OCR Interpretation

The Anaconda standard. [volume] (Anaconda, Mont.) 1889-1970, May 19, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036012/1891-05-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOL.IL^NO. 255.
LateReputs of tbs lavements of the^Charleston.
CommanderRemey Ready and Will-^Inn to Flght-The iMMfa^alda Hemilm at^Acapuico.
Wewill continue this week our^sale ot suits (or $12.00. These^goods are really bargains and^you should not miss them.
Wehave over ten styles at^that price, some of which have^been reduced from Si5 and $\%.^They arc all new, nobby goods^and a large assortment in pat^terns.
Wehave these suits in plain,^black checks, stripes anil mixed^goods in light and dark colors^in fact, almost every pattern^that man could want.
Donot imagine by the fact^of our only advertising our^cheaper class of goods that that^is all we carry, for you are^greatly mistaken.
Inthe finer class of go jds, im^^ported worsteds, and cheviots^we have a full line of the finest^possible make. For $25 we can^sell a man a suit ot clothes that^tor workmanship and fit cannot^be equalled by any custom tailor^in this city, and when you come^to $27 ^30 and $32.50 they are^as finely male and as neat and^nobby patterns as can be bought.
Wesolicit the trade of all and^we guarantee a saving of from
onany garment you may pur^^chase in our house, for as you^are aware \vc do a strictly cash^business, thereby saving the^losses in bad accounts that^bound to accrue with any^doing a credit business no matter^how careful they may be. This^saving we can afford to cut from^the prices of our goods.
OurBoys' and Children's de^^partment should not be mi-ised^as we have suits for boys from 4^years to 18 years and in prices^from $2 to $2%. Our three-piece^short pants suits arc going fast^so if you want one you should^come in before they are all gone.^The prices range from S4.00 to^$12.50 and the ages from 9 to 14.^For the smaller boys we have^eight lines of Imitation vests^suits in all patterns and prices.
hesitateto take- the vessel ltata, even^th.null he should have la lay hands M^her ill CMHM water*. The MM of the^nation* wi ul.l prevent Irm from lakinii^her 111 a neutral Baft, Should the^Charleston's commander catch up with^runaway v* said within a marine leasu ^^of Chili, the officer says ho thought the^Charlenton'a commander would scii3 the^ltata and lei the courts decide aa to bis^right to do ao.
AnAss:mbljg^ of Unionists and A.liacce^Advocates.
CIRCLE.1: ^ ^^ at ^;rav^^s-
NewYortK, May 18 ^A dispatch to th^^Hrrald troiii Acapuico, dated May 17,^aaya: Ever aince the arrival here of the^Charleston the ship's company haa been^on a keen jump to get ready for aea again.^The work of coaling, usually ao distaste^^ful to mun-ol-war's men, has been rushed^along a^ if it were a pleasure. To-night^with a iiilTli'u nt coal supply for 10 days at^high i-pi-t i 1, Hie Cliurleslou will have Ihe^harbor and continue the chase of the^i una. No one but Captain Kenny knows^what course tho Charleston will slecr^after.he goes outside. The Esmeralda^still Ins near the harbor entrance, but is^not yet coaled. Her captain apparently^is us ignorant of the ltata's whereabouts^as we are. There call be no doubt 'heEs^^meralda is kept informed by telegraph of^w hat is going on in the United Stales,^t hie of her utile ers is often seen at the^cable ofliee receiving or sending messages.^It is rumored that money will be^transmitted to the Esmeralda by cable^transfer to enable Her to get coal here.^At present lie could be of little service to^the Tata even if the latter arrived off^port for both ships must be nearly cleaned^out of coal. The Esmeralda officers and^crew talk very freely about the ltata, but^evidently they do so in a hone that they^will thereby deceive Captain K nicy of the^Charleston. D ie of their stories is they^had already m 'I the ltata and had taken^her stores and arms from her. Another^is the I lata has met a coal laden vessel at^seu anil is now pushing on southward^with lull bunkers. These fairy tales^oveiio. k the impossibility of trans-sbip-^pmg a heavy cargo of c.ial or arms in^open sea. Such operation, even with^every preparation made and modern ap^^pliances, would n quire a week's smooth^sea and it would lie diilicult and danger^^ous to bob then. What the Charleston^intends doing will depend upon Captain^Keiney's orders, it is not improbable lie^will continue straight on for Chili, stoii-^piug for coal at Panama, m order to join^the .other ships of our navy at Iquique.^As the ltata must turn up there event^^ually, perhaps that will ho the surest^way to catch her. After sailing to-night^the Charleston may not lie heard from^again for several days or she may next lie^reported bringing the ltata into port to^get coal before taking her north.
Thisafternoon the navy department re^^ceived confirmation of the press dispatch^to the eirect the Charleston sailed south^^ward from Acapuico last evening leaving^the Esmeralda in port. There was no^word of the ltata. Tho presumption is^the Chai lesion's commander was sat is lied^the ltaia passed Acapuico either before^he arrived there or w hile he lay in pori,^ami has resumed the long chase. It is es^^timated the ltata is steaming along at^about seven knots, and as she was In days^out last Friday night she should at that^time have been just oil Acapuico, where^it Is reported from that place she met the^Esmeralda. As she is a much siual.er^vessel than the Esmerulda and burns^much less coal, it is regarded as w ilhiu^nrobabililies the latter vessel miylit have^supplied her with this necessary article,^winch would account tor the strait the^war siiip is now in respecting the further^sup, I) of coal. If it be true that the ltata^was off Acapuico Friday night, she had^iwo full days' start of the Charleston^when the latter started again ill pursuit^last night, Thia is about the^same lead she bad from San^lln-gn, so it does not appear^the chase is any ue irer a coiclusiou ; but^if the two vessels now follow the same^course the Charleston, steuming at 14^knots, tin ui(! MM up with the ltata be^^fore to-morrow night. '1 his event of^course is bent upon a supposition whu h^is not lounded on a stioiig probability^that the Iwo vcsk Is are steering exactly^in th^* same course. If the Charleston^passes die ltata the next port w here tin y^are like y to be hi ard from is MM)^about LBS miles from Acapuico,or Pa-, la,^Peru, still further down tin coast. As it^is the vessels have probab y covered less^than hall the distance to Iquiipie, the^nearest ^ hilmn port.
SANLMu.O. May 18,^The I'niled States^grand jury, which has been invcsligating^the lint i it ami Minnie rase, examined at^considerable length the men who de^^serted from the ltata when she was in^this port. They told a story mm I. the^same as ulrcady publisheil about the^movements of the ltata al.d the Ksmer-^alda. They said tfie latter carried V^^! sailors and tt) soidicis, four iw pound^| guns and a lot of r II s. i he latter were^secreted in the hold, togcttn r with the^soldiers, before coining into San Diego.^It was understood by eve yb.'ly aboard^that the ltata was on the outlook for a^schooner with a cargo ol r lies and other^munitions of war, which were to betaken^off tind transferred, the latter to the Fe^tneralila. 1 he vessels were pre| an I to^fl'dil in case of trouble. As near as can^be learned it was the intention of the^ltata and Esiuera.da to m et at a point on^the east oast ot Lower California. If^die Esmeralda net ihe ltata ihet-i- I of ore^returning to A' aptilco, the runaway^steamer lias melon: ie,p^ slip|iod by th.^( liar estoii, and is now lit her way to^Iqiiupie. Sobctior tiei.eral 1 aft has is^^sued subpoenas on lbs representatives of^the Western DMsS ami i natal Telegraph^companies, to pro'h.c^ all h I' grains huh-
1Cmidled by them ill the past Mil relating
I sflasfstJ| to Chilian affairs.
y-sj f f\Tftt\ Tf*1 11V or Mtxltai, M is is I 'Charles.
'ton has leit Aeapiu ^-. for tie -o'liti. Ills
believedihe Mexican government will^^stow the Esmeralda a -n i l amount of^coal. l^ ven in -nt new- i M maintain^strict reticence.
W'MIIIUTo.i, May 1^. ^ 1 prominent^i ureau chiei of the navy department^I c riOTI DAUlY CT RII PTT ^*^' *' -^^^^Ut he h. v I ^i coin-^LAol rAflft 01., DU11 111 matider of the C. I ' wnl not
THENAVASbA murderers.
Meut.acesof ( eu.li uinr.1 l'riiautrt t'ou.^uiuteri.
Washington,May li*.-The president^today commuted the death sentence of^the three Navassa-rioters to imprisonment^for lite. The president said the faet of^the killing was satislarlotily established,^but the conditions siiriounding the prison^^ers ami their followers were of a most^peculiir character. He said thry were^American Cititrns under contract to per^^form labor iiikiii s|iec.ttid terms within^American territory, rcim.vid I mm any^opportunity of appeal to a court or public^i Ulcer for redress fur any injury or the^ciifoicemi'tit cf arty civil right. Their^iinployeis were in fact Ihi tr masters,^l.scape was impossible, and lie- state of^things generally was such us m ght make^men reek less and di sp. rate. I he presi^^dent said the government should provide^by law for Ihe execution of contracts to^labor n Navassa he lore a public ^ Ulcer^whose duly it should be to see that men^who go there to lalmr are well informed^as to the nature of tho obligations as^^sumed, and should maintain on the island^an ^ lllecr with p ^wor to hear complaints^and to adjuilgf controversies.
DarkClouds at the Commoncvment^^A Struggle Over Which^Party Will Kun the^Machma.
HOUGHOS^lie elsiuli
TRUSTS,bv a Mis
lleiiuerrdJ iiitus.
St.Lol ls, May 1M ^A trust company^has no recourse in the law if the mi miter^o. the Irust violates an agreement not to^go into business again, is tho substance^of a decision by Judge Thayer of the^L lilted Slates court to-i ay. The decision^was renilereil in the ease of the American^Preservers' company against tin' Taylor^Ma it tilac i it ring company. For live years^prior to Ifs.s the Taylor ci lupauy has^bu n cariyiog on hunucss in tins city.but^the ti inpler eaiiic and the American Pri-^servets tin I bought out their busiuoss.^the Taylor company agreed not to go^into bus.uess again in this country for l'6^years, or until the Irust died. In 1MIU the^company did go into business again, and^when Hie American Preservers' company^brought suit to enjoin litem they claimed^the agreement only bound the ihrcc stock-^holiU is who s good. The trust filed an^amended petition and the Taylor com^^pany then replied, saying if the company^was boui. I by all agreement such con^^tracts were uiilawlul in Missouri. A de^^murrer to th ^ bill was sustained.
Trial( oin iu.it it In th*^rVHtrf* iMmrlci Court.
Wa.shiN4.ton,May In.^-hi tho (..strict^court tu-iluy Juiltfe James hiiiiouiicimI thr^opinion ol the court mi tin* suit of Want^1.anion and other* against McKcc to re^^cover part of a lur^e amount which tin*^latter rtccivcil fi^r m*i\'icc*i in t'hoetaw^( tuiiiiu ca^i h, ^Inch r* ^ultetl in th^* In-^iluiiis kl'ttinif the land. The court d^-^^-;di (l Lainon wait cntilled to recover from^McK -e the uiuouut estim ated at MMytOI^for his m^ rvieen in prun euting the ciainiH^from 1n^7 to 1^74, and lor money* ci-^pended; itmt Ladiropi* was entitled to r^-^cover $^r^,U00; M^ I'heritoii and UMHitftiei s^and Lttke Lm were entitled t.iJU.UU, and^Mrn ( Kchrane hiiH u ritflit to 5 |kt celil.^ot the am^^uiit Mi K^^ r^ reived. Thect^urt^(lneets fhi' (iiil'1 into the court hy
MeKeeto In* divided pro rata among thene^perootlh uml judbfinetits tie y.v* it tiieni^against McK.ee for the hulatice.
lie of ^Tev^*hiuit Mr*-el I tune TelU u
SEAni.t,May 18 ^(*harle^ K. Hum-^tnoiid. of t levehtnd street, l. -ndoii, noto^^riety, who || i^t jail here uervitiif. a term^of two years tor izraml larceny, wrote a^leper yesterday which, if th ^ facts are a-*^net forth, ind.c tte he is innocent, and tie^charge of ifrurel larceny was trumped up^hy English detective* to get him out ot^tin- way in order to pi event disclosures ol^the doitigK ui llamiii'iid ^ houit* in I -^doti.
FlhtbIN TH - SOU TH.
Weat ViryluU |'^^ir^u Ablftr VilU|tr^^ITireilened.
fftMNMAisTA, W. V.*., May 18.- A de-^HtruetiV'- Ion-i lire haH l^ccii ragn g^( tieat Uiver HMMMaUM for the p |t| week.^A tract ot u.tJOU acres north ot here h is^Im*cii burned over and a number of farm^lioiisi * ileatmyid. At Oakland vdla^t*^the ureateHt alarm is felt, an the town i*^almost entirely burrouuded by burntutt^forestH.
Milnirre-1 to Hora^-niPii.
HKMay lh. -The boanl of direi *
tornoi the Am* ncuii Trotting ).' r^assiM-iat o i met here to-day. W. li, AlU'U^of IMttntield, 1'a., wan elected president;^Franks. Water* of 1 h eatfo, vice-prem-^itetit, and J. li. Sterner, who is *^m r^ iar^^of the Ann rieau Trottiun mn8 atmn.
eretury and reiri^trar. K'-aoluuoti*. Mft^adopted that it is the judgment id tin^(huct'TH that tin KoveiMiiu nt of light^harueis* conte*tn would i^* *trenj^then^by havii'g hut one it^imju^*trai.'^u for ih-^country, uml the ^ flit-t-i* ot the N.o.o a
|i rottinu u-teK*i.*^im and the AflnHMH^i Trotting u^^oci^tion aie a^^ked to iai^e
tep* which wil. result in union or con-^' * 1 datum
I'lHalilM^1 the Itiinit-r.
|kdianai(h.i*%,May 18 - l.Htella Morrm,^a Umi jr^^ 1 . tomred gin, wan la id in^IMI00 Ix'iuls to.^iay for an attempt mmur^^der, tieiijuum K ctor. who hoarded w.lh^her famd^. had annoyed tier with atti n-^tlon* and she d-au d his dmui r ye^t* r-^i.ay with po toSi for hi* tieuetit, it ill m d^but all the tain ly were seriously alf'Cted.
IHaiax- Ma im.^Wakh!M.!on. May 18.^Ttie pfnaMMl^n^*e v^ da ; le. raui Irmu Secretary Hlame^tiHHlay sa^iuchi4 health la much improve I^ami tie h J( | 1 io be about again m a tew^day*.
(iNt iNN ATl, May Id - Tlie threo or four^huumed tlelegates m attendance upon the^national utl;o^ conference which btffin*^in tht-^ city to-morr^^w, were reinforced^this n.oriiilig by the arrival of a special^train I i aiing 1U curtoatis of delegate*^In in the Wi stern staUs.
Tliereis a division of sentiment on the^thud party qu* stioii, hut a maj irity seem^to be favorable to such action as will in^^sure the in mutation of a national ticket^m .rj. The conference will not undertake^to tnai'e any tioimuatiotis, hut an ^IT-irl^will U- made to get things n such shape^that it will be an eaty matter to take^action in that regard in xt year. It i*^denied that the south is so strongly op^^posed to a thud party as l as b^ en repre^^sented. It h is not In eu determined what^method the MO fere i ice will adopt to get^its views Ixdore the jwople. There l*^tome talk of preparing an address in^which the dual principles of those attend^^ing the confer* nee on Hnance, transpor^^tation, labor and laud, will 1m^ fully set^forth. Attain it is urged that a proper^way w ii'i Im^ to adopt a platfoi m and^take null ueti ^n as will utile in the^uffl rmativc ihe questu^n of * lining adrift^Iroiu ihe old parties slid nominating caii-^du.a es lor the |^rea dei.cy and vice pr-si-^tlency in
Thisalteruooii was devoted to a con^^ference of the various stutc delegations.^Tin- Iowa delegation, umong other things,^udopttd a resolution urging th^* nomina^^tion of a full imh pi MMM ticket next^June. FJ here was rather a lurl ulelll meet-^nig of the delegation Irom Kaioas, due^laige.y to the tact that It is milch slionger,^in point of numbers, than any other state,^tin re being ni-arly HH^ persons lu re, rep^^resenting seven organization*, vu.: I he^Farmers' alliance, ^ linens' alliance,^IVople's party. Knights of t.uhor. Na^^tional Industrial alliance, Ami-Monopoly^party and single tax men. There wss a^large attendance and the question soon^aroM* as to the ha*)* of re pre dilation to^be accorded tin various organisations,^and a motion that each orguuisailoii Ih*^allowed to seh ei two per.-on-. to act a* a^committee from Kansas m the general^ci nlerence, provoked a hvi ly discussion,^mt finally prt*Vailed; theg thei e was^troublu over the selection of the dele^^gate*. Mr. Scl. nault insisted twu or^three men were undertaking to name |h*r-^soiia who should be chosen by all members^of em h organisation. A motion to allow^each organiz itn^u to appoint its m^ ui-^Ihts was adop ed. Tin* Farmers' alliance^then went into a set ret ** s*n a.
'IheNational Iw. m l'ie-- ass^^ciation^hcltl two ue eiings today. I In re is much^specula ton as to the platform. I) j c-^tioli to Ocala de* luratioti is strong *^h^some tpnstiotis, ai.*l tin re is a dispn-i-^tiou to lollow the St. L ^uts platloiui. The^Kastcru men are active in regard to the^position to be taken mi silver and tin*^^eight-hour plank.^ t ollfereiiee wa^ hehl^to-day w.lh h ading deh gates fioiu the^West and South, and ihedi maud* of the^Kast were fully made knowti and^w ^ re rc^ cived with favor. K isteru^men want ibis plan adopted^on the silver cpieMion : *' I hat the euiifer-^enca iavor* the restoration ^^f silver to^the position it occupied iHdore \t*7.\, vis:^Oil an equality with gold as a tiiom tury^standard of value,^ also one providing^for the extension ol the eight-hour prin^^ciple to apply to all tlriiih and corpora^^tions cm ploy mi/ I to -r iu th** ddb rent^states of the I'iiion. Kastcru men an^^nounce their determination to muk** a^strong i ffort to secure tin* incorporation^of tie t^e planks in tie* platform.
Withthose delegates heie the opinion^liui ht'i ii i ^| re^nl frimM'titlf that **aa^goes KaiiMO so Will go the convention,M^and much uress ^ hud on the tart that^KaiisiiS, after a U ugthyaud lively eaiieu*,^di culed ti ^night to support the organisa^^tion of a 'h rd party. I he arrival of the^Illinois, Iowa, V braska and othi r north^^ern dcli LMtrs ti*-uiorioH, how* ver, may^eti iiigt |K^i^uUr expression in the caucus,^i oMgres.-tie ii ^imi^**oti and (..ovcrendeav-
cl i d to persiuid*' li iioas It Wolli^I tie^belter to a topi a platform coiitaiumg Mi^setitial d t'Trincv, and appoint a com^^mittee on propogalida to deteimuie, by^next i-prlng, whether a thud part would^stick. I hese suggestion*, howi ver, were^howled down. At the general c ueu*^this afternoon, th* re were many l.v^*ly^bout*, l'rrsiileut Washtfurn \^f the North-^i astern Industrial alliance, who voiced
the id* a* of th latior elnt of tin
Cities,created c^Jhai*|erahle luror by tell^ing the caucus plainly tti.il the industrial^element di 1 not prop ^M to bo use 1 as a^eats p*w to a d d^ iii^-H-ratie atje**es^^in th^* next alecilou. It a third^party was to Ik* form- d, the^-oiilti and southwest would have^to e -me ill as w^ II M the nori hi rti deh -^'^at*'* 'J he indusitiai elem* lit* of the^1 I ist. We*; and Uat Northwest were neither^! willing nor d*-.roti* ' draw vaw - out ^.f^n publican statewhile at the s .me limu^tne p^-eud i gilifl .*^^^ BJM itf the utli^sere sticking to leiii H'r.ttic ulleg auc^*
Otherspeak^T-^ laid stri-ss on the fact^that In K..st. in | i ^ p i's no vuiu nt dif-^'^ndlroiu that ol the grang*-!* in as^much as its orgai'is ttioti wa* moulded^atti r those of U,-- ^ Id p ^lilical pirt esalid^recogt. i* tl ti*' tta r a* eiet. ritual, grip-,^nor pass wont*. A'l tin- fluu lie ry would^have to be atioli*^h^ ^ I if the psrin a c^^ale*^-^e,^Ml on a general platform.
Seuator1* If r of Kansas d uhts^w hether it ^ ml 1 b' vim* f ^r ttiv m le-^i ^ nd^*ut m v iii nt to g i too f^r at pres^^ent, hut ^et t k^J there will surely la* a^th rd party in lp'*-' l i.irtl party feeling^Is undouhTed.v growing, atel it u MM^I t|4 to-mght that d the in .j r ty of the^^ n gatea d^ ride against it, the minority
GRAvr.HF.Np,May !^*^Tho track was^in tirat-cluss eouditiou lo-day. Twoyrur^old*, five furlongs^AIU tnty. c*dt, won.^Met onnick second, Keces* thirU. Time,
Handicap,one mile and three-^-ights ^^Loll won, Lavima Ih He second, 11. 11.^Million third. Time, J:U4^^.
S.xfurlongs, dash |nff in a re-. thre^-^year olds and tipwan) t'orr**ction won.^La Toscas second, Keclare third. Time,
Mile,handicap - Ham, e l won. Stride-^away seeoml, Unrile third. Time, 1:44' \.
Two-yearold*, live furlonga^Airshait^won. Mount Vernon second. Verbena^th rd. l ime, 1:04V,.
.Sixfurlong*, dasn f^^r three-year oMa^^Adventurer won. Sandstone second, King^Alta third. Time. ItWL
Gn:dLodge b(JM or Pythias at
Meetine cf th^ blockholderi^of the Oram.^ Moun^^tain Min^ ^ljhll ips-^burn Events.
AiIsMsSeMai^Loi l^vit.l.E, Hay 1*.^Oni- mile ami a^^nKi'iul K iut;iii.111 ami, L^^l^'rkr^tii^si-roiiil, aVsSMato Hiinl. l inio 1 :!*'/$
Fin-(iiriouKs, H yrar-^^lil^ -Falrro won,^Uurkbound sveoud, ( ovt-noii Itunl.^TSM 1: 4
'I'liifi-yt-ar-oMs, one mil.' anil aquaftaf
lliifli Tariff whu, DifkiTson sttonil.^Mill SMHaj ilnrtl. Time MS
Onemile^ Estell won. Siatlrnssl MMaSi^Coventor Ross llnrit. Time l:!-!1,.
Hainl'oap,ll-year-olils and npw.iril, ono^mile and M vanl^ -liii'l^l| U w^ui, Kuiili-^ful soeontl, I'riuceaa Lima IblrS ISM^laVM .
A^irand I'arad. - lli.y Take l'o^^'s.li^u^His cxy.
llHmilll l Way Ik Tlio llfiifvolcnt^and I'rolet'tive llrdrr of KlK^ li.is t.iki n^liossi'ssioii of llir rity. At u formal mi el-^niKiit l.iiMU'rkriini h.tll all ^ut n i.hi, Qsja*^t-rnor Hut knrr wt'lcomed ilic visitors for^MM Male and May^T Tyler for ilw rity. I'..^II. Ilayea ol Washington was rliow n |^.t-^inaneiii chairman, Thia afternoon 2,HJ0^Klks paraiU d w iili iiiiiiK'nuis lull ds and
-vi ral liaudsoiiK' lloais, tin' luosl nntalde^i.1 i u u motlel of tin- Winn- lioum. uml^t:roiiinU, tin iitflit l^y ilie \\ a^liiii|{i^'ii^lotlllf. The Wasliinutoii and LoulatrtSl^laslpjai asafsj full ilrt'ss stills. Tln^ aSMff^|as|gsjsj worr variolic uuifotnis, soino of^tin- wi'sicrMM ii| |m irinir as cowlniy^ and^MM MiiIiIIi lioroiiiili, K. nun Uv. lisl.;.' m^11.mud liooiie eiwtumi's. To-ni||lit a^ori.il^aeasi'in oi.. in d with an address t*y i oni-^nioliwealtli Attorney 1'iereaou of Loms-^rillr, ii| on a i I in lo Iniiml n w iduws' ali i^orphans' home. Tins was followed hy a^grand hall.
LOKTki Nu.(,NAN I .
lieItlsmss M in.i ai.ak.k|w^are fur tin-^Befj Orl.ali^ Adair.
Wamiumiihn,Muy 1b. -Mr. Corte, tin-^ltaliau consul at Ki * tlrloaiis, arrivt'd in^this rity tivday urcompaineil hy young^Gaaperi (jriimildo, tho youlli who. it is^said, gavo liii* signal of lietiliesay's u|i-^liroacli the niglil of tin* as.asaiuatioil.^They are on their way lo It ini' to g.ve^PMaaler lludini a personal account of lbs^SM OSbBM aflair. Mr. ^ uric said, hi^.in interview, he has not In i n ncalUd,^except tu coufor on die situation. Ho ha*^no fault to find with Ilie majority of the^people ol New (Means, the Irouhle In nig^with iii*' ^know nothing*' class. Hi* also
Ila Mayor Sliukopearo ri'sponsilile for
iiiik'Iithat lias laki ii p'ace. He prus in-^^ I gnant at (Shakespeare's ni|Uest thai Ins^ri call in- deinanili'd.
s , . i| I.. i ,. v.ili l.i. I.
Mismiila. May Is.^The following nro^Ilie iian.es of those w tio have arrive! to^alien.I Hi.-dr.mil L^ltfi- l\. of I': James^II. Iiullatilier and w lie, ('. II. Mnitli and^wife, BssjffJS C. F.telien and wife, Ur. J.
H,11 .^111:ii,.1111 and w ife. Mi^- 1.- u bs)SsSS^^luoiid. Miss Cora Yoiinu, \V. j. Alexan-^nsr, M. I.. \\ r 'In. f. It. 1 le in. .. Kn iiar I^Keller and ^^^ orfJS PssSSMX ot Unite.
M.J. ^cott, ^V alki rv He ; Jaroli l^teh,^ii. K. 1 lioniji^on, I..- i 1 . Hams. A. C.^M.ir^liiuan and L A. Walker, of^Helena; H. llggalK and M. Harris,
I.real Falls; II. K. MeL iiighiin,^lo-urge K, liarnuliy and II. I*. NaugbsM.^HnstUli | r S Wi.iin. y, A. II. IsBSjSfsV
llgerami I I.- senlier^. Miles t ity; J.
K,Walter and wih, A. SstTwJSSl and^John lay lor, Glemhve; 11.. m,. I ^^ -^vealile, William II. IN .irvm, .lo*. [^'i^Won oiii, Mr-. Iruuiluill and Miss May^Kennedy, dranite; Heiijunin 1/ r,^l'mlilishiirg; 1. K. Kirhy and fam.ly and
OisrlssBsrissS, Aiiiii'^^.^Ui ^^ Deut.eii,
I..II. Talcott, Frank Henry an 1 J. J.^Ililky, Livingston: Martin (^ . asoii ai. I^Find ll.tli^on, II. er [asSsje| Qssi T. Joiie.,
torV.lllls;W. J. Tledl, D, IL Sieliolsotl
amiW. II. Il.iri.in. I onto, and J. A.^I III r ii ^ 11, ( llN.it;.'.
Thelloaiie A llatciier eoinpsny of^KaSsMsM lo deal ill nal eslale, stocks and^^JMM ^, was iin orporaied kkslaf Witli^i.'^^)^capital.
Itis announced that W.ll am W.^While aid M i^^ A j: r i. I La BSM are to Iw^married Wedm silay niglil.
Aiiiarr'atfe licenie MM grant, d to-day^lo Lou Si]iaferaiid Isnla lla C sTsalssfa^l.oili of A^lilcy.
I. I.. Woodworlli arrived fn in CsMsM^prairie n-day and s.iy^ rai.eliers aro^leaving work lo go and sialM ^ ui elaiius^in tin' iii*w Held ill-eovi ri d iM'tweeu^Wallace ami CsMMsTs ssTMBpsM from^oiiU'roppiugs run M^i in galena and^sliver.
Iiilti|. at llir..- I mi N^i^l Mining
b I.itng
at 1 lies,' I u a
sia'i'lallo H i Slanilaul.
Fllll.ll'slllla., May lrt.^The stockhold^^ers' lin cling ot tl.e L*r mite Mining C' in-^puny w ill I e la Id ot the company . i rUi'K^at (iranite to-morrow. These Montana^meeting* an-simply to comply with the^slate law. and no change* it. the uirect-^ory are likely to lie made. I he regular^annual im clings lor ih^ elieiioti of ill-^reeiors for both the I I iila-lh. Granite^Mountain ami lli-Mi-lahic cmiipankMS^held in St, Loins the same lima in Octo^^ber.
Dr.-I.M. Mcrrhl. of Oakland, ( al., an-^oilier tiriiinie mid II -Meiall.e dircclor.ar.^rivi d on to-ilny's train.
II.1 . Mali.in, of Anaconda, came iu^on lo-day'a train.
(hurle^ I link li ft for Ih h na ami St.^Louis ycslertlay inoriiiug. Mr. Clark has^decided lo continue prospecting liteGiBBs^itc hell, and to that end lias let a contract^to lliekey A i Ixley, lo run a drill cast on^Hi. K'in .'no feel. Mr . i lark ^ xix iiils all^MMtfJMSl s MkMsMl id MkM ^ y -ariy on In*^claims hi Ibis district, and thai lie will yel^he successful iu liuding and discovering^another (.ranlie i* the earliest wish of
Mrs.liarroii was tried to-^lay Is. fort.^Judge Gallagher, eliargi d w i ll running a^hurdy guidy hoii-e and lined ^^n and^coals. Ih r gttoiiii y, II. F. 1 .ins au-
NmvYung, May 1* Lett, rnulid papers
ni'eivcd hy tin* last mall Irom South
Aniericucontain Interesting facta concerti^^ng the troubles in C'lnli. 'Flier-* seems to
heno proliithililv of an iiuiiieiliale i'uiling
ofthe war. Iu Vapuraiso iMMaMM ii at a
standstill.Many leading families are^leaving Samiago for liuciios Ayres to
avonl prosecution at the hands of the
dictator. The principal husinesa portion i ^^eakrd to die dislrici court, an I cluima
helias in no way trausgrcsicd the
ofh|ii ipie was destroyed, hut the re^^mainder of thi' town escaped serious^damage. The danger of the fniinue i*^now over. Ilalinaccila'a army is said to^consist at present of .In.ioi men. The^Chilian soldiers are In-iiii ilrircn into for^^eign territory. Tlicy ure found in the^Argentine Itepuhlic, I'erii.aml llolivia.
A1' ro I, ui.Ileal if in--..ion I nufr.su arc-^relai y PssMM.^Wasiiim.iiin, May 1^ An interesting^ijui'sliou has arisen al llio tn-asiiry ile-^|iartnient iii eoliuectioii w.lh Ihe present^silver law. Treasury notes aggregating^M'l.a-'-.h^^ hsTe bri ll issued under the^al l. I lie selgnorage oil tin. silver Coined
isIJ.a4Ci.UUI. The question thatcotifrouts^the secretary I. win liter or not ho can.^under any e.rcuiii-tanei^. is.u^ silvwr cer^^tificates against this amount.
iriii^ in assjasstsas^Wasiiim.ion, May lv ^The latest num-^U r ol ih*- liui iios Ay res .s'lindctrii, refer^^ring to the poliiicul situation in the Ar^^gentine Ih | ithhc. say s dial cv.'r^ iliuig^sei ins to llidu ale ttial t. Iicral Mil're will^la- elected presidedt. It Is admitted hy^fori gin i^ and Aigi lilines alike thai if^in y mini cull save the n | uhlic it is Qsst^eral M to 1 he task is IsjfSJ him, hoa-^i ver, ^ much more aiduous than ever fell^to any South American - tale-man, for the^llii.nii i.il coudiiioii is i ^i^ edingly had.
Unp'i.tI liu'ili Ait -i.risary.
tim'inmti, May I* The llapllst^chureii aiiinver-ary meeting h^ g in here^lo-ilay. At a session of Hie W. tm M is-
-..- ity s.-en-ty the .inillial re['ort sli-.w. il
LMIauxiliary soen-t-e., all imn-a.e of^lull during die past year. Thertceipl*^i. m ol s -urees were f j7,u^^^ uml cxpcndi^lure. ^rl^..'i^i
|*SssWi.BsMMMM^Svm Fi; i^i |s^i ii. May 1^ Ily an ex^^plosion of a ga-^iine stove tin. evening^at Ml* I'ost streei. 1 t.arlt - t'l iersoii tta-i^tiurtii'd to death ami lour BSSS1 and MPS^women were seriously injure I. 'Fhe
I*iu**' of the expU'Sloll Is llllsliowu.
Iliatnl llallqurl (^ Veil Ii. Ihe 1 nuiutls-
SSsTtSSuf tlie I an.l 11 mce.
ajSBsSI^ Hi' Mali'l.ii.l.
Illi. in \, May Is lie liatnuisl given^tu I..111I Ciitiiini^.:'iiit r t .irii r this even^^ing at the llroail-a ah r l.o'el was altemletl^iiy alsiut I V li st: ugll shed cltK-lis of^Helena and adjoining cities. It was not^a political all 111, ten u compLinem lo tin.^^ I islinguishi d l it .'11. il was, however,^gotten up hy two or three prominent^olllee holders, thoiijli tie re were as many^democrat, isjsseni .is repijtil.caus. Fg-^Governor II. 1'lait i arpeiiter was the^toast master. Seal. L H. Camr re-^^|Mimlcd llrst to the toust ^i lur Guests,^^then e.uii^ ih. following: ^SI'Hii.iiis,^ djt^Governor Toole; ^l lur I oiiinry. ' Colonel^Sanders ; ^ 1 l.e Hroadwater,^ Judge Mc-^( oinicll; ^1 lur V i.i nig Friends,^ Col. H.^G. lug* rsoli . ^OUT Aliselll i [ lends.'* Col.^A. C. lielkiu; ^The Judie ary^^ Judge^K now U's ; ^ 1 In Firihuiid Its 1 reusures,^^t hief Just ce i. akc; ^ I he Hone and^Smew of the S1.1t,.,^ Surveyor General^Kat.ni; ^1 he Press,^ City Trsaasjrsr
JamesII Walker.
willwithdraw and iiu.'im ui favor ol it. i si.Ud.
Alaiai ta'1.^M'.ig vNi:, May 1^. I'rof. W. T. li .inl^^ine, an uiii.il* ur .in .ui n. 1. fell from a^iul 00u ycsicrday alleriioou and was
lie.d M a MM 11 HI
:i\'iN. la.. May l!*. ^ Last night^Jos,-pli Moit. kg elide .1 or. d 10 kill Kats^llurkc, a young w in ill whose mother
keeps a hotel Itl tlal Forgo township.
Severalmen interfered and Moii. k. fired^on lli. in, la l.y swasjudiug Frank I! itferty^and Harry Grilhili. Moucke tin 11 . F aretl^Ihe hoU'l of all oil the lower Moor and^went U|i sairs 111 si arch of K it-e. Al this^p.-ini a party of l'oles rushed into the^t.milling. I hey were tired upon by^Moucke, who fatally wounded Anthony^lir.ivesski. 1 tie inurilerer then escaped^and has thus far elu I. d Ins pursuers.
BMaMand Harrison^l.i'M.os. May 1^. - Ih*' state of lllaine's^tieaini continues 1.1 attract great atten^^tion 111 li..- tiessp tpers ot Greut llrituin.^1 he/^.u/./ '/.. 0101.'.' to day, ill ihscussillg^the presi leiuy, said: ^Harrison, as a^j.r-'t. i'tiotii.t ; .ice ami *.tui^h', BSygSMajg^Blsl^'s Ssslsty of r. c nroeiiy, and thai^while on his tour he endeavored to take^cretin for the llrst fruits of this policy is^most significant.

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