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LATE NEWS FROM BUTTE WM& V V3C-» p 4 a S Comull *ing T%-ighKt. A awte MW4rtl1e Ua to a Mme We1 r eeltM Am Alleged Ow. Theto Dlemharge tor L-. k of KvIVw idee N ther N.os. peelal (orrnTvandome. o tlh 1tanimarrt. BLcrrr. No. &.-Tbhe reulaar smuting f' the city wummneil is to he held to-snorow *enainB. It is difficult to predict what will come hbeform the Ineetilif htwikti mi u tilie buminewn . A policemalli is to i, chomen ins place ofl Otfl r Cairroll anl it in asallaiw Uth pommllaililtie. tluht annilthlig of ilnte-re-l • cety rinnlt frosti tin- brililrilig up of tlhat astter. OI)lt.Ietr Curroll in kibnown as at lnutit e"teieist oHfrer auiid tihel tialdrllaei are aware of hIii wortlh LaLil v(aplilplity. Whitlher thle relintllioml Ixtw-2.ll tihl olttel uald ti.e city manruhal a.ri likly to1 IM. tired. raeissm t t detilllliteily sttedl. Thie nlted uf exteslisive ri-siirm to tliheity jail luay receive emouime tt.elti. al. Ti'. 1i.ol. aIn tMil fomllldatioll wall. miit..- fly timel Iad luliub fr.nn Graitie.. Ihati Iot l*m-tI reptairrel. At pre.en-t all that k<-..|is fri.n thu ouit idel world is it lalllaket wlicthl flhop. ill the wilidl over tie- ol.p.lliil. lT'i primils 96 rae now inea-rr«nratet-l Laren- ot <leitrivtiai of leavilng the-ir lquiirter., auid ils faIt are amnorig tlit etroifgent adlv<M-;ates for iIIot-m sue.cnre quarte.ra. Wilsie time bliilnkelt1 i ill ei.o(tasIl ill keepiulsi ti.- (illy willd frilu MinetraititiR tian priomna, aiad aMibjectisn thualn to draft*. lut 1Butte shotilh have a city pripetl whlichl in aptaltl»- of alol iilig a mmiil who i.nKn1i't Wasit Uto sty ill Jail. Jailor Dwytr keeIp balf ani eye on tWe hiolle diursiiag tile ilay Otticer Swanueou wuatlc-IM if t night. But it in thei belief of the spro.rwsiAiv .. iti ulrn of Butte that eonarthing nooe thtal a blanket mliodlail ilite-rve.nce Ixttweeii ti. city's crininalae amid fI. edloa.l. TIhe oI|M n ing will liave ten IMn relp-'ir-l aliyway aim i while thley ar. about it the city fatl.6 rV aIigsht as w-il take a.-iJ-pM to nlake tr- primonl a troiarhold capable of holdini moIanlMnly beshidit a vagramlt or il dlrsk AJlfd. The cuilinig of the primon is auIIWIed * with bolem where priolserm hauve eiiapedt in tUnwe imast. The city . aIl deadlock .ilU contlnues, and It is not llkely that alythlil will r ceplilshed to- towanl nfi ity ulding. epor will be recelved from the Lre marhal and the street eonm mittee. oA npeal meeting of mth council will he held on tse evenin(g of Novembaer la, whlel othe ouncil will nutet as a board of equat isatiom. Assenmmeunt bare been levie.k n prolwser-owner to pay for the coWt structionl o swwer, asnd at this lsa.eting ell ea obentng to their amsussments will he beard. The lire comimittee lua prepared no l litinllal report regarding a'fire alarm ss trnl. Sinc. the last llseetillg l11h e(nslllit toei ha visited Helenla to look ilnt tlme workings of the Gaus.ewell systemll and a '(iansuewell .sx bhas ILIin pa)lt lup in thwe ltre house for tlhe illnsmx"tioll of eitiz.ius. Al though Suit ll ake ity'l has not In-e*l visitel for thie luarpiswe of seelaRi thie work isags of the. Gaysnor systens, theren is a dis lIs+itini el tin. pnIgrt of tI.. (,*lIl i.e tinll of tl.i e.nause*il toI rnelli il5altt.-s l I .ll(l forte all inssie to-miurrtuw nilght. Tim.'. (.ay nsor adlahren-ts want to holdI oe umitil after Salt Lake lia.i lme.un visited. Tih. i. ei* well pwo le. stay this will iii nllv.e it ci lay." of In.clatls. THE VOLUNTELR STRIKE. M'--k Jlasaml From Nevem ('emt to Twenty wive In a Vew,,. Rptwiatl ('orrlesIHliini.e .r thie ttail:trdl. BurrrE. Nov. 5.--Thea *trike nr"Irteld inl the Volunteer Ianille ill time ?STA.IIAHU this naorniig is e-orrolKrate d. The stock is owned in Butte, anld to-lda"y lan:ty visited ale minle anil examinlied the quality of tite anineral. TheI strike is 400 fe.t west of the ruoss-eut. It wits strnlak four wet eks ago onl tie foot wall. hut the fotnarmal iat tle tisne dlid not thlink there was nall.sslh in it to Justify iany (*xciteltnent. It ran frossa 4 to 110 inelies aLt tlat top of the drift to t fe.t at the. l)ttoian. TIlae re*. Swill averange frol 0u0 to 7." colusst., uilvor. Lsmt week Forvanslusl Blarra b.egan to sninlk it winte u;nl lhas I.anaI, down abosut 14 feet ull it to dlte. The lea.l is over four feet wide l andl ssat-ys as' hilgh as OW I ouIsees for fron) two to fitar itsletes ill pwidith anld aloult ti) for the reast. The. (oi is pink naiaiugiesam. siamilar to sonic of time rielHnst ores of the Alire nimine. Today a fornl of Inai wa.sut ellmlloy.ue.L to begin work to-mormrow at taking out oren asild hoisting. A ultainltity of lmtamlL,.r hats e.ten orilerel. A nsa.l is to ix I art.iuld ti (he duiup p);Ie aud pIs a wiratines I will he Inafk to ship ore withllil a few at w Volulnteer stoek s-ul la st Satllrday at 7 cents. Ysterdllay n norsllnl it was soid at I icents alnd list evening ait 2 clilsts. Sovenrl years lago aalllt $U0.Utl worth of ore wans takela fromi) this V'olutla'r Illile ill the first ot) feet by time origillnal I.a;t.urs. Then Ipr.'"t'lit stock conulpalny wa.lourlantlaizedtl ini April l, I$. alul a ishaft 4W0 feet k..*tl - was suwlk. A cross-cut was aa 3m). ai f.*t to the lend and after ruamilmiig 4*o feet wep.t on a level onai the leaIl the pay atllut w:mp struck. The ilmain leadt is fronll :tu to 4 feet wide. TiLe llaini lead is of low grae. ore. while the new strike. as stated. is a high grade silver ore.. N., water lhas Lbeen strniek yet il tiLe nuinle, which leads old ntinerts to believe that It is draine) by the. Gaagnton lead. This lead is doowit A1) feet andl she now strike is sulppiosedl Its L1 an.l extension of the Gagnon leaId. MR. BURTON DISCHARGED. o. Ivtdese to Prrve That He IlMa Take. Oro Yrrm the (loldswlIt Mime. -r.pal ('orrstumentel . of tbl 4tasdard. Burrr., Nov. a--The trial of Robert Iurton, chlarged with grand larme any in stealinlg or from the Goldsmith mine,. took place this morning before Judge Newkirk. W. J. Lippincot pr.cecuted the came and F. E. (twlxtt appeared for the prisoner. The kdfemlndat was- din charged.l tIl prosecution falling ito show any dirat evidence of guilt. Ottleeer Doyle and Yeager were put on the. stand, and t4.etlfled that they were on watch as usual and lheard voice;. They watchedt until two llen apprLoached. The lrioner had a buendle on his shoculder. Tlh. oftleers covered him. The other man made his escape. % The humdle was foutnd to be a roll of nacks inskle of another sack. There was no ore on Bparton anad he had not been seen to take any, sn the prisoner was dislcharged without testifying in his own behalf. Burton ma~id ta 4TAtWlnan reporter that be was walking over a well-travelled sll fro his cabIn to a friel.s and that~ he supposed the offccrs were foot Lds He bas ireatly pleased at his release. I was prsoved, however, that at least two tons olore have been taken from the smine by some parties. me Imbomld Kve. Kno.. FIom Tbnre. Waiterw: Will you bare a alce of nmusk mellon or watermellon, Mdr. Gould ? Jay Gould: Watertnelon. of coure.. TOWN TOPIC: tu mUTT!. __mr tsOs tewtl b te mdvwemmu Wek age, habs SmeIul he sved. It ha hm... faoued shit she itukw..the peag.rtvof Use uaalfauumn.t "l o...wwwskINSES Im his root mit., Fasak lewis, in their inmu I. Mosaisai usreet a few washl. age. A we. uanfvlua In Wtamiugs tawritay saw Ihe t W . 50wrt o the autlawri ss MUI s she thoagbt it was ·i~gJriaras'is sand en It psvwasL nk oouaittsl aoy "few ai cl s of chl hisag. TIwy sar still in mmu.'usaoua of the proper saaoC1rhtws. as Jo w.. had sp.' **VMI herem. Two adulitkn.nal cars an- to h peaIt ans lts IValkcrville cabin line. Ti.. dlastrlet twnurt will saa..t t 1' º. af.~*wk le-aruarnaw ana.wag. vind t. gLw rai jury Will mt.nt at tin. amans tUnbe. At a tnoating .f tiU. fIn. 4ttyurrtuIwstt p.. uiulht Tuioi Hurk.' andl Amia.. cruammranm wert ela"("ttt muentiwtui. At u tumae.Siumg iif t lme flr. deljwrtmueimt t.. aught. '1 &. tinarke andl AguuK4 S amma."r.a w a"nY *Itvtel Simai l" J. iE. Hi"konhma left thus. aaft."ru.iiMn for Hm*Ic·,lrr wlwn Iw will atS.mitI1 a mileetitig ..f tlist boarnd of tmi..tveg ct tie Use- Mmamual Weahl..)amm uimivtrwity. One. Flemmmaalng Was tna~ * ay fimqIa t% amid tsmat or fineawn ntinig himisuar f in. a. ual.. (tnmilng nIuatium.r itlam tine Board If 'tIrails wa lmma. The watetr L4sse... IAs xt-eidlitia Itut paill on Wert Plari street aeisr Misl.ela gue.b. Net year .e e . .loctrk- Iee wil1 he exire de amrmi the gulic. ily ('lsatei andl lhililp Nelms were' agr rested for vagrnmL*y. CtJalanar. was ltuoled 1 asd costts or Ueuat.ecd Ot days'. HIe *ias given* tine to leave the city. The Union Paciel train was dklayted last .nihlt neIar a.agin fsk by several feright cars getting off the track. The traill arrived I. Butte this afternoon. W. R. Baldwin. Jr.. general msasag.I r of tlhe Montana Union, I. eapeetad to arrive il, Butte t.on.ght with hbl brkle. They will rwekle in tew housee formerly . acupieud by Hi. A. U'Achiul. W. A. Clark will Ilave tonight for Ari aoina, whlre he hass an itusportast lawsslt pending whkbh involves several thousatnd dslhnger. He will be absent about i1 days. W. A. ('lark hams tweetm.d a In intutiosa 't kiNcmsr l~w ntionsal lHv.. . oonv.,ntioea tit St. ejuir on ""%V hat wie hams the' ik" mmocsullaatioui nf ullvw"r upon four muhmaing ii. (lumtrmy *:" Tlb" twmlttha muaivmr aryof 1ws naurriagm' of tlr. ainui iMr. H. W%. L'ijukauft was Lkit14 las-It rv.vw ilm5 it thiapr liontain., inorlbmer of1 Viy &,nint anatl Abtlwrsiry*r metrwt. Maumty frimisls w'min, jrrtimaitast sIet t"IrIWIItAgI)I *iijtiyinih thet 'lIM.t Nm4Ir of m4m .na1aty mm1>umsuig..mieaua"mr ta alti)y ml1"id.Pjvil toi jSt ia aeasainmm.54mgt lihitin tlarine tlahamsmt t1 (momm 1 Isossrt m. 1'11 1" Imtint(* larms Ial"am'rt(o ia.*ua4 lit y aima. '1 I1" inlay w'asa I III &amaml um lits u salm them hsmmmIrt sininjmmtriam~mI this m.vtie'uial. A tAIItU ilitan uatiautail C. K. Muller uaita fbr wt..kra paat b.1m.,a atavias.aimmg ilk thiw a-ity far liat. f 'DbrEDIEDala J.rfhfuIlr ./.Eauirddii, of lh·Ihtavr. He MIHiNrealhd iii gettimag a t utHlNIr uif 1uauah.rilwr,. tmm ul t oft Igiil muaY i'aw lan ualv&amwe. 'l'ine awuaka..rilM~ra lutvau amos yert rteuIvel thecir paa ,..raa. ital 'vaCi'l haaa laevee n "IV(avd fnriaa the. ;,reajritator hluat Miller ia at frauad. iAu.tte gxalj.i a coa4rt 11t as little Cr ute use Mlys~tery oft ita towna tn-day. taut. i'&t ('1a' ntau watt airreatea fear aeteatliuag at keag of aytyn agit few saiglatat ages. 4 )heir W'arner touastt hintt with lume atynl rugeue hii. aeoaahekr. Mr. Creataitm dekaiad ver)* a'tn~umataaialy haty lma lhat atuay .iaIlate~r d..aigmaa ujaem time. keag. ut 11t ill. jmmelaI gavve lilt, .10uuaa" friendehly adl vie anal tidalelIlu ta skip tin towam car uao teo .111" t adult) jail for nseamaty uliayae uan breetael atmel watter. At 2' .4"I~meI tIhi' a&fte~t(('.rlm . JoImgI 4 Iiv&* EImaj"'. a .~y."ip.itrr. f."11 ftY.n it I.4*:ItrebhI til the.* 1m~w Mlctlº(ihtk (·ImmIs hlieltinug iin (t'.. tcrviUt. I 'I he w4:a&1ki w"4,4 etiii·r tla. ri.!f cf the w bum.* , hl, il heat watau n laa tiaiaw..1. "till Iti&ghil wnau tiig~ijcIl in utltiuic it uti. 1he a,, mmailnl k oiiabi& ella Wijieh Ich Wherni u'taaadima gave`v way arnie! iv he.feI tlrl tie" tixr. Hit Ie"tt lariat wit" Ihrik.a atial mdhe rerecive.". a,& I,ryiiw" a1N~ltt the I)wly. )r. G;ille"Npict tt tcidciI hilt) &&iix IIiiks le wilt IN' auat ill six2 weevks'. At ,' ei.uI..ak this iil fttrm ma Joihan 4 )liiver E LIt a't m1NrmIatº"r. full fnt it ,44ºfiY44t nil the- Hew Mº1 "tIw.Kit easIreila I~itildaUaº eIa (t',sterville. TheI maufY.l. 'I wirs sua4I.r tIM Ftsif o cllu hruneh hut w.&a 'lolt IIuhIwd anall ttld was epluk ntl Ettilr it amp. º.iutidiiig liive way. :UIIE l." f."l to thi. HEN ir. Ili i lift urnt. wiat smrnk. l 11114 hI. rw...aved tlJv.fl* l~ruai,4.... aibwiuit tLI. INKI4Y. l)r. Cuill..r , tat isii mix w@"kL. W~amt th Ia ' omt..sts itiwtumsm...d. :jir iI I ssl' t.wttl *I."N4 se. .t e l S taii.:inl. HL'rTE. Nov. 5. 1'1T " nfljIlbli.xhtt14 sºf 11166 city andt eitinmty an evidiently ,let.rmnius.l to take as1lvantagv oi every ltecvhaic lity to carry their usasi (1 isk the *titItisv Elf Silver l1sw. It ass not 144 muc1h. i yuetIttiobII of wIh) wUa thet pe4'0514& ilmIoi'*e at thi. bal lot hobew; heut who canl Thi tkprivedl of his1 right upon any Kround no m utter bow to t u heaul. The followimig .kwuaent was filed with the clerk of the dlitrict te ort to-.hay. EF(oESI 11. S1'LlI.IVtw vs. J.PIIN K. LSIA*tI ii N ow lbsatteI also flained JUhin K. I.h3o.I anal IIKW% . aibo'e 014111 Iio dwnriss the 0.1"nern sisntest and jshwh-5iasgs fNt tim re mnns thuat IIie aIlhlavii of the contestaeamt dtu.. nail tlui. s II Aeil.mlnt fuet.. 111"m Willett torn Sur a *O0 test iii tisK that it duoes Mit a said afihlV1av that sail John K. 14.IJy bas been de-I-fnad etettel to the osmet' of sheriff of Pliher blotw ccmuty or lu) oLter 1,t011l) In MmUtana Wi. KWtamI.Y.vs. Attorney tsr.14)11 K. 340)41. George Paacoe reiusslihntll canldidtet for pbhlic autlalnistrator als( filed Ititlo4ll3n dismiss conltrent of Jamestc W. Murphy tile detuIOtatic catildtate. "autte Rust Matta.e Traulfes.. 4qw cal ftrrln..tdcaae. of the, Metandard. Brrrr.. Nov. 5. -Tb..e real estate tranls fer. were rceocoled tm-day: J. D. Fou and wife to Hattle M. Peter. lot on Montana stree mser Hoanlsnan. Mr. Ire Laclhejp4l. ha. soid his barber shop to Mr. D. Burntel for f OO. . John A. Cannon to Wi. K. Crain. lot 22. in block 1. Thornton's aeklltion. Ua. Wu.. Iwsk at Thi S am.s. Fýntm Thar. e(mumso." said Faugle "what is Jay f&.lth doing for a living mow ?" * *A contratctor." "b I what iine?" soiN* I so T1uu 1 m a arrivd I. 3atm. C(1rthis mun lsag Oh. 4'a'18 mla .pgrm Of {e Miamla re mbrad who hen tra ed ian tmikom - she the romnmemi wishulsr ha a a panny foa tuampnAwtakia and without A tlit ovtr th.. sntbmth n Allred Neuter of lontaomrer . Mam.a. and B. L. Griffin of Lowell wagresd 1.61, Neu ter to win Uthe money If li mwcH eekd In "hsatlng" lain way from Muston to Nan Franeie. and hack. ani lore the' wager If he paid fare while eall route. aiwanmi F. Locke.. tin rnferec. wan ton atc". mnpauy Seater and lainr ela'untwe..t wine to bet bonnie by the kisebr. Tenter antI LoC)ke arrived in Kanmuan City thin ntornilna. Sletantr futir Imtamnwltnk and appiears to be.- abotat:, : yearu of age. $enster mand: -W matartedlaa otan, stie eveSI luogly Of Jmnly a o1n tI.. lI.ut.n & A lhlay r ail ritiel 4114 tit to Allhonr. witlhcut llinf t)tit ol. My irceahtile s t>.&ii 4,1 thet New ork Ventral r ilnutil. l waise lint milt tara." timIer ti.e. firts tit). 461mul. of t*.,tnt*t L.w*ka" had~l to ga.. with su.. I lww a t.. many dtctluuwl Ity I w...t limt treasted Ia arutlly. h ifte-test tiaater I wrn paut mIl tral n i a.twatrn Allmamav amil Hsnfl.ale,. B.-tweuu. lm Ikalati' anol 1'h tiUgib. min tin. ?*Iit"hiun~ Swuatliflmi. I lIl tinted a Snal. of r.o- of hI ln t wwry. and l 0 h. Il.ti to. l.ay at Ik' r 'It wan intot ins. lou tlil. in tOril r 0, th. ~lltfiuala 1 sitt a tsN W11 zeltgzzsss t.. 1n.&njgu fur naltuesey. Althlaueal 1 Inave" Inrn. onstmt d fret,, tet 'adlifonala I wan ullonweti to rik. li easee.* At ornam. tisan. I Mil to ttIeaaUI wiltl awn cotld uaily withn tianra its may eyes niet to pty aniy fare. an. hal would spotil myn elhatwvns of wlnlmagt tIn. 'set. I lean hsadl seve·ral ollen,. to lIrav winy fare piaeli hut lanckew egye wan ont ism, aatl tmat s·ettled it. I have Inael a roaghla *xtnwrilemnte amnd would not anaklertak." to di. it .agaln fai twit. ttn ,nnomey wa gretI. It in all right bring put til inn a large. town whlnern then- are good Itacel.. hut to Ibe mlanteel .lawn ii. a unasall village iha New Mleuzice. wIth no plate- to go In. .otier thling." The imnentlltli~as of the" wager were that rantetr wa 4to traveil Ins flret- elann p ger euneulau. all tlIe way. emlenr maya Ine wIll writ.'o a innk whets In.' me cIe. host.s. THE WIDOW SCONRS HIM. (he. 4(heeding 4'hai$we.mwm" a Mmatel Keepser S. Iyettal Emembhat. ST. LA)rnT. nov. 5.-4-The. condistloua ate rixac fear ai trned-4y at t1we Siueutla'ru Imoe(l. It Is all oat aaeaemmat of ae kwam y widow. ihe lea Mmri. Jatnuary, relict et oune of SIt. Laua' aIswt eininentit a~lt tlaeam snel a lnds e las not ewly eilusranmiag )11t weltimy. Sems.. two y.. aem agee (kmg. bliver i'. Grxlsag. then a Ipuice euaam stiwukaler. aal ndat ae tituea a ilatim. at.. fmri..,al of Vile-lnaekkmt H.*am)eikke. en.u0 eiveeel tlhe Inotion thatt Mrs.. JammaUIry Waa In, lov. wltha lis. lie us a *raaaia leKr of 5di amid ve.rytet-eenutrie. He ial, x"rew.ertieeto aiakee vikaleft hIve to ,fn.. Jeammaaery. She· Imrte".et.-4i. Krenw aend finually em tigeedl 1airk.tme to mateqm time yemmevn.rnaa aul vacama." mmneiva"mmmet na haer 11mm~iaemaleu. hutt the. 4)4l a*&rriaw eautal0 l fleet I*s 3uIJIn·Wir a. Ha" .tearumlae4Iist t Ia. aºatiiE' in wlajia"s la I. . Wucee iauuma1ami unI til 1i4. iadyi). iaa lie I0la). 'I'hii,4 waa4 cc Ese1aly Ieua*W. amumlel at) ta. Fmalrmgs. EiN".eatma laiud at Emamk au"eegitit. 'rie l. (oanracl haad tuettingm beet lii,. title. leer masen- thmani : y*.air \,Ire. Jasamauuary" m" nmuintaul ilrnremaal. aemmel fear aaaer.1 tim itma y,*aar time. (."m(aa ~ wasttehi.l amtad wailt~.-4. 11id haisn. Ilive" a"now eernle17 Not ,tnme~m. Niree. Jnuaamuar)' ractiaruel r ite St. I eml. n*a I e.aaaly. 4tamel4 414.iiiaa tarn live at thae Seanatlm 'rat. (:.veamnsi (;.eeelihia waca arn1"I of helr taIr.t 'uallarae. She waamr 'itidly imurtelrlil 15mel left aireleime ter bias.'e huim tlr+aneta eleawam staira'. Wlahan It4" ('4laai) agaciam. He (amlee14l. d4I .41l eUatiree I*aaat fltie w."ttt"s41 I 11a*l :aniaemr Le4"wle mejit fair as JM all45e aaiula. aemml( time jnlia-entmm avte Eirne earamr rnuaim.rleWrr e li heai("r e "tm stalirma 41aml atpel. itedei imiom ameu. time. riak~wumlk. lau)amigimt. it i' . saiei. time (:..,aer ral Wam~ achluliau1."nel Nlumaage"r leawis of time. Seutim arms tor mile emlual eceaumimwtat 44114 u:rnaedlwimte.el (em0l arreeaaal .Ieenu it NIm . (~live".r himin aaeeeaiiii. I l.e i-a eaeym tIe. will limht with (.actllamg uatmas eel. e.ºrnfeiete ,alaeereee eaf 1lak. 'iemi(lamm. As.uth43r ktatwasY Eenw1aaIuaII.m (muty. lo ~u. 4..y$ A i.Iwei3( fi·ulli %itw ,IIX magider P.un. fnil. Si..uax C 'ity ti. 4 l n , p.mrIM timut wlt uliim.." ii. it, gir.. Nnºtklmsg N.w In liglandl. Finm, 'Ti,... M i 1'ittimglo I - a. tItt it w*.'mmnimm InIU iwei"nm ,tuitti.iim. tor thm.~ hIr itI i~tr~it. Iaiagcl." W" ditty 134.11 utjmtmitt..I ti, kma.,w!' ii o rt~rirll l. kntl,W !"· %I muqaliar A4egima..eralo .la F'"1411 1, Ii4II&m o i o'iaam.~e amik" hn.·it ·· ai .+." is is tmmlmil ai"rk.'" I'rult said 4 camfr.wrlasflry. \t ri.. 1-. ulim ary, fruitj +aimu m.,,mf.~tji. ammury .Iul.Ir. haftr. 1. *aiih jml.. eil~iht immimr~av.amu.mmtr. im hmer itoar,· mii W.*..t (irumit." aitra.qt. l"r ..taimk ea cfrumf.itiinae.ry ii Ita airltauia.d bay 3aly ill lmitta. lirf.t I. l014F.m tiut INait gwaiala ImiuflfaumlUamI. Tlu* lierat sactk ot inmmnrt eat ammal oiaaaumartiha aigura. 1mm Iiatte". .lqr. FVattlu~rb. 1, e4t (Grzeitoh traa't. ('iaiknr era' tlw audlas._ irb' time early hl(bdum.4.1114-11 tilt- fluwera o emu For fli... wirul .ur .Ik fnwr gu~ntm so I" Eut.. & VI, u ·t)..I'M. The rclebratedl Hnlrryd'm uaderw our at Estes & (natellI',.. Tie- latest fall atimd winte r ulaats Is tin e ewrlebratei (Christy iats., at sit. a & (eu.. The. Mdulaitta,. diresus shirt was re.e. veui yeust.rtlay at FLw t ('eugnel-l am. Monmey ter loan at im·proved) turn,. aeld tity lw' iperty. Sew. acl~dt erbeseut."t N erb weeterli Gu,. runty LJan. ('e.. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. BY oisicr Of 11w C'it4 t.rawNII of the ra)y of An MP.udOa t'.ere wil he omelet at puml.3r sawtkmr to ihe huiiIii. and twot bidder few ramh. .jus in ,".ao NM rt bnoda of sald uay. In diruauminatiou of Pia IAinS. tn freest of for lIurt National ltttnk buUdtIyt in Ame uon Wildms day. the .~nh day of T(o emrlwe A. f). t.,. at the hour of .*e*I4N 1'. M. Ital huS.l wr, aultthoiuzhdt by ;.t rre i. the nailitwrd rfretore of suid ."ity at a .nenh I.Iomib held fory peawon the. 1tht da~y of CLOoh la InW. Mat. badsl LarUe t fur %.. wrrng purpuse.. are re ld."e b in ten ammd t p. r firsoft stthe r In ?dew York t U Ith firat Of JanU l e sa July at Ammind·a ir Lea NW Yr hYI 11.7L ýb meeot h sold fur Lers to a W par. JI.UAkMA. . lily (t.]rk. Wit. L. oos. pn r-- t' UARC9S SALT, Vim. ~L~ T OFW. M. Tbogo% n. Ca-w SFrst atlonuiBank] -or ANACONDR. MONT. CAPITAL. - - $100.000 C gawmwwr.d huaLgwm April II. 1e. Buy anal "lail Ihi.,l.". uapd Yi.wlgu Y.crhanur Uawl trUi.w.t.I a fr. ii rid b~amakma (eulk" asoua . js..smit l) atlj~ r i~Ii4toS . hui rIiabh." su [A1. ma. ljuihllnmryi. *~uK~" I 'ihimi, Itlfa1tf1. aris., lI:.mamI.mim-4, lirIma anal a1l 11W Anlr chl Ei.h:t.n Nags&.tlal Rank . Xw V'.'rk Omweaha N\a..m,~u lismak ............. .... Inaiam I W l Y'arl.' A! K4.. ... Plam VramI. ('1*). 'Miauul ItLlak. ................ ..... iF.lmn Im.e.a. Slaw muts.. 4 o. ......................issue. Me r&11anls. Ihank . ............. 11. ItIum Clark laralJa,..................Ikcrr lurlg. NATIONAL BANK, HELENA. MONT. United States Depository (Tafita ( Paid in) - $.oo.-ow Sssrjlus. - - - $ýtý,.cww i)IRECTORS: '. A. I AI'WATEI .. ...... ... . Ir tretk I. K. A KINM4 ON asun Aat A. 41 '. Mka H trrlaa 4a la H. E. 4;ak . h.t*r Iraym. '" W. "'annh . IL. ('. Walla,. M. ('. A*thbt, I,. A. (eary. First National Bank OF HELENA. /'iowe¢r .\'rti,,nal Hank* of .{lltana. OR(;ANIZED IN t 866. lk ign:atcdt lk"lºwiitorv of U:. S. Pald Up Capital, - $500,000 Surplus and Profts, - - $500,000 P. T. II. At 'F It. 1Pr.'.i..nt A. .1. I) , I' ... l*-. I'r. P ,..I.nt M:. H . K '' " a ,11 " .. "ah,."r vT . I!. K ilt : , ll 'll l ..... , t .tsum lt ';ta hli.r I :i. I. 1t. Hl.L . . .. W. ' , I Aý..&,* tialt *';tiatlr S . T . II:m ,. ."I ht l 4'. C I " ill. .. .t . 1 1 - lt ,- r . I t. S . I I :t on,." l l. raltnvill. Il* ti:Irt. I '. I' II,, .. T. II.. K l" h ln&%r t tl , 1"t nr) . 1. Ji t ' n .I . " ' . 1'. Iowe* , iG *r:st.ia kl ag I t.. rasmt .ts 1. I i1t4ill 11 ill tI * ith11.%11% . MINERS, ATTENTION! EXTRA! 141 tu tu r arI~ · ·· DRS. LIEBIG & CO. BUTTE CITY At %'aul'i.i...t 4 ..rn."r of .1)1 11 iturdit~rtit.lwa). LIEBIG WORLD DISPENSARY Medical and Surgical Institute. Kan'a.. 4itRY II'.. ý.tgm 1 :.a^"a. 4, 1.&l !44I~IA 'A. '.t' :1 .IL4 I a.ii~*\.'.ni, aII Pra.I I~.Iw itn~ 1..u a r I a'"i~iiai ~ sis.t.I' t l. ' r m I "a. a. 1 4 .r. " m1lo v tl et at tir $trit al.'. 4 *r....l .. "*i title- su *ts..a giia'1 ANA. i IItI. lit.' Iit .. 1'11 \~l ,. 4 i.:uln l'rc I. n *i hlt j1 * a m s-ti, f.m\ I"."..h th , IIIILI of .4.**at yj ant. r y. ( na aJ ri.,. t r 38 l i .a .tlitme. .f l 34 ti N,, Laitle l.~twux u I ll..'4 'I+ . Pt r .all'.-a. t :o .14 hm.* tiii n i r ."tr- t .Y . ' u l l .*se v ra W l,.'m wit it n... fr .m. i: ii si'r .. t'~ ar.-$lo. MIii 1.s ofLte * i .tt Is'tl~. l. ltr.titi a {{13u"."1)11) II. aUar.".1 f..t .-:a. Is u6.1,% 1.1131 ..a.."', at l ; sa.tritr.o t. o s wulur·.*..II , iwasI-u I Is-ou a·.liv 4 d .'. Lit tle law l iut. Kt..l;mIn. i.m. rl t. "t "s .ila 4'all' *'r,'w 4att.rr. S') r ni-. it.. It ?ttial ýin. Klte-t wetnt r 4a.4r .lt slitY lnz. a:t' S "". r lj.i '... K i'.&n In :i]r V.i. Kar. of an Il i.. Itl.. .itrnil. t andr I\."1a" .s iii e ll l'a w e tll yll a. tra iar a loaf I lit . N l ptlxlk. I cit 141114' I al),., s a nd fl t fo"ry Newtat i-~ rt, .1 a-° nnrr omtin. it t -sr .o ut .4 itia lrilw.r. Prth. 'no rt aia . I' ., is"13 aaaay I - I.. i ae at hums Ih. eslrlstI>81.ln41nl*-li.n lli ..Hn tfIIII1 . attM,315 4 iLtil. I.. i.iI' +). III Iiilhiu a 4thl l-r. . i,,lervlw jlr andrrd. a. aundall e-uo I);-.,il um tlaon wrappe-r utur I. (·cltya Frelsarlalul why llf.. a l ady . *iun.t lisialslof tae ! t4*s.i~l an N.lgC.·lrya. ltiiu.ltl.4. 4t'IIIUaL Ws~ak flsi :c* 5wflara*Ait~hu:L I 1411trh)4 1.W. I yphll~s. (.ua 1 orrhea. (IlesetVarlrsau.'ies. .4r.. 444.. tut. mItkfrr a )t~uY rrl 1 .,f I'taar riturn"e a qusanshbiLr Ipbl~i· aleftl~c Suataf LnhUCW I nowucla IollDt1 U .wl eUY ! r gvWewtom Pm. arc a·Sga tn mll.0 dDv. Lns4 1 InvIS.,kw ID GrLr 3 r.s rY. fu r n. The Fortunate One.. ., An Elegant Silver Tea Set given away. A Handsome Silver Cake Basket, gold lined, given away. A Beautiful Silver In dividual Caster given away. iY/(.c / ,.sefi(//% 7i// be mde / e-;'rt' .kur/day .\'n'. Q/h. The Grandest Present of All A Solid Gold Howard Watch or a Fine Dia mond Ring or Lace Pin Nwill be given to the fort unate holder of the ticket January Ist, 1890. Now is your chance. Come in and find out particulars. The goodstl are now on exhibition. If you cannot come write for circular explaining all. and our new price list. SWEEPING REI)UCTIONS in Silverware and Jewelry. A.NOTHER RE DICTION in WATCHIIE:S. A genuine Waltham Watch and ' hronometcr Halance. o n ly 66.25r; stem wind. Send for price list. Every boy can have a \\'althant 'atch. These prcesents are givlen to sltho our apprcciatio(n of the- liberal )atr4nal;ge bestoweCd otn us~ foar vcears. and alll so;ti to sn;k uits better known Iy advertising our house. It is so much tof t he l.gitimate 'expenlse of advertising. a(n in no mway .iti tcts the price e ft tihe- gl-t' 1o1 we sell. We want to induce yt' u in toi -,how .utl what .%e have andl how low we sell. Just coi,,ce alnd I ,k" ; ,atu ill not Ihe" imnlp rt utnc to buy. We lead tht"e entire \\'t~est in low prices. \'ua runt n,) ri-k and have the largest stock in .t1 nlt.anl.t t t select fram1 ii V-.n .u .tint tt buy. licT large 4 t .t ack in thl"e St ate .tia(I th"e aal-le.t Ihluts: in the city. LEYSON & TURCK. C ity limckeepersl t r I.i',.nst'd \Vat u hrn.t k r- t, th 1 . I'. IK. R .. 221 Main-st.. Butte. Mont. just to, .\dvrtia" Ihis I)c.lartm.n t inl (Our Strc % ill Raffle "tour unl,. I Parker Hammerless Safety Shotgun. I Winchester Repeating Shotgun. I J. N. Scott Breech-loading Shotgun. I Winchester Repeating Rifle. Model 1886. "' h1 . * "nn i p r w .", t h ** I.. 1. I n ao .I O ." . et" r % u| it, "I,.. "1.. "' | o* I .p r a *". w ill IM* Ith ** O .r w I stl.;'h ¢ a ie l I hn ".I I . Iswia'l I tl., I'i a. ". .. tIh*.. ol.. .)i.asli t. TICKETS WILL BE $2.oo. I'a *.tl". :61 *' l , ..1.. . T..Im . :15 l Is t . '.i Ili3 * ' IwO h " :I* ts.on' u . .1 il tie...s * .a..t!su s.s :i w .r AS I1'.1. I. :u " all t11t 1c. ".l ,f. * \\'" %w II I l".shl, It ... m l% rl: n , ".... 'h,.." |..ll'lll r t h itn.'s. w d du *.i I I ....ill sll , I. ast w.. I.t. h. t . st i. l lim lei the. wl It .1.. l ir| w*in- . . .. **." ANACONDA HARDWARE CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. My Work is all First-Class and of the Latest Styles. Enlarging a Specialty. PA LACE S TUDIO Over Peters' Store. Anaconda. MACCALLUM & CLOUTIER I/A 'I 7' ST A'REC (/1'I:EDL) AI CAR LOAD OF CHOICE CA LIFOA'.VI.-L CA].V.VXD GOOD)S IHI/HCH &I'C ILL BE SOLD) AT BOTTO.I/ I'RICES. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES -AN [1 GENTS' F.JRNIS HING C GODS. Ma I.e,.rta.nt Addi&ou hato b. , & made, which Wei r Sd dt Lowest !'ies.