Newspaper Page Text
6 THEANACONDA STANDARD: SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 25, 1891. THEGREAT NORTHWEST Topicsof General Interest in the^Hew States and Elsewhere. KILLED AT A PAPER MILL ofn ^ulow named Hudson living ii^^Overtoil countyTln-y ln-al ami oui- laiiri!IutiiuiI tier MM daughters. Tln^^t^ it-11 are known anil a posse in mil acurcli-^^ UK for tliem. If ImM ilny will In- kiv^ii^^hart slirifi. aYoung Man Drawn Up By a Belt^Over the Shaft Ho Killed a^Large Panther Tho Cham^^pion Sack bi wor. Amoil pltinlile rase is lliat ^f Jiwi-pli^Vosglcn, a i^K^r WmMM of Snoliuinsli.^Several day* nun In* ton- In* liawl upon a^rusty nail ami hm cnliro nulit arm i- now^blood pomutii il ami presents a Irinlilful^sperlacle. The arm niii-t lie iinipiilateil^ami tins Mf not save Ins lilr. A.1.. B.^x,MMk MM at ill'^ H.irnicrs'^custom mill, is hi-titiiiiii; with .1 needle^ami tlircad, says tin- tJM OMfawaaws I'nr-^in^ a sliori MM fjajSswBH IMm lie sewed s.s^tlfly-poiiml uirka in MM MMB\ making^a douli e half-lnn li on liM flr.-i ear, with^a loop on top, sewiiiL' five Mitclics, anil^lltiisliing with two oo;ps on th^ l ist ear,^threading the nee lie 1 liirinir tin- op ra^^tion. He want- M know il any of the^needle manipulators in MaMni Hfegoii^ran Ix-at this iceor.!, anil is wiling to ell-^ti r int.* a frii-ntlly eontesl. J.r.. (iiavo ^a^ a paaai afar oh Um teamerMould ^at unlay ninlii. says the^l'ori J'ouiis' iiil /,.-.^,;-^^. Mr. Glara sraa^for s 1 x yearn a inemlii'r of M.uiley'h ex^^ploring pariy in Africa, anil BS is iiow oti^Inn way to Ala-d. 1, w In -n- bs^ will SM in^MM HMMf in 'Ik' uiu xplornl l'C'gioa)s,^He w ill co into the interior from Pyramid^burhor over a new r-'Uli' ami iraveriie the couiury lylllg IwlVvoell the Vllkoll river amithe Mount M. Fllas IMfS ^^ mow^tains. Hem ai-eompauiiMl hy -lata^ton, ami they expect to bs ibssPl alioiit^live MMM iHi, mama, the world'- coining '^ Hi^pin 1 ami we'll not gi 1 to live in our new^house.t *'\\*liy, elnhl, who tolil you such^^lull I Ma it pnuleii rutin here, baokl Il^ ny s, fJa^ last dajr.' TkawatMtt go^^ing to hurii up ami we can't get to u -e our^Hew house,^ anil the little fellow l.tllM^into tears. That is the atartling 111 ws thatFrank DaviaPa tvwt yaar aid haaaajtal tohis inoiher ihe otlu r morning when in- auctionMan issih d si v^ i'ai hundred daaV gcrsannouncing, *'Our Lint ilay.^ The^little fellowconliln'i he en,vine, d that it^wan only the ^la-t ilny^ of Ihe store, anil wentto heii aahMnfl aaaaaaa ihcy rouldn'tact lo live in tin If mw MM -^.l/dvi' iir Vnr. \Yethink ihat every farmer who has a^spring 011 hla place hIiouM have a small ]oml ami raisu eimuKl' II-h for the 11f IiIhfamily at least, say ihe 'J'owtiseiul^J/rmwiij/rr. 'ihe cost would not lie 111111 h^and the prollts large. Y\'e are informed^thai the German carp thrives wi ll anil in^i|uite prolific, ami w inch is tinni-hcil free^of charge hy the govcrniiicnt. H.^Bemhriek, w ho n-sidt s 011 Warm Springs^rrecs, near limit-rslnirg, has ilcvoteil^Home attention to carp culture ami lias^heell ipiiti' sliccesslul. Ills Ihrce-ycar-olll^fish will wegh ten or twi Ive pounds while^last year's spawn have grown to six-im h^fish. Mr. Ik uihrick will -h ^rlly liegiti at^^l.irgni/ his poml, wliicli. w hen co.npleiod,^w nl aiSlaff eighty acres ol lami. Lastweek, Kays Ihe l.r.itigorvillo Firr^i'cr.v.*. Have l.cttis had a hois.- kiileii hy a^panther on C learwater, ami he wenl ill^ipicnt ol his majesty, w ho hail appaietilly^decainpeil. Have was fixing aiouml the^ran*a*is for In-, tr.ip w hen he steppcil upon^a lar^c aaah lyui^ aiioitt two nal f^-^ -in^the hor-e, when he he ml a rustling ol the^leaven oil the other snle ol ttic rock which^oil oli.-eivatioti proved to he the panther^!^ the act of aMMglBJaj oil Have, w ho, hy^accident or intuitn 11, put the muzzle of^the ifun ill the animal's nioiith ami hlcu^its upper j iw oil. w hich ih I not iiium in-^atcly kill il, hut he had to fire the secotul^charge ililo it be for* it sUMOtttbscL Have^sayn it was the latei ^t isinihai* hi' ever^killed^ ami he has Uulcl ,1 I nimy. Inspeakuii; ol hum. 111 ivctit-. of die^last year the other il.iy I,eeii*e \\ . \\'.tr,|^reuiarketl to a Hiiter Uout lliujl,- reporter:^^I can't Ix heve that Hilly l .lw.iriln ever aaMMaaaiaMaaaa,1 '1 inn opinion !^ en. tcrtaitiedhy all ohl-tiiners u ho hail known^tin* ili-ceascil for many yearn ami 1 vcry-^body in anxious lo nee the myMery ol all^death eh areii up. In .ehhtioti to the re- wanl oi ajaj oataraal as Bavatvat Toaia forthe ai r* si and conviction of the mur-^ilercr or inurilerers, Mr. Wan! will jpvc^$IUU; J. A. Mtnmiers ^ ,11 uive s|o ^; , ^. (^t'ooper promises fVi, ami several smaller^amoiititn from various ^*ittzetis have hccii^voluiilecreil winch will swell the rewind^to nearly cl.ouo. 'I'hen there are other in^^terested parlies w ho oimht to chip in to^induct- detective talent to take hold of die^cane and a thorough iuvestik-uion in ele^of the .ill . r. I'aiiluiaI'lirlntiaii, a youtti; Kwin w s^mull livmir with a family at I ist Port-^land, died at tin- Portlaml hospiasl l ues-^day uficrnoon from hurtis received the^^iikIiI Im fore thrnikdi the aaaaMaMJ ^f a^lamp. While alone in the kitchen ahoiit^1U:.m o'cloc k Monday iiiithl nhe upset the^lamp, ami ill .in instant her ilresn was^uhlazc. frantic with pun, sUa ru-hcil^through the lioii^c. h-avun; tire hramU 111^her trail, ami her screams awoke^the family, rtsr aaaltMM wire ly tln-.^tuiie marly hurtled 1 IV. Ikiaiikctn were^thrown aroiiml her, anil the tire,^hail communicated to three rooms, was^extiiiKiiisheil. A physician ilrcsscil her in^^juries ami had In r n moved to ihe hospi^^tal, where she died at 1^ o'clock, \- arty^all the skin w as burned i ll her hm it.^The unfortunate woman was lo have^been marrii d lo a promua tit restaurateur^in a week. Anaaaaaaal Bsaawad at the rnmn^paper mills at Uraajoa ^ ny d'adneadaj^by which 1 dwaid l ishhiirn. late nl I.e.^^, VVa-h . loaf his ble, I'lklibtiru was1 nifiip il in laJiiiaj papar from the sU-amroll, rs on to the reel, and it is sup^^posed the paper broke. In stopping for^^ward to catch in. paper aaal si rew on a^nhaft rati|[t.l him hy the vt st, and in ^^luoiiient he t*as vbuHlttf on the-I.aft at^the rate of Mty KsroUltiaM a niiiiiile, hm^hi ad strikiliK the Hour at 1 at ii N n lution.^Before the machinery cotild ba stopped,^winch wan fully half a niniute. all 110,^elothins except 1,1- !...^^ tmn In 111^bin body and his la ad was t. rnhly hrui-i d^by c-oiuiu|r 111 contact tilth the lloor.^ConM-ioUsticsn never returned an I dcatii^relievid hin Millennun ut 1 o'clock the^aame afti rm on at th-- l.ivi rniore hole,.^The deceased wan ahotit I ^ years of ajaj^and MMMTrk d. BoaaaHaasto asf Ha m fOSt VI 1.1.1. Apr ll .1. I. isl \\ 1 ih.i ,,t mgiittwo 11.1. k- d I..- u saitora 1 tie-1. ^, liiuar;^^f(ir|^^* V^l Bcrap^n. St.Lol ls, April 24.^George Vest, Jr.,^son of l ulled States Senator George G.^Vent, cM'a|Mid from St. Vincent's insane^nsylum a day or two ago, and the police^of Ibis city were called upon to search for^h;ni. Tin y did so and succeeded in find-^1111; I11111 this evening. Thenotification given to the St. Louis^police was Ihe first information any one,^except his relatives, hail that Ihe young^mull had been sent loan inutile asylum.^Youni: Vest is ahout all years of age, and^hun lived u life thai ban cuused bin father^a gn at deal of trouhle. Huriug the ad^^ministration of 1'rcnident t levelulld he^secured a position, through the mlliieuce^of his fulluT, in the diplomatic service^hill was compelled to resign because of^his erratic hahits. About three weeks ago^he wan placed in Si. Vincent's asylum,^and it was announced 111 the newspapers^1I1.11 he had gone to his brother's ranch ill^Montana to live. He succeeded in uiak-^inn Ins escape from the attendants at the^asylum on Friday, sealed the walls sur^^rounding the uroiimin and came to this^city. Ins absence heing discovered only^alter he had la en gone a considerable^lime, lie wandered aimlessly around Ihe^1 ity and was pa k- d up hy a polici man on^the streets. He offered no resisiance. He^will probably he sent back lo the asylum^or placid in t-onio institution where he^will receive proper treatment. INTtRliSting ITEMS. Afish ihe size of a P-law-arc shad costs^U ill ltal^. 'Ihe mo t poisonous substance known^is an rtir.u t ol peach stones. Agenius in York, Pa., has invented a^1 ^ itihim d piano and tva-hmg machine. Adozen wild ducks were caujrht ill a^llsherinan'n seine on Friday, Ms Tliur-^low. AGloucester, Pa., floret has under cul^^tivation that rare pioduetion of nature, a^green rose. AWisconsin man who had voted on the^winning .-ide in _l) piesidenliel elections^died recently. Adliiitglc machine that will turn out 90^shingles per minute is awatlllg a patent^at Da II ns. Pa. Aleading tobacconist savs thai ^.^^,hum,-^u 0 1 -iir.irettes were consumed in Philadel^^phia last year. Anarchistsare said to wear a badge^shaped bio- a gallows, in memory of the^live executed at t'htcago. ATexas man has invented an electri^^cal appliance by tile aid of w hich one^111:111 can pluy Id pianos al once. IIiinnierfest, within the arctic circle,^alMitbeiii.i t northerly town 111 huro|ie,^is completely lichled by clcciricity. l.cpcrsoiiKohhen Island, t a|s-('olony.^South Africa, are treated so well that^tin y 1 nj. y life better than well folks. WildII.ix is indigenous lo Montana,^and t/rou,. luxuriously everywhere.^inern art- finding it a new source of profit. AnAtchison girl ' yearn old cried a^whole day over the dea'.h of Bar num.^ftba thought bis death would be the end^ol eilcu-cs. Theyear IH'.H) began w ith a price of^C2.2U0 per ton for whalebone. i'wo^iiio'isaml three hundred pounds is die^ipioted price for this year. Theirrepressible Yankee is said to^have irivenn-d u salely seamless trousers^pocket. Hotel! complete in one piece, 110^stitching or sewing being necessary. ASi. Louis commercial traveli r proba-^btj BartMS die most unupie ^sample^ in^tbja prolcssioii. It is a human Is-dy thrce^,\ 1.its old, 1111 example ol the ellicacy of a eirtaia ^ mtrnlntlraj Huiil. Itis 11 practif the Navajo Indians to stretcha lariat of horsehair about then-^Malta at uiifht, such a harrier proving en^^tirely clli elit e to keen out shakes, taran^^tulas and Cclllipedcs. A117-foot snake of unknown spi eies ban^been captured ill ^ eiiiial liraxd. Il is^variegated 111 hue, blue, green and pink^pMstominatiug, has tusks like a hoar and^a born two feci Jong on its ion-head. Atorrt, Pennsylvania, lady, injured^by a lull dii-i to a poor sidewalk, offered^to setile hoi suit aaaUMI the eily for ;.' 11,^hut the l ily ollieiais ui-isteil 011 the case^going 10 couri, and the lady won a J-',,VI^^v^ rdict. Apony on which a 2 year-old Oin iha^Indian had Ik-cii strapped ran away from^the camp near Beatrice, Nebraska, and^was not captured for nearly two days.^The hoy was nearly dead from fatigue^and thirst. Itcost-. j-t.5'^),UO0 a year to maintain the loIluig asylums of Fiance. I'll- y have ihecapacity for supporting chil^^dren, and it is said that last year alone^L'u.imi children were abandoned by their^parents in die republic. Whiledigging a sewer ill Astoria, Or.,^the workmen ran against some legs that^formed part of the old Kurt George stock^^ade I mill in 1*10. one was sawed through.^Il was a spruce lice and was an sound as^Ihe day it w an first put down. Theimport and export trade of Japan^for l-s'.i amounted lo f I'd.Hil.vOJ in gold,^distributed among five countries as fol^^lows: United Mute*. Hi,440,0001 Gnat^Britain, rL'u.hlo.KO; France, 113,080,0001^to 1 many, v..i'.V.,i'uu, and t'lntia, IIIJW 1^^ in. Thelargi st rain gauge ever made is^probably that used 011 an i-xpei imi-nial^larm al Koihamsted. Its area is one-^thousandth of 1111 acre. 'I he funnel is of^VaSMl lined W illi lead, the upper edge liv^^ing a m i t eal rim ol plate glass beveled^ouuv.i id. Acm respondent suggests that one of^the surest cures for la grippe is to get^thoroughly scared ami think that you are^going to .lie U-forc morning. That will^generally start a copious perspiration,^ami m xt 1110ruing you will be much hel^^ler, hat ing Irighiencl away pncuiuouia^and save.I Itinera] 1 xpeuses. Anidea of the ehoriiiotis amount of^type 11-1 il 111 1 he eovernuieiit printing of*^lice 111.iv b - gained ti In n It Is slated thai ihepub a- printer has aakad tat bids for^LQsOUO ixajods of English, tnOOO pounds of pica,rS.OUO 1mis of long primer, tiflOO pouudsOl hri vier. and t$flW pounds of^nonpareil - _i 3.n o pounds, or ahoui nine^carloads. Illthe shop, of tin. ('. H. A II. It. R.. nt Uaiulltott,4J., i^ a cracked locomotive hell^that has a history, El was attached to a^hs-onioiive pre-ale 1 i rer hy a strong,^tiutmi . handsome cngim-cr, whose art -it^01 J i t-ol pride and adoiati.,11 WWfm flrot^l.i- swiciluan and UMMI Ins fallhfttl^engine, lie I. n d them both devotedly,^though, of course, in quite d taraat ways,^t ha) day at Hamilton ne Stood ill tin cab^^ I the . ngitic, b. ll rope ri band, r ady to^move the lever and start the train, when^be saw a briil d party approaching. Me^glance' at the bn ie; it was the girl he^I n I. Hi- hi art slopped beating. In- gave^a groan and dropped^death As In- h II^^dill the bell ropo In Ins baud, he ear*^th.- hell a loud ring that cracked 11 from lopto bottomil n was found afterward ih.ithe had died hterally from a broke 11^l.^ ail. I be Is II 111 ihe shop ut ll.iliiilt.,11^i- -'ill culled ^the bell of lb* broken baark FIFTEENSTORIES HIGH TheLofty Edifice Soon to be Built In^Mew York. SOMb OF ITS FEATURES Onthe Roof There Will Ba a Flower^Cardan, a Restaurant and a Sort of Big Picnic^Cround. Niw Y'uRK, April 22.^In less than two^weeks work will lie begun on the new^building which Theodore A. llavemeyer^proposes to erect on C'hureb street, Ite-^ttveen l ortlandt and Hey. The present^huihliugn on Ihe laud in question do not^amount to much aiul it is understood that^the price paid for the whole property,^comprising the entire frontage of 200 feet^011 Church street and sixty feet 011 Cort-^laudl ai d Hey street, giving a lot 00x200,^was not over ^4jO,U0J. The new structure^will be fifteen stories high, says a special^lo the San Fraueisco Chrunicl^% and in ex-^liectcd to la- absolutely fireproof. Onenew feature of the new building^which will attract attention will be two^fast express elevators. These will run^from Ihe to the seventh door without^stopping ut any intermediate floors, so as^to give ipjick access to the upper floors.^After Ihe seventh floor is reached the^^-levators will slop al euch succeeding^floor. Besides the express elevators there^will be four oilier-., which will stop at all^the floors necessary. This will make a^total of six elevators in all. Anotherinnovation will be a garden^and restaurant oil the root, or rat her on^tin- llficcnth story, of the lofty structure.^The garden will contain handsome plants^and llotvcrs artistically arranged, and will^he in the opell air. Among the rows of^plants lubles will be placed. This garden^will, of course, lie closed ill cold weather,^the restaurant, however, w ill Is- covered^ami will be open all the year round. The^idea is to have a restaurant high ill the^air, where the holiest day 111 summer cool^breezes are liable to prevail, and where a^man can take his luncheon and at the^same time regale himself with a supc rh^view of the city, harbor and surrounding^country. The building will cost about a^million. STOCKSAND BONOS. iP mat Downs in Market Values on Hie^Mock kxi-liango.^New Yoi:k, April 24.^The slock mar^^ket to-day was feverish and irregular and^the final outcome of the day's business^was generally only small changes in^either direction. The restraining effect^wus the further engagement of over^tl.OOj.ouij fluid tor shipment to Europe to^^morrow. _^Government bonds, dull and easier.^^ losing MMMil Hi iX. W. preferred ..^M -V Y- Central 'slegist t-red^t. 1's ciiiiimiu. ..^K 4Vs leg ... iHsaoapaa OregonItiipurt... luregaaabort Uaa^Oraeaa Naug u...^Sank Anit-ricau.. MV4a I** i;8 i'Hcll'a-ti's.^Ateliison Aassrieaal.tjn-est Ian.ula I'lU'lIlt* ian.ula Sent In-i ll. 1eatral Paeiaa., -. buruagloa Lackawaaaa bearer\ Ii. U.... I . I. 4. H Krw hallsasK Ti-\.1^.. IjiKm^ l-oiuv\ Nash .... fclexlcaaCeatral..Mieliigau 11 ntral.^%hssiMiii Pitcinc.^Nottbera Paeilic. vp. tors I sr res...^NanaweMara..... PontmiMock Market,^Boston, April 21 Tho following were^ilicchsting limitations: AiiI'itlei- lsi;s at% Mex. On.Cum... si'i ^tiKigim *^ ..... ^ henil seri|i ^rsjiroas}^^ i.t nun. [^dt .... lluiiiiiiioiiM |san Ha-go il MoneyMarket, NewY'oiik. April 21.^Money on call^easy; cloned ollered ii |^cr cent. i'riioemercantile 1 aper, i^r7 per^cent. Sterling l'.xchange ^ Steady: 0^^day bills, f4.1-0),; demand, Ji.t.-H-^liar silver- ^'. ^^ l,i imo001 Money Market,^London, April 24.^Closing: Consols: Money. '^.'^^^; do account, H 15-10; Imled Stali n 4s, 1:4; 4'-s, 104.^liar silver. 44 I per ounce.^Money, 2; -tCt l^'r cent. l-rtroirumMarket.^New Y'okk. April 24^Petroleum,^I'cnnsylvnniu, spot, closed 09^. THENEW YORK MARKET.^4 losing ^.'nidation, for Metals anil Min- iDgMi^ ki. NewY'okk, April 24 ^The dosing quo^^tations for to-tlay are: 1'.al. LeadWeaker: domistic, $4.15.^Tin^Stetidy; straits, ^l'.i..'o. Thrrrtlangiiigs. Cot.iMilt v. S. ('., April 21 ^ Wartcs^Martin, colored, was hanged to-day for^the luurdi r 111 January last of the wbiti^woman with whom he had been living^Bill Miles, colonel, was executed this^morning al 1'ickclis, for the murder of^lakaOrifiln. lalinumt Hollow,,y, colored^was bunged to-ilay at Manning for the^murder of a w bite man. Ail lllrrj mi ll BaBk MMk I'ldtTsMin'Tll,April 24.-I^, ur arlillery-^1111-11 of uu- buttery w hich on Monday last^mutinied nt orth r to call Ml I ^ lion to the^grievances from w hich the nu n clainn d^lo be Milfering, have he n u a-.I by court-^martial and each senti tin d lo two years'^imprisonment. Inf avor of lieclprocitr. Washington,April 24.^Senator Gal-^trln, torinerly minuter to Washington^from San Domingo, has returned to this^city as a s|K-cial commissioner to nego^^tiate a niiprisrity agreement between^San Domingo and the I'm ted States un^^der the terms of tho McKinley act. Thebureau of American republics is in^reeemt of information from Jamaica tbat^the Canadian commissioners to the expo^^sition there are making rxtrordlnary ef^^forts to extend tho sale of Canadian^breailstuffs and manufactures in that^island. TheWorld Renowned S[recialis( ,. *^^s , ^h r.e; DR.ROBERT BROWN HMaW MM I IwMmuJ MclicitM'^ nul^^lum, M It^^*aii'd pel niaticiillv in lUillu^m 41 Wim ^.i;unlf hlicct. up^^jt.isi,t' Sr-aiui^ link.^Where lit' may l^* i-onsulu-tl In'-' nfohnrttoon^nil * h|ini:c drfeUd of I m it It m-x^h. Hewill ilium.^*!- ymir *li*e4^t^3 ami tell you I hi^mmmc ^f y hi UtMiblei witinMii jthtng yon a^^toijiw nmrtton. Tit* m**tiuKiKof ownn ;*n^i^fcreittuwal um*^I hy thNfiiiineiil KjHfiHliKt aifi-n^titely iifw anil tinVnowti to lh^^ m.t^^k ol in-ilual^(u ai'ili toner*. I Iff, HffWH pi t* 1 tan1* hi * own^itit'dicinrs, tht'ivl-y jruai arilrt'in^ |HirilV **t rnn-^h iiu antl corrfrliifSN ^if icsiills. lit- is m |m^^-^h'-ssioii of n-w and valuahle r^ imMlies unknown^to lo* }^rofr^sioii at tanrjn. which art- |iVMI lo his^t^a'icnts only lies: ^^1 rtkMNtMi M gNw^|iy CsiUfng at hli ortW a, l|. t int s all Cliroiiic l^i^c;iK.'^ such an Female^\\ m - \n-ss, NerxiM.s WfNMN, IUMV^ alltlil,^^ alarrh. I'.scavcs nl tin* I liroat, l unii*, Heart,^Sloma-h, I.her, Khlr.e\s or hhnl.h r, Strh-lnre,^Knpinre, SemiHl WeaKnesi. Ke4-lal l^^seasi'H,^Tiles Pitsure, Kinula, vu*. i^r. i^rown imnieu-^lai ly invites thoKe unen up 1^^ others li^ eoiiMilt^linn. He fiiavuoses all diseases without asking^any t|iiesiionK. Allliu|^tmo nn^l Hie m*c* the ^Vrhlental^Metheilie eolti|MliV, lliroiijfli I ^r. Hrown, will^giiaiuntee to I I KK ^llhuul kinle or eaiistu- or^refiinil (ht: money. ATm JENNINGS HOTKtU MONDAY ami^TO I M^AV. IncorporatedUnder the Laws of Montana State Savings Bank BUTTE,MONTANA. Temporarilylocated In Seott Cuilding, corner^iiianilu and Lull strceln. PAIDIN CAPITAL - $100,000 5Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings^Deposits and Compounded^hemi Annually. RECEIVESDEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK DiscountsComineiilal Tapers and I.nam^ell Ileal 1.stale. (Masllmim - From 10 a. m. tosn. in ., nml on^Sall.nlay STSalaeji f lelll 7 |^. iii. lo S p. 111. iva. LARqEYPnaMaM tlII. I'AI.Mr.kVtoa l'resiiient t.K IIUIJUI-NSCUbluer 1)111ECTOllS. P.A. l-ireev.I'lias. II. Palmer, Geo.\v. Nauletaa, k \ Kraiper,^f. M. Iiedk'eiis,A II. Ham-it, tieuf.l^ivell,4'. F. Coolll, F-.I), l-ialetl. 11.11.I. It'^.K, V. II. l lMM M.Fr. II. ('. I IIAJI.^I 1 11-, M via I s DALY, K. K. HAUUEAKT. HOCEBI0WMLEE ^ CO.,^B-H-N-K-e-R-S, BUTTECITY. KONT.. Tisnnnil h mmmi ImMH i'ti'lneis. Ex-^ehanee drawn on all lliu iea.lui^ elites of kaaapti Collections Promptly Attended To. t'orrrnpondi-nl*:Wells, Fsrco * Co., New^Yolk: YVellii, i'aliio ^t Co.. Salt Ijlke; Wells,^l ull'.^ k t o. Min Frani is.-o. nmslis N.t.i-iiil^t .ai.^ . 1 1 nni NalioiiaJ Hank, Omaha. MUSI'NATIONAL HANK. ANACONDA TH6- WliolcsaleDealer' lu First-class Groceries,^ Provisions, LIQUORSAND CIGARS. Sl'F.CIALATTESTIIIN GITBM TO^MAIL UROBKS. Cor.Main and Hiy:^z:ins Avenue MISSOULH.MONT. MllltE ioii ft iii.i4a i ion. um'011 ica at iii 11 s.i, Hon. April..I4M 1^Katira i* aarebj etvea thai Mat fot!owing^\timr4 - I list kaa ilea aoties ol Ids latenlioa .a^nuskr Dual prcal ia sap mt of an rlaiai, ami thatm 1'ioof wi.l lie insiie bettin- clerk of tli-DlftrM lourt ..f lieer UmUm rouBtjr, :,t^pert I-.i.e. on Ma) lb. l^'i. ^!' \.i*.i Ui Flenr,^lm made pre-eiiiptloli ^l-. i.irntorv^^tatetinui No le.i.ii t 1 .^^ ^ 1. ^^ N I ', no^. . Il' S. Ii 14 ^. lienam. s tile following witnesses lo prove his^roiitni mill r^*tdeae* upon and rstlllvstloa of^tut n. 1'av d D Walker, .1 met K^Mall iv W lUIsm Ausouiuaa, Utiaatt 11 Mar, all n(An... ends, MiHllSUS. 8.A. lUtUOFTT,^.Ino. K. tAiiPirt, Uryister. A.IOMII). M.T. PLRYT6R, Cor.Main and First-sts., Anaconda. DRUGS, FANCY GOODS, ETC. ParticularAttention Given to +PRESCRIPTIONS+ FRASER$ CHALMERS, CHICHCO. L.C. TRENT,| Salt LftlM C ity, I lah, GeneralWestern Manager, \llolvna, Montana. MININGMACHINERY, AndMachinery tor the Systematic Reduction of Ores hy Ammlgmmmtlom,Concentration, Sutctting and I^cacliinx.^Builders o^ the HOMCSTAKE, GRANITE MOUNTAIN, DRUM LUMMON,^ANACONDA, BLUE B'RD, LEXITjGTON and BI-METALLIC^COMPANIES' REDUCTION WORKS. HoistingEngines, Csoned unci Direct Hct ng, ProspKctingand Development Hoists,^Buildera of Improvod Air Compressors r.nd Wlro Tramway*.^Fruo Vanning Machines and Embrcy Concentrator. -E==3ELECTRBC P,10TCRSl=- BOLE WISTKKJT AOKNT3 ITOR bidgePLUood Hoisting Engines, AND TYLERWIRE WORKS DOUBLE-CRIMPED MINING CLOTH. Electric Eight Plants, DiamondCore Prospecting Drills. CONCENTRATIONSTILLS, ELECTRICELEVATORS. RandRock Drills and Cow/ireaors. Otis Eluvrtors. Knowlcs' Pumps, Root Blowtr*.^KINGSLAND 6. DCJCLAS SAW MILLS.^SHAY PATENT LOCOMOTIVES. JOHNV. PETRITZ, ^^THE I.EADINO WHOLESALE MUIM IX MINES,LIQUORS HND CICHRS. CaliforniaWinos and Brandies. AMOST COMPLETE LINE OF BAR GLASSWARE, ETC., ETC. SoleAjent for Pabst Ba-wino; Company's Ifilwaikee I-a^er Beer- ALLORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. DRS I IFRin Jir Pf) ^JW ^lam JUfjuxnitox aa4 ajsra alwaai at Mar a, uno-I-lt,C^|4J 00 V^vy., ^Hi. .lii.uiiiui ' on Mniiilin, M ,v Ilih frniiiti a. m^Inn p. m.. mil), ami same ilalt-s nioiillily ullorwiuils. un aicuuiii of inoliuuui. lucrciiso^of praclico cau only spare one day. WORLDDISPGNSHBY, B^^^^-^;gij.4!^.Jtsa.-_f^^i. BUTTECITY SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Uri Ikalaraaalrkraata Danaa* Disp4aktary andIiiaiiiifaeleiy n( d^4oi nnty^appliances iti ,M' 'uuui i *m ^ a* ^^M^^^a^BlMaaS Cor.Main and Broadway, Butte, Mont. PrivateEntrance, S East Broadway. Thf fitaff mil nttontlon to tf.irt tint f^^r nnny ir;irs tlu^ old firm of l^r^. i.l^hii: K Iirv^^hail a tlmioimh ^ \| i iit*n^c m the (r^*titmeal of pnvMki attMSMI *^t mrii^tlK* ouly ie^{k^tulbltj^kp^MteMMi 11tilting iMIi albMUni in Mxtii.nt.i. Alllonii* ^t veoiTi-al illseaon., ii4 imii:il\ iritM '!^^ ^in-i .^sfnll^ tle.iteil liy H' W mwll- ratorsfiivini; ttnik'-ini: tht* hitun.n h. t'tl.tfMMtrr quiet. Vou IMnthI k^ ^^ any mu* but Hit- nld^doctor liiniM If. ( ODfii taii' ii |i-1 vnii.iii. nr by lettm fro**, i ouAdi ntlnl buolti to u\* u rtirlalniiitf^wliy tlioukiinttR raiinut I't-ctu.-d uf M iiniaJ wfOailsikMi i.iut |^ri\.si^- lilftOBHM, gloot. tytilnUi-i, \an-^ut'i'li', fli*.. Mill fn^^. ^iivuji iii/nh^^]^-i.inn for all tmins ol Dt'rvoui ami venereal Uisiases. ltraees and AppU^^;uii^ ^ luaiiulactuicu fur Ueforniliiet. ALLMEN Desirlnirmperl mertl. al or i-ur ; \\ nld for Ilia cure or rellat of sufferinj inui. i ^ si ufiou at wiitaio DRS.+ LIGBIC + c5 + CO., 1lie most'iin-i sstiil. aMM Maj aMl nl slile San Kr.nn l-e^ spwuillsts, fur^(lisruses of nu n, araa have eiti.-es in i ii o i- \voild li|s| iiUiMinn,^t-oiuer of Mala aaa awoadtrsy, Hutu*CU)r, MaMaatV Dr. Li mit ^ i u. n.ivt^mure reim-iii 4 iiisiliiinrBis inul ea)....d em[i...^^ .^ iiieu iu^ un^.is.-s uf tuna^Hi.uiai ta rsllsd sprclsl s4s' dlar^BMirier sad us ui.te-. m wa West .. in- Dtardi HI-ii. iru-i roar aMtrotJiiii sail etirisslc sllmrnia only to 11d, arcU-kaowaaadoaly raspoaaiblc Kansas4 ity .ml Kib Kt:iiu i^o ^pn-taUsii^rl lit her -in buiu-an.l save a 1- 11. ie v lo ^a:i I-1 ineisi-o 01 K insas ^ ny.^1 ii,. lesson tl-nuiaiiils ciii.u l i;^l 11.1-.1 01 s|ieeii.i pmale clir nie iiiiaases, s. in mat s-i-ak-^ress loss el mauliooil, i-lert, van. i-'le slid rem.ts of al i.t^ 111.1 exceMes w.iicli unlit men^lei Bitiinaite or Lie's unties, i^ owuii; la 1 loinpla-ulioii-I losiatoirhca. v all lui 11 v-e eoasuius- ULA1Ifemales wlio ^re snUerin.' Horn rliroale 1 l^ea e^ nml oervous troubles peruluu to tits^female sev can bs peiiiiaiieiiliy vurtd Ly ILe use oi lu l-elun's piivale iirescripUona Call for^Use ail vice PRINTING,PRINTING. LetterHeads, Bill Heads.^BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Cards,Invitations, Circulars and Bookbinding. Writeto us for prices,^Write to us for samples,^We'll quote you prices so low,^We'll furnish samples so perfect Youwill be certain to send us an order. STANDARDPUBLISHING CO., RNKCGNDR.WONT.