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TURF GOOIP. ha.~ls Ih h.ti ..r.w .' Dhws~ iu.Us4 ý/t.k Yw .ww gtal~.e . his a..n. ha. a. masm e urrgminL wiN w.e - Y m y a h ., M d. ý Lhlmbm too mm.bwým a emK of hia mmd IN pnf wr. le tl~arat . d.puhm~lass week nur 9 to Jeehvilu whom e hua m{Iw ..w a fur sot e tite. 1'h. sbIIe w s sndI. doisg mslml bl, ml and1. ln 'bared Jim Thommoue go the seuod rwmewr who was w lopg with Ro w , and who will loak oite Catheb.. Ln Allru'n abrdnnm. Mr. Hamgmas stable asu retretd into ra r quar m stable would have ruln a Ludes had the meetin not been ahando.. L That haviung been dcos, thsbr was left the stable hut to stirs. It bus had a verr good umuor., alvatr having taken all the nsae pIuma In she way ofr . k stakes, a th Olnalbmah amnd i.mensi has woe the m's shame of the all-aeed events. FPesso was S ellu, and so weru the $-year-old. Mr. L MIn of Owen Mtoud, c('mra - da. Hall weea teal to Leann , hue by Mettuhh Chl beodmbre hlr stwng. darn Pistol. is The Nabobs In teal to (eesa Wave; browwn Iý ho Se Bi y, dnm Ora. twtenfudsgatr 31 dama I·alkweeu ba 3t11 ('pr de dar Zooutoy bltwt tP i. da l and bay H tho~l. old read14 I ýdarn d ada m llgbthona. Mr. Plean Loriard bar hlardl Id & .1 of Tom ('sano , b . bay bhrse - Prine_, fared 111 b Albwer Vi. ., dras HeslI t, Hom erm it; tdda afe deo r 1ayrL K am d'Amon Wi~lld Darrell. Heuwas quite " lain _As a two-yeaa.ok he air (lake Plats and Rra lPlatm. At thr e be started In three races, withou winning. After four he started six times, wianlag onee. At five e taU.ed eleven tines, winnain twice-the royal plate at aindown, aTnd divided the Lnecashire plate with Kimabolton. At si years old he started eight times, and won twice-the Lewes handicap and the Camlhridgesb.e, with 1 lbs. At seven year old he started thrse time. and won once-the Portland stakes, one mile. at Doncaster. Albert Victorhis si, ran secomnd to Pavoniusa in the derb of 171, and was a brother to George rder..k b Marmnysr dam Prirnce, m W alet. 'r el dwell. The )verland Park asroliatlon, of Ien ver Col., announce its dates for the in¢ wmneein of 18i. which will be on ayt a to June 7. In a circular the man ageament state: "It will be the first great racing event of the season in the western states and the mnanager have determrlned to spare no pains or expense to snake it one of the best and .uest interesting. They have coneluded to largely lncrease the value of stakes and purse. aotered for running. trottitn and -Ia*ins, and in the mramume to he ilnsed about Jasluary 1. wilI esdeavor to arrange races ad classes to suit such stables and owners are ex peted to attend the meeting. The value of such pures anld stake. will not bi leas than $.,taUI, with forr or more races each A... n. McMillan haa rocecatl reei.cived a let ter from Cope Stmlsson, who is still at Laz Inglom. Ky.. n which he ' a r that he Iha put tips on the fat colt Governor Stan ford, and that be has driven him with them on quarters in 83. seconds. He also says that the four-year-old colt Marvinecr. b Electionrer. dam hr A. W. Richmonad, 9d dam hb iBaki Chief, . equally faist. swimealag 1s Clasmupss. Alittle roup of men in the Hoffman bouae barenuen were discussing the threatened advance in the price of cham pagne, uays the New York .hIs, when one of them, an, ex-.sun Franluiraue. who spent a good many years on the Pacifle coast, said: "When Slnator Sharonsl* daughter Flora was married to Sir Thonas He kette ten years ago the scenes in their country house at Belmont. where the wed ding took place. would have nade the etye of the people who think an increa*s of 50 cents a bottle will affect the sale of champagne pop out of their heads. To say thlat ehalnlagne flowed like water would he as week as it would he conven tional. There was a tidal wave of it. lome of the young men had doerns of bottles carried into an empty roo n and there they played ninepins with themn until the loor was so covere with broken -sia and sloppy with champagne that "'And theen there i, Billy Boytdwhoi made nobody has ever founmd out how nuch -mliny in his fraudulent (hinese (*erti-fl cate ssiii.s. 1'one of his doinlg sur prised even tile champanliae blae circles of the Pacifc coust. For reveral months during his kkddly career, when he hlad mgroe money than le COuldl use lnt any any other way. lhe tridal daily champagsn e htith. It was.lm't lan ecn.oIniocal INpmlge llath frotl a quart of liqulid la at wash bowl either. His valet IIlled at blth-tub balf-lull of tlle sprkling stuff, and the festive Billy. who thoulght nothigll was too •m1 fltr hmins. julmlped in anl. kicked about i t as if it hald btween s nmuch crlrton." Am Observing Pruehtealm. "It's no wonder that robbers go out to rob." obmerved a tramp the other day to a New York han man, am he (the tramnp) mat on a malt barrel in front of a grocery on West street. "Any man with an ounce of brains can make a sure thing of it." "Please explaln." "Why it's this way: While I never stole a cent's worth in all my life. I've been tempted a thousand times. Let me irve you the lay of the average farm house. There is always 50 cents on the kitchen clock shelf to buy notions of the peddler. If the farmer is working his silver watch an6s on • nai ku to the rist oa the ._-elf. «In th 6ed Ju& o d e the n sttinr room ou'l find all the welryl. t's h e n the left-band oearner of the bottom heneasu4rawer." "You never mind. Th deeds and other papers are in a tin box under the bed. If there's any sum of money above 610 in the house it's in a bmkisa-powder can on the top shelf of the pantry. No farmer goes to bed with over P oren in his pocket. He lays hbi pants on a chair at the foot of the bed tad they can always he reached from the window. The key to to the barn hangs on a nail over the kitchen sink, uand the lantern always hangs in the cellar-waY." "You are a close observer, my friend." "Well, perhaps. but no more than the west of the boys. I can go through the average farm Iouse at alidllight and never touch a chair nor squeak a door. and Ill find thigust Just where I have told you they were kept." J. J. JACOBS, a~m Gou.h"ai Womwb sow ft Amason" of MNTA NA LO] "ERY I brss ownSI Pai be i had am ,bk awssAs =V .b. left.bwm t ~. hois Nesur momk~ wo Rawl. "darda 4001. 0 - .K ACI)U. Mosimpff. TM MC NTANA, Anaconda, Montana. OPENED JULY 1. 1559. t).. of th.: ~mism~w md amm wh.laMy aP. pslmtud AMim Is in VA.led rl-le ThatI)y bell.. Are mam.In ruml _ wolh. beIb. k.m bWa.4s. Dbms us mle esi .l. ahelm m muskw elgUWy ra . ..l a C%"m hum $3.50 per Day Upwards. mrortnh to Es. mA sehmsMs of roms. /)R.. HAKEAUGH. Meammar. TIHE CHICAi G MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Is lthe ast Mail Short Line from St. Paul and Minneapolis via La Crus.e and MIl waukee to ('Chago and all points in the Eastern ttes and Can(ada. It is the only line under ctte management between 1It. Paul and Chicago. and Is the Finest Equipped Railway lb the Northlwest. It Is the only line running Pullman DIrawing Room NSleeping Cars with luxurious snmok ing o -nm~. and the finest dining cars in the. world, via tile famous "'River Bank Rotte." along the shores of Lake Pepin and the beautiful M~iwisesppi River to Milwaukee and Chicago. Its trainsr con nect with those of the Northern lines in the Grand Union Depot at St. Paul. No change of cars of any claus between St. Paul and Chicago. For through tickets, titme tables, and full informatlon apply to any coupon ticket agent in the North w4lt|, INE]RS, ATTENTION! EXTHA I DRS. LIEBIG & CO. rrtrmaaely lortaed in BUTTE CITY A.+otthmat Corner of Maa aind Broadway. Private Eutrawce at s Broadway. LIEMIG WORLD DISPENSARY AND INTKINATIONAL Medical and Surgical Institute. I Kanams Cit Mo. ^T. an Franytaco, Cal Dr. I.iebig .o. are regular grnuuate in med trine and surgery and spennal pratitlumers asu thorizrd by t1e states of Mismouri, Canliornia and Mte NTAN A, to treat all (hrule.Nervous and Pr vate daesalws. (whether caused by imprudence. Eai4ss, or (Conag oon, temlual Woesua (night lomes), tezu. )ebiWlity, tloes of sezx Powwer). Ne-rvous i)elWty, (m of nerve force), 'ees of the blood, (Itypb~tl o ( orr. .ra, tblet and ttreture) Cured. ae Steed witrh life membershIp. Charges low. gclr y pr amred Ifo ech cam., at L ý . o laine Jurs or pulsonous eompouads No tmlrs leat ~ m ammess. Patients at a di. taNe treated by Iete and epes. Medicine meat ev e from eor Nervous system , as as e and Graia i ,d Wrddle ~r. wflkraad ieoda Do aml tuea C~as &P;U~i;ijq'4i;bia ey. ~Ss~~d:;(~e~:s, 13dmlrb~ anl lur* 1risTWes omes a mpmeaaasy. deparaa. pamr ta. mkg a Npeelallyy af Irirat. birualm. AL bluood dleraem mae.tully treated. 14vyph. litim Pumus removed from tbhe svysem Wit s mecrtu~r New Undorative Treatment for Ioss WPPow. Perus unable to visit us may be treated at bore by. n. AU caSS m mieat*auInam ent inL or Inmnrr flm~sssnt17y mall or exrs scrl 1inekt.d (atlt am or w prf erre d' I'an ant n ·u* . rse hsoyof your eame, and we will mend in plain wrapper ounr book Free irucana wlhy thobuands anant be cured of 'rivzstý. (leclal and Nervouus I)iaream. Membud WeakL ness. itpecrmmorrb'ea. Impte . Syplaills. :.uU orrhea. tllert. Varieuele. etc. A-. Dr. U.ebisc A Co. are the onjy Qalilled or rr. pnonsible WlcWUuta kiet in lmonana since the oflie hours from to h and? top .I.; or by appuintimnt in ho-aore anl urmenu case@. CONSIULTATi ON vMK K. ýý eito n M uLta CM. Mrntana. JELL, HILL & THERRIEN, Contractors and Builders. Estimates Furnished on all Classes of Work. Some of the Finest Buildings in Helena and Anaconda Have Been Built by this Firm. i . *s rShs I. V. 1rtMs dw b n rwilU marl" premg "mesams. JELL, HILL & THERREIN. AWACONDA, .- -. MONTANA. I. F. KI R YB, em. r.. Announces the arrival of Two Car loads of Heatirg and GoQk Stoves FOR WOOD AND COAL. Come and see the Handsomest Line of Stoves ever shown in this market. Don't forget to come. MAIN ST., - - - - ANACONDA. B. F. MAHAN, R8 L eST-rA 7JI I N I NO B RO C OR. LAnd ( IIc4hag Agent. Fia 8 08... X.., Maim. - . A.e..d.. Most. ANAC(ONDA BRE WING COMIPANVY of KEG AMND BOTTLED BEER. UTEIGKU £ PAUL. Propr4.tam. Dhewery at West fled Fourth Stt,.et. ==R I< F--S OR RINICONDR BEER _ 41ReC-L ESTATE FOR SALi4 NICHOLS, HELEHAN & CO., 62 East Broadway. Butte. Montana. A ew 4r rom house mad *t r W. P. P.depot A hargal Ina a bulkliag It $AS. tin fA barter sb in a giutd bratUs with .me Two chotee eoIttags homen l Moulth 1Iutte, mS year. rase at SA per i ontli. Som. nod . Two raLer o rl... o toloarado street, sI.a ad A two aory Ihous of iL roam.. hairnld 01.jia 1Ia we Iun he taý citym eat. and kt. A Uroum brick. oeotrally raeted. 02.7T. Two ak.. houses and at .iots fz , . each rs ae An a-roma., two tory brick. well itrd and Arlanna treet. at a bargain. iarge lut .M..aim. MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. I)IVII.K.I No). 4 is aTI(a'a In Ioon, a Riven that at a eetnttof he oad of Trus- *7N tees of thL (irntr d'Aene KISilver-II aMImi. ('umualay. held on thil1 tny at the office of saki omayN.' West Iruadway. lult. Non taa.dividend Nfl. 4 wasn declared of Itatr 4tm Brtis a share Upon ZS.Uo shares of the capital sltck of said Postalme. mau the sawn uf $tý,ooO payable on the 2M3L of NoSvetnmer A. I). osen by Joseph V. iwuug.irwsarer of aul culumany'. at the bank lng Iammue of huagce. Itrown Ire & o.. htlt. Montana. And the transfer lwtwks of sMid cumpany will close sn the '*th Iday of November, tote, and will reopen on the dlsk thereof. By order of the Hoard of Trustees. .1. K. ('E.AtK. President. ('HAKI.S~ M. WAHRREN. Newretary. tnted November lut. lIo. LAND WIIICK AT IIKl.KwA. ME 1W.. º (k..1. 1MW. 1 Notice Is hereby gives thaUt w foflo*lmC. nased sittler has Ied a.4iee of his 1n14indoh i. make fnal proof In sucgw..wt f lisL cdali., aal that Mid proof will be made Iwlern. the clerk of the dItrkt court of Ieer Irulg c ohn. lMont.. at Iker loldge * iut.. oi Nov. vi INutI, viL: Iiardner hooud ouaem ptkua Is.. Not. 9,.Xfl. for the nwlt uIs are. Ip. r. is, r. 1 w. Ile muiMuh the fuluwiwug witanesms S. ºImpo his eiithII ihWsi res*dcene upon, and cultLvation of, suai. lanal. viz.:.lacob ltuekeyy.llurton Vmuceuat. ('hares It. Jones and Alberto Mtcveus. till of Anau sadla. N. W. LANS(;ltaSir Iteli*slr. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. By order of tin" ithy t'aNili mt ib" of Ihe aiyof Au. aeoawla I "crc will bIe Mud at put1.1. tam tise Iti- ºiet eMl beiit ºlalatler for vamai. * tuu in .o 1MW)Pi 4'l Iiiil.Is of mliii city. iii aiennitntiattiuiii of &IdN' *nal .1tq.1 in front i 1o .I te r uP t Ntidmnai IaIah, bulalldini in Anaaiaan. onº WN .lncaulany. th dlls nit*) anof velr A I). lIon,º at the houinr of 2 ic. ie1k 11. M. naiui I w.r. aunthori,,.t by a vote gn the quailifed elalcOrs lIt slaii city at a Ceneral " Iectli.u held few said purpoueHm She atht day ci (hktober, 11p. IMa.l IiwNt4 mire iwaiiel for mewerage purpymnui. are rd.'s tnatne in Itn anl payable In twenty years. They bear Intere·t at 8 p r cent 5ier anrnu. p ayabCle ueuII-annhaily 'in the rut Jat nary and July at AunaaIiala or In Ncw York city. Tl¶ can, not he mtl fir Was than par. J It. I tM AN.ityt ('erk. SAM PRAMENKO, -DRALEM IX Fresh Game, Osten and Fish, Liquors. Cagers. Candies. Nuts and Fruits. Butter. Fresh Eggs. and COVNTRY * lRODr Cm -A ar SPU3er fast !ret mtes taess.nede. Mont. BIELENBERG & CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers -In Beef, luttofi and Pork, "(Catch On!" Nut Ikc 4I Ianage of Cars Ifr HELENA & BUTFE TO CHICAGO V IA CHIcCAG;O & NORTHWIESTEiRN AND UNION PACIFIC RAILWAYS. The C. ! N. W. alwm Mdakc.. IrLret Ituu IIcpn at Ihravcr with 'U. P. & I). : - R G. 7'V u is Aid Nun. Through Vestibuled Dining Car Trains TII ('lifi'Aala V.1T11411F ('IgAN4(I:. M%1any lsuuira MIIISNl. uaI th. 4 .l > E.lnr A'.oLdhag Trsstll.arl.msm. :usm .I ,naz I I.I.ym at fE)KNH II AND 4111 V'l11. ItE.t*PYF It is r ugaated t,)' KIby .:rrtIs.y as th e 4II aRT 1.Ih:* " ruit. the. ands N.,,thwr..w To Chicago and AU Points East. Fulrther inI.rtntnall fmrnslhed b.y t.nlu. I'm &tll. rk~krt Agetsu at IHe.vUa and ItutLc FRED GREENE. 0. P. A.. Silt Lake City. Utah. FAIR DMALIM ,RAIIONABL PRICMI J. P. DUNN,. -D AS. I, CHOICE GROCERIES. HAY. GRAIN -ANM Produce of all Kinds. VnIAST ST. ANACONDA. MONT. .46mnD ,oo cL COITUsI3 rMr.lT -W-r" GEORGE W. AVERILL SURGEON DENTIST, Butte. Montana. F In.'ut P" an - Iarv-t IN.ntal (,me.. in m:,, .tay. Ihw, all th* I.ot uot al.c tl lifl." Iin ,il..lrn t.fl14tr)y. l.e,.r~ num growns *rn r".w%. 1. *I* a .s, g...L.1 lr.alý."wurak. tui ¢ asm41 gamniusmn ;.."tr4 dina in tIhe mirhlast ºty uf the art. All Teeth Extracted Absolutely Without Pain when Desired. Pdlrn and Ofcss ver 3ygu' Min. First Street, Jiear 4ain, - Araconda.. DRUGS, FANCY GOODS, ETC. Particular Attention Given to Pre scriptions. •-THE**-o ANACONDA STANDARD SUBSCRIBE FOR IT NOW I IT IS THE LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER IN MONTANA. T 7/:ZIE L)AI.Y STANDARD has the most complete news service in the North west. In addition to the regular Associated Press dispatches it has a special wire- ex pressly to cover the ¢general news from every quarter of the State. The STANDARDW ill Ze to its readers every day all the news relating to politics or to the business and social life of the day. Try the SrTA.VARD for the cantpaigU. You can get it for one do//lar a month. £LWATS DRINK WITH IOU WALTlR I/i0 I n won a..mct t tmf Inluenee .+tca en om th tsema . The bama ew~SN d IA t WVIYTCbI. FLCTCNEU ~CO.. CUSISMIMATU. 0. For o JOHN V. PETRITZ, Agent, Anaconda, Mont. SJ. L. H.- ,J-I JLTO N. W ho en and retail is Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provision. Good goods and low price. *wPC"IRL. .rMTNTION TO P~R i IL.Y TRM.ID hMai Strmt. Amacoeda, - - - -* OppeSt Op.SS Nm