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A l " u lithtb. mum VOL. L-NO 9L ANACONDA, MONTANA, WUDNUOAY $ORNtNO, NOVEMBER 6, uU. z$c -V-- c-uS. RUSI MUSS CARDS. DR. D. J. McDNHXLD IWAK&SON IPK TI". * I ovmm oviam Jo.. Plrl M.. vav3 mIniC. - A- ma Momlama.~u F. L. ST. JUAN. A.B.. M.D.. C.M. edieu. ,U oft-oad .1m1. NI. Jwta nbunin. lm an VlrmL POO.. L-toMi. Jesn sufl ldh. Nbi Hours: Sit 12 A. M.. 2 Lo6wed I to .M. T. D. FITZGKRALD, MoLUCK MAUIWrHtA JUVWFIK 411 TIM PKAEK. %0TARV I.L'EiW . CO.IN VKVANCVM cA. Virg& NirTLW . Amaiceda. Mimi. J5. f. 3SXRIMXN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. uwt3 r.. @Ytin mA~kS? A JACtSUv NOS, Y. O LUIA, AttumqI ow unm" at Lw. rr w.l il w o f . lmot. WA Umbed "iog" _~d. med.. F. P. CHRISMAN. D. D. S. AIamlaar dr. Maioaa . ?TtETl EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN q " etº AU Ctm of entl Wartk Teeth Wltb.5r?1'S Az fle .R. P. UROWN* Auoruy mt Law. @mes to DamI s Jacky V. Didi. Mats= Urmo Ammeoadta, Uoma~a. H. W. ST P14 INS. PHYBICIAN AWD aURGZON. ANACON~DA * MONTANA oS.. in wmmml & JmekyblmdI 3edaS.aS DR$. MITCHgL.L & SNYDER. Rlt 40CQ14R D O H0WT7L.. (Nast t Montana inute.d. ANACONDA MONTANA Anaconda Real Estate Agency. FITZPA TRICK ! ASPLING. REAL ESTATE " INSURANCE ACTS. M1/.dll MfdkefUrs, WS mi UIUPfL n .ueMM. AWNACONDA - MON)TANA Enusiuger, Bamtt t krl t, WVholesale and Retail Butchers. Fialy)- Mupplces a Meoalty. AU (Intr.r sIelivcdt Free of Charg.. d bop on Yirs tMreI4 -- ANA4ONDA (OPreOITU THK SAll) MAKES A SPECIALTY OF FINE ClGA RS DOMSTIC. IMPoSID AJED NUT WIm?. THE GOLD BOOT. Tha 3)EST 3 CHKAIFKICrtI!S t the ctrv of Dueig to P~urcham. ItO(ru awl 511035 s ma (I OULI) B . u weI Ptra NI. F. H. NAW. Vwuprietew. READ'S DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, J. F. DUNS. AN, --Tonsorial Parlors- Cer. MaJia ad roat Rtreetsr Asedl .. - Montaaa. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS THO DOLlMONICO. CHAI. IKRT'TI. Prp. Maim Mreet. Vrunt, Anarmnda. Mont. GEOROG RLSTON, 4CITY * BILL * POSTeR* ADVKKTlUgR AND DI TRIUITOI. Lave Oriers as tts _me. A. work ipwro" alte es. A emeia. Mmtamau. W. C. HAYNES, LIVERB AND FEED STABLES. smgin.M seoek c~aumr omn hr. rusrt-Class Turnouts and Mod erate Charges. ·ra kr.... or at seso. *aa aaiq as. Northwestern Guranty Loan Company -or -oP- MISK NLAUotts MINNESfA. Capital, Fall Paid, $1,000,000 MONEY TO LOAN FRRNCIS L. IDE. Agent, a a mmo wdA. Moat. O•s 1ipowarUV wh J. L Dwmam. BIG DEMOCRATIC GAINS see Is Tas e M s t S. now ila- N oe-w e..e, 0em .ali..e .weerm -e.eete UKwhwm eh . R.turns swmerlved at this .ffmer up to a o'clook this maunila landkate that the w muat il Obio iks I doubt. Folamr has sestalaed blralr kls.. in several cosguotis and it he puls through hin phaurlt will be snail. In New York the d.mnoseti state tiket bas been elected, but it I. probmihe that te epuubiamen retan co-n trol th e legisleture. VIlgsnla bas gone deasoricrt Ir UtEb. The wepusblkan plali in lauhmmsaeu.etts has nco askiethly edlured. New Jerne . Las pnse d&sneratie, while Pesnnsrl.mIaa and Newbraka have gone rmepuleaur as usmul. Late dispatebme lndicate that Iowsa ha tdritted fron the repuhllean coluasn. The retuarn srow bi destoaetie gainu, sand thae state In elanwnmd fo the dnmwmswest wy AWe "atumr. NEW YORK'S ELECTION. The tause"s t6e ss rLmeh WIth N rw Toar. Nov. 5.-No election in New York for a domn years excited less pubhlic Interest thall that hekl to-day. The state Imnae awoke slight Interest in so far am VWIA nple. tle*. tlenaurratki wonptrolk r might run behintd hie ticket. With so good a proportion of the r.gisterl vote. Cast. the majority for the demnr.ratkc canldidate for secretary of state of over e0.000. Indl rates that the democratts polled a ~ould solid party vote, and the rebuke to e en pie cannot he conuseredl very pronouneed. The contest for sate senate was interesting. Colonel Brown. Tamnasy nominee. defeated Colonel Murphy eoeunty democracy, who on several pre. vkhts occasions, lowered Tammany's colors. In the sixth district, Tammany suffered defeat, Iteast.w Thomas Grady being heaten by U. ifusonist candidkate. Joh.b T. (thearsi. In the lseveth, ninth and eleventh disltrits Tamnuany candi dates were eleeted. In the eighth. Lespenard Nlewart. republican, de featedl the Tammany no.snlie. Per the assmmembly. sthe demmrats elected 2). The republlcan and colenty democracy nominee, iltager.kl. defeated Glkk.rsleeve. nonminee for judge of the general eesstiemls. The new omnrd of al dekrnmal will show the same relative Tanm nawny stresgrthas the leglstature. Tihe eke*. tion at Brooklyn planel off quietly. Tiw" denl*,-rats carrIke) two oult of thlee. meas t.rial districts and o of 12 assemnshly di. tricts, ased elected pae r pateity county ticket anel Idi a en . New York city complete give* 1".1SUl. Giltbert 4T,.722', Wenmle. 1'11 ('~ouk 6t.61J. Kings e.neaty euntspi*.teo Rie- *t9.1S, Gilbert 58.JMn. ('luain i re lctedl nIayor of Broklytn. 1.li5i cleeIt.' dlistricts ie, the state nottidei of New York assul Brooklyni give IRh.. 17,t.040. G(;illlert 201.470. TIme mste its ln$ gave C(:.k 17"2, 14e. (;Grat 194,5.4. NEw Yonu, Nov. 6.-2:25 A. a.- Hetunis ret .ivedl 1rp to this hosur Iandicate. Htust the. deisl.neratlic tate ticket is elketeel by alMsat 10olD majority. NEw Yoena, N.o. 41. --(I ºreturlns reeivetl ilup to 2 A. a.. it i a.Mertainedl that the next legislatuae will hrt cnespoeled as follows: Senate. 21 repeth klans. 11 d(enLMrat*; s. - mvieably, 67 repualliea-s. 61 deesturats. RouHasreac. N. Y.. Nov. 6. -Niagara ceeaslty has ek.clted the utlire dkeen.ratic ticket by overwhe*luing anmjoritkes. This was hitherto a reppuhlil*an stronllhold. ()In tbous.lnl threw buendld asul forty two elretanla dsatricts oautsde of New York city anid Brooklyls give Rk.e. 19,180, Gil bert Zt1.109t. The same districts int 1a47 gave Cook 19.,OIS, Grant 219.,21. UNDER THIRTY THOUSAND VOTES. Maheme Mkrted Out t aIsght by the Leoi errmas"t VIrg-ta. NomsvoLac. Va., Nov. A--The election in this district passed off quietly except in two districts. In North Norfolk county in one Iwp.ecct the judges asked the au thorities for protection and the disturb. ance was quited witbhout furtler disturb asice. At Glehbes peelct, usanr county, nuearoes attempted e to brek Into the poll ing plas sm wlmn a pistol was flr-d and trouble seemed immilsent for a while. The elections omtfers kept cool and the authorities oJon had the mob utnder con trol. The shot fired struck a colored rman in the nmob hut the wound is not fatal. Rwhaiuosn. Nov. A-NIneteen counties and cities in the state including Rich mond, Norfolk, Staunton, Danville and tebhburg give a democratic airn of about 9,.00 over IMS. oPrty counties aud cities give the dem ocrats a majority of about Ft.u Pr-m returns received the democrats claim the state by froUm atMID to 4in majority. BALTsIMons Nov. .- he Mass special from Ricmod. Va., says: Governor Lee bhas snt the followisa dispatch to es. Predeat Cleveland: "Virgdia has hurled tbashe. bk probably m,000 majority." ALrXAI0nRA, Va., (Oct. 6-.-- At 1: a. in. the sate democratic coumuitteae estimate clKimasey's umajoritry at ,O. They claim the legislature b a large nmajarity. THE RESULT IN MASSACHUSETTS. Tle Amutranlm hyarse a Co-mplete Rue eus--Mpbmliaess KIeas-d. BosTOn, Nov. b.-To-day's experience seemed to prove beyond a doubt the sue ems of the Australian systen of voting. In this city the voting places preteIItd a rwearkably quiet appearance, voting pro ceeded with dispatch and voters enjoyed freedom fram ntbe importunitik of tallot disributers never known before. Tthre was ome slight friction caused by a coniLl t of opinion with regard to the duties of precinct and other ottler. hbut it was insicgifclant and nr(.ad Ii)t little trouble. With regard to the hliilot tlHe-Ra selves there was ittle or no qtornplainlt. From all over the state reports" lidi-.ait. a very quiet election and light vote. T'Ie rm turns cone in slowly. TI'h r(epuhlli<-ai calndidt for governor i prl.a..ily elected. I'wo hundred and ei|lty-lfve prelnl't-t in Boston Wive RlLewll 2;.'I., lnrLk. ilt 22.,1t0. ( iLy one precinct is stow hli-kiiva. 'Thiin suws a decrnalIs ill the del.ramiMr.eii" .plurality of 1887 of about au. ail ~a a1< cream- in UuMell'r plurality over la.t y.Ar of about a"UL. One bundred town. oua"k of Daisbe gI"i fi c kett, Wf.S RusseII 10.M1 RMawk nwr 3.1'1. In IS Sime wain' wave Almsa WI43 Lovecingf 13.01. 4 Dow boancherd and "inep-ODWOU UVWns givae Irmck..U 2kas Ruasi I 17.11M. Hame In IN? gave As ew .2L15, Lova.elna 17.421. Do..?O. Nov. 6., 1 a. ti. R.suin a@ omltai In P'.,wb'. Fkvhertt In amnkuuuW I lty elerle~l oppvernor. hut eve@& th1 repub. I"Icarng c-ee his lrenlity la v.ry sihasUll. /eseearratlte t6amm U tewa. UmsMotieaa. Nov. S. -- The ittat,.*aiater mars: At ,uidatilht agrergate rettares Sovriulg onseristh of the state, show vew evyrdesmeraratkr gain.. The demomrats have Ranls ls the river easamts ai thel rpubulias have failed to boktl map La tie noeorl.wet. no far as heard from thl deonmratk' state teaduarter.s claim It the present ratio of gains is aoe.tlnued thcy will arry fthe state by 0. The re pulleik*as. lsist that stonesg republican ea.mntIee have lut yet trep.rted, aid will eut down the derlewratk pgains. The snte Riabier says: Retursa show slight repubhtarmn laes on the vat. of tU u it is itty evenlyt dlistltbeted over sthe .ate. 1lntitb. for railrenl csuni.inaier. andl (ivee. for Judge, run even with Hutchinanr in acrl aill pmenets. With the precinbots heal ftom HHutrhinan's e sticmetd ausurallt will h-e six thouwsatl. The eIrald, denmnrat, i'a returne train 19 countkie in Iowa. whrih give a gaini fur Dole of [J.7. I)vtgrk . Ia.. Nov. S. --The dtem rraat claine, Ihubea a couaty for siem rby 4110s nmajrity. In tle' it was 2.U.;. IPut*wat toumae ouwtasy gives Ulione 1.WI nusajoriy. In t116t the doesuucratk* najolrity was 1i. BvfaL.narroi, Nov. t. Fear ' at tlais city giver Hiltcila.on. u-M.. Boles, denmorat. 1.471. 1 llemanratk* gain over two years ago of AM. ('HICAeaCo, Nov. e1. -A pecial fresa De Moines at 1 :45 a. m. marys. aSI Cc et it laws give Itutertainsoe 4a.'9N. Heuiem AZntM If tivs mte of gtain coeatiteseae* Boles will be electedl Ilg a gud plenrality. A distptchl received from flen. MolnesM at 2:ai a. ln: Ihu.nerates elisu the cleirtkun of their entire state ticket. majority 10,100. The eay In P1uinayteala. PHILAIULe.PmIA. Nov. 6.-The only state omlcer voted for in Pennsylvania today warn state treasurer. The easadkltes were Henry K. Boyer, repuallea, Edward A A. Big.r, dernerrat. and Jamne R. Johnson, problhitionist. A light vote was cast,vey little Interest heinr namntfwred, the elec tion of aolyer hy a d lk.ll ,nsjrity hbeinl a foregonea onerlusIon. Hart. republicae, for stat, treasurer in SIUt7 had a plurality of 46.S9 hanl the return raon 27 cuntiess Includinig Philadelphia. rceiverl up to 11 P. n., show a net republ.iran gaini over 1ill of arhout 5,I.O. Boyer plurality ef (e~ds S0.00)0. Pnritaatuaa. Pa., Nov. 6. - Thane e.rtku, to-day was qui.t. TIM. rmpuhllcala tkiket was cut baully. but Iont Im.arre 'vreports at nmklnight tle Indicatiotos are that th is county will irse Ikycr, republkiau. for statel treuisurr. shout 4Iu nmajority. PuHILAIstKLPHIA. Nov. .-1- :2:1a. m. --le tIlr ns frems 67 of the 67 counties 1s til h l and laucluding Phlldwlphia and Al eneteonSr absur manjority for r for state treaurner r of t.11.5 ove*r Illr. Boyer'.n anajority in the stLate* will he bunt tiuhM. Viatal tow In HSallaeare.. 13AI.TIMEtYE. Nov. !a. -Shortly btforeW the Ipxll 44k.4m4e( in thIe flrst prectiatit of lw tlfteestlh ward, a alght took place* lhetween Jotnl Appek. a fuunioniut ticket laoelcr anldI Williama I)rinc.ll, tie latter a del-nerat. Apple wax knrkld (lowsl and kirked ii. the letae.d and wa sdead when pk-ked up. D)ri.ell i. hell for murder. Tilers. were wmveral other asuuaults, but none of a m.r "out natuIlr*. At 10:M p. m., partial returns ,I the tl.eN frosn city and eouuatie l ndicate tlhat I aug.lana n (demarat) Ia re-lec.ted sltate cornptroller hy aboumt I11,( 1 mnajority. a gall of 2. on halm for-mrer vote. KAx,%AM ('iwv. Nov. b.-KEctluaas ha MartI usa to-Ily .'we for eosmty ohllekr only. lam naos cae~s purely Intel. It snna. of tle counnlo hm. owever, the raaplwiga was' foghLt out the i.a.w of re..umhni.u sn of the phbia cay eansegleat to & vote of tilu peoplekaad In tbmecountiees the tikmactrata weert Reis ally aaacceeefsal. Thme rea-eub uliseloam iuau.. wa fiavored by a large suattuwa of aati--prealaihitiosa reutahicraus. Shawntee ruanty. ian whire is lauantec To peka. elected the repaahl~r~aa ticket. Tlh aetewna are ronming in very .lowly. S. Mtlwer ODatsr iI.m.utw. New YoRK. Nov. &-Iaa the. Sixth jsa tolal district of the city.Tlmtuaau F. Grauly. knownm nit tUe iltver tonguedl oratUr. sand wha.' retirnasemat to private. hliu war n questedl of John Kelly hy Grover ("1ev. lane! when the latter wan governor of New York. Iow Ines heatemn for maIur lby John F. Ahearn. the counaty denuwr aey caHulklatc". lkeve'r lEmeamete A . hAme. Darvau.. Nov. .--The welather wasn tol antI cloudy to-day. The election for county offkcers and two district Judge,. pamsed off qukitly. A very light vote was cast. Tlhen were three tickets in the field, repuhlk*aian deenocratie and peoples. As considenhble seratching wam dotae it is imnposible t., give the rasult at this hour. hbut a nunmbh*r of leading reputlkaess epeesm tlhe opilu mi that tie entire republican ticket in td feated. GeSe lateeha. /a MlIasteanpps. JACUON.x, Miss., Nov. a--So little inter mst was felt in election. there heing no ce.l posdtioa to the deOentratic* ticket, that tle esseetive comnll tte moade o provlisiona for receiving returns. Five counties lv' ag local di menuons euo ysd some little evehement, haut otherwise the electiml. was unusually quiet. New ems bwem sr .. NgWARx. N. J., Nov. s.-An unusuallly larg vote was polled throuhout the state. Slowly coming returns IndiLeats that Abe tett, democrat, for governor, bas carried the state. Late Mews Fre. ?4ebmsksa. LIawcozI, Neb.. Nov. 4, 1 a. m.--Returns come in slowly, sand it will be Insame.ilhl. to give a careful estinate- of the vote f or twelve hours. The republican (ie.atr.l committee coansiders that Indlratlius .Ilup port the claim of a majority of 185000 f.,r the state ticket. B.%LTIMKlb. Ilase h. N -Thae dlasmi. rt\ tuay. 4-44-to-d their eity tick.t. I i thu e tfitt thf- de"IcmMt" Krno-rlly an-. vit-t-pri-11- The-. retapit-atim o io h Is& u&If u tiabs I.&' latkprm. huat III. th.* kqamrau s I%& I IIs1 Joirity in IHth ha4umato. FORAKER FALLS BEHIND Pros Cla a Tliery. Yb. vt, ALtrm m'ea.lte.* Lea.s se .rve Aigh - Tk.weaad Velvo snGl s. Comunty Assn.- What Sh. Latest Dl . pItch, Mhllew. .'IKVK:L .A.Iu, (S.. Nov. &. The- o-le*ltko n t hilo was very quiet. In ('levelkasul tlhe day was Usarkedl witlh no exeiteaentet. Tie r.eslhlicans gie..rally fellt an. tlhat Prs* ker waeskl he. est here a•sil tilew.r by cra Slotn citiaeslss whil thinhk that two tSerlse iln the guberratorlal *c-hair quite eonawgll for any man, antl by nthert a who tko mient le Ikeve that ise was faithfull to S.mevurnal in the luat convention. The rle-pubkewne t.1fe colaftllent that ('Casplell woual uffelr at the hands set thllem slseenhera of hias lsrsy who we-ar hy es-Peaklenlt levelated aidl tartif retursn. All this e ssnpl'atem d the situation and s..puhlk,-as, were- prepare to bear of PFssaker's c.ileion byI a plural Ity of LOIWU or bhindefeat ry a plraulity not quite a la rge., . -arbapes hut esanllly envhlerling. Ther whisky quasetlsel, S.n. c(at Ino smnall lgien in site neastest. Tihe insmpwr.e-sn pI-*rvalhl that tie- brewers diotillesn neawl tkakers -neerally wmrr kenmrremawti tliems aistlulns. and manuiy ul. -esuli-r of the elk-tnel-raltk party Inl favor of rewtrltalsig the liquor tatNlk" were quit-e onest.lnt to vote the 1 re pulblicas tickeSt and tlllmes defeat thl slul porwmel . aI lrpeNie of tlheme Use-n wus e*rk to anItl,.l tile peesent Ikleten law. IHri.. aleill wars auolter eoentlrn{dkal ol anu thenr was hk-.l no lalke of lwhe itusthuis. It was. a plaitn cas e- oelf aathnenahle lUae".-rtainlty. Early thin eve.lllng as retarts camne its fren1 varkiun I-e isletsH thirtrNsh the stale it Crlutase ervike·lt tlhat tile pr-lllihiitsisits wais gaismina wlhicth was a leat to tile relpealh Ikasn. It was aloan ohstervel that thes lalr paurtry had Mst heavily over two yearn age.. Illirating a heavy gals fior the ile.lrs-ats. 1Tie "rStal'-vellaud preinsiet frontn which relor i we-l- reiveds lsweiw.t that while Foraker ran behiid la ticket he. inLdh e s a gain over the vote east for isins two yearn ago. At ISM sl o'clrk the issalleeatlne were lood for a reMlhlieasn lSuralty ils C(rhtmne counety of form :1.000 to i.t..IM. At 12:t, dlifte l. hls are pomitive of having the glature, which. If tnlc. means a re iashliafus Ullsitedl States see-nator isnteaul of Hle.nry Nl. Payne. Its tie West e-rn mwrve repubhlieals have gained al osint in eve-ry c.ntny. If PFrake-r is de tfateel time ,esntlhern en-nl of the state dki it. Lake eoealty, sIear (levelanii. revetswel1 the .ewlt-r however.assell tureans, frIs e tlare Sive F.orLker 417 alid ("t'amlsbell IK.. a ie-t enlle*rantlek- gRai of (Itl. _' (, Nov. 5. -At 9 .HI~ cl.k to. night ctnarls nwr.eivcd frguss ('ilritanlti, slowetl WaistL f.or ('anmlell so tlutt r.pla.b IkiLats h'gu~rl to enlt d..l. tha' ceanatly to )hint ti fi1en r lUi A, to 4.3I). Fifty apreelwt<..l .tlI ofI? 1w the city save Furaker 7.21+] **urrpm * 8.61. Ita e estate cn ailleu o 1 nttlW 14 .lpeets.( gare Voraekesr 10a. 'lmaul IIsel 414. Helwiat :tit. Tlh u5tns. pr. .i(n.ets isa I.7 galve." .Forak,.r e;,$.' 5. ,+owell. 5,151iW,SNlaarp groihlailnitie 'n. 257. "h'lis sl hww Sgul isl forn ('alslaill .rest 6). u.lrtake.r slan mtalitmul his ti.ket Is. saaseiy is isarl stallati. I, Ilt l praillr n isl tl( li... nsl t slJe of ('isiluasati. Fl'rak.*r halsl I15,1. ('aUsipl llt 31.7413. Helwig 1,1.4. Thl. naslis pIlae's. is. 15547 gave" Foraker I&,4t. I'Powell 12:.!44. Sharp 1110. O(t. launlalrlu eedil aiels of 170 p.e-rlse-ta il. .lw'itlsalata grive l asUllahB a plharity of 2.t1. This. Inekate-a for titn e cty alu coestty a uIJas.iwity for ('aUsahIell of 4o1f., which will ie* ia esnsMawcatic gain in Hassil tqsl e..issty of 11.41M1. This wualud leave a little over .J, lsa l ttir t inglleis of tie*u istate te, he ol usanse* by ('amnlplsell. At 12::) o'clork 14 p*r.llerts, in the city halil eant Iwen tme. l fra . The ssajority for ('asnplmall withtult these was. f146. The by F'~raker of Hamillntn t naslty which gave hint a msajority of sutarly I1.00 two year. ago tlas largely. er feeted- by s1dtectitols Ils G(.nras reublailllas wal-s. t, eissaues.u mi sg al . pre.*i-ats. ins soe f ws woiatl la ass llunlugelts. tlo ure lthan 211. Tia. -sault was sest s lstti.l*t.el hr the rel'htak-asu. While the losses of oPraker werte conflgewl tothme.. wards.l they are nmuh late uarkeld ils other st-le lioss of the city. The retualrns als. .show that es.upea.lly lls (s'rsatls waanls ti. Ieal of the tickelt wasl tie- tsling nout severely hit Iby r.publhllasul ieratel-su. The ('.seeerc(l (ileiettr. cmElnlal.ntitag on 11wt reesult inl Haunsilltt coe-rlty, nays It ib thle eastgr.wtlh ,f the atua clay ia..atsilus. alest lll gis.latioa dil ti i nt se-eas ti Etc thel dllstairhsinag thiag, hut ruatlher the adainls-ls tratliu. of ithe S. slay laws wasl tIhe (soase.. of lli.e.onteslt itlnsgl time (Geersaastl. The elistimat.". at tsliliglt is Iht Ca.tap.eill will marry Hamiltoes oneautty by eoveur 41t.1'. Your aassealseel asal sixty-thare**e Inwcs*ets isn hio. ef Haisllt.. ruissty. giv. Vwake-r eMI,7, ('asuph.ll a.I, ll. HeIwig 34. TIw mamnae ta t7, nPoearker 6,7w1,. Powell 5.,s:tw, lharp :t.53t2. This sh.lows an ave-rage* gain of 7.7 lwr asIat. for ('asaip a ell. ('INA'lNEATI, Nov. ..- Thir ..glirer claiainl tihe ele*tino0 of (lanaphelwl by a slight najority. buit nOt Ia.IakS the .lacttkilm of thea hest of the state tiket. As to tne le.g1is lIatwe It iLn it 1d bth.. Six IulaiIred and fatrte4ht voting plait.n is (alam. outskide of ('i nismall. give Paorak.r IUOl.US. ('annp bell 9.1414.. HeltwaIg 0.0. The sataae places ina 1I4at gave* Firnkr .40.0aa. Powell 14a.757. tharp 0.140. (sitasmiamati insamplete give. PFruo er :,oli ('aunlpeil :31.714. ('asnp hell's nmaj.rity UR"2h. lDesrt6q.c la., Nov. 5.- The f s"s bthe dek*0aratn carryY .(very preisa.t in thme oty. The PFourtil wanr. w hich gave Lar ralte i:IM staajrity trin yeIars ago, was car rled for IInine. by 61 mnajºrity. TlI Third wardn given Mle" am3 aaju.rity agaulast a dea.nurstk sutºaority two yeari ago of MIS. Iu 761 .re*ilniwts in (/hi.. atsikl of ('ui* clstalnti m.ake-r has 114.60L. Caumpbell 111.21.9 Helwai 5..j:4. Swame in 19IT7. urw aker 114.UII Powell 101. a7 S~larp 4.761. (CotL.c.aH . .. Nov.1. tar eleestlaat ila Colunbus wan one of the naiet qiuikt ever eaperkeneed la the city. The poills did nt close util S . n. I'tlnaraa keal of the lesauarratic state executive e.nanuilttne claainl ('alnpbill's electios from 6100 to )16.1611 analsnity. As to the alegislatare he* in in dlabt. He thinks however. It umay be detrlantrtic on fl rt ballot. Th. .ratin l*gis.ative tlkket lna Hanll.twal .sulty ie .ilrrain.d by delno crats alnd amail, .elewthere. Ex-(hainrnma ('rmnper of tim rn.ltallkluan c(Usaniattee* eprnie*mn4 enn.raletat* that For Saker i elected. He* tl.ue Itnt comeatki Haaalilton nlty to -ite keni.l rall to-r by more than 4.1110 voteineanell y**l dllenlUwratk gains cle wharr* in thle sutatie aIlast h larg to elect ('amphell. He In sure the nrepub liIans will gain inl -inunatry district.. T.-e republkeao,,n laiam the.y have thw elegisna tanre ('otuLtBLuM. Nov. 6. - 1::1) a. as.- -Later return. neenm to assure a republican nea Vity In em noint bullk. 31 14 ,1u $r ffa.rnontts~ has lummil via falstlwiu : The re-putlc f3W 04 teini of the legiiaatat't and tHo slate ticket except Gnvernne Foraker. wit In In 4lui4ht. It thle aev-pus. heimi tnntmst on tlw W..stwm kesmwery. aidtl nsleto parts of tlow ottc h14Pt Imtp, ea V4- i tatinna. Fortake., will poill tbrw..als a st..o I Inisajurity. Plrro-oisimue . Nov. &. moniolitmight. A lia. ,stc -t frImims Nemmimore Quaty %oyv: -rim Ijita e adlymee nuweek. Obliae we-ry cvlose.' WHAT THE ANARCHISTS WANT the ymg.. a C1wulm ar S. Whleh he maslem llama at th. 6aahy a. Allarked. Ar. Lat.*s. Nov. 5- 4 n latunlay anad 14unday ..vewlsc g the Anar-hltlets ef this cim will hoki nwc~timg. to eanenuew-uemWk the that). of their brother Atarheleeta in (lakwe', nue November 11. 15C. The rev olutluata usentitset ia very stron judg lag frosts time. clirularee iramel. It Is une of the. tust venosanou easel raical eiver puti. liaiwd. and haa been ellatribuaed all over the cuuntry. It speaks of harhbaros lawse. the asaaeaeln hanal of Wo polkewne agaiuat whoee attack the hnmnh was hurlee In kwtlismte ulet-l-efn e. etc. It dclralare that -"a glaring dleeei woesl have. fnrutrale the hglssg; Instead the werkitag peoeuple. peseel ree.nlsatlona. How dlfeemet It toytht Mrs been ha thora· who portici pateat is this kind of d eisionstrition nuuL· a hatl stasd as the urgeltwy of the sItu. atnion deganelpet." The sir-uIers rail .Nm futt~h I oriliauilta. Knmigimts.e el Leelrme Turtws. Fr-. Thinikers ael cigilae*a I.e seims the .ppoealmulity .f Neuvea-,nurr 11th tee diviki the- goiwd aun evil into two csacesa antal rally smder tiw utammlard of teeteal rcv.eiutkew.. Jam.e.m (4'au Ias His. ty pe* .. LO..iNwi,. Nov. It. -Sir Heiry James* eNs, tinmeae lain tfr the Tine.. hew.feor, th. PanrHwll amunntikn, tro-tay aned lk*e.lairel that Parctllinsm was a onlspirary tlo .l str.y landnliewsliu n and rmlptuni tite unlean. between Great Britain and Irelandel. Par .Iel's last visit to Anme*rkia was .sternnildy to. Iollmet feeiula fer the relkt of t1hw din treme in Irevatet, h.nt war really to imrl.rstr funds to suppeort the tr.wanahie alinsl of the l reaue. Parnell ap{pealed for assit aswe to tera well knows as plasters against the Britisla gevermmwsst. Sir Henrr askil that Parnell was tle. rally recipient of time *conspirat..' monrey. He realleda aim lietal*.elet of Par se-ll recelving D trusIs a -smatrlhutar, a eannaimiielld l the reenark that tiae alt.lars was for ltam sa. d twei ty feor kewal. '1he Ladst ILearue*. he declared. oweel its vital ity to Irisla-Asmerklan treamon fuands. WINDING UP THE BUSINESS uer.ah.S4..s of lsb *Srgao/ tmsuarr.a - s..SSl Emmp.Mu H.Sd a Mwel..ffm. P.,/KTlIEAll. NN. b. At at m.Iwriral 1ampt isag 4, SIM .aus tawrklskklr.. of 4)ralK.n Traust atstse tibiSal -ftctlesk$n gpmhlmaN~tNu wrn* p. wed usmasigutlougy autbutsaing a tawk, nimrIt tig it to gxmsuD .i.. 41" u th. ri·LI, tuakism mk.3 Isa.m Ic.4wr fur t(I t1iiaIBK 5,ll "ºst tot 1 *i. t llNi WaSl atiatfW" ti11 S.'OwIMMAIS t.. *aay a11. A *imrg&.tiain. aif tie. it"iuiwuiiy. waII sall sa.- I~r~lIs-r5 asmad at.f ta-r m'ttISlmgg luawism"sMw t.. ulaVIale 51w- Us~w45 lungl~n tl. ,tuN-kI~bSlhke4. TiNa ' II5 I lii initia see..tssagg Will In- ill Justs.. WIN-it 11 Ir.:1N:r g1"q: 4mf .Ignaul westleummiint will Sa. "h th.rwFNsghwlt. Tb. Wr I. psiu Afrie.. ZAN4IRAka. NEPY. A. De"tair have IteeNt n.4eiv.44l of t11W .tiiiat **m1gisa lfta t I.r twq*nl a .lkm .a tlf l(alpt. tVWiissaat e.s ;u.ditkm~ utailer 'a-gatnuaanal f LI.*,at. Grove."i ma.... Aali Chiaf lk..thrya' ftwt~e.. Whiche n .salt.ed its t e .kbfeat ..f the u'.'bel.. Lisat. (G.vruverm found Hesslmr at the hinad of ti KIt) ,ativw.. Wi.'. wan. ravagiin tin unuma try SFEMISEl Itewaussn. Tim- MantUi noiad thvere dc+{weal.' chrge. upon thIe Gr nuetmi taut weren rnaula 1 witwhim gn"t rlIaegptir. Se4vPSn frwNndlyl mativa." were killed hut n.. F nronwpoam. Lieut. Grover 1w.. inurarU itm" eemfly). snakitng a fotur .ay. l ur.ney isdamnid fromn Bagunnli andl h.karifg tine EISEII&11 f n'miwlri. The (Ger sutamr ea~ummE uponha tin. EeaEl Iwull.. Ef fi M1(au. The friendly mmative. an' kallimag eNr.*ir wheYnreqer fkWtnem. 14 HNMEIM, VI... Nov.&. Thin. afk.fuhaO a i a. judge-. of e.Iee1&i.eºi a. 13n. hitrut lm jinmet I.. Jaarkmsa left he. roue fewr teIf &an hoiwar. Wn 3i w In- ruturals he i.raf.rren ."luaaa.u Pr.-atuns hla-lyam sIad It. St. Smith, Jr.. fle us.atruautisag voteil.. l1114" onla.i twos Jnaahij. triad tlB· iagdl dlia (taarggal le lviua and Smit. antad nr.qainaJ 11w 'MW,'. Jiubje. l a 11WA tim .. eitix Thwin n·tetl eel tiw smeegl emil Lw mu fumul to Wrv I tx jUilge.ur any le at r. Thilau1t as 1u.1) 1.5 i v..titalt. last t was N CI·*(lnl al &buut(~ai c·I m-· . At the ,aevn,,d gimr"aeiia il the acame wean Viede talaaasey. a~uiT..1aMlxiile-lt ..f 11w (i sa. tiuiaurti ('uOiDMka tI.* gsf* gout hate.. ii M eultyy with a onYeamwial travele"r, w"in. ae-alt him Ieefalal Mve-ie- bhow... Several ne-g'ens were amwtrd for allrged illegl al vestang. wlamner at WLas Sll.. NAMHKII.LL.r. Nov. 5.- To-day's event -nwmltal as follows: Twuryear-olds. four and a half furulong - Happi)ncsm won. Kylfdo urneul. Veshbt third. " .b" SM:1K. Tbrter-ear-okls said upward. seven and a hall furlosng - Anmass we. Buckklr lt lalaw.. thirdl. Tiuse 1:1. Free bandk ap for 3-yer-ok and up wardn,. ilk· aeNd .I sitentb-Prinre Fort natum won. Mountsi Hardy secoud, mtoea thilrd. Tinge 1:S g. .aw handicrp or -syemarolds. Ave fur longs L--Basil Duke wou, Liase ('. se.nd. L.alcstr+ tbhird. Time .U.). Th"re~n-yra.kle and upwardl, s and a I.lue mr.ond, Regarlem third. Tina. 1 KzasAswrT. N. J.. Nov. L.-Tb. tvrrt to-dap were.: MUbk-Hndg worn. Lavinia BLee .re and, Martin Rnmu.ll third. Tira 1:5:4. Neu fturliPagr-Vordibamaa won. Hradtord aemmd. Tipruua third. Tit. 1:251. fit[ urion g Tulle lawkhhurt woue. ('ivii Serviire mwondl. Kolpiemrri third. Mile and miatesuth King Crab won. £ asta way .ecnld. Tbcxi iuu. third. Tine. Mit~. and siatreemth Hydra won, St. ph " urna .ecard. iarriu'tr third. Tha Sitt hruzunga (;-eamau.le won, Bohrriarn r --d Arab third. Tim. :I :i. LATE NEWS OF STANLEY tumti.Aa of TS. IY * w WIN. . .awera- mS is wY S Y T sat srrh Sb Crar mmmc Y~m.U dlammea'~ Ce F.bwy. IAur; re. Nov. L- Mr. Maeklmueam d bemel of the FRndln He enmisra has te c.lver)a dirl~sk( h from HenrwUr M. Saa3V, which ways: -1 reached AiheIS Nymin frwn RHnaal. fews third. in lip ays and found Eriei and Jefferson had buash h. priigiineaef the fhI0 of8 Aawet. 1Nm Tie troop, in the equator'ul p'.wha.. h rohltt and .'baker off all alsmuiam. Shortly after the Mabldietalu'uadid bse provine' In full fiorr. After tier bat. ti in May the. mtsionsw y.hlwd, aid a panic slnaik tlhme m.ts., who )stmad the nvaersand aasi.tsd ia she work of eleMrrUl on. T. Iavadmes aealm~equrntly useffuced rewerema. A ulesasne r war dlhapasbed S. Kuhanmam / n~inafeseeenenl.. I found a letter waluag faIr n~e nea Ar hlct I. "' apeing the algll ni Ih º dal. n.c th wt omu r-. rival hrtun" theeNN 4ofpe et be. otter wire it would he tun late.. I arri the . on th." loth of January fer lhe thild time. From the 14th at February to the alh a May I wa.ilel for the glelvs Mo warnt huaml no boasil maUtves wm n.t srine· we eft Katbuo. We. traveled alag the Is ..f time muwy rwaug Ru a. .. thrnsý Miell sf ua~aea or yeasts Iurnemg..raI. which i. rulee now Allmw Idwareld nyans: hving eit at Umillha. whimila r eeive. over ffty streams from Hujenewy and finally enters at Albert My iaºsia. numakin Alhbert Edwael tbh arnrees of time w.nathwe.s hrranch of USb White Fie.. V ietrla Nyansi being of She woutb easl branch.'' Mae "Kenneaa says lb. ceaefmite. bea. Wrren fodr' th t upplie fr Sanlely hurriedl on to Nipwapwa and beon i poumible. Stanely is e.p.eted bt rramb the cast in January or February. Wmbshg..e Ehettlmg Amst(at 4 LYUtIA. Nov. .--Gavmewnr Mot owat a lotor with the constitution and r. tortam to the prelident. ..'wtifynag to hub. Time preikent'. attentiao wa sfalld t this todayl hb wire. and It i. hoped be wi uiu' tiw *wuwclamrntioa. Atom rm Gem e·ral Miller tc-grapbhed tard. declining to gi~ro- an . n nto whn the avo tare eon Ace .l. On the amae qus tinia ther prresint referred the governar to the esashling act aind the action tsken hg Southa ILkot. This is construd hued ,um.*on that the legislature can niset * gmelrow to uglanist anl Thurvwlsy hinlu far senatore.. The at an court will de ckie tarnw.naww w rc leglslstore shall niet or not. ('KIE.-rns. Nrw. &.-In arer o he1sof .ac:sitmat .rr'.. to-.hay helst a kgsI hotik Jtdg.e MII.ra4 li again adjuourned Th I ru(uaiim 4"4&w" tall t4u-nIwow. Staete.,e Attnrua.y Luesgsewrk.r rmaid to S rl." NKfr that he e~r~1cr4 to set Ia alw slt tirt e"vi4im"imc. for the staLe this wt-4-1k. As toi th." kngthl oif time required b Its -aklfege hr grouki not soy. hbut c pr."w&l his hIlk.4 that inot mos thea thes w."eks wohl he .r asiirel to get the s In 1We jiry. Attnruey Fewest of the ehe frain. however r likia contriary view. N. said he .-nekln' t ee how the state saewl" fnishl this week nudl sakl the defense w* rrquire. at k leat thrw weeks. His belilf wars that the case wuukldut get to the J sr in six weeks. lh. (th.a*JI..e Vu uL (*wAkHawTrn. S. (.. Nov. b.- Chae Sonn. great earthquake feutival opsned yrfrtdl)'. Ruilding. are beeke'hd wi(h Slag. MINI hunting from on. rad a& sh ("ity in the either. A hundrme thoemind United Stat..e flag. anr dieplsbd, mad the'e IsN ,i t ('a me'de'rat. Ilag In sighs King street Sass night p s.raeted pkiture with trinmphal arcre. lMei m ased chow wsn.idows swinging ( hlsue Iamai.-r... guy throng.. of lgbtssere. hrand of nfalunk suNl military parad.., boUh wbhi and rokmrd. Then. was a tesbik. display on (nOlial wp mrnusm attack of ther federal deet on Fort Suapter. STMi:AThK. III.. Nov. L--A week no JEraibla Smithtl .ain."rra b. n tra Dn emn. Ali. .. wt visi hiis fllanctw. Hattie Le. Lust Teauaslay they wentsI togerthcc wa1kJ amid 11n" puaus r tunw~d alimiw. saying the rl haul strpped at a stor on the wng .HbIW. S...1. ng has hwes. seen of bee situa. until yrrte-Wirm. when Smith cor rnitt.Y l kiak l andti Iet a letter saying be hiesi killedl thw girl. A wavrrhing prw fiaatal her hotly trut two milksa townth "it with ter lwal cnmsb& in It bblew un N.. a club. A New UIhwr.r . i S eiinre. D*Lxvrr. Colo. Novr. &-Ardrrl .1 CI enorpoisiroa of tho Rio Grand bsual railrod wer eflied In the o et War's office to-du'. The rini in M Datk.r4 in Ourmmr county. and .nu. r Tetturlb.. Rica andt Dsawramsdmiuim .4 iS) rnLes.. The raun is .C.phllmISe!s 3S.IMIUL Work wilt he cb maeeiai ouswe. The i ..rpo-.t -r aiM. 0. Th Cn. Prod W. MAlso Joe. S. MWbI. ý. 3. A. ('ealer mad lott. Me... ('begge With CvNimia cinmý (1NCINNArT. Nov. 5.-The mroMr ' W. diet upon the Mt. Aubmra IaeMied p1r aceldcnt fnind that Pilot Gabhle ouid bmw praovevSra the ac k'nt b peeper wo the twab. ad rcvcm Levr I. epLe .1 s o umriwtion in th nIg h Te . pkigee Is charg of the mebr~t g charted with criminal cnat re ID b mt.npplin the tranS and emahws g do uuwnbize when It ient r...rZed t proprllº WAKHOMi-1i&ToW NoT. &-Thad Anle., Hart. iii lie annttual nepawt. nes~ 4b* um her "f twnaticivers on . the ok July 3 It, wt.' 44.UaiX. and tsh miDo w Ia. atikwd M%.4X)) suore by J;;;r a thetu iving for exami malkaim vtmflb4.v. Andt rquiriamg least $IriSJ ulJW),( M). T..a su..w. KILA&" by - asateo LAbsIvow. Now. &-As .spbiv m.4W it a -olimvy as Bouh g. GO OW.= lIji" 0qr L vm and ni tuany oumwmC6