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L-NO. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MONANA TURSOAT NSUO CO a mapy BUNKS" CARDS. DIN. D. J. IMCDOHXLD vvcmoumanoe. puymin VIM mtoo - Am e U.ams. FL.ST. JEAN. A.M. M.D., C-M. Daimm.m e~m~ "Gei..fot. st. Jmu Dsaudumw ONW do FUN~ l** in H. Joan maisiliag OSdeUIKamm: 9 toeItA. MI. 2 to 4a"iT to 9P.M. T. D. FITZ;EAD voJ5A IWFUAIK. JUUTUCK 0FTU FOLWAARPUBLIC, coN J. R. D@xnRwmlH ATTORNEY AT LAW. MASS ST.. oRUm OMuMOr & JALCKXVO* ?OTOX3 -1. fl=AT, Aftt"ne ad C~muie at LAW. Praothme In all 09 Ow. W"s eA" United Niates iz- muc-4 Ofim x n3 r4%C&~ý attc3nc~iPo Futr sa" Oak F. P. CRISMABM. D. D. S. aTB.N XTIRACTrD WITHOUT PAIN *R. P. UROWN* Agsr am Ma asw. Om is 3armrt & Jady.s SUte, Mala Uue"t 1-1. M. ST PHI-IONS. PBraJCIAN AND 8UROxON, &. lDOmm o Jai W oIrA DRS. MITCHELL & SIYDER, 3RtNCODR D - HlSPITrL.. (Nest to Mostas Hotel.) ANACONDA - " - MONTANA Anaconda Real Estate Agenoy. FITZPATRICK ! ABPLINO, gRAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AOTS. AiNtnN Ia Aera sd as oOeyasAeerm. ANACONDA ..- MONTANA PH. BEST BEER HALL C. C.ILSON. rT M.a .s aD a or gm sa. asigars La the Tr a o,& Corner Cedar and .. lt Rreet& I"usrir, Dmtt IOuUt, Wholesale and Retail Butchers. lanmy UHappe a spedaltr. a1 orders Deinvered Free o Charse. Aop m First atreet - AACONDA *.. uMR RTI.N* (orrosrm an aTUn) MAWYl A SPECIALTY OF FINJ CIGARS DOIn.aIC. IuroIT0= AID KaY wnrT. THE GOLD BOOT. Tihe EST sad CHrEAPE.STr i the city ot Dmte to Purettaoseý aSd BHOSt bs at the UOLD) BOOT, SWest Park BL. . H. Sll w. Prwprietor. READ'S DRUG STORE, MAIN STRIIT, Anacod.a. - - Montana. A. C. HOEFLDER Hu. te Fts.e. Fancy Cakes, Candies and Ice Cream ThbM Moey CaM Hu ! Rivval. EAsv ycrn nea.. i lre Him I Trrl Orier and be Couvinced. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION IM West Pau htrsue BMtte.. Mea. The • Morris M Cousins, DRESSMAKINC. AM wrek prampitly s prteuft nM U-aM Pa.mes La Depastro HoteL Take the a- s Dafway as MOw asts ao 7ar. Hum Ptmi : ATLAIITEM HOUSE, -n Fron Illeet, Awusagia + A. J. BLIX( + b peqredu "l1iAl botd. Name Fiesta... sa. ·42.a km a Is. FIrM .... w Lts f wea Yr~uI wtJI i ~ rwee REFUSED TO SHOW UP m OW aht a s ui be Ybaum bey I m h.s U e M" tsao. Vom me *sens ame w .s .e a-ssi- ezs am. cuatem 1'ste. Vslass. WAs.ncromr. 0 10.-Railrnad Con,. "sluaioner Taylor. I- his ansual supoat says: Seveeal land ant raihroad eo panis dee to ;apart for the reason that suh g.p t wete made tv the so. speetive states l whish the rseds aurs o ead sd not bs the United Leeai as-d - wot thselose that thea do noteesm withia the lanmagp aft eomres srestla this ho. rom and deadLg it powers. The po sitioa takes by these ctoapaules would sem to be techial and evasive. The lands wer owned hw the Unitdl Statos and weremganted b· r nes at 1 emngs to thu u.atm.e or thu mnoe eargpo*** of aMl IL thu setiom of rahilrwoad. Thu eomurpm es reeilved the full bt.emst of th grants, Thbe tter was referred to the seretary of thu interior ore Judicial aet lon. The coanmissiser may. these have been no mnspection and no examlastions of the books and saeoats of railads mbubect to ;the supervislos of his bureau, durla the eunent year prior to his appeolnemet as conunlmaloer July 17, 1aM8. He i. there fore unable to make the report as full and easHpet as it otherwlse might have been. Jinee his appointment. however, an euamination o several railroedm in which the ivemeat has a pecuaniary Interest hases maede. The to.tal ib it of the Unio Pacdle to the ioeruaes Jue , 1, was S1,s, :the eteas e. lotesest paid Sq SUnd ates over all credlts amount to P17,0,31W;O toth l bqit of she aroutrd tee 7IU The liability n the Central Faciil to the o wasq a eTs eess o iom ftres Tot 3 debt d the company wTs EM .S, and the capital stok s Thue anes aaounteed to j. TU, which was a Iet decrease th. eats durnl the year of $78.U. The slanrl fundm of the Union and Con tral Pacie comspanies delivered by the secretary of the treasury amount to iB, 614,a0t. The ioux City & Pacific railroad received bonds fromn the United States amounting to $1,a.12D) to aid In the con structlon of 101U miles. The Interest paid by the United States amounts to t2, 0a, and there have been retained by the treasury on account of transportation services $158,50i Ieavihg the agr te amount due the government, 15OZBO. The excess of interest paid i the United States over credits was SL.SiI. The subsidised portion of the Central branch of the Union Pacific received in bonds $1, r0,I000. The aggregate debt to the gov ernment at the end of the fiscal year amounts to L.,l8.7dl excess of interest ýt of the ai noar regulating railway trak within the state has bhee. wisely conservative and was most as suredly demanded for the Irotection of the pnhlk against unjust charg.s andl di..rlndiatious in local trade, as was the inlte-tate commerce law to protect carn* mere~ between the states. "I be lieve," says the commisaioner, "in manyr sections of the west, consplenously in Iowa and Kansas the nuleage of the rail roads in Ireatly in excess of the leitimate needs of the carrying trade. If this he true then many of the lnvestments in railrmad properties there must fail to yield remunerative divilends, or schedule rates Inust he fixed o high as to rove ruinously burdensoune to trafmc. For this unfortunate condition of affairs neither the people nor the railway comn pllales are to blame. Both have contributed to bring it about. This condition of things presents a preo lem difficult of solution. It is safe to say the remedy does not lie in the levying of extortionate charges or the waging of reckless rate wars." The security of the railway systemn lies in administering it with careful Iespect to Justice and public welfare. If it* oppressive land i laid too heavily upon the yeople, revenge and revolt will he sre to follow. If investres in railroad properties have expendedl their capital in the constructionl of lini s not demanded by prement track. then they must share the fate of all who isnvest in unzproductive enlterriew. lIe lief can only come through increased settlement, stillulating lsilnsiess and de veloping natural remourTes. The interests of railroads and the public. says the coImniissioner sullffer frotmi tine fact that railroad nunnatgers devote their energy too largely to securing trade froull competing centers alnd do inot sufficiently enicourage- the de.velopcnent of local tralic. The colunissioner dwells at length on the problem of securing to the government. payment ofthe amnounts daec from bonded roads. He says he has comne to the conclusion that the most feasitbe plan to he adopted is to grant a reasonable extension of time with reduced luterest, and require pay ment of a certain per cent. of gross earn Ingmbt roads, to he applied in lquklltions to their indebtedness to the governneant. -This would relieve the railroad compa nles from emnarrassment that might coms to them were they required to pay fixed sums at a stated per cent. In time of business depression when the receipts were light their ob ligations to pay would be c rrespoangl reduced, while a prosperous year. the could afofrd to make iyncreased payments. All'these companies own or o~ t various lines in addition to tke ubs led. The government has no claim upon the eatninsl of these non a ilseddlines, and traste nay be di verted either naturally or with a purpose raon aided to mon-aided lines, and various cages in expense accounts may be e.ateed up a inst the aided poe tiaon that shoesld hecus to the non aided portion. It is apra that sub ailsed roads cannot discharge their obli gatio to the govenames at msraturity. It isthe commiseinnmar's ov mt wld be wimforont ic to aa annot gvins a resoabe xtn d time; ncduc int the rate at lnteest to three orain per cent. t requirlig tha t.arning alimed Ugovemnment traanactloha by outs compl raaa on all Hmues operated ininarat be or a dut e or which hof ln become due withi"the haeai year within hc r a ight h be reuderded; ~~b of aaa dlvi dee i aaggrv)-·Lrll i r pnie b unless es---B company soaD -awe paid the inersst a nto tsanded deMt havwig a Uem PAW ft the AV" inflot -sd adv dueftred A" - *il.. and Iatm-euth ski d*- -do!-c ISE = =iDit to the tIn ltepe" or ye 'ismwin"" L «at rO«M Most H CJ rsuirnklf Dbould ffo h Itrmted to refMatd Ofirst rt« .nd such proviseions wouas vegmt &a incroasw in de-bt whbie s allowI& priority ower the debt due thAe uited States. The conmnmisioner mnakes nsc-ona mendatlems for asmendmnents of various kinds, aIMo lhieu that all accounts of theme railnimin I- rend-ered through him minsted of going direct to the different e-k partments am in the Past. *ss9, may he. -it It important that there be esnaum bureau afr irrvnmeat Ito which can he founi full liSformation S to accounts betweent bonded railroads and the United Ntates. There are now milU lion, of dollars of unsettled bhlls pineon holed in various departments of the tveamturr and it is due to railroad ront pauiethat all theMe actourns be prompt ly madjuited. and that sush mums as are legil theirs he credited or paid them. It Is also to the Intel-t of the government to know the exact condition of he ac counto with these companies." RIDDEN ON A RAIL. The Dsepabesm at tausgas Ualgage a aU im la auer Mr. Cmewtaey. Igerml tho e Masduld. BaEs.aus, Sept. 5.k-An amusing cia eumstanwe has been developed at Miles City. Three m. ths ago a fellow struck this tows who gave his anease am le L.ghMa. but took n an aslis to mre pond with the mame of every man he app prHaehed. He was bold, impudent amd full of talk and a promesmonal liam He proceeded to work thee conaB deuce od maay with emellent saeesa, praeurlg n smal amounts breasumbesrs o persna. He got drank and was 7ld i Jall and the est mrea Swau f t .sw.ndllg tsh prie.t at t f S. He debmaed his own eras, was convicted and stenseed to thies month in Jail. He was released and mmsediately peared at the oate of the Yelowutowe Jbrma/, the republican organ of the town, and dropped into converm tian with the editor. Later La the day be was seen about town wearing a new suit i clothe and d played a roll of money, statlg that be baa be empLod to tgo to Tery. where there was to b pe scaking o behalf lt both parties that nht, and take the place of William Courtney, the demo cratic candidate for the legislature. He got on the train In euompany with two re ,ablicatn candidates. invited thema into the dining car and treated them to wine. The got out together when McLaughlin procured ascne writing paper wrote "vote for Wan. Courtuner and S. K. Johnston for the legislature" and nailed several of theln up about tow.a. He blew the delnorratic huor, came up to harangue the rei.)ublians and was fence railed out of town. Next mornaln the Yellowstone Jo.warl appeed with an article beaded "A Bad r ," relating the sid chartlng the dem ocrats, particulaýrly Mr. (outasy. with having engaged McLaug.l ' service. Coartasey cae t ain Ue C heeri demnocatic d~,ly, oa the rafteroon ol e same day over his ua.nature ansl called the editor of the Jowrsaul a cur and a liar and challenged him to prove his state ments alleging that McLagbrlan's es capa-de was a put up Job by the republi cans. The affair is not settled yet. This is the hotest andl most uy ob the cam paign has yet develope A ILgh-Toamd Weddllng in I.asa. LoaDno, Sept. l.--The rain was falling today when Mr. "Billy" Henrique's pretty daughter, Lydla. entered the fashionable Plfadilly church of St. James, for the* purpose of being marred to Mr. Douglass J. Neane, one of the best known stock brokers of the younger generation in Lon don. The wedding was very quiet, only twelve persons being invited, and there were no bridesmaidm. The beat man was John Duff DIawson. a cousin of the Duke of Fife. There were mao Amerkian frieadtl* lresent except Mr. and Mrs. Williauu H. Tulor, of New York. The bride wore as wte Gainsborough t withll a whirite feather, with a white dir.ctoire peak tki noire der.s, and looked very bright anrd charning. She .rec.ived nuore than two huandred presensts. The couple have goellu to the continent. - - + -4-- Dr. O3iee.y ena the (rest. MUrder. (HICAGO, Sept. :W). -Itev. Dr. Charles O.'Reilley of Detroit, tr.umarner of the, Aniericun b)ranlcl of lt. Irish niational lleaguel', was Iherl to-lda. 11. said tNI. (ruuin murdt'r and Claon-ra-Gal dilsrup tion would not acrlTt ul,' league. lie dc" intie. thIIe funds of teL le'ague luild lwmre used for thw of ('naril suspwects. 11'hen asked what ef'..e"t tln.' (roni nulr kler wtwild have onsI the Irish niveoll.ent in Au,'lricar Ie' rIelie'd: "Not a particle.. It will Ie a lwter isuvldeat. like the Mollly taglinres' mnurdrer in Penllasylvania. I1T1 lalrdtl'r is thie outeon . of seiuret n*su.i.tles anld not the art of the Irish people. TIb'l ('Can lna Gael is hut a slunall f1ractnsa of Ith Irish )Iplet and quarrels withinl it edo not concern the Irish rnace." Father ()'Heilly k'ft at noon for the west. Flashen of a MIJmtte.ou LLght. ('INclNNATI, O., Sept. 1W.-The supersti tkou living on the outskirts of Newport are watching with a strange faswination a mysterious light that flashes on the track of the (Cesapeake & Ohio riad every night near Columbia and Patter.ol streets. It is lmen immnediat.ely after dark and appears irst on the trestle where two esn were killed dmrlung the construction of the track. It then goes up and down the road with a vibrating or swinging motion, like a brakeman signaling. At other times it moun. almost to the top of the high bill, following up the inclined railway track. Some believe the light a forewarning of an impending calamity. Wams iags* betas. WAsaOorTx, Sept. aO.-William P. Dale, eemmimeiner of Indian affair. un der Preident LUncoln, died today, aged 76 years. The delegates to the inter national American congrera met today for the isrt time for Preleimn Sorralstion. John B. Henderaon, of M o has been desianated by Seero tary ane chairman of the United States delegates. Ameahm. Are Orni yemie... PAWIS, Sept. s0.-Tb. LAmerk-an Ieg. tihou eetb.ate that 10,000 Americans have visited the espatlam and that their C '%Oewe is this city w 1b IM m l3 1sp earewi dry Pas Wmame s ft assmeeatm as M Ot we-to S em esei. Nnw Yoa., 2te.p. a--Thele ad g ry flni.hed the Invs.tiation at the Fleck divorce ease at nooa to.da. PWaoes PFeslledk red the prea smt, which stated that the jury was stlned lthe-s was a wicked ca.splmrae, sad that smth a conplry eoukl be caerred out ender er of the law was at great public emu. a . The ury called the attentona t the legislature to the peranilelo system .1 appoitantag to take esimep li divorce cares. The teetsutay should he takes by judFges i opae cort. The hea-.r weibd would be done h. the publkcty at sueh evidence woukl be hr les than that whilh befalls when thinag are done in secret. "Iit is obvious." runs the premesntamUt. "that the drer. of divaore could sot have been obtained without the maatlkln of the jwuge, partly either by judlkcal negligence or judicial ealuslon. If negigeuce. it was inaessabie i if by ce Suir t was crlmlinaL We have notm dstermalued which." Lawyer Wrigt. while it might be maid that be inte.d stll daeerved to be cer e Monell and Joseph had imp ond on the court and obtaled the divorev by colluskan, de a fd fraud. The premstmentt coa chied by satiss that the rors had OOle to the concluskon that a wicked and erlild conspiracy had been comlitted. and persons whose namges a UnL the .aeosmpanrl Indletnsseeani s to bte according to law. District At. tne Pellow stated this evening that --wloltugherpn Indlcted I cenmse wi lak conupracy are, wdald he in coue t toenarrow to plead: ltherilR lack, W. M. rlack, his _ma, uall AsmLose M onell, counsrel for the ,she , Thos. Meek~rr(be in the dn - .(e-.L Hartbro4heaIwa th The earottr you tote the bettep; the Jest delay you .ll rrxr'peraso Is grttiuy to the pollt. THE TWO VACANCIES. Imspo etat Useto.. Csetmgu lip for AMtis meat in the Oahlmet RuIthm YeT-is. WAfautaioro, iept. m).-Th. cehinet will bold a regular meeting to-marrow, and far the first timt in Uthree mauth every member will bw prsnt. It I. an 'frwuamd that the Subject 1 fUlang the vainaev a the uupniuia basach and te penionU comduufaiaereblip will be die. c ad enlyr mettle.. Vor the m becb the Isa now is that t t V. V.kmlaa wllb en 1 vtdd hint as attarney-gi'slrm. Gin. Hrown of (bumo and A. B. (aimaphello K~ansae an- 1,iwHati(NM1w Lua mmm4.*Mr of ('runnaiusioawr TIannmr. (,era. John Hart razift of PeunaylvtanIa ii. also sqxyktn of fur Sm place. Mrs. Por-er Imltelrvl.w . PARlte. SIpt. :1.-Mr. JanmUes Brown Potter warn In town lat week. She. was 3aes4 Ia .the LouvreM rstores uo Saturday shoppisng, asmwnpanled by a lady friend and Kyrie Blellew. The party went It the thieater Iia tl. evennlg and naw BersiChardt. A pleasant chat war had with Mrs. Putter in her hox. Se was cheerful, hope fuls and in the. best of health. She saki she enuld not tell about the future as her plans had all Inen upset. ihot shle had sno itkda of le.avitg the lstage a.ul slave h.pled t4 apsi*ar in New Yrork dlearing tile cesniti winlter althiungh no0 dsate hLad been fixed. .hie wars still stladyang "*Ai toly anld il(.opaatra." SIhe mInght poesibly prauilutr, lh.e IlaY is LedJellsl. .iNe ahdded that her health badtl lratly ileproved. She was not staylneg in Paris, was only there. on a flying vinit. Mrse. I'otter wataiues(.* the .er.lunlyl" of f tia distrilution of uwanrds ait thei ex mn.atiull last light, arid left fir LolJdol thiis ulzorrallag. etth Stelew t'alsalug the. TACOMA. W. 1'.. S".1pt. :t,.- TI. tariff is mea i( las tIxcla tle iml. asiPnlranenmt feetuare of tIe" eia.mig haacw. aI l t r4j1thhulirila. clrtilm to-nilght tlhat tlhi will e.h.'et their eis tira tirket. TIh. .l..etimmn if lhI.rry for o/verllolr, alull .'ilm/ln fuar cngrrln5s ait eTal-lee k*... l. lella's"rerate e*xIn*.*t Ite .l,'e1t sev ral asirtrsue ja.e-iles. lie.l ri. , claila to Ilse. - rtaill of Ithlulrt.,n 1 dthe le gislatur. rm a . .Jont *tll.t. whihl. the. lde"n.merra.te claisti It h-hgirlutur. 'iy a lk.jority of 11-. Chag.-ao rNewPlalwr Uel seaI T1rolbe. ('stUla*' ., t. pt:. .UI. -J.anm' J. 1'st.. *x edlitor. anrd ('harle. Grnluasaa.f(,rCr ,e.-r tLry of tlhe pul)liia.a.4i4g erilnwanay. who are. elunrg.l witlh Il-, mtok of that or-rlkriato. were today hwili in I6,00L bLall .la.i feor tlwe t.tlitiE of the Igrianed jmar. T'I. Jadgl naldl tlat while* l.t deslriuas to wIsn uplMi the* liilt "r lie(s *nruct of the lt nuu4l, heL felt that he wai! jasltitled its luhvisag lw gruoaa jilry ilvewti gate tie case. Tea Pernmas KIlld to a rtaelaatd Wves k. Loi..o. Sept. M. -- Brief udlvice,. of a frightful railway illaster have. heers rel ceived heLre from Naple.*. A train carry Ing a regiment of mullitle and a regular p aemge-r train set itsn olieiona in a itan mnaI nar that city. Bothl trains were wrecked and ten penrmlon were killed and thirty or ferty injured. liwing to the darklne. and the connequent difliculty of reaching the srene of the wreck threer was eimsliAerdse delay ins reuoving the dead and rUIeilng the wounlded. Nashvile Y!/« fee ChIesge. NANUwVItL, Tents., Sept. 8D. - Tb. aabvlUle ('omnnaerelal club. comiosal dof lewudk n uxwhaata and capitalit., of the Scouth; bas paused a resolutiou endorsing ('biko as against New York as the place for holding the word's fair. Mayro ('Rr ver h. approved the resolution. Wpelag s C..SltaUtS Adepisi. (cmmar e, iyc., Sept. »n0-The cea. stittlrnal convention fornmall adjourned tacdya alter adoptlng the constitutior fraimi by the stale. The cnopratlttutlu she t.,rltory with little or no opppoltiola. MARRIED AT THE PISTOLS POINT. A roafee -m- wisktoi Win lan.. - fa Ver 6 oufend jury. Wow P"m , V., sept. .-The *hip p-m lw at 0mh remimd & Wet Point Smlmol ay- le Is ilted avow the ftreed miarrg of I. T. R bwham &ad Miss Ag--n anM the brel of New Kent "sla~r. B10h belong to the best nri-ty of the county. sued their re-opetive father. bohd respsonihble poitloons In thu public weeiflw. Yeaterday. howevvr. the mins.l a Jury of King William conasty hudia-tdr' Walter 0. Blil amI| bia aon oM thwe hargubr of having fwread Brnlmehn i t< marry the daughter of the frnmer at tbe pistol'. muscle. Bkmatan). wbo is a auwalea gpm Man. hadl herts Ungsge to Miss rhrweentJi bio affection. bhal been tcinnuferrMd to «aUeerou-n lady at West Point. which nomde W uomnr Rance -hiouu. On Wednesday marning o last W& ler a" and ean gaimnd avwem, to Busruhanik' roosm whUr be was still in bed, Thbry covered him with their plotols and orilred bim to dmn and aroonpany them. Burnham being uanamed was told to snake no woesl of mnuiKMnpe or to ofer a=y aitodence at hAs peril. The Baul then coaducted him to the depot, where tickets for four wemr purrhoaeei lIy Dall Ar. while the son *tkmd gisard. the afth tirket wa fsori Mie Ball. who was in the ladies' car. Dean ham wan taken into the mnohisig car bay his <ktftr mined captou. and thu party went to Washington, where a licenc wae pro. cured asad ioon after a uuarriagu vemorntoy was purfownsed, which to all intent and purpose nbid. lambam and Miss Hall amaes and wi&. anhalans uisver numir a remponue to the questionM of the offriating nuis>bler. nor di be hspeak to his wife, after the ermsnuviy was perforuned. All the parties returnled to New Kent county. and yesterday Banauhamss's father laid the rase before theg rasd Jury. Ball. the father of the romse may. was arreated and gase re" <r anes to appear hefure the cvourt yat te e Nfustn tern. His eon ham not yet be,@ foundF THE REDMOND ABDUCTION. MU.. Jode u41s "lahm a` C".ellmins e *.£ C£am. JoUsST, ll, Sept. .-Mv. Jesaie G Mr who was eawal.tdl o ahbmsdtelas little Aoss .R edtesmo md a d mtmed to JolUnt pr-i.e s re Me b a , for the elaom,. bha ummae a meue.sgime whic she ..meerts is ,e . tnr mra mdlls tle a bme. tI .d at Imedm ma d 1i e d I.d That tins w rth a mmaum Meeas, f Toedls. Ohio. metitg up .a thavkals rale Mc.. . wrm shmw that to( m the Isr.paav tlup ae pms atrkl b. klitle k.. wu pows this, My" p imsd d t hi le a On the .t the chil epme auets t t .b s sk mad was ai1e4 away lag An. iss who wars met dows the setbd Gu anv d Mm. a cmeriges In the ameantnaunw the chili had bess uese he e m wi-m- t t o INunat, oa State street. Mrs. Gurley ays that Gurley aftent hWas lwr. and that she was afraid he would kil User. and that alh. was led to tell the stog * she tk. prior to asud at the time of the trial, by the eanspiratr. who would sedr herrt sening notes, taken to her at the jail. P't Ahe rrms i. n ,e ria y pae r p poaitg, wher rerr the enorv "dermarret" uorvr'rt.. FAST TIME AT GRAVESEND Me.t.dmi Mad. at tt.e Ltat asy at thb Itreoklym J.rkey ('ltab'. M Segtag. GAVltrr xWS .. Sept. Al.-The. fall neusting of tie Braonklyh Juc.key clubl cklo.e to-day with thleatenilgs weather. The tnack was 81udtdly. In the uwe eatake.n, osae nilk,. Lon.. -treet wonl. St. Johln secodwl, Gallery third. Titu 1 :42%. In tl wnweepstaker. one asid rone-is te.enth imile*. Lady Reel wan,. Eutruria so.asld, l.r ernalo thlirtl. Time . :5). III th uwemitak.e.. thlea.e-qsar t'r mnile. Jidgle Morrow wone,. dManle B. 4w.4,0nd. (;raIusW'ny third. Tinme 1:16. Itn the tlahr e.1rartrt r mile. special weightsl. Gregory aiitl HR*elar.l, the greet two-y)'.aIr-.ld.. were the. lI)lly tarterr. t.he. ferlln r winingl i n fuart lis,,m. of 1 :1.t. In t .h* .w'e""* s tJkIL I*iiL*, e asl (ls-Ii-n1 teisrtll a sil.",. hi.ast..I . won. ei.lle. I)'(Ir e.ainllul. (" lrrl tlhirn. lTima.e 1 :57. I1 ti* i ,i. leil' ad l a /nil., "llHultrc, M wean. In laulrlnrte* neto olral. Iltarrintr.r thirst. 1Ti1oe* 2:10. In the t l'r4-,41a.rterr Iaileh ro.e' Lafitte w..u. l' , ..,l, i4 ir.lgo third. 'iule The (Courts. aus rte. PIll.. at etldLs. DI).onTOT. S.w't. .:c. 'hilef of Polele' Barorgu us1 oreildil tihe arrest of all usapie itln ch-ar.3cters onl gelieral pricniplesl wlalle* tihe fair wans Jiun Brady war a•pprii.eide.d e raad.r tile ..eri.., hut was ruhle..1 .on a writ of Ihasl. corpurn hefoe Judge Brady. He wasr re*rreasted as mmeil as he regalaledl hil lihberty ona the anea general chargel of S.epirion, an action which Judge Bra-dy coemtneed as contempt itesoelrt. am1d he sunuaonmld ('hief Ik.g manm to show cause why he lnuild no t e comauitted fGr contempt. The hiefstood uae his diigity. and was rnordered ilnto tan. custoldy of the aherilt for implurisonmant uuletm he paid a $1(0 line, which he de 'lares he will not pay. And now the 1) trailters want to know whether their polk feare, is organisaed o protect the clty or whertler the courts of law are running to prote.t thie criminals. J'otrfur the vvDdatttutS'iM 2 1irumirg out "AidtIindt the Cu uttitmto-a.` The Meulnam Lead Or. Qinmtt.m W*auurKrrox3 dept. aL--Tbe..a. Ryan. tUnlted States atminiter to Mexico. arrived Ln this city this roiralng. He could not be found this e'.'alngt.t i t is understod hi. return to this country is In part fbi the doeo eoafrrriugl wit Smmawydr o ndtie pewidemat In reardd to the lead ae question and aserWtalmnar g the policy to be pursued by the United Sation. Tim eK-Kag Vey Angry. VIEJIISA Sept. a0.-Es-KIin Milan has teleraphed fr'w Carlsd f 4,m and tak plsce uo4isy. SAVEb BY A "DE. y vy rat.. t 1 elveS of tbS moU W W Md !ail a T . Lot-IUVILLs Heps. W.-ft B .. di. tar ease I... - -~g-ooo buI tw mnau perumar s have been a erai dispessatios of Pu'widrm,_fedba fiam d tlb. nwr sad -mel Sb. wnkel cb r. 13 bes in b. the bp ru m w reveet. ad Friday .ve'im hes. Uuml the edifice of the 4 ermoiN I obai churb, on Jaarus etr et mear Turs Beth. o1 which tev. 0. 3 Ovruwn r So. wrn drdiasd r ftw. Woas d hay, bus them b r~builig d s ebuse bsaiidm r drdlsag., ot een., fthe dream which I ýanss i WID" s i bwnam Sa. is readinsus forts dediessbr ! a weak befog. ALmmin the sesne ntuir. which bud hbee -h d matsmbeg, of tb. ion M tlas laceow p w h. bud badM wasr as Crums. As ohoewar the organ, Mim VIra aa was . uralbr anuour thaI is bests be ame t., s b. spme W lb. organ war placed is cb.wb Ferguson Savo Is a trial and i Feeusamaaaa ir a l Rh rather bureL basis he r haasom. of the m a. aflrwua tbred BI caarllbpoug` Wt seamed Inase ha Iih sh bar. It eemd a _ was at the cuareb mnd e wa In readiness for-th am slU a m t lb. orgus, beat -o wha5 aha wrns to but sh in Os gM of th. sweet 1040 aware thai Io e Wa m organ weasd not Is her b c tried thre r again ad auun, but shn" I Yi sad. S kaeesm o sthe ra~·ua r brwr d(L d It war only a drem. Siarws uhs ,Ii ie ag th.., besr was ftfal. Whenshearae Is the m~a~the yonas meutiased be, s ue 6 tober fonIl. Upos the sjwroIzaef th was roirr nthe RIs "that the. dream which otuht S. bhet vimt *mi wo ud toMsr. i. H. 1.. i, the chehmsdv and .ups Imondeat at ti Sunda s hed as k ue rr 6% u a idasbt of th I m h ey reached the !Moat dose It was mrnmn tenld us UP. _ - i r ru their astonlshmuetat ad -j the rid toac di moveered makh lIowing host the interior. Withoat waiting to other arlstame. they enutred the churcb to saertain the se, and ehis was spedily praestrd. Ahsad daye,: one of the rear pews was foud to do a fir., and the pew was cs/hbiig Quash. Ewe. wasn the mee fteamt and b(rrrrrbd tML. and Mr. Bib. nd Miss apphied themsele valiantly is eatS peds fo fire ad sav th pensse church nou destrurtio.. Ahs r a bie hatie this wars -ma t'pli-d. Othesr were thea umamoned, ad the windows thrown ap and the smok. allowed to rape. It wsdiscrd tt t ma ho brg used to poIshwe the rabad other wod workad beed s thws to a pile on a pow. Whes the ehunerh we Closed thea ater a los ties task fire. presutnblyl huroo r sowtaoa, r a bastion. Tbr chr est Mob am Iorhotd of 1,lOOO, and those .1 the - bers who are cogulmat of the las. am very thankful that the qautode of aMim Ferguson's mind was Sif the t183£Iy dream. It L a tlu tike·t teak. Paune W make nao alntahea, in masking the (rsiarta. ma. qomtIs.a Sm Da~ BIiMAKCK. N. D.. Nept. S*.-lt I about *o.wtaktI that the repuhacans mW oUnars i. 4l.ttautiln t.bI.nj~wb. LaM they have ever £141vaasa.igv. lNrb&1,*tligi which it the f.itU. e of b.. iaa ciaataaiga. wll flWlea iLn ot R.".1 River eaututi.,. anid wil receive mtrvng.est MUppNrt in the soundte atamu the. Jainiee river valley, while In the cae ti.." west .tut JSIrwr, wn Is will eobohl sufaIrer defeL24at. E£- -overmor Pierce wll Uflll)ttewlly to to the. geanate. Chairuna I'l~rerll. of the tlraxlwatia" stale C mnwur 140e. whie buike..ling the electio o the { rep.ublicans. believeu the uaaJorvIy WOl Iexceed t ,IJ. tMarl.. of WsaMhyI eruu NtiKwALIc, Coma.. Sept. UL-Damlel L Rugge.n, a wealthy and pm·rdomgm i deist of South Norwalk. eom m.d mieli tblum iurnlzag ha shood hi ommiff I i bu ee'd with a revolver. Kuui s wme .iy a p.perotS mrchant dovLn hb bees in Montreal, buht 'sin hae o twelve years ng,, and had slase Ie a lite of ease. A son of his died earn . yer go and since Uses b has a o~sW .-oony and tuoeosw. A Wegre Lymshnd t. Ms ArTLANTA, Ga., S.5t. W.--A Mob 4 unasked taro descended Ipon *L, -- John Duncan, coored. ha Mmrvrqmm. last night and d hb - bo m and yched he ame the outrle mn that wl wa oa un.ahal hatr w1 a womanr. A Tvain usbbw Ml.. NOGALUE. Aria.. Sept. M6-J. 3. TaIMW, lWader of the gang wbo robbed a Waft - the Sonoa raiUway a year e &s* MWn and kIll-d CoeadiActar MmirM a" nolu Foabmw. and who wm I convk-ted of thu cr-Me a"d u I>rth, was .h.O hoiemewmg b i audorities at Gumywai. LonDoM. Sept. Is 0emb Sued to hie roa-m hm ' bianeMmt. =a pbwsicika, bowMw . wem OM bb aftf@ is monhiAg UNe aeis m whUc hrop r m Is fca *far we O--1.