Newspaper Page Text
THEANACONDA STANDARD: THURSDAY MORNING, JULY *3, Iff!*. 1 *^jv/uv^ ^* TRAVELER'SGUIDE TRAIN*ARBIVf 6:40a. M ^From huile^aiondnrd'f Kxpreu. fciooA. M.^1 rum I nut--Uave, l.titi.ui -:^^^A. M., KUver Bo* iu a. .* , Muart Mi A. u. 1Si20I-. M.-From llutt^- and llarruun-^MMM Bulla II :ji A. M . Mher Bow ii M a^M.. Muan li.ui P. M. UoMMOtO al mh.iii witu^liam wlucli eaves ^;..rnsuu al JOAi a. M.,^IJ.t-r Lotltv II .u a. M. 4iooI' m. -mu.ii nuccial. tttoav. m. t-j u i. l^\i\^*^ nuttrs-mr. .. -Uvtr B ^w 5:i:^ r\ M.. tMH 6:10 I^ M.^lOilS I^. .^!._|mm Hall* .. n I i.arrisou^^I * ^lis Built- l':li I*. M . Musrl Vdll*. II.^l-eHti:* Oariistiii MSn bL, l^^r Loigj unu ln.mvhDKl'AKT 4.45 A. M -Kir Itiitte-Maiidartl's Esnrcu.^^ :lo A. 51. ^For 1...ii.miii Muart *:4i Ji-^*r Lodge ii .i i a .11. i.uiri.i.niii i^ 0 a. M,^Vi'iQ A, M -For lluue-Miiarl ut !i.*^A. M, bluerHow at ic uj a. M., arriviiut alUml- mauA. M. SifloF 'i. i n- ilium and Harrison^IswWS^smart at :i ^ P M , arrive* m ItuUa M It*) f^^af, cairixiu at lawr. M. *:45*^, It.-Fin Unite laSIIM-Stl1T aa ff^M., urrliinis iu Bulic ut 7i^ I'. M THEWEATHER. Tbedaily record of tin- thermometer in^this city ia reported by A. T. Play tor, drug-^giat, corner Main and Hirst atreeia. Tiio^record for jesu-rduy ^^^: 7 a. IU., 47 ile-^Krc-c-s above; 12 a. in , tti dcirrcia aixive ;^4 p. m., 85 ili (frees above; o p. in., 71 de^^grees above. ABOUTTHE CITY. E.S. Maxwell ha^ removed from li s^residence on Cherry street to Oak street. It.M. Greta; and A. i. 1'iayter paid Lost^creek a visit yesterday, 'ihey secured^about 40 Hue trout. Washingtoncamp .No. 1', P. O. S. of A.,^held an enthusiastic meeting at its hall m^the Matue block last evening. Mr.and Mrs. t. t. Aekerman of Si.^Paul arrived last evening and will lie die^guests of Mr. und Mrs. ( . M. Sawyer lor^several days. Chiefof Police Piekel ia still busy en^^deavoring to get llio alley between Front^and Firat streets cleaned up. Alieady it^is much unproved. AldermanKing made a quiet trio to the^dam curly je.urduy morning and re^^turned Willi l'J line trout, caught in one^hour und 15 ni.iiiiien. Thousual balurday evening oncial^duuee at French hail lias been ponipuiRd^tins week, l'ai i g will be resumeu on^the following wei k. TheLadies' Cu l l of Si. Mark'a church^will in. el with Mrs. 11. F. Mahau at her^* oil the corner ol Oak anil S.xlh^alreels tins aliernoon at I o clock. Aninformal Ounce will be held at tbe^o(h-ra hou^euu Saturday evening in honor^t^' a liuuiLier ol Deer Lodge young ladle*^who are visiting Irlends in this cny. Ur.MeKenzio lei I lor Miasuula yester^^day lo w itness the races. '1 he doctor ex^^pects toiemai'.i ihe enure meeting, after^Vilncli he will return to Una ei.y lor a lew^days. Alelegram from U ouster, Ohio, yester^^day Biiiiouuced to KuV. C. H. Comptoii^tbe arrival yesterday morning of a bright,^beautiful daughter lo join the family^c.rcle. Anumber of ladies and gentlemen will^Lold a private picnic at Silver lake on^Sunday. Arrangements have been^nearly completed and the parly will bu a^merry oue. Thereare at present only 10 patients at^St Ann's hospital and several of tins^number will leave in a few days. The^general sanitary condition of the city is^Very good. TheA. T. Playier sun thermometer re^^gistered 115 degrees at 'i o'clock yester^^day afternoon, a rise in the it iniicraiurc^uf 7 degreea from the same hour on the^I receding day. Mrs.D. A. MucDonald and Mrs. J. 11.^Kiol of lirauile, mother and aistcr of Mrs.^Daniel Neal, are Ihe guest* of Mrs. Neai^at ihe lloiel l oiniiii reial. They win re^^main for several days. THINGSINGREAT FALLS MineBr.dges Gone oa the Riilrotd to^Monarch. FOUR BUFFALO AT HAND JimHall lo to Have Them In His^Private Park Va unb.e Find*^In the Bolt Mountain Dietnct. liev.Dr. S. E. Wishard it in the cily^looking afler ihe interests of the 1'resby-^turian church. He is the aynodical mis-^tionury for Montana and Utah, and will^pay the cily a longer visit soon. TheCopper l ily wheelmen are re^^quested to meet at J. A. Hasley'a other on^Oak street on Sunday afternoon at 2^oeo U 1^ r mo purpose of taking u run.^Hy order of b. K. Duurcull, captain. Kev.E. J. Urocucveid of Unite spen t a^fi.'W days outing in Ihu nure air of Ana^^conda and returned yesterday afternoon,^lie was the gueat of Kev. 0t It. Coniiitoii^and u succe**ful llahing ixcursiou was^enjoyed. II.F. Mahau and J. Is Losee went over^to Foster creek in search of trout yester^^day. Fishing wa* reported to be very^poor at thai point aa tile wuter is too h.gli^nud also budiy discolor, il from mm)^ruin atorms. OscarVogel ha* returned from a two^weeks' prospecting trip to the Kootenai^country. Mr. Vogel ihiuk* that he has^atruck it rich, and, having secured a stock^of supplies, will leave again for the same^place lo-day. Agame of base bull will be played at^the Park ground* on Sunday aliernoon^between the Standard* and the Miam-^ri cka. The Shamrocks recently organ-^iaed, but the club contain* several good^pia.vers and Ibe game will probably he a^good one. AI'leassn: 1'arly^Miss Dir.lie lteynol'ls of Fourth atreet^entertained a number of young friends^^t her home last evt mug. 'I he evening^was pleasantly passu! in parlor game*,^and refreshments were served. Among^those present SMI Kreila and Et-a^time*, Anna Tucker, Lite Thotna-,^Kal e Lindoiff. Mary Spiaker, toaa ,^^T etejn, Um Neal. and 1! itn rt Doyle,^HtOJUie ihonias, George Kail, Archie^Lingo. Smoker*of Ihe celebrated and origina^^^ uban Blossom*^ will in future find^every cigar and every bo* branded ,-L.^Lillis.^ All others an- connn rfeiu L.^Liiiia, i,-^- Second avenue, .-ew lork. ttprrlalto Ihe Standard. QajaUflFalls, July 22^The Great^Noriliern and Montana Central railroads^will give excuraion rate*, one tare for^round l.-:p, to tbe race* in this city on^August 17, 18 and l'J Local horsemen^will do everything possible to entertain^their visiting brethren, and all who come^can rest assured that they will be properly^gio ^med. TheIndian camp across the river from^the city is thiiintug out, aeveral of ihe^big one* with their npiaws, papooses,^ponies and household goods, having^pulled up stake* and left for down the^river. Hayharvest i* in full awing and every^man who can awing a scythe on Ihe graai^ranees |^ hard at work. Itwill be Mime, weeks before the rail^^road train* will run through lo Monarch^as ihe road above Kicevitle i* in bad^^'. a^ a. Nine bridge* are gone and ooveral^mucin s have slid down upon the track.^In aome placet the line will have to be^changed and a new roadbed made. Thegrading on the Barker branch of^the Belt Mountain railway is ready for^the tie* and the Neihart branch grading^will be finished in a few weeka. SenatorGibson is devoting all of hi*^I^.sure time to superintending tbe im^^provement* of the city parko. The basin^for the new fountain in front of llio depot^fa Hearing completion and when finished^will be oue of the many grand tight* to^tie seen here. (oddF. Curlit, president of the Neihart^National bank, it authority for the alale-^incut that four buffalo cowa are peace^^fully giating in a certain valley not more^ 10 mile* from (.real l ulls, and that^President Hill of the I.real Noriliern hat^contracted with certain pariie* for their^capture and delivery to hi* private park^in .Minnesota ihi* fall. Mr. ( urti* also^stute* that tl.ere arc several hands of^elk, moose and mountain sheep in North^^ern Mi ntma which are being closely^watched for capture llufl fall. Aparly of young ladies and gentlemen^went to ihe great falls of the Missouri, 11'^mile* below the city, on Sunday. '1 hey^arrived at the fall* ill good condition and^spent several hour* in viewing ^he sight*^and lunching. At 4 p. m. ihey hooked up^their horses and started for Ihe city, but^on arriving at the sleep lull a few mile*^from the falls the horse* refused to haul^Ihe wagon up Ihe hill. The young gen^^tlemen exhausted their vocabulary of^sweet wort's and were out ihe whin on^tiie stubborn horse*, but they refined lo^go, and a* a last resort the aforesaid^young men hail to strike out aeio a^the country three miles to a farm^house and hire the ruliehcr to take hi*^team of horses and haul their wugon lo^Ilia top of the lull. During their lodg^^ment at the loot of the lull two ruin^shower* poured down upon them for sev^^eral minute* ami completely saturated^the summer tlry goods of the three young^ladiea. Alter the wugon was up Ihe bill,^the bulky team wa* rehitched, and a*^tin-re were no morn lulls to surmount^they gilded gracelully to the city, wliere^they nrrived at 11 o'clock. Th* young^ladle* vow by all that it good ami bail^that they will never go to the greut falls^again with young men who lure bulky^home*. Thelota of tbe new town of East Great^Fulls, at the great fulls of the Miaaouri,^12 miles below thia city, will !)^ thrown on^Ihe market in about 10 days by Mr. Hav^^ens, the general agent for the new town. Thestatement of the Norlhweatern Na^^tional bank of thia city shows that the^bank it doing a aplcudid huaine**. Thia^bank waa removed from Fori Benton sev^^eral mniilia ago to tin* cily. Asevere bail storm visited Ihe Sun^river valley Sunday afternoon, doing con^^siderable damage to growing crop*. Prof.(). C. Moritoti has returned from^the Belt mountain region, wdiero he has^b en for several weeka examining some^new discoveries of mineral*. He reports^several valuable iludt of gold, silver,^copper and marble at the head of Sand^Coulee Creek, 31 mile* southeast of Great^Falls. Tbe specimens of marble brought^in by the professor are very fine. These^discoveries will open up a new mining^field. PERSONALMENTION. MissesLints Hyde, Floretc- King,^Alice Coleman and May Mills, all of^Deer Lodge, are the gin sis of Mr*. \V. J.^Muitlicwi-ot Park avenue. Mra.J. D. Searlca returned from Butte^last evening. W.S. Ilawc* in e'e a flying busine**^trip lo Butte yesterday. J.M. MucFarlaiie came over from^Unite last evening. Amongothers registered at Ihe Mon^^tana yesterduy wi re W. lieiiueti. Deer^Lodge; C. It. Foulk, Pitttburgi W. H.^Armstrong, Bulte; U. J. Wheeler, Butte;^J. K. Mclioiiuld. Deer Lodge; J. M. Mac-^Far alio, liutle. llulletGiblsoua of Jcraey l ity waa reg^^istered at the Hotel IomiiKrcial yester^^duy. tuiPohndorf wa* a Butte visitor yes^^terday. 4.Ml. Therelotivea of the late Mr. and Mr*.^K. P. '1 desire to express their^heartfelt tuanks to 1*40 in. mliers of the^A. (J. I^ W. and to the other fr onds of ihe^d..eased, whose kindness in their sad be-^reaviineut ihey so du ply aj preciate. Forhslr Boardinghouse on Broadway, doing^paying busine**; coven otitiy situated;^a rate bargain. Amiresi Mar Ottiee,^Oruuite, Mont. Notie*. Allpersona to whom the late E. P.^Thomas wa* indebted, are rtqucstcd to^h ave ibeir accounts, taviaVod, with Kit*,^l'atrck A S iickladcn, Anueond ^, Mont.,^who ure also aiiihoiit'-d at tolsttl all the^amount* due or owing the told E^ P,^Tnomas.J. p TatotlAa, Josit-it b iiumas, VM. ts. 1 H mao. RLSOLUTIONs F itsPtCT. Aetiaaef Aiiacnuua Lodge, A. 41. li. ^ . onibe lieaih ai Mr. and Mr*. Thu*^a^. Atihe hral regular meeting of Ana^^conda Lothre No. 2J, of Ihe Alien nt Orn. r^ot Limed Workmen, last night, the HO^lie Id afler tbe death of Evan Price^Thornat, the following preamble ami^resolutions were unanimously adopted : MillUK vs. The Master Uoikniauof tlieuil^ratal aa*, la i .- staataoaatl m ^r Hi- uvtevalabl*^wisdom, cubed Ii lice luihicnl and ilia m..iue-t^nl once as mi a e jatticttc, our liewlvd ur.lher.^Kvatt I'rlci- l.eiiias. and WHF.HKAS,i Kir sellM-of I en .-ivemclll in I e^lossol imr hroiher, our ^l.-t-p s^mtst ay lot thf^loved ones ll Ii. 0 let. Iiehlll'l, llllil 111'- m to^t sum ,h e alnl uolilc ipi.i |kiss. ssed h^ til''^i'^s ia-^e,i, in pes*- upon ii- tin- iiiKti. mill duty el^makiug permanent nt th^- arelu ves of out^itMitc a sreatr rtootnsHtoa UmiMofj thetefoi.. beit /(..-..Ir.i(,by Anaconda Lislg,. No. Anckrit^OnlOraf Uattat Wot men. tnal. while ^e is^lUet.'Utb yet sutrai siv. lv ^u-iiito tbe vice at^tosi tu eailiuii our lm^ in r .rom ihe attaits ut^eartli, tie circtiuikt lOjtt s of his stidinii a d^awittl t.ikini: ^ tl auds iu our sense o. urrrave-^ut. m 11 lus Use. fjawtoa,lliut in the death of F.vaii Mat^Tlmiiias luis ludge uioiirus tiie loss . f a Protia i^wlm ruilssucil lit bis c i.idu I lowartft all tstO^ iiuiiiiie of out ertier^^-^ ail v.^traa wa* evt leatb uiexloat la* *aiats koii'i^lotne weak anil ilt-lii--,'.1. wlm w ^ ever fan Ii^lu. iu ill aisrlia Me ol p.* nun sand iit lKUlini s^id a Welkin tu, a fi 1/cll who eassMatMil oi-^servtsi tae got at fUktufaaaat uuni uIihts at^he w^ ll il . ate otliei s a* unto Ii m Jassaa . I oat w* a*** lie. p \ share with hit ililit cii Il ea .iu I irielsdal'l lootat bi* iieath, ami i-ouuuend tlicin to tbo^lav*sao trail i liaa uf ItaB ia waaai imaem as^ilinls ele: aa lag acae*. il. ili t iliese resoliitinii* be s-reai.^^^as in- raaaroa of tat kaSaa, and i^pi s al^Ihe sunn-Is-ttirtitkb'd In eaeu nt lus eiiiUlreu,^ami to tin- MoMlfiMti H' ant Auucona .^uewspapi'ts tor I'lililu alloii. II.s HgAls J.I! lloAIIVAV, N.II. ^o lu ll.^Committee on Ih-soiutient.^Dated till* Md day ol Jul), IK.H I'nelasain s In st.iRli'es.^Washington, July L^2. ^ A statement^prepared al the pesti Mice ilepartmeiil^allow* the iiuuiIht of i 111 ^^s iu the coun^^try on June HI. lMl, ft,Wi, as follow :^First class. Hi;; second cla*-.. bSU; third^cl**s, 2.277; fourth class, til 41). i'tllt la^an increase of 2,100 during tbe year. 1 ikio iteward.^The cily of Untie, Mont., will pay a re^^ward of One Thousand Dollar* for the^apprehension and conviction of the per^^son or persons who murdered W. J. Pen^^rose upon Montana street, in said city,^on the night of June IfJJt, Said reward^lo be paid alu-r arrest and conviction of^the culprits, to the person or |^eraons^causing the aauie, at the oflieo of the city^treasurer.H. Ml t.i.Li it, MnvornfUnite I ttv, Mont. ale,kiini.ti-r-' si^aiiug.^The second annual meeting of the^Boulder Flume .V Mercantile company^w-ill lie held ut the olilce af l'ltiPairick *^Strickfuden, No. 205 Last First sin el,^Anaeotiila. Montana, on S.iiurtlay, Au^^gust 1, UM, at 7:.*J p. m. IlnKit:McKinnon, President.^M. J. 1 I i^i'a'i lilt K. Secretary. JohnFurlong present* a fresh ilhifftra-^tioii of how much the human frame can^endure. He is 90 years old, lias otplived^every one on whom he bail any claim,^and was rec.-mly found on tin- pavement^in New York cily, where he hud lain all^night, lit. rally dying of hunger. Il lukt s^so very hltle lo keep him ulive lliat ac^^cording lo the testimony produced, he^had lived for years on something less^than Ihe daily iqinvalent of an average^schoolboy's lunch. Yet he had lived, and^at last accounts bado lair lo Lve some^year* King r. A.T. Playier, druggist, corner Main^ami Firat streets, ia sole agent for Ihe^celt-braird a. A. cigar, manufactured of^the choiceet havatia lotwcco. Plungebath open day and night. Weat^Turk avenue. Anaconda. Trythe porcelain hatha at the plunge lnil house NOMORE BACK ACHE- t.tcntiy thr faHou-nq ttoUc* a t - .^a^eti in m **Tildji* IItrrn ^^^. V. ^ n!v ^tv^nl fwo WWUnil^! it ^M W 'i until tin la*! tin ft* Off^(our tl.iv* thul tht* m:tl.^iiv ti^ k i mi i. hi- i urn.^I At t Iir iirjiitiuitiK t^f lus illur^* lit mi(1^ if 1 fi nn^(lt.ittrtt h MM M^iii.ith tli*st^tili t LiMffff thr IL. ItHfl MMtiVaj t^^ i^ i form t lit tt f HM lto^WMM^i hf ^^..^-., ijuit tly n.u- ^' .1 t.ic life ofnnr uf the nio.*t |^r^mtneut mm in Call- II'im^ like tlit^^ of oHMfti Ml int-^linn v ^1^ntli wa* tin- n -ii.t oi uct,lifting caily :syuiptutu-of kiilne) ili-^ ,t r. aTHHBIF^ VOU -m iarelmuM.-tl with (MtbciM, ntlVffl, or |M tlv^^l nnv;v int lit Of ill** kl'lutx ^ m mi iti ir\ ot i; .us*,^^I**m'I ^t^l.i\ ptt'pt'1 iK.tttutiit tint it yiu afr^! M l It gftv* ^t^ur il.nlv .lttit*-^ * it*'**'/ ,wi-.* ^.'tir inoin-v on ffinf||||ffi liniim nt Innil wt^t^e |i1.i*4er^. tnit ^-ttikr nt thr ^r;4t of^ttwdUtMffff at mice l^y li-iu.1 the urrutr-t of-II^known iciiieilira. Ihe *rlcl^f^trj llrc|[on Kt I-^Tea. It ha* as.ivt i t tir live^ ttf t h.^Li-- ti'U^\\ li\ nhnuM it ti^l ^ me you . Tt\ it ruiely^i . riaMff tMMl plfffful tut lo take. }l.uo. jw. k-^iage, n f,.r MJ 00 DSTES^ CONNELL-f Ij ^MERCAIiTILE COMPANY. ILA. II AIIIKUL.^l.lllle City, MuuUlA Wi . li sa:^ n l KcUitl J.^ C. ^ KEPPLER AxacoxoaMoxtana. Watchmaker^ Jeweler Dealer in +DIAMONDS + All tirades of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Optical^Cocdt, Silveiwara, Etc A.SHORT, 1*11,1bl.. All nn D In. Oppositeihf Bre-HiTf.^PIANOS ORGANS, In -er^SEWIMI MAI IIINI'S^Per Sale or lteut. THISWEEK WEWILL RUN ON Twohandsome ufliee* iu tt.e amiabo^building. LADIES'SHOES,^MISSES' SHOES,^CHILDREN'S SHOES^BABY SHOES.^MEN'S SHOES,^YOUTHS' SHOES,^BOYS' SHOES -AND -^KIDS' SHOES. NoReason togo^Barefooted Evenif^Yoil re Not IVorkin.a. CLOTHING. Thisdepartment has a new and attractive anpearancc^by the elegant display of imported and domestic^Cloths to be found in our Suitings of the^newest and latest designs. PANTALOONS. Anunlimited and choice assortment of patterns to suit^the most fastidious taste. CUSTOMTAILORING. Weare agents for two of the best custcm tailoring^houses in New York City. Leave your measure^and have a Suit made to order.^Fit Guaranteed. HHTS, HHTS, Thelargest line to select from in the city, and the^most popular makes. Christy's Imported London^Hat; the celebrated Gold Medal Tiq,er Hat;^Hand made Stetson's Hats, the^finest grades. UNDERWEAR. Gentlemen'snatural Cashmere ribbed welts, spliced^seats, Silk and Worsted ribbed, solid colors and^fancy stripe, best full-fashioned fast black^JJalbrigtran, fancy and solid colors in^Balbrijjfjan. D.J. Hennessv Mercantile Co, GENTSHOSIERY. Blackand fancy Silks, Silk plated, solid and fancy^striped Lisle Half Hose. Ingrain Cotton, hand^seamed high spliced heels. British Balbri^j-^pan and many intermediate grades. Neckwear. THELATEST AND KBWBST BTYLB8 AND^NOVELTIES OurClothing and burnishing will bear fflOffff inspec^^tion and should be inspected to be appreciated. ANACONDABRANCH.