Newspaper Page Text
4 THEANACONDA STANDARD: FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 17.1891. THEBUTTE OFFICE Ofthe STANDARD Is In tho^New Windsor Hotel Annex, No.^21 East Broadway. The Tele^^phone number Is 258. AittrrttM-mrnttwill tw reefiveil at ths Butte^oflit'r ^^( iii^ MAMiAIUi (ill it o'clock^)'. M lor hikii.hi in the follow- lueBionuug*. nai^rr.^The Si am'a i:i^ If delivered lu llutla iubscrlb-^crtrarly ever) motniUK. BUTTERAILWAY GUIDE. LU 11- CURRCNI NO rt.5. \V.L. Krone.i, lon'iii.iti of the Aln-o^nunc, h^fl |t^r ihe n a^t ye^t^ r day. iS.II. St-nrle*. tr.ivoliiiK n^tiit ^^f the^*V^k^ 1 tine, vaa in tin* my ^i hirn1ay. JdhllIVriirli til Walk* rvilh-0SM to the^It ,' 11 ^.i country on u staking t^ ur %m^flay. AMilliliter M-lion] foi .my* lia* l^('4-tl^4^l^4'iic(l at Itabin ^ ill. ^. 1 U iilkley ft a^tr.tcher. Ti.i*,'I'rr 11 a^!inff rot in li;m In ch^j:r^ itlv inii'iov^-t] in ipgaMMttM Kv iMsws*. ItI slllit' (i. IliTf.vF.ccniaii was nrr^^t^ il yeMi nlay^* 11 0 mi a ril o| I'. ft Ihink. I for tarry inl*^coiiCi. al^ (I wca|KMiN. AMMtUI inwtiiiu' ^^f 1Juvenile llr^-^^W|RMM ^ill lM MM thus ^ wiling at 7^uY|**ck lit the old cily hall. 1lie iiioior !^ m tki: n gular tri|-a^t^^ tin* l oitinilua g.rd'-ii-., sYlltcfl urt* open^to tlit* puhlit eviry alieru* ^.:.. CW. I'ayior, au lit ^r nl iti.* Aim rem^Lipre.-a i^'tii| aii^, is ui tlx* ci y, Hi*^l.i .i^ ijnart* it* .tie al Offt at l aII*. FrankK.t-in-tlto, ki'ik rul MlftW ^^-^titf !^^^^i^mi A Mi'iiiaii.i .'. (^t mf at (ireat^! , arrived in iIm c.ty ft Mcvilajf. Urnlerdirvclioini o( tie* lienlth ^ nir^\ a PtVtMjof IIM H i^ if .11 t^^ ^ r ill mil tic tnt-se-^^Ml mi the oM el y I.all yeM. r.lay. S.\\ . H ill u4 ttie A lie ^ m-ny u!lliN ,an^l^bo11 ol M.iyor Mali . I \\ uiki-rvnl**, U ft^^e^^l' r !..y (or Neaitle ami other nsAffa O.II. ('u^liiiifr, the Park street ^lrin*i;i^^t.^IbM i * tui in ^1 IfOM a V.sit BO th^* Nati^ li.^l^park ami bfMftjfcl Be\trul iM-autilul b|jcci-^^MM hack. I'.t r liJMl iitnl llalver Larson 111. ^l^|fjff ft coitl yt ktertlay all ulthiavit of an-^iiaal labor perfornieil on ttiu Vo nuteer^No. *_' loth iiiuiiiii* claim. AtlOoV'tockvester lay nftertloon Mm*^II utie Str.itMlvr ami K*l^anl it I'. rrell^w ^ M mai ra tl ut No. 41 t Noi th Main^itrtH'i. hy Kev. K. J. brofiu*ve|J. Ial.II- a. at the last moment ilecitltMl^l ot lo aiit-ml a ttes.-'on of ih^- i^rarxl |odM^of the Soil** ot St. iit'orjse, eo|;.-i inly^did i:oi leave Bf bfttl I'r.inci.-eo to-day. Itlunl * ^^ Ft rrell an*l M t it. Ilattie^S H a* 11* r u*t ie MBfBfsIlttl with the in t*- it-ary^iUh'iiiip lit^ r^ tju r^ (| kl mci4jtm a^ wimIiIiii^^c* r* uiouy hy ilie emm y e ^ r ^ ^^^^*!* nlay. I|^ |oAM all11 J. * . fej | ene. r, Uiv bWb!^(^ray K^* k ^ in;.in-er-. am slot) tor hot^display MM Utvtff lieettBM, Wmtm ai raiirne^!^bsiOfV Jling ^ Mnlilooii ^e^l^'r^iay. 'i'ln y^ple.-oleil MM if^iilly ami nts homls M^Mj^MMff to*.lay. Lot11 in lilt rli '.trf LmJMbI A fniMr*l^BVtltiilTTI W^ ^*H t^-'la^ hy fin i It sal-- 10th.- Mot.taha l.timher to. .or M.I 11win* k^ol*l lo satisfy a jtaU'ineni on^i.o: iti t IM-I'iiu r, licltl hy houis^Wi rtl.^ itner A Co, t'hasii'hoiua** h aven lor E lu'l ttel on^S it next. H^ gQ^B lo Coftl W^ii MMl^will I*- ahs* lit about llu* e MOM III 8. ffof^k oil it* \ lll^- pa^1 Ml. 1 h iii ih been i'll^^j ^'^^ U l^^^^^i* health, ami ft ^MMIgO of C.B*^liUMB ell that MCeotlUl has li.-eii tilth red, Sn^eatitJ.m, a Itaiim mk Itnii in, is NMHiall a|^|'fal for help, r.if IM'd by .N. J.^Hi in i r , liuliaii aft lit, arotitol the cily.^Jim ku|i|^iMi^ liy lb ^ MMM u wile ami^t ii.a 11 tamily. He M rei innmemtetl as i . ^^MsTAgooil ItBdtM- but unutilo to w.^rk 1wto i J. Ill lilt-r PglD*MUM y. a |tOMMJ n proliate w ho^Mol we*!. MbMM a fitiuiiy mw t ut tint^in ^tht-r with a Imieher klide, w*ib *tt-^l.t i;ii( tl MrfOfV Jn life Mt^;t.r| ht*\ yesti |^^ila^ tor trial, i he thaive MftttM mm \h^MtMMll with inn lit lottiiiimit minder. ( hj^motion hi^ examination tat t ^ ntmuod^until in xt Monday. AMi|^|-^-svd to have been mill tl^ g wa^^i-l.ot on Main htre^*t yenterd.iy HMniiMj m^Iron I i f I.unl A Joe*m --.ii- ' ii by J MtMMM^ H hr i attaeketl I be dop with^a li' .ivy by t aiitain Stit-p-^lii-nt. i his Bra* not deadly enoun11 t*^ kill^MM clog atnl * Mtlet r Btfor*11- hamhd Mr.^Mm ray hi- gMl wji.cli l ad the resirt-d^clUct. AiMMgJBI M MMMMM sHMlMgC^lit in, July M lhla evening Qgggag^1*. \\ oot .toil an 1 lii'in ii Mutr were ar-^rcotetl lor lu the on-* m he.n^ I on warrant-*^i^^uetl by Ju l*-e MuldiHiii. The rom*^jil.mi.tut iti ootli MMM M I'red Kerht, tie-^Mil pt hti-r. who ahctffH thai iln art-ns t| MMfirod i v- r w nt^ b..i - artfafiialug .^ b iaa halliz *me t eriani i ire us poBli rati Bpuiyed^oil bol Ihi.ihI- owned by Mjk I In ite-^MMM w ^ r^- r* lea-etl on limnlh of $60 MM b Itr llu ir MMJH .nance to-morrow. IIn* Aii-^nl MaMM tin* vi't.^UL'TTK, July 1^. Jud|*e N!uldtK^n rem^derctl u ilet i^um iha* t-veinta in the ca*e^fif tin* inaii, aaTMMi airchtid for MMM^htcubiJi, i n ^M Mtrialnl of t . II. t arver o[^S..ver liow. 'J he MMM HMAMIMMl the^defendant og the gTl und it iio-ulhe ent^proof. In the c.t*e of T. I . Mi.e*. ur-^ietted for bei;.f impltcatttl in li e mm.'^clft nsi, dt et-ion will be rendered to^^morrow afternoon. ARRANGINGFOR BIDS kSpecial lietiog of the Council Held^Yesterday Afternoon. DUPLICATING THEIR WORK ThsWater fcupply Question Dis^^cussed and Preparations Made^For the Consideration of^New Proposition*. IlliTK, July Hi ^ To-ilay the rily roun-^nl ii | i^aii ^l ila work of lliri-c month* n~o^in ilruwin- up ^i itiIIi- iIiomn (or tiiiU for iipplviiiK the cily wilh wralrr. 1'hx old^Kpcciflcntioii* w^tl^ hrouiftil out from tin.^clerk's ofllcu ami rosil ov.tugaui. In miI.-^Rtuncc lh.- oln *|m^ciileali^na were allowed^to r. main. Inn u n ml iiiiportautcliaiiKL'.^weru made. I. M. Uruak waa MS^only rc-presetitaliTo of a wan r com-^ii iny |in *^ in. Apparently the Hull.' ^ ny^WMSf company will let maiiiT. luko^tlieir coura... 'J'hcre is uu lapi'clatir.ii,^howcrcr, Hint BlSfS will pat SS a ^StSS*^BjleN soisaSStHor to ISs Kill Cork Water^^^^ iiipiuiy, eillier liy the ol'l Silver How^('^ ^inpaiiy StSJMlflSw ISeVStSf ftSJMi of ISM^BtttlS Cite conipiiny, or liy koiiid^euuililliatlou of w.iu r peo| li-. At preHClit,^SSS*) rer, noiient llu in have any Innu to^cay. '1hellr.t chaiiK' mailc In IhSsWssSt II-^caiioiiH waaa ^|KTillsatiori aa u. ihe ipiai-^ny of water lo he luruii.heit. It war. in*^at-rttnl that the supply suouhl l^^ ^of pur.'^and siksjssaMM water^Miirci'*.'1 'Ihe next ipiention Hint BMSS w.n ns to^whether a ceri llml click ^li^ti!il lie^i^^j'iir.-.l. It will le ri-iiieui'ieri fl that u^bsui i. now pi inlinjr or. r the c. riifleil^chefll iii| i reil iiefore. 1'i.rlour ^ r live monthe,^ i.iiil Al k r-^in in Ltrscha ^^ve hav ^ Ix eii hsSwaS SU^talk mil no water. Ihe iwo e^ niianh -^llhc y lo bill on this proposition have l^oih^doss cosaldi rahlo ayors, whish i* s pssstv Cool evulenee of BJSSd lallll. I h^ Bill^I'ai'k SSSSSeSjS lina ilone al^ tit ItaVUQO^uoiiliof work, ami Ihe Silver How SUSS-^p tny has S plant in. It is^.^ Stef we want, SOI c Tlllled sttSSkSj SJ**I Ive M strike out mo part ol ihe ^p -ci- IIratios* r ^pi rum S ^^^ rutle.l eh ek. 1^IllliisiSlaSll ihsl lllls cluck will BtSM in^ill-' sat of sottie who are likely lo hid. 1^WaBI ii^ ^^ iy lo he proieclnl, hut a 1*J*V^(mi cheek cuts no liuuri Aldoriuui Uucau ill.uureeil witli Mr.^I.yui vu ^'. lie waoMgSt if no cheek^were IStJttlfwd ths sSSBl irn's|M^iiM.I^le per*^ion in lante MtjtM put in u Ind forrneru*^ pinpoh. * only. Alderman limes^look thsSOjSBjS view, thinkuii' it would not^look well lo do away with the n i|Utr.-^ne ill of a certified chock while a^Mi:t is peiiduiir over the oilier^e.infpil check. Aldoriuull Hur l ^nid^he had no douht thai eiiher the Silver^Bow company St* ttwBlk 1'ark conipatiy^STUBjM fitiIIi 1 ii* eoiHraet, yet iheoiill-^inlin e n ^|uirc^ u ceriifli d check n^ areom-^p.u.y the Ind. AUIeiiilan Mi l) nil nt^offiie liin anieiidnn lit that tlie n quired^check be ol l^.tOU, bill niter iiilkui|( ilie^in.liter over lurther nil motions wit.'^withdrawn und il was decided lo leave^tlie k|h'cilication as lo a certified check^as it wit* formerly, lily Kl'f-iueer Harm r win asked Ilia OCkiaiOSas lo Ihe MSI c.Ileutlnll*. 1think tntfti kuIoiiv is a very .mull^i upply for Untie,^ Mini Mr. Har|m-r. ^It^i* less water than will lia il-ed in Unite he lillddle of next Milium I . 1 would like^to sea the iiiiuimiiiu ijSSSSast M iimred per^day raifced.'* HnWUllleh Would eSBJ HiiyV^ nsked tile^imiyor. -three million trillions,^ replied Mr.^Ilarpir, ^all I I would like ll a.Ud,.^(WJ. 1 lielii ve the I '.irk couipaiiy call^I Mrs lea u.uui.uhj hid,^ naid Mr. Traik, ^will lie the^Mime as it was lictorc. We do not wish^lo he lied mi M lo the exact amount we^will I urnThe hid of the Anaconda i'nmpaliy *aal In lore that the c inpany^wouiii In ui I'.tniti.i uu lo MOSjOQQ^^jOlaM per day. Ill eonr.e it faj lo our^int.-r. hi to fiirniHti all the water we run^and we will do so. We will concede n^iniiiiu.iim of JI.5jU,uuj gallous per day.^lull wmil.i scarcely want toisuiiccde more^than that. 'IhesalslSMtai MS then lixed at^S,toa uu laaisail of l*C^slgOOS aallnse. IllyAltorm y t'otter ealleit attention to^llu* t.iet ii..u in the at^cc.lleatiotiH it i* re*^ipiued thai the hucci'hhIiiI haliter enter^to a con.i.e i ^within a rcasnnahle^time.^ The altorSSS thai there^should l*e a ilclkiiiliou of what ^oSetltMti s^fSSSOSaVMS lime, as the Hiillc City^Wan r iMiupaiiy had noi onlered into a^n 'act in Ihtes isssthii H sum-oHted^il tli^ ^uce ^^*! ill bidder h^ rcqmreil to^eniei- i u lo coll 11 net within 30 day a. Alder*^in Lynch Ihou^hl 10 .lays was cnouifh,^hill ii was fir, .ui;. decided to make Hie^time H .lay.. 1lie lime al which water nhould hs^be. UfJUl into BsttS waa not lixeil, and^ufU'r ien*'lahle llisfiiSHIoll All^ilH 1 of^I cxt yiar wa* hx d as the dale. It was^deeded to bjSSS ISS niimlH'r of hyilrauiH^al Mi, allhouuh ihe ii!id^*r*tiiuihiii* w as^lhat hot kfas than U*^ would Ih^ i ipi:r^ d. '1he uiatier ut n ImmmI wn* next dta*^cuss. it. Ii aas ileclded to leave tSS ex^^act aiie nut of Ihe bond open for llu* pres*^cut, bsi to tiiHcrt hi Ilie nasrlhsallns*^lhat ll.e couipaiiy shall lurniHh a bond Hotlo i Xee; d M1. i'll smell ^ ri* ilcutin Montana. Allhid. are to Ii,- in by 7 -W p. in., the^lust Wednesday in Auiiu.l. 1lie city alloruey wa . illslrilcllMl to drawup s|H'C llcalioiis cml-ndyiiur the^alKiVe cuallHCH in thu filmier speeifleli-^tioiiH and the cny engineer wa* iiisiiuenu^to prepare and tile with tile city clt lk^plan* and *pt elhenl iill* fellow ill^. Ilie lo^^cation ol hydraniH, . le. II.-uiI Mala 'I*ih. Illt l l'., Jo y 111 1 he followuiK^fers were recorded al Ihe elite^ei nnt) i Ii i k s nee our last report: Je*C|4lIt. Slim et SL la .lalill J. I.mi.i, lata t . Is .ma it in ei.. . i.^l.i in Iiteck .; ol las wsalry aaill^ion la Untie. . I*.^ kits e. T. ana t in^I.... :,_^. f the \.in.1.1hit. aodsliw I^^l.-t.: m t. ^^^ lo .loim ||, in, oar.^ttxih inieii'st 11 ih.^ . |'| . riiiiii|'i:n / IN POLICE. ClHCLhS. IMUt ioii. AnyiH'rsuii posiiiiit lull* on any of my^bill Ixiard* will ho pio . i nn .I to the lull^SStSSt ol ttie law. fill n Kl KIH iiti Bui r st.,. J'lillloi UUIIIK Leaveoriler* for pi mo luuin*- al Slier,^n an'* for W . A. Sunili. UrH.Ilacoii A. H. yd, speeiaiiHt* In eye,^ear, ncivous, BfJSwsrhl and pr.vato Sts*^raee*. will occupy ofllc rooms So*, l-i^aii'l 1.7, l.izxi.' bl'h k. corner ol Ma i .ei ,^l'ark strer-i*. t^niiauo*- on l'alk ^^lroiu July ^. OilMy Ha* lo SSf I .v.. Uollar* anrt Costs^l or HlowlOK a 1'nllre VI lnslla. HtriK, July 10 ^ Judge Mc.Murphcy^may bare fell tempted to per^^petuate a horrible | uu Ibis morning^is Oh Wy, a Chinese prisoner, was ar^^raigned before him, but, if lie did, be re^^sisted the ii imitation. Oh Wy was^rhsrged with disturbing the peace by^blowing a police whistle and quarreling^with a gentleman registered a* ^Frank^Gray, chambermaid in Langlois' livery^stable.^ The little affair occurred last^night and without ceremony Mr. Wy^pleaded guilty. The expense of Ihe en^^tertainment was 16 and costs. The^chaiulMriuaid^ wa* then called.^Inn lie did not propose to follow an ex-^ample set by a Chiiiumau so be pleaded^not guilty, and will be in. d to-morrow. JohnI allab, who ciit.ata with ^Hilly^the Hnxer^ for the honor of having been^arrested oflener Haiti anybody in the^city, wa* No. 3 on the list. He was charged^With insnlliiiL' ladies passim; along Ihe^Hired. 'I'll.* ..flense wn* f.roved anil Mr.^Callahsa wa* lined flO and cost*. In ad^^dition to this no lias a very *^^re bead,^which he iceeived while tryuiif lo ^lick^^one ol the iHilicemeu that arr* stcil bim. GustJai-kioti wa* dissatisM -d with the^w..y ihe world was iisinu him and to show^In* displeasure hi*i night attempted to^caimiiie iho municipality a bright red^lite . It m-1 loin hack ^^ and cost*. HarrySteward and Olson, Just^. r limtrdy drunk, last night, and eac h^paid il and costs. Frank01*..n made *o much noise that^in tlie opinion ol a |M^liccinau he disturbed^tt.o peace, lu this opinion Ihe court^- han d to the extent that he lined Frank^II and coHtH. JennieDoe, a lady of no virtue to speak^of, also paid Hie raine amount lor a like ttSSSSa U'OUNNf.LLSMON.-.Y. trans-of Ihe iau 1i Jo. . .' Ihe^^*.^ Again* linn-, t'liarged With^i.r.inil l.ircsnv, Iii.p syjsj of.^Hi i n., July 1G ^ I'll., acimi of ('iiinly^Altoriie.- ISaldwin in disposmcof llc-casu^of ib ^ llata v*. Tiioui is Wli.te. as he did^this morning, m severely criticised by^many persons. O l the otn ^r hand it U^said lhat Wtllto should never have been^arrested. While,it will be reniemlieied, is the^man wlm was arrested about three months^ago by Officers Csnlwell atid ItbowSf. He^w is chaiipd with the larceny ol $106^from John O'Houncll in a lo^!i*in;- house^in M tin StfSSt alley. T.ial he n-ok the^money there ih no doubt, as^it wa* found on him when^taken into custody. White, however,^cl timed lhat lie did not lake the money^with evil intent, hut did so as a matter or'^friendship lor O'Untiiiell, who wa* drink^^ing heavily at Hi^ lime, and White claims^that be took ihe money lo prevent tho old^mall from speHtling It. When arrested^White denied having thu money and^.ays he made Ihe denial to Ihe officer*^because lie wa* a f ran I O'Dounell would^get il and also to *avc himself from sus^^picion, calculating to return the money to^lis owner at the proper lime. \\ hen^White took the money it waa iu^a pocket of O'lionneU's trousers which^he had placod under bi* pillow^when In-went to bed. After bis releaso^to*day White issued an order on Judge^McMurphev, in whoso custody thejmoney^ha* I^eer. since White's arrest, aud it was^returned to O Dotin. II. Thepolice take little stock in White's^story und say he to .k Ihe money for the^purpose of keeping it. IN DEMAK 1 MiiNT I. Ill.po.llien of He- Nrvrrral Caaes That^lain. I p Ve-lerilay. Bill1st July K. ^The much continued^case of It. ('. Chamber* v*. Patrick Car-^gey et al. was again before the court in^Department 1. to-day. Kxception was^taken lo the overruling of thu demurrer^and the BBSS w-as continued until Satur^^day, which lime was allowed to Hie an^answer. The answers of P. A. Largo,^Be^ ry Williams, W. A. ( lark und John W.^DstftV were tiled to-day. The complaint^in huh cause was 11 -.1 May 2'.l. 18^). Thecase of John Sloan Vs. I has. C.^K' liger i^ccupi^-d the greater part of the^afternoon. Ties aatsj was continued un^^til Monday, July JO, io submit a written^n quest for special tiudlllgs. 1lie examination of wiiiicskch was not^concluded today in the case of Joseph^BwsiB* Vs. (j 'o. LT'.toilo. This is a jury^trial. Tenday* wrre emitted the defendant^in the BMtter of Mattingly vs. L^wiso!^u^in wtncti to file ati answer and motion to^strike .ait demurrer. .111.V^ ^ i' 111 wis given In favor of the BumsBawsf PissB Til.* ssssssssy today BJfSlSstJus. A. Murphy. adiuiniHirator of^the estate of AmiiMsa C Garrison. The^jit.lotiieiit was for r.MH.10 and cobts of the still,Wlllell were **l.ltl.6i. iBaSft*SSSa of a l uii.c-lclillou. Woman Mr.Wisdom^Hear Sir: 1 beg to thank^you for the d^ hchtful anil refreslutig^^K. il^ nine^ you *n kindly sent roe. 1^have used the leiiet preparations of the^most ct'lebratcl manufacturer* of Lon^^don and Paris, I nt consider your ^Rober*^tine^ their superior in BSBSt of purity and^. xeellcncc. Wishing yen ihe impound 1^success you deserve, i remain, faithfully^yours, Kmma Abbott. Alittle humming Ir r 1 is said to be mak^^ing himself unaccountably familiar at^Hie home of Smith, near Thomson,^G.i. Kcgularly every Sunday, when the^family go.-* to the iiiuing room for din^^ner, the bird fin * into the family lo nil^and bring, up before th*' family mirror,^wncrc hollows tohim-cir ami flutters anil^capers around i xtetisivcly. I'.ltloi of l hie.ieo Itepiihli. all Daily-^lluli ! tiit no Mpacc for J ays. BeportirBst hs SSSS Cleveland cam't^iiiriv New York. I..Iior Cive mm a column ami tush p.^- (wfcotf/d i issn da i..n. ateaers to Isaas Borehause. .s. -^to it i ilitele.l in the 1 iu t i- ailalag .i.i in Char-r*W. i .union rt .if. tiiw.L Far- litftll an.I 11 in t lock i.l iiinl let*Ml is. ie. i; .iii.I i* In nl ^ k ^;. J.\\ M.-.XaUtaiil t.. .1. I Wrvlu.l.l^ti is ksBck S ot las lattslssg sScs sa^Ihe Hav. n kale c ami. lot n-s la lows*^ltl!| I aoitli of I II :^ x, west ei p; in*^elpal III. l ull.Ill of sloiiuna BussSSSlI-1'*' .Iiirti*. litTi i, .Inly ltt. t he following nun*^rralloestiacts wars ft.a I Is the county^r*-.'. rit. r's iMBbs lo-dav l^*r re.and: Tii.i'..-... 11 | 'i i. it, in an aaorgaali .1 ruin k- .1isi r ^ l, I \ \\i i on Va*i;.i, rial. Ilieel.i,^^ all. fin I unci , nt l.mJ. ill.-Hutch placer, in a'l nil !^ ' I.e.I it,-l^III till.lam Vaaaer, et al n*r Wulos pi.'i .-^^^l lilllilliK ll.slriet, Was .,.^. alcd l^^ Hie salll.' pSItl. Matl.l.ol.i.r.' ....elltig.^Tl.c second meeting of th.^11. ii I.l* r Khun ^ A Men untile i-.un; m. wii:p.. held ai iba tin .^ of PitaFatt ki straklinlen. No. M l ast Kir.l sue. t,^Aiia.-otida Montana, ^m .Saturday, Au^^gust 1, MM. at ^ )S I p. m. Itiiuu; Mi Kinmin. I'ro.ideiit.^M. J. I nsPa i i.l* k, Sicrotary. Mn.' ^ I ihe . . lebratcd und^^(HI an BlosSOMa^ will in future Hud^r*sryS*\ffSff atnl * v* ry BBS branded ^|fc^I illta.^ All ctlar* ur*' conuterfeii. L.^I.lllls, I.M Sicoinl avenue. New York. Takeii before breakfast.^ because it^w ill give you an uptK-nte, regulate the^Pew. Is and cleanse the sy.tem of all mi-^I untie!.^Dr. Henley'* Luglish Dali.lelni.i '1otiic. Theonly flrst'Cl.i** i-hiro|Mjdist and^manicure iu Molilalia i* Prof. I. Jellrys,^Ko.uii 6. ^ v. r l(.'d Hoot and Shoe store.^Main sin el. Hint*-, Mont. r*. ^1. .'.tiowliy.V I.risiiun Scientist r.i-civis | at lent., atII I .ot M* renrv^t-trcet. Hours 10 to 1-1^Consultation free. a.m.. ItSl p. ui. Anyone knowing Hi^ w hereat o il ot^U b^ rt Nev.n will*-r a gf-eat faver by^addrraalSfi Bds-swl Ivuu-, postotllci- hex^'i'.t. Butts i ny. Mont. J.G.Naj e of Burlington i* rutin rigs^large bo.*rdiitg house, h ^ar I* from ,', . ,^i iii.-n, w ill sell out at a r. ..sorialil. p , . . Hr.King will I.,- with Higlit ft l'airtl. Id^unlM July 'Ji II .v ^ tyes rsssx i'nil,_ I;..*e*for ^^ r- ig*- I. .iKpi. i - receive I^^ lay. Order early. II EastFstfcSHSBt EX^ SCAVENGER BROWN HisOdorous fork Too Inch for the^Board of Hetlth to Stud. AMONOPOLY OF THE PAST PermitsShall Be Issued to All Who^Will Do Scavenger Work^Properly ^ No Mora^I xorbltant Rates. BfTTK,July 16 ^The Standard'*) e^-^po.itiou of thu dishonesty aud incom^^petency of Scavenger Drown was bene^^ficial iii results and that, Ico, within a^remarkably short time. Urown as au^ofllcial of the great city of Butte exists^no more, for ttio lord chancellor of the^privy was shorn of bis bouors tlii. morn^^ing and his scheme of growing rich at^the ^ xpense of a helpless public hat been^frustrated. The fact* published by the^Standard were too many and str-aig tore.^ignored and the board of health met tbis^morning ley dja purpose of uivcsiti'ai.u.f^mam rs. Lv deuce mere MuBoteOI^to substantiate the StaMiai ii 8 articles^was hr night out uml Hi*-Hoard was not^long in discovering that brown's way of^bus.n-sK was lully us odorous and offens^^ive us the business itself, und it was ile^^clded to revoke lu* permit. This will bar^him from farther loading the night air^Witli odor* so dense a* lo be pc-rc* piihlo^to lh*- sense of touch, and the public will^no longer be ccmpelled lo pay him cx-^tortiouute price* fur worn never j*er-^fnnued. It wa* also decided to issue an^ofll'on! circular un charges thai can^be made f^ r li ght scavenger Work,^and to permit all BSBBSBM wilh proper SB*^plinnce* to t iii*ai;o in lite tunnies.-. This^i* wtiat Hie peopl.- have demanded, and^um'er the new icgulalioti no MBBSSBBSS^plaint* will be h -aril, illlless it Ik' com-^plaiiii* concerning work improperly SSy*^lurmod ;:iid then the reiuedy :s simpl.-.^a revocation of the permit of tla pony^complain.-d of will probably be ISS ny.^Mil1. Hovoking llrown a pcrinii leaves^only one inghl seuvengo iu the Held for^the work, bill another will kooii be added,^as soon as Hie wagon* bo ha* ordered are^completed. Tliucouiplaiiila ugainst the day scav^^enger w*Te also iiiv -siig.-ited, but the^board decided to take no nciion, being^satisfied that the* system was working as^well as could he expected. Adulph PSBSMB^and a number of oilier persons were pres^^ent at the investigation and uII com^^plaints were thoroughly invest'gat. d. As^to the trouble between Mr. Piiicus und^Ihe health ollice, overture* lor a com-^premt-e were made by liotb parlies and^Ihe difficulty will doubtless he amicably^adjusted. The fact that Brown's p.-rmit^wus revoked caused Piucus and the other^people with ^kicks^ to feel so good that^th. y were still congratulating themselves^this evening. v.*. i'AfOK, v. t^ i' t^., Crscirtr rtlhe^New York toil i.n.custe liiUUsi tel cvifcii.1^Hospital. JI ^1vi^. V. Ii. *T. M . (.rnrtuiits ^f McCIU^11, unity aituaal tollegs ol -.unneal..uu-^idSj A MUrtDbRtJUS ITALIAN. Trialof SsflsM far Aiteinptlag to Urown^Veiing ltcs*autl. Hpttk,July 16.^The atu.ntion of Judge^Muldoon was occupied ibis afternoon^and evening in hearing testimony in the^case of the State vs. Vetalli Galetti for^attempting to kill a son of M. L. Beasanti^by trying to drown bim in Brown's gulch.^All the witnesses wrre Italian* and^couldn't speak Lngbsli, making the^services ol an interpreter necessary.^Asa cons.queuce the uxaminatiou was^tedious and exceedingly tiresome, and^was made even more so by the quibbling^of the attorneys who insisted upon a pre^^cision of language far beyond the ability^^f tho interpreter. Occasionally Judge^Muldoon would check what threatened a^philological nrpumcnt between the^learn, d counsel, and more speed would^In- made for a few minutes. The court^room wa* stilling hot, and being packed^with a crowd of men who-c acquaintance^with the bath was so remote us to bo a^total stranger, the odor lhat arose was^such as to invite a visit from the sanitary^officer. This .'Veiling at about t^ o'clock^the examination won concluded an I the^court almoin.cod that decision would be^reserved until to-morrow. Anothercharge for threatoning to kill^Htill hangs ov. r Giletta, and on thi* he^will Ih. examined in the Hame court^to-morrow morning. The complainant^in the aecoiitl BBSS is G. D. Asleruuu, who^alleges that Galetti threatened to carve^him with u knife for remonstrating him^while he was trying to drown the boy. Letterbeads, bill heads, job printing of^every description neatly done ut ibe^Stamiaiih ollice. IncorporatedUnder (be Ltn of Montui State Savings Bank BUTTE,MONTANA. Temporarilylocate*I In Hreu RulUUnjt. corner^tiranite and Utah SlreeU. PAIDIN CAPITAL, - $100,000 5Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings^Deposits and Compounded^Semi Annually. RECEIVESDEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHEC DucoiiutkCoinm-'rcliil l';i|M-i* and Uuuu^i n ItV-aJ hbUtie. DrawsFoiTitrn. Domestic E\chan^e OfficeHours-from to a. nt. tojrt r^Petunia) evening* liuiu 7 p. m tos p. andon P.A. I.akhkvI'lesi.t.-n. ('II 1'A l.M I ItVice Pi . sl.lcnt 'l.M.IP.iln.sAsCashier wsoruML^p. A. larger.Csas II. I'almec. Geo.W. Hlaplclon. Is. V K.1111--^1. M. lush;, in,A. II. Hairsc G. Level!.B V. L.1^. Lea.elt. Ritchie'sComique 111. montana. ,t M\li, .11 I.Y, 111 COMEDYGO. MDMDAlW r NINO HAItltV MDKlAHUKt Mis ttrta (loiwli. .las. Woolvllle,^BhMsay PUIburn, MisspsMllaa \t.-lto,^Al'^HN Ml sp vl. SjroXUl i;^Mamie l^^ anlln. Mi-s i arrte Dunran, Mia) V*ion i ^ arr . I, ii*ti Kia*l. ^ll^^ N-die^^l \ tie. Han. V^'.i . rue, K^arraea iTieslrr, rsy-A t.ost ^^f l^ .minii ^.^nm, b-rUMa^.*L. 11 11 - in I r^l pr*^ ul MsKl^llolil.l.'U' s rnt.'ll.i ' uu l i I^1^^MY UNCUS KrIUM Nc.W YO-tK' linnn ph;i ^ ' ^ .-l by a p ^ ^ ^ ^ i.-ual laa*paay. wnuea m Mtwtagu* s lial'P* ^^ ^ ' an ^.in 'i'- :1 ' 4s..p . lotlsand i*. (iincou* l^**^fiiiiM^. DRS.BACON ^ BOYD, SPECIALISTS. Rooms25 and rj Lizzie Block, cor. Main snd Park Entrance on Park Street. Diseasesof the FYK AND EAR soil afl Private, rfironlr and Nervous Allnien.j Kuptur*.^Strktiire, V*rici*-ele, Itydrua-ele. Piles, rtttuU sail i *'in!i!ainii. Manytan it nil canes cured In Montana nut nl Join .Of slstes Kefjrencei ;ivea 'lea year*^eiperu i ce. Pienipi ssnsun^e and cures assured Ui all cureabls cases. Specialattention to eorres|K^nilence. OlliceHours-to to IS A_ M., 2 to i P. M., 7 toy P. M. .t-^ss* mksn i im i is Fromp:and Efficient Attendance, l-mbalniinf and Hhifipinz B Speciiiiy^LADY ASSJyiAXIS. GpenDm and RlgbLTdephoae No. 57.BUTTE, HONf. THECOTTAGE HOTEL Cor.Colorado and Galena Sts. Thishotel will be run on the European Plan in a^strictly rirst-class manner. Rooms light, newly papered,^painted and furnished throughout. Every convenience^for the comfort of Guests. (Rates Liberal.) An excel^^lent Restaurant run in connection Now Open under^the management of AYOTTE^ GORDON. EUROPEANSPECIALIST ! Dr.c.schult; Overthe Hod Boot and Shoe Store, No. 30 North^Main btrcct, Butte, Between Park ami Broadway. CATARRH,Throat,^ImiK amt nil blood^ci.v .iM's, win h are^ftlspfUily aud paimv^I-etiUv i-ureti by my^n* w liytiem or ^In-^iiaiatiou' m com-^|i nun d niedtcaled^Hsf| a-1 aiarrti is Uw^fon-iuiiiifr of deaf-^rifnt unit roiistmip-^lit n, t .i^ Ii friiould bt*^Iironifily Mttt-udtil^lo l^^luit* u is loo^mm, loa*iii!talioolreu^c 1111:tr-;t'. CatiBotof nervous debility, arlsinc /rom^V ui til ul ludtsci elion, exronn s in imaiiru ^t*ar-^^and otb**r causes^i i.i* u ^ i^^-rvoUMicKS, uu Ii^nt telf abiiKe, m-nunal WeaUnens n,;'i.t 1^sm'^,^at-aiuil ti. i-.l ty. lofts of sexual powtr. Mood di^-^urderti aud ttiiibition, i m r*tmi to m^ciety, \\ A^uuobnly, indiKeotlon. coDltlpati ^u, bl^trlnt^ItuiHtliiiu'UU lo roarrUcre, t tc. leading to nort.^^MM *'f (he tiittiii and m, unity-;ill ciuablt*^^a*^e^ warranted cure In a very short time.^K'Mfiit cast's In h lew tia^*. i barren low,^ueciaiiy lo tba 1 o^ r Nomatter what you bava taken or wh ^ h:.i^falied to cure you IK not tntKl your eaie to any upectailnl win^has noi 11 a it a |M*rsoii:4l exam nation of your^human h)st^-iu. ulherwlM you wilt uu digap^punted by fat.urc uf irvatuieui, U i. does no:^make you worse. D'. Kciivltz warrants a cuie of evt ry rata^be uudeitakfi His woiiderlui new n-in**dy Is^the i ui*' certain uud l-enuanent run* hi bii-h^diseases* kUiussiiber, Ny|i^ la mm bi ^^^-i *u is -^eitsss cured wiitiout thtt use or mercury, and^\ltal power re^lort-o: by his net remedy. Kkmai.kWvaknKoM Syiiiutoiiitj of which^are MMM in ihe hack and p.tirtH wftfe b ridu ^^v. i -nl ui. oil in** top of Uio l t ; ^!. Willi tl.MCo'lS diM'h.ugeand a iteneral let hn^ of laotfii ^r^liervnusa*'** and depr-sslon, i^pe*2dily Cmed by^Dr. fc^'hu.i.*.'s new reme^ly. Kyk-AIiaffections or tho eys skillfully aui^K : t iu. i * ^ ai J j treated. READTHIS TWICE. Fullyuue-eliclkth uf th^- mtM ^^tai of^sufl^ ruiK Ik t HiiHi il liy veiu-it al t .\cc^ .1.,.^eaftt-suud their lesultK. Taawonderful New lteuie-iy )^ thn tteat and^sun-id of all iiitHllciiiett for n-storlm* strcu^tti.^ambi'iou and \ 1-*^^ in tints ^ who MM loin all^private, elironlc and nervous diseases, sm tias^bhKMi and sikin dlseast s. ^. |^ti 111^^, M-rotutiis, l;v*^\ou^, er^si|M la^, Kill rheum, iM-nipliiiui, psoi t-^ms. t-te., and all Impurities of the blood raos.njc^* rupilous, j iliiplts, 1'luUlies, hUliiu; out uf Uitt^hair, * to. ntlVAli; di-i:ahls. ;onorrhfi^a,ifleet, sirictun*. kidney and ti!add^r^troubles. cyttUU, and alt %iul ipMaM youthfol^lollies and exuessas, w hich mi unlit uieu loi busi^^ness ur pleasure. Thewouderful uicceni of HiN new p'tiu'dy d-s.^pendit upon the laci Hud It supplier an t-lenieut^Which is found wautuia m thu bloo*.! ul weak ineu. THECHICAGO.^MILWAUKEE ^^ST. PAUL RY. Is(be Fast Mail Short Line from St. Paul^and Minneapolis via. L i Cross and Mil-^wr.ukee to Chicago and all points in the^Eastern States and Canada, ll is the* only^lino under one management between St.^I .ml and Cliirngo, und is tho Finest^Equipped Knilwuy In tliu Northwest. It^is only lino running I'ullman Drawing^K....111 Sleeping Cars with luxurious flunk-^itig rooms, mid the Unest ilim::g can m^tho world, via the famous ^Hirer Hank^Koutc,^ along the shores of I'cpin uud^the beautiful Mii-sissippi Hiv.-r to Milwau^^kee and Chicago. Its trains connect witli^thoso of tho Northern lines in the Grand^I'liion Depot at It I'aul. No change of^cars of any class between St. I'aul slid |^Chicago. For through tickets, time tables^and full information apply to any coupou^tit-ki t agent in the Northwest. HEALTHIS WEALTH! PRESCRIPTION1959 Anyton^ ot MUSI Aw* in .'Hill .ompoiind ot tlie retehrated Ilr \cI|kiiik. i'ar.s. l'i^*-ii|^^lou luv s.*lt on I'OSITIVK ..l'abamkk lo KXUr. \\\urn \..matter how .-..use I issia. illsersei si tic*^sasent111 ^ 1 sn^ ol^. tthsr *wx. i sins in tue^. , . k inn. - 11 ti .^^Is* trasss, i.y.t.i11, ,-.c . .nit) in* -ll'lrii ^ ;,, |:insu AJIV s,,, ftu^ *v'.'i^ rsssvitirrios ivoj ^bsr.^^- i .hi s.ti*l ru:^ \ ^ . i ,t . is ^, .-^tiiierasi-T ^^^ '^' ^v --'^ s 1i si a t*,% wr ^i\ : -' * s . ir j^ sun written^,i,t u',v nasiStfmatt K-curwj laalcS A^l-^,,,,,' .a, r. luiuiini.i.t . ii. i.. ii. M. New.-ro^l*ry. *rJaMSS*fi *a**SBBSIS Lull. Clt), al^n:. Da.E. CWwit'i Ktltvi' aSSBSatS I ,:v\e.^^ KM, s miaiiuiti'.-d i|.ecitl.' tor I! isi. na, ln,/|.^nest, Ci'nviilbioni. Hi.. Neu.-i.. Neniaiina,^HiBBjisliii trnmrtn rroairatlaa fsivtl i^y ilia^as* at slcabel ar tssaass. Wakefulness, MasiB^I vpressi.iii. Mrt*StlBB ^^f tii.' Brain resulting m^iiimnitv on*! Iradiiig to misery, .te.-iiv ,-.n.t iteaili,^Qiaialiirr nln affd llarrssss^s i^is. **r j-on.sf^ill rltlivr i*'\, nivo.UTii..ry . mi l r-.pcriintb.^rrrlioeacuiim.'.! I^y o\.-r exertuu ^t Hit* Lira ^\^lelf sbusr* or ever Indul^cuer. Each l^ox * ^n-^tsui. enc xnoiii u s trtrsuuaot. tl.txi a box, or^fix l.ox. s tor .em by uiaii prt'iuuj oh i y-^CSBJ* ei tirie*.. All fit AltANTIlK MX IIO.VKs feMBSBSB^SMS V\ nil each .-rilcr iHraSSf i. tor rl\ IH.-.cs. ac-eriiivini*''! w.-!i m, wa^will sen.I tlie purchaser ^^ui- wilttcii iriiaranlM^loit'iiin.t tne money it the trciitiii' iit *r.^v* uoc^HSU a cuiv. uuaiaiil* Si ISBUBa eiu^ by THESMITH DRUG COMPANY, -IOUAOK.nts VAINs 1 lll.I 1.ANACUMJA. MONC citv Liven7Stable A.W. MciNTYRE. HHdLUllUli /(ftim: tnnfei I c.ires, traaiai i t-iii-via^^ USgls un I ^ .* rtai .Mi.:... - '... .1.. ;.. 'ru !etc, tlo.. I Nj. :} Mk,UroaJway. niphK *