Newspaper Page Text
4OSUS AM STOCKS. he vwg Vemwm wI Tomu. now. 35.-NO.ka wmo ýý ..r .a .uow e Furb ~- - ud Wumrrl rt OI~ iIsdme3, sgar 1W4. £'hi. aM·I Cel 1 P' *I 1a se tm ewt~t winin dull but utcmdy. opeemed .wady Si at eta( anal .emmime d qe" at allow that tutre' itltil theut bm Wiatt imauiDe hr utaeadaiu eil hiukess em.wte a .luraa aeiv.auaaa eato w hkcL th miarkt .4luemael .rnra l at Ilu. aleek .uebate aopensd 1(0%; biighes 1 slat.. l~ t M..d 111. hitm~t, 1310 % lowest, lu:j); elewilsa. . I h.... Tuzl sate s wae.sMtu lunm·l.. *The cleatning qiK~atl.ns. were S.S. 4me sm.ld ItT A. 1'. 1r,.Ierruid... 75% I4"eu l IT 11f \. r h r r .. .11 g r q al..... I's r 1 r."1l.·ml. re l. C u. .. . 4bu ..jh h. I_5O *. Y. (tiiflI. ., IUae ... I .; tkuij.m lsapn"t . 45 * CI M WI I Ir. .'4 r..w""..%... g.. M r Ca. rm a.. . . I4 I u.M.s .Ibbea al. . ( e all.r . kutbrn. "..'. I":.." " M- 11 1 M et. Pa. 'N' 'ISA. .U'. .5'-. lh~r~a.m a.b 1% I.k .r1frrme. ....Ia.. L.. a oW ... . M' +. t ae d. . . 5 11 uv r 4 K.a.... .: . rle. 1141h1'. - ?f~ uric.. .....e.. . nomjua~ Miatra . or. t 1 · %raSflhhtbl M4'*. Kaman. I II 4.&.t; 4"r U; 4 14. Lieu rean at 4. PLnds. ,newar.ntile . r 5 . ar. 1 a "t .. . (liR emra. W. r: EOukr mtu.arr; as44 Nail I'la.. l ... . I b '1t .. . - 2 db earl h rhr :a 4e, Ii.l%.1w"41.d. CSimri II It. I S e, El. (i. E.t i Mlar Ir' (hmlt . r .tuiS; - i trmia.u 84ee45g.I Litrek ....... ... 4 ~ua1.r .1 (tom 'ta. 2 &ib I~Ib· II S A4h u ....... .:e Ullr.."h.a l . . 1 s M ClleOhra. 2.a. tt . nt.. S. bS Iles ain d Ia P ' .. :1. 4a , l s S£..k S' . C ryauia.It. It. 1.. a 1 K. F:. t Mall." lkm ~rr ... t . I e... . ba a 'r m . S.. C usikri ........ . ... ribir : ..1 . .. (..(miwasl.saa I wbsbItS S~t ('554 sa Pad.rry . I Nj .4nIaI ae..I*1 1aear. arý rb. :5 43a luSr .im4' b :11 1M. 1eIaalw~tl4 ..... 1 "M. ie ..l miu et 1.t. Doatr itl .44trry . ImYrlaI141 - rl Sl4 w.i....j. and . r..s... :t to iiiyF.. . 1.,, t :0 Ho~oftsti-k I noth 3'ltl.uc" ( pla .rr. b... R 14 i)at Ii 3.. ... Nov. L Uat, qilkIt. weake"r: drflhutii'. $L.1.$2I . Tin. dull, Rworvy straits. S.U1.L. THE NEW CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY. Iryupuy Ccn r Hrr r( (a~r atIlan twllrlor ' .al u amhInamgI..., S e.ray. WAMeuelNC.'IiN, Neoi. 1:1. TIme. divinmity So-lay. It euulagmieie a.4 iemmmmaumdlimrg Ietwi Siare o .a kuulcI ei.iiewlkitag tim- lawa, mismel olrdier..' Imernip Imark. '1'kie e. mtrl a Iw rti.nt of tShe' hinhtiung it 4ivi, cuorie, high. 11w w e mnaiamelt r f mur. It i» e",mm»etraae'ge., euf (tGewqe. town blue' gne-i..' r.a-k isa nrimiirii roauIan .pyue "ltl" of a,'imateetilure. Whe' t(Im' sntir- plans eaf the lacaivea-muityh Ima' 3m..' +aetr uried out thet'" will Is,. uu.i'e..m Im~iaihlmg».. wbk'h will Is. grmmagu-d aIMNIt ha... e-atra park. The divintaly bnaikliaag im. thw twily one'rnece-d it gwewe'stt , Hut sit,'.. fir eotiae-'rm have Imean.uaelao.'sm. A large' *ma,- smf time- tle'eiamatti,, t'- niotmie.' luau I.. In. eugaittedl eis &4,-q emwalit cu tie' Ilueinwatr we.'amhe'r. A e-.uld. clrizlzling aisim fell ehuriuag it gre-ate'r Suart tot litime ei&y. Then frt uaj *l Ir*m..-.iemsm zsi.uemmln ulseaat'et-a tUni was aaiuazmtlmam.-iL. whst time t'n'inamusa 40 bk'ne'amm ist- Im.. labeuas wi' c ue'rf'uramm.'S isy thme -earIicaaaI ,*-'-lia, Itrla itsag tla.' . ma's', d~wr, . n Ytrktk s. It) .a...1)l.»r 1M*ariltlt liylrl *'el till u-r-. ThIe~ ,'.I, *ei ir cii,. ihi.. ricir tie .e'e ioltl,-4 w4 'ae - mIalmmrcate' catacl tim. mmaatieutm.aI e'' un-.leuaa atesi lam e'v~I'ryllmiai.r. ?4 -'s.'. emn·b i mit I1..wc s paºItias..amd emtme~r felig.s:.e' mI..m~t».. mm-e-aagmjei 4'vtpry euv:1i.eil111 .'pcie . wal~ile Ilegge hjeut ksamci- cr~i ac me:taill we-re' elrili,.'.i uia. iat wigs. eloum ce aruti.s.g.. asml m f.-..temasel tm-o, time ce'eilitmg Iek. ,re'· Its..- *'4S'eSra.*in i. imegg birlrcltau"."l diguaturi."».* laylaN"Bi. »acBiliiil aarsur"Bll *~ru'a.'.'e'I ti~tve'. smf him."'raIte-mm e'ae'aim"n,1. ~Ihmemisatam assale~l'A gu.'t1ia- e.a-k'm-m of me~mi "ak, caU-h lam isa. rauiuaa-tuie." nsei. sif juapal llaem"k. wiast.- me gray. amaityl.gel lam £inwlln r.'eaqe UtothpaM. Eert"n-t.e'ie'. Illataime. Ilmcak. Tra..')'. Nemmle. aatld %%i samakenu :anal Alliwime )"-4.".-emrad Mul k'r Iarriv..I isa tiaie- tam, *murtie-ilma.& ts-la time lmsmue't wishiah ialie*.' aifter Cisc' eli aatiulu . ('S euver, we're- latle for "mIS gam cit.'. t' niiiº.SI 4. limemam.. e.'tiae'IaY lime- wd'ait ct timx eSelS elf 10tm. talsie. and tlt ls' aighlt wac. ('ardlasal T'Fa.'im.rr caaa atai Anrtimlccimmjm. Su Silli cuald lral~r.. Sadnlismc /ailm.a mmii' rime a via. Wit. ý%tc-reLmr Itluraai..wlm, wasi. lauske d h' Arelmtma.'tm.s» Utyamis. \ itliesa mic da I/ma luxtil mun ties left, cigasi SY-'elr.aeri-'s 'iIrae.' NoImdI. zua Ilumik emma iI. sight. iimemem Re.'na' a.'te-d as truauum iiti-ta~r. Piemt t.ea+.t. "-Him Helimiml Peat.' 141, 1 III'." Wasm re wlMmtetkd 4.. ibyF Memt lit'"v. Meusmmsgaaa- Stu 0Ui. 411 a1.tW Etttit- ef time' Imem..., whiat spoke' us st"tlta. He adl line Yu-. gUilE tim aea .M. thorougt h lm' a n'imriuc-amtatme- IMMeb. fog It sameaflat limi ull amotiemam we're. werk lug withm AMea-rku foe('- e ldlit- ev.&am*lr ii &Ion Retircts.Lry llainle itl ri' Es,%p li&g to thl. toast "tukr re.unatry esled her,." raid, "1 (rl0w to ri.*ps'.iat the 1'asited I4tate. ant In any political menses much leiau in anay st-saie' nlor in eonamec"tloI with any chlruch or met. Ibut to smpeak for all and the great freLtseln wiakis we eal Joy. I lhave. l m... tat..etl nt Its IwotLes taut asswn.Wktl anmd I ann luaudl t'o sk thentam i catbolie oteum." e r atf.rrd to the adaniuistratias ais one which luul pr> dreed utIod resault.. ('oNtiulunalr. It saikl: "I* asm liad of ce·v-ry (colkge ,ust is *an dowel; every i..stitutlon of hkan.ring ins* leeamm culture. whiich I haclkiev. will build ,p this ast couenatry of ours. unudkr whkich al are fre.. and equal." Mr. Blaine was loudly ehcrel lrdutrin hil reeuarks. Cardlieal Tauc"wstame of ('anada was n - PotaUd to t le east. "'(ur sinter uniaverr r i la d"tie ther arinaal hissa. struck up "Hall to he bhire," adl Ia'eksldeat Harri so entered the haull. The ettir" hassemu - e a and applauded until tile. Ir-'s Mtst tookui the aset r.eervetl for hins at the lf t (aspiual Gibbous. A sooun as trhe presleat was useatesd Bllap Keanau l.n t h Ws health, which was drunk stanem. In repohase to urgent calls a speesh tlhe re*sklen alidt "I anm thankfut for th.a eesptioa you haveKglvn Ia we. I hlaCe avoid. m ach-w kimg lertatorou on ncasioha ltls kiad. It liss brenl nay fortunse of tn to have* that covenantt broken by he. log cosIpelled to wiake a aspecrh. I ass urt you will pernuit au exaut com·upliahrc with that corvetatt and agait to mitmpll uthank you fr yoear kindly . eetiSlEr. Vki-Presskletat Morton and wife *nter,.d m hall jst asu the preskient cotu(clutk. and were showsu seats sear Cardinaul (;il has. Tlh' nast toast, "Hwh- Hie*r.archy ol th lUntled 4tem." was rSspo Ided to ard al bos Several other ad dremes We made. The anest crersuono um y ina, the gIft of Catholic.s tt mIdtaHin and Ireland in ouarw h. Mt" ww k g-m. - Wauwu1notr. K.,. IL-Tb. uuhjmu4 d mmukkwls powder fr mtiltary wam anew i s om.mrshkMb .pa a In She annulr us. part of fLrIawlher Ganursl BhlnnaS, .blt f onlsanrre. He ma.. I'n paal: "N. Ainsrkam ha. Yet uubsnlttid for tria .mtnke"s powder und respsunaomt wish camrprwd pnwdrs baa. sown Se name er's'4ntricity asdeveIo .td abunsat, Studing n ear.ty rneaslde'uae gthe final tiqih, tine. a. a seurrkee.rhe eoenpruaaue gI. for cu rklg.". TIrwe' is reason S or ksv. trmtlta-mplk aSint flade to an. ofteor .1 the uonlunane ek partmlnet norr thant 10 year.s nao that sanokeks.a powder orign aleel In Ame risa 01h1 to her lwougteIt Se the attention of the worke In forietll emeelntre.. III view .of the, pr"wes s1tatigtu of She"' youw ter qu&.-.loa. it i In not ld.uesI..I em elk nt to I t' ,eals It %SISIIII EItilw-r rifle feat (el ew'.wvtl ...wek'r eartrklqie.. SWim" rifle. II. wo vr .-s.-.Itest is. slt,.ir. weutlti l1. Iin t.-I-i..r t feirenlg artn. s..Iiig manokekatas I*rw".hLr" uatwl .-.tºunq.eutI% nIlstwisfiiEitor 1.. 11.. tenaay aittld t'ratIflty IIt largle. It iee iu.!i.-v'.tI. Iw..wve'r. that Anl tiloe eie..setmtu ....iaii IU q in k t. Slth e *)r o le n.. e x tte pt the :wr: r yf sw the ,nnumw'S thin j 11·w·P·UI* i. C(LbItH)CU 1(df Arerte.. Tar[ C('gr.m.s (MIEAt&u. Nov. 13. -The aanu~al s'eeting of thes` Aan.'neata 'rurul commrag too-say diwtaeawaul till' nali cdrawam upa by the we- I me'tiery us aiaccaegtaee*ta to the peceent ide... The nwcta i,,ejxalraant chaini. was slh attertaunlusl mof e·tummup A. of nat. 47. to re"ac: Tltwn' watatill he. SI nc dh rare given for e Snrwe lIon-- yeats. old assed upjawards testje tiaje ,,ame" as)itc.· Thia wear was h nly elulgaa tutu brll ueut aebsat at dlivlsioaa. it b~ltiug alt-bvtem tny Is tule 4. ac 2. Jualdge. Pe·rkameg. orf haIntotmira. antl I. Easkict, of I Uirminml~uhaesa. ls..lag mihe els...'setors.. Sc.. liog H ms tite. pnrmIcmlas . realming: "Tlm*· stsdascariimaag jawkey chlets. am~ae thaat mao eu.,titrruet fur be"atimmg privikgee lide meaek with a my ams.swcsiatlcus or hccknaamkorr.".. awz utrlek... cult. The "n rtle it regardl t foul ridlimag anctd frasatl w:&" e~clactagee t re macl "AinSy cots. rast.-t off fer fraud waelmll etnasd cltf for tif."." i 1u . limb was tei:stgar.uI to. rtieadt: "W~isest twes, ea" Hamnn tjewric"e itartt In a rame+ In time e'~inmmin. tincrwtwe. dir qmwtmitI whotIy icr in t~ert bay thew atm.. smriotis.. theye t Il ..r criei sajtel ataubl Mild sino cem hors. inai. ll gel'4. la.ris. namaste e amined ls~eck.hijtlmet."" A nuamamat.r omf saininssr. citaselgcae w.*n* in~ute amsal ee."verat refe~rrarl to time. c".wmsaanit. to in. e-airt tea-ltascirc.w. Klpo.o In slot 3.Up is. flow. OAmwId. WitN~ulbiu'u N. J., Now. 13. JOM.ph11 M. Hillltu wan lutg vl INcrN his nNrrnin H/II~)muas WaiM ha)IIugt1 Ia·m'e liii,. tI(mio/ni fow tSI. lassr.ikr of a 1t.r.kleI.r. IS.*rnwma Sokiaussam. HI." aswitedI ta." wowkmaIIIsa y)v. oit-lauy ill *uttitl, up 5350 *.oal rtol. W'aot. ithe bod~y mst't t5l5 Iinto Itsee air a distalane' tit l5 fruS hiN s. 4N504 fluildd tlo tighS.'.s £t1634 tSI. n3l.0 slippe £trobIlii( on tlst. 'Wvli·bo41 d 1a1l's 114rk. "I. yr. s..wI sutud Irlekttt itii Sios wtnlr c btS4sl utaut Sot dt..til siss..l as Im- ,..rugqiI.I with, "Is units and finatully ruYMMIkr sit *flnhiently froeting siss hnulls tos alm"Usos ro'aS lis regis. Thst luringsitmtit nru&t'lst up to Stis Sixuot' issad4 Ihsuil) s.s ,'o'.'otSltIl iit gotilsg it lirobnutl Mob liuit Sbt· woosis~t sl tls· Istidy roostoti out that. thersa wigth ift 11N staly htrjissg.l sonl thu" thrust iu life? wit ,(lowly W611 tSlrrr. Thorns Mo. Timer. K %%-SAs (oi r , Nov. i:i. -Iln an sulctrvis w thist o.vsmmiisg leusat'.r Frye, of thes I'itivle ruilhiuIA cttbirihhittiIit baiil two lhsimigs huul lNgell detctniitted suit,.l by th1e investiau tioma - f(snt. its. go~vaYrimaiIsI I·t eurity for tlht des) t of tlme 1salhst, trtils wSass sussple'; soYtiol. th Ii.jiii~it· w It o isthe nIltMs isli ealtei thmami thlso tlo.Sts sstihul 1N" Iol if a reusttiissil sho *'zttoio sony e givten Sby the ~gtsvsrianissit. It wi.4 jarobbS~le. tS,,r.frsn.. SIsal. tIe. tosm 0 faissto-. way h ye ars.o urn ailns whsich ii,. udeS1ts tousui Is.' lmftI.. ansI Sla nrtinwa1s.nlt .,t sIt. its Say assisusaatl lusays.a"1ats Sa osa, :a s'.rtuima *x.ntaslsugs osf ilel t*.&5Iuori"" . ofIt ' ros 1,A.4 Stash In ',V twstmleroN, Nov. :I Junt 4 elays after hsi te erariiag of l (k~tol.r Ws. w, lher the.* . eei it taaiu, I. ranirg tlne iaitriuerttionaa Annaa.*euuI ax~e~rbitbam IMarty .iuali~eaIost o~f silte MtLttitr t III 'a.'lirmgtiuela. the mule train, htw..l eu Iby the i.N4.114111iv4 tlust tutu drnwn it nearlty R;,u1I) m ileu. rolled triummaphanmmtly 11111 t1,c. . ultimt eity asseul drew ult, at the tntatioima. Iahaviseg .ss*·rah futllh y .* is,1plet4.l thIe mIstºM imten·R..titag, asse. frao a railrouadI *ttatllllHijea· the most 1(~xtek~ll ivV" trip ever· mmum.Irtuskess *iy tone train. How tme. ."xeur MISJn loam nrttssltei in ftmrth..rinmg thaLt iii ra "rialt OtIJ.eSIM whimal the Atnerie"als r.utt .rehi'ee" wisll" elasI to. attisain. ltoan Iu.sim 4.lP 41 .l..wtl.y 14,141 by" ti Ihe·t4K.g;te tLeNmulwv..w. tInnuigt tI"o iiiethituti of lth Awuweilattao Ilu~ reMJ,.b~(* W Iener a l Sllasbe~th. uLtsw.. rna"HK. N. J.. Novr. 13. -Six fe lotuagm ('ivil i c 'rvi4c . worn. ()Oreg..l atueoma.I, Wheeletr Hrl. Tima 1 :%. Mlite" ail tdirnes -.4lxt44utMl~ - Ilarrlmter wOEl. Jim- LA'e M18c )14 Nelwhury thirst. Tiuna' 2:1+M'.. SIx Flu.rlon g cs Blrefit won, Tai·ism ISP' 4)5111 (.re gms taint. Tine 1 :27. Mile anid 4IhI4Mlxte etht -LwAUlIty wool. 1'elluani . ,noe., ;e tthirnt. Tiunet 2 :u Six furlosaue -(tkoiln Keel wosn. Fret. ulant meeesaml. V1aries. ttair. 'Finse I ::S. Mile antd one-ueiitertsth - Stink won, Glklassauuaisri m ul . , lnyal Garter third. Chargle With r rgery. ('annuktael. one of that best knowas Iail lee. sua·sl of this city, wait arrested last night charged with forgery. ('arukicIael' frienul. tssnisihed funds to take up $31..h1) worth of the. paper allerg. d to be forged on the Vanswrva' National bank. It wan then) supposed alt the troublebsone paper was out of the way, hut other nmote. kept oin ing, and it was cvidtvntly useless to at temupt to prevent a crash. l)imclwutau thus far place the amuuuunt of forged paper at all .tA U Swoasaey VCaoosa.e at aImem" ('ity. KAssA. Ctrs. Nov. 1.--The general nmisuionary conmnittee of tie Mctlhodist Episcopal church hbegan Its annual mession in this city this anoarnislg. The work of the co.inuittee com. ists In detstrmining Aeeids for work, etc. The foreign muision cosnulittea4 will uaplirtitin ,U.ti),S and will coatlnue n session from day to dsay until business is disposed of. Aesptlpd the (iovermaltms Prr.saltiaae Nr. PALL., Nov. 13.-The Pios-r-Prres special from Vermsilljon reservatioen. northern Miltanesta. says: The proposi tiomn of tme g)verllnsu,t to the l3ma., In egantrl to takiag ladslm in severally anad for th1e purlrsa.. Itave. r~eh*4l to tlw LT lita.l State.p tdl-jir reservatiuna, esu~abrwiaLn*Ig ahtnut 116.a.JU acres. Aaethr Istasder Multl La the W. C. T. I'. ('HI'AAo. Nov. la.-- Dr. Mary Weeks. B~urna-tt tuo-lay sued Mrs. H. M. Barker, of thl WV. '. T. U., for 6.utJO) for slanetr. It in the outgrowth of the matn luaetter which prl.)pted the suit against Miss WVillard last week. MOWTANA Nom. The pinmin. at 3. Jths sur to A dispatb tramw Great Dai. Emrsm C'hiq Kwagbeer Useklev hamPSU .deme barns $1. Plan tad will prom toNlua camalutrt the . mrs. Nor the . er' rilwayr dwha lB . wla tew u. 0 66 have. the rses. fully estlhms d the prian. when wrk will pam.ýý a .Uvel. Mr. Decklee'mast Mean.. HII Whama anid Rhefley of $t Paul. H. feusmi them. asi1 we'll plesed with th. autloab fewtb.Grst Noetrn railway sad tha metp'loa f inartheui Moutanam. Dev. rctrd Daeiau who haa hews qeetadirag they "ammer len developmeooal wew upon iwnuwts eu Its the Doulder dimlrfatrs Is' lam the city. Frsm bins we k'arm that a marls griaeter amtmeat of ak. ekatlopeat has been EiOfl. te Ilis uat ME~aa~E)B aiiokf the amubsis of that eliLier t Hun in any prevauas year. all of which tecla toa cnfirm the. feat tiast thet Doeghim eeamp will he tae of thei mela i..t ies Park naammtjty. The ..tamup awil ra"tiy taketa to the. ilatmict will mat be rat hate fssr uiwrati osa this a as on. Vol Brown c·L~r Pmt *In wa- ama.b iro Macwa with hi . ix-ine-band. arrived at Hicksm Put k ams the. 1911, tna eala *f gooda order) with tii." rcmosnaammlar of the. milii outfit he iceag itim to Hcan par, )kIepU& (o. Kiakil Is are acoeeonplhla lo he keh.airl wih of th. bayme lay turtalg a trail halo a wan ns. road. - -Liriagarloa. Xawesgwdav. lea the. ('roialay-Rlmagweahl maaaalandaaae smett at Great Falls Tuwclday bhefour Judges Be teon. Mr. 'rosy, mepuablican. testified thua he. wee. ."ke"tatd anemmty cle~rk and ree'ewder ek~mne meat, tawutIimai" utact lhe waa ekeetetl for the tw-ytear it-m nieaet fal sanl sal that hle wee. willisag te atumreak r the offce if the wer, Iertv(d1 withl as jeiial norder to eke so. JeeeIge Nhmateim meaid lie weemlel hear the. law yeru lea lhe aftermaaeem. The ease' was .te cemectlmagly attrtajee thus afte'rnoon by Mr. Badly tfar fur Mr. ('reitlay. adl Mr. Staitateaj few Mr. llimagwaekle. Jemelge i.mateeaa I Isate lia muaaemtlaete. andac gave It to Sleerift Haeemaliteae ts. serle. Whams the.slheriff (all ew) tabacit at:lte l. Cue. Mr. Ihimmgwakla near rmak r. timte aftie anmd Mr. Irorseby ouon after tteak lne5a., a'NIIiB. Tawl lust ofiical net of t- idovrnsur White. wa*s. ua un -iw of eCumU(tivV aII.uWII(sy II tilE l INst. a of Jeuseeph Walters, who was uma.mmt .euael its ts disltrimct courlt of &kravcrhc nd r(Iiunty. last Aprll, to a Vsrsels itllmrisomallmem in ts 11w ivtljtemitinry. Thet outlgoimag wwecrm .r.'s lusat entry ont tle nilusute's of t11w EsIfN is us follows: The lmrcis~ wstlosa of the WeHsleit eof that (t`anatl utalmrcumllulmiac Mostatiu as a mStte In Ihe ninol, lsaving ING15 ui..ueE CMu Was ttb 'tin of eSsoti.tier. A. lb. INISI, at tO:i0. In.. and Jo'"ep h. TiumIle hot Hatt Iweas l taly .Belssredl c.IreeI SW gIn errlaer of thme rtmt." of .Mtuumln us Iler lBle le a irosmr sit limr W isle . ,msl, and lmasaasg 'I uali lwh. as gou.mm4r Iby tlkiaa lIst - llh of ciliAte sat m-ejalrueI~ Icy law. any Se·rum cut cilikt easuiarm iiy imassit~lomu. 4:.NI bIleiw She e4.uel54uwealth~ Uf M %Iustaums. It. K. WHITE. IOM l'errit..ruº1 c;urrls~r eIt taw TcrnL.w)- of Frameas DIr. J. A. Meta. waso ItIakeu. msems wsekly vaaitaltc' the ctlw .tup. we leans that flat -i sbrat IVemamsimmg 1 CO. hIas Mileut comas p1.cc1 its i~imIlunttme dusome.. whitchs etxltsdr I llremamgimt (Is. tsetumttins e tst amidl coutis 4 s'at itritus EIIlisucta. a eiic.taammee euf uimme suitil,. It is tautit tim. the lios15 elf ti. 4005 Ixsa) to pest ti." Hoeams. ilast op cruyLaa (sthis ftull, butas. large freu.. of clsorpls..r TIll la. elsployeei all whinter asadel taw weacal bossijel cleiwn, us Nouns ats tli- waster ralms Its tw mspriamg. (bier :tCli names aLre thluss. eusplccye di att tl. mureseamt tins... andu thro feinta will b · e comatbleul Ib ne4xt itauttlh. All the saocil will is.. haimelasl at "ttill shipped from b llis toes. a fact that Islu givem that (~al i a cuosesiuc~r~alilie uisNia1 tlt- 3ws~st few wee~ks usmd gmtuaraslmlat5 Its Ixuslticum Las Iser of tlee sIolost imllmportalmt owls.e s1m ilite 4tuesty. MU perlmsteastiuat Simlch.d is autlierity for the sitLatenlmuam tUts (Is.t te capaity of tw flumew hi fully 141(x) corerl.. gur day. It is nlslewstoaue the Amascuamsda eompussy Is lrali' its teaustattin tile. - mLtemftumici u ts hat it will o-unamme""tsc t las' hlk of Its esstlast.-Ner Needb It- Beam. Turarlag a Jak. "'lk.' .lI tue tlut rlit llk.ttolI gitleniiu over th.ere.'" aihi l)r. Muller. p)reident of the lt Ik.t.*ller klmtt, of t iklaeld. pointingl to a hloaitle-laarhlel maan who wait leanliig agailmnst the. elutin-lox. "WelII, tlat's('os tucr Helnry Evers, of Alman'a J comllaity, arid I walin to t.ll you how hw . oke o)n ub.llt olf liis fr.iends a few weeks ago. We lasvie a little diniung coterie whkch we call tlih. mIsantbitiwu club. and olse afterlooni we were all eitteatl itillt tN- talhll while the jokes aitld wine went rpund, whl.le a mIaeIwmLger caInea inl hoearing word to ('orolctr EversI that thcre was a deadl body l)yinlg I a lot at sucLh amid such a por tionl oit the city. "Ever.s gnrusiblehd a good dieal. Ibut finally left t1w table, ad went its search of list deatldslt. lie foinItd nolothilig lut a decotu Ixuud l Ien on a grathage Iheap. W biLe he was away we all laughed a rgnt deal at his etxprense. The n1tesagee was Justt a little joke t oulr owIn. "Tiee coroner carne wack after half an Inr or monre. very retl. very mnats. At Ires Ihe toldd his experience. imloaeently enoeugh. amIdc the nmor. he told the sune we laughed. All the afternoon we chafed binl about his fruitle.s searwh for a body alid a tee~ thinkingll that he dkin't the kast uuspc-t our connection with h trip. Finally we e to go. all in the menriet menal andml thuroughly conment with our fun at Ever'" eixpense. *'Gentlesen, seklenly spoke up the butt of all our ridkule, "I hereby rlumn you to appear at once as Jurors in the * annimation into the cause which led to the death of -- .deceaed.' INow this -- had bee inI the water for over two weeks. He wast a paant after-dinner subject. We laughd o more. We ed, pleaded, prtesd. It waus f no ava vellre wa. obdurate. So we all marched over to sthe no aid 'viewed the -rMumine.' As each JolF dner out turned pale and sought the opn air, Ever laughed. He shook with b.rri nwnt. He seemed threatened with Apo plex, so thoroughly di he en. o hbleel-t. "He s lau.hingrtetl. Watch hib whe he lookse ty way. Prm Harper's ltarar. ""What do yoa live on dlown hers. any way ?' asked a hungry north.ruer in Florida of a native theotherday. "Waal." drawled the Florkidan, "in the .tamn.ers we live on fish anld .taus and in the win ter we live on sick Yankee.." U. Was a Nihilit. CITY oM MiXcac. Nov. 1~L-&Maen papers found upon the assaesiots ofl Ca ('ormna was a letter written lby himsailf which showed the man wa imbued with Nihilistic kieas. The flag of the United Mtates legation is at half mast foread. dared genermL • p . Underwear, Hosiery,. Gloves, Hats. Caps. For Alen. Luo.,st /j4t¢s Guaaa,¢ed. Geo. B. Temple Modatna Ho/el I rw Blacksmith Shop, 0e Block ratsof stes t Cac .'L *l - ,O,- REPAIRING DONE #lM shrt ntkr.. C'arriaalg and Itr4iha Irseom in the nw attyle at Iram t I*Sl I'rMl. Hor.eshoeing :t Specialty By FRANK HAMILL. Who bothoroughtly uadertnd. all the diuease peruilar to the fret. Trating, Rtunning and Training Ilsatre namat in the aMt appro edt utyI.. Uliv us a rail and learn our witLm. R. P. BURCH. Goldberg's JEWELRY PALACE! The Finest Establishment in the Northwest. DUAlKR IN 4I9 Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry and Sllverwear. DAVE GOLDBERG. 12 Main St., Butte, Mont. MA. S. L. The. M&4TAA MTATK IAmITKR Will bol It. Fourtb Monthly IDrawlng. ('ls.. I't,* La pub li. at HButt City. NaLlfraay. NoW. 1a, t. Tickts 6Sim rorh, It tikets for Staes. This lattery gives* o n and blaer prlses In propertion to the number of tckets lam tasn vy o*her lottery in tb. world. AUNTS WANTED KVKMYWNULR If you have nut br tluacky in other kCterlee tr the Moainain ftate. Vr tickets, ciraidretb and ether laksm ntie, address J. J1. JACODS, It. Cityr. Neat We pay a xpr s. charge oen all orders -u Ual. at" of one or over. MONTANA LUMBER D PRODUCE CO., -DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows and louldings. nO.4eL.e..L. nDwCLOmS in kLOVR. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hay, Grain, Feed,, and Hard and Soft Coal.r Agents Continental Oil Company. We carry n Stock a Full Line of BAIN & MITCHIeLL WkGcONs. fromn QUARTZ GEARS o light SPRING WAGONS. Also CLAR , PERRY, STUDEBAZER and STXNDXRD BUGGIES RND CXRRE GES. and a full lin of ROAD CARTS of bdet . Smath, CWuthInIo Cod.'s Ca tni. ad l . C ,Ld looon tC. , b" ls mas. is p etaah.Uuin.L to f t Mrval and look tbt seug spr .somet. t is .. left la8r ii ` aall aln s jý _ nr MROE. Manageso The 8lected Stock of Dry Gods, Furnishlg d l, othing, MEN'8,. LADIES'AND CHILDREN'S S H-O* - IN THE CITY. This " Week We Offer Special Bargains in too LADIES' CLOAKS REDUCED ao TO 4o PER CENT FROM SREGULAR PRICE. Id In This Department we offer errar many bargains. The BestAll lVool $i .oo Ladies' Vest ever shown in the city. Natural Vool Ribbed at $1.5o; worth-$I.75. Men's Suits Conde at $t.25; worth $1.5o. Men's Regular Made at $5.oo, $6.oo and $7.oo per Suit. Curtis & WVheeler's, for So Ladies, at $3.50, $5.oo and t~$ d$6.oo. Ienderson's $2.50 Shoes for ladies and the Celebrated Red School I ouse for Childen are the best value ever shown in the city. SILKS AND PLUSHES. Guinet Faille Cashmere at $2.25; worth - - $3.00 Guinet Surah at t$.5o; worth - - - 2.0oo Guinet Francaise at $2.00; worth - - - 2.50 (;uinet Matalisse at $1.50; worth - 2.00 i5-Inch Plush, 37.c; worth - .50 24-Inch Plush, $i.oo; worth - 1.25 Respectfully, LOSEE & MAXWELL. CHARLES T. .W. CRESS. [aradu"a"L S Phruna ] Dealer in Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Wiadew Olass, Pasy asd Toilet Article, statioary, Cigars sud Tobacco. Pre crlptel. accurty .ar r-d day u.d eigt. First Street. - - Anaconda,. Montana. D. B. BIRRF N. FIRST STREET, .. - - ANACONDA, MONTANA. Carriage Builder, Blacksmith and Wagon Shop. AIIN doess e.1s 4 ed r qwoodwork aneuntd .PrfmIv sad ip the beet at. r. DIm. pass upod I2.M\bh . b 'bahE. AUi ktad- ot mnairasry nremrd wiN I~ah lUtJ Butluptrv Iart FURNITURE. Ju" medlvld at TH. EHRET'S OwI__1_ -l Plbe iFar FeIn A FULL LINE OF OFFICE DESKS, Ussm a~mL Anaconda Livery Stable D. 0. BROWNEL. Pnormmnom. Buggies. Saddles and Horses for Hire. OMee a mM ushus v Wem. A*mi m.