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LTE EWS FROM BUTTE ownr r fL, QO llý M M im ~_ AM, ---t-, wM Ap st S Mkrrr rlw M ta skf L~rc)· wb w~m 'S h Sblhwgm meIm I.rram, Neo. IL.-Th.e are evewml "In the Sre plhe we eed as amuluesse oumrt satmrrny. Thuew is sntirly te mseh hushres for one mtua tI handle It all. The onunty attorne, Is often coan -"lled by foeeo oa e.,uestancesm to ter- oa the tion of asn impormtant ease whl any preparation. Thure are eases in point almost every day Is the pollee court. Only yesterday Mush Yeager and savage, . ase that the pollee were so confident of beilg guilty of steal lg ag dianusld pin thal they sent to Hel eas aft tlMen. were disnIluamdl bieaaaue there. was nt evklenrs elnougel twought out to convict thenm. Time fact is ti( Iu,m qUoeting attorney had not eLard a word asbut the case, and didl lot know ) wlha evidence • was to he brought out whn tle trial began. Heu eualied one witsees asad aLothe partly, aL.d Ithae called In sanother attorney to finish the) case, as the counlty aUtorny lhad lnport ant blusiness at tlUe ermi ihouse. The new art arney knew less about the cast the l. hal predecessor, hbecause he had eot lIeard paU evidelse givens by thel first witness. It was no surprise, tlhrlefore. that the p rem cutingl utterly failed. Why, tltwre are - o aujeja uassayug qu&, worIU o stolen property on teier per 5on 0 adI these snot being rco(vikted. These cases happen every day. There are men discharaed from the police court every day whio are as guilty as a oyh.dy. i the penitentiary. sand they are dimchargeti simply bhcausae of a weak proeecultion). By a weak prosecutlion I do nlot inltimate that the pros.cutiiag attorney is naot as h and compete at as lawyer as there it a towan. He is a itrst-claes nman. Bat has so mauch to do, so nanny lif taeent cases to look after, tlet it is ntterly imposlible for lhin to do juhsti. to all of them. An alsistaiat could take halt his work of hib hanwls caid the work would all be hotter done. The eases could theas he kloked uip with the. same eare and attenationa that the deferdl isaw attorneys use. The coulsaty might rather pay for an assistlast thanit pay the eapeases of sending to Helena altl other plaes after prisoners and theta fall to eonavict thlen. Wihen the district court gets fairly to work. tinh county attoruaey will have otnre thaa i l c i llattend to lup thern, to say n(uttaina of n.ew work that comes up ina the p. liee co.rt .vuory daity. is aInother hli tla ()tat lai(In have utWle workinir for ai year to brilig aloutl. blt tihus. far without saie".v. Masay Aj .s.'c of proa4tituttion ila ~lltt.. oa)riatt to "ay a large sam.i llti) time (city treaIaxtry. 'Tae .rnlublilag bhloa.*.a ar ta.xcaed nduli ti.e saliooas arc* taxeal ; naiumaIhers of athmer kindsl, of busineasa air.- tnaxcai. I1But this class of bhtt.jine-sn pays il thiia atly. I'ltey ar." ta.zul o,'a" way or anuathlaer int othter citicea. Ihtt htea tlhey are exehtllapt. Tha. revealue derived f..ll tihanen wouii IE.. a mnaaterial lifting of Itax*.' fro)ll otlaer IM. ple, sand it would he prosIer. ,iaee tthey are a ls neach thiue n.aasiK'li of tihe erinle asIl pwverty whkah mlake thae taxes so hiighi, as are the esalonois a.d gamblitsg pliaces. )·IPl.-.. esuanma Waxs uwum asl. *1 would also like to lhave it explained why the laousea of grostituticus are not limited to the area dtk.erilwd ins the city eldlmances. By these ordlillanlces they are lianlsed to certain laUts of certain streets. Blst three-fourath of thle places are out lide of the limits. "I wish that a city ordllnance might te passed to comtuwl the erection of a brick chimney on every buildn Ihn uhe city, whether It he a block or a hovel. That would lemon destruction by fIre more thaus would any alarm systel. in ex late nce. "I would mildly msulort that the streets of Butte are litteredl up and ohstre.sted more than the streets of any other city in ihe world. If I dared I would Ilke alsso to esmord my kick against the fee system." TOWN TOPICS IN BUTTE. we New D.e" e1wnts In the Dletrl-t Coert All Sllsy e Yt.erly. I Burrg. Nov. 1.--Thenr was no excite amet attendant upon the opening of Judgee McHatton's court thi mornling. The c-rowd was simall, but few mnembers of the bar wasr Iwretnt, and no particular busi noens was transacted. There were no ex parte motions, and no civil bhurlne.s was taken up. Mrs. Haluuah Stenl.rg plead not guilty to tlhe charge of attemptisgn to blow her husband iup with girant ixwdelr. Other Iprumullrs were not ill nourt, and mit apparenlt Mttetempt wars made l)y Sherif Sullivana or thle court to obtain l. prjWri oners. As u4oot as the Ste inlrg .a..a wa.s dilo4.I)ed of court atlJtouraiedl util 2o'lel".k thi. aftermal(a.ll Nothing was done at tIhe .ftermnoon I. o ......... .. .... I omen weeks aigo a special offtHer fotanid a llman. Wiº, the nalve ,f. WallliatLi Me iMaiIus, in an alley inl the rear (if tle Wiladisor iltaleson. IEarLt 'Park astreet. Mc Mianula Was found liilatint amatelaea in the alley nlear somIe Iasildli.qgs aalwt 2 o'(Iekm int thi nruriarUg anid ta ketl to thei police court. Hie was tried before JUisldge New kirk anldheld over to the grauatl jary to await his trial for arsona. "Theg ramd jury, bolerver. foulnd "no lill" agaiinst Mc Mianus anld tl wasM dischargled. Last night he wa sarrested again upon a clharge of -aiLd lau'iey. HIe as ftounld with a flen ,-skin overcoat in his pusee sion, and wias takenl to jail. When arraigned for trIal this norn inga before Judge Neowkirk. McManus was vory indelpenaldent anId saucy. HeI spoke in amn eaceedll glli imnpertinent natnater to City Attornaey C(orbott and was pron.ptly % fined $10 for contemlapt of court. He tmen gave the jLul.e iouaae back chat aild the fRme was ptoanlptly made f1. McManMaasu woultld noit tell his name to tlhe emurt ran was generally very ohstroperous. He was commnitted t.. Jail for 12 days on tbread and water to pay his fine for comnteimpt. Whew he come's out ,la will Le triedl fr vagranlcy asld larcen·ey anld will undoutilbtedly .e, cinched algain. He hats been a famniliar character In police circles for some time. The fur coat Is in udllge 1'ewka ra spor sesakEn awaiting ass owner. A ceit:i cow way lyiing in the middle of yoming street all this forenoon. 'his V-ftelrnoon Street C(ommissioner KFin thought it :hel heen there long enough and carted it away. A team with a beer delivern wagon ran away on Wyoming street thiu afte rnoon, but was stopped before any damage wasr doele. There is contemplated a great change in the Mclernmott hotel in tue spring. Au addition is to be built east of the present hotel on Broadway D60136 feet. This will double the rcapacit of the hotel and be a deckled additon to the hotel accoumua. tions of the city. The city clerk's office i undergoing s-. a. Short ease to town this afternoon bNLAOmtW Iommumimv area aem rwaus banl In Elmt. next Wudm. , m---1ad Thea,. r- 7sbi e:ulro Ww mand bar daaagbto left this .vssuaIn ft. 24mm luvos.o VAd. Um A. C. Sure& bas Mturned to Bette at lwiit,4 =C&tmrI&.wlwtlwa Immwoa panled Doly' Ibasahi of 1o oh~nWif Unrd weut to Door nGe ub.. day1 with W. U.Yeeueday. the Aotm"wmd eapu.. aautM~ 1:0 s aateulotid for Onep paint, bu= b, i as lwk.O wml -f kAu1uwu corpom will take pleas at Helena tonmor Now hsfur.e Judkm Wlake. No t ýbfte a fos Kr b hema's una dcr*takigaru.oosa. He was a hbrkeman on tlaO. 3ltana, Ui'sin railroad, and died thrns typhnld pneunmonia. Aeorlitnls to the ne.* tine cardt of the ln'wsn Pacei c. the dlilLy pariewnl trail will arriver at 1:9 p. m. imsmtes.l of E12:J p. Mr. I aWines hbeesn apploited at torney of the Montansa I'nkn roadl it plnae of JulljdjeP . H. Dewitt, emign~led. The A. 1. U1. W. will ive a nsocial a the Miner's Usiloms hall on Nov. 21. Ml.rrliave licenses we isnt."ltd to-dlsy toI Pdlite Rosllrre and Philnmdne Hde.. diwsl qu., and u Nels Jensen. anld Dowr.thon. NeImhen. Tie appointInemat and oath of J. Grifltslu as deput sheriff alid jailer wans fldl to day. The appoltsatrmet was sashd. by Seriff Lloyd. LAST NIGHT'S HAPPENINGS. Am Itallw Ntblem Taken lte Camrp by a cbtaeºso N 11-alI.nger. I.ggtrial t . the aNtfaaat. BL-trra Nov. 16.--Antonio G.artmriae, an Italian uohkiman staying ll in Butt. for his .INalth. wea-lt ho tlhe Wanhi-iagton s*. nLtaILant. kLept by ar Chinalanl, tlls evenl J)aras l not a aquare smuel Ifor two hits. 'With a grand air. the Italian count flapped a • bill is Ifront of the proprietor. Ab T . The Chinanau save the Italian I$1.75 In change. The Italian lookdl at QyI bill rather a.piciously, Toy nail hf'tWi "all lit " so the Italianl porcketedl h" chlanlge, e dli llot know Ilunch ºa American snoney and sheortly ar( ards stowed one of tihe hills to Silnor Canmpal, hnead Itallall of Butte. Campalli proewounced the hill a forgery. It purported to h.e a IUo hill. IMat Int it*ity is a $1 hill. A big efiure 21 lhas been pasted over theI 1 one the face of tihe ailk but in every other place it ureds "ouet dollar." Toy was arrested n'I a charge of (4I4I t uterfeiti nm Thet cvtrw of(lhtrrleyy Jorrl cº irdns t Chief S~mithn atd Ulitcer L.oSanout will c(EnIM upS 1s*ftRNe Judlge Irvineo tE) hr aw aafternuoi.on, thme eaue lhavi7 been traiiflErml fromun the court of .* -Jiustie.. Kaag.1. '1'Iw binit i. for f sI' imIpjbii·romiunm4eut tutul wont ' ater est. *1I uld.avrioItiwiitui utrn' .'5g14etel. hiu 1.41 MI4 .wormick wan'. Eat ouit of the genait..smtiamry timnl' yl iy' . t V. atol to-nilght. 1ºc~t"1Ntc · it lci"''aaloldd Je·w Isrrwnll, okk~r wt.ulutmnt la'iml Mintt four bitty he threw hgint tiat ioa)it t1He utreet. SMn-Contic~k wan. or re" tted a,. IdockedI np). ?%(itE of u dlivot . siwnlt was weiat here frunt HeI.manu for ,.ervi'.' oII Ella Trntut. who Is a-ha ged with dleusrtimg Imwr hum.. Iaailul. G.. F. Trault. An aa-eeumiunp[myiagI "-i" ter azhld thme jaujur. Wwan wet to the city police for service, sincellct it was not knownrl whin I' MUt lelr. A. Bu.shyealger, wlho was dlwhearlged yea tedisy when tried fur stealini a diannm d pia. was arretedtl to-enight on the sanse charge. The Iwdicec are ertanil the man is lilty aid hbelieve he will be convkited. J. Rhkhie, chief of the Asnacmda fire dee partmeawt, was in Butte to-lday tLh gues* of Fir Marsh-al ('Brien. Tie visitor was shownl every feature of the Butte fire ner vikce and was given a fast ride behind (fBrion's swifteat fire team. Mr. Rickde wan much pleased at the new bhone carte anld other arranigements. 14ant Evans knowked John William. down in Gill's saln to-niirit anul was ar rented. John Parre was arrested to-night for fast driving anud Ed Lealy for Jumuping a alil Au Waimpabte Vu~emcere. specia to the Standard. BurrK. Ntov. 1.-Te concert of the Y.nuntg Men's. Institutae at the opera Iouse tdin ..enlmg was a nmost enjoyable affair and the large auddeuwea felt richlly rupald. Tire concert wad unck'r that digertliu of Prof. J. L. Carlisle. The following pro. greanmo was rendered: trrriat ra................ Komam C'arnival Mania. Quartette -!"(L:w Night, ttxed Night, 1.k" M n edl.......... ... .. " n t. 1 Mlew'. l.N*krs and Via 1196n. Messrs. Krrlwrrr and yda rlausull.. N Ieae ttl . ..M M . M.. ra K a.lw *-M6i....f Kosneflue4. MitWafl nsA, -o-Agt Y Me h,uek........ .cH·rkl WL~ver It.Johataun. cc4trebelru .................... au edlg. thrteure." than--Atuo anl truer --"If Filial IAer"....... ...... .. ··TTrVvatK1r' " Miss FYlrlaysun and M.r. C'trrlgsl*. Acidresn......... ""Y. H.g MeU'N lwatilaaLe I). .1. I heluillue. PAt.% r i1. .1u.u 3,ol--` Earew.'I.".4 ...idaua lit-citation.... .... .... M.l i "llcl :4T4.4· 4.ta. F. L41m11. Violis `isle4k-.Niuth ('oaer,¶r.. In-A MI.ur iZ. ire iterin l il. lr. .... "" rYlr Unnalu of Tll."..' .. .................. ltlrvll ComePt nrllO-tidktL a.......... .... IlaltlWIl MWr. ?Uterurrsy· Petty Thihse, In lIttto. nperial Corrgaodenre of the Miandard. BLIrra. Nov. 16.- Between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock In the evening, every night, a great many petty thefti are coam Nitted in this city. Shopkeepers have their goodl hulng up in front of their doorn until 9 o'clxck, and the darkneess being renderdl more inten. by tthe heavy smnoke, thieving is carried ona quite se -cei.fully. Last night a pair of txoots. aI ov(erUat, a ha,. a kerosene can. pair of gloves, and two uuhbrellas were among the things taken. The pawn shopm are conveniently ecar asnd tbieves go directly from the scenes of their theft to the pawn shops. ()ne thief last night stole a pair of boouts that were not limated. The pawn broker askedl hlila why fit. had irot taken maatei. aid tsw thief callly replied that the ownter woukdn't let him pick them out. A mpolk suaa auserts that one thief stole a coat fI r in frudat of a second Lhad store, took it inside and sold it. bett. CaledaIa Iakt. The hail of the Butte Cakkdnian nM ckty. to be held at Renssaw hall on St. Andres eve, Novemhber 2. promlses to be one of the finest entertainments of th. kind ever given in this city. Among the features will he the Vienna ladies' ortes tra. ald bg-pipe music hr Prof. Coutts of BaInoral e ookea, Me d. A spkendid tiame is promned to all and none shoukl miss it. It will he a novelty to citisae, of Buse and surrounding eountry. -wool ladies' eloth a. a Bkams & ENTITLED TO A. DIVORCE. A gpmato W m- -Wee as We-AUNN" a"n ~sdmI- - of Use Weinmmuad. 3tT No,. 1LL 5.B fIL 80804 wbo was appainted hr Julft MCHattM Sp take ovi dem in the se of MAW Brlimi tar 'di veWv brem bhr bshaand. J-mPh Brtinio. as reportied that the waouan Is JtFUy on tit4 teoa divocre. The Bri>slom are spanladsm.andt wero nuumad at Pantunas. spain. Man-b 8. IN& After a few ywars tbey ranorwel to this country andi howan living at ltbnvez tVolorkwelk. Bre-ln. acc'edlhag to the tssil»ti>ny. weAt acrustomnie to hbet. hru-uie. strike. kick. bite, sematch anMl aeberwise iusltreva( Meil wife, all for no reamis wbatevt.r. He ceii.t e-teel Chrlstmasu <>f lt7 by hittinar Ibis wife in tlh las-e with tis bat. konm-kiafa heir loeawn. kitking he-randi temwn sks-rtiimg loer. She hai nut Pes-im tini simese. SsmoIu afterwant she rvninvesl tco Butte nvd hIa' einem- -ipusietul he-rmelf in ks-fping h(aMunlk ers. They have- ino elaillmn-n. T'Im- wit ll-leMss it& ||we cause wers Je'anI Salutte anidl Saiaimna 4 )liver. /tatty Sulrehr. l .ssrmiidsto. SW'.la *I -itsusld~emw' Of thW 1Iaflitaril. BLerru, Niov. I---An inmportanat ev.inli datsnhs hats takhe pltue its the huttIwuIWin businets. in this ctounty by the unlitilg sof uevcral nuns. Ihmuet4,maenrpt*atlnn.,. lit the counlty clerk', tsit·le. tn-diy tlwert wern tIledt artick.. of ilnstris irntiumt of the Butte lButvlseriog cuit llatly. Tha. intorparattws sre Henry Nichols. Levi Curter. H. P. Wl'theer amd Willianm Limsttsa of Butt. andi N. J. BitleleiN 7 of Useer Ilwlgel cusnty. The object of the torpmknutlt in to udoa wlaole.a'o lstItnuIg b. sc..m in all its Irnuclws. '1 le capital stock 1s I8 11h. ulividkel Inato 100 slzare of Z80O each. L'Ils etolwN atiraun's &gistet-II beglnas Novesasher 7. tusad Is to. comutinaxe :3E years. Arningw-d forme right. Mgwclei l urrceuoamfrq..o the 1 tanm~lel. lIJTTK. %oV. 16. A jwiu. light ha.* lM-4 auraimaged for Smmmmduy Imitwiem two wull kituwi young Iugaiiait*. who hiave Imemi training in thin .ity vumii. tim... TIM. fighl t is totae laim. IN-twuiili 11 44114l 1 ii4"ii ink. nomt far fvemma thin city. hoit fInr irotnmtive. atmrlimi4 thin mimleew of tIl. pertihin aml thlwi jil:iinin arm. withhldk. TIM' Mumli of 4tJ0l in map on thin rel1t of thIm. tight. tie total musia tin go tin ti. wintlmiir. The+ fight in to hi. with skiti tigiitglovee. LAuminio richi.. lieu, ir. ligltwi.ight.. au d are not remkk~mutn oIf Hlattn.. 'Tim.. eitmtidanm'm at thin scrap In to hI. liamaited to 1M) Si norltis. THm- Km)sImkPr-!tell mtill will onse off at the. olrlrai bourn. tim-imameniw eveimisug. memi gusoos"l. 3md. .%p4·iaJ ("Cuw I*YYbfMld of thte ?411utar,. 11uL trK. Nov. 1f. --A. W. Barnard t:; Will iamn M nartttr fr 1UW .lo4 5 ii. Iwluek 41 of Uclrcltranl addition.)I Allwurt S. Bigf..Iow to tih .- oetota & Mu. titlUe fonatway foe $I. earn.' half luate ret.t ii. ties Atlasata loak. clain.. the C (eelera No. 2 ilae. c'Ia!lnu. ON, ("lhieurn. 14wl." ~laines airnul thse (cut.,.. Milll site". WViliuirm~ M.eranama to el'it.r Awatoernoti *42º. list 5 fee lelewk t: of l3arieeire em. 1.1 Seeviie l~i~ci to Joists H. GI,.wrnr foer $1, &i thear asetere~at I,.114 1l Vlereerne.. c~lease. A MIr'lga"l t)lanat. T"he.r* hai tIn-t diicovr *l i an ttl f,rest"s ..f linli.a a Mstr1ige1 * slaimi. whisch Ims*.*lN4'4. to ti Very high .l4Itri.* of aNt.lai'.ilnigg nlaaa ilmicie power. The hIaml w~lhich l.1riks a liaf froull it rr1eive iullalliait1iitily a sala,*ck .*.igual to that whirchl in peliwhl.el by tcme comluctor of ail ilndutiion, coil. At a oli taitlice .if six autters i lnaguttk* Iaeelle is affectel by It. a•nd It will he qulite t. raaged i If brought neaor. TInh eaergy otf thalin ilullrar iflHueuae. varies, wilh tlie IHlurs of the kiay. All powerfIl abmout 2 o'cltrck inl the aftermoon., it IN asuueslutely annallleal daurlsng the aIlght. At tilnees of strimal its intensaity anagrn*i-ts estrikinlg pI. powrtians. L)urhlla rain tllH plant ..enlsn to succumb, anld handis its lhelad dllring a thIulHe.r shower. It menainms there wIthout force of virtue, even it one sInmou.d shelter it with an umbrella. No shock Is felt at tluhat timle l hbrcakimgs tihe leaves. and the Iacedl. la is tInafea.te.. ." it. (Ie necver by an1y chlaI.te asees a biint or inlswat alight on tihe iletric plalat; aIi ll.;-tiluet emllas to warna thenl thalt they wtuldl fl d tlheir sutakmie death. Thrifty uwyaiiy. Ihamnag the recent military maneumver in Haniover the Genmtian emperor war highly ekelightted with them Imemi r imhiowerid onl himmi. With tlme king of Sastomay we eweit. aide- e'l themma proof of the conip to rewlg umatlomi of the w jxpk. amnd thmeir atlaimumiagou to the sinew cardr of tIhimagm. 'lChi elrivimig thnroumghm a snaull village. in ltlc comurself loin Jocriney. 1to hiw s uri.rlae le. ieu.kkllmly cammie mipoui a triuamplmi an-is aertvun the lIroekimt street ofl the pikaicsama toswn. I'iiumo time kle.. faciat hits a. he ontereel were, the words.: 1'. te Hi. jima. pwerial Majeuty." He wias wes 4marmuewnt with tilt. evidencee "1 Iof yimlty that, afterm lpassming ummer tIme. aid.. rh. Ilt im.mi aicalut t-. adlmireit 11 Ic. amty aiealin with his. mm:ºje."s ty of ltaxomy. limit whait Wa": lii,. Kirpriwe tea real.n on the rI*vers.- d "ii.. "-Jemtmit mmlIaelm. hwIrt him.werty im time. vil lzmwm. Ileer 3 .-emmts t a art." Thimey b.tlh l.amighiel o)%(r it lunmg amid Im:e ml. It.e*le~u t ikrwe l4Iuge 4ceeaei... I Lb ie elueell a ..14f Ilte,.ltme V'a ke-.e eleetmeiimg is tai.t whiully ali- ta. Iuereliviale.a.l Iauttieecte.. He·r elneajsI ar* call maeaeh- 'ap tir vary u lr.".aeelmke·r uce,,. rlltaau.t rn."art*tn thlt.~ )Lutnl at lIciest at the, hee .me. Mise ' eekee ie trot a melavc. of Lany fae.Ieiemm. taci there ei a nme'tleeme inm all leer feartbaIowe. SIec Iruis (Ievleee)l i seitmplple ictri vctfr ie feer kesit agn the' freant lere*veett of Ima'r unra"ao well abitwe beer wlheua ear se lae tlm nitaet ian "'A Raailalr l)jaeuai'ieel." Rib 1mm,,. jatut the slhacdli. of tIer freeek .rn" eeewe·e to the aeies of the" t(ieiier. e'e."tmmtwhae." near. the' ItaIklltt of thee' skirt. atwecat lutaeiwie apart. ~taatm" tie. tI'eaesr utmal lawe~r ribboua cte icntch sidla air.' tied telgetha."r in, it taw. ttey lift time. ha. intie t tar atIett(1gt atwave' Miea V okee f.-eetit. te.-aI thIe. 1.4.1. ticemeit Ives atad give, tier trinm uankla.. atad I meatim-haellh feet eecsmak~tel~ ' nreida tam. Tlwy we-rtu os tlwir lridal tour. Slat ISOld 9 pou..,ede. wl~hitl.h. tipsxwel the. Ia.iai at 14. H.-e l·ft ler lch." for 14fln niulm sate." while- tie. lhidl their tiesggag-a e.l~.Ldrl. "t ll.. Henry !" s.lw ratiudul ·t utr Lii.. r- tOrn.. "you don't know Ihowlntmg it w'uil4t milif you we-ntt away! I wa lly gwttimK t. u.-rv.ºurn for fear wem.o"tlhlng had lea epeonel to youa! You mIhust 1u" MU o sre-rlfl. ela'zr! Yen will for your little le .-'. make.. we.get ye.. ele-ar! Ikow I'ma a silly little- thinag. hout I worry tb. nonawit you g.t out of nay sight. Ana I not a fn..lish. imwlish little gil. My 5wct." ee e.a*d in. rl'-ten. -wlhat would your hoy eke without yo': ' IhLhAr' .Vgaznem. A /.umber Firm P3'SI. 4 b.wr o. N. Y., N4o. I1. --The lumher flrum of J. K. Puet & Co. buve is,,tal sa aw gdgmamcsat. The estiMated liabilititi art ai~naI f J#a(EI and assets 33.4 known,. Si~une of the creditors claim fraudl. Brusr4e carpet 5Ekc at Us... & Counelil'. Winmor Newrton's tube paints 10 canto at ('res.' drat stoar. WILL JOIN ANAMDI. Al..ama U~MANNIO 011100saw.. s f w i. s, ot. U· , Th fasre1n mIfNa. les a 11 e s. etagl umles. it sk 'afas thaI the shad few which both carsnr are w.tklng aim Lebatiemi. and amaocimld sawh r they could fIrm an Irv,.ltushcIk pawa. sad what each Is. illusd to for. united thir cosuld demie In awl Iion. Anong tWh visiting Alliance stew were President ULivalgton. of the Georgla Alliance and Ceammlssiomer of Ar~idture Hendrewemm. Prrsklent Li. hagoninw 4Ievned hal an lasr to a dYlmsemeon of the principles of the Alliane H eH ~ iln is comditlon ebf the farrir its tie. south. how he ladi t, tee eateel agaiiit te gre eat clt JIItcsaltsee e»tie.e the wit?. &aadt Ilaew he new Isae'iseg ii IteIge., might et lNwttiet hir cbiktIent. I Iesa nertjawe el e" nuditisen eel inneteian tarn,.e fewuane e' fe stuere of hie tal. Hiae lelnue m nude. i slep inmre". sikm. maul Ice was Ire q.Ue'etly aupplaceed.v I'owteqmy'e reply gleu weqi that Iwlew.. tlHeeoethI) me. in zclp:ethy willh the felerit. tion talk * cud will urge. .+. n.e 'Ll,. eilwe' luoth oeile."i.. \t. .ua~.leruzuut .141.1 Ic ec 5'L Itaken to-dc:.." UtarSLL/s law a Irr moats 6irru.ani. Soima) Mtiarthlahm anil d *i:iumal IA.te hrnituht 14 li11 at is IY15 *'uift·ui tf litI M'. I t'jccl.ek fin the ,'lY)(iiuO um a f sIInbralis) ln'Iu Ias /o110/111 it ILtrless. lII at *spMl r am tci, IIOuMiI11 the' jliir its Iktrljue it wa's stated. tll&i1 half .)f its elwe'llitij. *4amwji'.t af 0111" ftºiu, So e huhmi5m 1m . "5111 rat',' IrreI a tin ill vehjl/oIl su l*ake .51e ie &attaa ha. i. Its aiim.' 4f thwu. U'1 ian' tar'efte'ma fuajalb .I I)1.1 algal VNItI5Z; 14I).$)) miega andtH tairt. I akheg Ina h' ltar. ande attse"s. let 5151.. hta'sue Ias, 51411y a's _eu11 I's''seiim anrt I to he fout,,ul isa'mk' 1~thiig51ie. 1151' Imemush gaf illir llatiuaate' bmrtla. 15s Ik'rli5,, Thin. Ti. l 's luaisI fair raseas artc v.'rvj 1.1gh. anda 1)5ea' a'.eae'gI.'ema"IIa' of thais Las that 151 pt eo mt. u ur eleamhim ii.'emasie ite~ i~Iwu lecIis.* ve~ry sawklmy ..f thit. 'aeh,5Uh1 ,mrwa'tmtta"s i34 ike"' Ilmm¶ an-rt' e'.aivt.a ileicfaaftsailie',. als I 1515'l'a5 wiha vi.'w iii that' l..auas'sieg cii tlaj' ri'mmizs Tlactr art' tie.' hal."sea',.ac tihe. heeslaa. at..154 Intwe jisiremI's atcil aestldertst amimume thweasem asst the. flatter. wYting the idlt lift' thea'PM' haItai'i' liv... anti fths hieea51tif h * tt's." tihe'y' wear. omshit harts Iii *'uter a-ls the.' lealaih' awfeul "muod Awricmmtr Msmht nlrs1. Vram the t'hI.3gVm l1ta aid. Tim girl l Ia-.Ngbt up Iin An\.ri. a .ic Ft'41 iwriswiillU . lay u iwri.riKiri fziiher Avid Iw An> "ria·a :atuotll:r. pr..I-(4 tIl Asu."ri a":\n lIthe a lt"uNl~l*·. totll al.' sil~le- flrr~i I title j.Nsko tas fsr, u iur..uul dlu hut helly tilt I NNr girk. of AiCCrris*3. aunt! Ifor thIse tai. Ix*iU airiw 4)talgt ti. Ius tblsaskful e~v."te is,. reeaes stud grate"feal s*vt"r)y .*vs~sjus. lIl.sYv tire, tiht. rad wosmmns ..f Asasrmiat. T1l. es'º ins.., timit airs intelsel fsar tlssz:tis fr.sig'it titlki are asw~tlsissl ..if tsr time- atisih s.4 tme, lka~tu smal. winksI tile-? tlmsnus.'l h.. *us..t s-.t. 1'r.'un 1 1115h. ii after liift., Mlr. MWa.&rly" " "%% .h. ~u pvttrwaar.. I I..aril 4,f ut. u.1tia.g u.m.&rri.t. DIhstroi. F,.a.. I'r.s: It.,rkr. 1."1 ." .am"rk. ." Slnak..Mm»..".nr.. wza..rk a ". ay ut.º'u º Nrr. "Ilutt.. Itatuuý: "" .., .ir; SblLukrlw·;r l·r'- · nlrr\·*.· TOLL IN A LINE Ccenphtt." line.. of c.artridge.. at Aauuul- - da &lanh'im.. (*4.',.. Gunts fot. remnt ati Anaconda Hiardlwa& Gttuns and atnumunitilon at the ASwautasilk Hardware-· Con.* For st·k". arl woal* anti t. Iw'rfgtit go to E) I's 'onl.ll'M for your .tling. lawtkka shells at Anaconda H talwarr e Co'.. New aiuerweair. ovur-uhirta, nstork wear, hutt and caips. (·ltYm anid shores, at Kattus &(:oitnuwlls. Katesw & Connell an- mnarkimg their pew toc k of ctothling anal fuarnimihinag goclet at pmrieus that wll plcas*' all who want first clas goos.. Iºf you want at mit of ckuteu niadel to ord.r cull at bamts.. & 4 .enum'll. T'hey hav. over muJ masiples to ma-ieut fron, and g uar aletae"s Ia prfo-t tit. A full line of juainiM amid liruattcs of all kinds .&ana fr founad at A. T. I'luyteras drug Galedoriar\ Society. ST. ANDREW'S EVE BALL Friday, Nov. 29, 1889, RENSHAW HALL. E3 TT a. Fu elt A lllll it .!I 4.11 (;1. l i.'1i 1 I: 1 " t:." Caledonian Society. For w t1 Ia- I fnt. tsn, 1.' kIlt it- L. ia aslu.ion of .lso - i.t & I I5l% n L. Iof 1Ihi l'wIar anl ll. IMME. JULIA DE BELTRAN A ndI th I ls - (. I .ra-,.d VIENNA LADIES' ORCHESTRA S.I1N4I4lTI\.G; itS 1\1F. Ii 1'l..-. . HAVE BEEN ENGAGED. Music on the Bag-Pipes I WIl.I. ItE FI ItNI.'EIII) n PROF. COUTTS OF BALMORAL CASTLE, r *utal.. its vlll liIgha lad ('.·.tllluni,. RelIs, Strathspeys, Highland Fling and Ancient Sword Dance will be Interspersed in the Pro gramme. . TICKETS - - $2.50 1* T, t.. hIad at W'II. M. .I. k6'. Tht-4) 4'ularrs.u', j. j w. I.) M. W.r.l ParK. .1. . 14.sgzjr'. drug IrrkL. ".Mia mnI r d i I..'r f its uI n tti r. SCOMM ITE'IK: TOM '. 4IKAY. 5. I'. Msr:KK4i t. 1* A. M. UltaI OM A. J3. Mi KNZlIK. The Fortunate One: WHOP UVHZ 0 ? An Elegant Silver Tea Set given away. A Handsome Silver Cake Basket, gold lined. given away. A Beautiful Silver In dividual Caster given away. Tcs,'c" ie Irec/s wcill be Illd(." Ce'crry .Sac/frday nigh,-. bcginnit g The Grandest Present of AlL A Solid Gold Howard Watch or a Fine Dia mond Ring or Lace Pin will be given to the fort unate holder of the ticket January 1st. 1890. Now is your chance. Cont. in anid tin)d out iarticu!:trs. liht go.IIsI are Ino&)i on exhibition. If you cainnot co'rne write for circulalr explaining all, and our new price list. S\VlEPING KE!'[)'CI'( )NS in Silverware and Jewelry. ANt(TIIER RE I)L'CI'ION in \'WAT(IIES. A genuine Wlthl.m Wa';tch and S Cllronunieter llalance, o nly S$'.2,; .,tenl wind. Send for price list. Every boy can have i a \\'altha.un Wi\',itch. These presents a1re' givenl t4o -!shw t'ur aIl-preciation of the liberal Isatronage be-.ts mwem on tus fur ycars.. .11l al't.' inake us better known b y advert iing ouiir Iihouse. It . m itiuch oif thet le Aitiiiitle tt xNpnclse of advetrtiii.n , and i ii11 n \ w .\ ilect th-e price if th tie g\e wc sell. e %.tilit to indliuce \ ut inll to ii w . \ mu .i\\ at Nc tlhave andtl how lºw \ l. CeC siiel ani hIlk.l ii 'ill ln t he inlmpi rtunedilt to buy. e tlead thet cut irt" \\c -t in Itl \ ) i-ces. i lt run Il ra-k andl have the large.t Stork in N loitdi :l to 4 iet t f1:mIl it Vitt %. illt to bul y. lhle largel-t .stock ini the St.te .anii tle ol des" t hloluse iii tlhe city. LEYSON & TURCK. City rTinlckCec-ers antl I.icensetd \\atchllakers to the U:. 1'. R. R.. 22 1 Main-st., Butte, Mont. SPROI TING GOODS. Just to Advertise This I)cpartment in Our Store we will Rafle Four Guns. I Parker Hammerless Safety Shotgun. I Winchester Repeating Shotgun. I J. N. Scott Breech-loading Shotgun. I Winchester Repeating Rifle. Model 1886. lThis etanrls. tls.e uelt I Elun we are "arrying In, The prits wUil bete Two T I1gh andl tre Trwo ljwr, Tukiu t1w 1'rue,, Us they Imay sIt. t. TICKETS WILL BE $2.oo. Fer* at ollr slire. Tlauns ne l -gstze( aof rnmfl will Iw * anrtuiuaa l In tihn ei. retluatmn as gO I'ket.*lrsre arll .I~clmn..l cf.. W~1. waIll i~ l a..t ly .llt uny l' tei, h:en .wve. Th.w lS r d ,eir han.w. wll w.i1 tI sall .arl) ty as we Es Iwes. li. ii a ar it that the tik" .ts will all .sa the drol week of uale. ANACONDA HARDWARE CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE. FINE 1H()TO(GRAPHS. My Work is all First-Class and of the Latest Styles. Enlarging a Specialty. PA LA CE S TUDIO Over Peters' Store. Anaconda. AUIIt 13 1 U( A IJ ýtll I U IUY. MACCALLUM & CLOUTIER HAi 7C T RI: t .F1'I D AI (-CAR L.ID OF CHOICE5 CALIFOR.VI.FIA CA.V.VJEI) GOO)DS II'lIICH JI'ILL BI SOiLI) AT , 0.T'TO.M IPRICES. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES -ANtI-- oC .NTS' UJ RN IS H ING GOODS. Man.y Importawt Additions have been smade, ýwhiC miU kr SEi a Lowest ir4es.