls.ts m t. e that .Quay ticket. In' every care an ms have added an elembent of a the tik e as a whole, making whole what is acknowledged to be the i st plitical ticket ever oedred the voters of ilver Bow counpt. The emdil date for state eaator, Mr. D. . Henmemay, is widely known as one of the meet enstr. Ci tel Leam is partk alarl emeetl et. I. W. 4luas oane of the met Popular nd able men in sthe countyi Henry I.. Fran L known to everyone, and has wkte experience in a aus. r e will know rell wha t ti mantut wants. W. J. Penrose is the able dstlr ol the iiar E ,ara, and wdll be tleetedl h a rsomings no . all the laboritg people ar for ri His easa in the weastent of all labor qu ln bee fair. bear Ad oosn lent. John O'Mara s oae of the beMt known and mIss popular IraIh-Americae In butte, a eekiesat f this eamp for over nine Years and a amemer of the Miners' union, the Y Men's institute and the Emmes .,rd T. . Ouartsne eas d in tbhe meroandtle businem s i Upper aistreet he •p a member of the inrm of Kell o aate. . He I. Is a stn f.rrlend is aone of the oldesst of Bate, having c- here early In the el and is one of the largest owners ina thee 'ten nall Aa. ,. M. Dulamesul A. M. Day, Joeph o aend Jomeph &. Clark, the other oadidate for repreentativee, are no lMe tted for the plebes, and their calnvam ha. been mo-ul. J. . M atto. the candidate for dies tr ie udue, wll dignl y the place, for be is a mansai anet quality is a de sels to e stret I-ti fo eeryone. 3Lme D. Sullivan l already hel the o e of sheriff and his record Is known to everyone. George H. Casey wall have a rousin mJorior county treasurer. He Is onedd to be the . an for the place n account of his lu in .oaduin his own business. CharlesFP. Boosth y "should, sad is believed e a rousia one. He has shaown himaself to be minent the nn for th pleud has bees uniforly so obliging at the mame time that he has been accurate and reliable in the duties f the clerk and recorder's o.ese. that the best people of the courts are agreed that the.e should he no a . He was one a tbshe two men on the d tie ticket who was elected last fall. a lm the candidate for -asess or, istea of the workiagnmea, and ten e .udidate of all goo John T. WDw for acou atrney, is known tobse able., t addasttbshe man for she pleas. L Clar. or r lerk ot the ditrit court, has lived in Montana sines oar year id, and is ao youngman well knows and hil tought ain Bute, and his election i generally desired. Miss Carrie Cos is the wise hoice of the fortunate choice for coroner; J. H. a efor surveyor; J. W. Murphy for bladnlnistrator; John Capiee, Johnb . MeQueusney and Charles H. Palmer for ot cosnlbsasioners John Eddy aged C. > Irvine for st obSliver Bow; John Walsh an Elas Lytle for conastables; J. H. Mithell and M. Arnold for astices of Walkervills a William M Lannan and John Toole for constables of W~L41a1 With the above county tiket to ,er tbsn the state and u.. it is not surisn thalrt the sepubsans are wel nli despernate and are remortin to desperate aeans of influencing voters. Toa the Italian ausr~er of Butte was oode with od mcalling upon the Itqlian voters of Butte to stand by the re publican party candidates; that the party Is and has always been their friend; and their prinelples are just such as the Ital lana approve of. nother reported an of the republicans is to have paers Sheridan and MoGinley ride through the seteets on election day and deliver speeches at every polling place. The campaign on the deenowrati side will close with a crowning demonstration n when Martin Maginnis and To. will be the speakers. The Silver Bow Tammany Club will draw the candidates through the streets in a carriage s hom the cDeranott house to ge rýrhouste where the meeti ng wll hesld. There will also bs a grand torchlight procession. All denmo eratic clubs and democrate meerally are requested to meet at 7 o'lock in the even ing in the yard of the central shool. The proeson will move at 7:Woo'lok. It is ths Intention to make It the grandest procession ever seen in Mon tena. A merthates' club has been formed, composed of 170 of the best business men of Butte. They wll turn out in force with transparencies a etc. lion. Lars W.and. the Scandinavian peake from Minneapolis iead today thatefeared there would be trouble ari. ing has the Australian system of voting. He h trouble would be caused through urane of the correct msethod of the ballot. He also thought It idoubtful If all voters could he got n. He said fromn experience in Minnesota not maere than E0) men can he voted in a day. There are to be, however, 12 booths at each polling lae In Butte, while there were only eight in Minneapolis. Vote for the eonutttsteon by erowing out "Agauast the ConutftutLou." saeus astia NMe I. R. C. Whitney and John Thompson have givea notice of location of the Ado lak. lbde mining claim in tbhe 8umait Vallev distriot. The West Granite has pasd the $1 mark and is la demand at 0.. The reason of the advance eo the Cleve. land and Anehor is a eeramthat the mail vein shows Ave test ih rd ore withb steaks of rich ore the rest Sthe ledge. Look a th. bargains in underwear at iasue Matawei's. ACKING Taute OPINONM. Urn Wbeov -iaf " -a on am 3msla the yemefUM rl by «Un T-e n oh. Uahto ..inpmvedb go vas 2"ave ftrn as an the - to of Efel. ef the in of ti SwNDAMS~ lo'da obtain"d a partial IMe of befo toat have hes maad. or anored Is thIs eki. Is would appeam as If btow wpoh m t comist book thoir seartmndt Z o ly. MIt to be at alL Tbw oingld out - pafdiealar egndidabt and booka bios again"t h oppt -up without uagos eo lotu bTele. aof tho tikerL Joseph, K. Tool. Is a geat favorhe ad no bete, ean be obtained against him malmeeorn o- adds ami given, or be in backed in ooajunetiarn with subs, other dembocrat who Is conlidered a snueb weaker caiuil date. bbagimulis t alma a favorite. and oorese of numbered men bere are looking for a chuance to put up amoney upon his electlon. There are few takeu., howerver. as Mr. Ca~te is not regarded as being as =stn a candidate now as be was even uw wes mAAO. But Uttle iru Beal o the bau lac of the t tke though the friends of Toots and Mainlares of e onres, hUg to waer h the smoots will win all down the line. A few small bets have been made upon the reult of the eou t tcke, the demo ernts i mot ease gving odds. In the early 1art of the weeksa ew wagers were lad that the democrats would etaest a ma d heount ticket in ilver Bow. dngthe last few day eve bq of fSsing big a.k the demnamets s unable to meoan any more such bargains Al maost every persan aone mets now con esd a victory for thebs demoracyr in 81 ver ow countr. Many bets arse offered that in addition to carrying Silver Bow for the county ol.cea the democrats will also obtain aood maJorty in this count ar the stae ollere In fat if the betWting has been light thus faa in this campaign it is because the dekmoerams are unable to obtain takers. A rADAroAuD reporter yesterday beard Mr. J. W. Barker of Anaconda. a stauneb sepabibean, drer to bet that Butte would eo ubli and that Carter would beat Mr. W. J. Penrose immedi &6e a~took up Mr. Barker's challesge and esferd hln an even thi on both sitions as high as beut Mr. C Zer banked. He wouldn't bet on Carter it gvsn beavy aos, and be even refmed to ne on eautte, that be Arst ausserted would go republlan by several hundred. Nol. yof the Sideoard saloon has bet SO with H. A. lederon. Sol. wagers that tbedmnoemrat will elect more men on the ilver Bow county ticket than will the re b. The bet was even up and Sol. __nk he _as a ah. - W.J. Penrose bet W. even wih . H. Herehfleld of Helena that Mag1nnis would have a mnatoty in Deer Lodge and Sliver Bow count Dennis Drisool bet ~O with various re pulbflcens in Walkerville that Eugene bullivan will be elected sherifft John O'Hearne ~et 10 against 1os ad Mike O'lrFaell's manone that oyd would be elected. A prominent desmorat _put p even with Win. Gellick that Ma mnn will win. The same man also bet U) with Win. Galliek that Jos. K. Toole will be first governor I the stats of Mon tana. A prominent democrat of Helena Lary Manlin has backed Eugene Sul Ervn for sheer for $00. Pat Coalon took tthe b. Joe LaChapelle barber, bet .0 to S that .-l.inn will be eeted Rod ottoers mto bet $00 that the atority of the dnooato ~eandkdatee on the Silver Dow county ticket will be elseted. The pr lpetew o the ba rber bop c the rner of Park and Wyoming strets has backed Toole and Maslnnls for 0. Joel Whatle, a saa republcan, other ND on Too.o . Pesrrin Irvin covered one twenty and Hathaway the other. Joel hte on the democratle candidates not because he wil vote that way, but be cause he thinks It the mafest side to bet on. It is said that a number of Walkerville republicans have put up a lot of moan on John E. UIJod for sheriff. "Yank," a well-known man in this S. -has frequently ofered to-dsy to put up e~aon laglnnis, but can find no 7tulge Herbrt, of WalkervItle told a STANDARD reporter that be had bet $1.. on Carter with Mr. Harrngton, of Walker ville. The judge says he has $160 more which he will put up on John Lloyd for sheriff. or Carter for cogremasman. James H. Lynch has wagered $1.00Oeven up arTnsut a like amount put up bya tailor na: med McConville. Lynch bets that To. Io beats Power. A democrat bet a republican $50 to $10 that maid republican couldn't pick out six winners on the whole republican ticket. The money was put up. The republican eat down to pick out his six men. He studied quarters of an hour and then ed offand was allowed to draw his Two clerks in the Bonner Mercantile Co.'s store bet 5 a ide on which part should elect the most of its candidates. from the governor to county eommie John H. Curtis, of Curtis d Major. was coming in on the train from Deer Lodge Friday when a gentleman of tbhe se to back tep repuhilean state tieket for any reasonable amount. Mr. Curtis took the matter up and oRered to bet $100)0 to 00 that the demnocratle candklate for gov eror would win. The republican would not nbt. In the California Brewery msaloon bets ean be obtained on the majority of the whole democratic ticket at odds of 100O tolS About the same odds are being oered in various other saloons and uabUN plac in favor of the demoo rar. It" likely that bettinl will he snore ively from nnow til the day of election than it has been thus far in the campaign. C-L The Montana Lumber Prodauce con pern are now receiving large conaU menu of Lehigh. stove and nut, anthraclte and Rock Springs coal e Sfor famniLy mse, whlcb they awe r to furnish to consumers at boh prices, in sall Iots or by the car load THE BEST SERVIC. . The Rocky Mountai Telegraph Company has di.rt com mnica ion with all points East and West. The service is pompt and accurate. Ojee at THE REVIEW OFFICE, Main and Second Streets Union Paciic -I--c OVERLAND ROUTE. TICKEBTS Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH -A?- ***TH DEPOT* S. . D 5Im . C1y T'ket Aae.t. J. A. LEWIS. Aa.. No More Delays AT GARRISON. GO IEAST AND WEST VIA Northern Pacific R. R. The Dining Gar Route and Great Short hi.s to all EASTERN CITIES Through Pullman Car from Butte T. oanto a iem to aeen fn csthsag cans.i s mm 3gmu PdML. L.01 WWTMS. Peerless Pullman Coaches. Palatial Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. Coaloist mempleg C c ar g c at Train Poeters for aeommodatsoof Ketam cas Manna -sr Free TIME SCHEDULL Helea. lpelerbura sad uls... a. . For A .aco .. .. ss a. m., 4.3a sand TA.3 p. M. FPor Ahoer Lodg(arreoe audl. aM thruh t a to Mt. a ilt. tAut s hicago alo to niWet. viz: Mismoula. llpokae Va * 'Taeoms Portnfd ad Man Francim .............. ... p.. For Mt ua wr r Lodg sad lIarr iam (Freight gni) ........ am ... and 5s. p. U. Itreamutlp tickets for all iosat to Europe via any lne crosing the AthlatiU at clep rates. or full Information address ('HAM. M. PFEE, tenl Ir.Un..e I Att.. JAB. McCATt. aeneral Ast.. SU Main St.. Opp. Bonner Mer,.t . . Butt.. Monana.y TAKE THE SCENIC ROUTE THE NORTHWEST. Montana Central -AMP Manitoba Railways. -THu N7KW AND POPULAR SHORT LINE. B+etw AC I uButtc. HelaII Marville. t. Pul, (mo Hoi Open for Passenger Trafc. SOLID THROUGH TRAINS DAILY. 'fi onh yue Lb. m Palae rp C& i~c~- D CS~X~T=j~lbml Paw) BUTTE AND ST. PAUL. Ssusmt Cmtst ma Cinuv.. ys Ow tieAL, THE LARGEST. THE BRIGVTEST. THE BeST. THE ANACONDA STANDARD Gan make Better Time by mail in reaching every point in the State than any other Newspaper in J4lonrtanra. BEGIN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WITH THE FIRST ISSUE I GET YOUR NAME ON THE LIST NOW I OUT EARLY EVERY MORNING. FROM the date of its first number the STANDARD will have S r more readers than any other daily newspaper published in the Northwest. It will have plenty of interesting matter every day. It is good for office, shop or store, for mill or mine, for hotel, saloon or rectory, for farm or fireside. It is a paper for the people. Try it for a month. It will cost you one dollar. The ANACONDA STANDARD gives particular attention to its advertising department. It directs your attention to the skill and care and taste with which its advertisements are arranged and displayed. No newspaper in this part of the world can match it in this respect. Each issue of this paper will be a model of the printer's skill in the display of its advertisements. The terms on which the STANDARD takes advertising are moderate and every prosperous business man in this region can put himself in communi cation with the public at rates that will pay him handsome returns. If you want live advertising send in your copy or write to the business office. Strangers visiting Anaconda are invited to visit the publishing house of the STANDARD. It is complete in every department. It is the pride of the town. The STANDARD is an eight-page daily having the full service of the As - sociated Press and a thoroughly organized special service which brings E news direct to its editorial rooms by special wires. It is a Democratic paper. If you belong to that party you can read it with profit. If you are a Republican you will find in this newspaper a fair fighter and can have all the opportunity you want to "talk back." At all times and under all cir cumstances the STANDARD will be inspired by a determination to treat all men and all issues in that spirit of fairness that distinguishes successful journalism everywhere. The department of the STANDARD relating to news will be most complete. Its general and miscellaneous reading will be edited with greatest care. Men and women will enjoy it and it will be a safe and suggestive paper in the hands of every child. Order the STANDARD sent to your address. You get it for three and one third cents a day. n THE ANACONDA STANDRRD ANACONDA, MONTANA. '7