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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
THE LOCAL HARUE. war u Ass a" O L, ha~Lue apdmia, ov Mni inovas. 2la /1 th S; ti JA. .Mi M Sts Mret.? assue b"La.; Sm maul ·inhoita USa sWb; 18e" b Odm rlwuMII , Y D, p I~rieS iW-PvIy; bee u pe ; LAMA. ý1ºloa-leIk: lwie b ; iwued *a -pe uf , Cp . o.m . rCr;3b M rru --R-R k 1 r; beef »kor; lamb. T& $.111l~; wilttra TS1e. r Y·Y rrrtw= IS Joc; beetm I& ; roraed (ie-l-ir too. r $* si w s How- per tee Sw'AI 411t0-er eat. 55.M PURE MILK I VPURNISHKI YV.OM THE WARM SPRING DAIRY. •A hik route hs bees ea~tbligbed n tLhe Ity .et d. m ase wll be supplSid t he Mil funralus by she Warm uwprit: Absolutely Pure and Guaranteed to Be Such. PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED, And All Orders Will Receive Careful Attention. GfAFE ROYAL 1 Vest Park Strt, itt., tL The Best Conducted Restaurant In Montana. IsA Few Reasons why It is So Popular : s Lb fanmos for Its HIle-Made Piee. Sawotas for its Coffee. Sis .amous for Its (k.d Butter. t I aamous for Its tood Cooking. i tb fa. s fwr Is. Boutsun laked Beans every uadayr mornsin, I comdurted by a Buelmnes Man on Busatess Itn bopen at all bosrs, Ily and Night. Yours ruly. *JOEL E. WHATLEY. No More Delays A7 GARRISON. GO EAST AND WEST VIA --- E-- Nor thern Pacific R. R. The Dining Gar Route and Creat Short bine to all EASTERN CITIES 'JL. THRO.UGH TRAINK are Equipped with Pullman and Dining ('ar es way, East and West. ' Through Pullman Car from Butte S. Vr...e. Tmne to and frao Cblmo. Canada and 3astern POlte. Pivlo. I'ullmaIn C'aches, Palatial Dining Cars, Eslegant Day Coaeh.a. ems sepin Car Min bars o Traln Peams h~~r wadulao dlro CLau M aeomiss p Ernes Fr.. of Clbarue. TIME SCHEDUI. ` Helens, ppsborbu and gULwr'l... LI a U An aen er J da. . 4 .0 sad 7.0 P. us. AWOUdA I h~eet~YY (ianimn sari al througih1paip fast to NI. Paul. "L Loutsandja rý a also to P West. VU: Miusouja. tpok~am Tax'am6 Portland and dman ~Dp net Der ode ad Garius. Igaftumahp Uckais fog aim P" . n via asy Eno erdamiug the Alle nd at eh4Us. ! !brran y/ . LAtG. Geuma Act.. Mag IL. OMp. Doloar M~murur 3rr Ticllts ON SALE PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH - A I'- - *** THE DEPOT*** (Ienral Hallway and tanaulhip Omce* f'oM op Main stritl, AnmcLHLA, Mnt.~ II. 8. D. BEEKB. City Ticket Altmt. J. A. LIWIS. Umenal Ag·et. TAKE THE SCENIC ROUTE THE NORTHWEST. Montana Central -AM S- Manitoba Railways. -TWR XEW AS5b- POPULAR SHORT L -VE. Now Open for Passeger Traic. SOLID THROUGH TRAINS DAILY. The only Iae ruam Palae Ntng cars. Luxurious I ining Cars Isneeat Iy CIr.s and Free Mleepiag Cars eSeoadl7as Pauw.n gers between BUTTE AND ST. PAUL. Train kLaves Butte daily 8:i0 a. ma. Safety. Comfort and Courtesy for Our Patroes. Butte to lit. Paul in 4M hours. A. C. IV 1r. l.n. Manager, HItena. B. H. LAN4Il.KY, lin. .mas. Ast.. Heteam. 1. K. I)AWNON. Gen. Agent. Butte. THE ROCKY FORK COAL COMPANY Is now Prepared to I)eliver Coal from its MINES :T RED LODGE To consumers in this city. Fot domestic and steam purposes Rocky Fork Coal has no superior in this market. It lights readily. makes hot fire and leaves little ash. Try it. Principal Office: Room 25, Pittsburg Block, Helena. C 8 NCI lS: Glk-hrist Brm. & EIdlar. Helina. i E4t. & o(nnell (:onglnzny. Anaownutda. E. L. Bonner & Co., ID-hr LidmI... A. Fraser. Billiinr. Tht. Miserr' Lunlber ('Colanpauy, Hutt. (. r. T. Yung, Livinultowe. ). E. Millie. Park ('ity. Hikrl Hr'r.. Tow,,.lncld. Bukah & Baller. Big Timber. W. H. Whit... Stillwater. L. S. Hollier, Boenan. G. E. MAULE. J. A. ,TEPHENS. G. E. MAULE & CO., OGDEN, UTAH, Real Estate Dealers and Money Lenders, Have for smle and at Inside prices desJrahle tge. n propertlies, bth buinels and reeldeoe., In proved and unimproved. Are also proprietors of the blmatiful smauJrlMvon known am SAST LYNN E. In which there are still soa of the maet desirable Iota to be had at .rtglaal prkes with a cash Ps ment of to ptr enta. and same amount monthly without Interest. Ia range In rwie frigs SIe to Stscls. Htre Is an Ianvetmet wherer you nave your money and get some returns with a good prot. For plot6 and fhall afuramtion con or addrm G. E. MAULE & CO., Butte, Nont., or J. A. STEPHENS, Ogden, Utah. BUTIK OPPICE. OUIDEN OPPICE. JOS. F. TMURRIY, Having purchasd the business formerly conductl by James McNulty is now pre* parwd to furnish his cutnomers with the Sanot brands of Domestic, Imported and Key West Cigars To be found in tbh edt. =Rl.RITS R~ND CO N PRCTION ~lRY r.LS and es... A well m..orted wmook at WrATIONIrY. JOS. F. MURRAY, - - Main Street, ,Anaconda. Carriages, Buggies, HARNESS. -ANO SCHUTTLER WAGONS The Mo.s MkI4 atock tm Amamona. go to BARR&T & JACKY'S M.AIN 4T-KT. Ilnneapolis & St. Louis Railway -AND THI YAMotI'M ALBERT LEA ROUTE. Two Through Trains Daily from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Chicago Without chaugi .-.arouStqiar with the FV.a Traian .e all itm fig the EAST AND SOUTHEAST The lIirnit anlt Only InMe Runuiong Through MinneaIolis and )De Moines. Ia.. VIA AlIKWIRT LKA AND l) OT IM)I)Ml. Solid Through Trains Between Minneapolis & St. Louis And ther Prrislal ('tih of timr Nwhiu lplp. aad eonseetleagl in Cu i I N pod for all pulnts otouth and Natlhwot. Many hra rs .avet, U5s the O1. ON .1 LINK run slag trains daily to ASEAS CITYn, I ITMVORT, LATCISOU, MakinLg 4arIUVerSA with the I'ainn laiarfi and Atchtirm. Topeka & .anta VF. atWaI)y.Y. (ltn.e renaMttkams made In t'atus Ielgm with all trains of the Mt. Paulr, MiLalwseilsm andL Masllo .l. Northern la.Irte. nt. Paul & ltuluth all ways, trfrm and to A/l /'oip,ts ,orth and .'orthwest. I1 EM1E M BHE R ,1'" ''H^""o Mt. IDnIt. w lUlws) are mIwplnt ft on'.onf rtable Iksy nalch .w aKnltlt Carst Phllmnli Wkilning a';rl. Nirton Ietdlisilihg Ihair Cars. land our Just I) ...hh-ratld Palace /in/isng" Cars. I.t tlie. of luig.agm ch-l-.kel IIIIEE. Far aLl ;Is at s I w 5 t as I,n twt. tForli t, tal..Ies. tInlleuhl tihk.ts. retc.., nll Il.a1 tlt.i neare.s tik.4t ag.-tl or write to C. H. HOLDRIDGE, Gen't Ticket and Pass. Agent, MIN.NKAIL).IM, MINN. THE LARGEST. THE BRIGHTEST. THE BEST. THE ANACONDA STANDARD Can Make Better Time by Mail in Reaching Every Point in the State than any other Newspaper in Montana. SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WITHOUT DE LAY AND ORDER THE STANDARD SENT TO YOUR ADDRESS. OUT EARLY EVERY MORNING. FROM the date of its first numbler the STANDARD will have more readers than any other daily newspaper published in the Northwest. It will have plenty of interesting matter every day. It is good for office, shop or store, for mill or mine, for hotel, saloon or rectory, for farm or fireside. It is a paper for the people. Try it for a month. It will cost you one dollar. The ANACONDA STANDARD gives particular attention to its advertising department. It directs your attention to the skill and care and taste with which its advertisements are arranged and displayed. No newspaper in this part of the world c.n match it in this respect. IEach issue of this paper will be a model of the printer's skill in the display of its advertisements. The terms on which the STANIDARI takes advertising are moderate and every prosperous business man in this region can put himself in communi cation with the public at rates that will pay him handsome recturns. If you want live advertising send in your copy or write to the business office. Strangers visiting Anaconda are invited to visit the publishing house of the STANDARD. It is complete in every department. It is the pride of the town. The STANDARD is an eight-page daily having the full service of the As sociated Press and a thoroughly organized special service which brings news direct to its editorial room(, s by special wires. It is a l)enlocratic paper. If you belong to that party you can read it with protit. If you are a Republican you will find in this newspaper a fair tighter and can have all the opportunity you want to "talk b)ack." At all times and under all cir cumstances the SirANIARD will be inspired by a determination to treat all men and all issues in that spirit of fairness that distinguishes successful journalism everywhere. The department of the STANfAKn relating to news will be most complete. Its general and miscellaneous reading will be edited with greatest care. Men and women will enjoy it and it will be a safe and suggestive paper in the hands of every child. Order the STAN.ARD sent to your address. You get it for three and one third cents a day. THE ANACOND7h ST7ANDTRD ANACONDA, MONTANA.