Newspaper Page Text
THEANACONDA STANDARD: THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 23. 1891 ADISAGREEABLE ODOR GmeCharges lade Against Sanitary^Policeman Ratlins AFRIEND OF THE SCAVENGER TwentyPer Cent, of the Earnings^to a City Oft icial-Moro^Work for tho^Council. JOSEPHINEAND HER MANAGER. BadLand^ Ri-ttk,July flj ^There seems to be^^MM work mi linnil for the health com-^MlMM of the city emiiicil. At least there^^ M a meeting of that committee in Ibu^heulth otllce urn I it is understood that the^MM ttlne wan in ihc nature tf an inveni-^rut.un. Ju.t what ia tr^^ ou is not^^rfea out liy the uld^ l im n ibis MMMNk^' nt it is learned on prrtty pMe^. 11 horily that at the nassSftSJ 'bio^111 ^rtiii^ir Sanitary I'olieemaii Kawlina^VM present anil von ^|iiektionctl by the^ahl.Tiuen in regard io a ^tory that somi'^oilnr iiiiiiiIht or miwnliors M the health^ili partiiii'tit Itesidea the hcavi'imcr hud^bvM MMnMMI by lb*' ^'Sf^rhitu*it charges^l^i ^^. rl made hy tho lute Scavenger^Uriivti, now removed trnm ^ Ul^ ^^ 11 ^^ sum and siibstatiee of the IMM^made at the meeting of the health com^nittiee this 111 MMMJi was that Suunary^Policeman Kawlms ree*'ived a NMM^^siott from BeAVMHJM Brown on till work^done by lnm, and that in return^lor this coiittniss.on Hrown rceeivid^tlie endoi-^eineiit and the supp ^rt of the^In :i It It elllre. llare are two it.Hirint^MoffaM 10* to MMI thi* MMMf MM to^I nlihe notiee. One 1* that ex-Scavenger^llVOwRa on beinir uV|k^si^I from olllec, di^^lei mined to i nil otlii rs IMM MMM M^uell as himself, and reported thin matter^to the health eommitiee. 'l'ho other ..tiny^is that Alderman linn h happenell upon^Scavenger Ilt-own's li 10U, NWWiMJ tie^-nut of }:iJo paul to Sanitary I'olieemaii^liawlins at various times. Howevertho charges may have origin-^atiil, they wero the Huhject ^[ u pretty^warm iiivcAligattoti this morning. Scav^^enger Hrown was pr^ sent, and it is mated^that in the ptcjcncc of Mr. It.twlina he^ivp'-atisl the MMM Youare a liar,^ said Mr. K twlins. Tli health couimitti-e, wbile not pns---^ing judumeiii on the or innocence of^the party accused, nq tested the resigna^^tion of Mr. I! iwlina. 1will not resign,^ declared Mr. Raw^^lins. ^This matter has been opened up^and it will by a very sorry day for the^man that started ii. 1 demand^a lull and fair investigation. 1 do not^want tlu* matter t^i|uelchetl by my resign^^ing and will not hu a party to any such^way out of it. The charge is ridiculous.^1 have no authority over the scavenger.^1 de not appoint him nor can 1 remove^ How tiieti could I have anv hold on^MM -ni'l ^li maud a commission^ 1 have^^Itoeellttr Ma niticli regard for tuy^san lug in the community t^ become*^oariy io any such tretid. i lie charge is^tale* fioni lavnm mif to ^ nd. lam MM^the c an.c.l w ill not accept the word of a^ui in who has been deposed from office^and who is jealous MMM he has been^deposed and 1 have not. I waul a full^investigation before the entire council^uud a public one. Since he was sMMMat^;lro-..n has iiecn threatening io sue tie-^cuy ami making threats ol nil sotis. 1 stlpll#s this is the begllllllUg of bis wort..Tin- city will regn t it if it accepts^th^'word oi such men in destroying inv^reputation. I certainly do not think it^right to Mm up this matter during the^uiisence of the healib ollii er. It should^be ih lavi d until be returns. ' SinceMr. liawlfna has demanded a^tli MMB nail in public, the health coin-^Mtttee Baa deeded to iruuafer the matter^Irom its own hulida to tlio-e of tin* coun^^cil, MM* tiie matter will lie investigateil^lurth'-r at the in xt meeting ol the^Dl titled. Aiderman Hues this afternoon said^that tiiere is nothii.g as yet to to the^| 11 ss in the matier and that i; is impos^^sible to say as yet wdiether tiiere^is atiythiltg to the charge or not.^He laM He re would probably liea specia^in e'ing of the council to look into the^matter soon. Itseems that Mr. Swanson, the new^fcaveucer, is implicated in the charges^against Kawbns as well as is Hrown. It^si'i'ins that afaef hearing llrown'a story^au'ainsi I! iwlius, Ald'Tinan Hiiiea VMM^to Swauson and uski.'d: ^lto you have to^pay U.iwbus 10 or per c ut. commis^^sion oa the wairk you do'.''* Swanson,so the story goes, gave an^t vaMve answer. On,1 know all about it,^ said Mr.^Hims. ^It is all ritrlit. Only 1 think that^cince the reduction in rates the c immts-^sion sh mid be rcdun ^1 also. Jthink so. too,^ Swanson is reported^aa saying. ^Twenty per cent, is too^much. Mr.Swanson was seen by a Stasdakd^reporter lies evening and said that lie^had Ik-i n paying *J^ per cent, of his re^^ceipts since In:- ai poii.tiiient to l.awlin*. Ili iv^ paid hint SJ'i,^ said Mr. Swan-^son,^ uud 1 owe 515 more. Thesestatements of Messrs. Hrown and^Swanson are the sum and substance of^the charges ngaius*. the sanitary police-^mull. Mr. is a man wdio has al^^ways borne an irreproachable char^^acter lit the community, and^tho ciiiuiimiii'.v will NajMM very^strong proof before believing tiiat lie^is g ully of the charges ma le. The pub^^lic demands, as doe- Mr. Kawdins, a full^ami public invent gallon of the matter, li t^Hie ilevelopuienis lie what they inuy. If^there is aiiyihing rotten it should he^bri Ugbl to the surface. If the stink that^has arisen in this department of the city^government has no source, the otlimids^implicated by the statements made -lauld^he publicly i xoneraled. IN UlPAR I'MtNT I. nSaaMhlaKae ^^^-i^ .^ VMSaS nt *^^.ooo Avuitlstthe Montana t'nlon.^Ht'TTi .July Ml^The jury ill Department 1.nHuraed a'veidict lor pVOsOforsste^piahltifl! in the c MM of Donald McKay v*.^The Montana 1'nion railway company.^The ilciciiKe took exception to the special^UndlttCS and verdict ^t the jury. Aindguieiit for s'i.Tii'J 56 and costs was^entered in lavor ol the plaintiff by de^^fault of tne dafeoae la Mastaae of Alex i.Johnston ve. the l outth of July Mining^A Milling c nipaiiy. Anamended answer Was 11 led nt the^coals of the ill ft n hint in the ease of Tims.^1'. Farray vs. Dennis Fan-ell. The cause^ot union in this case w as ejectment and^ilamages. Intiie case of Lew Coleman ct. ol. vs.^John II. t urns et. ill. the nature of^w hu h was a ^|uii tale, u motion lor a new^trialWasnaattsj and the ilate llxed for JulyeMS^ look, l.iks I'opr. !.M isVii.i.k, July 1-.^A s|icc at d s-^| at'a from tne City of Mexico says the^in in arrested there supposed to In* Hope,^tie z. ler.turns BSJtMOa S.-nor Ortua.^a im uibcr of cotigress from Souora. His^r' semblance to Hope is remarkable. AStiors rase Against Tare^Sports. IilTTK,Ju y 22.^Tho | ^dice are quite^eonfldeut that they bsve a dear case^against Josephine Godcbeaux and her^^manager^ llrailley, who were arrested^last night for robbing a man named^tiashoe. Hashoe is not the only victim of^the illustrious pair, as two oilier men^have been robbed in their dive during the^last couple of weeks. Oneof the victims was a man who is^employed in one of the wood camps east^of the city. Ho waa inliced into tiie^woman's dive and then relieved ot ^.^^,^all ih I money he had in the world, Hy^threats and bullying the man was^fr.ghtenod into silence and it was only^when ready to leave the city that he told^a irietid of the robbery. The man to^wdiom he related his experience informed^the police and efforts are being now^made to learu the whereabouts of ti e^woodchoppcr. .The other mall Inst $75,^which wua ulso stoleu by Josephine^while playing the part of tho hostess,^liradley is very indignant at being ur-^rcslcd and suys it i^ an inaiilt to his par^^ents, whom lie claims are the Wealthiest^people of lYorla. 11. lie ulao claims to^bo legally marr ed to J ^se ihuie. I| the^latter pmves to h^ the case, t^ Ml bo and^the woman will find themselves in ex^^ceedingly close quarters, us she has never^^SWjn^ d io in I'eter, her hu-band,^who left here a tew mouths ago aim for^^feited a ImjiuI to apiH-ar lit the district^court to aitswer to the chart; j of grand^luicciiy. A FINK SHOWINU. First A ii i. nil theSllvir sihanient of^Mvaj i task,^lltiu:, July 2-' ^ The quarterly stute-^inetil ot the Silver Dos* National bank^was i r^ pared to-day. It is a .statement^in w hich all Butte can tsko pride, being^the rc|^ort of a bank only one year ill^business. It is as follows:^lilXU RCICS. Diins aM asManMI 11\eoirait^, seestvo Mini aSMsesrssL.^I', s. isiuds in sarnfB rsmUsuoa ... .-lis ks, securities, MMts eh- Ine-front saprovasiresert ^ asisata.. linefrom oilier iiHtintisl batik* Pilefrom ,t^ic hanks mi 1 hunker*..^Ikuikiii'.: aouse, laraitnia Ml ftk lures Currentcxis'iises ami invr, | aid.... l'lainlnMs on I s iMnus fikeatuand otic r cash it. nis HiIs ui o. her hanks Krassttoaslnaast currency, nickeli^iitul cents a-ecle Leaa4easjaf in't* I jp*aV*jnnHanraatl aitfe r. s.^uier i5 |s^r cut nt c-lr uiaiioii- $li'.,1117 SI^lis i os ;*sia en^li...ii n; U,llti'41 i,t;^; '.i;^MM L.j :i,..'t in^^.'*^CJM *^i^tihl IM;^4,'Juu Oil Tntill.. 1.1j^.,ou^m.-.-' H7 I.IAIill.lTH.S. rsptulstack aaM in ITndnil^ ,i piiiius Niiliand I'iiUk in t s ouistaililillg.. .^individual aratsisi ssjajsai ti clieck tsfsaaadcerUfleatei uf deposit...., pMeest tnlcates of draosil linetu et!icr t:al iiiu.ii i^auks Hueto kSSS 1 iiaks MM MMnM ^.. To:al H^i j' Hit, i, onon^I'd t 0$on H02^i Id IIH AM1.-.^,s|7 .Ml .'.s.l|B MMi IN AWfUL AGONY. llralhofI.oula .I n ka.eli Who Was Caught^in | u liei . 111'lTK,Ju'y 22- Louis Jacklitrli, who^sais die victim of a serious accident at^tho Hntte reduction works an Monday^evening, ilied this morning at the Sisters*^hospital after having suffered utiiol I^agony for six hours. Ja Lluch was a native of Austria, lie^has MMI in Hutte a number years.^Tiie greater part of In. tint^ has been^spent ui the eiup'oy of th^ Hutte KeJue-^tion works. He was engaged in^replacing a belt on u w heel about eight^feet in dlaaai t -r a Inch bad hy some^means slipped rsffi The wheel revolves^in a trough, the space Is-tween the run oi^tiie wheel and the bottom, wdnch is about^10 inches. He got caught in tiie belt and^was drawn under the nMM wheel, the rlM^i f w hich is 12 luetics w id.a The Innly ol^the man was fore d into tiie Id inch^space, atoppmg the wheel. The engineer^S'aa attracted by the wheel being block d^and imuied ulely MMI I If the steam. Hit^found Jackhtch uud took him out and the^injured man kas carried to the hospital,^lbs legs, shoulder nuil the ribs on both^sub s were lrac.urcd. He wais also bud y^bruised ubout the head, which caused^concussion of the hraiu, resulting in^death. 'Theb sly has MSM removeil to the^uudi-rtakiiig rooms of Si'liuudt A Solve-^hnii, win re an incpiest will be held to^^morrow m irinughy Judge McMurphey. houhl lie llrd. i;\ u.i.i, July 22^The citizens^are hegiuuitig to inquire whether or not^this city bus an ordinunc I coui|iebing^drivers of horses to tie them when stopped^on the street. This evening a delivery^team lielongiiig to A. \\. Met line ut-^taelied to a delivery wagon, ran away^from his place of business on Main street.^They turned west on Daly street^and ran up a lane lead^^ing t IT tho street to the stable.^When they turned up th^ lane tin y came^ill contact with u warehouse owned by^Lee \V. Foster. The eav.'s ,jf tl.a build^^ing nrc only uboul u frnit from the ground.^The annuals in their frantic race got^nwny from ill^ wagon .-nid rushed upon^thereof. When up about four feet they^jumped oil tan gab.e end uud fell. Hy^iM'ing '.angled up hi tic harness and kick^^ing they were both badly cut. The pole^dropped out at the corner of Main uud^Daly and splintered to pieces. M^ IMMMn ll.witriiit, July 2.'.^The great'st in^^terest ol the musical public is centered in^tu-ilay's production of the revised version^ot ^Tanulioti+or,^ originally performed^in Paris in lsiil. The general opinion is^that this year's ussemhly is inferior,^though some individual artists^are good, has been continued^by to-day's rendering of ^Tannhauser.**^Tho concensus of opitnor, is that the^Hayreiith festival is in danger, chit fly^because Fran Wagner rip rnm-iits too^much with beginners and carries drilling^too far, crushing individuality, creating^art:flciality and confining to th^ dun a^^sions of a small room what is intended^for a l,ii g ' stage. Outon Itoniis. Bmt. July 22 ^Win. Sheerin, who was^found guilty tn-duy by the J iry on the^charge of shooting wiih murderous in*^tent, was released at a late hour i^-night^an ^..^'^' bonds, fn-u .n- i hy L R.^I'owell, A. l.JVell, M. F awl. ^ mid i boa.^Hinds. Sheerin will be aenti m ^ d on^Saturday ucxi unless a |^ost|^o!it nielli of^mbmm is secured. AI at a: 11 a rt el MfiiSK.Fia.. July 22.^Joseph Down^^ing wa- pro! ably fatally woundcil and^his sin. Midi, killcsi this morning by^(,^ crge Kdtch during a quarrel. Futcn^has not Liea captured. I'.uulMtudrrrd HaiuktoX,l'a., July 22.^This afn r^I noon wdie Mrs. Oaroycr returned home^from a U'lrying expedition she found h^f^llt year-i'l I daughter, who had been I ft^tmnie in care of a baby, dead on the 11^with her throat cut from ear tu car. SI^the family saving* are gone, it is sup^^posed robbers d.d ihe awful deed. NOTA VERY HIGHFLYER Sheeny Lii^ Tak*s i Dcse of lor-^pbine With Suicidal Intent SAVEDBY A STOMACH PUMP AResident of th* Bad Lands Who^Likes Whiskoy-She Doesn't^Want Her Name In^the Paper. I3itte, July 2*J.^Hut fop the interfer^^ence of u tliH'tor, Lizz *^ Km.m-11, belter^known uh ^sShrt ny Lia/' wuuM now be^necupymir a to|^ II kt hi the l^ro^i)^tone^Hat beyond the skies inateail of living in^a very ill MselftsM and auyilmiir but^cleaniy t^hanty in Galena alley, tuber^truiiblea or a m tire fur the atuir, cuu^c^l^l.ii to iinbilie rather freely in bad laitda^wh:akey la*t night, and, feeling dcoiiied.y^^liaUy t^^-day, slsi preferred gettiliK^drunk again rattier than endure^ibe mi-terioH of aobiTin^ ^P-^In tins ^^hi* wits sucrp^Ffnl to an ^ inineiit^depref, and tin* evening in a iiiometll of^rreklcfcsiiess took a doxc uf inorpbuif1^Isjfps enough to kill m veral women of^her s z ^. Ai* m.uii uh btu- s\valluwe^l like^|)oi-ioli, fhc b. eaiue IffMMtNWd and tli-^lorrueU i.ite of uvr neighbors, who aent^lor a doctor. Hy ibe apiilicatioii of^pioper r^ int hi r t-p.i it wa^ preventetl^from soaring uioli to t -enn^ the* t-b ncli^and tilth uf the alley in which^ita tenetiifut ot clay reaidea. A^little laur twn^ht one of Li'h^fremda iIkhil'Iu that just through^pure cusaedtM-to* she nught liave I a If sal s)^notion to d.f atul contWIeil h^ r foajfl to a^couple of iKibcetui-n. Aorompstlei by a^St.\npaki^ n-poruT th^ * llici rs visited the^woman - laMaSSi 1 laS curiam* were^ejoaely drawn uud the hou^c* appeared^ilark anil dehern-d. At ter repeated kiioek^^^at the door a male voice within told Ihe^vit*Mora to go to the baek din^r ui ibe front^door could not be unlocked. nM^^iug between a couple of bouaeit^and then through a narrow, little^ana that was litterrd with itib sh of all^kiiid^, the olliet r* and reporter fouu^l^Ibetuaflvea iu the rear ^ f the tdiack. A^man opf*ned the door and the thrwc en^^ured, tin top ot u IkhI that wait ct^vi*rei|^with at veral batlly ssUesI SJSWS lay b i,^drawn up into a bundle that lookt-u like^a sack ot coal, and at Drat glance she ap^^peared to he dead. Th*' man who had^opened the door aeated biiut*elf ut tho^foot of ihe bed and aiid be^**gues8id Lis waa all right, only^she wuh drunk,^ and denied having a^know ledge of the (act that she had taken^morphine. When told that *'S.^ilor Jack,''^a neighbor, bad said that L*fl bad takiti^paisoii, be grew SJtsilS indignant and ex^^claimed, ^Mio ought to know what's the^matter with the girl, becuuse she wan with^tier al. afternoon.^ 'i he conversation^aroused L.z, who raised a badly hwo1I#^b^and aoniew liat diny face uud, beenig the^policeman,cried out, d d^ n it. w hat^do you waul. I'm all right, and for l.od's^rake tlon'i put my name in the papers,^1 in only drunk,^ uud wuh that she rolled^onto her face und in n moment waa^soundly alee ping again with her ^mana^^ger ' sealed like u forlorn crow on tin*^i ed and keeping waic i over her. From^differ* nt totffJVSS a was learned that^whenever lax fibs up on w hisk* y Mm W^^variably awullowa u lot of morphine,^much to the ularm ami i neon veil-^letie'* of ber friefida as well as lo the^danger of heraell. Whether it la done^with auicidal ilitetit la not known uh she^alwaya insists .hat it was accidental. Her^friSsMs are inclined to think, however,^that she takes tl edrtlg for the putp ^se of^eliding ber earthly career, but being a^MSf flyer, bbs HMM^ afraitl to tiike^flight uiul MMMMM to b* iiig pumped out. HIS ACT IN 1 HE biUhjHOW. MuUBhtar HeMM Alike \Vorlii on the^syiiipaihir* *^t An MMI Bl'TTK,July L'.'.-Amhhib the toughs and^nbege*l pugilists who a lit ic ted tli*' city^w ith their MMMN la^t winter was u fel^^low known by the gory appellation of^^Slaughter House Mike.^ H - was a gen^^uine vag and hobo and would do unythinfr^tint work for a living, and aa fighter* of^Ina claaa are never known to have^money enough to pay their board In in^one day to another, Mike often found^himself very hungry, with nothing to up-^|h^a^e his hunger. During one of tlienu^licrioda of enforced fasting Michael^alole aoriie blankets from a mail liaiucd^Siurley, rcMil.:ig ut South Hutte ami^found them at Abiaiu's collateral loan^shop in Mast Park street. The owner of the^blankets traced them lo the pawnshop^ami recovered hi* property, leaving the^pawnbroker to aettle th*- mutter with Mr.^.^MaughterhoiiHc. That gentleman, how^^ever, bud thought it ledvutahlc to emi^^grate, and when Heart.h waa made lor^turn be could not Ih* found. This oc^^curred Home time hi January and nobody^knew what bud become of the blanket^stealer until to-day. w li u Ahrnms acci^^dentally b urned that be was with MMM^fukc m a aide show of ihe circu*. Ahrama^went to Judge Kddy's court and aecureda^warrant for Mike'a arreat. The warrant^MM given to t'oiiHiablu Lytle. who^MMM Aba totr M icbael just aa^bo waa to go on and give n^^performance.^ Mike pleaded with th**^ottlcer to be allowed to do hia act, after^which he promised to go along and face^the music. '1 he constable kindly con-^aetit ed to oblige the fakir ami allowed^him to go into the dressing room. TUim^was the last the MMMf saw of MMa uh^iatikft mysteriously disuppoared, and al^^though vigorous search for bun was^made, he could not be found, ami the^constable waa coiniH'lled to return into^court without hi* prisoner. MONLYFUH MHS. MMI TON. MMJMJMMafShouUI l.uv a Ticket aud MBSJ^MM IU1I Alone I5tITK. July -A benefit ball is hein-^arranged (or Mrs. MHMM Hritton, the^MMMMJ of the lodging house over^Shimi'a atableK, which was burn* d out^the otte r night. All Mrs. lirittou's MMM^and clothing wero burped, and t^esides^ahe loat $7 50, which waa aUden MMI ber^4MM hy MM MM who went through MM^lodging house after the fin*. That wus^all the money aM had. She bus four^children,aud|tlicy!are now going ar^ uud in^dresaea and akirts that ure half l^u-n***l.^Every charitable p^ rsoii ahould help^along the cause. The ball is to be |*ivpu^m xt Tuesday ihlIu at t aledotua hall.^The use of the hall has been donated, tho^orchestra ba^ been liouau d, MoTfit, the^c*nifeciioiier, has agn cd to g ve t^o gal-^loiis of ire MVtaM for lbs MMsMMti and^the Inter .l/ox n'.iot h is printed the tickets^gran-., fc Very body should help the move^^ment ulong. Trains^ oil ^l#v^LI.M1KA, X. V.. July -l.-By a collision^bvtwi en M N* vv York Ci rit/al freight and^a I^eh.gti Valley puaseng r train here Ibis^I vening MM man was killed and two^others badly injured. itluurl MMMMsMM^Milwai kkk. July mv L - ut. Col. J. I..^Tourtelotte, iMMMflf ol General Ma i-^MM*s chief staff, died ut La C to-^night. A REGULAR TERROR DfcPOblTOHSPROTtCTED. Mrs. Nardella Again In Trouble-Only^More Her Might Ores-. Tho MMM^able ami difficult task of again arrcaiing^Mm* n^ rdeUa was tho lot * f Marabal^Mclntyre to-night. The woman waa ar^^retted m bi d and taken to the county^jail in her Bleeping appnn l. Her weak^^ness und h v * for intoiicauts is continu^^ally getting; her into trouble. Yes^^terday she succeed, d in getting glor^^iously full, and for a time made^things generally uncomfortable for^her uci|*ht^ora. This waa continued dur^^ing ihe greater part of last night. Wm.^MMMsfw and Joe Guard, who reside near^ber iioum* in West Walkcrvdle, nil up all^night, fearing she would lire hi r house us^ahe hud threaten) d lo do. TMMJM MM^kept up her tbsagrceable cenduct all^day, th^ neighbors did not want to^lodge a complaint ucainit her us she bus^Bo shortly beeu out of trouble. TottfcgBfj tie- wi nun got w ild^ r than^ever, ami (iuard went for Marshal Mcln-^tyr*^ sboajl .^ o'cb ck. Win n tti*- MMMMsl^arriv^ d, he found the woman's Iioum* lit^^erally suiuati d with oil, ami lie was told^hy (iuard that MM MMl att^ inpted to Res^MB place, but Was prevented. The nlli-^Ccr went into the botc-e and, the MMM^hav.n| heir*l Inin MM|i weiu rapidly^to he,I, sdie had la r tngt t c'.othes ou ami^hail worn them mostly ail day. At l in *^MM ^ ii bl clothe h*'iself, but woiial^rcna^v^ the ganoeiits aga n m a lew^MMajMS. 'I^he i fib er pleaded with tin^Woman Is put Ml ti^*r MMMMi Mil |M^vain. He went in search of a lady who^would Vehiutecr to (In us ber, but could^find none with a MMVrWIH MMNMI of^eon rage. He return *d and again iiu;dor**^l^th.* Wi man to *loii her n ivel.nt* BjSjsTsWewta^and she at last promised to tlo s^i if he^w.tuld ab-ciit litinsclf during the process.^Tin* he w illingly ugr^ ^ d ks do und Scar^stated (^ r the door. He hail not MM tar^across the ro*mi when a IftffJS p ciure^which the frantic woman pull, d ^II the^wall was hurled ;ii him. 1his had the ( fleet of making the olll-^c r watch Ina woiihl-b.* a^sau!ti r. lb*^attempted to take her as she was to a^cariiace whicii was waiting at Ifie door,^ami mm H w to her MMM aud got, as sic^til* ugh', bufcly nice i the bed clothing.^Here -In- thought she was nt last s ^fe, aa^ahe imagined an ^ Ulcer MMM n*^i^legady lake h*-r MM of the b**l.^Mclmyre didn't know of any particular^MjtM w hy this could not be done and he^MMseqtli nlly rolb*d the clothing around^her an I carru^il h*^r b uliiy to tie- rig and^couv* yed her to the county j id. All^diVring the trouble ah** kept continually^^ttmng a hysterical laugh, which^Bounded as hollow and senseless as that^of a lunatic. Whenthe jail was reached they were^snet in the corridor by Sh* r If Lloyd, w ho^was at the lime sticking a cigar with his^favorite meerschaum cigar-hol^l**r. Th^-^irate woman MMM a smash nt the holder,^and It cannot Ih* used advantageously^again. She kept up her frantic laugh^^ter during the greater pari I^of the ni*;hi, and from Mf^action- (here is little doubt but that the j^woman is crazy. She w ill be i vuiiiued j^ua to her -unity, it is Miid. It w ill bo re-^nu mbered MM figiiied m Judge h- i ^ n's^MMM a lew weeks MJM SMaMMtMl with de-^inobslriig the windows in tin* groc^ ry^atore *^t A. Match* 1. Her mMMMbV who^la an Italian, will Ih* uricshd to^^morrow n 11 it'll i ng cliarg* d wuh dia-^MfMMMs A national fl _ht is kept^up between her aud a'cert.iiu class of the^n aiilctits of West Walk* rvi.'b*. Sin* ia^Irish and her Italian acquaintances have^no particular use lor her. The w^^mau is^of course rath*t rough, but it is haul she^la bl a good many ways w ronged. lir^ at^pity is * xprcsse*! for ihe sou ol the couple^who is a liriifht boy of ft. HbUIUN* tilAND I r. Hi Old Ilor** Was I /i. Itut II el auuie^MM t V^^ ^^! ill the la. a.iik' World. AbsMMJ Inland farm* r drove into^Brooklyn Ihe other day with u faded old^horse and a ramshackle buggy, ami he^ just completed his purchases at a^hardware store on Court street when n^Bmall boy, wdio had been lo*'kmg his out-^fit over, inquired: .^ay,imster, w ill MMI horse stand MM^^cruckt*ra **1dunno i.out that,'' replied tin*^farmer. ^I vc alius liiouuht be would,^but I tiever bad him in on tic Fourth. **lhu't you want to see if he will^ TheFourth is over. HutI've got some fir* craciif rs left. It's^a good time to llml out wliether he's afraid^or not. Yea,1 'spect it is,^ mused the farmer.^^1 guess it w ould be throwm'your pow th f^away, however. That ho-h is SSMff ft)^years old, und 1 Vp* ct liefdiuug might^ the burn without w.tking h in up. I' lo try MMJ MMaV* persisted Ubs^MJf Waif,go ahead. Mi-I^1m- it will put a^lettle get up into him goin* hciue if^nothing else, hut 1 doubt it. He's got so^old and laty thai be um't hardly wutn his keep. Ibehoy had u cannon fir* cracker and^match bandy, and he wasn't t'J seconds^^MMJ ready for the i xpernm-nt. The^lighted cracker was thrown under DsM^^bin's feet, and the tts^fSMMMR ^pii^ kly fol^^lowed. I I.eii that farmer Haw a sight to^strike him dumb. '1 h^* old boise roared^up, pawed the air, und started ^ U with a^rmh. Hekicked in the dashboard as he^started, upaet tlo- hnk'g^ ua be turned^into Stutc street, uml harness, l-uggy,^hardware, und everything el-** were h it in^a heap ua the faded old * ^|^nue went off^at a wild run and was lost sight of. **HsdnbTt stand 'i in, tl:d he 7^ aa^^marked the boy in the most innocent^manner possible. Hylicorgc, he didn't!^ gasped the^farmer ua bis breath came back, and MS^walked in u wobhly way across the street togain on the wreck. AnI MMprlslna lompBiiy I nrc* d eAaslgll. OMMtjHl.i KKs, July 2^-* ^ The Kim-^haiM'hanip Investment company ol tins^city, with a capital slock of j.v^^,uu0, as-^signed t^ -day for the benefit of creditors.^Messrs. K:in*'alland ^ hanip, heads of the^conipany, a lao did a general banking bus^^iness. II. fore the failure of the^company, there was on deposit in the^bank about (.VMUu, including V^1M Pot-^tawattouue co.iniy money. Tile county^treasurer drew out this amount just before^the assignment was filed. Some other^depositors got out their money also, but^the larger part of the deposits are now in^the hands of the assignc*. The attorney^f^ r the uss.giiee savs the causeso.' assign^^ment wore many; chief among il*^m was^the total failure of kMVMMM ^u Nebraska 10pay Interest ciupotis, extreme^dullness of business, stringency in the^markets, MMa^SMsMMMM ami the com^^pany's inability to bond tin* (iran I hotel,^w Inch it had just l.mlt at a cost of - j n m.^He says MMM ^ ^1 MMMMl to MMMt :!^^,-^mro, ;^^^^! liabilities about $loi,i^^l. lb*^thinks Kimball and CmMM M MMMMJ 11^ ve protected trust funds uml depositors,^^ti th re will b * no losses here. K.MMM^capitalista arc largely interest* d in th^-^investment. A BLOODY WAR. Isipil Indians It u i Ml MS in Tim ui-^I i u l^ h With If iMip*.^1 ll li uio, JulyAceor bug to the staietiieiits*d two MMM M \ cans now^in ^ hlcago, there is n Mood\ war goirg^ou m the mountains uf MeSSM unknown^to lie* outside world. It has been aii|r-^pos( ^| that w ith the death of the gn at^leader of the Yiopll Indians, faa-f^t ajeme, tin* In ban wars in Mex eo b al^ceased, which aecording to the^story told this evening ia not the^case. '1 homands of Ya^pi Ift are^strongly intrenched in tie* mountains,^ami MMM which are statioiietl ut ad^towns along the Y.upit river, ar^- p*^wer-^less to reach them to protect the lives and^^ property of citizens. In the bands of ftft^or inoie, the Yaipns make rauls ou towns^ami lleree fights with troops follow. 1 he^condition ot affairs is sai I to bu daily^grow ing more ulnnming. Aeeasrtlel lllfftotry, VMsbMsW. Va., July 'J*J. - Tin* In-^MMj)MSSW MsMMMJM will print a letter^MMM Ihshop Kean of this^ athol c diocese^in regard to tie* Indian MMMMMMM and^Morgan's dispute with th*' t'athobc In-^diau bureau. He scores Morgan shurplv,^saving since h;s induction into^office the commissioner haa shown^auti-Cathotic big dry. His ImjmM^tor of actio ^U, n IVoteM'.atit^ministir. Ilrv. I^r. Dortdiester, lets also^been hitter against ihe ^ atholics, Ihshop^K-Mti MMM] M'irgau has dealt most tin-^justly with the t'athobc Indian school*,^ami ill closing MfMl ^If Ml adimnistin-^tioti coutinues to sustain the bigotry * f^Morgan Hoichi sler. it may regret^its coiirae when the Catholic votes are^heard from in IMC ^ The IntrHtwnt'rr^say* ihe snggodiou in th** closing para-^graph is rather significant. 'IIn* fMMMMM OSMM Maiud. W\i.i,a \Y ai.i.a, July H - III Ml OmM^MMJ court tnarlial trial to-*b*y, Colonel^OmMMMB testified M Ids own behalf. He^MMMMMMtl as ftajss the statement of^Pro-ecu ling Attoi m y Ik auf ^rd ih it he,^llcuuford. bail told turn that a rumor of^the attack id the tedders on Hunt MMM^through Sergeant Jones, 'i he sle r lf and^MMM Sting attorney did not n**k to have^the troops kept in the garrison and did^not so^ m to place en deuce in the rumor. Iioiii a Mian,oils MMMMMa 111in , July ^LV To-night Fred Kitchte^received a telegram from T^nn Iii'vitir,^th** Missoula scrapper, announcing his^MMMMMM to sign for a fight w uh S* arh a^of Hasin. Ileviue said he was signed t^i^fight ^Ctrf kney^ Maguir*- Friday night^and after that iv nt was ready to meet^any man m the state of his class. *^^id sf riiinko lai i r, July .% I lie Wdhani Tell n olety ih*-^site tu leliirn their h-ailh-h I hanks IntMeOs-^BSstisS) aoriet] foi tMCtl k MSMFM M Vs4sSMSer^^nit: la lake ui I lien piniie ami n u \ n-iian or lie*^irti lb :iiuibeisarv *^f saiss iri^I^ piMnletn-e Aiu.^j. I paiiihnl SS| th* lags uf Aim 11. a. I rSAca^BM4 aaritiei land a hi he ^ nteut* din uUh aajs frs^b*iui ^.I ii i Com mittkr. MJMMi Ike still On. SridNtdii fM% I 'bio, July ^_^_^. - The^strike ol lie* Ibg Four sw itchmen contin^^ue*. No violence so fur. Saveyour teeth by huVUig them treated^by Hr*. I nnm r A MMMSSjU NMM Ift and^17 I. // e bl* ck, Hutte, Mont. Il *4aV t'refilltu itif ^mirrrs. H^ mmm ^f Ml MMMMMl^\v,*h io corie'i a statement thinu^h tic^MAM tint mm made by Hi* Unite # after hUllIbis rVll.'lL' HI I t-lT 11*1 ll) tic i I.I .1.11 ^^. . i South WiTftltltifl street. It tl p.ipe| --1 that the hui iiii w iian old ho iod ^ .e m^^I MMM Ml IS) UmI Mil 1^ sot Uh i MM .^thn-f that p; .'.il ti-1 my bsmm mm a^irgertsMM. M) s*lfe -aw imu n our rooM twimtU rSeSSjttl/i' li in at sight. It was also^t^ i - Ii it the hurgtat s*sa run tl^mo hy s prf^t lao, l tdse Ues^ Utal atal in nt, \-^i as tie* Ih ef left no inncc I Satll tor as^: SM4 I fo in.i pel .*^ ni'Mi M all i an4 t 'oi^t. sms froM vital ou I eouM give^1 * t ^' I ss street I n tie wsot. lb* ^ w^ re s....!,^u - back, uud It did n it Lin't i in pass p. 111d 1vm, w hi' i I t'i* a ^ ' ^ I ! e 1111- . it wi** to ad fur wkteh lh**if seaerv*^h credit than 1 BM ahk- t i - vr tbesi ^ u , t^.mil out of he-ice to bteae ^ Mivra 1 Mufa*^^ Ll 1 MM lhis ttsti MM i ' j.a. lloMaa^, te,July MiMi \ \ KVr.MNb, .11 l.\. .a Jl\PltV I!AUK V^Mosl UltfBw^Mo.N l AUUS'g nM^ DV IJUMVAjsT. INKI I MALE^KKAl, 1 V. IUK UKAle ^OV* bl'I.KMilb titiij K RPBllAhl lK.H. ISt . t\ A: I m I^\Wl s .\ I mmm, tio I If DUH .ill. It,ivI ibu' u,^.'essl ^ Km 11 i ^*,^h a. Ski ola, \crefta i ai, rSttsM ^ a.ion, Auslin,^.Is 11 v ^ i^i mr n J.lllefl M/^^ il\' I i.e.ric^ Wi | b, Hitv Mark,^flattie Wade,^Apia ArSauur,^1/ KM I af id KM..IMC dm.i. I^ OS. W. fl 1 BOW v iff. it C. cham.^i kits. WAkUS daly. r. a. BAi:iit.v:i r. HOGEBROWNLEE i CO . B-H-N-K-6-R-S. BUTTECITY. MONT.. nl,*rui.In MjtMasMi^BCBUV. July a Pin i S nri- iloini:^(fl al .luiuaire in sUUMa, in tin' Mttay I I^I iHMt, on ttie laki. St v v 11..;..^,,r' nsSmMmM ami anasnsnaasj i^jr iin- m- I^bsbilMMsV The town ol Tr^|iliau. in Ccliections Fiomptlr AtteaJt4 To.^Austria, Siit-sia is iMManSM. IMmM |^^ is carrivd on hy nsnnna at nnnss. I.,i .toirat narc il^in^* imar im- il.imn.' aataBBMiaami Norili BMMSaBjr,^Ha i I'Ura; mill .utiurbs un- ilain lat. .1. Ins,was causfil t-i dock |iropi-ri^^hy li ing tired li^- ligliiiuiiK. 1rsnssrt s rm-'ra. i ^^^^ t ^. Kt- ii .^ lltawu ull ail UM kakluix un a jC^t a^j|s- (nrrra|ntlnits w :iv I'srso Ik ia. V 'w^Tsrk; Mrlls, l-urKo ^ in., bait Laks. \Vwu,^la- a a In., .s,:. i i.ill ^ a. i-malia N.i'.iaaa.^lank, OuiatLS; i u.l llauk. CHlukila, IUSB ^Aiiu.\Ai. M.vk. aVMaMMMi BrisV' sen onfinpressioin ril ^ * it mi :tts arc ^ n1 nu ill ^ l^ rtcp^in MM ly r .val HMsJ tMaMJMM for^MMMJsl MMl I * in MMtts to it.jtjr^ tho^r'*|^utati^^ii MMl mm MMM o' l^r. ImsmJ A^^'^^. 1 he MtMtfMsj4 stat SMSM is m.vlo^that th* y h ive not a MM M ^1 BpMMMsl phy-^i c all mi MaMSMM vms MMMMMM tho^Mate MrajMsl Bosrd est^mmm* Tho^truth ,b that Dr. LMMf A t ^^. SfM th*^ only^si i c..iliaM In BtttM wh niaUeaii rxWauMMM^m-ccnity ot . mbms i ol MMl llflSl bMMM th.-e rtifSesM s t.f lbs 8tats Mi diosj^Bosrcl SMisUotrlSiRs^ thrni t'^ tr irtn .-. All SSSjSMMMMB he |sMfMSM ^ MMMMlsSftJ f'^r*lis- eacs ol nu n mMmv batrs mo Ibdsmsm M^certitle it* s at all, or they have* u i u re-^si Ui1'! for cans**. DriLsaNBMJ A Cm aro MMMMJ for^w hat they say ami to ^how that they rail^MTSjMS the ah.ive fact w .11 niaki* th** same^statement *^ver th* ir written i^i^rnaturo.^I^r. I.iehifcf a Cm* arc not only tti^* only e^-^c.usivcly opecial stirjfi ^^ns nicl pliy-icians^for diseases of men, hut they nrc the most^^SMMMSsCmI atul MMSSMsMm in IM H*MMa^KmI MMTe to-1lay, atul to-morrow where^art* they ^ hut In r** first. UsM mul always;^heavy tax pSJSfs IH Hutto ami h ailing^rtttaenB liuilil - HUT u|^ tin* city. I he oldest^HMMMDM* Ml the jst.ill of the Lit btsj World^IjIMMMMMTi hmm I'ranci-f i, i . r-^ nally^MMImM ms th*- Mn'i'.iiia il v is:^^n With priM^cioai litficcs sOsftBSff ^it Mam eel It road^^way, mmm The old din-tor i** i.oa- 111 Ina^74th xcar and MSjMStMd m th^ Petm^yl-^vaniu Medical c.'|le(^i* in 1417, liavinicnow^hud II mmm special praciice, Heforo^roinnuMii'iiiu praeiie** in Montana ho^a* cured a HmiSMM mmm from ttio^State MiMlical Hoard, also .^ new luenas^froM The BMltsClty Hoard *^' ll*-alili. Ur.^A- Cs St-xhl.irl, the i r^ sideiitof ihe l. t tug^Wmid Ihsin-asary, Mlso BsBBMjTSSl MM cer^^tificate MMM tl*** state Medical Heard of^Montana and is duly licensed. l*r. Stod*^dart is the | i'Uieer MMMaJlM in Montana^and I'alifi-ruin. havmif praetired on the^pMrlfM COftSl since tne ilays of *V* Much^of tin* ^ intensive praet ee f^f Dr. UsMg ^%^i o. in Montana is sal MMMMl oi the ihoii-^sanda si hadlv i rented MMMk first mal^^treated hy the unskillful, liriiiAfiiifsf ^^n dis-^tressuitjr SMMMM MsMaMMtM* 1 m avoid t*w^ititr inaltreateil or ruined liy mercury nud^too siren it remedies, r* tne to or tVfMs dr.^LlVsMifAt 'i , Li'hit.* W^ trtil ln-pi'iitarv,^corner Mailt nud liroadwny. Unit*- i ity,^Mouiniui. Private * mm . i MM^Itroadwav. rcorjor;ttdUnder il:e Uws o.r Man tin 1 State Savings Bank BUTTE,MONTANA. ! miorsrllv lorstM In Srott lltill tim, con^tji:unU5 aiiii iLm auci is, PAIDIN CAPITAL ^ $ i oo.oot cPer Cent. Interest Paid en Savings^Deposits and Compounded^Scml Annually. RECEIVESDEPOSITS S'JEJECT TO Mi lilKuuutsLuintn*T'-ti'. I'aiMTs aud Loauu UllKt aU lyUiLa, DrawsForeifriLDomestic Exchanize tiffli*! Iloitra^From 10% m. to 1 n. ni.. an 1 oa^rauiiilay i*v,-iiimh^ la in ^ \*. in uis p. ul r.a. lamikvPraaMsii II. I ai M i it vim i i enl 1M nMSIUUM La^.oar ua.i..11 ii.^T. A. lJiri^T.l a- II I i 'M tii. W. ^la|i|i'toa,h V K. i'lis-r 1.M. I- i 'in,A. II. Itairst. UcuLLaviU,B K R.IHLsatrsO, . r^T* H K J.CI1ALV1N II liMHTtE CO. Alt-LMM MSlMjMSMrlSMj SMSTSMIMbI^vt llis t m ^t SMI * MMM FURNITURE Kvittrench: t*^ V vt.m.i, im I prruare-t t^^^furuisM ss| k.iu*l *^f i i.i aas, room ur hotel, 'use^as y**j w.iiit il Vos MaMs to ^*e IMsMJ SSfJ^Koiuini: b'd^ fsst ui, tait*. ui MM MMMj c^uis stUU- ^ . Ul l.ivUl. WHOLESALEAND RETAIL. alsoMMM Ml Ml iKLKitiursa ffHITBSSWIKG MACHINES ;oPer Cent. Spot Cash Only,^ll k U WEir tROADtfAK. BITIE, MONT. f\ TIIK l^!9l V i i Tit I^ OK Till IlllKl* 1.i ii 11^ ti et f th m it* ul M ma.-^musssj a U ha ^ D. 1 1 l . *^^ Joi.ti k U hales,^de * n ..v.. bum o. - Hi -'a:** f V d tu Bill* . -ttiii.: i0 .Ion i it. Wiicl s. iIt^ attsivs^us ^ .I *^^ .. t \ oi. iii*h^*i*uk ri .urea to^u;^: rsi in in a^i as sr 'tiaMt a^aaist jr-m t^y Ut**^Muovs aatassl t l n a nt u \ h ^ l^ * m t i ourt .^f^tl.e l' ir^i .1 u^i i a' . i i rt tA the ri Ms* t M as*^tSMSs M an-1 tar tile c Mil) ^ t L^**ei I as4^MM^^ ttie ton i bib ilss thi t *^ w Hum l*lit .im, fas US\en| ||| ^ ^ sf *.* MI'StWMn atteT tti sen M ^ v \o i ^^( in s Baiiisiou*, it %^ r^e^i in^lit s. i muv. stiirrsifl* r ry sava,. r Ji Mgi ^ ut^i^v tJs(.*mt win t*etSvc ^stat ist )''M. avcitialuiic^i i i raya* of sai^l rt ui(^ 1 it tne musI action Is^brsusM|4^rbttMs rtf ^ sf th* e^urt toata-^ScUa the lH)ti i^ o' in 1 ri'i'icv i er**t*'f ^r** a^ 4^PXlsUttu* l*eiwer*n pla n t .'inl ileleiiJaiu. up S ii.gliM Oil s 1 I n.l.'irtieut .tfid ^l^ tet- IMM Ail cf sli liw I us t ^^l'P^*ar t ^ ubsssm^I Unit -^u rtle I ere 1.1 l^| rSM are h-trny do-^ilit'^l thatU you tal ^ i-i-araml au^w^ t flsitf^i e* sipl i I ia atK^\s ^ t.. . t ^ ^^ Maiutill ^i i ;i|i|t^ lath i n ii ^^. i e r^ L^ f di U.aU a^u til^I ailil I s ^ oii'i-lalt t^^.|\s i ua ^^ ^ ur- 'i i:i t B8^l AS il of ' !:e 0 ^^trt t CSfljirt,M SMd far the s ubuj ^^^ Dcsr i onus.^I Btau ot Mot tva, tM^ istu tisy uf July, nt ilia^. ^s i -'f ^ '.i l..^:it eiitf t aii e ; ti i I dr I l'!!'^*.. Will||\*; naI'Tmn, Ck-rk.^T 0 Li vu\, MMfMS) fat Hm||^mb.