Newspaper Page Text
2 THEANACONDA STANDARD. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 189L THEANACONDA STANDARD. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY IN^THE YEAR. Vcllvmdtv carrier or mMl lit ton dollars a^isar, ilirer dollars u quarter or on*^coi.*r u 11. ^mji. THI STHNDBRQ lieonly dally newspaper mm tumrrapli ^^^^^latrlirt In Hint 1-imIrh County. 11 prims^bioio U-li ki.ij i; ^ i^ ws lit tn any olluM-^Ben ^, a I^' in Moulaua. ltirtiondence sml MMMM inters ^itoui.l u Stltlll-hstslto THESTANDARD toiorrf. Mala ar^1 AM at !^^^!^. Aiaironta.^;L I'kid.ay.JI'I.V J\. IW'l. Thestench arising I nun lh^ health^depart mi-lit in Unite, has an nllirial^llavor. Some time ago the Maxiiahu^charged that I'm- affairs ^^! the depart-^ment were not m MM Ih-iit sanitary^condition, but thin wan emphatically^denied hv MM 'the clinfs until tie-^overwhelming evidence Ml itoiIuciiI.^The case has reac'.cil a point where ail^horls ol i'tlei k 's are clniriied, MM of^the charges MaMJOC more than ilouli'^lnl merit. Tin.-la si way is to I t the^MMVMr/a on to ici t.clion: in MM^opinion there are aldermen in charge^of the MMsMM who will run i-very .story^down and liml the truth. Arecent |uiliiieai mil i/niun details^of all the MtMing o| war ships gaiMi^on in llic wurid, ibOWf that the honors^lor ships 11 tilii 11 stu-t I but under way^Ml to limit Britain for s ze and^t-tlength, to the I 'iit^d Mates and^r-p.nn lor speed. No EufopmB MM ion^11 is a prospect ^t I) init MM to OMU st^ lintain'.s supremary on the^in ran lor many j e n s to come. Hit^mrom; Vessels are sironijer th in any-^tlimuyet made and In r licet vessels of^the smaller order mm MM tlHi any^n Iter.-; in the same cass. I he only^point in wh.ili |M is eipialed in in^large protected cruisers, III which par^^ticular style of vissel the I n,ted^Males is ahead M her. Ilyi u ate not |k run! ltd to hear the^li s'iiilony w Inch Mill Is' Ijivi'.i wlcu^the D ims w ill ^ M e i^ drought on Jor^tr.a', charge it up to the court ro en's^tilt- II n r. 'I hat is a piece of w ork^which, according to all ie i-minIn, has^as nnich as it can do ^o support itself^without the added burden of. a crowd^of human Mlnfs. If the late la^men ted .1 ndge I ^ .vis w ere on cur; h, lie^Wi'uld douli'li ss arrange lor a hearing^ot this ease under cm 11 nist unci s w hich^would pel in.t the attendance of all^who w ish to MM the testimony, ^in^MfMMl of a nn'tlts' admission fee. Ilot lie is not here, and no thrifty at-^t^ ndant has in ide plans tor the ac^MIMMlM ol the curious public.^The result is that Hie bulk ot the pub^^lic must lie satnlied with newspaper^reports of Hie trial or take the el MM^ol being heroes uf an MMMla ALVE. kSU Kit KING. InAtlanta, last wrek, alliance leaders^and thousands of tin ir [aUaWtM had^what our Methodist Inendi who go to^camp ineetnig UsMI to call 1 a season of^gn at refreshing. AttberalU' held in that city, farmers^came many inn s to hear \\ ea\er.r^^ h.^Jerry H MMM and ^nn Mn ill. \\'caver^pave 11 to 'cm Mra ghl, Me ilecl.-ircil^that trusts and pools me skinning^(U a id i.'miO n ans alike, thai^there ure IH.UUO.OtU no ie people in t he^country now i here were SS years^Ugojeiwe have i^i.tH^ii,^hki Imh uf^curr. ncy, and that tin-way to do is to^run l ight over the iild parties, (^Weaver was wildly applaud-d when he^exclmmid, ^I ted you. tny Iriends, the^Indus' rial people ot t his country can^not ;iIbTil to U se niiother MMMmMW^election.^' Cohneli'oik is president of the alii IInee. 11 is speech was highly dramatic^^lie pieluiel the ia'-nlat ion that^spied over the region about A'l iula^when ^oiur.ll Mierinan hid laid il^waste, hut he asserted that this was^nothing in comparison wi'h the bane^fill iiilliu me ot John Ha nnah' p dicy^on the indusliies and on the homes of thenation. Tlrat or assailed demo cratsand republicans alike, and at^the conchiMi n oi his remarks came^Mr. Jerry Mmpson's tirade against the^two great politic il parties. Theaili.uice appe ir. to 11 and^well. It will not ealTy the country,^the trouble to that with all its wild^theories It slam!;; up la oiittjiokin ad^vocacy o| certain sound reforms to^which th iikmg m^ it tin, iighout the^I' niti d states nre ic.ulv to commit^themselves and w hich could be real^l/cd in good t.m ' if those who lavor^MM would patiently travel along^within strict | arty Um ITAPPURS TO Bfc StTTlfcD.^Ill lluttethe accepted theory is that^the water question has la-en setlh-d as^far as tin y are concerne I w ho repre-^MBt the several organ red w ater com-^patnea. The adjustment which has^Im en reached is not a good tiling tor^IJutte, but it MM to Is- satislactory^to the getitleiiieii who have iniii. tl^in the wattr h isine s and who have^MMipnlMed the cltjf and the MM-^iniiuity since the MltatkM of the wan r^ijuestion began in tin-1 any mouths ol^this year. The details are simple enough.^Tractically the old Silver How Watel^company has been ^^ d. The g. : : ^^men whom Mr. ( or;.in repie ^ n: sac^quire the Milvar Bow property by pur chase,under M MTMgeMMl Which^gives more time ior making^^^payments than was at tirsl bti;nilate J. Thenew concern expects to continue^business at the old stand. The report^Is that it has adjusted its matters with^the limning company, and there is taik^of some extra supply of water to be^furnish* d from the present pump^house, but nothing Is in sight whn h^gives promise of the supply ol water^which llutte supposed It had bargain* d^for, or lor a supply of water mi h as^the city might have had. if the right^thing had la-en done in the council^mmmm in April lust. I'nderthis arrangement llotte's^water ^|in Htion, alter all the ag tatiou,^is practically at the plain where il^started. There has been ta K of a new^company and the plan of advertising^for bids is in the hands of a committee^of the city council. What will come^of it the S i ami\i:t^ cannot say. THtCAM ^-^^ NtVADA. Noend of disgust is lindllig expres-^sion on r the continued existence of^Nevada as a state. The entire popula^turn of Nevada, according to Hie cen-^hus, is only l*i.T'd, a decrease of more^than ^1 per cent in ten years. Only^t wo count n s hav.- made a gain in 11 it-^decaoe. (MM are I liurehill, who-e^inhabitants last year iniinbercd To.!^against IT'.i in Ismi, ami Washoe, w hich^is credited w ith a gain of 7Tit. Thegreatest shrinkage is in Storey^county, winch includes the ComstocU.^It has lost more than 7/DWMMt HHQL^Virginia dty, which MM shrunk to^ll.nHi in Issii, is now credited with^soil. ('arson has less th in IflOOMWto,^lo-mg nearly F/JQ in ten years. Kureka^sIiouh the greali st prop Tlionate loss^of all Nevada )^oints, having d-clllied^li'om |J90 in IttJOtO l.^^^^ last year.^This is a decline of ill per cent. At^onetime llureka WM a Very nourishing^milling town. 1,'eiio is now the best^town in Nevada, though not so large^us Virginia Cily. li -no is the trading^center of an agricultural re^ion, whose^pfodmlit i in n can be enormously in^^creased by the cxtt nsion of irrigation.^Iteno also is a MPPiJ^ tOWE for A MR-^^MMMM area iii the northeastern cor^^ner of I alilorina. Inthe cmrs ^ of tiin i Nevada may^regain what she has lost, and may even^go way all- ad, hut It must be confessed^t hat the i .ospt cts for such jtn sperity^are excel d ugly small. The only hope^lor the state appears to beex;eusive^and in- re or less costly irrigation. Thereseem ^ to be no way of reducing^a state to the rank ol a territory or of^MHlaJ it to a neighboring stale,^without the MMM of its owners.^That consent the \ev.alalia are not at^all likely to give, so that the present Mmmm*^EtakMj is futile. Thefact that the St. I.on is recorder^of deeiU has given notice that he will^no longer accouiunal ite apple aula by^issuing marriage licenses at Ins private^resilience. IMMMM as he MM that^mans prosjective bridegrooms ici|iiite^Ins kindness by robbing him uf bnc-a-^brac, furnishes the liiooklyu Kagti a^text for sitting on the custom of mak-^ing bridal presents. Society submits^Willi outward good gract* to the coiu-^pulsion ot the lashion, while it in^waidly laments and kicks. The evil^is aggrav aled by the exhibition ol the^presents after the marriage ceremony^and the habit of ticketing each gift^with the name ol the donor. That^otters Mrs. (iriindy an opportunity of^making her odious comparisons, an^opportunity winch she is never slow^to embrace, while the report of her^nivid MM ^ in irks pervades the com^^munity of IM MMM of the bride MM^bridegroom like a loul odor. TheKMWMM' alliance ol Tex is ha*^a civil war of serious | rojiortions on^its hands. I'.aeh side is MMtiMJ ai.d^I ass ng NMfltlUoM \ lewing with sad^^ness and alaini the actions ol the other.^Hue lactiou is unalterably opposed ton^third party and the sub treasury^scheme and tins attitude has \ revoked^the hostilities of tin s,- w ho w ish to run^the alliance lor political purposes only.^In the heat of the light, some of the^leaf r; and managers of the alliance^have been charged with reckless if not^criminal i xliavagance in the adminis^^tration ol the order's funis, and aceu^sat loo I of im tlieicncy, iueapacily and^rascality are banditd hack ami forth^with ciirncstuc-s MM regularity. It is^worthy of note a's i that the | resident^ol the IttMMri all tunc ^ It waging war^agains' UMM who favor the sub treas^^ury project. southCarolina's plan for the eorree^tion of the pistol habit is gaining^favor, ami is likely to be adopted by^many legislatures next winter. There^is more reason in ie/.ulntc the sale i f^icvohers than poisons, for while p 'i-^s eis an- sold only by competent mci,^ill) l o ly can lay In a slock of firearms^ami sell tin m to whoever cares to buy,^and no qui d ions iisktd. The state^should not only niaUe it MMWrf to^secure a MMM tor the sale ol lire-^arms, but de lit rs should be prohibited^from selling tin in to Illinois and | er^runs of notoriously MM reputation. It^migJit also be a good plan to require^that till MMMM be huniluTcd like^watches and a reo-rd ot MrcMeen^kept. The cam mg ^d BOMMtosi Wea^^pons is a great ami g- ow a evd. CU''RtNTCOMMENT. theother day when ^he was paid 1123,000^ft r baring u kicked, and the kicker MMM iimuli- either. .i. 11outlite i IsmMM Mali D-alei. MaTMMaMffstteii*. II mm slicks, all 1^Quay sticks ami lin y nn a buiidh- of MM^la-k^. Alliii Betx FlellltlltN'-w Yelk Wuf ll. h vi-land and II ll have b.-en paeht - ^^to Newperi, HarrtoM bathi ^ el ^'.m^^- .\t^snil [tlsias drives at Bar Harbor. Th*^i nei la the i reeioMrtq eephe ^ aro all m^mm WliemHi. Yai.kM null ElhU, Inan Mi MMM MM 1he fact that UMMMtoM takes nut^more pati nts than any other state in the^union in proportion to us population^seseae to show that the old-fashioned^Yankee Mill niakcs Ins headquarlers^tin re, ami that lie mi l Im-iiib crowded^tail to any gn at ^ x'ent us yi i. L 1% * I ^e.^I'o-lll tile I'ltlsl iii. Ills; lltcll. I.Ily l.n:.. n^ - t.teo h:f- h ue be. ii , MorMMr fielnesi Tins was proven i rr ssaea MrUkseM mmm^l o in tin- New York l oiime rei tl Ailvi-r i^er.^it is Low iilligetl thai under Warden Brown'sMawtoMniten lavoaM eoMtoai atSing Sing are all ^wed e^ iudulgu in^eiears and wliukey. Tins may lie a slan-^ihr, but ilaro is |Mmitivii lestiniony that^the v.i-iiuih under the roastina electrical^cum ul in the death chair MM permitted^to HMa iii*MoaaMry i.*ss iii.(i^fui Now MlMe IMMtoM MmMM 'ThetoMM MMWi example of MM^^papt r HMMrMaMy is u report that Serrc*^lury Ulaino has learned lo chew gum^during Ins present visit to Mar Harbor. If^the story i-hciild ever reach the ears of ita^v.ctim he will doubtless look Willi more^leniency hereafter on those who avenge^private ii j n il's by whin capping their^enemies on dark nights MatsoM l't|urfi. FromHie New Yerk 'limes. NewMi has a population of close^upon I l.i.o 0, or almost i xactly that of^bhtlio ami W yoming ceiiitnuetl. Y et tiny^have together tour senators in congress^ami she has none; they cast six electoral^voles and she casta none. Ar.x ilia has^w ithin about I o-, Ua luuny peo|^le ai^Wyoming, anil thtjugh not entitled to^stiitehootl on the score of population, is^practically as much ^o us YYyoming. AI'niir KaleTllat Won't Work llolll Ways, mmthe New Yoi k MMMM. Asa test ease, a young lady lias gone^to Y.ih , pusM il an excellent exaiuination,^und Ihen is toltl that she is debarred from aMstonaMnMf M aswsssatl of her sex. Will;w hat of u'.' (If course, old Yule^is abused for the exclusion; but let one^of our hngiit young men ir^ up to Vuasar^coIIcki- ami apply tor admission as a stu^^dent, would anybody abuse Yas.sar for re^^fusing to nceive him A\X i.r.l I ur I'arcuta. Komithe Journal uf Commerce. Theone Hung to be emphasized is the^tendency to evil in every human heart^and tin- need of constant training ami^wateh'iil care lo insure u virtuous life.^I In f.ilher and mother look into what^seem the innocent eyes of their children^anil will not b^heve that they can ever go^aMray. MmI that there should bu no ex^^ception lo the common inheritance! None^are exempt, anil therefore the necessity^of inert using vigilance nntl persistent^culture if the t income of the lite is to be^a char.icler ubove reproach. WrCmii'i All lit- Itoliosil I'resldaats. Frist)tin- I'..iston Post. Mr.lit pew -.on d for Europo yester^^day, and in the morning the New- York^IVMmm priuteil un Met rview wilh him in^w inch lie t xpatiuted upon the necessily^of a vacation to the hruin-workor. The^ITcibioir coifinieiids Mr. llepew's remarks^as ^the title ptiilosophy,^ un I adils that^^by going ubroud year after year ho^si cures thai complete severance from Ins^ordinary occupations ami I loin busmen*^ licit is Hie essence ot Irue recrea^^tion.^ Thm- 0m any number of |tcopje^who if they hail Mr. llepew'a MMM^would lie ju-t as philosophical us lie. THtsUUAlt BOUNTY.^A Clear I xponlilon ol lite I nets la tbc I'rtsr. mmth-5 mom News, Tin-Mi Ivuiley bill i rovitletl that after^July 1 siiuar should Ie- aillilllted free of^MMft Mai that a hounty of two cents a^pound shoulil be paul lo American sugar^producers, i'he olf of tbo tunir^liua liatl a woiitlerlul eirect on the sugar^iii.iiki t, by the reduction ill price^which has loliowi-.l has very eleurly^ileiiionsirated the tact that a tariff is a^tax, liml that such lax is puul by the i-nu-^auiiler. The proiiosition is plum. Stnur^went on the free let t July 1, und MMT^v i ui Mm in price to the consumer^to^the man w ho buys a dollar's worth ami^curries it home to Ins family. 1 hat he^puul less for his siigur afn-r July 1^he il ui pre r to that datu is proof positive^that lie was the man who paid the duly^tie.'oro the new law want into effect.^Another fact has also bet n t;eveio;i^ d,^und that i^ that it will n noire fti.uiu.uui,^as eatimuted by the treasury i llt.-lala, to^pay the bounty to Amereall MJM^producers as ri quired by the^MM congressional enactment. The^OMM of MMMM hi^the Uailetl States is about 4'iO,ioj,i^m^p.oiimls, ti large propnrtion of wuich is ma^^nic sugar,w hose producers are regisieriui;^from Yi-rmolit, M.chigatl, Maryhilel,^Ii mi-) Ivan..t. Ulno und New- York. The^heel sugar inilustr^ is most lurirclv repn -^m iited in Nebraska, I'lali und Southern^Ci'luruilo, whili* l.oiu- ami lends of cour se miMom aMWsT irMraMy* CeMMnrMg tinthi'-e iuet* the A'lies wishes to ask why mmstpMdMere iMaM reeMM u Mumj anyill re than the pio.lueeis of any^other at liele. \Yliy slioiihl the man who^ru -i s bei-ls or cam- mid mauutuc'.urc-^the same inio siunr lie I'lititli-il to u hotitny^ot g cents a pound thereon, any mou^^ ih^- man w ho raises wheat and man-^utaciui-ea it in to Hour'.' Why shouhl ^very elasa ol p ople l^e Uixed to pav^M,000,000 ill MM to li e sugar producers,^when no Ik Hilly is ri e. tved on thekT ^ w n^prodiieb'^ Tile w hole ilium is nn n j i ^^Me and a fraud, und well illustrati - the^peritn ions principle on which the McKiUs^ley till, iis well us tin- whole doctrine of^i xiri me protection n sts. Tins sugar^b. unty MieMi I e pn iupily renureil, ami^sugar left oil the lie I list. THt IliKitiAIION CONVLNTION. Alllilt- Mllrl C'olii'i rloil Mlollltl It,. Wil, iipri hi eeeM I'liHIlthe Olltlltlil Iti-tN ItIs prob itile tuitt tin* call of the guv^erl.or i f V uh, atldnssetl to Me get. mors i f si .tie und leriuorics west i t |M^Missoiui i'.v.t. for a ttiiivt-iilioii lo un . I^in salt I like I ily in September, will be^tuvur.thiy responded ta by all tl ^ sMle^t xiclttives ndilre^ sed. Tile MaMef lo he ion-ideriii is of euah gfMl -nip id inee ie tliela stntes und li intones ^ ntbr.u . i m^the iiivnat on ami tin re is such MfjeM aeMaakyfee i n safari u m an Me a s :,.^i.hii t^: Me neat eenireee that ll Ie sal t,. aaaMathat all she governors will utc i-b ilever astiherMry they posaeaa tti aaee tlietraMMeenefeallM properly repn-- -elltl'llui the propi'sld eotivi'tllio'l. i pfejeeMyear lias bet n MMMsMatty favorablethroualicut moat of the arid^region in the matter of rainfall, but this^is no reason why the ugiiaiion for a sen-^eraliyitfiu of iirigation ab^ uld not bat^continued. The fortunate experience of^ibis year may not be leneated next year,^or ft r several years, and it is ueceoary^that sli ps be taken to provida against fu^^ture drouths and their disastrous results.^Artificial irrigation in North America had^its first successful application in Utah,^and il is therefore appropriate, that a con-^venu n to MJM tiro tut j cl should be^held in I hat Urritory. PLUCKED FROM PUCK lMMM w-rii Mr pMrA Anil^lleertril ill. till Williflee;^^Iin, wnii'i the funillv he s^tr|irlsed^w SeB I Ml '^ in that It's nn !'' YVlggsYVI.ere del you get that Jim^Crow singe munugi-rV HaMM11^ um-d to bo a cireuv man;^doe-n'i In- know his business TigC-He seems to; be is in there try-^iiic t^^ till th- tank by rumbling the ruin^machine over it. ^You'vespoiled all my fun,^ said the^dud- in i he ant at Ihe picnic. MTse|and you've spoiled nil my work,^^return' tl ihe ant. ' I'd just finished a^line apartment tic use, when you caiim^alone; und sat on it. ilyJove, old man, from the way you^keep hitching at your trousers, one would^think ^mi were a l ailor. ' I i .n'l that, my hiy; I'm wearing a^A saaei shirt and a Iwb !''^H) seM MM ^love is MM hirotd Insiile out. Amimany think I he asgiBg fat from stupid;^Mill ii 11 s line, to My Ihe very least, \en iimsi uiliiiil it's rather rouitli tin Ctipttl. Mr-,ltoiido^Ah, so you have stopped wrMhiM Mr.Hondo^My iIn lights have run up a^tr. e. MrsReido^ That's too bad! What w. 11 yendo v Mr.Hondo Hilling his pipe)^ I am g^ -^in : lo smoke them out. Mis Daisy Cutter^Father, I can never^aeepi Mr. YValstret. Mr.^ oiipon Cutter^ Don't be reckless.^CaaeMat Ins w eulth und position; and^then he is only Ha, autl gootl looking, too. MnsDaisy Cutter^He may lie young in^years, father: but the MM w-ho cull pass^a bast- b ill I.nil. tin without turuii g his^head to see what the score is, i^ too old^for me. AlthoughIhe lee Is Imrtl and ctiltl, YelI i Its Mejl iiile's |siwer Is felt;^As sin ii us by the still tis wooed, iimar Mat to yteM umia. JennuOils takes lilu easily, docaen't heV Jane1 always .-opposed lie did, until^he tried to talk me toileath last night. Maude(excitedly) ^ Did you bear the^news'.' 'J oin Harry and Jack Dashing are^going lo light a duel about you. AnianadaIsn't it delightlulT Tell mo^the particulars. Maude-hach one accused the other of^being in love w ith you.^lie -till, my clilltl, mania In s unt quo.^While I |ii ^|i 'l iliy i ruille ta aiut no.^bet no iniolved res later alias^J'ri'vail while we're consult tag inter UusV WasHint a little pain in ni'-tltus res^^Tiki ha ! t hi tiutl t We'll hat e no more of these.^I'll -euU a for -nine wise expert^W Im knows howto MM ill I pa u ami stay Un^^hurt. NoIrfKsp.issei shall eoia^ to tr-utile thee;^Fur liioii tlo-t own tins house in simple lee^^Anil thy ttiltinuistratoi's, liens, iissiu-us,^'In have, to asMt to eomey at llty BlMjM^Coneit thy plruilinits, my own hahy Iki)-,^Let i here he M iihab lin-Iit ai Ill'-J'iy;^QUlsh every ll-udeuey lo ke.-p awake.^And verilict, easts uiel judgment thou si all^lake.^ asMee. IMaHMjsi WITHCHOWNti AND WITHOUT. l'rineeand Priucesa llisinarek have-^left l'rieilriclisriib for MMMMMM I'rmccGeorge of Greece is Ihe guest of^the l'rtni-e of Wales in London. Tin-ipieenof Saxony maintains three^physic,alls, w lioso BOSS duty is to attend^Mn ailments of tiro suffering poor. I he^queen i ays ihe ph)s.ciaus out of her own pritrass purse. Thecondition of Hon. William Henry^Smith, government b ailer in Ihe house of^aMMi who bus been ill fir MM^ih.ys, is MMM hut less tuvoruhlu and he^is now eolll'lieil to ins bed. CharleaDavcnpor.l of Cambridge,^Mass., who Is snitl to have built the lirst^railroad car in the United States, has just^started for a tour ol l.tiropo. He is over^80 years of uge and ^as sound as a nut.'* 11.M. Flagler travels daily from Ills^home on the sound to and from his busi^^ness in New York on a yacht that costa^s.H'i.nto. Mr. Flagler, it is perhaps un^^necessary to remark, is a Standard O.I^magnate. Justicel-'.eld, of the Tinted States su^^preme ciurt, eon nts as his lost opi^ortuu-^ily lo guin gical wealth his relusal 40 odilyears ago lo buy a. sail I lot oppositt-^ihe l'uhiee Hotel in Sail Francisco for^;-4,.Vj0, That lot, dtvi led in two, has since^been sold for lljMOjHO. Accordingto tie- Ftytiro of Paris, an of-^lletal of tha tolalnaior recently paid^ henel to a lucky player on the^races instead of ti.'.okj lraliccs. Great was^the mull's ustoiiiMhmeiit to tiro^4,01)0 frances on the lollow iug day from^^ex-King Milan, of Scrvia, tiro fortunate^winner. lt\ieChilianPresident llalmaccda dot s^not possi ss the black hair ami swnrihy^fee ^ that are characteristic of most ( nil-^ians. lie is, on IM contrary, us fair of^countenance as any man of Auglo-^axo-i^descent ami Ins is MMtMs He is a^IItie-look:ng Hpecim.iu ofmxnhiMiJ, being^lully six lei t in height and well propor-^lloned. 1a k n . ^ a irNOCZi. SSffkUeI aoildi il. ti ail) aappine. -l'/i/{.in ii Th'*ih-n*-i hmnet im iMatniarMf bees,^^aweilng over ihr luveui e^ trees,^Meils il.ioimh it ill - ii lame s,^* a sweki or avks p, 1 ie itee iteisw waaoa, I| i/ltl l^ll Ileal a win low inch WhoseRostuaici euilaias an* sofllv ilined Byth*faux) wlagsel s maHakw Siro. Fiomany M tin - I' i lessMn ilnwu^i lawa It in in.-ii ule s iiihiiIiii-: i iiisu,^W in sg . i. t ^ w in i'-, ||a slew \ lo earth thro ;..i the suilr] i i,^While luliaeXil I'liyts, 1 se|^1 sssS wi.h per-^tutu -.' sini-ii ii naxan} a im\ utsem,^Are fa lit gaaei p ^ ^ - .Iw room.^^\uw in si.ii. ii iw liovi-rttit' uesr,^I ii i to He- eye aa i iiuaie in Mi* ear, tii.w Ihe BJ^|H-s that 1 sn-, Ihe SOIIUiIs I^I eat , Fierinun ii at a-.-ie .1. les in o ni) ill . in.^Kivei B ) oue shiij: i., a sy.tsn si * am.^Whom- .llolll.i.'iisotiui Nn luTie,^has null ^ Ua v his; ^ i ii g kavesui Jews. AI'.thins ^ in ... ..-ui itre mi), i.nil illin; 1In- itli s in la i swan. ti.isiiuiib i ^ ^ w a--, on ssnrsrs' [set, luisriiuit I ^1 it ^^- i t-l i ^ at: anathe ^ lotu- i Islis thai I e |bthe h'lsii' blue sea ol sun.tin t sk) I-.ule i U , I' l'l' : .1 ^ U ; e) e -Thio//. ffi 1. L08EEIMAXWELL 110 MAIN STREET, nNKCONDK. DryGoods, Boots, Shoes *HND* MEN'SFURNISHINGS. HHVE- ANew Thing on Foot Itwould have tickled Athens to death, this ^New^Thing^ would. For the Athenian went about^in a decollete Shoe tied to his foot with^a corset lace, and the New Thing^we have on loot is our TheseShoes are Remarkable lor Quality, Style^and Com tort, but their MOSTREMARKABLE FEETURE ISPRICE. It requires the combination of Low^Prices and high grade to do it, that is why^Our Shoes are Cheap. whenLOLUMBUS rmsi discovered iano *v whatobject burst upon HIS view. { J\^WITH clear iou0 VOICE the BOV replies lj; /^^CHICAGO AWD HEMCERSOKS mo school house V '^. WECARRY A FULL LINK OI^ LADIES',MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. [vWe are also agents lor the celebrated RED^SCHOOL HOUSE SHOE loi^ Boys and Girls. L0SEE^ MAXWELL 110Iii STREET, ANACONDA.