Newspaper Page Text
.T ~ TW.' T. F. S. TRAVLER'S OGUIDL WUAIh' AMflMr . " r"" A. 1.- Yrmze the $math. 3Ct muand We" atS 1I31t A. 11.. N&Iver Ilya t4:0 4N UlWins I A. II. :Ir 1) . haesIWimU at n:S1A *UWF.; U. Pnueu IHmtt. Ir*is' I~imqI aa "ru, M y, Iri Raw 1. :44 1. N.. t~rrltfw'ia t 5'I". tY4r. u. -n.m I .&auIs an nWrtwV I"m raUm Sh.Ir the a 114I WaMI rY4Irltmg rrhiarr4UT.M zd 01:21, PSM. *h IdaIr s4i:7 THAI414 IMKPART. " A. 1,auit. W':aruI~ %prhiagI 14. At' ,ta 43r.iC""l,. 4th .*r 11..w :41541 ItamI." 'rraamu 27 mle. 4at m~rr~iw..f aii 1 A. M.. sat 11,1m1e x :'o "1f& P. 1. 34w .afltrt. 4;re.azan1. 3i'.el Iteaw and Iluit. Arrivesat 33:unt. 4:1:. 1". MI. teams1 mowS' at $tlmaat willh ai,. ea r ;aarrimm :414 sall pntata Eslt ai54 WWest cut Nnrtmr laeifle It. It. 1.55 r. M. Faar 144,sant h1r. ,w.mam'. iltver *14,w. Dlrtr x,541 ll 1watslt% cas hlth x*141 Nmarthlert wed ut.s ua Paciic syus*.il. ArrI%.t at Itmatlt ealu . M. Arrival and Departure of Malls. UAII I'KP'AUT 3'AII.Y VI'5 pas li'AW. l4.4eu ansi jussits ?itth nnA aM Wtra dlrk~uulwa· S~ AIM "P6.00A. N..rlt.... *,A H4ciruai. Ilh. iju . I* A i'. N. amiU- MIm.n.ata º51. Hr% iteta. all Y.auiw. $ sulern AMi Wcotvnu Itlatcu.... 7.1n 1". N6. Qtwvou ........ ... 4.00 1"u ). N. iaº1 l r a n r tda). It1. A. A . H M oull . Wa rd MAISA AMUIVK IAII.Y WHOM k l ad tlur. I I. A. N. and i t tbscf r. *I' A. N. ayM n si ... us s.. ln,. u Iº'. N. psiry 7.NI. r. H n tJY~kt th anti Yxrl..f /nrrinou 7.10 '. N. Nor hb anl Wull sift 4Iarrisua 7iS r. N. slid. yrrowr 4.w Im. Al Tuwelaya. Thurs da. alta rtsu AM mails rkM 46 minutes twfr drluuturr.v THE WEATHER. The daily rerord of tm thernmom etr in this city tO reporute by A. T. Playter. druggist. First street. The record for yes urtlay was: 7 a. in.. Ii degrees; 12 mn.. R:' agrees; 4 p. na., 25 degrees; $ is. its.. 17 sbscriptinu to the 8haiadaird will be re redwii at the, bisemaNm efee, or cit tAh aiqor of U Croekst dt Kinag. Ucce street. Aurertiuiwy rate t hca lsb u Ic etl tat the ha)airiw fjl e'. W amdard Huildieal., rurwsr orf lMgisu used ABOUT THE CITY. The fuaaeral otf (irnarlet l'4e1tt wase 1lpid yesterday. 1ev. S. W. Ilarlae~ olllciutatimg. The Y. 1'. N. hatl anl tinj.yaiili. (tut, Itt tht* rat.5(4ssI'co of -. C'. Kemmyomi tail Tut.'eAllrny eveniuhg. The, LUeeutrk·t Skull waill take ill, its Evans hmail. Ikhceantwr Otis. Arethuusa Je.jj naings totracr. John Draddon was chiarged witl drunk.s ssiss tu the police. tourh y..CnSluy. H. was flnel $3 and e·tisti. Rte. Mr. Larsen of Kunsuan conuleselshed sigkinuw u ervktee for tIme Seasu.Iimllvia*au in the Metawsemirat Episcpapl Ia iurrsoi " on Monday anunl Tuesday etvemmiagas. Arvas'ntmenha art pr greauuimsg to neiake the Lowianad club puarty nIest Frieiaey inight. ei of the grasad socrial suae esu. of (t1w amason. rtwK insid will 1w eatetlle aa and lbret is prtenaue of a large aunlwrlr o(f gOertS Irfont out of town. Under the auspics of the (sons[ Tntm plmr V.ol. Johna J. Hickniats. o)1 Kentucky. will deliver a kcetoune n Iteni3ninstre at the Preesyterarn chisernlrs neati Nleunstlaa erveotng at 7:A) o cariuk. Vol. Hk maneam as a brilliant orator. aisdl let Isrnate. iam Insaseew bold word anutamag Gesiti regndars. There will bu no charge far a eluniata.a . The tissue paw-r sasiiaik· at Evanau' opera hso,., last night attira'tdl a dargi. crowd of IueouB)I. wimp, rttJal)?( tluenmawlvrs Sboasughly. TheIre. were'n talul.'ux amal iusk. followedl 11-y oyietr. uamId ki-e .'re'ammm said younmg ul 44 14 had i gopne timh. l T'lii olalueld wars it the . rlugrgE' of tIme l ale-s of the 1'rewiuytrisum lmun-rcIt. ammal tlme' real lUIsd a Ii&&ils.uum.' sulm. TIne tuti..ical anail tlhe'atrical .'iit.'mlalai mcmii whlichi thrn. SuIImlte~r ('ity Fit,' aasml Drumam (e'rtn.p hlas. Sr.)I..4 I for tihe .'v,'mm Itlmu( at I:vanmu' .ngsra imomse' ls of it h1ight order. used'rv.*, time. mm.amt lineral j.&it rmmau. Tii- muum tmer..tri of tIme t' e.r tmizaI timn law'. w..rke'el vary hunm'w for sa~vt~ral woek.. to uuuake- iiit' allLair at ,14.-4mpse''M a&iai tbey rexwet( all their friemdl.. gummd thme pulp lik' g.-use nally' will atte tail. Ime- .-It.'ta~rumm mubetit will e',niu.'imil. withl am tIusm-ti im wle ish all nuay lsirtue'ilmiia waitliomt exitrar almz 'g'. war lwpstyt Mhm'rlW. A queastion that las lue'.mu cof e1,mu.jsirdunahlh' loeol interest for msomue, tunIe' wihas w-'tkel last evening by the alpsoitatnu'Imt of Franmk Stebbins to the office of de'jiuty she-rif. Mr. Sterbblmus heas Iucen for a long tins might tinue k.'.'w'm' at tIhe up Jwur works. II. Is thoroughnly e..siauuet4'ut our his stew positkni. stud his appelmtmuu.'mmt will sta'eagtiun the servio anud give tIht high Mt satisfacil"ost. The adntlsition o ttle ('ity lFiT. and L)rlnl (e*rI 's .nt.* tiLmtl ldll iL only ouw dollar. Liatlid are Ire..e. Artist."' isnat.rials at ('n-*w' dtrug s.tkre. large ilavokie. of tlw tingit fIurttihingn for peatll, ust re~eiv.el at Est.,s & ('oIu toll' Who stole (' ducwks? Drink B.hnhnian or Houftn.raa Ilwer at Jack OIaixarlinas. atl only plawe in tiw elty to g-t it. The latest fall and winter stampes in the eelorkated Christy hats, at Estrs & uot mell's. For Hale or tnat. Ear sale, one organ ; al.s,. on organs for sent. Inquire at tie. ('olorado hurawxr shop en Front street. Cheast protectors at ('renam' drug store. Guns and rlle at Anaconda Hardware Co's. Drink Bohesaona and Hoareau baer at k Obuirlan's, the only place in the et ge It. useyac to loan on Improved farms and e advertisemaent Nortb Muar LOan Co. ALL HANDS ON DECK TM IM hi Usr fm or rkw uW so coo" ilUS u.Iam.. P'wwemly T ,ant Oh.b .Uulrattmg couaoty C..mwe.Oue tht UN~mh.. .1 the New ..avd-Itvry Shtms It... (SW PIse.aatly. Spec-al us 11w lltawiawd. I)RKK Lan,.a, Nov. 13. Answering the tall lesudl by (sairman Walke... the I inw niIN.Ia of the Us'r L.die.. hu~ani o untylt COfltintiU.iOIWV *Ii·(t Ihan. to-daty. Tb.. board owganieail at I1 .. .lock tliaj Iut.rting amil a~it)r4veul tIe. ...inmatta ..t its forw'r tnli-tiIK. Its * tu.l..jrm i li.iuiita.a th(at tIlwy ik"irnI Ii. tunr tlw+ dutie. of ntlli. ove"r t.. the sr NhaeItt.,'W9 a(116 re *iiM~'iil that ll... *.r-"uat that.&lwcrtlv.. will, 11a" rrltir.·tl *wltl~. Thin was ae.".mt-Il Ili..hi#l its :o .. EPP-k tlis aft.rua...aa. Ii.-f.. 'I r l aeltaialrii ,miiiit time ,,,idlnWr, .of ii." r~tmriilgg holard .sueMsmi i.a~t.vrat hiur, iii .l-'ioing *SIp iwtiiliiiig Iajlwv.4'. All agr-mel Hluat tlw-y wer. 6*I6ldy toa yi.*ldl their ,aetuta Iii the In*1w Pflntultlh io6Itfl4. and@1 bate thu. isuft..rmuu the trunaafer wait Ipleasatntly lM44IIl)CliS6aINl. ilk aIuitentlM~ of the. u-.nw IM arl arne Janst-ms. L. Haiulnnitaoa, of Atiaaeonda. (Gerge (etr-krlI. of inter IawiMO. and Amagtma1º. Weihualil of l'hihigwa Ass tl first itimma ut Ioii..i-saist th,..aril cleated Mr. Murnition rowkk·dl( cr and thetat hastened to imam on thIe heitius of gwve·ral cotutnty onlear,'. Siheriff Qutigley's bond was approved andiul howie of several othser county oftIvern 1armwdl mau'ta'r. To. night tiw e-aatiru mreter of newr offi te.r Iketcr Ledge is eongd.eta.. anid Shaeriif teiQghey's first heaulinae will ho to khook ulp the" twa. fugitive onivictm. wlas'e. ewusi'e. Tttewiaay umight. was tew retiriag slawril-'s partinag sbot. DEER LODGE NOTES Nmuw Qruer PrmvIaIamlamI aA Ifrifd (copy ar she N/ata l'oa(slYat·r*. Ylwr t en4*wwk.1 nr lb. a te tm lltuSl.. I)arum Lmwluaa.. Nov. 1a. Her- is a pamule for the" gntransmarl ins. Tile *'ituiotitutLti, 5twMl4Ihet forn a. providkke. m-i-tiotoe 1. arti of 9 the iat. ''of Munkt~sa airinan li-rilitel sh cUP 1t* tlit( i,~ tkt (IE 41444 i,,tmati. Im'rmmlm m*luslI lioit Im.. ,-istitle to v.bte at tanY i'aleti)i ill thlisstate." If two mm.-gatives. sunk.- an, attintwtive. thencu tiH- I.-n-.Mm who Is(s;lm.1mm.ns to Ise Its clssrga. of time iljmmm.usa aim.) asytam at ftwa tjitmm e of al51) ,Ie.-tliui ha.,. .-.tiiirn Than-r- is. ammeitlmr qeemcr *mr..vimsiu tof tim.. *wuimmtiiltim111 jim.t lmirieaghit I. I li- tro~ta lay tume ti-why Ph.ctel ebItulty 4 D'lisllImital.-rm.. Article to of tls" s4-4"o14d ontrllteak loa" I pnvida·k tlhast tin. t-ntmiis Of 4)ltla- o tilt mI clh-. r. thaer- in 141611ie-al 41llmaill i511 i ona tim. ii- i..*ia rii of tie- int' aitoll 141 liii. tilelimt ýtum iliI of Ji5mt.i5ar)1 MSl*t. i"itjmt *iiuntti tIt groner." i aml- i,14. am. tom mulny im.ilan:m.mila erii. wlea.m to-rnru. n. oare eme rss s,-e*vu. b fe-rin mthit Anothr Ilr. vjmjnm of time a ea.mmmaitjtiua ei,9 Itri.. 4. iarEi a"l@ i." Itmntr vi414 thiast tim, i' t)rim a. f .111.- fl Stisme -emmty , timir.amItr. .n-hall 1.. toni eains. whin-il sle-eis to I.- tih .antly- utme ntf. ns-4" t mail.- I. thos.e- .hlh-erm. jim tim, I ronatitiatlisº. i'lhim will alhiow time- etuls taissmumeoeri- eIee 4t to lE tlESir ..flh-.-. till N,,v-aniu-.r. 1?4 . amaul thinr uia-,-,-e..t-. will have- tio elt * heast il oEIP year previous. tIat las, ins 1t141. Mr. W. S. Shuaw was. ilp' te-day fro tm Grmmnite ii. .auaalify amo e-mnmmmty attorma-y. I)imwtrlet !'lrk Najptmnm t..-uhmy ggmammt.-iI a Mles ttm- tim I)amal.'i ( .M- Im-ibomald to amarry . H. McKimzie. hnIntim of Asia -eiapti alum. to Thimomiame Mcuev..n. of Amma.-omha. to wed Atnnie Hu~y. Tines. F. Wand. smk-rsl.-in'if last nilght maw a mnus by t- numnme ..f 1.-mm tmryning to ra a- omff a met of new htar I'nama ims sjsmmnlmmg line ftnummm. that tih. laanssrmm land ia-i-mn atousest frons a 4-ar at tint- d.1aw~t amid ha-longed1 to Mr. Ge.. Vot-4kre-hl, tof this. ºIuia". Thim imnurwmilmng Mr. W'ard asnv-.ted Ilk-nata mind amk-el him nthi- tuhtie lians. Th, trial will take- lla..' tesg-mrrow. (hm. tof tine best o(tik-er.. Eli-r Lodge" eoeatmty ever head hla.,1º. em H. F. Tlitteam. of Phiilipslmwbrg. as. eoomsmty attiormm.y. Thmrmntmglm out hisi terimi 14- Ias a.. tntihmnit l tlte sitimi tin.-.. of time- office- lnit, s trasight-fimrwasrd tability of a 1migh ..rk-r halmt ii. is lmie leas. iia-.-momme a ..ymemmytn for imate-crity usimel Iwnit i-,.t s~ualiig. 114- .me-sen iund aims jidi.-t~msint qns as.lm-d1 ami hae tie-yenpas i-ime-emt.-l anty t r-iii tbnrosghm mssalicei, hatnevl or ill will. 114 -evert casn.le ..btprslg...I t . fssr 1.ti., ammelu Iamuul im iso s-as.. 4-cseiel isiy oe a-imta-iaiamra of the lneat nammtasrtmm-m. its any jnasti-tiissr. The Et-IC puty ot e ('andLdate. 'I.' the frt itiur of 111." atimidarii. TJel. i.' lft 14114 h te I I-t 41411 at iwinlt hi:j1 math It) s h"rK ik11 w~l~~il I it.e ist iit I lie; 14,4. 4-.h't 444 ..'1 14. 4 . tile l44,* tlieil. 4%f ' kmmuir i~f ,4i %cpu h.t Ii.ik 1.401 1.1d."'1 I. rIIi." j1Ils I t Ii 1.t 11,' ...4 1,31.'1 it.: 14'.'4. "1I. tii,- I4.l' h.sf I asi14. 6tr knew teit . 4 It.t WI... hadi Ip. 41.1 t. fli )It- to riV-I h.' I~.t jII' elltar · I 4 I. lus Im 1. ir Ii 11 as1. hlis .lf.1egi.l. hiad l 1 j."e.It t;, m e,1%,.t.. 14Iii,' i' liel . 111% Ii1 It. ul I, Il,,c .l otl,. Ml~al w~ 1'14 r w',llw. Ji1si~t~tei*f the~ l',.t.ei A-s.Iitag Iuiul Iu.irtIly 14144Ii tlia' swath1 of t,.IIhv, luefiur Ie 1 waN1 14111("41 ii 114011 to ,tt1n"I.4IiuaZ, tile WI4Itiilf Olf J. C. J~ula11tºtN. andi M6i~tt Aiat1auttia tauriltl. wu I Il~I~tu4ltt afta~ir. tit.' 11.w jtiastit.s o~f 14 IiVt l'ut Mi1Iý liltel with Iiappiiitut"1 oun A11~ltllhi11w1ftht"i. 1111t11Ilictt( 5M'4'IIº4Siu of .ostatic-lisi llupljlthIMtli t41 tither NM. 4111. PERSONAL C. W. Mctstima" of S.alt Lzakt. (ity inin e the city. Guy X. Plaitt mif Iluttte wams in tomwnm y."* tvrsaty. 1l3tMflnyigit Inmwtr,4 art' nrfcivi" ml hrint St. fetal mmlt riIvm , t' Mr. Italy.'s t .sniti.ptt. K. M. '!rask wi14nt ya"*t.omdmy jim Aumt J. S. M1taulrn. I nf St. P naul tuu J. K. Millinr .f l),"aalwassu, l(imkita, uan aumaumg yatsttinlzy'M arrivalns. Attestion. Intamradcds. (.esrwgp G. Meadu.' fast. G. A. 1t.. will Ia'stlu c'(lutflº fit &it Iat ly's hall. Shtatslla&3 evenlnmg. Nov,.nlnM'r I6. 15,e rxtvnal am eswr diul invitatliom tt all eommtrzul.s. 11.':w.. )wrk. ciulat..' and lmagl tulak sri.a'sl "&i L'a mnt tyle. Full Iin us~yn taId luing youar farll I it-A. T. (. I)Aevu twi.4.,4 I oncmuam~mlar. Smoke the "Las RataL " cuigar. for N:el.' Ib Ci-twa, twe drumgimmt. A liar. (auu. A ran. chInes' Is now offrn d t.t any ttm.. who wishes to start lii buuirta~ri. A well intab~lshtd mali weUl simwked fealn.rul titr ehacedlur staore lituatem In hr Lodg . coufltty. ern lIn re!adola liral temsn. Aie ply by kIcter to * binflk mx lt.. Asim. tvoeacla IMPALED ON A UAR OF STKL.:.; A Weebma AN;; Altera Tomesv romm commsrimq A. (Colaw. while kwou4ag cialges lea time a.w .ameisr. at 9NS oe'ubmck Iasm nigh mouppeal and MR1 ham. the Wasnot way at a point Jamst over the a'wuskiwr furnt~s". Had he talk-Is thre. lush..m Isoe asoll maid he woesi bave hew maslunjuragd toeiyogmil a bruimse or twolt hotas. It was be atrucle nos ties *teel kow-Or of the engine just ooander Ides right ribes. The fiore' ot the fall, adlastaswt of 12 fret tiwlqf agIvolVed, walea o"fi ic up) comom the lever to paten didscon all elviae&r fathroughc Ith- asasmsin. trunk like- a elsbhlmr. the' t"I) ecalisa out at as point us& otana was thsis itftssasly instoaketI an3 time. .i4 mitsil hi-4 fellow wtbrkmn,*am hhfS... hail As ulicakkly ags *wmsibuale- Colaw wait taknk. t it Pe11151 II & Smsyq.eres Im4"GapItal. wIwr Ise. $S.slyer *it~i~tol~lotI laimi 114rrlibi. IWOZuuid 'I'll iit' it lmue-redl ogne£at autcuii. hnot t , I s.:12 U 1141:14§110 KiV4. toilet too e.1sleumrofsr, cor, .t hler 51311... if 1114 Is11a6.. laudu IN-ell Ia:N trital tise b. 14411eleimmateraatti uem f all sg~teL I 'Fiulewt diPr m4i.i(lI itut if Ili-e P-ttonuaseh hod !If Im-oige ism-aetraate-4I. its was~ misrtshl... Owl-.o' waks et is.. lm- fwor tlov semisa. At anlides~i52'. Ctin lasv was% alhive- .,£id ratt ie~msl. Colakhw is .14 -Pr L ';x4..r'. sold &tall cof eoivieat lini~sttI~ 113.Il i% 114-1114. is at, wilýj1,.e . ettevimsty. Kitsumsait. bimit In Islas Iwen-i moilpei sttlae its Nibti it. hakigis wortked1 ib54 a rtit;;!. f"e wetottow, rkj *I'ti.* l.*v-r wlewto~.~'i tilon~ttig Isloo Im ly is. hialf live it31419 th~ick needi &ainxiot los ioaelk £444 isid hl otf winle-. Aitytlaigim shorwt (if io tast sgml111£thl iameler esuiliege3-bliha wtineldl seslvit tit Itt ftsiiiuly itiinaesel~ieig~. LOOKING OVER THE GROUND. GIU:A3I FAIl..* N4IV. 1:1. --LC·ea*Un dIrnt i.,ns £1~1.4 i,tliYtr,' (CI time Boaton t 1st..... irrtm&& (.ssut*· austl Silve~r Puilaing mlunpamly arrrivt41 hew~ tn-41aY /it (011)£~UmY wlith Hug,.c Paris (;ultung In,,, Stl. Paul. wlM~. SIni( aintmgtsiwuat~l)( for (I,.. Icwautioa ~ o f Itigehow 4,1 H~*ustoa. trea...msrer uf thet Busgiuts & Monltana.r £o~n'Il3Y ~ly: lflrd~ Lcrwimlhi, of( N·W York. ulif~tet. £11141 w~ling at~ui ofI IlK· c'rlVIY Ethwamrul S. Giww ofl ~U't~i'ii,. orwnti~ £13141 Rrejrv~lltmltiv4 .1 iarige list. reel" its the liostoti & hIu''staiusank atmitl l CrI~~lietr ~lin· EuWIS'4)14.g time. InicL,ri mII ieii c e)brltgiI.. eel o t~,lm. it.~k ~s~i, r4*g14'Ii ;-il (lurM~ns 4 b. 14.35 aito~* l~~~ ~ll IIsmtlas, amse wilr kcimowis tiny FuIhiali* o iusarl tkirrztm.'. i i. Iiugolluwl £5514 tlr~· lltu* hm£.rt·~~c ash r4.naaill I~ l r.~u ON THE LAST NIGHT. Two rrlunrr.. '.lgnll* u the. 4I.e *I the ftlil AelmuIw~st rat Ioa... Iy 1.rcaplk. Tihe lant .flitihal net ultlder th.4 relir imt niIiii'.tsrttii its the .. Ilritr'g uttlfee Cant ti. light y..Nttenlit) Imumrmaimag. Whlien t i.. cutility jail at Iter I~xlge wa' tuarisad over tob Sim-riff Qusigley lot the taftermsu~n two ljuri..t.Rri. were missiw.inug. anid the jailor ex plantled thlat dltaring the lºreI(ehlimugg evn mion flthe Iuirdtl sit the Ilair, antml e'.eape. througth tiae. jail wiminlowu. They were Guhanaul. chuargeol withls tealhing S~lm) froul Jtuu dih Iblwit" last July. s311rJnh,, ('maawfgwl e'laarged with ute.alitig a lmrin. at Plhilijaluaarg '.osuai time las.t 'mtmunaor. Poft w"elmag thsat the6)y woulil statnd d m, ehn lIhactof 4I44Lict" sander the new nunaesageiua.nt! thke *,r~i~mvier'. thattiighmt that mno tittle w~ukl he. seo, Sittinug a'. the last inight o~f thme old.l S'p in the- Kit Hule.. Plr. MceKeal. re·tiariteo ye'.trel;ay irom I at trip wisieh. to..k hims tol thes Big Hole Ilaiauis unmsehr rather tryitng oireUuIsIut(ta '.. Ilr I cKiiiz(i. was ,ostmiits e.dl lammsolay to, Iattene~l a puitiemat ait time- ;'..lmt tiaameol. i lwRavinUg Amaaonelahoi at I5.',Ii. toll SuItuay. lits mnadi. tryinsg j.'.arney thinustghs kletp 'snIow. Iv wisy (If Mat litiOM w'.'.l O I3I·V acrriving at Ilia thestivislt iott at 3 .1 (·ltW·k Sunoay ms.armiitig. i'he. g aJtie sat Wa.. Mrs. WVillinam Harker, wis.. wa..a 'roa.4trut."d withs ty pllti. o fe-v-r. IUssler the olet-,tors treat tta.Nst. t.lie " utly's irusca. 'howtrl .1 in of inn previitnemta wlhi'el w·arasleer l Iits rv"tunm :asos I r.moughmt hsiui afte~r a, ainlumnim'. tripi bºao~k to Ataieaho n.l. las msighat. The i. Ia. t.ºr .:,vs tha.t Nir-.. Hlairlpr will el.,lhtless' rt·(ov 4*C,·* A Flatl Ikemluil. jprietst41 .-.pie's~ of 1,Ia0t.'aI tIlegraimsmm ltnr I)4)rtitam tuilmiv. lettt '-1 ('itt ty J.iauie- Si(eld. I toa thereata' I)aaly. 1.. it te-lo~ratum r.".wivreeI atuaaatw timae· I' I)A til nw aItu Ill t re' to c tha ih- el.14rallah wltiel tim,. Iueraia IelpI-"+"r aity o.f kitulnrtl imaauiurt wen' eve-r '4111 ly hints ta Mr. 1)41y or anmy 01 thir immdi victuatl. Mr. Shies·lll is lulweimt truss town at pliPI-tat. Tb. Htuelmema itier Tuns... Two, lmmaaadnal :iata fifty' meta1 at-n cC~f staxatly at work cairn thein - trat teiuna.- untierc t114 Hiadwina rinver at New York pily. The Iwh:.iIae work w:~Pnill r-uhY s ea~nmnlete'4 within flat- next·· 13 tn..nthlw. Then- is £ gOUII Wt) of Ilnrtiwuh .:apital its tia. eumlear pria.. At llft'411nt tiaa ttmanuma is evidenttlly it dlanger' 0411 jhaa;ke to tlEe~t4tl4 itito. A reIttio e of .onIei of time 4'tIyiIIecfl4 vtuitteli 01ne' *if the alr sIafts tia.' Ut i r tiay. aitod nit eiaeamlsg out Ia he ..aajduuaman of fiealiaig Mirk. atoad died ii, to f.-w .nil111t.C*. An It.;. eat IUter.t. X.)tlsilcy is 1441 lilt-ta$ ti t U the 4 cyec as a well alncl ssetl ladyl~. It will IM- of it1Urnut 14a ounr hImiy rvsth'rw ta hlook ove"r 1). J. Hena hI .a.l y S%1e'Vu'tilE" (Co.'s ad. of aaup-:. rrmetr rinal (tIansI toi thiaut .*wIL* of gt'wwIw sitm rlint maiijug stnstk. Iliac' c ia'stie g. cuts hat hoc-ta t-4reftally sawleetecI. antal it will pay 1 *every lathLy its Aaaceroatlcl t., hitatsvt tham. It I. a !lean to be Mhuumn.. Fie mu .I.'wefrrs' NAetkly. M1ils Prittle' (Grgutdnuta. r. l'attois Is Wt.tllW 1t1 oivlt' LIe uI i·legalt rili u54t with i u ea rltaaitci.. (.riultau. I hurrlfle'd-Yo nOI ultlntt take it. .'Itild! I)Don't tnih it! t Yor rruadpa's IUlIcala J~ Ilrl. 4 .tlC o' them (*Rrtltll( Ili all' dlistl with It intskk'e o' thrve weeks. For flia. wanl or milk ulrikerwear for gots Ro t o Este. & ('unnell's. Wnho stole (rowley'. duck.? Estes & (<onatwl's $I.O Idlies' cloak Is worth .I.OO. See those. ft. shoes for ladies and misses at Lcw~e Maxwell'.. OOV. OO1. AVD "M FrIENDS. so"S Isem M -, an.. Admmtalea IV OW 11 gadopsudemed. Yv. 15. Nd... huidc.pwu TWO mist side of 9r. Tonlie's admin 1.ust d.. meag samerud la br a* pkmimut westl paerday afttemrano. At 6 erlo'e k te usM maV. rmune was Rtid with bihi friendl In Iim c ity. when the (apital City based appeared In t1w eeorrioe. and sue. tumaed bhi eacxlcewy with se-vrel we4I-emmeured Smitia of munsle. As time, ecasluuium oft the nitemakol pro grasunse a large oil pnttralt of Gov. Took. was heemeghst trutsu anm inner maom amd lel not tbe table In view of timp asuliance. It was geintedm with a tulumimmit of chemst.. (Comlose Cmntim. thins: hlmtrocimwe'l Hoes. HR. E .Sessiti whom nssaet tmet *eiruem.*stimem peee.lm. Mri. SiamLthm UAW4 thei. governmor thmat thme pr trilt Wiwi the. Iift ofhim frrig asml6i iI tilSa c-ity whmo aimmirtel to show tiu.'r msplorteciatiiomm of III". q1mahhtlt-MAt as. 4ii tisetms Smbel as m~tamam Sir. Simmmith mould that sitK.ortt wuta w4I.. a Illmingi tributt. to tihe flntirst Kcpvterww of t1 tIite fit LMotnun. 1611l4 that it wtptiIe lit. 1mm~ ~ s lot-~p &rg ift Govt-riacir iTool ..ji Aesuja Ak pailauh .um. r-euIIw % 'alueliate MIMI vrtna1hi:- I if a11k ycI mlost etrelially fur thtls spk.kdidl alts. eitat1nt. I aI no0t 1 amckwue that was e"ver as goutl Ekilmg as that portrait. tA r pºlamlmc.a Sa)nese of lIry .ado I I lean frilend ama time stati have always iaasmmtted on snuak laug any smermaual appeamammee nom iluea In cve7ryr aIphigalgI lim which I have been1 a purtWijuatt. 1 Aplpa(ua.I As 1 loo0k uIpon yeaur e~legaest gift MIut dllwov erhew it Itat te-rm Ima. I filal 04)1110 e(11w few relgrett that it was not telnl esEIhi)tioi gomlr. tAp plruaw-.º Poular lE 1s nay fried ('iflhhlni olehw Power is that portralt would luhve " horn electedl without opN). iitiofl. IItMsil aUlllaulseiS and4 I would have Eee Mavtid a hard camaimigim in Whlicll I 11M4141' moe ar supeiehes, ui,~keil a gloat nmany bad cigar. and drunk a gneat 4icMl of alkali water. alnaughter anld cheers, It would he In Reail tas·te to crtItIcs youar gift and I mil jxatI ought to forbewar, but I ('Mil nt. 1 ae ilbt o (1£ti(in Ll Ic)t to lake. If that canvass iltice lcl of a(e)eltfilhimsg w port rait. Islnl tr.amlferrd upon it your peasintig faces. evel toi re-gniad naee of ylur serfial Eaearts atmed 4149V1t44 friremdship 1 thilk 1 would het hetter pleatcd. Applause.. lInt of couIrs, 1 IInkgmstafd that your e'esnsplinwnmt isa not No notch to sn erimonealy oE to tilt -high office which I have the rooter to fill. 1 accpt your ipun 1141 gift so gracefully presected- with the heet wisbeus for you all. andl I only regret that tilge. plauc and4 eircuIInsstatcca do not ietarnmlt 11 to pias rt a llld a little tun. tlllng to tImetall nIatur:.' I Applausea I hope s6es'o 1111 that cracIeim flay n fflm-M t wlhen any friamselds case he. acreled a snort- hoaspit lable n-'veelton. U'ntil thens, you Ilst he crnenoltit:wItll miy seilsmeert thalaksan lIIhust wieLac. for yoear ssemmeu' Multt ,rrtimpwrity. LattcEan £141 4ltEitll~lumtI £1 !pElau34.l "I nut inafoniwad that t he mmcrelmauatle iou dere d by that silver cornet bniial u11 thais awe' "sitoIs i ne IIlelelellek·itk of tlhesee cerenp-Il 114"M. lmitl imiltimleal Sli their (ralnd liilSI11t14. I thank theu'mr ahllte'etivly and li i vieanally for tame' seweet IMIlatie fur which they arm jea.itl ) ~atlaýllmI'" lIii Pllimiue.'. e'tu111 th ei gevcrolsr ·llclarketI that he wasc 1151 nut1s gaieln IE Rkinlg IEla *isortiit. irs. H'.walrel. thme only lady prcsentl., sacitd. *Ye,9. y.-t sore. I Mill tai (14l woIIlln. £111d1 + gaotl judtlge." All lisfl1rtlul mi.'eitiuoi amnd Emaulmc-sisekinag folleow.'l. Thme eigarms were ;s I d l trelllel almad after the. Immd hmac re'Imele'rcl a few ilmeire aee~lc'tionli the' (0n. Ialuly dilsrieel. carrying aeway nreelle-e iunse of as , pleeL) t OC0ulrintlll. TIm' Ilasr I trait il · Ime jItlet.tiou of Artist A. 1). ltce)to the. 41i~titl~rlgtll'lei *lahj(''t. Earl. Are-dwesea. nmd Yelma lisa. Vrnm the Irbalsem Truth. Aim interenting anckdote appears in a nortlh etllantry japer uiclser the title "The Earl. tIse Arcldeaeoml, and the Yolung Asrli.'" The earl was traveling il a first *lass (rarriage oni the iortlcastern lile., occupyinlg a mseat with hibl hck to the engine. The youlg occupied the end of tle asame set. The areldec* can elteracl arnd eat on the opposite ide. to, the earl. Tie wind was bhoistross, and as the windolcaw cnext to thie earl was par tially down, the arclhdacol got the full Itarllet of tlhe draft. The reverend .erl tithmuna ti.efortme, with an apology to tie .arl. rUine and closed thle wintdow. The caurl. nnlarkinl that they must have ven tilatiul anld that thie arelxhdeaon could sit on tile other icsle, opened the window aguiia. IUpon tIis thle ynoung neau changedl plates with thie archdearcon, and again put the wiladow up. The earl prudently c ltav..edl. It meubsaetly tmupir. Sthat le was travelltug oi a ullectior' pass. Now. I know who the archdek-acon was. Salld I know who the youllg IanlI was. But whmo was thi" earl,.* (Art the . eet. F ronm IPeak. Trenllrlcra.e wolatml: "My friend. ii y.ou don't want wllikey.y to get time test o ou you mmust get the ~bwt of whliskey." 'r(mulsillal sullhJect(: "I tlo. InUnII. wlme(i I c-nil; but wlheni a feller'us oaly got a nikicLkel " The Momtatm1a I~aLunlwer 1111d PVNlIWP C4IUi tatty iiaivt* Jilat t ie(*Ivi, is uge eonm Miggltulett 4.f "'( uemuII toma Sienms.ý,' "Antie" zoimei ""ý1a1itoýlN" twbh sledu. Also a fill lin.e of detlivery sieighane 4(11(1 cutterus. in all gniuese. whichla they urse wllinieg at lkattmEUa i.riete. Wanted. Lay7 for oilier work, must havere snic knowledige~ f Ixok-kee~ping. A steady V metii)Ie for the right garty. Addehn..". 5. AsC: e Anraonea. Mont. The Ssl ltc r City Fife and Drum corps will give the heist entertatlumentt ever Nove*s ine Anaronlda, Thurudlay evening, *oventnier 14. Se tihe tw o tranmts and time Ctinea sern vantst at tlWh S. C. F. and l).(.'. entertain inlenlt. The usnot eopiete line of dreem trim mingue tIe tic city is at Katst £ (OmU U·Us. Wie. estoke('.rowleya due ks'? The Plhlng. I.ath huihllalg will he eon verted into a gynmnasiunl this winter, if tickets etnough. can ihe mall before Nov. 16th to Ibuy the oultft amid fit up the. iulkd Ing. If you walt to see t II. Itt qi)n·rasiu in t .it West stairted in Ania.ela buy a u.ea.o ticket before tinh 16th of this inonath. For sale at 'rrckett & King's, P. ( . News Stand. A. T. Playter has Just rcelived a large strLk of paints and window glass. The celebrated Holroyd's underwear at Estes & ('onnell's. Plee drugs at A. T. Planyer's drulg tore. The Manhattan de sabit was renet yesterday at Kates & ('oniese's. For cutters.. delivery .14gb. and ub sleds, go to the Montana Lambser Prou dcuee Co. D. JulennessjtercantileCo Are Now Showing the Finest Line of Silks, Plushes, Fancy and Plain DRESS GOODS lb Th c it Ever yet brought to this city. NO DRESS IS COMPLETE UNLESS IT IS WELL TRIEMED. _ --- - WVe iHave Just Received an Eastern Importation in the Very Latest Novelties in Trimmings. HOLIDA Y GOODS! It is a little early to think about these goods, but call and look over our line. It is no trouble to show them and it will be worth your while. WVe are making a special effort this fall to meet the demands of our customers in the NOTION LINE, and with our COMPLETE STOCK feel confident of suc cess. \Ve invite [inspection. Respectfully, D. 7. HENNESS}," ME'RCAN71LE CO. Corner Oak and First Streets. $10 REWARDl Fe#r the arrent and emn vlIetam of the penrm Who Stole a Bunch of Ducks FYrom in fronE t CROWLEY'S CHOP HOUSE * J. C. KEPPLER * S Anaconda. Montana. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Dealer ia DI7VO N1 DS, AU Grades of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Op tical Goods, Silverware, Etc. CLARK %P LARABIE (W. A. CL.ARK J. I. CLARNK, . R. t LASANR). BRNM KERS. BUTTE. M. T., Ito a aeneral I.tian tuineu and MIaw Ex eha_ on allf tI 'ttk b of the World. Itay id uunk S ýa Vats silver Buihoep and county Warrants. Collecti s prptly artted ed to. Corre.pondeots: First Nationli Bank. Nrw York; Htank of Brltsh N'orth Almerk'a, antreal Coatine.,tal 4atonal Hank Chk.r"o: Omanha atinal l Rank. tt mah: Met orman & C('., fla akeU ; irst Natknal Bank. an Fra m THE ARCADE SALOON Corner Iront and main Rtreta. The Finest of imported Wine* Liquors and Cigars o be found in the city eoaan y on Lamn. An Elegant Free Lunch erved bunt Day and Nsight. W. P. BURROWS, CENTRAL + MARKET WUoLmAU £3 asr . . TA. Only P rot-Clas. Ptsmal Msrht itr tlhe Cot. OENTLE? BEN From this day and date henceforth there will appeareach week in this column something new and to your intersts in the way of Cloth ing. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps and Gents' Furnishings. Al ways look out for Special Sales. as from time to time we are bound to have them. ESTES G' CONNELL Guarantee to save you from to to t1 per cent. on their new line of Clothing if you will buy from them, as they have bought at. prces which cannot be reached .by competition, owing to the fact that they buy in larger quantities and carry a larger and better se lected stock than any other store in Anaconda. They have the new est and latest styles and designs of Cloths direct from New York in their TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Consisting of Imported and )o mestic Manufacture. A PER FICT FIT IS GU'ARANTEED or no sale. Now is the time to buy your Clothing, as the stock is new and not broken. Call this week and examine our goods and prices is all we ask. We have recently secured the sole agency for Stacy & Adams' Fine Dress Shoes In men's wear. and as this shoe has a world-wide reputation for style, finish and durability,. and being the Best Shoe for the Least Money it will pay you to look_ over our shoe stock. A splendid dress shoe can b bought for S2.50. We are als selling a shoc for $2.75 that w guarantee you can not buy else were for less than $3.50. Our $3.5o shoe is a rattler, and we will also save you $S.oo a pair o them. Right & Richard's Shoes which always sell for $5.oo every where, and are hand-sewed. w will do them up for $4.oo a pai We have a good line of nailed an unnailed shoes for heavy work and the prices are right for you The boys are always pleased t show goods and prices, and the are certain at the prices you wi get that you are bound to bu Iaspection of our stock is cordial ly invited. ESTES & CONNELL