Newspaper Page Text
n ^i a m o h THEANACONDA STANDARD: FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 24.1831. THEBUTTE OFFICE Oftho STANDARD Is In tho^New Windsor Hotel Annex, No.^21 East Broadway. The Tele^^phone number Is 258. AtlvertiMTniMit.will h^ rf^ viM at Hip Btilto^oftli-r of tlH- M m aiui till ^ o'rlork^r. SI. lor iii..-itn^n in tin- foilo*-^iiiL* luoinui;;'. |^jhht.^Itw Si am^ahi^ is MMM to Hutte subsrnl)^n.early rtoiy lionn.iitc. BUTTERAILWAY GUIDE. on1 ana cmos THATCONTEMPT CASE Jf'-.i'tt;*Kipiifw McaitaaauBna ax press,^hot hem I'Hritli' I prsM. Anatoiid*Ixpresi, Aii4 on^i* I \pr**^^ AMMHl.\pi 1Men I'm in.- l ast Mail^lullon lAw 1 hon'iana ikntiial. QMUM AMt A Kit I V A I 1 ^l* MAIL*. Aima MMfor Cahfnnia and* l^^ p in UmttotitliernMate*^ Jna.M. Mallfor Kmc rto M C.JIJ: nojn Maillei but vi.i M. 1L Hy'I JU i'.in. I * u ^ *n in V I^. uvl I 1Hi *.!^^h SO* i.Ulit lUhH Ni NUTt-a.^W^ G. l-allurher Ml for IHIIwo yohttr- ii^*. Dun0*1 minor is in Missoula wutchiiie,^tli^i 1 ace-, snwffistO'Neall of (Indian county was^in Mm City ycsic rtlay. Hajn* t'mnoui will leav ^ to-tlay for 1**1^^loll on a fUhmg i xcurM-h. Anewly married couple Wife ch vare I^ill IVlitcrvilc lust tiij*lit ill tin- old tillir^style. Thechildren of the Malio Street M. L.^church 11ii'nli ked at ( ohiiiihia ganiciiN^yesienlay. F\V, Hiarkford haa 8^^iio to Llistou to^survey a Htiiiiu fur tho Lh.^um Lumber^ceh.p.inv. L.V. Mai \ general nc'iii of tlit- l*:iioii^Pantir, Iijih returned from a flying visit^lo I'orati-lio. Mr-.I.noetic (*ordoti has MM to At^^lantic, Iowa., to visit tier mother, who is^avrioij-ly ill. Amurriago licenac was issued yisicp-^day hy tl.o dtik to Juliu s Komiy and^Margaret ^ allahah. Tin*old T.iorji restaurant is being n^-^rnn'lelfd i^r^-|^.n atorv to i^t cupaticy by^L-chinan ^ Duustoli. Sprtiij]*-|| radon, receuiily aaanycr of^tin- rail* d Mutes n-s iy oIRm at Hi Jena,^la in ttu* city i'ii a business visit. Afarewell si ci d will bo given this^ev. iiiiii: to K v. K. S, I* rill by IIm ladies Bltin* Sou ill lit.He M. II. elilinli. S.dooiimi ii who have not y^t paiil their^federal llreliai* will have to pay a penalty^ol f 1^..VJ Millet** they ki ttle tip It f^^re Au^^gust 1. Thegrip of Pablo car No. was n mat tied IoIii;tIiI |^y all acealetlt. TIM lieenlent^^ ecurred near the pi.wer house and the^car was pushi d to Walkcrville liy car^No. 2 '1he ( uynlxtgn Chief and Klder Kerry^todi m in the Had Mi utituiu uiioriran ^ei|^iiiiliiug dlatrlcl wi re h-cau d and tiled lor^record yet-tciday hy Win. He,man ami^others TheUntie . Mire ^.f Hie S| axiiand re^^turns ihauks lo the l'ipesti^iie Spring!^Mineral W ater company tor several hoi.^tie* o! the excellent pr- duel ol the^spi in^m. MWsafTftiMet 'rnckeii and Harrington o| \\\vSilver ll^iw National h it k Wen* ten!ayeach presented a spli udid (OMtV*^heath il MM hy the ihdeiuiaiits in i he^MubCiov in.tie ease. Aninvoice of lo^,^M' hlank checks on^tin- ml National hank ol Cuanht rland^(^ ip, 'ii'nn., was delivired to the ctty^I'n vcsi^ rday. 'I he shipment a/a*^made hy a l.i'iiihvdle, Ky., printing t-Htah-^lishmeut. Membersof (be Helena ^Jonrnal^^Force Appear B^fore HcHattoo. THINGSTIIbY DIDN'T KNOW LttitorMcKrtight Failed Hrop rl/ to^Weigh tho Question He Com^^mented Upon I ha Cast Continued.t UkdluurCidJrfT NUUb inajaotaaaoj I^Hi n r. July SI The caae of the City^vi*. Adam Karad.iy wan tried thu alter-^ikkmi in Di pat Um nt 1. 'I'm* cliarg!* wa^^made hyJiK-l I'.. \\ hatley. The complaint^t-t la h rth that I'araday went mto the^yard id Wliatley with a uuti m his hand^|Of tut* purpose ol killing his dog ami iu-^ihg preface . Mrs. W hate.y les-^tillid io I be fat ;^ contained in the eoin-^p'aiut. Faratl tv, hi*, wife, Mr*. Johnston,^11, Bob] t Mid s. ^m-U r IratiAacI fat*loa^defense. I araday said hi-. at-Uoii of fi^|^^.o w i n g the rjofj with a gun \\ as ^ ^cc asiotied^Bf the aVyj kiixekiug down and h.ting a^child ol Mfii Ji^liu^lon. The ^^ih^ r wit-^IMaaaaj ilM tlOl boat any protaue languafJOi^nor ih l they know any one |ej l^^ rtialrafbail.^'I'he t ^^uaM'l addu ^aod the jury on^Im half o. their clients, and . euli at^length on the general reputation o| the^flog. The i vulem-e war* suhltilllad to the^jury and utter heing out ten iiiinuti s they^it iurned a ver llel of Hot guilly. All^iiimisihL' f' attire of the aaaaj Bjraa the ask^^ing u witnei-H hy i.iii' td llie attorney*^wh' thii'nr not he Was acquainted wnti^the geinrai characit r and reputation ot^the nog. The council on the other Hide OpjiCtedOl the i;r. Ulld tlhftt tile llog Was notbeing nv.ed. Motin*' \i aa ^^ hianir. Illn K, InlyAi ting t ortmer Me- Mil:phey he d an impn-sl oti tilt* hody ^^f^L ^u;s Jaeklitch who un-d ye* lertlay from^the resu.ts of Ins injuries received at the^BtJtM Keduction ^oiks a tew days ago.^'J be evith lice udflres* ei l|was substantially^the miii e aa tin- put li-dn d version ol the^accident ami the jury it turned a Verdict^accordingly ami exonerated all pi-p-^Kotib tri'tn nlaim . I he tutu ral td the tin-^forlUhate liiu: i look place |0*doJTf J^ajHaajaa al ^ ^ aaaataa*aaafji aTaaaaaj^Mr. \\ inloMi M* af Wri 1 heg to ttiank^you for the i!chghtful and rcrre^hiiuf^^lioln rltiu ^ yoa 111 kindly M ht inc. I havel,-^ d i tie TotM I prep tl it u-lls ot lite tlitbt n li hralcd inaiutta* inters oi Laa^^don and Pofia, t ut iuciaaaar your ^K bx r*^tn a their mi t rior m point of puritvaiul^^ Ecellcnce. W iftnhK j on the unbounded^Ftireesk you 'li servt, 1 iciiiuiu, fuiilifully^} uurf. I.MM \ AimOTT. Dr. Baroti d l^^ ^d, speejahstn in eye,^ear, nervous, i-hromc and private rata*^^a^c . will occupy office room a Noi. i^;^and a7| LiFxa- l^l^K'k, t oi m r of Main ami^l'nrk ittreet-s. Kutrariee on i'urk ntrcet.^from July lake it I i fore breakfast,*' because u^will give you an appetite, rt gulate Ibfl^IkiwcU and cit anaa the f-ystciu D| all inn^i ur.tu ^^!^[. lb nh-y r* bnglu^h lMhdcliou^ionic. furBant Twoliandsoiiiu oibcc^ m tho Standard^budding. Illtti:, July Z\ IditaW J. A. MeK tiigh*.^I Ins; uostt Manager l*v^ ^rge I*. 1 loos and^City fc litor H ^wu* ^^^ Ibe Helena ./mo-im/,^hroui'ht counsel witli them to Untie to^^day in the person of A.torney Weed.^When they n m hetl the rourt t^f Judge^Mellattou at 7 o' this ^ veiling there^was pre-eni u hug^ crowd ^if tpi clali rs^and attorneys interested in the alleged^ease of couteinpt agaihst the Iblt-ua^Jaaa^naaVi Atti-rnty Campl^ell, for Mai atale, de*^t- red that tin ilefcudaiitN be sworn, uiul^Ibt*n Mt% Dooa Vai placed on the stand.^Mr. Itoo^, when ipiest oned, said he tlid^not st e tie* article until it had been pub^^lished, lie had no coiiv rsation with Mr.^M^ Kti ght previous to thi' publication ol^the arm-:.-, bui 'iad since. MDidMr. Mi Kn:gbt tell OOfJ who fur^^nished the inforajation on winch the ar-^ih'le is ba-ed V ' a k ^ tl Mr. CaiuplK'll. **Het!i^l im^i. I^d yon ask linn V Vi , air. 'Wiiatwas his reply^ ' lit-lold mo that he didn't intend to^h II his naiite.*' Mr.Booa -ai l furtli-r that he doi's not^km^w who lui nishi'tl the information used^in the ariicie. Didy ai ai e ihe e lni-.n o| the He.eha^Jovimtt ot last Sunday f ' *'Ves,mr. *'li^you know who wrote the editorial^v. Meat appeared there, entitled 'That Con^^tempt ^ Saan v* No,sir. Who niak'-s the headinirs offj the ma*^t r that appears oil the telegraph page^ '^^I ilon i know.^^^\\ ho the lelegraph eilitor^'* Mr.Utfjar. l^oaaaj know if In* wrote the beading^which refers :n the 'begal Jackal^' ^^* I thi not. Mr.Wee 1 iuterpost-tl at tins point and^impnrcd what the ; ublieatioii of last^Sunday bni to do witfi tin* present pro^^ceeding. Mr. Campbell replied that the^lllh lit.on in lo show die inolive ill the matterand any subsequent publication is^atliiu-^able, sIkhviiir maltee off motive in^the Balad Of MM editor. The j idge ^U -^eidi d to admit the it ipiirv in regard to^last Sunday's pubbcaiio!i. The witness^^aid be was not certain who wrote it, ami^that be has no Mipt rv.sioti over the etli-^h rial matter that anp^ ars in the paper. Mr.Howie, the c ty editor, was then put^on Ha* slaml, and was a-* ign trant in Hie^matter at ssie as Mr. Ho as. lb* did not^know who wrote I'.io article and hail not^been lold. Mr.Mi Knight was the next w ituer-s.^^J am the writer of the article,^ he said^in answer to the first question asked. Whowas n ur inforinaiit tor the mat^^ter contained m the article ^'' Itdnl not eome from any individual.*^* I lieii it was a pure fabricatiot* ^ ' \o,sir; it waa a composm- arl cle, 1^talked w ith a number of Helena people^generally in the matter, ami the article^was the result of nv tal ^ xprcasiolls t)t^opinion that 1 heard, Wbo was your informant^'1 repeated^At'ol ip-y t allipbell. 1lie inhuman m given aaa was in pr;-^^ato conviTsath-u, and J don't feel at^Lltcrty to tell who they were. It would^be improlcsoional to im niioii the gentU -^man's name. The gt nileiiian 1 pa faff to^matie n marka which formed the basis^for a portion of the article. When be^spoke of the m iller to luc, 1 rt-niai ke i^that it wtuiitl make a good new s story,^lb* saitl if 1 published it not to use his^name ami 1 promised 1 wouldn't use his^name. What is his name^*' persisted Mi.^Caniplh-H. Thename or that gcuihm in 1 w ill^not be able In give, and 1 doii'i think the^port on whit ii gives t llchhc is the portion^that he told me. Givethe name of the party. At.ormy W'e^ d again interposed, stat^^ing that the conversation hail been pri^^vate. JudgeMt llattou inquired what portion^i 1 the article the e^ nvt rsaiioii termed the^basis for. Thatp ^rtioii,^ said the defendant,^^w Inch rt fi rs to the fact that republicans^and democrats together voted lo retain JudgelicHaiion in oiih-e. Mateall th--conversation you had on^that point,^ aatrl 4w4gm Mellatton. 1\\ sii to my tight here,' saitl M^ ^^Knight, ^that no body coniiectetl with the^I'avis will case gave this conversation or^any part of it. rtlM man said to me that^noih uh! the r^ | ub'icah* and d^ imn'raia^hail ^ oin ^iih-d Ul have Mellattori letaiuetl,^nacanaa uWff aoth ved he would take the^Hutte vii w of the case.*' \Vas toil all the con veraation aaj wtiii h theafftft e Was based'.' ' 'A., it was a composite article. It was^Ilia tit* hp 11 DM v.u tons sources. The^'deadly bias' n (erred to was an t xpri s-^^fan ttiai I heard ( -loin I Ing^'i^olt noa m^the n urt room. I wrote the paragraph^just |u give a general Kit a of the b chug^* xisiir.g. Whowas K aaJd that 'no judge i r J uy^could be obtained in Silver lb^w aoainty^who aTOOjd give the cause u tair trial* V ' 1ihouglit,^ aaid the witness, '^that^that bad no In arihg on any ooja in partie-^ular. 1 dnl not intend Id aiffa atiy ofkTetiaa.*1 Mr. ( '..inptieil then icfei rctl to tee edlto- rioJnubliauod last Sunday and usked^w ho w role that at tit le. 1w.oic u im i it'. It ia the same aa^ai lull - published all t^v^ r the eeiui i r tVhowrote the head linen on the arti^^cle on the tea-grapli page^ * 1w rote Uh Ik ad lilies uhd 1 wrote the^*-d ry. Inow ask.^ i- d I Mr Camnl ell. ^that^the court instruct the witne-s to state tin-^l ame of the p^ r^^tl tlcnomitiate.l *au old^M uiaiian.' I'm*niioiiuy taiil: ^Tbcre is no law^Off COMfft Oat oajtb tool can c 'tnpi l a Im**^Irayal of c* . a private conversa^^tion, matie in a nffiffala c ipacity and not^for purposes of puhlicatioh. Thecourt ruled mat witness must^answer the qmatlOO, say,ng that had the^gcuticitiaii a*Oo made the stateun 'it re- quotedIbat it be Hot publlatietl, it wotlhl bareboon dlffaranL bin he had only aaid,^'It you * ubliab. don't us*^ my name. Jlie gentleman wa- Hot deairous of^my printing u, * said tho wlllie^s. ^t^wrt^t^ hi a ibourfbtleaa inner, ami u^Would he v, rong lo give hta name. Halyou hot inlrr Iroin what be said^thai there wa- a serious charga ill it^ ' Idid not. Wnatdid this man im an by the ex- preaa ion ktbe Hutte rnra ^'^^^^I don't know. i hen yon aaodllorof ilu* Helena Jonr-^aoi, was giv ug cxiut'sNiou to views m^^our paper H at you r.-ally did not know^the nature . f Idid net think there waa Mjroatanaa^in I be views. Wby dldn'l yon uiqu re what the t raj 'BullaView mean, f*1 He..iii' I tb.:ii t think it meant a-n-^thmg m put cular. *'WhyUaJn'i he wa:ii hia uamc mui- tto:od if there was no t^fr.*ioe V*t Hit ai h * lie ia a intM'eat man and don't^like his name to lie in the paper. 1 bare^only been m Helena aiuce iaat September,^ami 1 have no feeling in the matter my*^ai If. Thejudge now inquired of tbe witness^the name of his informant.^^1 wish to consult amy attorney flrat.^^^Very well. Afterconsultation with liia attorney the^w iness na*d: ^While 1 don't wiab to of^^fend Um c urt or provoke it in any way, I^inu-t decline to give the gentleman'* name 'Jln-re U no tribu ial on earth,^ aald^Mr. Weed, *Hhat can It quire into ^*bat la^ut'creil in private conversation. JndircMellatton aaid: ^The gentleman^w ho furnished this information did t-o at^nil peril. I'm re ia not a barrier of aecrecy^to prevent ii quiry as to w hether lie is^gu lty of contempt. This court d^^ea not^mdnlta m personal feelings but n quires^and ih mai.da invcatigatiou.^^mL**U taOffO is any couteuipi, Mr. Weed,^it ia in the puMication af the language,^nt^t in the private expression of it. Ishall refuse to answer tin ijueatiofl.^^said the wiitiesa, ^until J obtain the gen-^tiem ill's permiss on. J'heti1 shall commit you until you do^answer it,^ i-aid the judge. itwas a g reei I that die defendant should^have lime in which to consult the ^old^MoiPahan. Mr.C.unplM-ll reail the editorial pub^^lished in last Sunday's ./oro-imf, headed^^That Contempt Cast-,^ ami slating; ibat^the liberty of the pros of Molilalia ia iu^dangir and intimating ihat IlM metho^!a^of Irish couns are being irotoafaffffod lo^Montana. He al-o read the tel. graphic^account of last Saturday's procet tlmga^al^d laOOa articles were tiled. Doyou think there i^ anything ^ ff**n-^sive about these articles*.^' inquired Mr.^MffKnlgtU al ^ niirpris^*^l maiim r. 1am not eohiim nlnig on that,'* aaid^M r. ('ainnbell* Mr.Weed Ihcn took the wilnesa in^hand, and to hun tbe wiines* saal that^he did not coiiauler then* is an^ thing of^^fensive in the article. II ^ saitl he had^studied it over, -eiileli ^ ^ by si'iitcuce,^with die best grammarians in Montana,^ami they could find iiotbiug in it oil eiistvo^to any court, lie said tin lie r luat bu^publ^he.l it as a m-ws item not as an edi^^torial, lb: admitted that on rear ing tbe^a Italia the aoaooal time 1c theught it^might possibly offend the rcpubhcalia ot^Silv r BoW coiimv, but bad no thought^that it wou'd t fletitl anyone else. The^boy was yelling tor aoj y, so he aent it to^the printers, lb r^ maikcd that be waa^doing the work of three in ag and did not^have time to io jk over hia work very^tie .rough y. JudgeMcHattnu then prop amdcil a few^queMiotis to the w ilness. Whatdo you understand by a newa^Item There are several ibfletcnt kinds of^news items. One kind is of tho charac^^ter of gossip. I have endeavored to in- au:iram on lha JanarojoJa column of this snil' called The Man Aln-ul Town. All^ ^ p limn is eareluily cdmtuatetl^from this column. Doesthis represent fact or fabrica^^tion V * *i ii a strict sense news is an account of^what happens, Doyou consider that thin happened ^*'^^Tins was not strictly news; it wus gOSslp. Didyou belli ve il to be true^ Ob,1 thought it likely that the two^paroes m ghi have combined to select^you. Haveyou any knowledge of wiiat i*^known as justice and t tputy tn court^^Do you know that the knowledge is sup*^posed to rule according to law and^t tputy, and not according to pcraonal^pteju [|ea'.^' Cer'aiuly.* ^h, of course, now 1 think^it ovt r, 1 call see now the article mi^ht^DO construed in all offensive sense. Hit^1 h id no such intention. 1 wroto il m a^gffOOl hurry.'' ib'Wtlo Mfg noa* consi ler the ar^^ticle. Ithink it is altogether loo general in^all respects to n fleet on any parlictilar judge. Doyotiihink from your consideration^of the mailer that this charga contained^|fg this article that there could not be ob^^tained in this county a fair judge or jury,^dooa liol charge asprOtarff justice on the^judge of this conn and giv s tin* impres^^sion ibat MM j i 'g^ M prejudiced^ 1 Had1 inti gdard any ^ ucure on the^judge 1 would hare put it in the edit^ rial^column aa double-h aded mailt r ihslead^of iii tin- gossip column. Youthink you are the injured person^iu this matter^^ asked the judge. Iibink so; yes, a r. ]hat ended the examination. ^ In mo^^tion of Mr. Weed defendants Bowie ami^Boot were ilisuii.ssi d. Thecase against Mr. Mt Knight was^ConUnnad unul 7 o'clook to morrow cvet;^ing to bud out wtietln r he will tlivutgi^the name of the ilifonpallt w ho made tin^stateiin iits lb it foi in d the baa.a of tin^coiiteuipiuoiis article. i.thiiu t I'tiunm. stai.dliig 1 l|^Ui**a IHO^I*, r Imi. ii^No ilucr photographs were ever tak*. n^in Hutte than gag now being made at tin^Imperial galhryby B W^ Comfort, tin-^new proprh tor. Mower r, be docs r.ot^a*k gajg to take his wonl fur this; he^simply invites y^^U to r ait the gallery and^for yourselves ms|^ect the pictures that^are daily finished, j o attain this^end he i IV afs for a bunted time to maki^ealnilets toff th^ ajaOra cost ot production^This galh ry has just been established at^a great expense, is ihe line-it in the cry^and t ver^ ih tig is new and llist-class^every particular. This reduction in prices^is made tor the i^:e purpose of atlvi rn.v^i!ig um g illeiy by bringing Ps wan k nffOtl^ilu ntly before the p op.e, ami therefoti^raanot long continue. I . raOJ w ish any^thing iu tbe picture Hue it will pay you t.^investigate this opportunity. lmpu a^gallery, opposite DOati tlice. K.W. 1'OMFOfgTi IVoprielor. It'alMsnaM I i Himfi.ri^Hi iTt , July H - J he follow ing prop^erty exchangea have been tl.etl for record^aisKO * nr !a^i reper::^llatlie A. Kern 11 et al. to A lee II. libi*, i^ tin Work j ef the iaarnlao^add laM to I' n^ AUiie*itiaT^ Morgnii lotleoroe A. I'ob-^h..n Hie llphlr led ^ tun in; claim fI0,^: \\,l . t'tiboaiiat al. to t fruu I s l ieyW't,^MX ii ia Mark Oiaf Uat KoyM as Uf^^Mn ad lltioli I M.J. heiimer to Jehu Sn |i\ ,iu. lots f$^ami st in Mack M ottut II imUUmh a.ll.l ^^n Battlea. KrtreU to at at .1 .1. K*otaffr |aJill hlisl, V ig the Iheililell au- UMiellttilute .......... '.V*' Scweiiay. Uavtaat al. la W.K.t nkbaa,^lot 11 in Mock it et tin \ I p teugawUog M Anyem- knowing ||M w hereal outs of^K. bert Ni'Vin will confer a great favor by^addressing Lalward King, postotlice box^Hutte l uy. Motll. letter I.t ails, lull heads, job printing of^1 very th scriptioii neatly done m ttie^Stanuautj ollice. l-tirKm If ur 1 \^ h mtr^I'or Anncomia real estate, clrvett Kair*^haven lots. Ipiptire of Charles Heiu k, Theonly tirst-elaas elurotH^ I *t and^manicure in Montana ia 1'roi. I. Jctlrys,^Rooag 6. t.rer lb d Himu and Shoe -ion^Main street. Hu te. Mont. *:ra.*i. ..tit^v^.iy. t hrtstian Scientist^leeeivca | aticuts ut 4i4 Kast Ml reurv^sMojgli Hours 10 to 1J a.m., I lo J p.m.^C uiiaultatieii free. ONLY A CONSPIRACY SanitaryPoliceman Rawlins Tells HI^Side of the Story. HE IS UNJUSTLY ACCUSED Brownand Swanaon Chamad With^Lyinar^No Money Recaivod aa^a bribe ^ In vesication^Uemandod. IlL'TTE,July 23 ^There has been a go^*l^deal of talk about town to-day iu regard^to the charges preferred against San.taiy^Policeman Kawlina. Had the charges^made by the two acuveligcrs, M- -srs.^D-owii and S wanton, been mailt*^an ortlinary man, the matter w*ould not^have been cons.tiered 60 important. Hut^Mr. Kaw lina has borne a spit tidi i re|^u-^ta'.nm in this comniuudy. lie was form^^erly a Cnilarian eh ig,mun 111 Californ a^and haa pr. aebi d ut various times in^V, alkerville. He did gt^oil service oil the^stump last full for the th inocratic parly,^und the charges made against him will^not he readily believed and will^rttpiire convincing proof. Whether this^it can be furnished wdl probably^not be known until the investigation^kes place. There is no regular meei-^ing of the city council until hex; month,^Mt in nil probability a *| ecial mo-img^w ill be heul within a tew days, as it is not^gfit ttiai the charges against Mr. Haw-^i.s should Im* pending longer than is^absolutely necessary. Ho should lie^it lit r convicted or exonerated aa aOjfSJ as^os-.b e. Thequestion to be determined at the^motivation is whether tin re has buiii a^pie in the health 111 ice to uiak'* money^all illegitimate way, or Wi elh T Mr.^Iiw 1 ins is the victim of a conspiracy on^the part of men win* for one re. sjii or^oi'ither havt a grudge against linn. Mr.^laa/baM him ^el I stonily ma 111 la ins the^iter theory. lb- says that both ijruwu^1 1 Swansoii aie seeking to down him in^venge because he would liol do certain^things that they desired. J he word of these tcav* ngers is not^wt rthy of belief,^ said Mr. Uawliua to-^lay, **there is not an an m ot 1 orrol or-^ cvitlciice 111 support of their state^^ment, and 1 believe my word is al least good as theirs. This man Hrown is^!owu on me became 1 have removed him^from ollice. In addition to that the other ayhe asked of me a aajgoiaj permit 10^.can the Goidbeig propt rty. He had^hurged $60 tor tins work when he was in^fliee, but when Swansoii was made beav-^gaoff he Migd to nndatbid Swansoii and^I! red to aW it for ^25. That was^pnte a reduction and was a v.rtu d ad-^s:on that he had bet 11 hithertoridibing^his customers. Hut 1 s ah il to h tn thai 1^iad no aMasOffMV to issue a special per-^ni;t. That could only ct me tiom the^heal(h coinmiitee. He was very much^trended at this and const qticiitly is doing^ill he can to down im . Mr.Swansoii also has u kick agauist^gM and that t xpiums his animus in this^matter. Di. K marls, tin* health ^ fh^' i.^bdore he left, made OOj a lot of rules one^of which was that scavengers should not^nceive their pay until tbe san.'ary po-^inaii had inapccted the work und^given a certificate thai it wa^properly done. Mr. Swansoii undertook clean the vaiill of the Cj MfMM^lock a few tlays ago. He lore the job^as completed Mr Swansoii askt d n e to^crnfy tbat the job was saiisfactordy^lone. 1 wi-nttiow ii lt^ look ai tin* work^and found 11 was not done rign'. 1 then-^ore relusetl to give the certificate. Mr. SwansoiiIn came very angry, and ihat at^why he has trumped up this charge^mist me. AltleinmnHines bns no love for me^m l never had. He tried to heat me 111^tht^ election for sanitary policeman, ami^nice 1 have been 111 ollice he ban never^given me a c^ nhul word. Ha bus waiici^until Dr. Kobarts left town in order to^bring ibis matter out, 1 am 1; n cent g|^all the charges prof erred, and have been^guilty of maning worse than trying to do^un duty as faiihluby and homady as^possiba*. 1 have tioue mv duty strictly^itid that is w hat has bnaight the trouble. Ita veins to me strange that the accus^^ers call produce no receipts to show that^I have received coiiiiu ssion from tbem.^Under ordinary circumstances one would^think lb it they would have ri quired rc-^cnipib af gfM b^r money paiti by tbem, but^they havo liol MM pr^ tluced a receipt.^Mr. Swansoii idaima thai he ha*, paid me^, IM still owes me ||a Why doesn't^he aliow a r^ ceipl f ^r IlM Hi paid ^ ' ^ rAtO.M !^ i: ^T .^ rl flM I al lOT^^, V. I^. t. ^l , t.railiuite ^f McOM^* ^ 1^I I riiwikit) Jllit.*c^4* toilege ot ^.outreai. tuu- l. da. Niv York J cat Ciitdiuttr Vidasj r el cc. iaal^llcquUil \1AG 1 IKE'S OPERA HOUSE 1,1BUTTK, MONT. M johnMAG11HK. .M\uauer ami Prop. DRS.BACON ^ BOYD, SPECIALISTS. Rooms25 tod 27 Lizzie Block, cor. Main and Park Entiar.ce on Park Street. MMMof (lie F.YV. AXI^ KAlt nml nil lviviu-. ^ lnonl^ an.l NHMM llMSSMl^Sliiituri*. Varioocelr. liydiwele, l'lles, I Ulula ami J:i *-!:tl ^ i rr 'ainti. Manyliundnil iaw rurpil In Molilalia anil il^m n - matin lielarcacci i;tven. Ttajoiri^cxpcrt^*ne^ 1'rrmpt iih^)aiaiii-i* anil cure, antiueii in al. cu.'caba: caaei FIHrlalattention to rorr^*Mionili'nf^. OfllieHour.^la 10 ^ A. '.'to 0 I'. M., Ittt P- 1tempt and Efficient Attendance. Embalming and SktMint a Specialty^LADY ASSl^TAXiS. Cptnray ud Night TelepboaeNo. 57. BUTTE,MONI. THECOTTAGE HOTEL Cor.Colorado and Galena Sts. Thishotel will be run on the liuropean Plan in a^strictly first-class manner. Rooms light; newly papered,^painted and furnished throughout. Every convenience^ior the comfort of Guests. (Rates Liberal.) An excel^^lent Restaurant run in connection Now Open under^the management of AYGTTE. EUROPEANSPECIALIST ! Dr.C.SCHULTZ Cvertho Hed Boot ar.d Shoo Store, No. 36 North^Main fctrcot, tutto, bolween Hark anJ bioauway, THREBNIGHTS ONLY ! gpjgI NMNO vKvt^er. Julv 27 C t AX1 WKI.SESDAY MATINKK.^Ihe Kin Tin ml IToiliicUon of Webster^ Brady's StuptlliloulS'enli' Mattel | i ce, TheBottom^of the Sea. Thetug: Marina r^iwcacla. AnIntiovat oi M S^ iiic Hplendnr it'sLike Ne\ v-r tx'cuB.foi-e. ta iakuii. InragL^laj stal nil ataoi^dih ssrt, arbi h are^^t Stttttf ami aat in |p Motif. arad i^^ in litW S^|lL*Ill u| ^111- laslauunef aaa^^p oliiU liit dicatetl tit.pli s aalMrnts Um iMataaaarat 4t%u^Mraa nu t rosaaasM*^lien, ea- li hii ^nld U ^^MOMMfff nth inhM^la usfora 11 i^. 100^iutt*. iim^tiltatloa tree^^ t assMM- mamor irrvoin d*dlMly. ait^iii-- imm^yt mhtul liidUcri tiitii, cxtvsn-i in uniline ^car-.^iuitt oiiifi can****! pr'Mti.e n : uafTOUMaM, at* Ii^^a n it at uae, MMliau QtaWnaM. aaxat IOsbob,^hauhI dt'lnl'ly. lean ut ft-MMl jewer. MOM di^-^urdri^ Hud und ition. in rs'.'Ui t^^ sncicty. tooj^iiiu-ti'Hv, IndlgaHloa. anaa^tiawoa, bmcbM^inipiuhint iils tu ssarrftaga, eic.. leadinir in soft-^aattgof the main mid insanity^all cuiabln^MOM aaftaalaq la COMM a very klmrt tune^I'eeriit (Ufcci 'u a lew ua^*. ^ hari:e^ *uw, vy^acclalif t^^ in* 1 ^^* onuiiler what you have taken or win h;u^faind to enrn Mg lo not irnht^^eur casts to saW soaaasUa) win^rMgnatMaoaa aoraonal exam nation ot ronr^naMlB pyst*rtn^ eiiifiwl^*t* you to Ut ilisao^pointed Lr failure of U*Mtmeut. it H does aat^*ga*at4 you wnise. lie.Si pui-tz oairaot4 * cnm or every caw lieumlft ;aU*'^ Ills weiiilcrtul new remedy t*^ t i Until mi ! i eiMaaMOl mm in aii-n^tiis'u-ei IieiueinlM-r, ^^p'l i* an^t *aMad *us^^aaoMcurag without tin* aaa oj aMranry( mnl^vital |m*W^ r reslcreti by Irs new remedy^FKMAI i^ ^V^AKNKH^t Syinptnins of Which ire mIm in ih^* aaa* sad naaM with t^ minf^a**i Mtton og |go ion of u*M lioao, w vh aMaoal^aaa aargjgaod a Mgaraj MfNni of i;in^u^r iieivienessund dt'preasMn, bpeedily cured by^Ur. s iiu tz a new it KM'.All satectloat of tlia eye ^ kill fully aul^11H Mali idly treaU-J. READTHIS TWICE. KuitvMOrOlgBtgj or Um mini total of human^sutlerinu is caused by \cueieai uxcesaas, dls-^eaaesand their results. toeaoaihnfaj New laMaoif 's the lu st and^surest of all meAlleiiiea tor rehtorliii* htreii^u.^uiubt ion uud vij;oi tn tlinsi-who Miller irotn ,il(^private, clironlc and neivoiu ihseasea. suebag |l.^^l HMtl tikl'l lllse^seK. sv pllllls, seroftlJin*. la- iaag,fi'^, ^ali rtitMim, peiupliuin. pson:v*^sat, eh ., and an uniiurdie^ of the blood rinolog^t ropttooa, J Uiii-lcs, bluUhes, laUiUK out ol I no^hair, etc. ritlYAlK IH^KAKKM.^f'oneri ha'.i, *.ifeL, kli.eture. k:dn**y and t^lii*td^M'^tieubUs. afOtUta, und nil sad eiiectsof youthful^Ti lii^ | and excesses, whicj so uuiiL men lor busi^^M ^ I af plrasure. 'Ilit*wemh rlul surcesH al Ibis new remedy d^^^feints iumi'i the laei that it supplies an element^ it* luuud WaottBg ml he blotx.1 ol weaktuoiL DKUNWKKTASsi s.^mi nt NOTICR. -^ofln-e of the romhlnation Mining and Mill-^uiu' i'oiiip.uiv. whose work*, an* bnated at Itlat'k^rinr. Derr Lodga eouut). Montatu*. Notice 1 |ie|eb\el\e - that tbeiv K llellD(|UeOt, t*M^following Meek oil nr. omit ef a^e-Miient No, l, wvteilbv :ui older id the Uoira of Trust (tea^trade oh the vnd tl ^^ of .lune. 1^:^i. the t.e\eia:^sjsaoaota ^et aaoaalte tne iiiMM al tna rMpaat^[ve siiara holders, as follows: Kt'M'rv'd heats *l; call rv TO rents. Tii ke'i^en sale at ^ atMh^' i ^ .da^, .buy .4 glELENBERGSCo Wuoleiali'a:ui ltrUU l't a rn in BEEF,MUTTON tf PORK CAA'E,^TC. MainStroot. - - Anaconda. RotirvFubllc tcllectioni Attended Tj^H. J. MULDOON. JUSTICEOK I'Ht FLACi_ '1i I.i l-IK.MC, N^^ ^ '.^OBct, M 11ji:i M., ^ I3ulti\ Montana. 1959. . . Awonderful roni|ioiiiiil of mS ct'l^brateit Dr. \[^I|hiii\. l'artt. rr.'iM*rliiUo:i liifta is koM on IMHIfl k.L AIlA.S li:B JU CL KK m*f$h\Any term of jtfT^^if mmmm Norn.titerbow caused^Mich as dssutWOf ol Ihe geaarailvorgaai or^. HliffH ant, paint in Uaj^kag k at iV' im gt*oatnv^nation, Uyth ria, etc.^ouragmiaara urarucied Iu iikilm* any^V.i-m v KaU^ron rr^caoittgTtog laSi where^satOfneUoa and I'xnMAVKJiT CUna is Eofl^KkfitiTKi^ oy lunng au ^uusa J't|ohg| a i M or six IftOXM lor $5 with written^ajnaraoioa In auul scenraty aaalrd. ^\a^^ttreu all p i i aieMtaaa u^ 1^. M. i\^llfng COMpany, rlrioinn l.utie city, Crjrswi,Winsianlc)' I Tower, Mrs:Nalioiiil Hank Iiiootc REALESTATE AND MININGBROKERS. MISSOULA.MONTANA. AndIn ^rjMrJ^o*,r wltli law ami ihp orttorof^tl:i-i n.inl ol iiii^i^-''^. in i.i, i i ih ^ . i.i'.till t.iii ^ .luui* imU soinan^ .i n. , ni .'.i.'.i |^.ir.: :^'!.a. niav I. - i^isun vil w utltl ai tlo-^. tin-of tli.' sivremri of in- saul inlil|iali^. at 7 ,^p. iii..Oil I'll^ i'4ll it.) of .III!). lisil.ii i'iiMia ^^'n;ni^'i't i.'si^siiumii ioui--h.rwi.Ui^i..- o^^t of mil'''' l^inu ain! ov|iri m . o ilu' talc, , ii^ II. II ^ iii I ii. * -^i iftl.-.i :K S. Mam ^,.^.^^^., 1...1u- cay, MoUL.illA.^llali'il J*1) -^ ' AnacondaLiver}' Stable 1).ti. liliOVA NELl. l'uorRirroa. BUCC1ES.SHDDL6S AndHorse* For Hira. 4^o i ^ .'i * ictor of^pros MM t-oun a^ten-er,Harrraca an t E*^^MM iua4^ wuil uli tisxus, fsMMIgOjgcubic, laMlsasMws