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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
TWE LOCAL MARKO Woe - melss Am .wbuit a"em ,~030 I ' lpew lb spu eems. I"a PO i Me; Arnnhe. s COMMs. "?L PST. W * U SW' WN6L I~*M per me mht lbt aM Fr mS lb Plllabu 'a behlj4JS; Orden. Pree wMits-Prk 15c. beef 9SMe; lamb. elm. Ul.410; muaton 7015c. voeal-Han 1161 m barns Ias; corne laeaei a255 Wood-Per card 04J (Ots-Por cwi. WJe.k IURlE MILK it WARM SPRING DAIRY. A ak rute has been eItaalmhed m thecbe ao _ _____. w sUv will be em fbe u tt raAbe d br the Warnm Uprb s Absolutely Pure and Guaranteed to Be Such. PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED, And All Orders Will Reoeive Careful Attention. CAFE ROYAL 31 WMt Park Stmt, Battt, elt. The Best Conducted Restaurant in Montana. A Few Reasons why It is So Popular : Sm.. I..w fM s Home-made . s. s 5ame m for . as coee !Sb .s 1 f s Goad L. r. s s Amou for as (lood Oesklag, b S m.... 1. Us 3a..m. ed Dmws e, Sa s br a samine Ma. sm me.... b Pas aD barous, Day s.d Xight. Yoars TWu°A. JOEL E. WHATLEY. No More Delays A7 GARRISON. GO EAST AxD WZST VIA Northern Pacific R. R. The Dining Gar Route aed great. Short Line to all EASTERN CITIES AlL a TA are w quipd with Through Pullman Car from Butte -h FM flme to and frm Chimsc . Cia rPss PUllmaa Coaches, Palatial Diming Cars, Blegant Day Coacher. t Ulepme C(ar ln cbaot ors Train F.t. La ·amommaodatlnf of NkeoodCla d P~C· r... TIME SCHEDULE. 1A Aaacoda. Deer L.30 Amr~ emlna. Ptwp.Atrg u ~iumiiould... SLm IL . b.-Doe a. .Ga. . and 7JS p. . aad an 3fab1 to Mlt riNL t "I~nIS am bkae" ala. to mn.Wegi. vIZ: Iliiakaa TaToma Portlad and 353 .......... amp ma. aor Der Lode, Orelol e ta) aa. a. and tm P. M. C m a. mg Wm m m ia the .bmPfcat a te, V r Dfail loraI N m (adre e . JA L IroCA ý /h . !n M IL, opp.. me Tide!: ON SALE PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH -AT ***THEDEPOT ** .ua.Ul IR Lr ame s lt e. st atr S. D. SDBSE. CIsy Thket. Aums. J. A. LaWISa. umral ALet. TAKE THE SCENIC ROUTE THE NORTHWEST. Montana Central Manitoba Railways. -TU- ~Ww ANb POPULAR SHORT LINE. Nlo Open for Passenger Traffc. SOLID THROUGH TRAINS DAILY. ba . only rn runnif Plain INk..n ('Cars Lu urbum I)Ming ('ars, 'Ma.tllent Iy mhelm-ms and Vrme akeping Cars for tll.ue-Cla 1'amn ser between BUTTE AND ST. PAUL. Train Wake. IButte daly S:10 a. m. Safety, Comfort aad Courtesy for Our Iat. to tl. Paul In 4 tbor.. A. C. IV R. (kfn. M>nr. Helem. . H. LA Y ( Aws.. Helum. I. i. DAWto)N. lien. Agent. tei. THE ROCKY FORK COAL C()OMPANY Is now Prepared to Deliver Coal from its YMINES PAT RED LODGE To consumers in this city. Fo, domestic and steam purposes Rlocky Fork Coal has no superior in this market. It lights readily. makes hot fire and leaves little ash. Try it. Principal Office: Room 25, Pittsburg Block, Helena. SO NCI ES: Gilchrist Bros. E r. Helena. I Estes & Connell (osnnuay, AnaeonLaa. E. L. Bonner & (Co., Der lalge. A. Frasr. Billings1. The Miners' Lumber Company, Butt.e. G.o. T. Young. Lvinpton. O. . Milis. Park ity. Bersg Bns.. Town..eal. Buha & Bailey. Bi Timber. I W. H. White. Stillwater. L. S. Homler, Boseun. I G. E. MAULK. J. A. NTEPHEN4. G. E. MAULE & CO., OGDEN, UTAH, Real Estate Dealers and Money Lenders, Have for sle and t ld. prces, destrable Obgden prrpetmir boh busiaea and raeldenbr, lm proved atd sulmproved. Are also prouKirtors of the bt.taatil sba-dlvison known as SRST LYNN . In which there are stil some of the meos desirable hots to he had at original prles with a rash qar meot of to e r.ena. and sam.s amount monthly without interest. l.Is ranger in prto from td to a eaeehla. Her is an investment wherbby you save your money mad get some runs with a Wod promt. For plots and full informatLion ali on or address G. E. IAULE & CO., Butte, Mont., or J. A. STEPHENS, Ogden, Utah. BrUTr OVVICL. OODEN OFFICL. JOS. F. MURR1AY, Having purebasd tbhe busines formerly conducted by James McNulty I. now pa. pared to furnish his customers with theb nest brands of Domestic, Imported and Key WeV Cigars To be found in the eIty. FPRIITS R N D CON IITCTION I RY .re.h and ebo.e. A well a.o.lred sook of STATIO$NTY. JOS. F. MURRAY. - - Main Street, Anaconda. Bugglos,Carrlagos, HARNESS SCHUTTEER WAGONS ThB mt hsoma na n A"mos. w tS BARRET & JACKY'S ilneapolls & St Lois Raillay TIKE IPAMOUa - ALBERT LEA ROUTE. Two Through Trains Daily from St. Psaul sad Miam.apolis to Chicago WitLhot hltalag.r e·muleting with the Yast Trarin of all liams for t he EAST AND SOUTHEAST Tha IHrme meatd Only Line. Itunnins Through Minneapolis and DIes Moines. Ia.. VIA AIJIKIT LA AIlD OTL Ir)Ol)tu. Solid Through Trains Between Minneapolis & St. Louis .akl tim Prtnilrli Crties of the Mit.ssiallpp. and i unabeut in Uni . Ipla for all ptoits Mayh ma and Nauthwt1l. Many I.ors r1vel, al t(- OtrNLY LINIK run alag trains daily to IMISAS CITY, LUAIV ORITH, ATCISOMN, Makln e unawtluumns with the Una! n Pa tllAe anl Atl.htm.n Toapleka & Manta VFe Iallw.ays ('kmawe asanta nats made Ina tUni larkept wrlIt all trains of the Mt. Pauti, MLtnnaalnais anal ]Manull hat, So.rthern I'a.ille., 1t. Lau & I autlih Ltal ways. fnrm and to A/l Points .'orth and .Vorthur st. R1MI F M IMBER I' T!''lT"A'",,. ,t. I1mIs, Itwlway rlylrue ngalelsel l .f itanllatra"h'e I tay l'am.*lIw, Mt:atlal ft.'eet lutllmanl, a e, s lint Cars. Ilortun H.elaiang ('hair 'ars. and our Just ly r'.lebrahted Pa/ace Dining Cars. I ibs. of baigagea rheket*d IPKK. Vare al ways as low as the lowest. For time tlables thariugl tih.ka4s, t4c.. mt2 upuln the nearest ticket age't .w write to C. H. HOLDRIDGE, Ge.'l Ticket and Pass. Agent, MINNKAPIOI.IIt, MIMN. THE LARGEST. THE BRIGHTEST. THE BEST. THE ANACONDA STANDARD Can Make Better Time by Mail in Reaching Every Point in the State than any other Newspaper in Montana. SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WITHOUT DE LAY AND ORDER THE STANDARD SENT TO YOUR ADDRESS. OUT EARLY EVERY MORNING. FROM the date of its first number the STANDARD will have • more readers than any other daily newspaper published in the Northwest. It will have plenty of interesting matter every day. It is good for office, shop or store, for mill or mine, for hotel, saloon or rectory, for farm or fireside. It is a paper for the people. Try it for a month. It will cost you one dollar. The ANAcoNDA STANDARD gives particular attention to its advertising department. It directs your attention to the skill and care and taste with which its advertisements are arranged and displayed. No newspaper in this part of the world can match it in this respect. Each issue of this paper will be a model of the printer's skill in the display of its advertisements. The terms on which the STANDARD takes advertising are moderate and every prosperous business man in this region can put himself in communi cation with the public at rates that will pay him handsome returns. If you want live advertising send in your copy or write to the business office. Strangers visiting Anaconda are invited to visit the publishing house of the STANIARD. It is complete in every department. It is the pride of the town. The STANI)A)RD is an eight-page daily having the full service of the As sociated Press and a thoroughly organized special service which brings news direct to its editorial rooms by special wires. It is a Democratic paper. If you belong to that party you can read it with profit. If you are a Republican you will find in this newspaper a fair fighter and can have all the opportunity you want to "talk back." At all times and under all cir cumstances the STANDARD will be inspired by a determination to treat all men and all issues in that spirit of fairness that distinguishes successful journalism everywhere. The department of the STANDARD relating to news will be most complete Its general and miscellaneous reading will be edited with greatest care. Men and women will enjoy it and it will be a safe and suggestive paper in the hands of every child. Order the STANDARD sent to your address. You get it for three and one third cents a day. -THE ANACONDA SThANDRD ANACONDA, MONTANA. _m