Newspaper Page Text
THEANACONDA STANDARD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY L iSgx. THEGREAT NORTHWEST Itemsof General Merest From the lei^States and Elsewhere. ANIDAHO LEGISLATOR ExcitingAdventure With a Grzzly-^Buffalo In the National Park-^Sixty Year* In^Montana. Gallatincounty farmer* say they never^uf a better prospect for a good lall^wheat crop tban is promised in that val^^ley this season. TheSoldier*' home at Orttna, Wash,^was dedicateil 1 hursday, G. A. li. d^ le^^gates trum Kcattk-, 'J'ucom.i and Puyallnp^were present. Governor Fi rry was noi^able to he present himself, but sent^General K. G. O'Urien of ilie National^Guard to represent him. There were a^number of patriotic addresses, uud m^the evening u ball at the opera house. MurraySun: A dog belonging to S.^Darling uf Sullivan was carried through^the sleel pipe ot the Spokane Hydraulic^alining company on Wednesday, a dis^^tance of about live miles. The giant at^the claim was nut large enough to admit^the animal to pass through, and the wa^^ter backed ami blew off au air valve on^the pipe. The dog made tho trip 111 uboul^an hour. MacluodUazrtlt: L. French passed^through Macleod on Monday oil his way^to Lethbridge to arrange for shipping the^coal oil machinery, which has arrived^there. Two string teams have gone down^to haul it to the place wbere boring for^oil will be commenced on Fish creek.^The machinery weighs 4 1,1*111 pounds and^includes a 40 horse power engine. The^machine will bore 2,uuu feet deep, llor-^ing o|ieratioiiH will be under full way lie-^fore long, and the result will be eagerly^awaited. AChaiHautpia university is to be built^at Fort 1'oini, 011 I'ort Discovery bay.^tivo hundred and fifty-three acres of^land, in sections 1-, 1.; and SI, have been^purchased by the International Chautau^^qua Association of the Northwest for Ihe^purpose. The Chautauqua society al^^ready has a university on this coust, lo^^cated at t ^e. au lleach, near the city of^Monterey, Cal., and it it, the intention to^have this one built in the saino way and^conducted in ihe same manner. GeorgeS. Anderson, superintendent of^the Yellowstone national park, writes to^the Chicago academy of science that^Hi- re are from *JM to Jmi buffaloes now in^the park, and that the number is un^^doubtedly increasing, though not so rap^^idly as would be the case if the animals^had some haven of retug^ during the^coldest days of winter. TheMoscow Mirror tells that J. C. Mar-^tiu, a member of ihu legislature from^Latah county, hna gone where ^Ihe lion^roarctb and the watigdoodle moaneth for^her first born, arrah.^ Mr. Martin was^muchly married, too muchly in truth.^Years ago he left a wife and children in^Iowa aud came west and found another^woman who pleased him well. Pretty^soon it was given out in the neighbor^hood^Mr. Martin has taken unto him^^self a wife. Things went sweetly as falls^the sap from the sugar maple until Mr.^Martin was elected to the legislature, and^when his uume appeared on tho pub^^lished list of members, somehow, nobody^knows Just how, it attracted tho cyo of^wife No. 1 who knew not of tho home,^health nor condition of her long, lost^iiudtaud. Then started the trouble and^it has been growing on Mr. Martin ever^since. The other day ho packed all he^had but his creditors in u wagon and^started hill.or, ho said to the Devils,^Seven Devils, but when last heard from^he w uh traveling along tho road, of the^slate of Washington. Wife No. sit-,^thoughtfully by g|g side on the lonely^drive and wife M 1 is 011 the trail. Mr.^Martin, if we mistake not, was one of^the original supporters of Mr. Dubois in^the senatorial light, but later on saw his^error, repented, atlldarited, went home,^skipped out, ami ^^ to-day hunting the^place when- huhic* never yell and lirst^wive^ cannot come. Acurious asMO, of metal was found in^the heart of u burning pine stump in the^yard of Mr. J. M. liichey, 15 miles from^Chewelah, Wash. It is not often that^metal of any kind is melted out of old^stumps of trees, but such was the case^when Mr. liichey set lire to this stump,^lie saw the molten lead dripping down^front the heart of the stump, and the^spec 1 men now oil exhibition was dug from^tne ashes. It is supposed that the tree^had been used as a target some years ago^by the Indians, and had been shot full of^lead. Theintroduction of the steam plow^and turning the sod of acres in a day^is quite a new featuro in Montana farm^^ing, says Ihe Kocky Mountain llukbami-^man. Dill asido from the Manhattan^Malting company it is not probable that^such machinery will bo extensively used^in this statu as our farmers will be con^^tent to operate on a smaller scale. A big^machine for plowing will necessitate big^machinery or a number of our usual ma^^chines for harvesting and threshing and^while this may provo prolllable to the^lurge farmer we doubt if there are many^who will enter Into the pursuit 011 so large^a scale and we believe it will lie bettor for^the country if they do not. We prefer to^sec the valleys dotted over with home,^ami little farm*, owned by the settlers^upon them than that large operators pos-^aaaa them. CharlesMorlk'r. better known in Fort^lion Ion and throughout this section as^^^Oil Man Rondin,*' s fast growing^feeble, says tUe Rarr /'rr^^, and it seems^that the 1 ud cf Ins long and eventful^life is nearly approaching. Rondin came^up tho Missouri river in 1.-3 ^ to tho pres^^ent site of Fort I'ierrc. and in the spring^of 11*31 came to l'^ rt I'liion, Just above^the mouih cf the Yellowstone* and within^the present state of Montana. That^full he came to th mouth of tho Marias,^within 12 miles of the present site of Fort^Kenton, and 11a* been in this vicinity^ever since-, and that was is^ years ago.^'Ihink of it I Ti nt MM It years before^old Fort Hellion was located. Kondiu^was born at Sn ui 1'ortage, lu miles above^St. Louis, on tin- Mississippi river, in^17H3, consequently the old man it now 98^years old, i n 1 he has spent ^^^ years o:^that time in Fort Benton, having helped^to 1 cento and construct the old fori. Thelilkhorn correspondent of the DM-^lop, Mont., IYssbSM wrile-s: *'J. II. Court^^ney returned to Comet mountain on^Thursday from an c-xteuded trip up Wife^river, lie tell* of au exciting sdveuture witha griixly. The bear came into camp^w hilst Jack was at breakfast and helped^himself 10 ham and eggs. Courtney's dog^rushed at tho bear, but had its back^broken Instantly with a blow of the brute's^terrible paws. The bear then picked the^dog up and twisted it in two. Courtney,^during this time, had shot the bear twice^with his rifle, when that weapon became^useless. He then 1 mplied his pistol, the^bear falling at each shot. Finally the^bear made off into the timber, and Court^^ney's weapons being unreliable, be did^not follow him.'' ^George Flynn is tbo^hero of the Prairie. Last week while on^the range ha met a bear, and was for^^tunate enough to drive it to Mr. Brenner's^corral, where he succeeded in killing^bruin, assisted by two or three men on^the ranch. Mrs. Brenner appeared upon^the scene and made two good pictures of^the group. George gave her the skin, and^he is now the happiest man in the coun^^try, ready to relate his wonderful adven^^ture to all. AVancouver special to the fW lutein-^pviirrr says: H-nry Brotenu ami August^Marra returned late last night from camp^D, belonging to the Hastings sawmill,^situated on Vied, z island, bringing the^story of a t^ rrible accident in the woods.^On Saturday morning last Thomas Midl^^and, a French-Canadian from Kivier du^Loup, aged 61 years, was killed almost^instantly by ihe falling of a tree. He was^engaged in sawing a log when two chop^^pers, John l ap r aud another called^George, felled a large fir tree. When it^l^i gau to fall the choppers cried out to^Midland to look out. He saw the tree,^and ran about K 0 yards. The llr, how-^ivcr, struck a cedar tree, knocking it^down. Micliaud s).rang out of the way ;^but as the cedar loll it struck a small^hemlock about six inches in diameter,^knoekitis it down. This third tree struck^Midland a tcrnlUc blow oil tho back of^the he-ad, crushing tho skull ami knock^^ing MM the brains, a portioii of which^was I' mud in his hat Afterthe M I of this month no person^or linn doing business in South Carolina^will be permitted to sell a pistol, or^even a pistol cartridge in that state,^without first taki gum a license and pa) ^^lag ilM for it. CHEAPftDYEKTCEMEMTS Aftvrtn*mfnt.i turner mw tttatt iin* r^ nt iter^ytnuuirn MeewrtfMlf MewW rnte* ^m roiimn**^*.* tMft'tfr en^*l*. A o mn ertttcmenl acctyui*^)eV Uut than ftS cent*. HELPWANTfcD. ANTKI~- lell e\|i.rielieed lelsll Shoe^salesmen at 204 North Mam street, Unite.^Apply between '.^ami Ilia. 111. FORSALE. |sHt ^.AI.K ill; lliAHi: -Several i-ood ..iiirlo^I driving horses an.I son e koo.1 vows 111 I e r^Etslgt gountv Mont., also lis* acres of land in^southwestern aiansa. 111 Motion I uuuty. All l^^^t rasa 'or Anacoudit projicrt^. Apply to James^Hell, Usee Track. IK-'JO TseiltSALe- A good rxucli with lirst waier^JT r glit, nexi stuart. Aildiess Catherine l.onuiiiy,Swan, Montana. FORKr N I . tjsOHI:KM ^An ei^'ht iisini MtM house with^' lelll closet*, mi^ i iam 1. Unite. KM JwlC KhNI ^ Cnesp. stole room smtstile tor^inoeeries. edits' lurnislilnus or 1 .uir.s mid^wsll |*per, situated ou Mam street. Granite,^Molilalia. Inquired II. W. balppen a Co., MX^S. Main street, l.utle. It YDTICK K^iK AITMt'ATION Ht ^ I'T 1stTimber^In accordance with Hie provisions^nt seetlo.i s, rules and regulations pre^erdiesl ny^I tie Honorable see retail if the laieMof May \^MIL, l,the iiuiti-rst^iied, wnose KeKtaflMS: ad^^dress is I'hilipsliiirg. Peer l.otli:^. eoutity, Mon-^Iniia, nive notice that Hi tie- explrat.ou of _'l^days from Hie tlr-t inihlleation d this notice,^will ntiike npplle ttiou to th.. Hnuorutiis Secre^^tary if the Ihhiioi f^r uitliotit) to cM gag rs^^move all ihf merchantable pine und in .liuU-r^foi the i'ur|K^,''s of iiiercli.iiiilise. for uom.-Mic^KssSfsBt for nulling p.irposes. from the Issssw-^lag saaei lis .1 piihlie laiids, lo-wit 1 1 IsgggrMeMg^at the sontliea-t eonier of the Sunrise, surveyea^milling eJaMs* raanusg Lheaea sostlh four (41^nilil-s. lllem-e west two ivl miles, thetlee noitti^fcMir and om-lialf it',' mil. s. ihnnv east two 1 j^^miles, ili'viee s.iiilh oue-tialf il,i mile to the^place, f beglBBMg. 'I;e i,tsi\. Hack of land is unsnrveyrd, and^eiuurui'c* a'm.ut live thoUKiiml seven linn-^Ored mid si\tv (*.,7i;.'i seres; having llier.on n\e^Msafirrit tbmwanil (fmft.irtv) f et of m uMber,^about nf y tnous.ii.u .;. i.imot feet of i^u e liasaer,^ami alsiiit one lirmtred thousand (hm.noni ml,^or in e an I llr w oa. The al ovs OMcrlbtsI land^is inoiiiitaluous, and is until for h^i h pin - |sises. Allof the uliovi' land is of a mineral eliftracter^toeatea nt sa t annin 1 Headersoa Unk-k, Dest l..'it;iiimvh mISI I.* 01 Monnui'i. SINPlfcK.MlMSlI AM1M1I.I.IM.I OMl'ANY .1.t*. nif firr*. Hal.d.luneiio, Sll. .Man.e.-er. HOFOR CASTLE! JheQreat Carborvate Camp. LIVINGSTON ^ AND ^ CASTLE^Daily Stage Lint. SEVENTIMES A WEEK^^MTHROUCH IN TEN HOURS* ComfortableCoaches, flood Horses and card id^in iv era tvrassencerssrrvd with an A 1^at Bimtli ^i Van Home s. FARE,$700. R0LXO TRIP, $12.00.^JOHNNY LEWIS, Prop. AnacondaLivery Stable l).ti. i;i:uwnell 1'aorairtoa BUCCIES.SHDDLeS AndHortei For Hira Alsoproprietor of Passenger, Bsggace and Ex^^press hna Connection uuula Willi all uatna OfTceend ttablc, 1 ust street, Auaeoada PRESCRIPTION1959 . . . Asoneerliil loinpeiiud of the celebrate 1 Dr.^\ tlisiux. 1'ar.s. I'rrscrtptioii ijij is soil on^PMtlm ..i uiimii: to OMJM *rrfi% m Anyform of tmgtui N m.ttter how ^mms. : iH-lia^ iiiecrtlfr oi ihe P'tHMMllVl' ( rt'Itll-s or I lift ^-ev. p.iLln in the^l ;*^ k. li* r^ttu^s t^rottitv iiiui.oii, li^sltri;i, ^ ic FRASER 5 CHALMERS, J^ CHICRCO. L.C. TRENT,^General Western Manager, MININGMACHINERY, AndMachinery for the Systematic Reduction of Ores by Amalgamation,Concentration, Smelting and Leaching.^Builders of tho HOMESTAKE, GRANITE MOUNTAIN, DRUM LUMMON. \Suit Lake City, Utah,^r, jHelena, Montana. ANACONDA,BLUE BIRD. LEXINGTON and BI-METALLIC^COMPANIES' REDUCTION WORKS. MoistingBnginss, Csarsd and Dii-est noting, Prospsatlngand Development Hoists.^Builder* of Improved Air Compressor* and Wlro Tramways,^Frue Vanning Machines and Embrey Concentrator. -EESELECTRICMOTORSt=- SOLE WE6TIBS AOKNTS rOT! liidgefTJUOod Hoisting Engines, and TYLERWIRE WORKS DOUBLE-CRIMPED MINING CLOTH. ElootrioZalght Flants. DiamondCor* Prospecting Drills. CONCENTRATION7-TILLS. ELECTRICELEVATORS. Rand/fact Drillt and Compressor!. Otis Eltrators. Knowles' Pumps. Root llowtr*.^KINGSLAND 4 DOUGLAS SAW MILLS. 8HAYPATENT LOCOMOTIVES. *T QTTlv E^* Manufacturingand Supply COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS WAKMSPRiNGb (in:riini ate ar^' ltiM nu ir-i '|^^ j;k* im^ \hy^MOVri l'\U^ i ^^U l'Hit*riiii*Tlu.K ijjj where*^K..l,*!,i. t.ol. illul 1'MtMANKVr (VKh 1* N^*T Lii-h i ki^0) mnii ^i\ -^\ *^. l*nm91 .* ij*^ ^t ^ x im^\. ^ tor $i witu wriit^^a^;.ri!e.'. Mntbviratl ncure.v eeaiinl. A^1-^^neMmniuiiu-ut ^^n% in It, |j Nrw :o i. .... ^ ^ i. i .i.. . v . o,/ -,. tune CU), M uu FRESH DELIVEREDEVERY DAY^IN THE WEEK. JOHNSCOVILLE, Manager. T HliMONTANA* ANAlUMiA,BIOXTANA.^0|^ued July I. itvsx l-w|KiieU Oct. I, 1833. Or* of tin* li: n^T*omf,^t nni mf^r r'rp^nt^ro)tit^*^l ho|^M^ in l!.^' rnttv^^l Waif*;. Id. n u^hlv^l rt*i^r^m^f. and |irnvid**^l with rlevntoie, HeKrto^itetl*, Pitv itanMi niniimc Met. r. Metfee^ twt^ am^lit'i.t, ojf^u Hi ^'* ;iinl all HHMlft'ti roincii-^I* not*. H^a uw til vulte mifl einclo, ( n^iuu^Mid m-rvici1 htiii'tl) lii^t ek^s. Kuu-i from $3.50PER DAY UPWARDS, Accordingto J-I7P nn^l ^ lnrncler of room*^occupied. C.W. LOOMIS Prop. P0MMERGIALHOTEL NORTHERNPACIFIC BelweenMissoula, Garrison, Helena,^Kutte City, Bozeman. Livinjs-^tor, Billinifs, City^and Olrncive and^ol. EHST HND WEST. 1'titTOle Dotliln^ ht'ttar ihaa ilk*^MfftM on THEDINING CAR LINE. ll.ioarliPullmss M.ri lnct' ^r^ and Knraish'i^ aln*|^ers Ually littwit-u Ivuus is (MONTANAi# THE EAST. UOBiles tbe Snorts Liu to^ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND CHICAGO PHrii'i-t'^^^t trains iit IMMgl Minns^^.s i. No.Hi lliikoia, M. ii mi lilnlio, Ori's m^sniAx iikh dsioii carry roait'lHS equi|iiu..tu of^l nlimsii hslaSH Slei'i'tnir Cars, Fust .m l Hoe-^pad llass I'.iwiies. l uninan loaisst xnu Free^^ ^., n ^^ ^i. ^ i^rs, slid Kir^ani liiiuii^ lars. THROUCHTICK6TS rrMi'il ^I all mhiismi olllres of ttio Nonhrm tactt* iaiKU.1 to lOllllS stSltai 1Mi iUj sua*^eSl is the OMM suit* and Cmuoa -T1MKM'HKKl'I.K^^ahum B at agBtas Xe.I(C-IhwMiian rxpressIWp m No.HV I on) ^-x|iri ss.* in p. in No.4 Atlunili' man^* ^*^ |^ m Ko..- FroatUsjs sreslttM a in. eisSSsuaautllilcua rxtirrssI.' WH in. Dtl'AKlllluu in i-i a Ne.1 ^rnriln' mallIJOp. m. Noi I'm'tic Msi . tliroiiitli train^ I'n^a. m.^No. 4 4:10 p. in. n.iy - BssWssag .-xini ssiO:isi |^. ss. Vi.llr-fi n) i'\pr. *s.^ tr^:i.m M .^ ^\ sini il^l,.|ia rxpirsss^sia in. Jltstsiiaiirxjirrss arrives slid .eaves Horn^KorTvrn I'lu'itle depot. Nos. 3 sn^l 4. ^'^sr an^l^tsst suiiimI. anIvs al hihI l. avt* limit M'.hiaos^lnion isaes. xes. I sad 4earn sssxl mail. MsTg4sBXS*sfaaa,ssas)TaPles or hpe,-i*i lu^^ll n a Ion apply Ul any utit'iit. Nortliero t'acltlu^ruiitoad *eUttH H. FKK.^*uvberna 1; ^n DK^ r uiid t^ ^^^^ Atv^nt,^Kt. hull, Mituv^JAMKN Md AIU, A*j*'lH, t: Kait rmwtwavy, Ituttf, MutU. VtMMOK A 1*1*1.1* All ^ TO 001 I IM a\iht ^ In ai'cix sWOfl Willi ill** i^r iv isi.iut of^*. ^-i'i^:i t, hiiis ..nd ivffeiei i^iis^ jiifM-nlM d l^y^I,.- ij.rtMtial'^* h^*ct r. of tli^- Iiit -ti ji, M.i^^M.l. 1 .1, Ihfl HlKi' l^li;tn d,!lli*v I ^ leer u:i ^ tstMfR^^f is lim ^-. vit ntatui, 1n-i^'py BVM^m i i ttuM ej i li^' ^ m'liatii.n of lev* uty- ma ^i.i\^^UiM |Im iree iMi-iirsi'ion ui n,i^i noive, h- erul^i^ :iivi' .tpitiicigiion in tn rtoeiontbeR RsWit iary ^^(^ih n ^ rlui, 1 iir iiuMiuiiiv lu c t und iiii oi^'^i . li** .1J' i li In.1.1 r. Bf tiHlCM.ltid i^^ i i (i Rtf^ainl iMiV^riiaftf Itlio t-4-iM^^M'd, leMthsr uul ^^.^iiu^i UrUiit* lui iiiii t* fun.' i*. tiutii ||m fu 1 ^- logUQWll v ^ Vril .ill ^ UUAm*r*^M at d pl.t* l.' I. li'i, mi...!^ .# n ilii* i ^^tiLt\ ^if hii\r*i Ho*, 4- *^r^M^*ni:iii m|i t ;tiup rr#fk mid i* tnl-iitan-^ i^H i', i ^ ^. |1 \\s i wi. 4I| tlMMM |. Itlu i, of^un ii \ryi- i ptdVfMi I. *. a, 4.I, Tats ^^. I-^V.\ .^i ait . : a. iu nt Mirvc^*il Miwntviiip i n ^^^^r n,^itMpjp i vre w^^t4 lylatsf e*nel tWeV ^ in ^i si l.nwm uiilV Al^^ all Of nli-i;r\i\ni t i lioilt I, .'.:^. ^ i .'. iI, U, ft,.... M. A. A in^uiikirv^'^id inwn^i^ii. (in-* ^-i tit, tutikh riffM^w^ ^si. i . ulani n : uu ;im .i o. lAuttl iM.r-tii ^rr-^^.^i in-1 inU' r loo* ids ini etaiidtn-: tln-ie .u iou-^1 kIhIs uf iil^^^ul l.mi i,nili fi ^'l of Iir luinh-^, uliuut^^^^i.ii^i ruidk o. iiitir uml llr wi Kid. Ujl^uut Hm/nn nitsor tir, .uicj*l^n;( Qtu,^J9#) f* ^ t uf psaM taeT*^Kiiip .0.1 ^^ . 'Ilnrliar ict'T of ili laud W rout:h urid m^^'^n^Ulip i t, uud wnolly iiuflt t r HgiicuUuraii pur* pOM'fft 'llifnrati i I* n ^Mi i in/, an* iNirtlnim of Iht*^^i''iv* il--^-i'i is. I .ii* ,i liH\'' \tfvu rut over Hbd^iart'^f ihettmlKT rtniu\rd tiit'i-'froDi in 7^^mit^p^^t.UKOKretBV LA.Vk.LL JuirHL l- ^!. OJJ*.JkiAlN AM) TI1IKD HTH. VTJLhW.Dl.ndi k a Uf Ma.naukmknt. GocstsWill Receive Ihf Best AtlroliuD. lallKoom Mippers and Ku^day Dinn**r^^A i-i*cclalty. A.W. MclNTYRE. I'BOFBIaTOE DAK1I-.LNEAL, Proprietor. SAMPRAMENKO 7 i'kali.kin FreshGamp, Oysters ANDFISH, l.lquorf,Chiars,rsndli-s. Nuts, FnilH^H utter sad rrrsli fcuKs, CountryIWiiucc a Specialty. EastFirst St., Anai'onda. Mont. MINING,MILLING! CONCENTRATING machinery' iki n- + IN SECOND HAND MACHINERY + MssffMM 6oSTAMP MILL COMPLETE, (Willbe Sold in liattenrs of 5 mamps or mitir.) ORECRUSHERS Blake. OREFEEDERS^Challenge. CORNISHROLLS -Lan-e and Small. Jigsand Revolving Screens^Many Patterns. BRUCKNERROASTING FURNACE, small,H It. x 1/ It., capacity 3 or 4 Iols) HOISTSI-itlRCrwotid, Kendall, Crisby, Union Iron Works. BOILERSOur own and other makes. AIRCOMPRESSORS^Rand and Burleigh PUMPS,MINING CARS AND BUCKETS. No-|rKto ritKlil rims.-^t^. of ^^i^i^^alivlas, IsrsMsaasI, Hoilre ts hereby -dyes] l\ tla unii imkii. il, nii'iltor of las fStsla of lalrkK[rrase, sersseest to Hie sfsMUsofi of.^uii l all ih i vium i'll* ion cairn* aicaltust Kir haid^doruMtil, Uiovluliit 11.. in with tla* no .^i y^vuucliiTs, tritInn lour niouili^ att'-r tlio in *t pul^-^Iir. tarn of tins uoluv. In the laid rxernlor, at^W4MMS^la tli^' stmdsid rfwlrakn. isirasr si^M;i li ..n.i Hunt arrests th*. sain.- belag Ilia ssses^fot tin' trsn^Mi-t mi ol tin. 1'iiMii. ** of sa:.t r.i.ii t^in llli'f.l) ol \i..n oun.i, Uf. 1 I.. .Iir.- i'. 111 tity,^Hi ntN. s. s.N \ Iir I.. Ii'or of ins K.tatr ot LaiSS a. liilne, 1n'ora^r-t^|ia:^l June ^^ 1*01. N4IT14K I nil VI 111.14 A1ION La!0 On k k at Hh.kna, Mum i^April .1, is'ji. I^Kotlee Is lierrti) irivcn that tlio following^llHlm-d wtll.-l liftv liliMl notlrt. of Ins tnt.-litloQ 10^IliSke tlUSl i'l 1 Ol 111 axaSOtl of Ins 4 Isllll, Itll'l tlislsai^l , iin.! si.I P.. uisd* ln-t^^!^. His cli-rk of^tlir lllstntL Court of 11. ^ i I.. (ouli'.y. at^lirt-r Lod^e, ou rj, Irul.\U. Xas^^l..t Fleur. srlio made pri*-^'iuptiou drrlsrstorv^msi Miiru No m,4Jt lor the s I. v N F. ^^ s^^:^s\1^l N. K in IIhnanips llw tollowinL'sritn..^^^ to prove tils^rnitliiuoits i.Mdfiir^ u|Kin slid cimiistion of^ land, *U: liav'.l U Walker, J:nues K.^V illory, Vvilllaiti A i-u ilus... l,im-i; gUkksf, au^U Alnauvods, Mon.sua. S.A. fcVVllJt.i:TT.^ K. EAKi.t.rv, Isagsster.^Attorney. |II^d V.II.I. ii mil IVF.D Until Wrdaasv^I^ rtay, law 1.1st lots oaths ptugertsknewa^ss tbe (Mitral school pio|^llV. Ail Ulds lnin.1^unify auuiher 'I Hold Issi rt^4Uirsd. WJs^^ ii also i... issslvfd lor ilie |^rofjrrbl as .1^saola Haas 1.. v ...Men Mini loforisssMgob.^biiaei at iba oil . ^ nt whk.ii a, UUlis, Usst^i.ii tilt.- sliei t Inn s ^l sal. : outvtlilrdeash.^ni llilttt. iiv mnllll t; utie-ti 11.1. '.srelteluoullis Interest.h)oaf'lie iN,.ira reservestha ra'titlu let* 1-'. uuy or all ohte, Uy ordi-r -f^'.of 111 goes, S'liooi ulstriet No i, I.. M^; ji s.^. Chaliasati: F. Hutler. seoretar)'- aViYl,artics nceilinT any of above will do well to write or cal^early as the prices that h ive been put upon same insure quick sale CHICAGOIRON WORKS GAIL,BUMILLER ^ UNZICKER, BUILDERSOR GoldMills, Wet and Drv Crushing Silver Mills, SMELT^^ING and CONChNTKA 1 IMj PLANTS, Hoiafcag and^I'umpint; Works, Cars, Cages, bkip, Ore buckets and^Water buckets. SELF-OILING-.-CAR-:-WHEELS CorlissLnginef, Compound and Condensing Engines^and Tramways. WESTERNREPRESENTATIVE. Arrtrm. iranfer business transacted Itrsl-tUs.siii^li- sad iiouti e rlirs Ouuul.'.sla SO nalna.^1 .N i .'. Stable,Oioa'iwav. E'hilipsbiirg. MHRT1N3c FOX, I^r.Al.KltH 1* FiMn^irs, Ttibjfco mi assMsWy Wl.slesal.,and lietail Dealer .1^*corl oil- MENNOUNZICKER. BUTTE,MONTANA.^C Ut and Works, Hawthorne Ave. and WiUaw St., Chicago, III.