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%V -_______ ^ ^ r fr- » -| _L ^ ^ _______ ______ V~~~~~B X3SU DISU*? ^N TIN THU UI PPI. VOL. L-NO. 3g ANACONDA, MONTANA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER z6, l PRCB -t CARD DR. D. J. W CD@NXLD MYNOUSE DU2C~3T.I Sevw .wi winm t.. . woo o* a.a..a . P. 3. ST. JUAN. AS.. M.D.. CMY. maiM. M eMiyr aIme. Pt.L J. ·LrMI. A.. M Pint MtL. .l ags. Joa. NMlis. inmumr.m full A. M.$tieOw?l.Sx.M T. D. FITZSORALD. VOJ4UJGCi. ~tUtY iK.W AyM~lCE TUE V. zAiYXC Uc. vIlt uLlo - - u. *ºR. Pa--N ROW N * S A Lttrn, y aLt w. OU.sla D~nr.a & Jaiky's Black. Main UOSS,.t .I.r LUIT, Aflsiu aduC at LM. -%Oý na o s Cdk teawl ~j= N .e altle ra MmSir. Aa~eaa..a1oS F. P. CHRISMAN. D. D. S. * M, irum Usra flow..i Maim mi(k4 rzgTH EXTRA CTED WITHOUT PAIN bi a new yrnaeu AU dam..s of D)O Work azrnted La fIrM .lare mnusA. Articial Teet Without hates. H-. W. ST PI-I*NS. PM YJCIAN AND DUROGEON, AXAOxNDA - MOTNAM OSem ian mtt s jarky Week. Ucutdeaee on ýer rt t sr to Monism Hotel.d .orris col~E~~,"" catr" to. intd. of w. DRS. MITCHELL ! SNYDER, ~rNRCOH DW U-.IQ* . tNet to Moaem rotel.) ANACWNDA - * MONTANA Anaconda Real Estate Agency. FITZPATRICK ! AW LINOG REAL ESTATE f INSURANCE ACtM M afe fteakllrdX mamdl<] 55 V..iemr ANACOONDA .MONTANA Imalage, amett a rnett, Wholesale and Retail Butchers. Vamlly lupplles a 8peeUaty. All Orers Delivered Free fa Charse. p on Fired Stree - A NACONDA *.u uA1 1R TIN* (orrPPOsl Tst IAN K) MAKFS A SPECIALTY OF FINE CIGARS8 DOmIsTlcC IWsrOMID AND nUT WIar. READ'S DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, Ameoea d - - ma. ANDERSON & THOMAS. Contractors and Builders Iilmmlag MIU Es End ot Town. CROCKET & KING. Stationers #, Booksellers -D ALUMS IX CIGARS. TOBACCOS. ETC. l'asteMe News sand. A£NAOONDA * MONTANA. OLIVER SAVARD, Merchant Tailor OR PANTS......... ......... AND UV ARDS SATISFACTION GUARANTIrD. -.NT--Tr., - ANA IINDA. MONT. W. P. BURROUWS, CENTRAL + MARKET 3O IAL A IIWD ITAIL !'e OusE Firat-Clas PanmO Market is the CaUg. W. C. HRYNES. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TraasIeu& hI sk ' arrvffly cared 1r. First-Class Turnouts and Mod erate Charges. n git gaet.m, uan huAa. Aw muus, aiMo!nama. GREAT FALLS GETS IT The an a s..o. amew ass a aSmy aMN NBth . TYbe rpse Whleb Cmaltet@ te Agmee smeans aues 3m Nsimbi-Yb. Bis meased on" Posei at a N Bie.. ai s Matal. asst. M she Utndiai. Gamtt FAS.ea, Nov. IL-Toaight the Important docueats whleh deteumine theb Iestioe here of the Boston & Mon tana smelter and .enrery were formally migned at the oulee of the townsite com pany. The perties to the contract are Me.ers. Bigelow, Lewlsoba, Grew and Parsoss, repeeaEtl the beeea 6 Moe ta eompany, Par4s Gblamo the Gesat PaM. Towalte company amd the 9t. Paul, Mlmnsapolls MaLitoulb rail road. Thie agrFeemet covers a matters onaneeted with the edte and water power improvements. It Io iwlueades the esnstruatloa of an Im masee jqtlgh at the Black Eatle falls, wrbIh is to be caspleted by leptemb The Boston and Monataa Company on their past agree n erest hee ho tIk a cop per smelter and re~lSry. each of which will be of great capaclty It is estimated that the euterprise Involves an expend - ture of i1,MM.UU. Thu Bostoa and party may proeucl to lButte toaorurow. They have devoted much time to ilspecting the coal lelds, the water power and the site for the smelter and refinery. They are well pleased with the entire arrangesnent which they have undertaken. This will retain millions of dollars in Montana. which might otherwise he exp·nded for refining Montana copper In BaIlinmre, Newark. N. J., and elsewhere. Repreeenuative Cory of Helena is iit town on his way home from the east. THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN KILLED. A Uetetivoe Who Weas Mt atlag seed arn Net Metersad. UI)rxuvn. Col., Nov. Lb.-The detective forces of this city, and especially Thiel's agency, are perturbed concerning the nmysterious disappearance of a detetive who was sent to Doteero. in the westers part of the state, to investigate the burn ins of two bridges of the Rio Grande road. The detective went under the allas of Maltleu Casey. About October 10 he went on a hunt with three men tanned Beldean., Beach and Barry. During the hunt the party became sepaat ed...el Baes. andl Casey went of together. After a few hours Barry returned to the camp and said Casey had got tired and started wImek ahead of him. Casey hats iever h'Saai Leard oft mine. Searching parties scoured tie country heat without suc.ess. The theory is that C'aey's Identity as a dk*tec tire was utiscloed in alnow way and he was lured away alnl lmurereedl. Tihe cr lalne of the detective will not he given hy llis brother ofllcers. He Iha a wife and c.hildren east. is po.sesedl of eoneskklrable property aIsd has about $1,UJ iln a bank here. He is accol..atedl one of the hest dkttectivens In the coalltry of 12 year's experience. SPOILED THEIR LITTLE GPME. Deaver I)teetvsee Frmustrate a Plete to ob the U'NloaN Pwellr C.ampe.v. Datnvai. N.ov. 16.--A robbery of coas sierahle plroportions has l ust bIeet friae trated by the police. The works of the Colorado Smelting ad Refining co. - patly are located about five aniles east of the city. It has been the custon of thl. First N Ttio: a ih rtak .t: seand by express to Argo abou.t b5,00 . each Monday morning by the Unlion Pacific Expres comnpany. 3lll Moore. its charge of the switches at Argo. knew the fact. He ilnformed C. H. Moore and other contederates andt thery arranged to rob the acesnt. Not only did th.ey expect to capture the peay roll, but gold bricks to the value of at least $buteu. npion, Pacife detectives, whro art di rectly connected with the Pinkerton.. frustrated the job. As. its now Hill Moore, C. H. Moore, Williaml ('olenusn andl Dan rowley are hehind the bars. C. H. Moore claims to have beent con nected with the James hays, also the bank robberies at Marysville. Mo.. and Stare burg, Mo.. several years ago. anal had also a scheme to rob mseveral hanks int lowa. TaSer Moaned Anmesa Consraes. CHlcAuO, Nov. 16.-The second annual conference of tihe Churdche of God inI Christ Jesus began here today. Delc.gates were present from neaIrly every state in the union. J. H. Wiley, president of the eonterence. presided. The conferesce wIl continue several days. The principal points of difference between these pen ple's belief and that of the orthodos prt eatatnt denomlnations are summoc up as follows: The Church of God in Jeans Christ holds to the restoration of Israel: that there il life onely throurg Jesus ('hrit and that man's pra state is maral de dsm upon Crt for future life. They Cd that Christ while on earth was a per sonal ruler, not controlled directly by the Supreme bhlng. maiser he Alise Cewtrast Laber Law. WA*aLgoror. Nov. IL-As a resaul of several conerese. Asstt.r.e-Genesel Millr. Secretary Windom and Solicitor Hepburn in regard to the care of 2 En glish glaa.sblowers, employed by ('alna bair i& McKee and McKee ( Co.. Jeanette. Pa, the case was referred to the UVsited States district attorer at Pittsburg. with to proceed against thie irnl nased and those oficers of tihe leal as ly of Glasblowers nastrunmeastal in Stime English laborers to thec coun try, provided he is satissed the suits sa1l be aintained against thlem usadekr the alien contract labor law. A maitveeir AgreremeS. ('eUtcAeo. Nov. 15.-A ten-year agr"" mcmii has been made betwerga the Alt."it ruad anll Ks..... Pacific bra! ch of t11.1 Union Pacific coverihmg freight and j..'r .anger buniness to all points Ixctw iii'n h'llcago and the Pacific cosa4t. 'Fl Uiion Pa ificb is to f the apat-lt4itI.l rate, and the Altoun ibuse of the w".-.-i bound. It goes into effect March lict next. READY FOR THE FRAY. Yhe eWatlam.. Las....".. a ese. amne omematin toe e eto.rme Raw Yome, Now. IA.-The league eae.. veatlo adjsurnd at a o'bie this after ase to eemvmeeme Jamurry M. The - ti-r misse was taken up with a dilsct kla of the, brotherbood queestie. Jeh, Rogers, referring to the intentlos of the players to violate the reserve rule, oufered a solrutios that the league will aid tacb of its club niemter in thr enforce.west of its eontratt rights to the w ervices of eo marved players fur the measem of limo. The resolution was unanlmously adoptel and a .c.ntmittee appointed cnntlsting of Roger. of Phi.Sdelpbla, Byrne of Broek lyn and Day of New York to carry out the heat mrthel of entferernent of the cew tract right.. Npaukidin of (hicago pre setedl a resolution that no league club shall from this date einter into, aeo tiate, or contract with players not under the league resoluti. o enter into segotiatioas with any club for the trmnsfer of any of its players until Pebruary 1, tims that eonummittee of thmre he appointed to he known as the negotia tins eommittee, to whbom shall he referwrt all applkictions from players desiring itions on league temnts as well as applia tions hfro club members of the national agreement wishing to dispose of the re lease of their players. This was aklLped and "'Ni" Yolue, ('. P. Byrne and Al Reach nanwme as the -comnittee. After the adjouerlllllnt of te conven tionl, Spaulling of ('h ~o saidkl he was perfectl satisned with the legislation anid .work a eeted1. He a.kied that the league. by the ahnlibshnet of them mals system and the clasmilfcation rule anld by twt payment of P410 to nutelife, has given the players more than they askedl for. carry. ing .ut is to then. that "he mat term refrred to in the Juane conference coald he safely entrustel to the leagr1e for fair settlecnment. In answer to a ques. tion as to what the policy of the keague. woukd he toward the revolting players. 8Sa1uldigl sa kl lo iwone coull speak deikt nitely. hot his kiea was if they prouceded to carry their sclhsl. into operation the league. cllasta wouldl make. every possihle effort to enjoin, tlhe Iplayers froe playing in any other orgaalls.tion. Te league has the opilnion of prnominent lawyers that such injulwnction will holdl. In ease they are not obtainable there will he inothlin left for the league todla hut to expel players who enter into the "tuen upirac7, which,. npreauling sakl. will practically mean their retirement from professional baI*tall should their scheme prove a faillure. Mr. 1Spaumlling very mnurh doblbta that tite players will succeed in effcrting an rrganlisation. alsse in any event, does not thhik a majority of the playe•rs will gi itnto ict. this afternrIcon to meet again to-nmorrsw. Little was csl(e this afte.ralon. Applica t.ons for niemlhenshlip were erreived froln the Detroit aned Syracusme elblsu. Sr. l.nrcs, New. 1. -The St. Louis ba. e hball cranks were up in arma today whem. they he.ard of the desertion of Bronklymi and Cincinnati. Today the son of Press dleut VoinI der Ahe. at tw h. lagevntin of m*ve.ral friendlls. .lleit his father a teIlegrlaml to New York. ergmig himI to fieorm a echli tionu hetween tihe c'lil. that a~r left of tlhe Anewriclat assuciotioue asuil time Brotlw r hodl. BEATEN BY HIGHWAYMEN Augumst Meritsktl blt.bled md Terrisibly *o*amd.led Near Mitwa.akes. MILWAKKaK. Wi.., Nov. 15.-Wblen Aau aunt Moritaki. who owns a tfam in Iw town of (ranville. was dtriving uomt frunm thw city at an early hour yemterday mrorn ilg he was nwet owl the FosIl dui law ruaad .* thmee highwaynnsis. TIh fellows .iased the Ihsrsle and invited Moritski t(o give lip wilat money and valuabl.e' iw nhad on his person. Tlhis he refused to do. O)ie of the·s thean weld the btrse while thw two others ptulled the farnwr from his IaTggy. They Ixlndiled llis tface with stollSu. into anl unrlcftuiilalle* -isIp. uo.ok aKi* his watch and otler valuable... an.I left him lying on the roadl fur deead. After tie highwaymen departed Moritski tuanaged to get into the hbuggy aNI reacth a faumn l)usee. wlhkilh was lnet far dlistant. A plhyiciass was NunIanai(e* froItn tIhe city. who founml Mritaki inl a e's. li tino. R."ideas hbrlii-. allltut thIe Iea;d ha, hald sufferedI itertial iljullrks. This af tersnoon it was txugnlht Ihe waslll dlic. Moritiki say hee will ie shle to., i.leatity lthe three mess if he rn.over'. MS,.rv. of thek Nuslimmal M StIll. 1~'AusulN roN. Nov. 15. -('a;tail Taylor wh-o has Iwew iIs Clargei of the appro)ria. tion for the pIarpose of providintg arns,. etc.. anrd ramnp egsiappage for the lSationtal militia in lain alnnual report llmake a plea for an increase in the appropriation. It was $00,000 in liUJ and uass only hbeen doubled once siln.e for providing for time needs of narly teen times as many ipeo.le as then. (aptain rTaylw reeo.nnsends that it be increased to $1S0O.000 annually. Nebraska and a few otLer states have not made the returns required by law, and Captain Taylor recomenacsds that after Januaro y 1, 1l1m, no issues of stores te nade to ansy state which bas not rtenderedl lq diilPS.. Sedl r (a qrglmaa. LoDootr. Nov. 1L-Annie Reu at, who was a candidate for mnehership in the London school board. lha broulht action for libel against the Rev. Hoskyne, rector at a church in teplmey. who. the plaintiff alleges. at the tinme of the election iusut.d a circular in which he asserted that sh.w regarded clastity as a crimne amd ulnhr- died aensuality as a virtue. Tih can was tried to-day. The Jud unned up sdrog against the plaintil and the Jury ...a. an Wi. a Salat. Nsw YORK, Nov. 15.-I- the apnre.nie court today John H. MingAr Co., of Hel ena, Moat., rlov ered a verdict of $1.7M6 against Au.sei (4orMin. This was the bal ane due with ilaterest on a puerchase by Corbin of live $1.O(x bond.. of Lewis aulll Clarke county, Monatana. at WI per cetl. ('crtin held that the bonll had not h.,nI acunlplianied with lnlvertitieh warramntl ia n.areetl. A counter (clana for St.U w&-& put Iml by (-'orhin. A Wire Traut. NSw Yo:t. Nov. 16.--At mne(tisng ,f the priIiipal finrms eungtge. isn tihe wir.t trade. barlwd anti smooth. in thiw city V4. - terinay. a trust utsalkr the name of thel F"*l 'eral Ste. Contliamnl. was formed with i. capital of ten to tw.lve naillions. Tli.-.e il. it s.n the object is inot to itlcre-al.. prices tut to reduce the cast of produc uoa. PLAYING HIS OLD GAME In. sleas an to l Huh for U. fl..g...b.. 'e..".4 Sm Sa r...S... r"vgS"w by US. WV/b and 4engue. gmSIem. SM Apt. SbS.mpgseeu. wed S. Smm&.d I.. Sm I%. WS.M ms Smnith Im re Wtdl to have tonmmittl.l suile by Jaunmplig frenu the. steaner FPtritan, en scite finr, PFail River. Mawl., ti New Y.rk city. Smnii cut a usrry i g Iar in this city ac nue months ago. and his advernttlrs deringl the past eight rival those of a flash novel. In February Ilit. S.mith. wiho was at raoung the.olagkal gsltuate just maraurd. was installed pa r of the- Pilgrim nal church i ~NuSLh Basson. The Sunday followingl him installation hee smyterlouasly limap. pIaremL His has and chlotes wer. found Stho hank of the river near his bons,. ut the yoaung almutegr had not 4amlit. Ed sui-kle, as his parishioners suppolxw. he came to ('aliforntia, and upon ariving in this city he arcn.. id stplty ment nil the daily tewIpaupors under the namen of J.uhaon. (J.. sLay last May a Mhei..a'-lnlawe who uwwklcs ia thia clty. isaW Jaobaamom oil Iikly fllloweal bite intto a malarni. nruog *alaI rim: assaIl caaUW~l Isir arst on a ebarga. of ismasIty. Aft.r ian.. aight qw.sat lnw thw a~ity painasa. Satlt. shalia Juhnhaaus. La kk. l. An other briwlc2ri,- -;r w vU. T. l'alnphell of las*ton. "alll1 )w·PH to prvahil mn Staiath Storatrns to hlis cahaan~h aII hi% family. Yawalug Sauith rnfiawed to Theta hha ra".epve)al a"aaaarriag le'te·ru as l ifal ei ail Sl a .h.grnmassa f a til. cbu 'sb ak as sa Iuggisag him to r. tcram Uwl laiter bhti.r.o tii ,aall will be liar daIa " order. " Iea ti. asnalsliwhile Smith luIal f..nlr a Illios with a*n.- Neillie (t"arliel.. whel live-. In a cslt a ofll ill lrepate o.n Po..w.ll strest. He IndvinslhW up5s Lac all anlal.lmr sof gifts. dallarwal hie arald nmot live wilullt lli.rr. amln faally arueswmpaaiel hlr l nto blosaaer.y. whert the wemlple Ip ano-l severaIl days at a lat.* surleuauliel Iby every luussary thiat goneuy could huy. Smith said that hb wamatdl bli wife- to knuowe f hi conduct. so that she woubl e omapealled to get a di* ar.en. Tian wife, I.s Rlatn a well as the church deasoani were nua.d aware of him behavikr here. yet they urged hlin restuns. mad he fnaally consented. He slippel away fIron him fair charnsr. and nhtlrlasesl to B~uton,. was we·lanoe by his wife ansdI was received by his chiurr h witl. .pla._ anna. He maskle au makiresas to hi-s -aonk etklling ti.i-r sk*vot.on to hioa ansll Milsdl nasietal xia uauntkIn as the casase o UM ll .strange conduct. The chi cI gItav .- .~,osuth's v, tiao, aidl he went $0 U lit ItI . Mlel ebs o. A ineNatla agn, apparemtly m ietsIl in Iiee~ltla. Pt.4v.-n-1141 %Stmithi i~tunme~eI t4) hie Htck. He haal nrevier fnrowpeii 11* IiSan I"'rutleiiw""º ntl.+tn ·s* . Ir~nwc~v.·r r H(( w·(nt har Ielt" ent eitil%- feutr weerke nw) msHs' ne e""ire4l ii t emll Irtwe ."le.l fnreis the ft've'i'iiwl yesflgtt mnt. Its eiitiiatielmtie itt iemi ElI ler tweiniietis birtlimue. to Satereley lust S imlt , eiti nuele as maiiral vI a(ndt U . ehaulie sºIMmw.&ree fir t se* e5e~uise tigume. t hi Smumelay big i.. usyae wife. wet im rutrutead asiml Is.i *mlhu he I*e;fl iII eemiberte i.ºn. Yestar nuy rutltr ewi aIsmem by telelIrtas5Ll that Smaithi'. elemtlmesee *ii..emy. westehe. assail emibet he~reeemiaslt lme1.lemleine~uelusutl helii fomaitel ui. Ilsi stetenterememi the. Isue tnit iiturlImel uuasl tme wiumeleew *,ºIMii. l~.eiythiimig jmeil I.. ýieiiaiek.. eased Siltitleme friet-meb ini the Fast ;tre .- triuligly hmie eiiljieely e teel. In this c"ity. hemweve'r. it is Ismlievei I tisast Ise Silt sup :1 "jeel" till the mteunarmhsI)* *t nhle anti mehlippetl oft' time semeel . is jt efemm e, MIhe eft 'tie wharf et Fetll HRiver. NIev. Je imenn Smseitb in lIatte up apisear lea Sass hraneleeiwu u Iisutti gIve dieYm. MISS DREXEL'S ENGAGEMENT Tho Kadin.t Ibaeeght.r or the MhSSlemulr. to Marry a Sawyr.. PHollAItIº1.1.HIA. Neov. 15.- Trle euageage Itlent .ºt Miss* F lIZalwYtl. Litieea*t."r Ismael.· tile eldeI..t daulaglmter. ee Ii.. hacte ritYi.m)i A. Dbrexel. t. Wate (.eorg.- Seumitla. ise aim. to-day. Thme brid.gresu~n-.I".et is ablloutluirty-th,.ew yevar.' Cit Iag@. erieI is a w.eIl kneownm Iawyer eof thips ulijr. MI... Direxel. jlo IonelaeilW thme wife- enf it lawyer, fosllows. tht.e xaempule- opt her ye..mmotrr sister. LAHwjie Ieuev I.r. whoe. was. mamarrieui Jauaury 17t elof (Hips year te. Edtwardl %icrr-. an attorney of Phlwlllae phia. Kait serina.- the m gmel elalmagter. ternk tjut white. veil anml be.,.n ,emumee'.rateel to mm»mio'sarnetm wemak in thme (latbolse" e"lmmvlm last we. ia Pittslhrg. Th15w parties' its te esragallg acet have Isv.... a.qwiusl.idiet' uhiarldheaexl their Imeegmee a O rtlo4C8la4 adjuouiniig. ILRtlh aeap feiest Ie-ru of tie-R I.teimasm (l atbuulie e~himre at IEktI.,.,teemc I a 5ijI of thw r"wEldita¶ have ý'et htefl dEderInined t4o). The I rne mislert its twritad jointly the estate of their father. which ii. etinaated In gruu at aohut $1&,OOOtMiO. The estate was w Inveased after his dewath as to not thIet each aboutn immute. 1e. thaer$O0OtO fartune of eacb hlaugh ter descends. othwewise the irinei l gees. to the R.rann Catholic church at the death of the dalughte '. aPtr LUth1am Agsin Ikepse. (:acAoo. Nov. 15. -Lillian Kleasll, lthe well known r.Naie opWra artist. who Cain.e Ih-re with Aronen'.s .rtar cumnnpany, left suddenly this afterloon fwr New York without notice to the Uanarger. Many ru tnors are aloaet. atufln thew one that sthe Ia eloped with a wealthy young New York C. E. Le anard. Lilisan Ruesll's fater. nasd she did not e ck . She had a severe cold lland fllowhw the phylak Ian'_ advice in declinitn to appear on au Ltage. -ie went with hL.r to the* train. It is r- nl4ed Itn thealtrical circlei. lhowever. ar ba ham net to New York city to Ine-t .. I'. Santdfonl. a ymIng cll) ilean. with $100. (IU yearly inej".*W". N Kw YoitK. Nov. 16. -Lillian RussU*I .ºrriva*l ('Lhic'u;gr to-slrijst. Sin. de rices tVaIt sih. 0"ll)41 with SinffcnIrt. aitili -aye etla nIu.rr'ly laid ifl . at few day. to re.t. Ua.ult nt . New l..rk Valla.r. Nr.w ou&LK. N.,v. In. - Ama et.amniuaatiEIt uu the h nkMk.f J. B. ili.&ekh.. I 4inag burifle.' its I3Iac~ki.. & 4.'".. iuwtmure I..&,i..r'. "I. a.w Ii abiaitie.. of $2J.') Ii unth ".nairn:ºI aa,-.'tw ..f about t14. es~l." lagruumt. I{ýrnws4tuhs.' frouma Iiu..tag eney that Nuys.... ('nra.I & ('o.. 4.alegirr inI tlaullntEtK, rtin.. have' uKeigzmn'.I. Ow a m..ult of t'isa.w' l~at.u aan".a. r..Iatiousaa be. twech that firman anadl I3ackhe. & Cu. NATIONAL FARMERS' CONGRESS. Tbsy VWe ame, Re.ea at at. Iatgaral Useame. isa -O~bere saltlnea. MIFowriasav. AMa.. Nov. Ii. Th. na tionsl farmer.' carngv..s adljourncl to-d.3y sand the' eelegagee heft thisn evening for New I rbamus. The new of cevs eve: Praiddenu. 3. P. KaIb. of Alabama t vie. pretident. A. W. Smith. of Kansas; rcia. tar7. 0. P. (llaytan, c·I Iowa; treaUrePr. Won. Lawreroe. oft tbio. Vac-m.rciailcmats were el Ifront arb hiatt. lit' f"ceIIt gre elem seakvl to bohl it tsem suvetimils i Iowa, the day to he. lmccafter alrsgnetl. A cum*nmlttre. warn apgointel to retina at the nest Hwrting ucaggrutloum for a Natimaal borwer. A rewuolutann to r-e sm)ve the tae mamt halasac eanal one t.lcklar Fug that tgive, ge 'v."rc nmma alie nut nace thes monny ralsedbp Internal revenue taxation andl tamat tae reumsgne faror thet rverpeal of the iutrnal revenue laws. asne that the tacee rhamteel trawu whiskey aund tabaee' hi. r~eeatedl te the dliteremt ata.. to re'iwv.' thera of beat tactaton. war taken up. and the eelvereau report. ccuarrede in. A renc" lutinu war olffrqe Iy Mr. Tabor. of l4o4ca. ratio. asking the coamgrue, to m-hect (lhi cago a. the heat polnat for the Icatioun of the workldm fair in I*12. Mr. Kelly. "d Kanaasa. ..endrec ans anaemschmuemst astiruk g out (Cicago amd i n.rtimg St. Lucats. Aite amsaemadssw t was lieat. lime qml tima ciensis g up on locutmsag the fair at ('hleeago. the. vcet. MAuN L61 aye"., 3 mays. A reu"selusbah faevrinmg the umslimsiteeI ceasuseg." of silve~r u,.et withs an advirr.. reHt andc w.eue imamselctmitey Mrmrtpc)fll. A relsalcuias was mummss mnoeecly saad eteil favorang a clv. saelasseu feet thme hmsapr".eveass cm of the. Miusiualpai rive'r and healctiusg a slmip carnal tl1mmscea~ i"ceemmmeatimsg the. Mass riasisahetl rive~r simnil Lake. %Iiehmmrsem ; :mna r..cwmausae'mmlzmg thiat U.e. tmmiteI Siaha scems gre. msnake a liberal appreapriasticsm Olrna oew. Scre."tary Noah andc uteti~ethriams Ihcge. of thie csaasrtmemt of agrirmalteare uuatuinshcusy elelcteej Isetswaeel~ry mus '11wao msierity rvt.oluml& u no lIme. tariff yuaertirlly tlur( rll last night state" muull'. mstantlally tlinim whil1e, the .rln.. m aims. tains the {*alicmy of proter~thy.. tariff. we dtinail that all fart" Ivr1ilmwtm Ihe us fully *m"..te-t-.iel as. lb nt.wt favone d f tie. oIwIa ufacttiareq itllumtrle... that while tariff garuteets in4Jp.rtationsam of f..reiln earp,..t. I tltk*tl art l1lt.. 11. hC. ,{sten . tooao tall insb .mmiucmat."elwe an l equallyfpall asmld wool of *every kimu which ear.lw uswd'r *woa".i"ioua, IM mattltlen tly iwwloduc at fairly renmuneerativ.' prlce to suapply all Anermicam want... That ifb 141 tH I., lm this extett (I~e dniiedsl. we calluponthe farner. eat lie. t~smltedl Slate. to assert their power at the ballot boa mad otherwise. to mlght tlhe wroumg amid in lulltk of (lmu'rriinalteeat utmiolst tlwmen. The re. lutions declare the farnenme of the Lt'uIal SCtaes art" mout calmle upotn lto si{. port t1e iuetnlnatluet of any rtanl for pre"..i detit. senaaIoir or mnpresnlative who will am* to lis utftt ability amnd aid in carry The aiv rretawtwn adnp sm eb: That we favor conmnwn'al treaty whil will dliweriemijnate Ina favow of Uatiun. whirel a.' sI'mt a slver am a eHgal t.',ule-r of snuner. am well as gold. andi aguiaist atbat which have. il.'an.34a4'tiu.l silver. THE PRE EMPTiON LAW REPEALED A New P.t.t RaIned Nea vadlm the MIet. .f M..t~leS.n lb. ter ew altd... IIIMMlAHA K, N. I).. New. 16. The leasint war infuwcaially raiw.eI tn-lay ley V. e. Ihaciley ºf1 t11e legal tdlewritis'Ii of tle. Nawtlwrn J'awatitll railway, ina the. ismitul State. lanad 4)Mt44. thsat the earsw. ,aaiass law lean I.-vu et r1seialel toy I,.. maat of .lss gee..'rviding Iwfls r hae nalsaiuwion o)f the 114W ntiteb. It hurk.r an if it wa. isatessl.. to mr.ilbal tler .,iglatla m.etiloin of thIe. et 6)1 1941, b ter the. *eIleaieUel of SMAII)h emery.'r of 1N5liE landl to the" n..w matat... fer lUhllk lsit'inve~taaensstp. least timed te·t issewlsgksu sacnt only the refsaeal of that $eertielos. 1161 thea, whoale law. The latail depiirtssacit lean l~eu hadi t. attentio.n 4+ll 1.41 to it yet. heot It I.. rertais. that Il entrw,,ciiiai.'lc Will IN .afle*il 511)'65 for t&es *1)151S4)55. £13563 if thin eegºilma*.a ib aelver·a. tie." qse.etiots will I.' earriael 11116 the. llelfrtl. ries- sul.'.al refrreel to le") el-eimelel a very I large Iblmlnnlr of casen where, the. Nowrthearc Pell railway i4145111B51 i's a party. If the law Is. sepealati all lw.--5I4)a'tnp Hlin." where' Huais proo, f ha. le6)1 imsf ulsae.r are tk~ta'ate. Thin naraurrurrily Involvevrse () right.. euf tvevey pn"rI-(slhetlor wlho heas e 6,1 *mre~vr~el opi its ties- fosur state.. SHOT BY AN ENRAGEO WOMAN A to. Kmenmig saee.s to AIleged WrnesNg tiem, by eeretarly Mrtld*.. BAI.TIaxemr. AId.. Nov. 1. Stevena (). lrsegie. tlwe se*ti.ary oif a railway coen paey ile thin c'ity, was mlant Su(n after dark Ilaset evenling by Alssli. Korelig. a yllnat lady friend. Acrcmrding to Il. story of the girl, who wusarreuteel. Bridge abused her oneiflletewe iand uLseqaieintly deserted her. Sthe also charged that with the ros sent of Bridge Dr. Fille of the police de partrelll-t had roeunasitted malpractkce up on her. This evenigL she snet Brklge aon nast Baltimore street. anid advised hbln to leave town. otherwise she would ecpose hima. She says Bridge retorted that if she carried out her threats he would nake short work of her. This answer so enrangewl her that, without mayinganubter word. she drew a revolver and shot him thre. tiaes. each tall talolin effect in the neek. The shunting eaused a tremendolus wsnsiation, the streets being crowded with people on their way to church. Bridtlge. wh a luha alwars lhorue a good rsputatilw,. is badly hlart. He tliessie the charge uaud by the girl, as does also Dr. Pile whi hus tiest arrested on the stresagth oh the grl's satesneat. - - THE KNIGHTS AND THE FARMERS. feLwderl Warn isthem I. Ve m a 0Ge ATLANTA. Gm., NoV. 15.-Thn e nights of Lahiw eZtfIultte CCon lautd ntw itrwtits W p..rt im.,smcdliate ly After 11w e~au vtlatk,.n was Balled to~ atnrle andi cwjntjmaueij until the ho or arr veil when the rcnaiwuuittee of the P arna rtAltec was to 1w' r c~iveii. Thriy iaBxIiartdl. Ineaieti by Presidcnt Liv inmt..toma. who wetSa he felt sure that wheni tt,." .e amatuitte" Slatut. at St. LeuLs ILeeemma helr 3 I, 11h t(onfirlact Iri. 'm wieslel h1 ftwuaei d anai lie eqtaally hewsuia"euat to both e'rdeler.I Ku. I',wderly'is n ply. hie timamiked G..d foI the tshy. aistl sait tihe. 1 my rwiet time farml., and suet temenk eitMlti statmdl stti iiy sikk andst woerk fur the wneise ."hi ect hiul always iMMcut the dreamt sof Iisit life. The entire' *ue'etilmg was mool emmtlhuseitestw. Every usaaniome of coafttelretiots was met with thunadering applaeuse. DOWN WITHTHE EMPIRE Iltutlhe by d it w idift i Ir THE ARMY TAKES PART TI. N Sm.eS., N War .p/MuS. I K S--ý Mr W111 M OI,.Sy A~I.S bp tM MaS1º..- Nlmt. Um a.U fN+M ,1wsN slps NKW YbwuII. SNo. 1.-A pelval eabI. tramn m.*ived this evening dasd RN Janeiro mays: A rrrolution bas brohmw out her.. The Brauilian trmops nre i enotrul. The einistry bas reolguseL Th2 nrolatdioln is for the purpose -.1 g republic. Me...,. Hard A Rand received tbe fall lowing front Rio Janeiro: A rmvehstamk has eroken onut here. The Bnamilian aar is in contrnl. Time minmistry baa r.Ign. ant one mlsijuite hba hewn sbot. The asr Icutpt I. made to establish a mrutdfr. Ibispatebe. were also by Ar buckle" Bti... and Joseph J. D aunhue i 2.emns. Tm. dLspatcar hes were received juslt eftr the etaºfre cmeange clredI few the. .liy. The r eports caan. like a clap at thtLanmsur to the tofef'dekr q themaylhsu tm 1.icty. wlwh were maud. acqualamri ten. ut-night, and are likely tcar rioum'. trimble on therr banhn While 4k-aleie generwaill poke Isa hnju.hetu .tr.ima ilweywuIaitud signs of ur ..ainwsss. Willianm H. 4inmanan of Cro numin linen. whoe had received no dltpatebo hbut hiul cetrreemtwk·,ndr from Brash at a very rewea'ht lat. which gave ino hit of even) auitiiliat il trouble in the nuiaWy, amid: "I tie report is true rale. Is like to advaa-rw to a bitherto unheard of iguare.. ast whie quiet ln again restored cit lineval e-ar n nlsus mehipuiwstm arm likely tern csauw a panale." The hiorkading of llrasllla ports attenelitag a revolutio La that country will meault in the cutting off of naorn thanI tUiee-fmurtha of the entire india rubber suul of this mmii.. IANio'4, Nov. lb.--Ulirupab. frau m i Jau.4in. I*wlerrirsflg time rftolutivubal o. we.ak. aawcrt that the luamrncmat in hfan of a rrpuhlie~ah forn of goveromw t bee r.nrltly flown stronugly fomented and b thr id IO eamlle of the uprising. up to tbs preI.ial hoIur. however. their I. WU Its fwnuraatln of a tangible cbarmgter. Latest ulIrpauCam from Rio Jamlro full coonlln the Crcvlous reports o the rfwd IlStiat. 11w rcvolutiaalmta aima at the overtbrow of the goenhanauent sad to pro elaimu a repulic. Tb. smy supports the DIe Yonsaca and Benjansin ('am~mat Amonag the. dl..patbee relre d, but mut yet otltbially caulnflflgr is awe .mtian that Baron L~uha ii.. minilter of Maine bar hsoes killed. WA'4nIxearUt. Nov. Ii. -The Hraslia miaiater r uileU thin evening that he had w. ecirved lots lemfoewatlon from his gaer ,,elmet in retagrnl to the repeuued revolution in lrasil. east hr haid fIroa a third part' fold imatclliy iee ef thee same pearpo wt that cu eaitaitw l i a eabfrwamn to New Yoek. The nalgaister said that sian. be left Rtaail. Jualy t:, hail heard conadnremble alualat the- great strength of the repab. licsasa tarty in Braiil. hut In his opinlos lit atremauth was everrated in this country. He srid not think It at all pr.obabl that the mltuation hall takes, tit. turn inadicatal b the ealdegram. Thre. umight have bee. satle neiissnterlal troubhle which bad liveem rise ls Its. re.neirts of a reeuliutiun rr S.s ecr nr)r. 0 v- -rv.......f A '.w esponmadnt called oa the mtaiaete agafins at esmidnight with the repior tha lshe Urasihiatm nminilmtvr tif marine bad buss killed4 its 18w revolt. The siniiser retasusd to eliLev. it. He .aid the republic.. surray. to whckh the revolt I. a.evibsd, euruhl not knave gvuwn no l.&rg as ts bring ahotat a r. visit. At the last ekctiou not a minaggle man·amawr of that pamut was caaue on the first halki, and om the smecotl otly two or these woe elected truam a mingle Prowince. That e lection wasp .ntirely free and open. The rev.ulution. he asageS ouW noG have oMimarre4irl t so fnre a c.uimtrry as HaaM withnout monnee wareniang. There I. niothinag Inn tne last papers received which give any gntigmtation of what Is reported to have cs. cunrveu lnid thnere is no reamn why the revtulutiusn mlnuueth have taken place. Henanl is a free country and tlwee in a perfect guarantee of tie rights of everybody in their psrmms andl property. A revolutiumn against a gov ermanment ma free as Braail. meesus mabuuard that the muinisber canuot believe it. suau 1ms Sur UIsWWr C&IYIu' DOIWYW 31. Baron Ladma Rio. rbn saIukar r prrSi killed. ins wri known ia sb. Unl d Meas.., be having been mens been 3 0yas ago W the rnaillan government fb rh p- a of reivolvng In stucNwo in the Umissi King.. navv. Nsw Yowz, Nov. lb.-Tb. papse fis Guatceumala tells of the hommoatg do wnfall of the ritoms omts'up. whis was. IIMJWbS at the tint. maighewpai ikae revolutionl. Three leaders or Tb. others .ul vedsd... All I. mow g aar,t.ea. MsetaS Trip. BALutmu, Nov. i--Tb. &ein r praeklent will retum torrasew to Wam in gueu frntu BeanIe'. Point. UM county. Md, where be bas os bunting. He bas been bhal.. si a . A St g.I rmaIGm ST. PWTrhSMM:IK, Nov. 1&-GrImm D.lw N kht)Ias igul aering fe.rn easelr and uladernii'n a surgical operaUa he ab bb. itIluwtion of a afnul. Int the t rS*. A Prl.e to Mabroa Cweerd. Paunba! Nov. 1b.--Tb. Vmacb aed =W ha.r *ward.l H gwria. to IMarIon Carshuid, I the a~iboi,.w. Nepfal Bireh1. Lisbon.a LasmoN. Nov. 1L--Tb. queen save bIHI to a son to-clay. Both niorthr ia ehili are slinhg well. - six VeU.rhe tUisttd. VIKIaNA, Nov. IL-By the fell of ra ryI ats Oklobujahsa -6 pe ots eem killed and ma, h r