Newspaper Page Text
VOLb nat6 99M~oNUba MtauRNtb., S31S VOL. L-NO. 9« _____ *_______ ANACONDA, MONTANA, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMUER 31. 1139 PRICK FIVE C3MT5. DR, D. J. W IoDN LD ·morJ rrrr. 800 M~.". aa..d. * Ammi . . T. D. *ITZO5RALD. wwea m~ - - Aummen Went 079. P. UROIN* ARtteraOerat IAW IW~~~t~n aSrr - l~aw. Y~ Ore A Ime~tAt Jaokya MSlek. ]Lain Utre~t Aam Ms. SIMMON f. dII ad . ui at Law 1vmm S Rto Mshe 81miUmedms hur andL 3m Clh rmsU it Ma 4:9 M nume. Prop ems, e> ýssa roans SeSteek. sad Oak aLmma. Ansi ad.. Yo F. P. CHRISMAN. D. D. 5. Owes. Firs mrsst DntwenMsa ~ TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by am mu.. AU clams of Uaenal Work u W u ,V a 4raclas mannr. ArUaSeal Feeth Withuwt Ilnis. H. ]ý[. STE PRAMS. PHYBICIAN AND SURGEON, ANACONDA - * MONTANA OEM.'. tn Darrn A Jacky block. 3.514w.r on 5lwwlwstrodyysroe. '0. UraIdUMl of Ut is Ma rrL· k90llr U(dUU L~e. DRS. MITCHELL ^ SNYDER, .NICON DR H-IQsITRL.. (Next to Mostams HoteL) AWAflINDA .- MONTAN A Anaconda Real Estate Agency. FITDPATICZK 1 A MPL.NO, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AOTS. Muiing b~-Cr a md C .nmvaeeram. ANACONDUA - MONTANA PEOPLE'S MARKET. leuiaer, murat t srmno, Wholesale and Retail Butchers. THE OTH ER ONLY etdAmm hily marketo m t C city. All Goos nIbvaerl Vt.. at Charge. Uantse am Flin irms - A * * *WAonIA ELEGANT FUURNISHED OOIS THO DnLMONICO. *S*AMSN. lUTW' rv,4e.a Maie asremt. Noa S ruMt. Aamcomnda. MIuM. *Mr. MRRTIN* (orroerr ruuM SANK) MAKXA PEZCIALTY O1 FINS CIOAaI INMlasIrC. IrMSWrZ AND sKR Wa.I. READ'S DRUG STORE, MAIN STREUT, ANDERSON & THOUAS. Contractors and Builders i4mlis Mill nitll metl T.w. FINE FURNISHED ROOMS -AT lTH OAKLAND HOUSE. MEl. L. WARREN, PrRs. BAIST I -COD-T., Asauls. ma-.s. N ER L & SON. ewrsdealers and Confectioners, Clgar, Tebacc and Produce. A NICE NT.tM'K OP PANE'Y JNIºMID FOR THE lJLIDA. TRADE. Flrt se. . . Anaasmnda. SAM PRAMENKO, Fresh Game, Oysters ad Fish, Liquors. Cigars. Candes. Nuts and Fruits. Butter. Fresh Eggs. ana COVNTM-Y * IRODiC. so 1vw UwIn. AinWlanda. MIns. FRANK D. BROWN, .-GgK.T V%)&- ST' N DR RD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES OF THI WORLD. -AOKNT VtXI Wm's MiltkMs to h T lu . MII/s" Phlllpbre . - - Montana. LIVERY STABLE. JOE CARLETON, PIOKRIKtUL A -erimll tramnIr buaetes SMMt.. Stable, Bmdway, Pblipsbrg UP TO HIS OLD TRICKS bml TOM n aM 3.U lo am kbuMM Iat S hkM.t F* Cleva" lammal WON I Wow Wamood w by tb. ofti. AntalhestI. Aft Old oowne..i Sr. PALL. Dee. 3LA-A Pionee Prm. special fronm gIou Fas. S. D.. says: lie tetives ae bunating for )Deter G. Turner, who, aecording to the statements of State Auditor Taylor. is one ot the m~st accom plished insurance rmasi that ever oeU.. ated this eetion of the country. "Tur -ne," said the state audbor to a reporter, "came to South Dakota in June last, rep resenting himself as te agent for the Citiusns' Life aueiatien, of ('Cherokee. Iowa. He imnmediately proeeded to or -anine the seate In a systematlral manner to solicit life nsurance for his company. Agents were appointed among farmers and laboring classes. MA attractive fea trme of the plan was to Iasue a policy cov ering both mnan and wife. and in mome in stances the entire family." "Buisiness came pouring in at an enor mous rate, notes or cash heillg taken for premiums from policy bohlers. When a note was taken it was sold at whatever figure the local hantk was willing to pay for it. The work has been a franudulent scheme from its inception. The amounn of ht41ine.' done is enormn inU aRd )policies written will reach a million dollars." Proceedings will he instituted in the United States courts for the collection of fines against the company, which are 3MO1) per policy. The country has horbeen worked thoroughly and Turner's receituts must amount to many thouuands of do1 lars. The notes; of course, ae null andi void, bilt innocent parties hb themn to a large amount and mut suffer. Turner is an old offender in this line. --- - -- - DOM PEDRO'S S)RROW. lhe s Emsporer P.w.rted by the Death et the m pam. . OPowrTO Doe. 8).-Dorn Pedro :as re celved many telegrami of coueedlence at the death of his wife. Among them was one from Queen Victoria. Whecn it he came evident that death was rpidly ap proaching. the es-empresm was advised to summon a confessor. Although in great agony. she replied, "Yes, but we must await the emperor. He will give iastrue tions." Her last words were, "I regret that my chiklren and grandchildsrn are not around me that I might blhis thsm for the last time, also Brasil. that beautiful e.untry to which I cannot return." Don Pedro arrived yesterday taor.mtai and at tended mass. He was greatly deftected and was so weak that hil. doctors were obliged to support him. Muclh anxiety is felt for his condition. When Don. Pedro arrived at the bedside of his dead wife be knelt and l kissed hrc forehead. He appeared unable to and lid ,e spealk fr 2I) minutes. Then Iae said: "I have experienced the nost bitter trial that Geed ulu inflict upon nme. Her faith fail and affectionate companionship has sustained anle for Mi years Gol's will he do-ne." Then noticing his wife's eyes still o'en he commanded limself and ex elasimed: "Is it possible those dear, kind eyes will never briglten when they see me?" Having closed the eyelidkls he rev erently kissed themn. He then asked to be and so remained for a long time, after which he b.rameealm and asked the attendants to keep al quiet until the I. hne fete was etdedt. The news. however bhad already been sent everywhere, and later ins theevening Don Pedro sent a dispatch announcing time death of his wife to the various monarch les. The BrasUilan minister at Lisbon has notified the provisional government in Brasil a the death of the ox-emaxms. The body was embalmed and transferred to the chapel Ardente. The lanterment will he in Pantheon. DaIm Pedro continued utterly prontrate today. His doctors advised that effarts he Imade to arouse him by conversation., hut he does not responud to any one's asions. The Compn and ConUptess d'Eu arrived here to-dar. The ex-em perr-'s meeting with his daughter was of a painful character. ('muosdlao PaSllle Divided. MoNTreAL. D)ec. au.-The CanLadian Pa. eifle' .atetnenit shows a surplus above flied charge for the year of $2.-2Ai. 000. whclh added to the surplus frotl last year woukl make the e total surplus $2.57 10J0 at the ctwe of thue isuwet year. It wasdec'ded to declare a Mupplm.hnha7y divi lkeuld of one per (l.t payable Fewbruatry 17. witl the regular one anid one-half yearly dividend fromn the annuity fund il the handsl of the Daminion rovernmuet., mtak lug tLe total for the half of 23 per cent. P.SIumv c $be Pmas 1wa. Naw Yovu. Dec. reports 11.719 faIlures in the United S~tate for the year 111~9 with lablilties of S1IWXA .480 anid assets off l458,197. This is the lam eut istmlres of failure and greater Iabil. tied than for any year in the peat five years. The increaue i. n umber of fail ...e. over it s Ia Uc, increase in liahIll. Iss AD1Z7,1M,8 incrsase in assets Os.w,." Ge. E pIemle. I. Now Naw OrLEANS, Ihkc. UO.-A terrifb ez plosihl of o accalrrmd Iu a two-sbory brckt buikllag at the caenr of Ebulran fields and Victrw7 stts d mno$lig two hualkllngs uad burping ala pemrn beneath th. detris. The firmaem and poll men suceeedud I. resculng them without vSi 46in Injurlee. Csprs r PI d ssts s trwtwt d . PwAXI. Dee. "0.-At a mneeUng of the old Cusnpenfr elm C~omp. saerr boklm.a camwrimnu. w wae eetd wbuv bv the di rvctuqs olfer thugw SJNWAM.JO franc. Chair man HiLtacrheu' fer of 15.I)ADIA) franc was rejUctad. IM..vtar Ysuei.. Waubwvr. SAWL-m Or., Use. U"-Prof. Melvill C. Dia, principl tacher at t6. ('bmaina Indlan tralning mehod rmar Salerns, and brother of Secretary Jeam. (G. BLmiue. died tis eveniug alma. a brief Iliunm. at the ago of 4L I e e e. U L-Lo 1 11. I nbf i I LODN ee .Lrd UI*.bbuap iss MISLUA DING POLICSW. uessm Chatgim £gasM. a WM Uesaumm - biaein. Dae. l.-Iassm Cammis deler MeoIL ham wriem a ew p M r to P.e6s6ot bea. ot the 1Ne1w Tek I I s-.ase . mpa wy ot the t~s lrgos-t isauneo esnmpsaneia I the worM, polating mat what be al uawlawful actins of said empany. He chargls the eoma pany with suinulg a misleading policy and making an unfair di.crimination among .surants. The commisaioner says re cently there came to the notkice of hid de partmnent a form of policy issued by this conpany called "ordlinary llfedistaiheation poley." (Carefal examiunitton of this pol ey. he s. sbhows it to he not only wh ly Ineonacenmt with the spirit of the stat utes. but contrary to its iangua, while its rovisons renider it unfair, nsa ing alndnenaring. Unlder its terms auIH iis the practice of the eompansy, a diasrimin ation is made among inLaurnta of the same class ald lnsurance I. provkled in a manner not permitted by law. Besides being unlawful. the terns and conditions attached rensder it to an ecrpe.naced appl'cant very rin plicated amnd liable to minsuderstanding and deception. There is, he mays. no pao. sible advantage in its intricacies to comn pensate for the conafuson amnd liability to error and disappoidtmnest of the inureo. and the only appprent or coneeivable msnon for the ltmae.uer of conetructineg a premiumln is to enable the coa.umny to evade the law and contiu.e thl forbkletI rebate practice. It is clear, the omennlis siomair says, that this scheme in itsgemaeral mutline is such a klemrture from te.stab liled l principles of advance lpaynenut or old lane life inslurance as to jlitify aiiker the law a restraliit of its pr...cls.util by any co.mpaney authorrnu l to operaie w atlile the co.ninoniweaWltli. If liawe policies are allowed to continuter. inot alonel will the Srrtiaul-r comlpasny wlicli adeylots it *aif ir In claracter land ilt tihe quaºlity of its hesileu., but all onnpalines will hle con pell d to struggle losinlgly under usejust competition or adopt sinlilar unllawful schemles to the geuerntl de.nlrahluationl and a loss to the whole life iuuuraicec iIn The New Enaland maasaer of the New Thle New Englanll manager of the New Yark Ife Insurance conmeiany saik to-day he had rsCeaved a Cm.oy otf tle unsurance coeamuissioners circular. hut dlid not tlilnk it Ilncumbent upon himu to nay slythilng, Inat.metch as It was a.akeJnswdl to the perI klent of the e tmpn ny. Prei.dent IIee. of the New York Ife Insurance (uomiany to-mligkt llanded the assoclated puress a letter itn reference to the enommuntclatiol of the ilasuerance cota lnliakmnorP of Massachusetts. III it he ays te polle and its teras of payment have hee well consaklered and the plasm is be yondml question perfectly legitima'e and safe. ,and has no gsremlance to the as esmainent plan. There is absolutely noth Ing hlatever in the policy which iis seecrt and it makes no dicriminatiouns what ever. Cut. K. Thee I. Ckhare. SAN MA0ao, Cal., Dec. Piuat. a well dtreed and apparentlly wealthy mat, suppolsed to he frton San Frastiw.c, created Intense excitnemet lt the (Cathaolic church last night by committlial suucrke. He arrived in the afternoon anid: rushing to father ('cllagean, threw himeltf oen his knee., sayin-g: "Save mn.* wave Irn. I'm g.sll to (lie. Evil spirits are after mo..." Thr priest calmed him aid dlirected liin to a YPlrt appeared agarin at tle. evening ·ero d and was very de*voted. At the clos Plegrt arInu.. drew a IrSe kaiite anid cut his threat before anyone tould Interfere and died withiu live suin mates without speaking a word. It is thought his nmiad was arffected. Dam IPedul. |prep.erty. WASzuIaroN, Doe. 10.-T- e Brasillan miniter has received a a cablgram from Barbtmo minister of flnance. re eardlng the statements reported msla that tihe provinsinal gowernmnet of Brasil had eon Bheated the property elmonging to the em peror. It says the property belonging to the emperor's family has not heets emaln - cUted. n11 the contrary the goveroanment has luaramnteed to allow the Inrperial fam Ily the term of two years in whickh to dir puie of its property. TI.' Braaslian nmin tuter anid Captainl Maarity. delegate to the maritimse catnesss., who was preent whaets the acsulrated press reir-ter callkd to use. him. declared a firu ht'i.f that tlhe rep.alt .lie was asurel d beyond a question. Agueswmata on th. Tanta. WAMHlrhTur. . De. flO.- Maly 51*14 nNstmt were- laid eforw" thi ways *1)41 nwassM (iimllntlittee tl-4Ia~y objecting to a nt~dne~tic l in 111 . duty on 4 tit1"e·rr nt C-11lw11,i. 4-44,196 H. II. Ricruqtagartc~ vo of Ph)iladelphia~i t Ivocatrrltl the lu*(torlti.ºn of the duty toot .ataimminmp. W. L. Ferriu of Ne.w York is - that 11w" d1ty h." kept uagw~n e"a-tor oil. M r. Per-awoli. a ,ruialmsfaslgretr of ilyte."ri .a 111od al(11110li4 vmormmi he... n 0 arhtl ii. iv .r of aisll- lirlismg the tax nou all altoihlE. J. Carroll llreokwrth. I)VMri lcelt .mf thme Na licotmal Free Art leagel. advE ite- l hII. total abohlitionl of tlh. lImuly eisa wºrk% ..f art. 11l(thirow . elieallrell I iltE!SeuhMtd il time nmags uf.uolmare of .Itams and earthiesm ware will lie hearud. 4hkarg s .1 Rrtbery. ToPKKAc. Kan.. Dec. ND.--In the hearing of. ease agaaist tihe Topeka Uife Imi*ar atmee company to-day. 'e:retary Fuller nnaek. enoae urenatlonal clwrge. ajgaimmt it Iw.nineslt state uw)Y tileh·am. He as-.*rt441 anduer .'.eth that Fratik Biamgluaan. saaictr frimat Klmngnmaaa. amid H. Burtn. a t4"pn wEntittiV4e who is as ca&liiite for tIi. Usaiteal States. .emator"'laia, t0 11r1...Ii Inmall. have In the paint Sw... *umiti v.ari ous hmumts of mooniy atie Emote'. to Ilmmlmmerme. k gtmmlatile ito favor of insmmaranceeea C..nIum ik.. ('lrk Culnnerouf tihe Ihon- eoumht rnle oe Ituiuratm ae was paidl dluring tiii Iz1t .uuMiot a regular salary ao report tn iut smsrenee men the .kriegw oef the ucmnmittee. The hearing will be ommtilnaaea Friday. guewat. $.sS t.. Suiese. laULIn, Dec. *3.-The trial of 91 awMial Ste accusetd of belonging to secret nu*'i sties and conspiring to disiturb public peace. euoed at Everflld Depu ties D.4w1. Grillenlwrger and Scbsantagt-r and N others were acquictt&dl 1puaY Harm was comrited amid rentesmmi t...ix muneeths ilutIrirnugn)Pu"i. A ,mutnlKwr d tlcti amass were c-avict."d andl ,ienta"nar.l t.. serum of lnjirieiumnemt raugimag frous 14 udml. to lve- sumoumlas. -. Jaakwum W ill rligh piulliam. LnIDOI. Dcc. 3). -Jrwk...nm. Ow ctt ,rl nI Australian p)ugilist. lsa* s. ehbl.-d his .i cctit alice of the Snallivan, chtarnlltng of the tul-1 ifornia Athletic (lulb. A Wrwrwh Admiralrm Brd. Pais. Dec. :IJ.-Vict Adlmiral L& $&iAet Delafr. is dead. DON'T LIKE THE SYSrEM son* Gum.. of hrgliNi E UghN s0b l M lmu UT. wage N" ft" Us.M Twl .$ I.Nss am ..uaum-Tbeyr tD..- j k Vmmwy Ub. Ilmp vl4 Anrkle .d Will 15kk I. tShe ol Wy.. BALTI.ot.e . hI. 1.-The paunage of an ekrctkha law couctaliln featurei- of the Aumstralian allot systern iLs kdo.ned in latlat. At a ecrets uoeeting of Denm era editor, of the state here today Un State. Senator Arthur P. German mould the keynote. He i. oppenul to sba of the Australians law by sbo* I ammembly, and he is oppoeud to the a of any law like it. a are a ma of the L)eeorratic edlitor of the Sil ensator Grue sakl :l: here can he no q.estion that a serionus nali of affair Ce Hf)tmnts us. The tkle of ~nniiratmon aend tier iefluenee of mnen wbd art. cotling hither as adeverse to oearl Vkrw. Our nmajor.ties fro. natural a.e growtlgi kIt antd want of thor ct-op.lrattul anUosngut our people lha a ievt ikwne our enajewitki. Trie cie tiv frallehitL Itu Ia.I all lwa.s.l. M).lsey hasresa peurael out to caprtue. er4t'etaes fra*luklitlyI. A. fir l w Australialn y it sa. you ohad better ha el it a bill to throw the. eLenuemrati palty il ther This ysytecut Iha. land two trials lit lis cta.lll-try -ouee was ieu Bostoe. tle other inl lMoltasela. Thea yearo a d, insc.rat ii strllnlatslll. west rlei~la ietu at .lthe lt latrlnae ealer thle AuntralinI sy) Lasta by rhliwe., i 5,tJI) ast liU iAiJ anarj wily fir tlte rflt tiel sinlae. 1 GvLersuor Hauser write.s awo trulP Mollltam that we should tave carrand that state Instead of hlaving it hlasgiulg iIs tir halance. By Ilae AUtatralisa sylrtm the voter i. esposeg l to corrupt imlaliaaeIn. of lwihery Iime tLhane ever. (iLthr Ilattletl tto cOnse hefirTe sti ls!latlture are of vital inportwance. hbut thie i. one of the great thinag tol coeskler. swar as one ow wi la ar us ga s s n c.onJIser. Mmadfa. st Ig Miwrm. 9r. PAL,.. De... . -Advice, here seen to tdicate. that tim lgat storm of $aaurday exteantdl over a large area. were rell In the mewspa, erollces es many wires west of here were downr saud travel tk.layed. The ce.nter of disturb. uau appeare to have b.esa at Hurotn. w.hre tthe wind vieerd to the north ean the storm lncreased until it betame a verltihleI lissard, blowinl I60 miles an .-mr. Tme inu.mnrable e-pjs.ritot..w- o two yearm ago pwrveated the iewolo fromn ndauly expusing them.,elves on the prmi ries, and noo fatal nmeolts are. astlcipate.d. ThIs"m hal tween nuarked in plaies b metear phsew muiw..a. As Wisn. eos, raine dseuee..aad ii erest shlm ets adl timh whol.e cay was flnod.-l. Wihse the. rata stopsael the* suevaury fell rapidly to :1j degrlen ile three h,,urs. Tim IpW..ple can skate to huslailsm ,t1hi anor[taigl. At other lsnilat. certrick;l dlistsuri aneU. p.e i.uked lthe fall of slinw. Italutlh was via iteld hl a msve*re hlsaardl. shltererioag in time heaviest Isnowfall of tie meainln. 14"1h6S dlantiuge has beern isn the city. asnd strict car.u are blocked. Trains are 4de Iayetl by drifts nin feat sIeep in mans le.acs. A-LaoonXA. Pa., Dec. *). --Threw carloadl of Pinkertn. detectives passed thermunb here this afternoon for Watsan. a ntininag towin six naile. frin Punss.utawalney. Pa.. where trouble is feared frona striking PtrtexErTAwJ.r.Y Pa.. Dee. lD.--4 )nm hlaundre and sit1 Pinkereton men Uarived lhee tonnight from New YVrk. Phihsiasl !bia ands (hitaeý blwo ht by thw Buffalo. Rerhewter & Pittnamrr (tal 'touna Osoy. Inst for what p.arps.. is not l..flnitely known. as there have been no threats of violet ee. It is snow over two weeks iaaee i. strike was Isaungurated at Watson a driase, iatvolvissg 1AOI mnen anId h IS.rtly after Ihe strike notice. wear sre In CI t.~e -tiners orml.ayimg the oenenpanyls hiouse t4" vacate within tea. clays. 1hw n tiene a Il Ie sap to-m".rrow. at nid tl. geserel ama 'CnM sitiotu I. that tIe Pileakrt..n w.'. w-e , hbrought here to assi.ut is tle eviction ,. It is alas tiutt therwaew 5 A ti.u tllar al.llr and Itala.Is onI thee w.ty tlre, rslad that time .e.)atimlIy Iullar(i.(s plattint .1 m*m to work. Hc a mmnaar4KK r N. 1 f'.,l Im. :I). --Jii. a Kentnder1. It Iliurlrenr r w~rtetiotr~l to tl··nc~ by ..Ie..trisity. ili *a"Ue. to the* aoiurt of ap 5M'aI'. vi.n, imig t bat iii'. .w4It-lb4' wae i . anm.I qniI ,maurmr of deatb. Tb. court Ir."14 that .rid.,w..r *ia.wr it w.. - e..t a (r'8*4 in.atiaal tot inmlu-tinl tlw ae at I uw·, ailly; thaust it wits tiw)ref~rsr (o seI tatie sl. ansE rIauntiekei tiw p iriwaaefr to unalcrg the pusirhnwi t. lCemntelr'u otly chance . f .s'*ape 151mw in tisruesgis thr "*-nwne.imy orf time a vetrutr, wkich Is best likely to ib etaer 4.WUt. Cater .r Ik T.rribl. Wrrrt,. (:HANLKCe"4FII. '. Va.. .c. Ii) -F rw"nty MiX gWesru)Umra.g hflfESo 431* lhe, (huwsa sIke & Ohio traL,. wrueekesl at Whiit. .s "% - .la I 1.pcng' Saateanlay. Nave signed a paper wt.,Uea~g that him Ithir o.iglmiaºts *.".&a..a. atnin Not- slaius4 'f lih, wrc"k v a " II.r r. I itsa lbk... tl.hflcttivr rals, amd a too high rnat. £3f speed. Eirip !ten M~rk.Sam Pittburag. PIFY4111 MU. Dtc. I). --Tie grip mton on the Pittsburg traetioa roard struwk tihi afternoam he."aui. of the 4t 4harg. of trwemmty to nutsmamof the Knighto f Labor. Ai e earsm ar- runiang ki-migIyt with snubn brought frunn (Chirag aril P Ighiat. No br..uls of the peece barn yet ocamu d. Theyp (all a 47emgntSn.. SLZVgLAZI)u. Lhc. 3).-T-w pr .v6gievnsl c-N.mmitt(. or thb Noa-Pa.Paflaaaam fA';n wt 4 ari..tiau Tenm..rasw.. tal.ta a call a nlali.,'al meetin gL (atleveland Jan mary ?l. for t1w purlpoe of orgSn8isin a atiornal asww·alkat. t: I.4 M- Wmm I&l 3rdL lNa 33 S Ur kIgmu ed 3)wseC. U3RLINI. ID.<". :). -A t-tier 5ehlishrl In * ttw Kraus ZE.tumg. ulatd Aden. December :.iJ. rcfer ti. a eu.ntntuurcatimon r ft Dr. Pe.ters its which 1w avsmsinui.tcrt 0la he was ini foal hiealhih s.til spiris.. asdl said The was.lad lie hadh heea reported deasl. A ThLi~rr IJ..t.,rd by Fire. FtLwtt t-K. Ikr'c.*.-U6UlMerto theatre in thiir city w4r burned to-iiglbl There was Iu low of life. uet ty a am omu M aee br. tIas Des. S-.-Whla perprt Las a s e the Chesrek. esmesi. eims.' pit nto omewua imp ir.ted be.. It Charletrhea the dlattoryts at iksam Clehmbme aM a u d dalmergse to tbe goeernm.nst and sa te atio of the cettleaen i numaking LBetilous bids for Indian lands. The report rec.mnrend that the govIernments avai il lf of its un deulable right under m·.tion lfiftee of tlm treaty of Itla to ett.l civilisel Inldians on uaaoteupleal eaws ln ('l.her.,hee sIlatin ls caser of their dle.menesiemt the price per acre to e fixed y tll presidernt. By tth. rlent of il. al s to ithe ( -ully IO.4x0JA1u acr now oreuupcd ope tribs ws C el n dtet, whule eould be d e n he otber hrand $7,tlu e pnd e ed folr te 'bhl. -ee. outlet would onlry ecure Isemuu IR acres, Le0ferlio in quality to the laud now owned bt the gcwernnsent but orcnpied by the Iailusts. who have no title to the smol heat only the right of uocrcpancy at the gover..nents pleasure. T"i c€a.mli s io.tner alrao ruaggst the opis.on thrat the alleed "'Cherlr ke nation," with laws Ilasel lamd adluintiltertd by white mLsel who are really eitzaens of the United tates, lia m rbeome extinct by virtue of lbng cotntinuedl Istern-marriase tetwasa iandiel, asuil whies. altl asks if a strict Manrre of Jlstic warrants. the displlition of Inelluan neaiilties. asil otlhe.r revemuete equally ainmre white L'eUnitl States citi en, amiid full Iuaidtu- (t'hlCwrkbe... CANADA AND UNCLE SAM. A .Irmesr Metmber of the Cm.emdie Par Ilumsawt H ok Vale.r NWw YortK. Ilk. .N).--Prneis Wayland G(;,n. a forgu.r reIident of C'analda and a sIWnmIber of the l)oominmsn purl "unent f.r nine year. ura~vkuas to Sttii maid: "(anadla will cone brre WuskmEl the people of the Unitedl Statrs tlhewnmelves prevent her. She msee milk aand honwy heyrndt the St. Lawrence and she wants to share in it." Glenn in assenlrt ofa his s tatemenrt said ('casen la ad aopted the free r-hnnot my tem andu eIectinn methlods of the Unitlel Slates aIId was mre a eer to adopt Amerlian hasineus principl"ks than she was tiwme of Eelahnd. ('anlaa also wanted free areme to Americm n market.ll He held, in fart, that she woaulsl declare her lak)ependence o Ei.o lish ponewer andl atnne with the United States. The witnesm dki not favrr enmn.erlial uni.., of which Seer.earrý Whleemw talked. Many eellng ('anadml ans. the anemake hell favowr I asne s tien. Instead of oreauing En.nlith mana mine., ('anmlians reamd American ptamlica theon an. d soe ('anadian youths were stcat-dl, he makl. In American rnlkleg than n British ,stlvelrsitks. He thnought Sir John MacDonald was a politiln andl not a statl.lsant. . PI( OlW *13uMRV DUMB.. IT. Tb. Mate Ab aut 4ke wale of tk. Oralto *.untain a F"ake. Sr. Lorin. Ihec. .).- An Fngllahb .ynel .ate I'. trying to bosy tlw fatuuua Granite bloentalin min.! ee MoIttaia. owns&41 twir. An .offer of 6O swr hare or an aggrvpgate of $lR.o o.1O0 fur the 400.000 slare. baa b e.n n ecle bust nt moot art-d snohs. Perskk nt Rumaee. of the Granite Mountain HMiting ennpany. ay. therir is nO 3Wphr hllity .'f the wempcfty gloi Into the bands of an Englisb syndiate and that stores to that .Wart are Imaginary and an attempt to purchase the stork at U64 would lift It away ahov, that Egurh at once. DwdSe;r* Manele s latesd. Naw Yoa0. Deo.. .-J-wleg Lawwmne of the .umepme court handed down a so-.t opinion in chamnes. tolda. in which hew mar in effcct that ('oinel William W. Ihatley. who is malinr half a doswn New York newepapers for allege. II.el in )ir- lication of the "Black. of Five." eIters. .lan4 expe1 t favor. fron the 'surt when heu p*rmis.tently refuses to obey its order.. This m ttrk.nie the motion by the plairttil to vacate the order for auhbti t*1 service on hits in ortdser for hie exam ination before the trial to enahle them de fEnclant to prepamre ao as.nwer. The jails. says as Ihwldlr keeps without the t.rri tonral limits of the state ansl refuse to Jieuy thew crders of the eonurt ti eIassnt 1 e hIwea amrnu,.tivelvy Itsq pIrmilti.t to unders. Tmmgwrud Wihi the Waver 3.upptv. HAVANA. PIee. Ac. -Laudt eventl tho , autls of gw'espl." naaunubleql on the. gvotnan of the, Clubs Arnenuaslare. to witness. the flrrnenm,'s exishit cos.. the objlet of which wilE 14) ral19 fIalme frw the. fire dlepart. pnrt1011,ut. A tweuretory wn len*i htiltlii h1%41 hti· ~t*·(retei rlwichl w ens Sep 14 a.wt IoIs fir.. After tIe t .nere hut hveen aupt,,lkeI agal the tin-owen hat- taken, their lsl~aes i, dliffeawrengt pi~ru 'if ii haruhsg .trerrtan-. it w.a .l/ciserreel that, the water .sagppD pre twtar.m iaul went taronperreI with. Iby mom vile *gui-'ra,-tt. The fl'-mn en were oblige-l to s-eaiss. frass thw wasildlisag a. quihkly as pmaiblse. Mamtas he-lug aconalm. l to throw thesisselves frotn, the roof. Twenty-.wo were isjstnuel. taree fatally. Colluse of a Ut. Lca.. mOaa..a... ST. Uwuw*. IDw. a10.--Tb. wrd..ny of ntu'a". In cursnwe of ,rtrt .,n cn ThIrltwneth aind. Wa..magtoe av.nnu. fell ii a lhiap thIn tsornmug. Th. huikleag had Wil. Ct u rn bihi usil the thlin atourl. Vint' wuwlwawm, w.r in l the huahling aud tnirivs Col .*uly all ( is jury7 5Ceep olWn who war liglhly bhurt. Whaft Cauer t.. C£invs 35as... Lonrloi. Ike. 3)- It is stated t ts lb. latest illness of thb emr was broinoug It p ean41.rnt caused b7 the suudsh extitctIon of the rkctrtc liab In the isles of the ('bins pl taw. hbie was a mshu of bS.uues to the lungs and consseaent congestion of tbors organs. A C.*t Aw$Leei. (OKLAlouA ('T. Dec. a0.-Tbhrc ullct which is expected to occur on th aecaslom of the matnicipal election oerderd by the mayar. bra been aveeted. The United State. mnesubsI culed on the mayor to (lay. andi 1Iw tna me of pJuea deramasaded hlat be recall the procimamtion oredring the election. Mr. mdIIal Very7 &3.i. Prrssvuai. Dec. 3.-A special frwo (imaumbui. Ohbin sate: buas IL Hill. of Wamialaagip. an Iuailials friend of Iam sI! J. LKISII. repiirts tb latte rye7 Low InI tb. Cbehaa. ar. that be well never semum bis sat in ith buoses of t p rlutasst.iv. LEFT BY THE ROADSIDE t hiuu It s ir TMý wwr LN r rI I w R -Yu'uO .d tm U mes,'..s "W % -V-wdIe .1 lb. Cevmm% dm Co.IunnA A. S. (.. Der. AI.-The .eI.eet inquest into the ru e u f the death ,t the lgbt negroes who were lynched as La well was held tasteday nisgh at the se.e of the tragedy. It was a refle aight which the juryamen looked upan. On the eft side of the road were the baes el Ripley Johnseo and MItelseU Adaema charged with Implication in the meuer of young Robert Martin. They were dd4 to trees on the rnadskie with their beebe to the emplines. The rope was ued areund the tree and he botdles of the smee. Whe* shot the weight of their odies had swng kowia on the r.pesm and they areupied a orts of r.e teqe aml revolting positions. Thri tehtl character dof it waunlas is shown hby the tetim.Iay of plyclrans a tw inquest. and is in brief as folalows: Henry Purse, ten halls in the hb.ty. agp A5 Posler - ell,one hall in the back of the neek at the b)a. o.f Slhe skull, age 00; Harrison J.lnesot., fear h(lls in the boldy age Rate inorrill, sil halls in the head and lanly. either ,f which weald hbave brea fatal. agee I60; Jsdlge Jones, eight bakit, e.n"e in tl. brain, aged A: Rohere Phrenls, halls ln the body. age 2; Ripley J.ehnsnan. eigiht iles In the boy and one in the face, age 8a; Miltcell Ada m, . e. ralls, "oge through the brain, age 3. (hi, thi testimonmy the jury retesed a verdict that the eight men came to ther .ke*thl frsm g.tnalet woaran IlaliSete.d I omes party or parties unknown. After tie inquest the n were aotilLed might remove ste lies I they~ deir The families nt Ripley Johemnw and Mit. clall Adams removed their hushes to their houwses, bet the other sis remained treated as murderers and outcasts. Thewe were nsne to murnr them, and neither the whit.e nor the negroes wanted to ,meme the hboles. The town declines to mu themn heaue they were killed outside o. its limits, but oferhu to funibr en3ml it the egaroes will hu.ry them. The remaaI. insn grsu teerlare they propo pa up an.weave the coutry. T as et noW retallatin. Gov. Richardesw has drtesd a re of SID) each for the arrest and emovaetie of any of the man eonesrned In the bare inof for eight negres at Barnwell. neaet colored men O Chareseaton and vicinit leave issee a call to the pew Ile of ~4et (:arolian rweltl m the huteb ry of eightll of thei r .e at rllO l crllin on slam colored people to repprementatires to a uenventeio to he heM at Cotlumbhia January ant. fo the pa e whIrh the laws cane h. i r iWr.".rr _. MR. PARNELL' D·WNIAL. Wheat . so" at Sh. aeeM. . g captaela Ombem I)rsa.,x. I-e. a--ParmoU hLu wrte a letter d, P#wemn's is whisb he .s he has msewlvud no nodel ot havling been made a cumrapondlot ia Sn e amt nbr.i hr Captaia O'Maua his wife for divonre. Pareli alsao ays incse .MIu 1he rsemld at Captala Otbse's baume at EithaL . He was froqatl there whe. ()'n14n was abentm , b tIhe latter was ceganlanst of hi. briag these. He declares N1.uaen. wisarey of the La and Petrnt-e Umule, ilatmtead ('iHhcr to asslltse nremodlig tor dsem In order to dimisaleib the dmags wlhie may be awalded Pare isa him Mh smft against the Thmm. Loaonr. lkc. W-An- sltempt was masle t.dy to Interview Cooal O'Rshe revudalnlg statemet. made h PIareal i Snemenoson with the fbrnir. ullvmme. mi. Captain O'1uh ruteamuel to druss~the mna er., beat said ee advisd Parnell to amssm the usual poahins as cero ant amse to alluow hnself ts ho her with a tie tonm. Captain O'Si~b smubsmemntly maid that there was rnot the slgbtwet treath i lharoell's asnertion that the sait had b oo instigated by the I mesa. Neither the I esa. nor Mr. m.he w ayrtlsadg of the action before it bheamis kawa au the p~w hlie. In p po . ofh Ibs a .*rti..n lhe wr.uaced a letter from the .41. w of the Tinses dated last evening asklug laial ti e.nollrmn onr cortnualict the report thaI he. b.l.l led a spet.lin forP d.vuce. raft... I. Y4.w Winch. Nsw Yo*. Use. £J.-Dmas RICA* i V.".. mamn.afuwtmart- of hmoak book.. a.m signed with prefevvne. aaomtfr Stag to i.Z .t4At. FOREION NOTES. 4 Mims o. Wurtarnburg Y .sa·ueg bern tl anUlurts ua. * fuqut& .ngit intact tI., rt and a aappseve In swat if b the- Iag tuwm. of a pal. *wsrima lb. river ' Cydv Indmy aC.M..-r (t.. a om " *+ ale ".. e.41aal- w kL at-saaur rerweu Vi tens and b. bernt wEk eive- mnlaeatre. rive s ,arsn Woet. difuwuerd There agma at be. &A. isea 'a i as. owtwa t.. iabot treeables. sad ea.. are rimp~~l nr .W A... .Mw. r/,lent la Ir l to nes ttb.J apptly a e It I. asaa.-a e.eaM a tvrnam tbd " S rB p ple Wait ant a rcm.u ..e of Us " .a.a te .t anf W. U lb. t o.a wadsay. -a-v eof Ki petuw Fred grvtm p as amwauty. T ue ttmamisuawj b. /rmed nag as U w JI as rutapltts4 e as kng tiarsb Dertbhu~eM ea. iNowrn M stteea aicu/e~ht due afl ~theItt eel -Jima eVArr- at rai Meagty 3MM. fumema pyre usad ia lw layl bamm. IgJab Narrtahht falafeel Two is aIat m uasty buredl. trurr tia t.. wwwt tt sr. .~.r b a . be v teAw barn Oeeb Vwwh Utb. rar~e;5j~N V4 a. rr r lua ·r N rJ . oom a w v a.d ta r r u-tm The~ rdrNte~ f Mr Nbti ... Y wurmiIr - e' V mi - Nu dtb r. L. sad 1M rie 69 th Y m·A cb . d ih heM t N . aeb . .1l oftNb.ry a oa4b ts .dlb rarm Tb. edbame wmom S b e b 10 but · __