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ESTES CONNELL !" STERCHNTI LE COMPRTN day jeGods uad Crtt sl mrns he Largest Stock we have ever shown. Large reduction in prices in every department. nd exhibition of novelties, elegant Toilet Sets, Glove and Hlandkerchief Satchels. Collar and Cuff Boxes, Writing Sits, Photograph Al bums, Ornaments of every description. The largest collection of Beautiful Fans ever shown. REDUCTION ITV SILKS eoffer great inducements in this depart W ment for Holiday presents. 24-inch Black ,ros-Grain Silk (extra heavy) at $i.5o per yard this week; is actually worth $2.25 vd. Black Faille Francaise at 75c and $1.25 yd.; reduced from $1.25 and $2.00. Fine Silk Novelties at reduced prices. Silk Plushes at 35c yd. Col ored Surah at 5oc yd. S' EC'IA L A'EI)UC'YIONS In our Underwear, Corset and Notion depart ments. C/earance,' Sale /f NcVewmarkets. Look at our elegent wraps at $5.0oo. $7.oo and $io.oo. Our assortment of plush garments as still the best and cheapest in the city. " ESTES & CONNELL "i" 7VýRG7 NTI Lý8 CGOMRTNV THEY WILL TAKE WIVES. The (anlt Meete.ty eqt Iee.msamltrs to usep CeIInLry. BavMRt FAL.M., Pa.. l)ec. 12.--The mem her of the EconoeniteL uckiey, who occupy a settlement near berne are eriously con kiderilng the feasibility of returning to the I.aitutuoa of marriage. TheL. are now about 3a members of the organisation left in the little town of Econetnny, and they are all well along in yearn. For a long time the rukl fewhidding marriage of the metnhers ha bteer stes ftly enforced, anb time hba i reiduced theior numnhers that the qurs.tiO of disposing of muasy millkiol dollars of treaure which the organisation has accumulated. aid of the parpetuation of the wck.ty itself, in hecniesag daily more heportant. At the opening of the. conaing year a doesU new muembers will le. aalnittel to the ieveral of thee' arne tnarrlrl. Ahut the uamsu time tlhe proposition to raise the hare me kng placed on the mar riage rite will Ie. coisaiderud. It in kearned thlat a snaority of tie' Ipremt smenwltlahr favor the klemsi asnd unahln notlhing a·rcar t chlanuge their mined.. tIIe. cl.asgel ise ex perI~ta to Ibe usie. TIh. suciety lives is, the* .eiwsl of Ee.menuayll. ea the Ilealsks of tiW' S()hio. alNdI ha. INoal.' e.el'hIarate-d few tiet" frugality of its IIlmasINiran. Its wealtl of flue1 fatrn,. it, aloitaht hoes.e.-' iul a ~ndgn ctlia.n... JUlcl, He srie. itsI leh'Laillg epirit. ii a whuite.-lirnl. IIatriiju..a l atnill It mu year.. of egre. Adrift ISa as O*m Nsa.. N.w YloaI. Dec. 12. -Davidl l)illn, of the tirnu uof Funcl, Edic & Co.. for.-e.rly cihampi.n oiarsmllan of Australia. is sudrift oI)I the Atlantic ocean il a small Iuat. Ytterdaly whenr btl'inll towed behind anl incomling bark. the lisre parted. Whben last ueen he was i.aing drriven. to sea before a bowling gale. The onuy chance Dillon had was to imLake land Hook light ship. If he makes the ligrht bip he Is sate. If not, he is Sthee drowned ar at ma an a openpunet, with no provisions and a slow death star g him in the face. Dillon camll. origin a hU n Australia, and before the dcly 1 e he was the chalmplol scu-ller of that desntry. He defeated Knmlp, who afterward nmade srh a game figtht with S4earle. A tug huos was chartered thlis snorning asnd is now looking for him. KnlU g Vuperp S.t Work. Longimns. 1kv.. 12.- TIw iaa rca mCu012a2xa vX(Pltve thleat Len vdova e-ounpatky. Isape vonvedadr the ientlatnd of the mva.l lg)u-cm pending mablarstiln. Tf. Stbuth Loonion gompanl in etngaging painmper fion the polo boum-. was'Crl r he this oafternn berreu r ltmrtorm and tlw Gao mmn pany ndl entapoy*%. The t-oaferenve ra .1titd in the arrangement of exlasiig gaxshle" maad a user lettrike in averted. Tbhe artmab aift of nikn emploved in the Was works struck at 11 Wcl- ta-niolhat. Tbhe comlpanly in ...uItvIsIa Ipack Imle. In the Provimactu. it o .*rv a sam us.. si asea mman durine tOw. strike in adudition tP the regfular iwavwgq. A tomallitteO rt-llre'.es1titm the strikirt baa ajijelwilegi to tlw Ime jlivi far funds. Arimet oafa UisnmemPoI11 lro-wr. MI mwsromLaM. I).... t2.--Julau96 -'oI&-ttw., a well-keukiwn niuiy Iimatitr Urnrd ..s tate narn. was arresuted Iup-y. H. wan Indicted byr the laut crand Jury for f,,wgokry and for w"nplkity in ith OW gll.I eriallbm of J. Prank (nllom. who was tried a mtuwt 'tim eA" for forgingf tls- vianw uof Jap1 T. BLamlel to note agfregating axwir VjW.. OWO and wh' I ia resulted its a dciagra.oi meat of the Jur. CENTRAL AMERICAN TROUBLES. IReelmm Memuasmlly .seated -Hew .luaves Marries Wan Meaned. SAN Jo.r. Ikr. 11. -The Hon. Lanaing B. Miinejr and Secretary Henry C. Hall of the Nicaragua Canal Company arrived on Sunday at the capital. The American minister's return to Costa Rica was unes. pected. and his stay will he brief. It is generally undlLerstood that he I1s Iere to arrange some minor details ius connection with the canal, and that no new obstacle Ima arisen, although Costa Rkica's position renlaliis unchanged. A recent nu:bher of the Ei tevl d e..~ *. a-o-gua publislhed the cosmpact between the Nkcarauseua gWIerlntncnt aild the causal couelpany. whkich was signed by Francisco Javier Medina. for the goyverslnent and Hall for the mna.pany,. certified by Mr. Mistner and apprpveedl by Preshkent Sacasm. Anyone realdinlg this agre.-nennt attemative Iv woiNld eec*ive the imnpresekn that (''usat Rkia is left oeut in tho crkl. hit the (osta. Ricani govenrmtnt will coltset1t It noth ing of tlhe kind. The momst that it will dkb is to agree to suspeu1d its Calltriast for a (ear. t11n the lnealatiwsr, work ou tl the ca.sal will havae glse no far tlhat NiMara gula will ient leave ti'e asf.eratae tao riaise further .bjtctielns. Putsibily Mr. HaIll ialll Mr. Mlilnlo.r have Ilcens thluat the ('illrrels Ausslriaus als ionil wiltl have. tulmw*. semell thiar.g me, uuile tslusa Its presenst s'ladluwy outlille. Is NSalvahrw. ais well as i Guatema.nla. they have* Iwell havinlg exciting tile-rs. Tire ilihtli agPl ti paltace at H2alvadler (City was hIurn.d anud later relports declare that th enlltire city was mon fie. A ireart maInly of the Ibulklina., particularly tioue. of recenltI e(snlls*utN au. are of WaNlI. land the nflaleni womuldl nsake easy work of th., enltire tows ofl lU odd thotuand. Nao poIl tive illsferl atlo.s has arrived as to the, cause of the fire. hat it is alned that an aprising has taken plure. The trouble In Gu$enmala. although of a serkles na ture, was speedily settled. Two or athre of the amoat active rehels wee shot and 18 others wer Ie nteIIeld to dath, hbut had their meutences etmamuted at the last momenst. The nephew of the latoe PIresidenrt iar rle. who was suspected of beIa(r a Meader of the insurue.ts. was arsnw.tdl lnd keept for smaue dal in prison. Thian hi wift. who Is mn Aaerlekn laeb. hewm in Liul irna, hearingl that he was to be ,mwoveal to M1atst.curinia. and txelieving that his removal to thet plare mea hir being sulamslsly tiaosied of. fled wih hr tale of woe to the Amsnkean miniter, thrugseh whose interventan the y easae amaa was saved. Young Barrios is .l or ms ao age. not large of stature. nor, on other hand. InsItni . It i. Is his asiton la bemosne presidns and he has a b. I od lowing. rFualm .1 Mrus. Mmrt Laud. W AUHI Neuu1. Dec. 12.-FunemSl .erwvkm ware hekd over the remalns of Mrs. St4ut ewd this nuormima at the claureb of the In cantation. The preekkmat amId Mirs. Her Aont amd other rweatlves fituow.d the casket. Viee-Prv'selt and Mrs. Mortant Secretaries Bluaine. Prq·to. Tracey ana.1 Husk anrd Witdr and their rfamilies. andI a number of pinalmaemmt ;w'rsnns occupkfd pews. The Internent was at Rock c rack geunetIr7. ST. PALL, DCe. 12. - A PIum.ww Vntg pa~wlal frown Brow vialky maya tiw Si um ton Indiana wlwgan 'slaning the. treaty . IWnmin th reflW U1tkt t ab.4ba. It is he lieved that bryc ad do ue the nufik k ( nnnsltrr wll % n to carry the nauarur thevntgh. HANDKERCH IEFS. W e are showing an unusually large.assort ment at 5, to, 15, 25 and soc. One lot of 2o-inch hemstitched, real Japanese silk, at 5oc each. HOSIERY. n this department we claim to have the lowest prices in the city. Misses' Fine Cashmere lose, sizes 6 to 8`,. at 25c pair. Extra Heavy French ribbed, all sizes, at sc pair. Ladies' Cashmere Hlose at 5oc pair. You will pay 75c for these hose elsewhere. CARPEITS, OILCLOTHS, WIVALL PAPER. Our prices are as low as the lowest. For the holidays we have mnnported a large assort ment of Rugs, Lace and silk curtains, beautiful Stand Covers, Stamped Scarfs, Splashers and Tidies, elegant Table Sets, lace Bed Sets, etc. E very effort has been made to include in our varied assortment of Clothingand Furnish ings only reliable goods-goods which shall be more valuable when they have stood the thor ough test of use and wear. The advent of Christmas awakens new and generous feelings within the hearts of mankind. All are in search of something as a token of regard for friends or dear ones. INGERSOLL ON IMMORTALITY. Ue Admi.s the Psibillity .f a LIft 3Be ym.d tMe (Irave. NSaw YORK. Dec. 12.-('olonel Robert Ingersoll. writing to a friendl ol a recent work ona inmortality, makes tlbl most liberal statement of his belief in the poe. sibility of a life beyond the grave: "If we admit the existence of a God of Infinite wisdrm anm compassion. we may say that there must be a work: heser than this, heat how do we aerount for one worse than that? That is to say, this: It in Justice triumphs he,. why not thesem If honesty goes without bread In this world. why not in another? (Certainly God will be no hetter there than now. Still, it may be poesible that a God of inllnite love and eomnpassion will so reward those who suffer through suffering itself, that all that will be consistent wite wis.ln anld conpl.assion. Love and hope are univerisal. As kmln as taere is hope there will probably he isa the heart and hbrain a splenalid drarn of ilnmourtality. It mnay be tihat we* li* e Imeo n -*. that we ag hr to unacalalntx' ilucst, aul yet the eaert will alwaus Mar: '"Perhagl thebre Is alanlther life.' But whetal r tfln, is or not., let ua' all paitrt orl tlle reisva o the flat ure thae pigeiaua o that .klilti ansdl m" the , ee knallw tlht iesl tlhs worki, after Joy tomatse grief, as after dlay lomens light, aal it nnd .oe there e is .eom.n worl wlahre.. after griefy , ruenee joy, as after light, comes day." Thu 33a, 8. 4 -egru.. WANIIIhT4 IN. ILee. 12. In the .enate bolay after miusors uninamorltaat routine IHuuuj*.m.i the InItrwCultIIn .f bily wa re manwdl. Mr. lIutler istnrlu.dl ias hlU pr .Ming for th." esnlgrmtlnn of ,wrruwnn of olor frvrna tle e trutbrn stair, and Mr. Stewart prewwmnte a free cwuinaae biA. After awref .z.'eutiee uesioe the. gsrna3. a). arnh till Monday. Th lm'mm. also aaiuuarned untail Moanda. Drau.. VV. 66 eur h r $ . 'Ai average ..f 41.090l bIsa., of '.assawems Way iwr bring shimppel fron t.ainsatrlllb. (Ga. /te Hardly tw'w~al FromI ./Mimc. KIaenbld.w : "Vat you .-hari fer a ticket to Saind Loewy :^ Ae4wt: "'Veutibulud Eimeshl oat: "w;. vat you take me for? I ride nm inside dem .. like a chamllknannr." Leave wrm r. at Neal'. aIrowuw er ma turkey. (Uorwa.) Iv i t ýta i tat Jack A ht ssn fr tl bn verely In~m. interally Ir hi. I~ub vhh (uodfn thee ha wlfl ha ale Iar Il·btfb more. Go to Ml.. H. V. Whit. for the beat gi most com lrS line of millinery ever offered in Anaconla. Drink Bonhemian or Hofbnaea har at Jack O)narba,&m'., the oaly pwI nIn lh. city to Net it. CROCKETI & KING. Stationers ,# Booksellers S-Da. /.ie. I N - CIGARS. TOBACCOS. ETC. P nu ms News MIad. (A 0) Ni)A M- * MNrTAhA. D. Yoe Weat a Prwsent for a lady or gentlenan, old or young? Go to D. J. Henne.ry Mercantile eom pany and look over their stock of fancy, useful and ornamental Christmas goods. Displayed on their counters are every class of holiday goods that good tate and careful selection could msmmut. They certainly have the choicest line of these articles ever yet shown in our city. Goldberg's JEWELRY PALACE! The Finest Establishment in the Northwest. DRAI.R IN Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and 811verwear. DAVE GOLDBERG, 12 Main St., Butte, Mont. MONTANA LUMBER AND PRODUGE CO., ,-DIALERS tI-- Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Wndws and louldings. esm@.@UMsL. rn atu. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hay, Grain, Fee..- Id Hard and Soft Coal. Agents Continental Oil Company. We carry in Stock a Fall Line of BUIN & MIrTCH-LL WAceONS. fbro QUARTS GEOAI a uli SPRING WAGONS. Alm. CLARK, PERRT, STUDPRAKr erad STIWNDXRD BUCGGIS RND CXRRIXCRS. mad a luM Uao of ROAD CARTS eo b~e ht. C d.. CHI, (hlppr sad OWer C.s.W. P a . e----' Ad oRo t ' " i.A Ui.- and Toa k rrw Durniters sad m.ylhim prnisi. lagis i C.Ul Gad 3..& tehwLb .r It IO SSPh iaUll 313mm~d, said we daf Shwf~jjiV RLL.. . Yam S Spseli Dlmcsu T Pur C4t l ppreciating past patronage of the public of r.lAnaconda, and in order to give everybody a air chance beforeCh*tstmas and in the heart of the winter season, we shall for the next 2a days ONLY give a SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF io PER CENT ott from our already low prices on our entire STOCK of BOYS' and MEN'S CLO7II/NG. Also to per cent off on our elegant line of MEN'S SLIPPERS. La dies, do not miss the chance to buy your boys a nice suit for Christmas. OVER.'OA TS ! OVERCOA TS ! e especially ask you to examine our im mense line of Men'sOvercoats. They wi'l ma eyour husbands a present to be appreciated. ilk Mufflers of the most beautifuul designs. O Silk handkerchiefs that will make a nice ristmas lift. Silk Embroidered Suspenders in endless quantity, worth from Soc to $5.00o. Do not fail to look at them. . Inspect our invoice of new neckwear receiveid'to-day. Wilson Bros.' elegant line of Dress Shirts always on hand. Also the elegant Manhatten Dress Shirts. We especially ask you to see that io per cent is taken off from all purchases of clothing for the next 2o days. No trouble to show goods. Respectfully, -CHARLES T. W,. CRESS. [uraduaSo PL barmj] Dealer in Pure Drugs, ledicines, Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Wiadewr Ga., Poasy sw Teist Artiuss,, Ciess s ad Tebsas. Pi - i".. -* * mm .u**di "a.w .+ Il First Street. - - Anaconda. Montana. D. B. BIRRl N. r .IRS STr , . . . . . ANALCODA, MOINTANA. Carriage Builder, Blaoksrmilth and Wagon Shop. AU of mw . .rs wad uY martd .:I cls beaS U i roeve,, bla puami rupernlaiom. FURNITURE. JUL reee~lvd Ma TH. EHRET'S uos 3emm . onu A FULL UNE OF OFFICE DESKS, ~17rqN ,km.,,I mm Anaconda Livery Stabl( D. Q. BROWNllJL Pmorararoa. Buggies. Saddles and Horses for Hire. OEM a la N Il latm S .t t, AMrn am