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14 NIN lobe Alnatoubo itanbatb_ AACONDA, MONTANA, WDNSD MORNING, JANUARY PRICIVEll ..i_ , , usrcom)., wOwtrrU., wsnomsn rormsnw, I^NU,.,utv ,, ,.9 PRICI P, VBC aS *b" J* cWDXLD ·rrr ýa ..u... oa -mO;- - . s *. aaala Moat . P. UROWN* AM LW at law. " JdW~s Imwk. Main Mtct Msiui y kinaw at la.. ~ Sb r ja UAS4W~c Sue salem.a+r r. _mp . rl iaw mienil wan aienL lFrt n a *CJIRISMAN. D. D. S. TRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ros AU lasss of Ipntal Work l recl mawr. Artile TcOtb Without PleS... STBP pHr eN s ICIAN AND DURONON, " Jacky Miock. URsenh'. on Ve "oMoan ul n eL TCHL.L. SNYDER, CDR 1-nI 0S TPI... to Motaai IHcotL) M ONTAANA Real Estate Agency. SFRI CX ! ABPLJNO. TE & INSURANCE ACTS. emil Csmeyaacera. MONTANA E'S MARKET. r, rtt " Irsett, and Retail Butchers. OTH SR ONLY . aarket B t eity. AU GooIds e r w at Charr.. S- * ANACONDA FURNISHBD ROOMS DOLMONICO. Near I. toSt. , Auwrmeoua uS.o 7 W RTI N* -TM TIO SANK) SCIALTY OF INN CIGA RS IUPOITID AND IKK WlT. DRUG STORE, N STRUST, rSON & T'IIOMAS. tors and Builders %SA ?I 7 + t l . T'' RNISHED ROOMS -AT THIN AND HOUSE. Ma. K. B. WARRKN. Prha ST.,- Asemdaa. eita- L.- & SON,. ers and Confectioners, Tobace. ad Pradc.. Teic'K OF IA N r EEMAIOm FOR THM IUOLIDA Y TIADE. AM PRAMENKO, --D.A I.gR - Game, Oysters and Fish, ors. C.gars, Candies. Nuts and --A it sii lt o~ ,Mtes. .Mt -.. ,.i* wro.4. A~flmwt. Masd. 'RANK D. BROWN, ~-AGE%T FOU-. *TR ND RD INStIACeM COMPANIES OF Tit WOULD. -AG IT YOU Vs 1Mk utbfwulb K Mftbis Iag. - Montana. CITY? BRY STABLE. JOB CARLETON. Iable Irgaina Pbilisbrg. TARIFF REFORM LEAGUE m Diisr ofI Itmuliln b hs he Last Is M ermgm Mais . Yean Amamses the smehs-T-oss Abewemlsee.. tue Itcw~ rx, )Ie. 11. The nmenmer of the Lhaubuasusetts taratT ref.rn league dindl tibia eveeni.g. the "u. u,4rion brisag the asi tual dinner a the oru.ranialicus. Anongm those present were Hon. Rager Q. Mills of Teas. Hon. Thosuas GS. Khersu.a of New York. Edward Atkinson, President ('. W. Elioat od Harvarl college, Charles Prenics Adssms. Hon. John E. Andrew., Hon. Robert Treat Paine, Hon. P. A. Clo lines anld others. Preshkkent Pierre of the league spoke at sonil length on tariff re torn, conaluding ats follows: ""In the light of what has btee pr..rnltedl, is is nIt rea a uable to onclue that the leaders of the politkicl part who.e- cnraser-lton. e I pro tetionl are reahy in its interelst to saerilce onl. inaduastry after another and as. m:sy as will he neces''ary to caleent the allilta.e wllhch they have forned with the wo .l-arawers. ironl ne* tes assd coal bironl of tl,. c..ntitry. It i. no. sHall adivaletage that ii the s.tnragle hbe·rre us we have for ouur leader a snienss ti.. IIasst interestilgs personaltyy in Auuanrs"ass life- Grover ( lcvelussd." Hoi. Elldwarl Atki.nai ir hin rhinatacrka aid: "'All reanmasaukdlm tdlvw.u.tei* of pIe> t~.tioir ewo;l idler frt tra. rnl.e te'o point of their u.smtcll I Io wl aittil.mici tW.II tie tille cOluea. to gal..kt IIt .lnf'. All rca 5oiiable flr.e traik'r.. .l.lin triale Irtec tios to dkomneater tllaiastry i whait tln.y ain at. The omly) dalfr-,.erc. i, i on the tin.' uo of eiceial) . " 1hy wit begllm now when IltauatLl truot nin'l amnthl.s.mct jl the .milan.rity of the pulrpon, mif all who ca, 1gage il tlhi work shll laiv'. htwe.a asitat aialll in the pr.are,.ir f lIeniwlatiolt. We ay theeIl foar the firs atianie iine 1h) be a p~,sinIMu lu whikc thl trte tarit qullet. tion it.nelf cea he elteredl upon hr realoa able meln in a nllanner omaIiiateatl with osiiIu in oes 1 IKEd c(mstienlltlili honesty. More taun ot.e-lhalf tle aul|Jr-tl of tas. tion UIntk'" our p01lEIIit t-,rmll could he put into the Iree lit without dilnllsithlalnl ouu raeleaue fronu cauatolma tifteean per cent. iln what tMy lhave yielded ul p to thisl til*s. I refuse to believe a.arpelmenta tavea of te Irat c aiaodol i r-putiW•la ourty, to wl. [ef I • m4 Irud to bJelolg Uor mo ma1) years.I hiave caCIn)o su nar lrow Hid aO bngludl IU their Cet[on(aIl feel lIag at to be lucap.ablet of rnailg to theI level of tlhe Ipreelt re.Lnp.w.imiality. Ina a:rae of dlaigmar tlhere lwere sevet annen iis toe republiac prty wlho served thi coullntr fo d t I tIlliLk srearly al" rwe antatle I t i aw asleuIt would have heen coal vliniol. when tlry voted on.l their per.-.os.l coinvltloiola.. aIsIt Riot witll theLir party agalisant the ilnpun.(lnmallm t Afnidrtdw Julniialu . Are l turth Ie ut Ilw I ar s s* . nI gIil it the senalte alid a ra iativ,* Iammnnilt.r itn t.e iounse wiho Il.ty at tlhe I)r..nltlt tilnta Ie capablll of tiln. 1a11s. iladtelr.imlellnlt jutlu wIln lusay Ianite withll lltmy opuaesnl s in such reasvanmlelde ¢anI juisli eous r framn of thle taritf as wall jilt it sin the way of lulsablubhing coldisomn inn tUie future by whlirhl thlirsouatry lniay attaile thLe paramliliut jeimtiou to wlimlh it i r tititleid h a ther resat co: salnePIre of tILw worll.'" laolsog the ltteratncea of Mr. Mills of Tetmas were theLe: *'*Hkit ory re.,*atm it self. alid we are her.e tai-lagillt rlluoa stratillg with our goveri.lieimet tur wrong ful intterferellce with our private u auslaem. dlepremiag ouar industre.e, U parlysagll our labor, ilhupoveiurlalll our people anlm1 cut tIn off florlein trade; said t-Ilnsaglat we may to Mr. Harrlon and Mr. Blmllae. a. our fathhs alki to. Keilg Ge.l ge and L.ol North: You have no rie.llt to cleame our parts. Gro*ver (levelasad. at tlw llaead of the Mobitwks in li*c.mller. Iut, thirew the te Verboard ansd dallet ed l Is .e hattle for the vimsdicatlons of the rilgl. We lhad oar Leatiuagt.u's aid hBumlter Hill's In 18118; we had coar Sarfteega ih 18.l1; we shall have our YVrktowum iia Alt2. It restr"tllglt thle parcla.luse lld sale, of our lproucts to AIner.cau ilarkteta t natllllatel Indlestry. cheapes.t proiduutaon i amdl its creases wealtll said waager . whly w.elsll it not he a wilsepoalicy to apply tle I)prlals*aple to each oleO of e l(4 mtate. it it i preldas.t ive of goodx to 42 staloe it ouaght to Ie gI.u.l to each ()on of tlsnll. I tIe qml'..Iaes) of ipolitical ec.iolmy I not a Iptr~tlae ms11 timent? If die pIrlescile i* (ocrre.-t it will apply to a muaall colmainumllty aw well as to a Iarge oite. u'lay ntl nlarry It to ia, logical etmlwlu.o1n aaIt have at I 'nlll'.w wall around eaI h state and mtiamiUlate at tee buikli its ndustres. . lmcrt'asc sid wealtll antd give better elnpklymlent and higlwr to its own pi.ople withimn eatls t.wna ship. To brigta tiie prinwiple to i*wrfeectioa would he to wall every manl iii by liielmst it. anlr th s ftaster andll Jr.age him to develop him reson.erre. In a short tinm* lie would he .slttll'ineltly developed to taloe hil owns grails, l.ef alal hoags, manufactture his owl cl.etltllhle. .et lils owll hens amnd hatch his ownl clak*kells. Thils policy enemor that mass rise! to Liglh eat lsapplºiesl when beeplexdalli the lairg..t amnount of prodlllt. 1W'hen followeel tI. it last analyds it is rper";tual work anml ioa prodlict. The buat home market i emalt. Ieto whi~le is aden'tted the largest impnrtatiotn hatiain tlhe largset importatis loe mlteas tIe exportation, and thalt mean an active sl. i anaesl f.r articles exported. ald tllhat mes.ll ineeaseed prices, ald lthat sInealas Il.ecreased we.altl dmslrilneted alnotg oman asinnerm. andl that will. In tuln. create- ail active demkanld for bune pr.ellu't. whlichl supplies 93 per cent. of borue consumunp tion. An active demiand for arwne pril* unets creates a demanwld for raw material land labor, and that the prie of both, adtl gives consaitt employanemat to all eleames of laborers." ILerue Sm he~ Vebil IfrbS WAsusoyOhs. Dec. St.-It is edtimated ther ea. been a dkcrea of narly M. 000.000 in tLb publi. debt during Deecen her. Thi~s makes totld eductiemn for the last half of the prment leall year of about 9O6.0.o00 aesime $31J15oO0 during the cmvpodwl~ng pelted of the previnheu is - cal year. Tb. deducti.n few. the ealrneiar rends k dap. n M81 a10 a ~ ¶o.J tb. crlendar year of Iad& 1a flwer we gai.." BKUJN~, Dre. 11.-The MUifary (i.*.tt# puhlabe.. Iuperi aorder that tI c regi m.i.t of e ntitled . of Eeg lad. d's r t ti. hacr~ba , he cI4lltl t?"wuope a Bri rn I asd url'. INSULTS TO THE CHUrCH. Wha sam ePpae .aee at O As.emt laWS am+d Iatlrs aessd Aettm. ors. Doe. ll.--Tbh pap. at y º day's eam.lisry, maid he was w. oeeds at the butlding of Catbolle unlw rte as WashLigtone Ottawa and rih eseg. ('Catlolksan, be mail, prospered under .tu favorable laws of Amnerte anml the ulity of mae who admministered thea In thlat country. His joy at thi prosperity en dered the grwf Italy cansel him manor striking by coetra.t. Italian advelrsarim of Sthe ch'lmrh persmsentatly on.4tmle.le their war against it. as was rmnal. evumlt by Nece. l utterullcese of pertmoss ill publia puIsitions acqualmted walle the ialeseatiknls regaIrdiag stae church of tme ruleegs of Italy. Amnohg otther rr.cent insults to the rhurehb was the desu oustrtiion n Iohuor of Giardano Brun. Tlah Italianu geoverilhnnlt seekimsg to i" tac rueple frtmar tie chlurch opposed the kaction the p e i everw way. His hul imese refer dto euaomal power as t ewsm sary to the instahpemsssce and liberty of the, pope inA n exergeise of his amissiom. sad daerlared lthat he did noS clain tSe restoratikn of tea.pural power fuoe hu miia nmotives. It was his rilght and 1he was requited to pnrserve it in tact said trasnsmit it to has se essoer as oem. of the umIalieabhle treasures of 'hlrilstian faith. T'lie suew itililas peasal tode just cou.mmi into op.rataelu abl. attacked tmhe just latb erty uf the clergy algd lilmeamie l the'ir work with nIew lb.tae-ks. An aMklitiaUall woudl was abolalt to I. ilntieled uponll ta clhunrh iay thl law rcga.elallg c-har.talule trusts whwlh haveL reemtly Ilweim i eactedl with aslle.anauly laste. lt'hi was a first eSelkeav.r to earace every vestlie of ru*lig olu fruren clvil ilmeltutionls. by this liew all picnal e.talallisliasiits e.l we e to I supill pre.sed or tr lral..rrmeltl -e*.specially the..e lor tite lowerilssg of girls wtlliut lmo.iti.*.mm. Th'lmse re-g.wrlllleg ailss le acte-rilg -c-.llvlvelat ialel those' by whHeli it was iprmuvikil Ihut maaisses sho*uld he maid for tiee stouls of tthe detad. '1 his law voulatehdl tiw wilshen of the fuualmders of all those caluraitics. Priests were excludede Iruenu the ha-sllt is of cluar itable ilmstatultioesl. and woe.anea were ad naitted tlo saulh Imailetns. It war argaiedcl Ithat ch.araty shaukl Ihe secular, inl oneker thait it laighlt bhe maure acceptable-; iuat. il edetd, sthe ufortuncate are too proud soone tiles to accept U .('alitian clharity asd cultl i sdkke the c.hurclr theare ii noii true' charity. O( blows l&ave also Ilbeei levelel at tihe Slchurch liy ilmvaansmlae of civil power fore a in itself uto eaa-rel thialg. For a tilme1 all these thineIgs mlalght eBmilnrrass lw eburch, iut they ealr never s chasge its course. FATAL WRECK IN INDIANA. What asu rag .er's Itashnh Causemd - Mver.stI Kllked. ImI)IAAProLIK. Dec. 1.--A frightful and fatal wrw*rk occurred at Kokomnmi this nmorniag on the Pasiauundle railrolad. Tie' pasinesger train slmrtoh bHtuna. ('osulItut.r Tlhomas Lamb, left Juncltinl on w.lledule time. A nilke north it mets the tratin aunoath hound. C'olrmetar V. D. NAlan. rs.uiamlls at 80 miles an bour. The rains. cruasmh4i to gettlwr. totally ulem.onlishlhg the etnllls1. Ihuraing the l.m)aragei" .ear of thne south tasml traismn, wihiae tal.leal otl top of tlh" ealgile.s. .Georage ('lllllmaaiuma, eagllimlnee.r of the saontmti-h.*nuli. way killed. T",un Ml. ('ulliouglh. e.llinier of thie north-h.usnel. clannlt live. B.laggagellasler J. Kerlin was killed. Tlinluma Harlow was llert sarioimsly. ant exlC..s lns*.*ol.lmar Glosat s'rinesl.y. Two m.esa samlned W.'i aslll Welth were hadly injmriled. The pawu..*l ger. in the -otrlwime were s.iaken up. The meanse of thle wreck I ai mystery. h.ut I.ue general opunpinoa is the mlorth-la-mstI cs-n . gineser was trying to snmake a "slneak" toI tie ski.e track four miles north to pass tihe oilter train. which was slightly behind time. We.tee 3ws'. M.sste. ('ITY or MlaxI"O, DIk. $1.--A receetion was given lat nighllt at the American le gation to (Gvetrnor Thayer of Nelt aska and party. A nmilitary handl furnihed by the Mextraia goverenaleut diaco sruent At the bhll fright at Villa Lenin. u.tllsnday. the anpllhathelater fell alid nearly a hIsae dtrel perfnas were iajuaredl, .everal fatally. The Yaquli Indlians in Sennrs are. on the. war path. .ail1iay Li.el*telasat (|asiealleei*' foaCrre ratnutl 0) haecks. Mancy rnhea rsea are reported. The luitthok re.r the New Yesr. N..w You.K. I)e.. :Sl.-The (',rameenerri.eI Adlrrli*.r slays: I,lt.trview*a with nianlzcy l,.alinug b)llineilc.s alst n tn t h b tIhc rem, .l"tiN for lx1)0 .ve al tihe almao.t allsanlimln)aN i"e lief that tIhe coualag ye'ar will ht o4E* of tItlllile rl I)ptcr4warity. Erauntal 1Vilsuan, who In p-crhais as wI..l pratstl rila benlicsesue ren, itio1 a asy elsy aIIats it ihe. enmecatry. said "'f n ext year ie lint the nascnt iprrsplnr.e*s year ihl near hist..ry gPrreat cnlaemitisiu. whitch nurn cannsot fore.ree. mst eweaar. In all nay heaunisnesrr experienawe I have. not eisea a nuore favorable .tatlh.ak." +Th 3...w I*9 tied. D .Evtn. I).e. 11.-The special maeting of the astokholllers of the Denver & Rio Graende rilway. warn enlle to aorter in the fnmRi of President Moffatt. this afternoon. for the Iri.wae of ratifying the lease of time Jeunctionl lia*E Inw uI.ndr rconltrtSetinf froml Rifle ('rek to Grundt Jumnctiot. A little overr ?7 Per renit of tie- stork was rnrwre.entle at the sn.emtine. The lesI.,. of thlis line wns ratiflvel. The nmeetin tal j etrnie without transactiug further buli Vosr Bl.ots i~ted. JA(kteo.N, Tenl.. De. 3..l.--Pur b *ys h.e tween the ages of I and n years. wert. playingl unsdier the edge of a sand hank yes4tcel1y after..'i. whe* tthe hbank ,.Ve4l in. hurying the little fellows undler ten feet of sand. Life was extiart in all befoh e t.yr couldbe got out. Cang smemam Uomdaint. Ca1.ttmet.a. WAsaiu roamr. Dec. SQ.-A rn.or was current at the capitol this morning that RndaMll's enmditio was much worse. In quiry at his bneame was answere. hby an -innhatic denial frano his famly. Randall is malhb better and out of bed attending to his correspondence. Qs..tlas a R.velUIam. LA aaurrAtn. Dec. S1. -The govern mrent has ainedl a .eat virctory aginst the "orts at Gieneral Rivas nod occsupied six .f their pr liippal .stanploilmts. M-any were killed nm h.eth sidel.. The revolu tions will prm.ably .orn be quellel. Dimw t " Ilk "1 Ories." LAe*atlo. Mich.. Dec. 31.- A large pro n.,rtin,, at the 500 srofren school bogs are ll with "h grippe." TN EARE IN THE RING 1U4 Qau at Ehwn soI w h ep.W s. Rompers Will Move inoomi S th. 4kb..r Cauda.l.» 1. to UD..b4---.-nUS. Will 0wtb. bti Turn up Nlm.lug. asprc* 4qu 1w 't*awlarl. (Wr. M,. F. S.lºtlcrr. N·L)jK lirtin Maclio ntb .ld H..a. W. A. ( arrk. 'l'Ir fourth nea n .i n..4 1w, n detr,,iiua d upo... hbut either Hlratn Kaaowliata or 1'. C. Ptawer will hrt vhumman. Tb(" tkmr wratw remwyawrnttives ad samatIs wenmat into, crOuuS this aftaaliuy)fl. I1. Sb. list informaal baallot en whlb a'm arls malt dat two volt's (lark ra'aev l Ai Maaasaiar Ate Hasar.r 11i. Ini iti, . eaalti ball ('lark nrwa'i*vea 21 vote,. emit of :i al841 wjs ual cldin ' tla'ninam.le. '1'iW aIln( ballot uiearroawi'u the. emamta't at awn t l Huusav leml Ml mgmaea 14 gut. nealy casueli aluti'. Aleºgammlma wa'..n lcy a am..rrav aim.. jaanty of feur lutesa. ''lice bacu~a.c tot rt'1r.'e~a'itjtive's iiit- this a va'niaag anale youtha seilmel fcear I l..rk anael ]Iuigillaas. Wleam lce' r ltch ini time' ce'aeae'ma. A1m .c.hj cecrseIua'eal wias" thmu'aa take'. 111t1l 10.,urn.. tac-cntcrreca'. '1'c' '.5pa.mlt Am.ecc semeumchINrs acft lie' es'sate' ncert tblr Is acae ucgouudl..fte"r tlma ':slaaaa." (ji.a) a * ,1its· sa amij(*rt(.))l ),~l1jl)(·ai. praa an*)vlud to the work ..f v..tilag fk.r as M."alwtur airy flaatinuutimatsuum " s la'e''ie'. Ite' cae Suagu eCr ranrlvaieel Mavai cl ilie' eight yule's ea'ma. ts',mator Ficicar vuctusag fecr ii. I'lutt I'orywet ta r. Ttae' bia~lct fer ma~acmaIaua wucauler a'. saalt'I as f.4lloww: Anlallauegt(a v.,tt'el fuI Mauatle Uciit'eA'ok amil irtewas few linlk Ia nra , Fisicar f or ' haaamceecn ('/t ats f Hiley Elllaug. Ruthce'rfecri fimr 1. L. Scam I tir. Tbumgmsouc fear (,e'crge. el. Kaieiaa. '1'I ssaala the m aaljuaarltace untml 11:$. htm murratl. %r 'Tew rumn bous mist a 10 a. n., beat ian Ineadiately ttauek a umatat 11:46. tl~aaus nae.euaa lptiam t1I of el tuiutaaea weit called tbhrnuaa, wha tpom Spieelaker WVit Icr aauuauulu that RUe' 111n44, hIat ariveed fear vuallig fear stwe law, of the. 1'sIaIate Stsatea suaaac, avail 1al~t'tarte uuau)mleetteaahe its ureter. Houwe ISa as Uanmaw eefl h arati d lur) aamUhli Itircrd ( ul(pnlac 1 ?iuluk~r.. He weal aruaauUlc eeC tir thiasge itmetat he e*.ejresl toi nitiSI alahte a masn wilee. he uaidl. wase kngeawe, atatle~r pc tonally ear by recaeakataeema lea every smaeaa. Wt. Mimi ass t chale its. t at state, eat buesv Laz.'W tis bafw I. knows It thwe aa.eaae ,e I tapu St a leremac fair yue ras IIn time geas wewkw elo pti aleatseei. ht.a guVerrieat aemadI mmau a'iy eamaetee feartime, lbomr'mte elm Iaf taasa.aa right.'. 'I Bat Iieatemmuioihjel waa sia ,e mte Ma i ijby I M memta it1. T111e M*; aler aft..r .aallitmg SNemrt. to the' cbair teask thee ttmwor smal scail tlhat In wilael tab poira t i deIii g tim a g Lb Ilmai whrint Easel M.IeMI lby t(Im riglhtm s 1 to k pipl. enf Moo tatna; wlls had smtoodi by tie *mtiniai. manl Ami. jMII)' umujler all emfiiaagtetssai. s; alhere a mal lnec·la lmatidlhlacl. bet always nre.iqsaek.4l wheam bairn uarvaeN ew ere meaetkel; who watalela tie*- iemat.- (ia4ual)w 'Cr lIs a bright light fromma thne gnrat state of1 lontanaia. Mr. Witter thtaw uamIel Lee. Mantle.. for tlhi" psiditibt. Mr. Blluaitnnmaaet inrm4ele the aaaimaattla Mf hlnanatle as dil alru Mr. Mocatcitia. Mr. Luarnlto an alonlrrnaatel IB Plat f'rl pwaut."r withouct easnkasg a simiteh. ('au pernater's *aenrnaaeatalurlem with nucmi uee 'tm Mr. Bray follomwed wail, lu lmii imatan of '. C. Hower. whlch was. r.emmmleuk l by Gn...mmaaHgha. Ia the l rt awrw 41 o al.lei ,ptee Bray suiii: I'hne thacnught is faare.Ilii EnbCe that it it our duty to lay mi. *wale erwuaal fe'laluig acidt aaOuunuamte a mniasLa whit. ise a gemtltmnnm iuneletel. in wh.ggi thea is. in guilt. w1rne1 is. aeleutalied~ I with lime, vital nmai4re."4ts onf tin. slut.'t. whiC las the brustirt ta, graitall. wtlh every e4ie,' iut tunic as etaag thne. lamnjaae~ss oi tine. atsaml wise.'.. asituaisi eeoeuaaniaeiaal mgslraimmnee. la.% salliedl limi withl the. gleerv eat Mletmtaau~i; wimes.... kmseimn unte~grit) amadl Ii 1 lair. Is..aimg am f.mril.r s.mPete sliamtioe(, thme clerk calledi tha roll m md eveIry ies olf time. thirty musnuamleres lireseelt vent4Ei for. * si",oomh 'c'. 1'. S.asaele~rs.. TlIne. m 1*aIs mi le nn .,f thaise res ulait wasr g 'e-te rl with iipplaei.a". ( ei..maeli Samacer. winwas was nre agt -te ther liar onf the- hams. Is u imire-cIa of ºimnua. leeg i L 4 I ccl~o . "1 I w in.s has trun pir ti -ihmy silnimll racsultits 1 sty eleIcit yrn t., 11s" j it -4 l Slate's Sersute U' I shall gs~riaassr mamy a few wordls.. hut they I shacnhel he of itn me." carefuln e·onnsidera iina thana timeur oe e.ate)na ip.,e ..parin. I mama aw.nsr. that ~.,,,se 4,1 yeou have geal-u with somime mmmmgivinng. heat if I ktascw stiy heart. inias it ".h.aiia.l Ise easy feirtutan. ten mepresee-mt this. gre-at rotate ian thme. isist.ed St:nte s mesa at.w. I bhall tiemso witl anm e~ye. umagle- to time welt are of Iti.. prog he.. Agatsim I timissk Visu for time iteforumeatatlaacm by yeeur A revu.s war then taken .luritag wlicih the 1b41lktirnmg fo4 u.commil -l1rnt. f.,r .riba tnr begarn. lITM lait ball~et retotlteel a.. tt lows: Power 17. MIanatle 15. ('arlw*ult..r a er,.lafcll 3. Tme cawems was adjuurue'd until 14 o'clk-k tihii evemiumg. ('Catain D'.lmnan ceramedl .tu-Nb thing of a ..emaaatlnm by nonain atimag Hilrano Knuwles time the L'maited Sitat u..nate. Mr. MY tiretb aros. md sind fiam there woudl he nothinag blending I s th adeu of tie cauruu. Mar shal Irwinm. who was in th1e lobby. yelled "a (a l bip." sad tse boun ad.jitrned amistS esafomesm. Tbh eupub a hampers mta In caucus at t o'ieek ll Imnmuediately adjourned withuou hs1-d- until to'-neursow. by A V i Pulsa. Emuma, M.e. Dac. 21.-At 10 o'clock 1th1.s u w re."puhlleen Iourse nwt in oaaetr y· kernnitwul upon it first chole adator atl look a vole tefe soard ~.. the latter being betwee"n Mlaumtbf er. B-otreer. Hcsahtlckl and Carpu`tw At IN-W Speaker Witter walled the buss. f u-ier and anneuncedl that a -IaaBoau for Unltled lmes .uradr were inlre. Repsentasiv. Howl. of Lewis said (sark. in a viornaw. and earnest sgmteh nominated W. V. Sanders. scfuwvisg to his ability. Join ..gvlwics and hsrptisotiMe. His spee.le was received inlcel Hon. ~yLee. ~an~. lSiea l )4peeaker Wil riecaving .1w" risir. noewn inarrd Hon lr ." rlatler. a~f MIvnr Him. He espoke of the inIgrCertan. e having a senatoru linc the Went 1ei.. and tic a"uwed eel a e'ipsbi. dirdtnet van eglant nacac tco rr"te ae fqt 11w *weeeeie ie tie.. ;.rem*at e'iierg c.l"ry. Hii. feeriihiy· 311le4clel ler rae.,eei tieee. few %%teet."ria `iieit~,ie.i 14 a"l eg-7 i..1*w eiectje.guel ..I r. M..ciatie .ii .a at ccI jeaccle.t cakM.ei .)' YIIy aged j elereel. A . ey. eel Silw.-r I1 .w"..toltally. flcleC iuciteel '1. 1'. ieWer. cr lof Iw· i.. je ('lruLr cdi55.ll. in ci e·iavree~te"ri.tiec -Iweeh. wine. *Uriteei1 Haar.- Mearleriwe t lii apecelca Imeeli. eewineg ic tice. fat theat ce' hateR inceeimiac tee IFcnnlsr WIc1e was kIacewn te tee. - iM. 1 ieteci'e ttirie.' twe wre'ke age). It *i."ese~hI iit ebiW4r tyitlem IRIah tie Il~nneiesr stud I'swe.r 1,w-n Icave' umeite.) asse thnat Pewe r iee tlec faveerite" 4e t1r Uwi"eeccaic cle.tegsti.cie ace well 1e3.. e (eeewh .vset lirey.))' . l x- eeui .riie T'arter. wice hate ieteveleeseseei e.eºueee ctre~agtll. wet alice i~wiee aamiit.c. A Reeael.º a W tslcese takees fer Street elceeje .5Imel every veet.. ie tline hecuece. wa: .at jeer S:.ciceire.. 1)5a leleebWtic. at 4*41ºCI iseitteet eeeuseeitieeg eel Iieeeeeneceee. 1..)114l seed, ( ry wasr a eatelleteel .' il.y the le lieams chRef.l ieee. N4ece its INaejjectee .1ed sin graef.lul weretct exurereeeel Ieee tIc eke leefar thee great etacleeeta~ cccli le falr lice" eul.elee r1 ele nc se36 fi tei . Flce is c *setj cerustl te Hiaet le el.rlleee egele as at .eccele eeL. ilee. Ie4 e"r er *lt iia. viI ery acs*vev anhe1 Blrcy 11ieel Is" icic e- cr .tsiecie cg i1e leer tie. e.ea Ie. ilelell va(. If lce 4 1.trjsitci er. ler'.elc I11.1.1 aafled kluiie." faee .'. alficite the. tithet will lee- lively iauel lel5 w 1e. c e. e h eternii5emec a'itheceemi thee vr. et eel ice ecc.eleetree Iin joeint eec..cae5 whlclh nei>e eseceel tee Uleerreew. It i iii, iRceiy ce lcctll. )et. least tile)' l Al k meca I tier,. ice a Itight ccci. Ine 1N Be.-. eeete" . cmeteree leer tic.. llre.t ce" e. .ecive.el ececcee eel tie.. eight veil.s - tikee vat. fee,. t..esee ee elceesce Ileeng eeielcet1 leet w ce.Le ttiekare .. Nihilce. NMmetich ceueel I .srjeeccler. '1ie vast. waded ameleree crl. Tlice ..tme.ctae i n iceceie eel gre elceti le )t faler ' eel a tI eaiinldetcete'. That. iej eelceaee eec... t cit 4a e eek aced imesiecdenacte~ly aeejearue.el tcill tu e'eiee-k Atla e11' eecee. eel tiee. re~g'ehlic rtian-ecnighet Mir. l'eewe~r wadt siecl tee tice is the. Ic.e4 lcint tile. gercegetet." an-c thie ai dtcark lecerec well ge"t away wethe tice' lweae tec-eeeuerrecw. *1hle* ele~acecrae 36 c3 l tic.. hececcee auect the'. ..-nat.- eccecees.1ecsene it ice eclcl."ret.teeee heat W. A. I lark. cct Busctte, was lledeieeatewl leer celle SlAd~n eg.hlile. waills Martin kM~tee - Gnmelee acnd S. L. Hasiccer, eclecce fur thces. ceuicej. NOT DEAD. BUT FALSE. D-..wrr rr.1 a M. I....uc Ku-boat wilth a t4..w Wi AI.a.r Hi. f.p.ewled Imll k. br. 1.a 10tsma, ? )...Ie~ . :1. - JIklsa-ae*I ilo matal. tabs. laus.4susl ea of u t. laica. wfet. 1111al an- f~ctla."r aif 12 St. lwssiE *hstleraas. Is.636 beea Isa-atgul eto luinglt Star. Ark.. ,ir ulsal iag as cwe*esmiel hlaoasyiaa.iii willt a 1Oiy..asr emid lirsela". Se-ya"ras 1sascattesm age'º lt"ulaiuse. whro is u lalueawe~r. lets t th city ta) gas t riglht Star pail work on tsla wow. $iaoraly a'ft.*r hAiti as ravcal the* a bee. wife ea..a.cad ito lamar trauma leis.a. ansal abeuu tlsatar "aikiau ails Ida. rla ~.av.a asl la -tter fnros a sasaimsa maataieamas Im1amma e-l itr. awe." 11aie1 a leaseas imse1, line ..l" Irelt m.lsal tihast liar lssa.als'aaelj lead gat isltju.. .5 eamrnrl wille-lamu uaskiff cin tme- Arkesaaauaaae raver anamel was k illaal. SIt.. dial a I amink * f .1". ilmtaag tlsew a"i.asuas 16l ``cast iat a ea"sias fair *1jJ saesuaraluaa- .N6 lais I ft. aaarsiul4 las its- Prwela~aatsjl ous ;..&ay. 1114 Isa eaiajamy tiituae*eh1 ite saava.".tiagmt anda. n6lraisga Sci Buy. as lattr wrltthes it ha+ trnyomagt safletlm"r frants Slaa~rslf Urwaaw. aaiylsg Ilaut l(.lsaael NsOa Ime.-ss k1aaeukaaal coast dof elsa nlaLI setid Ilwat.arl daiuw mtrnaau. wlwrha er was.. )icakarl Iap biy i s eaeaa r eamd takerms 1 N..w 4 )rlaamn. elyssag tbart. ise lis.. cety LIen t istal. Ehan wil.. tact ta1tinfacleiity asse tlsa cw (rira-aulan aastlsAaitiari wen. ((alsiuUi e".ate.eI with. ''lwy rn lhal Sialt sei stee-s p 1letalstt d ineema nrealal tl-rae at asar taasw. Tilse wite.'.amm .u. ei~aw w-rep an rula .5 1a1l1 malta. eawllael eisa t as. SI. Ldouau isltai e. who Is, hwaa aynta"saatk' usareis for tle tras"s"at * . hIicw· Ilasally I.*eitav hsst 1t liriglet Star. frnll what-Is plaes. Isa.ial aacvc-r ck- iaarte lmo.kaaag an tisa. n.st1lasi c.t a yonamg hrbrlra. alr-. 1oiaaaal wall set. fair as alierav ai (ameba... asacal tits. old assass wall tat. m.eaa faar usuai pa.m..eaCaetd few lagsgany. Mrs. Kuullaal Ihas- seaw iaorl barault eaised m saliar atsalan-esa lay lashaast mus weaslsamg sassa. tsar Isenlssaalt la-ft. Sis' .iperreur. Lat-&arnaklas caye.r lain guarliely. tlr.*r Ils jN'rlIg7.I MIt .. NoA . *S*isb.-.. Aiim ,.r.v4 a:. K~tgs.. I),.81ni. J. Kt. Hurtu.s. Iaiirw.iI ty *,# -o l siv Pulle"r Ils 1.,1s MIum1's' I mltiaiab.iE I t a sumg y with IIaava Imltra ia.;aal lmalal)? frail, ayI I. ,[I11MlsMiy Its "" mtIia.*iie. lagtisI'i:aim.'n .a'luauts i*aai ha.14 ra.r.avcsi iii.." lhulebtNiuls 's~lta * i. ill iaa.Iigssis'41ly aleiii*.ý tha lt tila wv,).r 1 till Msaliar.- aaf at bri'.. 114) Wa-n. ra. "v... I W b11i1. 114. ..aya.: s.ft. iilt .. lIjaua1rialalil, of 11w. I.g"II"sIaauar..*amsal w."ar 411 *muayimasl 't o ias ase"rrsa-w U's lhe, lI"iI1M1lI)? a .si. aria.')?. T.'- ·l lh.e KI·c. vi Mwl· hNim.. Aval tU'4. \. Y.. I'.*e. 1. 1'a" 'slat re.ul' 4ia ,isaiisim.'ry ali till-pi Hl4~t. Ita'g.rtei'15 wyrr. alibi uliaa.'sI". 1. wuli.."r/ als"t'i.".lia. Ibilt 1)r. M. 'i..aaiall aallaInli,at'4 that at 4a'lf 441.1 at i*u .."w.s'Wrv~pibli t" a sia1ta w tim a waa.1la'asa-'sa that wa's ii5lhl)? gr.lilfyVSjtJ . * iasa ag.tuualas ba.lrh. A ,iarra'sst ..1 aalst I.U1 N vuIg's wad u.a'i. Y "04.200 saa Bmsw G'Ih.. /'w.* L.B4IMNý. I.s. .Ul. -- 'tIHsI - r a 1. U."r ..8n. ..a,.alm 483.9 *ta~tetr~u~t ma&.aIe by"1 m I.' 8.. c I··tr to b' J., that 1w &ii.u.ta.g'a.+ aiha ciaa O'Shi tu bring flst suit f..r a.v..r.. ru &aaat Mr... 4 b'S a(a. Huaamrt.ºU.Laya 1..a 114. o kmowiul. adh of th a.aaIaN.m t.ak.uu Osy 4A 11iwa .auaA atoo m..w (I.." Isaaunuuo.a'~uastEt sof the d..Iavrusg rase ub limitedl u. lb." t prr - ur IttoUUW lry. L.ot L..s a s t&hSU. I E:uew.. ( CITY. Web. De. 31. -.1 k a tuaecycar tar..t n its. prulturl ~w utlyul ·r'U. to-III day four . snltrsliat SID.UW of cuutrty fauad... 4 baa It.naagt rezmnd be Wsas iauaats Idaat.y' 4 mu w two oshm cuua*Ii and brought to t(ial city sand is Uow inI j ad. J-a-. Aauebcr rId *a lIS.It Cumr. P*mi.. Itc. S1. -Tb. hie.we riay. auothwe nillilit plot agai ma the Iasar Ire lecwt i at".evmIa 5l is P& pr burl. Hevrirl coil 1.icatur retrrerord ila the yrluer iospas ~ wcutu svuutlaM and ohe ra )~ ·oeua. Eriniud anti oat wJ kill al ul 4"In tr mb. raw e. PIKKKE. S.I).. U.--s. L-Tha i ervaIin ttmtter war yui4 tLaps. t it Is wtarI a that the- 1.k..m,.-rs ttla e.mafr.,i td [~ ttwr~*y , With re b if-hv..ds. tw. '1".s. a -llul..r a " al R! have begg aew " fete to I£rvte 1W9bet FREE RAWMATERIAL Iauhctnms Tll mtle a bs 3 (e.ppee mad (Htes Ov..epv the a... Part of Mah hlay'" I$m...e' --W~ e Va.. Raw lW..Oerta l mew r e Elm ree.. *h Wag .e Werkwhm. ýý\".NiI3eT.. Itee'. 31. -Although the wau.. aicdc eu..ei.e e4)mniuittene haft assigned tn-ely toa hlearing l*wrsnes inte reeteel Ia thw m~aameafiuieart of glass. and e arthe warp. time e'eemiittee flerut listened to saga niccet Icy Itolert M. Theampuon. of New York. in favor of the free importatoln of crapper intendede for exportation a rr laiculc cpper. J. J. Rnundiceof New Jermey. imiacreseal uapon the cwnom ittee the naees elsty of restcraag the rates of duty which ar.*vaile t prlie to I1a3 on cylinder win ulow gla-s andl bottles. green and rewnch. Si,,.' the act of 1"1 foreign gluns had lmeen traking the place' of American glass, ailttieegl thcte-exiset..e in Ithe U meiteel Maates fcatrtmcie-su to tprfva glas foar lb wim. ale, ewelmiary. I ý-4 aaemgrwcaneenn Brewer. eat Trenton. relar..eeutcatjg thme potters. thotighet aell their tracFle's grew out of adt val..ra dulai."... TI.. eat.ry ineeuItry heel ,..eve'r laeewe protctel. If ,e.acma.)'l iag was. Iia&a eleata.. IC) to hc-k the Itt. ju..rt.titmi of (e."rcaaniv joel. the lloleemia winer wo'eeuml hMva.. the nmasrketse oaf the lIeitcrl Sta.te-e " w.1141 five- y.-sare. aid Aeaeric.ic 5A. a .I*tesi) wnuclel hlmave- to ea1 at ecccl, a ear reela.". waaies scry n1.ete.rially. U:.earge" A. \l .Il. 1sI(.f l' at(tdrasr . a mlan mate. hart at of ia al gI... ce.&a) l1." Ue nauee teene.l Li1) sItlle... er I.ihcnga glemsn isu neaf that ;.!tap elyllee onely 2,) wc.a ee .-mtretd with yh fr mr. uelmaeel·rslu.rre. 4 Pieee eat alhe prslmecipel artee lee. siewel icc thijs laem-iia.e"ewas.uugla asu .eemel icc faev'ere'l as re-elmati.,ea on that article. lit- w.cele~l taeke thw dlmty i~e tiv.ed from sceele cea.e laet e"air aume: lacay the .seed ash *cm.iutcfae"te ry ait Syr'ci.tie. fenr times .ever. H." Ieulmtilt 'mcwla asha and believed he. .`aulel *ui.eeecatfa etere. it at the rate of 4ilkr. gutr itb) iaeaciaels. Th.- prcmeeet priCer was $1.41. Aeccatlcer aclgueeliesu1 which entered into lice ,imitsacitatre- was Carboenate caf pntaehs which weir-' a duty tt 37) per CeCI. Thwem waia cuot eanomugh if that article in Slats ve'easamry to supply lain faa'tcey alge r. An of dlaty. ho arguedl. would not cut ..ff the imiswtaceth ct foreign glassware .r crrkerrey. It weSalcs make the pe-ple who wassteel that Idenutical kindS of ware piy acere fur It than now. heft wreuki no 5enrvret its IgiiiaHlcetinh. The sily effect weaulel he te ilmc.a ass thme price of IS) kinHs eot lana p glase fer which laee had no (ompue ticame. He wimeheel to have the shmatlee r ,Inltteul on nIeYla as, carbonate of potash ande leuasl. noetl 4 -461. *Gmqree mat.rial or fre.. trae 'such ii' Esmlauacsl ws.. sid M.wsaeeth. .Asul gavee Iii.. praa1eer prodluct's 41 oul In bor arms I dhfy ah y o spetition f the Ialc tit the e'arths." Mr. B.aynw: *A'Ard pa rotr woebmee t11w wag.'s yEIi 13w pesy I Iin :"' Mr. Mielw."I"ih :l" will *xiv )hills mrnor." Mr. Mzla.qIlau th.i aelnaitte-l tlºt he a" limai eeegstem.saiiat.l n,.evinf ha's worqks u. t:."nssassy.y H." nasal G·trluibl ..rkn)~1n w.rt" tauit .s's e.tlleirnt asul skillful as Aniew lea's, lx. Ii ) 4411 144 ISO feass it eli dinult tee work willa tlxmln IO we.ilel have taken non froa tlajee c 'ewUtry. Mr. lHayiwe askeul hlin, it The wosll have paid Hetla tw watIts ber patl here. and M h elgaist..l tltlo he. wojl ne. His boneling iea. ill gecilag tu to e-.rnm.say was the c.lwca bgae'sk of anateri .6 arml pA.irt. It h. head flarw tre.. in his raw material be wcelel lrs pe)rfectlly willimag to have tre trc.l." in, hiis pnii'shiW. Mr. Sersusag isisiueiml whether The ecn mum,... eel hemias chtnsn.'ey wewakl be hen. lIt. Ity :tll aw nor raw material as well s 1hw fl,,i'shlw. pruiltrt c hce aeuhnutt-l fure. Mr. MailstlI, sail the. li W...t. in prie would he. tlhr.w ear faur (ent'sa amusre. Mr. Geecr: "Tl'hat is to the retailer. Wouldl the wo.Ntau who pee to the 'stea Ico 1acay A 4atmismae."y p. it few less?" Mr. MatietIt: -My iaadivkalual opimaia is that I eloetht it." Jat.,.. Gil ootlrr of Phlallakdisa said dust thW lasuaapa clatgiaae.y m lmmy uxsed in this c.Nustrty we-n n aemsuafaseatiaa here asnt sold foar k+4. tIlian ieiipecrtsrd ebimnecya. Is ea~rte.rl eisiaa.r."ye were. ,ahmee principally in e55s*i111 I lasup si wcre. heciaght by people oef ea.vlee'. Ii." 1.1 clant waisa fre'. raw suns trire.l aisdel eAvy. a.stal aua ii the duty aces varsses's gree's of gmasa. If his raw mai:slerissl io well ix . Lt faijaslasel artiscl maiM fee.,b h. cailcl Elect pN1y the p ra"sealt wage aid cu.malwtt with fureign D. i. pilp.y cif Prittlrg. preeskienS . the' Ansuirieman Fliect lace Lasie- Glas's mass e" amicee actlveaeattel prwet.ete.-t el uties on cult aglauses. He. pr.s. l 'several spedi mwac.cs eef ltegaeamu ghan"' anil stated tlaa tIauy ceesalel he I.secl eleawem here at a IMs *riee." tlhaisi thcy .exal. he cat for in this 44 .e@Iiry. I.....h. *r (..SS.. Vwrehdem .:w YORK. Use. 31. - lire. WlIIamn W. Pwlatu. D,. M.. pnire.iant of Hnwaud us. V* rII)~ N'&ItItIjg)IIi li.I (1141 MkU as We...ittlehi. N. J.. tbis suomrnin of caugg 11011 of the lumig. tweesty-Varr Live. SearL Llanu!, . Der. 3L--A aisoasruums Are o.wurtyel in the inlugrutl uhaul Wa s tots. Twemmty-four lirvc were hes ai tike hu.ikliaa wert almost total / o. .tn.y..l. Ur. V.Bere. I.p..u.d AMee. UgtlIn. Dec. 31.--The PTaajha at heas ia funntton tos hatI Dr. Peters ,,wrnheua of hi. party are ceutaal ualy. and she eupalitlan is umaeehlmg h1u K ~.nia and Hmatings. 0 A L..swv Vvmt Km~a V..ts BRIL.z. I.Doe. IL-ThE EmSm J.M1 m umitte baas ree iv.d a felle froist Dhin I whath hbe . be 4Wi daD be aea Iw . enall asis$t G r h her wU NaW YOii. Dec. 3l.-Flume as U. ('rombl .tunae to-ntight did 014e It is near NnbIism theater sad or mucb eatcitruwta prevalied. LMr Ut. Se a. Sbanthe a",attttt,,t1 . q o[ "j I te.ii ~ t." * a