Newspaper Page Text
MO OIL. W·ULL Sam mamuf l pbmlemmm rh - n.h m bs .mak keg wwv enwmams DIY eike Ihpb Uk mi lipsai end Ns we". It le es! hewew em ea. Tki b. -- elm meshi nAa m w a ft w tLhers " w. The Naki WON Gd"* thb sk kI I5.1.5 1k ala 55 ke r km tWe bm Sawin . lm t men- for usame Urn. 15a im- d a sheb Faroe r.m The will wasn serek M 3 7.1/M. mand e seine at eke all meSumallv sold ameS Wfd trym Ik well wa. W.UUMA" The Caw wll wa. s saked on the asme thorm a .halt timer befor. the Noble. IS wrs Se D h aesi a day when the Vapor wes meruek. Tb. ownes of the Noble. leering that the Caldwell would u~tim~ably burs their bif spoutur, pup. shineS the latter rU fr P41,. This mmone wnlasia realied tromn the Noble well within 45 days. the period in which anl thenmba.we oh pavese three is. nube lre. o the Sle. The Caldwell Bowed regularly for two oabsld tMShem drised up cm-aa _e MiL e Shade well was struck Aug. IN 1L ow the Hyde Eghert tract, near tet enter, seven miles above Oil City. The met earnis of this well are ive la Dr. A. G. Egiesr o PranklIn one at the owners, as 1P600,00O. The Phillips well was located oa the Tarr tem. Oil ereek, and was struck Nov. 14, l1. It ecuuamenced to flow at the rate of tSAO barrels a day. The total production ot the well is estimated to be between Sand 1 w arehes. lhcs re well on the MeElbhnny anrm near Rouseville, flowed ju0 b-ar rels a day ftor soone .moths. Bradley & on, of C, v ,land, had a contract by whih the were to receive a nmouths product of this well for 500. T hewy re ceived the oil according to contract, and it was a fortune purchased for $ J0. Tie Sheerman well, on time Voster farm.n Oil creek was struck in Maleh, 1863. It started of at 1.00 tlrramls, and produced 1 700,400 worth of oil in three years. Theee comwprise the largest "gushers" tf Oil creek, but they have been eclipsed by wells struck siLne in other territory. The largest well ever struck in the Pennsylvania regions is unwdoubtedly the emple Roydal . Arnm'trusg. at TI'orn Creek, ater county. Its produlstion for a few days was equal to the combined production of the three largest wells foulnd n. Oil creek, or nearly lO,t0r barrels a Lay. Two days prior to this it had been reported through the oil sand and dra. But when the well was tore pedoed on the 27th it bgn flowilng at an estraedslluary rate. flooding all the ad et lands. The gas and oil burst from se well with a re.r that was head for several miles. While thil great well was unbridled and flowing into the air to the height or over 100 feet the scene was one of tZLe graadest ever witateseld in the oil esatry. As soon as posiulole, but after a great dklal of difficulty and danger to the workmen, the well was brought under control anud the oil tursned into tanks. Af ter the well haul been flowing n1i tiae gaaund l ir some time its actual agt.e in the tank. was at the rate of 9.000 harrels a day. The total yiekl of this well was mot o large as many others, but it stands un ehallenged as the largest well in PenIasyl vania for a s e day's prodUctii. The loes witt on tile Parker farm, be tweens Petrola and Brad.d's Bend. Butler county, was struck July 18, 1874. It ,pro duction for the first day or two is estimated at 4u.00 a day. After it was turnedl into the tanks it gauget 3,000 barmrls a day. The Lady Hulnter was located (ear the Buss antld had a daily record of 1,00l bar reb. It produded lontger than lits bih neighbor and was the better well of the two. Wasibngton county has produced a .ne pbenonmeual wells. John McKeowee has opened up everal that a.swed fran 1.,JJ to 6.11 erel a .dlay. Mr. McK*.own's Income from his wells at ogle titne wars as high as OUI •a month. He hLas three farmus in washingtotl county that lau.e yielded hinm ta.U0O00.W. McKeown landed at Castle GaCrdel a poor enigranlt about the time the oil ecitemeeut broke out on Oil creek. Ohio has produced mome very large wells, three or foeur having records of from- MW to 10,0)3 barrels a day. These hardly couat again*t the Pen uylvan;a wells. as the oil I. worth beht 16 custu a .arsel. The wells at Pitdleo were snot es esponaly large as oil wells go, but they reted a furr that has neve.r bal a pre allel in the oil country. Time United States well, the fh.rt struck at Pitbole. Janluary, 875. never did over 800 barrel, a day. Then followed the Grant well, with a pro duet of 1,3) barrels a day, Thise was Pitbole's largest well. A Irkigel Over thSe uIeria astra.ts. From the at. James azettUe. In an age which has seen a Forth bridge an accomlishedl fact sand a bridge from Englam d to Fralnce dliscussl and designla d ther l I nothinag very novel or extraordJil ary in the project wich is receivina maerL ous attention in Russei of bridging ov1r hee Bebring straits. The narrowest part of the gulf wkich separates Siberia fruau AlaIka is only nlttey-six kilometers (little more than sixty miles), said it so happens that there are islatds in a straight line which woukl serve as points of divisioul in the bridge and reduce each portioni to a lenath : e.(slakk e less thana that of the proposed clsalel bri l. Te comnpeis sating advantages to te galaaed by a work otsuclb huge expense si nott very obvious, the ugh there needs must he aoauetllsg attrs..tive Stil a lcr ew whichl, it carried out, would seem to bring nearer the lay whel It nay ihe possible to make the cir cuit of the globe o..n foot. But if, as weara tldl. the suprep acy of tle world Ila years hereafter is to be divided between utas.ia and n arrica it n be better for gemier al peace if the sea r. malaed untlridged. Am Oameer' Wife' Mineoe fDUnd Nerrie.: "Wwere is your home 7" asked a lady, who was a visitor at mili tarp post, of one of the offeers' wives. "With mta husband," promptly replied the wi. O yes, of course." the lady. "but .I ma in what part of the eutnutry Y? "I have no home," the wife sadly answered. "I was born at a military post which no luoger exists. My lather and another are both dead, and it nay lhusand was to die tomorrow I do not kanow whete in this broad laud of ours I should g. I have ibee so kion oa the frontier with any husband feeling that all I couid claim of houne was with in,. that I have grown out of the recollection of those even whom I beetam acquainlted at school." SVea hase f.or enste.r.earg ree. Vrem the New York tetar. Ther. seems to he no limit to tie Inge ntity of mean. The latest and most unique iaveation tsat I have heard of is a mac-hine for bttering bread. It is utsed in conneetion with a patent bread cutter, and is intended for use in prisons, work houses and other reformatory institutions. Tbhar is a cyll.drieml, shaped brush whisk is hia *MI bser. a" byes this *a.'to. w = W " whwke by Absbbd Obiousa or .isthhý sdha cepseety me .IaUU04 anidr 750Ta leaves s bol :&bw The s~avig of hanl -P and mind te dreversam in Wisp qmati.vytcwmebe I maid to be very Vw-ft Mummy's WmOiy. Wif.-4oha, you're driash Again I hubby-No sm'dwr only rib..,!. 'a~ am an anstewa *Uwge ask drnaken man. &*a &* aL WIfe-WeaLt Jb's. ynwa dkm' waent to memoe your talmat. em an ammalnwa stage SW kbyiger~. a .". a 4.46 b"1 sew a probiw. siousal plawafetweta at once. MON TANA'S Popular Price House. Our Great Sale of Under wear Opened Mon day. We Offer To-Day The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in Butte City. Bargains such as every refined lady will appreciate and recognize as being the best values ever shown. Our special sale of Ladies', Men's. Misses' and Children's Underwear Opened Monday. If you do notfin better values for less money than you are of fered in fire or water sales, then we stand ready to give ours away. Dry Goods, Carpets and Clothing and all merchandise sold at cost for 6o days. Cash buyers to the amount of $io pur chased will receive one pair of 0ox4 white blankets free. J. R. BOYCE, JR., & CO. MONTANA'S Popular Price House. New Blacksmith Shop, One Block West of Estes Q Cougll's. SoI , REPAIRING DONE Om shert ntaCe. Cariages osal tlegb leasred Ito tie Ih t Ktyle at loswet iatealie ircee. Horseshoeing a Specialty By FRANK HAMILL. Who tboroughly uadecrstand allU the dieaseees preultar to the feet. Tr ttlas. RuBunnin and Tralalng Plates ale k athe moat approved style. Ulv um a call aud our pe.BURCH. R. P. BURCH. Minneapolis St. Loas Railway -AND TIlE rAMOU* ALBERT LEA ROUTE. Two Through Trains Daily from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Chicago Witlout clhange coawnts with the PFast Train u't all aers for the EAST AND SOUTHEAST Thbe Direst and Only Line Ruanlag Through Cars .etween Minneapolis and Des Moines, Ia., V1A ALERT LEA AND FOrT DODGO. Solid Through Trains Betweem Minneapolis & St. Louis And the Print'mal of the Mississippl. and euoutlisstn Unon lk-Ilt for all points itsuh aUnd ,o4llowest. Many hours saved., al tlhe NLY LINE run inalg daily to KAIMS CITY, LrUATElRORTU, ATCEISOE, Making e .nmeetlios with the Unle Parlle and Alt h, Topeksa Itanta Fe MailwaI.. Soe easmectiws maie lna Uo lum Depot with all trails of the It. _Pati, Minarlls aal ManumtI. ale. Noelrther Paeile, l. aua Dulath Masal ways, frm and to All Poixts North and Northwest. RE EMBER theMtplassl io si.. luMt s Uway are rm p,,.iee of (of.,rta taly Ma Iret I'Pulman $k r "ars. Imlonres a Chair Cars. and our Just ly celeb, ated Palace Dining Cars. Ili las, ~Img chrecked FREE. Fare al ways as Luw as IlSe kteest. Fur time talbles tIlranl tl*.kL.. etc., cani ulrtpon the nart-w cket aEuat ear write to ,C. H. HOLDRIDE,. SGea'I Ticket ats Pass. Agent, M NNA.A'OLIt.. MINN. We Open This Morninga Large Line of NEW THINGS IN SILVERWARE I We are showing beautiful pieces in Cake Baskets. Berry Dishes. Orange Bowls. Venetian Nut Bowls. Tea Sets. Water Sets. Baking Dishes. Bon-Bon Trays. and a Large Line of Novelties. We have these goodls in Satin Finish. Chased and Old Silver. Nothing makes a handsomer Christmas Present, and nothing will please your wife or sweetheart more than something to help adorn a "Woman's Pride" her din ncr table. J. MERRILL & CO. STAR BLOC. JEWELERS. SPEC IALIST, ILATEt PROMI MOSCOW, IRUrSSIA. C. SCHULTZ, A. M., M. D.. Practical Physician and Surgeon CNOUNF:It MAIN AND HROAI)WAV. lit.- rv~ 1 ery. ho l.tac r a a, zac. aial.a. nr.tota n in his siulzrt )tll I ra' a i it"", an lll,)l . I l r C. U .ini slm C jlm... mnint an m .am w.aa..,a. wamtm."r -asam..aib tiny a' jam-m lcria"m. .*%c-.*am car .maalhatijao.m ."º~~ miaacaalW k 3anm. a&ight I.a.c.m, qi*'iaaa ml."Lhy duly. Imam .eat I cw.wer. n.-r'. cinia d,icclaa '. t'.MI~wm cla.,rmblrru 4.14.. m era·ita. c-aw .c w arra-aalut lo cainrr Ln a, very .MUort ulsn.'..r rmf~aamcim-ct. 4.c--l enlm.- ia a few 'ays. C'b)rgem mw, ages a. i Ic. a ree.. r.- t lrli-aat cam Fridlay. al cli-:diami sat of Irna and Wcan'm.u he dlstr luas .l...t.l hisifea. to thimm oane m pnchal)ty. ;and his ".rsall-.-mmy is ilvta.-a by Ic thMwamaaad w-ho have. he-en .-n c-ct.+u ccac--.-mlly ir-aice I b . an w aamu m-l~m-si wihl.uat tIst- slowe maf 1.1r eary. The doltor tures wherec emaerm taIl. Try ham. Jr. .hILt wail m no, chaage unals.. he ee~ctsl a Cute.. 1%-rsaima at a dtmLans-. s Cured aL hone. AlU commakweautLof strIly roifldct Lal. Mend tor trial tremtmeaat. cIhiC1AI.TF IEM--1ºtmeame of the kidneyys, liver. Inm tm. rheumtism LIanl aIll ertive .lm..amem of a prIvate malatire ranmcirm raan eflmm ts-r '.-erm tmnmtllmr I. tauoth anale. andt tm-aaale. alma, crop Ufve fe-ver., ml~ll as m. tylamyial aaacl and alleeI elamhlhlerja. Uimt-ii.e ,tamaramtecl. UtKAII Ttill TWtI('R.-Ftdl'al tcne-ligath orf the saiw Iil of hasaa m ialnerlog ( is caused by venereal , e, sseii, teilme ant I hr results. The wsa.lert Rul tumalm ?l.c It.mwcey is the hest and maurs tfall mcdieinsc tfrresmtortnag mtrwenth aalahitkin Nl ligor In tlasm wins mailer frawa all private, cimniaaie amid ncrvusHt dlismmem. shas t a I*l~ks oanl skis mlueraaas, myptall a. a rou..tla taveaca, erys.a wit rlas-aalsa. Iwanmunaigaa. pm..raammm rte.. mad ) Inlri it ts e Macmel s-aatmnn ealatiam, ta- aa loat el tLe lratr. rmc . Privatoe Clim aeam-agonrriiu- a e. rt"ctamae kilucyal umbamlaler trmmmle ysrt mlma) w adll the md cff itm eat yoatataafl follies amc cxtCa-ms s-shi m anuk i M" tear haiusinems or jaleasmas. Time wndlerfl mam-ceqa of this ne*w deprdla uapo the facl that at supplies am selemen which im found waantinac ia the blandIci of n-..k men. Dr. Sehallrz will forfeit $dti foar any rase taken Camter his new rntmct y whiahb he falls to cuae. Re memlaer that this im nat a pate-sit i nalieine. A wriltten ga to n-inl Ilhe mneey ifit dI u ot me electa ra nan. Ne-w remamy aornpiles without teae flo f rm or mercury. (M~a Co hours from 9 A. 7l. Li . M..:. I. M. to 05am !.d First National Bank OF HELENA. I'onter National IBank of Montana. ORGANIZED IN 1866. Designated )eplository of U. S. Pald Up Capital, - $500,000 Srplus ud PrNlt - 500,000 R. T. IIAU..MR ....................... Pre.ident A. J. I)AVI .....................V...Vc.ý-'lrilrnt V W . KNIa;IIT ........................... a laher T. II. KlKI.~4I'IIMII)T .......Auahtujat ('athirr 4iKO. H. hIILL.......... Meeold Am itait (Casher I)ARDI OF I)IIIt.'TOIW: R. T. Hlaimer, Jola1 ('. Cartlan A. M. I4tter. It. 14. Ilmaniltul, (neavllte. tinuart. C. I . IIaraiss.a T. C. uoswser. Genrc al banking huskarse traniea d. I mntret pad on Ustun doposisO. MA. S. L. The MONTANiA WIAIK IAPTTEII~ will hubi its Fifth Monthly lDrawing. ('lmua K."" in pub UM. at Ilitte (ity. PNtsmarday. Si-. 21, iMi . Tickets $1.00 each. II tickets fur $10.00. This Inttery gives inure aum larger prIze. In propowrtion to the nuwutwr of ticket& imamed timaum anmy thler lottery In time world. AtiINTI WANTKI) KVE~lltWIIF5tl. It you have noti been lucky In other lemterte. try the MiUntana Mtate. For tickets. circular amnd ither Lmfona thus. addreas J. J. JA('ibIW, Bustte (Yty. Mut. We pay .xpres charges on all order. for Uck. cis of 1A.M ew over. Al- It. JACOR Anentt, - Anaconda. More. BIELENBERG & CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers - N Beef, Mutton and Pork, C R M E. ETC. &tnannda. - Montaisa D. B. BIRRAN. rIrstmL. eomila. Montana. Caninge Builder, Blacksmith AND ) WA(f 44 KIOP1. AU claw. new earriew. .emn.I R WUWN work er.resIt" pn'nm14$v andl iIn tim. Iwgs man ie. arrlan T ufIMIrt3 ~l a~ttntUa oi Ir .'h-w All kinds of u W5iBcr% r.purwng WiU re e bi. per yrr Cu perylsia in. ANI)ERSON & CR'IHIRS. BLACKSM ITH Shoeing a Specialty. STUART. - - Mont. MINERS, ATTENTION! EXTKAI DRS. LIEBIG & CO. PornumawtsUy kwal d in BUTTE CITY Atboutbr a bug n4wN r of Main and Broadway. Private Kadrmaao! at $ MBu ~waV. LIEBIG WORLD DISPENSARY ANSI) I!TKI(NATIEINAL Mdlcal and Surgical Institute. Wa City Mo. Man Vmiucioo. Cal and ma uftac CITY. Mu.saaa. Ir. UrbSg a Co. are roogular atraultaare. In modl ieltne and msrjao"ry and wat rtuikouorsl anl Showttouo by lis m tuates of. Musomoom, C alifmrulai mad Mt INTAAA. torreat all 4'lrooliamSo.\eraiosaIl Pre vaid l.-.5m.-. w lo.-tlmo-hr oauwo- by loam aroaoimaos Kres.o, ow .N" a ulkrragno. aa-mmuai Wakneom, taight om.ooeubt. lMo-,iaas INb.-lallll.1ohms Ott m-'o& ~MIWtM.w No-rroooaa IN*0-115r.5.. oaf mao-rre. iof..toºbIour.... lof t he hlo40mom * olypoiliK, . 4100100 l".e.,o I ll'o oei and W rmoioaro) Coolro-o. 4 ooma~lIe. oauc q ooaeri~olo.-ol with life Nt- no-oloo-r~loa. 4 lar"r- low. TI oowounolo. oaf 0am..- oo oro-l. All i.olioonoo acre. o lmo-.iilV pero mare-o foor o-ohm luial'o ioho1al cae.o., at ie I 'oraeloomy. Nob ImJ iorio moo oar lao.1mn.nUii Y o-ob IMNOmmo pbI. tom-i. N.. time lst N rMImfrwn busiLsn.i. 1llld.ia Al P. dlº to Ia t treatre ty letter needl rxprss. M~~vhesluu hsilt .vrr)hM-twrfr trimsfr own g wm or hr..akag.. It. .tismaae. ut Iets the IIISNMI lin I ia tt and N.rv..uas systnll. as well an Lihver. kliuaus* Mlii* I4risel (vii Cisalitu IthtumtuiUsW. I aralysr·mul all isllwg Elhrnlie .tnlwiauiw. Write tiit LtIIoIlr.ItIJ jN4wrs on Iwtirnnlites. 4 ilit fee4. 4 ,arvaiur. if th Ii. 14fl. ruse. *Tuiuns. is 4 *stsr.r. 4 &&turrls. Itriniwiiltis I sahtatawwa Ilti*. Iru~it)). Magnetism. Punly·Lt Y )Hll·pnS. Widest.). lIlzhl.r.r. Irvs. Fua. 94km uAwl It uos. and all Star glcat I prrrp* a t4B. I s tii Women a Mswcrlatty. M..tlsuat.* lit Ioris fur Sasly gatLssh18. Tlwb.. y ltsliwlck MstIsad moel laarslkl llAMA Ilust sairts 10 a tltws Jly of I-Ivat.r ItIiw ar.s. All Iskwat di. usso msi.suamtssly trerateul. Syils hIts.{ rstsssst frown lIir s· aisis wit s~ush msrirr.f ?ew Ito Curatlve Tr nuut~ tur i.4m oVita nwit. tPs-u.ass esualals- I. visit is. lima)~ hw ii--al l at Iumw tby ir...rrwa l.rm-r. All ...-is muii."as-aia soanfl~uiutlal. M.dIteisws ..r I1ist ni meitis unit Iby mail cir iXti.55. qitnet)" giuikiuI. (Ds.- ,iursnl intire' iw iwtrerr.-ut. (tll Aui iu uslt is, .w "sIws Islistary ut y-.ur rawU. Mliii w. will sindl as Ital S wraue"r ossr S*eik Iris .-11iIJI6IIsa6 wily tlsiss.ssssls ilusnuit 1w ,snriuh iif *'ii~it. 24.i"tnl imit ltlus.iu.s. Sminasssl Weiak nr~..s rtprruug+.rrhul~l. nal..trt$ -. tyypiull·. (:ton in-smll (1. 4ICsa4..ilrh~wisa. sei.. 5i .". tsr. l.Selsigt !k En. are IIhe tosl y 4tiiulltl.ul usr re *hW·iuililc jwiuSll· ta left In Mumlasiw a m hus e 5.wW isw~lli law. ( siA.tu..t sirsui fruim* ct & anula to i p. m.: sot by a&ippisutiuitut In *,bwsrea Aald sirstois easuus. 41IY 4UI.TATI(5N VIII I' *cA01Ptny f- Ia. S.i.l " 's luSnwwntoA at Itium 2. s K. htissaalway. lIhitti.. FURNITUKE. Jut rnrrlved at TH.EHRET'S Ito IRsronin ulLt.. torn Carlout o.f 11p". Ip Pu (a'lrk ed of Ma- tre.les. SII, IRted*rwIo't m11. t(Pe Carla.mlt of ti.e YIpnea Iurl.r Furnitur ever ulKllltt .lo Mustana. A FULL LINE OF OFFICE DESKS. HIo.koa.e and tcrtrW ESTES &'CONNELL MERCANTILE COMPANY. Holiday Goods and Chrstmas Presets The Largest Stock we have ever shown. Large reduction in prices in every department. rand exhibition of novelties, elegant Toilet Sets. (;love and Handkerchief S.atchels. Collar and Cuff Boxes, WVriting Sits, Photograph Al bums, Ornaments of every description. The largest collection of Beautiful Fans ever shown. REDUCTION IN SILKS We offer great inducements in this depart ment for I loliday presents. 24-inch Black Gros-;rain Silk (extra heavy) at $1.50 per yard this week; is actually worth $2.25 yd. Black ~Faille Francaise at 75c and $1.25 yd.; reduced from $1.25 and $2.0oo. Fine Silk Novelties at reduced prices. Silk Plushes at 35c yd. Col ored Surah at 5oi yd. SPEC/AL RE'D UCTIONVS I n our Underwear, Corset and Notion depart Clearance Sale of i.'cwmar-kets. Look at our elegent wraps at $5.oo, $7.0oo and $1o.oo. Our assortment of plush garments is still the best and cheapest in the city. HANDKERCHIEFS. W e are showing an unusually large assort ment at 5. 1o, 15, 25 and Soc. One lot of 2o-inch hemstatched, real Japanese silk, at 5oc each. IIOSIER V. n this department we claim to have the lowest prices in the city. Misses' Fine Cashmere lose, sizes 6 to 84, at 25c pair. Extra Heavy French ribbed, all sizes, at 25c pair. Ladies' Cashmere I lose at 5oc pair. You will pay 75c for these hose elsewhere. GA'RPI I:5, OILC'LOi IHS IVALL PAPER. Our prices are as low as the lowest. For the holidays we have imported a large assort ment of Rugs, Lace and silk curtains, beautiful Stand Covers, Stamped Scarfs, Splashers and Tidies, elegant Table Sets, Lace Bed Sets, etc. Every effort has been made to include in our varied assortment of Clothing and Furnish ings only reliable goods--goods which shall be more valuable when they have stood the thor ough test bf use and wear. The advent of Christmas awakens new and generous feelings within the hearts of mankind. All are in search of something as a token of regard for friends or dear ones. Special Discount of Ten Per Cent Appreciating past patronage of the public of Anaconda, and in order to give everybody a fair chance beforeChrtstmas and in the heart of the winter season, we shall for the next 20 days ON IX" give a .SIC DLL IISCOUNT OF- to 'PER CNi/'VT" ott from our already low prices on our entire ..7OCAK of BOYS and hA/LV'S" CLO 711NGA'(. Also lo per cent off on our elegant line of ,/EN'S .; SL/'PEIRS. La dies, do not miss the chance to buy your boys a nice suit for Christmas. O VEI ROA TS ! O V E'RCOA TS ! W e especially ask you to examine our im mense line of Men's Overcoats. They wi I make your husbands a present to be appreciated. ilk Mufflers of the most beautifuul designs. Silk handkerchiefs that will make a nice Christmas tgift. Silk Embroidered Suspenders in endless quantity. worth from 5oc to $ Do not fail to look at them. Inspect our invoice of new neckwear received to-day. Wilson Bros.' elegant line of Dress Shirts always on hand. Also the elegant Manhatten Dress Shirts. W e especially ask you to see that io per cent i- taken off from all purchases of clothing for the uiext 2o days. No trouble to show goods. Respectfully, ESTES & CONE LLk MERCANTILE COMkPRW