Newspaper Page Text
ILI MIT. T F.1 rl~w n nl l l )lr, IT i 0 aB T"VBI $R! GUIDI;. *t~~~*.a UwV donin *1< 3MmM.RT A' 100SK' w K11 N A. 1ad .,Im -zt l r Iems {ýº (1a i s {: aS e "s S i..-Fe' ir.Arrives at tinat 4:15. 7 I1F. I S.-.-AVwS at alusat 7 :15 t ,sº Sow a,.a. ·, mal Js. Arrival and Departure o Malls. WAlta D At? DAILY VOlS Mý wt IeMM x h7.09 A. i M .... .. . T.M A. -' 1A1 U P .imut aD Ut'.,. iess ..... 4ASj/IMA.ý 11a. PY breawru alas) A. 3i. M..a~y - - Vdimlr~. MAIIA ASUSIY DAILY VSOT and atc . . . 1.6A. . and Deer lode............llM II A. (. AD -. ?4EN tb l abd vW iisniu . 4 P: 1 1: jiaimS. !nith mad eOntatuir TM 1. Ti . fq palNamKh. aM Esalrn Stale MP. _ ami1 s ha e I t as u. ra . r . . Al E ~1s ello 45 m f d A. U: AD~ em0mIsS he·r~Yrlm desr ture TUB WEATHER. Th. daily reoord a th .l.. .-ran t .I 1 city Is repored hy A. T. PlaIter, CUlmI Fiet stret. The record for Woe bu~v w.e: ? a. irn.. 5 degrees i 13 rn., SD degrees6 p. urn., 3degrees; 5 p. in., 17 ./ep!Heir" to te a.adard wilt be re. -~b~ of the bushd oFwe. or adtA ethe on of '~eas & Kdue. Main etrwt. Adw~rtdinga raw oem be learned ad the bedium~ .~.e ".sArd buildiue, nwr of Me". ad 9%" a 1Cfg YirrwoAd"rWr ABOUT THE CITY. The uhstantial new buiklingl at the cot r of Main and First streets was open ed to tenants yesterday. Mims Kate Putnamm a favorite actress In Montana. will appear at Ivan. opera boume on Saturday evening. A telegram received in this eity reste.. d anmnounces that C'olonel Rate will re um freen hi Easter n trip during the -memat week In the police court yesterday Henr Wilson was fineld S and m asts and Geonr. .rtel * said costs for coumittings nul The ladies of St. Mark's guild wish to e~pes their sincere thanks to all tbhoe who with their time and money so kindly helped to make the recent fair the succees It was. The sum of Sils.s was cleared. whbih Ie very gratifying to all concerned. rleaaRwa Iat r O . we. Changes are announced amnon the of s~leer of the Montana Union railroad. H. B. Wakeman resigns bhi position and N. i. O'Brien is appointed superintdendet of trwat.portation. Mr. Wakeenan, after a long term of meffcient service, has carried eut a plan he has long bad In mindI. Mr. O'Brien'. peomotomn will he warmly com mended bg everybody who knows hin and wil puet a tboroughly competent of. leer in a place of trust and pC~olnnence in the service of the moad. Cewiler All light. Ge<mrw Crowler, the mysmterous theft of whoe ducks was mo long a burning quase ts., was arraigned in the polike court yerday afternooa ona the complaint of aIrry Sutcliff. an employee n his r.etau, who alleged that Mr. Crowley die tuabed the peace by abusing him. Mr. Crowley saki he had ablndant caune for viprinanding the coeoplainant, hiut de nlaed that inl Mo doing le enatdl any p))bie" disturhance. The prun.wcltion warn so week and unati'sfactorxy that Judgel Fits radLd diuasmled the case ansd Mr. Crow Swas honaraly dimeharged. The mast complete line of dress trim mnlge in tbe city is at rate & Connell's. If you want the fiQest hat made In the world for itness and durabillty, get the Chris* at t& Coanell, and no otber. emos and oesp, boob and sboea, at Rete A Comarl's. wamens. A ba, r5 or 1i year old. for four bours' lght work a day. Address P. O. bos a, 3mI e P. o. O . etA. muis- et d importanee to be transacted at maet mr etl. g. A full attendane is d sired. C. F. Walker, itcretary. ArLts' materials as Cues.' drug store. Dr. T. . muramo. Jautoppu at S oo Lee's, on Second Ieretm e man.Anaconda. Go to "Jack" Ouarbeim for the finet lameb sad Bohemian beer in the city. 4N mdred apples at Neal's. Prim pa r bop . AU-Weod ·lade' clotb Mc. at Kates & nw Cbrbtmm i rim at Bates £ Conaells. rv. seat. Or reasonable teraa larg kltcben sa dialog rom, furnmised. Inquir, at Ooklmm Ifoune. Bas Secon steet At lstm & Connels the belapest all wool airy every offered for sale in Amad& _ ew Is the tme to buy your ciarm and d 'tm. John V. Petrit carries the urJn s-of Now York. Key w1e aed C otroena scaIr. In the wet. Smioke sh **" Rov-" clar, for sale by ebin. thM dstll THESE ARE TME FACTS ---he 1ameWN stm AppeMd Is tlhlb aog--eus I. w.awa wm s UWes flei whe a I spsmes the Whm th adrga I Dotse wre dia. -e...e. the merto of .sempetiag "r alarm aseeviWe, Sat.nday right, a-e aM e.asseement was mad. that the Gamewell alarm smm was prenouneeed a failure y several gentlemue well-.kowa In this eity. The trAUDA3D's aceount of atrd umetUla in Butte uaotes Chu[I fh ass anyin that, among others. Hale and Mr. Tooey, of this city, de.lared that the Gamuewell ae tor hebare no good. These eustlemen declare that they nev er sead aenyhinl of the sort. It appears that, onthe occasionof a raseent ire in this city, the signal did not work. It was a solitary failure for which the Gagnewell was it no way to blame. The fact is that Nuperintendent Morse has been out of towne and that a trilang arccident to the wirlfarraway fron. the lsgnal hor, had not been repaired. As to the praomptness and accurmacyr of the rssem. as eused In this city, there Li no question whatever. Both have baeen ut to the test mcores of times, and thie aerv· e Ibr prosved to be adenmrale. But Mr. Thboen was particularly azzious, on the occasion of hi visit, to get adverse testi mony regardlin the Gamewell. Luas evening Mr. Tooey reenmarked that be didn't wish to get Ineto anyr cotroversy over the subject and would he glad to have no reference made to bis name, heat he asserted without qualificat ion that there is not a word of truth In the aser tlon that hIe used the words ascribed to him. or any utterance resembling thenm. O(licer Hale was making hsa usual mroud last night when a $TA uAiU) reporter fell nlto conversation with him ota the sutb ject of Chief Thaees' talk in Butte. "I never made amny remark of the sort to Mr. Thones," akid the officer. "He ulno me andd he wanted a written statement about the failure of the alarm service bere. He then said that Mr. Toney had claimed that he sent In the alarm and that it didn't work. Just then," added Officer Hale "Tooey himself came along. I stopped him and In the presence of Tbhames be said the story was a lie rest and last." The fart is that Chief Tbomes made the tour of the town soliciting written state ments and asking for atfflavits which le could mnot procur in any instance. Ho was shown the system at the works, but deliuedl to see tests nmde. He was evi dently particularly anxious to find some body who was willing to testify agaimst the Gammowell systeen, and he made a dead failure in the attempt. There are other entlemnen in town who were ap pr)auled by Mr. Thomens o the subject, whose names the NTAxuDAn in at liberty to use it Mr. Thomes desires further evi drm. The Gamewell systemn har long been In uso in this city adt at the works. It .ias been a very satisfactory eervice and has henl tested hliere a great masnay tines. It Is the system In use In siearly all the large cities in the Umnitedl States. The Gaynor systeu has bean adopted in Salt Lake. but it is not completed there anud that city has as yet had no practical use of the system that testinmony tlhat Is worth one red cent. NOTES FROM MISUiOULA. A Jury I. kSe (mllard (ias-tIg oess Eatat. Weauseel tea. Special to the Mtandant. MIUanOULA, Mont.. Dec. 16.-The work of cureainrl a Jury in the trial of the state vs. David (ollard wasr completed thlis evening. Collard is charged with the murder of Cls. Campbell at Noson. Mis soula count,. on the night of May utbh. Tle following cases will ncome in the orker namedl The state va. James Mc iUn and Samuel Rycker, chargcd with lar ceny from the railroad wreck at Trout (:reek; the state vs. Jack Johnson. charged with assault to commit rape ; the state vs. Joseph Johnson, asamsult with a deadly weapon; the state vs. Daniel Pawkes, for the muarder of Phllip Portin; the state vs. Lena Fisher, for selling liq uor to Indians. A npokane syndicate, represented by Judge Wood. William Shaw. cashier of the Spokane national hank: G. H. Braley, a wholesale furnitures dealer; and Arthur Mason, a real estate man, have purchased 80 acres in South Missoula, of Mc(onnell, Cook & Co.. for $100,000. PERS"NAL. C. Porter, of Cork. reland, is in the city. A,,lit..r 'ulatl.ra.eº1i, of the M.lntsul Union, was in the city yesterday. W. L. Stitrr. of Portlanll, is registered at the Montana. It. M. Hallater andl R. H. Sawyv.r. of Tb'r * Porks. an-t E. Ld. Tra-k of Butte, ae asnloaz yesterday's arrivals. T.amaLs.eL WItu .es.t mrwstasem. Prm the OCmha World. ,estosl--Mr. Healtly, I called to rut your share of the fund annually sub. errihed for keeping the cemetery in re pair. Mr. Healthy-Well. I've concluded I woh't twy a manr e toward it. I've con contribud bor 1 years and none d to hae as yet wot a cent' worth of WaMin Club. .e are egoraailmg two watch and dl monod olam, of tkr membhers each. Osn requires the payment of one dollar per week adl the other of two dollars per eek. T maner of buying watesh. diamumndi amid othe arie jewels as- become very p s. The bsmal amou.t rquihsed each w places a membership within the reas. o ovef rrooe. and tlU money you pay la would perps be blown in ln mone otbher way you woukd have nothing to show for it but by joining our clubs and without elin is a burden you moon have an elegant pic, of j . V1 wish those thiinking of joining ldub would call at our store and see the qualit of goods we propose furnishing members of our clubs. We have the newest and brightest stock and the best values for the maoney. . . Maniasr . Co. Bates & Cousneils .0LO0 laies"' eloak i worth o A ). ror Rn. wool or silk underaMrsf far gnts go to Roet. & Conncll's. Pre.mrlptwousacuratelr compounded at A. T. Playtwr' drug staoe. dy or sight. AI shades of plusbe. at esass & Coa molfor tf M emts. Go to Miss H. V. White for the bes and most complete line of miliner good vm oRered la Anseonds. Christmas tie, .0k,. milk band kmechief. .mhrboklded silk suspenders saul dippers at Estes & Connel. A OHAIRMI P-WOIIUAmdm M.-ig Wmadiem Sammm-es UleW im athe kme " esm re pesl. .. IAke an enid In a de emi I Mimam Mad dern compared with thle mulfiie at atresses who so by the mame of emeston al. so fve hPes ranst ad w -e.m e *ee tation, - simple and yet o asa so natunl and yet so unerr~n lr alY .ne, Miss Maddern les a artlst to whlm is a deep and rernbhlag plekmure. Thre wee mement alast nigit whe she hrashed the tweMr of the aMsleMie with a skil and sddennmes that eaueed the ta to leap Into the eeed of the mrot Manlmpswelo able. The play "ln Stte of All" Ie on strused to :s= her abundunst oS arun Ile to displa bhe splndid Iah. MIssO Maddern's supp ir s of amusmIJl it quality. Mr. Favershasm s u n--b but repentant husband of th ne Mr. layton as her bibulous brotber, UwJs Mie Kline as the dashing prlim a dan of the ra are exceptonal y ood. Mr. Edwards to polished and mostadml-able actor, in whoe iLnpersonation of the "intpressalo" the audence took nlino kdlight. Mism Maddena aid her Cumted romnpany may he amsured always of a warm welecome at thi cityr. NOMEL WATCH AND DIUAMOND CLUBS -r. Keppler Oremlasat. Asessm me ,,Utd Orwe Umeilt to eb.Ir Moeadees. At the request of a very lare number of patrons, J. C. Keppler bus decided to or ganise haboe watch and diamond ehbas. In order that the people of this city sad vi cinity may have an opportuanity toprocur goods upon that satisfactory plan. Solicit ing agents of outskide lubs have been in tbis place lately,and when it is coanidred. that their commuission is neeemarily add ed to the cost of the goodl purchased, it will he seen that the home club offers decidked advantage over outside ones, as the agents' ,conmluski is done M wy with. and Mr. Keppler can thus dispose of go at prices below what tie same artie can he purchased elsewhere. Another cones mendable feature of the homne club is that all kinds of exradsa can he purchased by its membenrs outskie clubs eonfine their amles solely to watches and diamonds. The terms are the usmal onew of 61 weekly payments. Mr. Keppler ls now in reladinss to take numbers for a $100 cluh, a .90 club and a 61 club. For further information apply at . adng JewEPPler. Anacnda. Youat Shg JOeler. AS 00tad. PLACED IN COMMAND. meetS.. ot of ere Ut Mte iMare gasly Mmd Usei Cempaer. At a moeting of the Marmus Daly ragine and Home company last night, these ol-l crers were elected : chief. James Richey; Brut assistant forenan, J. S. Dougherty; ecw.n. l assistant foreman. J. G. Morre; tressurer DaIvk Lewis; secretary, W. C. Converme; captain of the hose Mont. J. Pi.kel, Lem Pope Pat Lolge, I. T. ('on rey; e-ngineers, ark Willamsn, Jaume Mc(losky, Charles A. Wilsou speela fire police, W. J. Dickinson, J. E. Jones, Charles Hinse, Ben Murphy. D. H. Evaunu, Clharles W. Harruton; trustees. John McClosky, N. J. Dickinson, H. R. rowwn. TOLD IN A LINE. Complete line of cartridges at Anacon da Hardware Co's. Guns for rent at Anaconde a lardwae Co's. Guns and ammunition at the Anaconda Hardtware Co's. or style. good goods and a gpermt ft go to Esk a (Connsell's fwo your ckltLing. Loaded shells at Anaconda Hardware Co's. Estes & Connell are marking their new stock of clothisng andl furnishting goods at prices that will please all who want lest clams goods. If you want a suit of clothes made to arder call at Estes & Connell. They have over 800 samples to select froan, and guar antee a perfect fit. WhaI.. Yee IKow about the' Nuperb Pullman Dining Cars which have been recently placed In serv ice via the Union Pacific. "The Overland Route?" They run on the fast Vestibule Expnss b letween Councll BlInfR antd Den ver and onl "The LAmlted Fast Mail" be tweet Council Bluffs and Portland. If you want to get a sumnptlous meal whlle traveling, don't tall to take the train on which these Diners run. Meals, whih cannot he surpassed in any of the first cla.r hotels in the country, are served in these carms at Th.e, each. UNl.oN PA'lvlC KAIlIWAY. I'A..KNI44IK IIKrATMflIIT. IurrT. Moat.. Nov. wt, Inm. Agrpeta ti Montana: A rate of one and one-fifth fare for the round trip to apply locally within a distance of 900 miler has ee n madle for the C(hristma and New Year holidays. Tickets to he mold 1)e.on bar .t, S and 1.. 18UB, anm January 1, 111Kg. Final limit. January r. 1I0. Advie the public. Youra truly, J. A. Luwis, gtneral agent. Proed of Hl lm.lpedlnwt~d. Fro.m lu.k. T. C:hlmondely Kerridge (of "Lon non") : "But our railway carriages are maore confortable than yourm-don't you know ?" Pullman A. Carr (of ('icago) : "How are they Iatled?" T. ('l/hlmon dely Keerrle': "Well-- al t --tl*y're not heated--dop t you know ? But you ought to use the deliglhtful traveling rug, we carry. . . A Frosm the New York (wmmercial Advertlisr. I bear that Bronsom has a recular soa. snap in the goernmet .mpo. "Yesi bhi position as all ok--e ddetective in the mint." '"Thbon ie l cake-It must be mintep." Paints, oUs and window glass are e ried Lo stock by A. T. PlaYr, drulst.. The eMebrated l rds nderwear at este & comau!rs. A. T. P r bas ju ..m ,seeavd lo of unlu.i Hnmyu Clay ciars. LadIls, at Mis H. V. Whit'. youesa t: all klinds .o stmpl doas with s. - asul dispaeb. A ars lot of pates to EeCt frbOm. _ The latest fall and winter shapes ina celebrated Christy hats, at ates & C nI s. job. V. rstISa Has ,w receved WO= cimgar which will ~plrlop tbq mstk. at vmamaM.b A. T. Pt~av. bm us hr scived alarg pla cac k p ain ts an d w in d ow glam . Corwl" makes specimlties of turke dinner mad caffus as motber mmmd. It. Iaus InEmlue £ db. Ansat hUVUIIta' Twmat -Bv. p.r cyst Is talan off fe iL s mlbu. bought at E.t & Caamdl Mesamtl.· Co. NEW MOVES AT HELENA ft Us hlmme0s sonhm b Idhe eM 4hS Week WM possea to e seadeird. HaMA. Doe M>.-The week pened at the cou houe this monanlg wf a n iune poidlal saking up, art of wbe wp et o the programme. As was e p·ted h democrat Msenators a mbled at the Meato ehambe this morning and qualified. The norrtdorwer flHed with politeans and spectators at an early hour befo the opening ofthe senate. Promptly at 10 o'loek Lieutenant Governor Rick ards called the senate to order. and asked temporary Cletr Gilbert tocall the roU. AU the snators, republican and democratic answeredo their name. Senator Brown baving glo up out of a sick bed to be present. After Chaplain Berry bad offered prayer the minutes of the previous day's meeting were reed and approved. Lieu tenant-Governor Richards then sakl: "Tbere are present this morning the usual number of senators, together with the eight democratic senators who have been absent from our meetings. I will there fore ask these gentlemen if they ae ready to take the oath of office." A democratic voce answered, "We are." Lieutenant Governor Rickard then maid: "I will appoint enators Hedges and Par berry a committee to wait on Chief Justice Blake and request blm to visit this cham aer to administer the oath to those mena tors who have not yet quallfed." The committee returned with the chief justiee, who administered the required oath to the eight democratic menators. via: Mesers. Becker. Baker, Hoffman, MeNa mar., Parberry. Hennessr, Thornton and Rudd. A recess ol fiteen minutes was then taken, during which all these just sworn In submeribed to the oath. On re susting seselon Chief Justice Blake re ported this fact and departed to fle the subscribed oath with the secretary of state. The senate was then adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. The whole affair paed off pleasantly, though there were no signs of enthusiasm shown by either side. While all this wa going on the house had taken a short re come. After reassembling Mr. Comly n troduced the following resolution: WramRAS. This hbaae ot reresenliatives of the Ntate of Montana, holdiag its sessoas La the hall of the house of representatives in the sourt hbose at Helena. Montana. has been duly oga bed sinre November 3s, atna; and WHKIeAKs , .ertain members elect of this body, to-wit: IHelle fllow the as of l the republi-kn representatives, with the exception of Iketnan., Bray. Thomplsn. Monteath and IStoerts.e of Itiver Itow.I Have wilfully absented themselves, and Utill s absent themselves, Mad reflse to quality and assume their seats in this body: now., thereforew e It Ie'rdrd. That each of said absentees he outi eed to appear within the body of this house forthwitt and then and there qualify as a anem ber thereof, and In the event of his refusal sa te Ido the. this house will take actklm upon his e-p heal. R.erds. Vurther. Lthat osntire o this order ofat the hons be gives by the suer[.esat-at-srms, de livering a ropy hereof. signed by the speaker and attested by the chief elerk, to each of lmid ahenstees without delay. The resolutions were immediately adop. ted and signed by Speaker Blakely and Chief (:lerk Pond. Armed with copies of these reslutions Sergeant-t-arms Finlan started out to serve them onn the republi can rumpers. He found fourteen of them in the corrkdors of the court house. They received the papers in a very serious way and were evidently rattled over the new turn of affairs. The other rumpers were found this evening. This action of the democrats has placed the republicans in a very awkward position, for the notifica tion sent to the rumpers is simply follow ing the example et by the republican sen ators. In addition, the action of the dem ocratic senators thbis morning now places the entire blame for the dead.oek upon the rumpers. The senators have qualified but unless they vote the or ganisation of the seate mcannot be com pleted and no possible advantage ean be gained by the republicans. The demo crats hamve clearly inereased the strength of their position today by their action in both houses. They have a confidence greater than has been shown during the past week. " The runmp hoetse met this evening and adjourned. A long caucus in whichi the repubhlicat senators partici pated followed the adjournment. It is ex pected to-night that the result of this con test will he pretty well settled before the week is over. Adv.ert5.e Lestetr Us. Letters remaining unclaimed In Ann conds postofice for the week ending December 1. SleN: l.n. • Martln, Rot. V larrlirt. Ja m s IEt ) -m M anrltaW C ll. . lem 11A SMJer" .e, ( Ge. . M Msabse Incallin for thee letters the applicant must call for advertided letters and give date of this list. One cent will be eal lerted for each lease. If not called for wthin two weeks thy will be sent to the ~~~~asa Mts ~~r . Moosa P. M. For $15 a month you can buy a lot in Columbia C(ty Butte's choice resident -ocallty.that will double In value in twelve moonthl. Call on or address thp . T. C. B. oornpany. 41 East Broadway. Bute, Mont. Call and mse Bstes Connells I cent plush&. The Arnhas~n a "' bbs was .e.d.. Visitný cards n.Ma writS.m, a Tripp'. ILaMle all wooI semeh .mdrme a 3.5. & Corsmlk for Ue m.. CLL' ON Hennessy Mercantile Co. -FOR- HO.LID7 Y GOODS ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES Prices the Lowest. CALL AND EXIMINO. D. J.Hennessy Mercantile Co Corner Oak and First-sts,. I. I. JACOBS, Northwestern FUP STORE 41 West Park-st., B.UTT., MONT. M.AUVAlrCT.ER OF Fine and ledinm Grade of Fun SEALSKIN GARMENTS Made to Order a Specialty Particular Attati liva ito Bdr in and Imvtitg1 OM tulaIus. HlgAbet Market Prices Pad for Raw Purs. Anaconda Livery Stable D. 0. 3MOWN LL, PMGVn= Buggies. Saddles and Horse for Hire. ANTD43 DIWFRIUCT'OUU OIOfIlE COUNTY omm m" Mob" .raarea. Am&""&,inSh INIIaet 4,xrrqff O IF7W u~covNT C Wre aut obO mmmP-In 10*0 ~treelue rj i eor- ode ". o ral es. rame W. 1 ·It M II tr*w " mdev of a"~b b oC UJmal a Im utat fhat 11 ree t" tISer el. ~tem··oldrceeud befes She mid ~Ide Iart em oafim dauotJ .l~ft % lcor "Arn why moder C W e d or eU iLhrve Lnmoimb tro em lSb.rm sgawe .1 Se md adtc C me u de m me u3beard 13 ft' this order be pubLshed oie a wrek IL r at .neieweek. s Ain Aý gW "Dw. 2a I-nm. SJ. C. KEPPLER * atchmaer and Jeweler, Deml.r DI7MG N D S., Watches, Clooks, Jewelry, Op tical Goods. Bl1verware, Eta. nW. C. HAYNES. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. Traaat sn ock Caefully Cared fr. First-Class Turnouts and Mod erate Charges. ism ~ ess.o A MaGe 1m. AmaMvo, MeimAN. Var Spring Uvery Stable. Tb.e Fimn Tf-msami NOw amn LANDAUS. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. VKIN Nf W HUA& Our ALDDLB HO=I= or Ladlewm OS0 ar C Ow Im a the WW r IMrt CHAS. W. PRENCH, Proprietwr. VIPs strIs. West ei Mad . Aammmad Me" THE ARCADE SALOON TM Finest of Imported Wines Uquors and Cigars An Elegant Free Lunch " CROCKET & KING. Stationers e Booksellers CIGARS. TOSACCOS. ETC. AXAOMhDA. . UrOUTAN