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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
-A piv" I -A Srwt.V sm m.. T": to" Pmll. . 01 MedM aml s ld. lb a isk." OW Vmure wdn." bsg wea dujmlrk* A heemewib iL·m be. OIN Erne !bant Prw am I6. rYek ENS. Usubrtuw of Ven v--How old are yoau uladma. wreloat Femaie-I have sena nlneaeer "Muamaes. mir. beun aldu-Kr, urn ! How bag have you rulmm mini M.Stf.S OlmS/w I irnwar Obeer (3m. m.-I my there, young eb le, yoau'd beter mov on. Grataora-Whaaaeg war? If th' atreet kIepb ruwbin' hS tbis way I' be up'u atleUm in no time : Ins. She ums3. Mtsta KPOCIL Ted: "That cmrk you introduced me to is a uewbis kicker. isn't be?" Ned: "Yee. aud so Is hIs asster. Khw's a ballet A O..i 3dea. lirm ('offs. Grouund-Wat are you going to do now? Maccad Coffee Ounawd- I think I shall -e~ds down. GEORGE W. AVERILL SURGEON DENTIST. Butte. Montana. PtmeSt Parlor and 'lar Demnt Ofelk in Montana. Dos all the saat and bt Uls ia iBetprn dentistry. Porce ai crowns on routs. hold mh, aonl barnrwor, c *nd alumiunum plate doFin lab hi:bh t Ly o.the art. AU Teth Extracted Abeolmtely Without Pain whos Desired. Parlns Md OAle eor Ben' Sters. DIRECTORY. Irsral sad TsrnIteSIa r OcI s of Moatsr.. DULMGATK IN 0OM21n1S.0 Has. Ibamina H. ('ater. Heirs. 23SUKITOUIAL OrVCICKU. O(1cs. Namc. Krldrnem . (ovcraori, fleg. F. While............... .Hrkrt 4nerretry L A. Walker ................... Helena Auditur. Jamrs nrUhhan ............... .J... Mu Trearurer W (1. Prrult. .... Helkea Puldh. aInstrn. A.C'. Logtan....... Helena. Veternaury Muryn II. Il way...... Helena Ubrarima. Leu iiudtýrle............ ..Helena JLU3CIAL. Chief Ju,4jee Henry N. Wtlake......... Hrlena . .Twnaue. laeh....4rea* IaUal Ar ·I JwII -. tephen Il Wulfedt......Butte SMonae J. IIdde.ll .. Biaue an 1IU4TUICT CLRII a. Clerk 1, I~ut. ('uurt. W. F. Parker ....... Helena Clerk :ad I Iurki (4gmur(, F. 1:. 'owhet. .Basemnan Clerk 34lblNltrkl t Curtz T. A. (larrrtI..Ioaemau Clerk 4th IN.L 4.murt. V. M. 4 rnkrW ..(crest Fliu Clerk Itupreenr court. I. I.. Word........ Helena Reporter upreame t'uurt. H. K. Buck.....4llenau UI?4TKIb MTArIM. Marham I. (ewrre UW. miniwt marond... .e .1 I. lnstrht Atturnry. Vllwt I,. Wml..........erm e Car lrhentay Uifen.lI VWNIgS $TATI INYMUWAL SUVUNVK CollUctr James H. Mls. for the IMs trict of Moalaan and Idaho........... Helena tipedy I Ivi'onlt. (Itwo. A. Wells.. (iat Falls lep3st7 d INvIal. John $o6 l........ Helens II ruty a h Dl t' onJJ.. It.ý'm arrut ..Vlr (Icyy Deputy at IMstrkt,()*u W. Alleroa.... M. City VNIITRD IITATIIS LAD OrrIICI M. usrwuryor uemetel. Hrnj. H. reene...... Helen NK1.KN4A LAND' RblWTNICI. Register. NM. W. ly rar ................ hlrna Receiver. H. M. Horrll ................... Helena 3OSKMAN LANPD IW5t3.It. Regbster. liy V. Frris ................ semal Receiver. John . (Ilari ................ IAwemn NILSI(SIrI L.ANID npIMaiC?. ISA. Aro. verm'.................. MikaCity Roverbr Hall....n............. Miles (11 UWITUD WrATr AUSAT OrvNCP. Assay IpruUle Diadem ................. Helen MefLer. I. A. Meyendrrf ............... .Helmk U. L AD. TERRITORIAL COUITS. The T(mes for Holedig Ceurt in the evw eral Judletal lDstrlets of the Ter rltery et MUetaea. The coumrts sitting to hear and determine causes arising under the cewutitutln of the tUnited iates will te hetd in the several distrkCts, as follows, to wit: In the first j)udicial district. at the city of Hel ea. on the rrecond Monday in April and ther se oad Monday in ktuber of each year. In the srcod Jludkal distrkit at the city of Deer on the rt lMonday In April and the Srat Mo a in (k1btr of eari year Ia tbe jmudirial dlir it athe cit o od M e ke fourths Monein May s. the in November oar r r at ttw of re"m ao ulý Monda yrn Juner and the rat Monda i December of eachyear The terital courts are held the se cosmder as o ww It: a at towi aned ( Mlark. on the e nd Mt ounly o Aprlt andt o the sod Monday in Sand the irt M oay in Noentmbr. I- county of leavread o the third Monday in March and the third Monday In Me Sa and r the t MU n November. ia the third tJuad district: In the owaty t te on ra y3 ¶ to Mathe aed the l M a fnth . na In the county f Custer , on the irat Monday In May and the Brat Monday in November. In the county of _elwstono , on the modnga Monday In April and the second Monday in Oi tober. to the ounty of lalntis, on the fourth Moo day in May and the fourtah .uoday in November. In the fourth judicial distrkict: tI the county of Mea etr on the third Mon day Ia March d the tir Monday In teptem In the county of Per om. on the Brat Monday In Anrl and the firs Mondaly in October. In the county of Dawmsn. on the third Monday in April and the fourth Monday in throber. In the county of t 'lbo w, on the Brst Monday oin May and the first Monday in November. In the county of Cascade. on the third Monday in May and the fourtl Monday in November. E. JACOBSON* 3)Lm Ix ^ND OU URNITURE AND HOUAD A wmusnrr a, aul m siamrr E. JixCUSON. rtUa Mfue XAG. - - Aiminda. Went. THE CHICAUO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Is the Feat Mail Shore Li(ms froan S. Paul aud Mimnseepoi via La (raome and Mil wauakee to C(lnma and all points in the .asten. States and ('anad. It i, the only line un.der dme managemsent etween St. Paul and Chicago, and s the Finest Equipped Rallway lb the Northwest. It is the only lne runnaing Pullman Drawingl Room Sleepling Car with luurinus smok Ing rms and the inest dining camr in the world, via the famous "River eank Route," along the shores of lake Pepin and nd beautiful MispseJlppi River to Milwaukee and Chicago. Its traliss on eet with thomse of the Northern lines in the Grand Union Depot at St. Paul. No change of ears of any class tbetween t. Paul and Chicago. Par throush tickets, time tahles, and full anfewuuation apply to any coupon ticrket agent n the North west. 1) gives. tht ab a.~r Aeqlm thet Hoad It tr s of the Coer d 'A Mi u( r-Ibmles M ('ampsuy. hl auaern rt ob. hY L .msnnpaJ %o. 7 Wp g ruadway , "fr .Ma lams. dihMom ·L o. 4 was d.h.Vw ' 4I ii fli4 4el a ubawe uspnas .IS sharrs of the capital murk of sMid rmrpsa. iauclu tbe aura of r-- paja eamir I eu the a 'o at % wrm A. lt. lawS. by Joph V. L . Tmu err ot uaal cnmq~waJ.a the Sesakimi bour of flt. lirown oy utt.. Muantas. And th traalrr lambs of maid rampany will raurs am the Lbh day t fu emlorwr. too., and will re wU on thi 2sLt thereof. By order of the Hoard o TLNhNK a.I J. IC. (t~AiLk, Ituirut~n. ('HA kmINN WARREN. 4*ntry. I1rkll l~verlwr Irt. 115*. THUS MONTANA, Anaconda, Montana. OPENED JULY 1. 1889. One of the handsomest and most e.egaptly ap. poaited hotels ia the United ltate. Thoroughly Areproot. and provided with elevators. electrie bels Are alarms, rumda water, baths, steam heat, opren ar plates and al modern coavee soete.s. oome ea e tsand astet. CaSlmine an mervir. st.alety ,.redmla ate. from $3.50 per Day Upwards. aeeordlan to ease ad charastr of rooms ot upiesd. Dal.. HARBAUtH. Manager. LIMBER. SASH. DOORS. The Estes & Connell LUMBER CO. Largest lest Alsrtt of Lamber Ii hear LMge Cuat,. LATH, BIlNOLEt, WINDOWS AND MOULD INGO ALWAYS IN STOCK. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WOOD AND DOAAL ALWAYS IN TOCU. Warm Spring Livery Stable. The Finet Turnouts tn Aneoada. New and LANDAUS. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. FINE NEW HEIARSE Ou.SBADDL HOSREB for Ladles and Oen"o are the FiPest In the new State. CHAO. W. FRENCH. Proprietor. PIrlt treet. West at Mal. AaennedA Moot. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. By order of the City Couscl of the city of An terle will . be .nd at pubflc ase'ato to the bd usad best bidder for cash, 9@000 Ln roupa it boads of smid city. in denominatoins of ls S iLn frost of the First Nationat Hank taull~-nAmeonda, on Wednesday, the --tb drr of hovrber A. 1. a.a, at the hour tf l o'loee.k . . M dd bi.nds were authorizd tby a vote nsothe qulllet,. e rors of saidkl rty at a eweraMg s tare redsma d ap e In ten and years. They bear itennt at p r cent per aa mys. pyable seal-unnlluy ,. the Irst dais of Jauu sd July at Anacnued or in New York city. e cam not be sold for less than par. J L. iiiRKA. ity Clerk. JELL, HILL & THERRIEN, Contractors and Builders. Estimates Furnished on all Classes of Work. Some of the Finest Buildings in Helena and Anaconda Have Been Built by this Firm. S1 , I, ~w in . s Mw . . M Kte.' dws weSe ll *wie.v Impre seun.* . JELL, HILL & THERRIEN, ANACONDA. - - - - MONTANA. J. L. H L77 ILTOIN. Wh.a..we. asd .4aill dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions. gooad u.6 ad low pri.. PMasracaI. 7IITraNTMIN Te T IHMIcLY rTLlV Dm*e YMaim SM, ame, - - - - Opp" Opera HM... I. R. I I B Y, sa"·m- c. Announces the arrival of Two Car .oads of Heatirg and Gook Stoves FOR WOOD AND COAL. Come and see the Handsomest Line of Stoves ever shown in this market. Don't forget to come. MAIN ST., - - - - ANACONDA. B. F. MAHAN, RARL OST T* I N I NG BRO C KR. Amd ol~ut~ing Mgeat. frp srweet, Nwr main. - - - - - Anaanda, Mont. A NA CONDA BREW14 NG C'O.MPANiY manufacturee. of KEG AND BOTTLED BER STEIGER i PAUL. Propletoma. Duewewy at Weet Snad Fourth Stret. - -=SK OR RNRCOND BB BR J. A. H SLEY. Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HOUSE DRAINAGE A SPECIALTY. Mr. liasley has done some of the finest plumbing work in Montana. lie did the work in The Montana Hotel, Anaconda, W. A. ('lark's residence, Itutte, Florence Hotel, Missoula, and in many other due public and private buildings throughout the state. asrties having plumbing to do should not fail to get terms, etc.. from . J. R. HKSLEY. liox n30, Anaconda, Montana. 4IRERL ESTATE FOR SALO* NICHOLS, HELEHANE & CO., 02 East Broadway. Butte. Montana. A mew 4-roam hourse a let a r . . degpot A bargal inL a bedldg tot l . A barber shop La a good neatam wtih Two choic eaottage boes inL South Bat., Mes years leMe at $as per month. Saoa. and 1S.10. Two nIkcr bhomes ono Colorado strset. 10O id A two story house of is roas, bard inishwd and well furnished, with laru baaemenut, and klK st by too feet, in center of city, at a bargalinu. A 5.rom brick, centrally hmrated, ,T75)O. Two nice house. and lots alwel feet, each on An s-room, two story brick. wrll nalshed and Arizo astreet. at a bargain. n, large lot. 6,o. MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. TOOOY & UI-IN T. FINE WINES, LIUORS. CIGARS. Billiard and Pool Tabi~ Is oCimu.olm. -LECXNT CLUB ROOMS Open Day a"d ghM. MAIN smTIT.t, ANACOINDA. SAM PRAMENKO, Frh Game, Opter and Fi., Liqers. Cgar. Cadie. Nuts and Fruits. Butter. Fresh EggsI. e COVNJTRY Pm ODUC.B -A a-s5aI ALtY Im IUS as,.. Ammasna M -o-e. CROCKET & KING. Stationers ,.o Booksellers --DEALsm 1x CISARS. TOBACCOS. ETC. .1searSe ] ews- e4. AMAOONUDA - - - MONTANA. "Catch On!" Utl One Change of ('ar trom HELENA & BUTTE TO CHICAGO --VILA CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN UNION PACIFIC RAILWAYS. The C. a N. W. lmso Makes Itreet Unosa Is)e Oenare.ious at DeIver with U. P. & D. & R. G. Trains And RIas Through Yestibiled Dining Car Trains TO CHICAGl( O WITHOLT CHANGE. Many Hours ==ved, end the Onat Ine Avoidlng Trubkoum and Lm Ilays at I)ENVEK ANID (COUNCIL BLU'PFFS. It Is ra.ea d tby Everysbody s the "IHORT IINE" from the West and Nothw To Chicago and All Points East. Vurther Informatiion furnished by Union Pa rifle Tirket Agents at Ielrna aend Butt. FRED GREENE, G. P. A.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Sj-. T. -L-,a T"R. First Street, f1ear Jhlair, Anacornda. DRUGS, FANCY GOODS, ETC. Particular Attention Given to Pre scriptions. --THE- ANACONDA STANDARD SUBSCRIBE FOR IT NOW I IT IS THE LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER IN MONTANA. * 7'IIE DAAI.Y STANDARD has the most complete news service in the Nortk west. In addition to the regular Associated Press dispatches it has a special wire ex pressly to cover the general news from every quarter of the State. The STANDARD will give to its readers every day all the news relating to politics or to the business and social life of the day. Try the STANDARD for the campaign. You can get it for one dollar a montA. JOHN V. PETRITZ, WHOLESALE DEALMI IN *-I. 4--- - KENTUCKY WHISKIES. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. Pure California Wines and Brandies a Specialty. SOLE SHIPPER OF PABST. Formerly Phil. Best Brewing Co., Celebrated Milwaukee Keg and Bottled Beer. Also the Best Tonic. A full line of Bar Glassware. Flasks. Etc.. constantl as head Prompt delivery to all parts of the city free of charr INll~mrm the place. Stone Building. West First Street. Aaaý. MM -