Newspaper Page Text
THEANACONDA STANDARD: FRIDAY MORNING, JULY ^4, 1891. MINES,MINERS, MINING Croppingof lining K ^s Assembled^From Various Sources. SILVERMOUNTAIN IN IDAHO ACamp Near Hope That Ev dencea^A Cir^*.^^^ Wealth of MmortU-^Work on tho Different^Propertlu* Aeomspnnileiit al ihe Spokane H'-vitw^writing from Silver M iiiituiii, Idaho,^under d.iie of tin- 1U It ium. m^h: ^A^weary tramp of any win n fro in nine to^twelve mile*, upiull iu^^*t of llie *ay^from Hope, y^ ^ur r^^rmaaaa)4aart^to tins ^ uni|i ut uImhi. 10:.f 1 tins ni .rinriL'^Willi the ml* rili.n; f lcarmHg 11 ^111^iaipeeiioii what tdiMtnct eoiilamed^almost entire iy witliui mi area of two^^MM m|iiarr and uu^ut winch ho many^conflicting: r^ p -ru havo heeii eireulat* d,^has nf pit^ rest la tin- miner. '1 Bfl W'llg. *^upon Which tile future ^ t the camp^peinl were ^lt*o v^ i^i| three or four year**^nu^. l^v W. K. .Nli irrai. It a agM ill il one^or iwn 1.:1mr |^ro*|r,ctor* havu h*^eii oil^tin*groij ml Ik !^^!' , hul luil^ .I to compre^^hend the miporiaiiev of the indication*,^and mnde no |g*Jg)||aM ^t llMM t 111 ^, tho^iiiac^-4-^Kthlc rhuracter of the territory^111ak 1 lit; it IsffbMdtaf] izroini^! 1^^ lo^ ate. 'i'hereart- How ii|^\v*ml ^^1 location*^made, tuoHt ol which are practically uu-^devchuxd. Those oil which ih'Vclopineill^work to any in ten l ha-, le ^ 11 BwM MM M^follow*: 1 he J^^!* Lutd, nwiii-d faf the^lloutiiif ton l^rolli^ i^, I..1- a hliiifi lu f^ et^deep, * hu h wih abandoned, and another^^turied, and which i^ alxuil tho sumo^ilrpih, inti-uileil to tup KM Iftdfi at a^greater di pt Ii. The ledge i* ulmut ll.n u^feet wnlc, the mim rul, which Iggfeg Very^Hue, lH*mg ih-irilmit *J principally in^pocket* Willi narrow etrcak* rmiUting^therelruui. 'J he only MSfJg had Ml thi*^I* a *aiuplc geMMJ from the mm lac, which^went -II ouncr* 111 bdver us it I a led by the^owner. Tho( u^ter, owned by \V. K. Sharral,^has a hhatl 4') gag| deep. 'J en feet of^water on tho botmin prevontedaii iio|m c-^tioii bring mad*, lull ore oil the ilump^^bowed ihe Name general ap|m arance a*^all of tin* ore from tho camp. TheList t'tiaiico, owia-d by Moore,^Scully i WVlU, mm a tunnel of Hi left.^The leilt'c Irt three b et Wide, Willi U gooil^hanging wad g*j| M foot wall a - yet. A^tin .ik nf ore binring MMjftfl H inclirs^wide mmn near I ho han^ni; wall, pit 11-^tilmly Btreaked with gah na, us^u^ing, it^in claimed, Iroiu HI to Ml **J*JMM to thv^ton. WhatMJWMjMM to he tho MjMjfl MMMj Bi^lug proKpect 111 tho ^*.tmp at the MajMMJfl hlllgeof (leVi'loplie il I, by naked *J*J iii- pggajgft,I* the Wellington, uwtiod by^\\ . K. Miarrai. A tunnel bus In en Mink^to Hie depth of about 1 ^ teel *J*J *Jsg l^ iltfc,^which l^^ Ml iMwMJ WliU- Im Iwccii wall*,^'ihe mineral is disliibu'eil uniformly^throuuhout ihe rock, iu^a^^ u^v^ng about^the MMM rebuilt* as ttiosu from the |*MJ| t'h.itlCr. WithintholiotmduricHgiv'-n are MMMMl^led^eH hearing the name* of tin* !^ ckili*^won, Lincoln, Ihor H tii, blah^, Sunsri,^MiHitouia, Lotie Star, i.liinr, Taeoma,^Kapld ^ ny, IN nnington, ^j^i^l,.iiic, l iac-^tiou and oihomt ^ u m*m al winch MbwV^Ctenl work ha* btH*h dotio lo gain a^delltlite idea ^ f llieir value, 'i he lodge*^are all well nellnetl, in^^^ ver, and M)M*]ffl^lr^^m hoveral, Mr. ^h.irrai informed us,^tliow that Mai mite ral, *TwM loiiml, 1* in-^vat .ably of Mgft grad^, bt tng tho only^Ingh grade in thi* region, three Hides^Hoiith |*J the bracket! leiltfe, owned bv^Mchmh. ^harrai ait i lh.n Ueit. 1 his 1*^all imiiM list tpiart/ led^e, caiiyiug low^^MJM1 gah-mi, iImvIMJ but Uttl* mineral,^being practically untouched, h i* *^^^^period U at drveh piiieiit work wilt t lu^w^up Millien nt to maUe a p.^y|nU claim. S.A. lirackei ^^l li' Mon and a tnuuber^of other Itoaioli gelltleuii'ti are lntrre*tcd^in the development of tins chum and ihe^Wellington. ItiHi xpieio l llial a com^^pany will organ * ^ in the near fuunc lor MNcllectllal work. Waterand tiuibt rare here in abund^^ance. A r^ mpuraiively ^*a*y outlet for^the product ot the mine* will he |*j*J*j*j by^huildiuir a w MMi road two and oiiedialf^MMM t^^ 1. ghuimg en ek lx^ttoiu; ihetiee^thence lu mum on an easy grade to the^N'i^rtheiii I'ucittc railroad. All of ih^^l.atuial MlVajilMJM MMM to p nut to a^^1 eat future for the camp. I. -p^ cially the^ore, the owin t^ h.tvilig full both that the^quantity will be *ali*^tat h^ry when pro**^pe* lt^ art1 opeiicd. 'i he camp has mini*^erou* detractor*, but 1* open to |MJMM^^lion, winch w ill be writ1' tned and ^s*;*t^ d^in every po^^|hie way. li is In-nt ,rt ached^by trail VMJ HoMB. THt NeSaV VOH^ MAMKCr. (IcmIiik PMBMMMM (or* ool Mining Murk*.Si.w Yokk. July -X^tatitui* lor t^ -day mm An.eiicaii PtMJ Alas*1 t4t Atlniiist ouI *5 Aspeni: ^i AMaam1 M \UiW |^M1 tit b i. ... 1.. IM E*t *^ Ben Uer. 1 ia IliMllfI (U intins* it u ChodurI M tulmutlii t ro. . - t^ M Caieuima, U U crownI'oint 1 ^ . Dmmaa* ^ on . 1 m^* ml Oal fe \ .^ . i ^ 1 DMMtI a* tMalaotiwraita. 1 w PMMMM beaawowllei. 1 fcurekaC^u J A atii^1 UrMael Irrcland . UmjMtx * it^ 1^lb^^ a KercruM 1 ;o riieclosing tpic^. lleimitaka hoius.,\t.r Mek-D* Holyokt* [aureenueuce.. lionKilver M \...ui M Muuiid Mi.Utabta N.t in w t altti. UMarte OUMT |Uerileuial Hyateulli ryuMi. Hmall, Ail/..., 11(h Ijo I10 V^0 Ico^; * 10 110 14 haw. rek. *4emk^^Maialani Mitt... *inaii lb^M \l C * 1ii1uu i oil.. .... \IkM ievkai.. 140^I ^^^1 io^1 10 1.0^l aJ nearlyevery instance h^ ^ueeeeded in^eh wring them, and in their eyes soon^grew 10 In- cjutio a hern. It ch im ed that^111 the tall ol '87 sn Engbfehmnn dropped^into Prcscoit on hi* way to Plioeuis and^while lingering in life* former place made^^ he *^ quaintance *^t Fim h,witli whom h^^^a* soon upon the moat Irioiidly term*,^before leaving by Mage lor bis de*tiua-^tion stories of the exploits of the road^agent* reached hi* ear*, and, Ih coming^1 Tunned, he broarhe l the subject to^Fdich in MaMMJMJMMsi IVettyhad riiatonier* Jil^t at thi*^time,'* *aid tho latter with gnat earnest*^m-**, 'Mail 1 will g ve )^^u sftM conduct to^1'ho. n.x in the *hapr of a written pa*-*. iheld'gh*hman jump d a ike Idea^and hall in j st tin* p is^ was given. Ofl^the following d iv tie* lH*arer of the *ate^conduct toftk bi**^*at in 1110 louth-bouml^roach, and wliin lllack ^ anon wa*^readied five mask* d men stepj* d into^ihe MJMJ and with MMM WMjMMMMV^ordered the ilriv r to *top. No nine was^loht m reining 111 tho bora-*, and tho pa^*^*e 11 gora wero ordered to alight. With^hand* up tlicy were e. mpeJled to - land in^a mw and be r-eurrliod, their vaNahlei^betng taken from 'la in inderrumnately.^When the l.n((.i^^maii w a* re o In d he^*aid to the man who wit* rein vmg tie^MbMMMJMWI ^1 *^jy, tdd fellow, I *avo in^mv pocket-, you know, a puns Iroiu Mr. l-deh.M 'The^ you have!'' * Jacalated the^road agent. ^WMNVJ m il Thetoun*l*^ hand* *tartcd in the direc^^tion of hi 1 pocket, bin were *Lo|^pcd mid^^way by a *lurp injutictiou to keep tucin^aloft. Nowkeep your mouth shut,^ ho wn*^tidd biunily, '*andjti*t laoiioii with your^head the wnereahoii 1* of that pa-*, or I'll blowyo*j Into klMjd in ^^ -me, * i'hot oiighly lug hie, be in-! idled^the left-hand pocket t f hi* r ami the^MM w.ts ttfnj g*-d to light, (ilaiicing at it^to assure iiiuiBcll that the *igna-^ture wa* 4:1*11111 ne, the pOMMff^roughly ^^r iered ti e hearer to Bland^a*ide, and iiiloriucd bun that if he woual^make ip^ ileinoliBtralioll he would not be^Moieated, Me MMMjJ with alacrity, and^not a cent wa* lak*-n fr^ 111 In in. After^emptying the mail b tg and expres* box,^and taking i verydung ot v.due from the^other HfeMMNjlohltcr* loaded tinm all into ihu btage und ordered the^driver to hurry 011 to the it* xt town.^When they reached Phoenix the Knglish*^man Wa* the only individual on the stage^w ho had a rent of money or all arbclo of^jewelry left upon Iiim person. blUL'Ka AND bONDtt. I|i* a oil Iiowit* In Market Value* on th*^Kiiirk K*r*i*ng* Niw Yokk, July -The *tock mar^^ket to-d.iy was even more stagnant than^it ha* bt en ihe few preceding days and^a r^ inaiued from th*- ^^p^ tiing lotlio clo*o^almo*t eiitirely devout of feature. St.^I'.ml, lUiriuiglon, L MMfMM 4% Na*hvdle^and K^ rk Ulaud were the only -icrks^blowing any MMsMJMMI whaleviT. The^opening wa* dull, with a sharp decline^in LMjisvitie cur y 111 thu ufteruooii. In^ihe Iuhi hour there wa* a severe drive^at Burdugtnn, under the old story of an^incrcuHo in it* IMMftMM* The clo^u was^dud and weak, at tho lowest price* of the^day. '1 he tiual changes were generally^small BmjMJmmjI MMJM)| Ihiilmgtoii, how-^. Mjf 1* down Louisvdle \)\.^QMMMMJMM) ht^ud*, dud.^t 1 ^*iug Ml ck*:^I'.a. 4' rcuiM'Ted. il^ iN, W. pref. rrrd., K|N. V OaMral. ^i rgoa liapini ...^avS|^veg^a Heart bun*^M klregaa Navki n...^kj Nuiiii AMereaa . I UaiiBvou inculal. h'^ PacuV) Malt 4;'^ Uiwaiag ;n''t'UMid-Aiiiit*Wes'u^Wt Ida tirat-uV I'M..^93**!Kin tiraMle Irata, l. K, 4 8 ceupoll I. ^. 4't* irg 1. is. 4 * eouaea,, lat ill.- ii * An*lii*oa Anient-^. i kjrceai^1 Muula l *c Re.. .^t mi mm Hiai aerki 1rtitral l*irila buiitagtoa urkawaM). Iieaver^ U. U...^b . L ^ w lie i\lusas ^\ Texas., LakeKhor* |*MllS^ Nioh.^Mi. in ,1 ^ ratraL^Misaotn 1 I'aeitte.,^Kurtuera hw Iftc, N.I', an lelletl.. .^SkU I hw t *UM u .... .1 4., i*'4 MothIsland .. NtI'aul Nt,Kaul fetJMafes* liunit 111 lexaaI ariM..... I11 on Pan Hi- 1 p pi rfet i^ U. . I. K, RxMreat 1si u'o hw^ Ma. .^weMet a I iikax. .^.tin. coibm Oil... hi Mm 41 |M| n *i'ppi r, 1 in Mini i t ad. Nt.w YniiK, .luly M, CMMM^M lb II;^lake. Inir, I1S6 '.^Lea I S . Ml| : iMJMMM, HJf] .^T111 ^Firm. BtraitM, *ju 0 ^. Th*.ltt^H^| A^rr*t llunarcd IBM !'*^*.^Tr- in it ^ raae*IM awl aa, 'Jmb 1' led, t x-t.overuor /ulick ami^Judge Ki'/- 1. : t met |isUniay in the^corrid'T of tin I'alaee hotel, and re^^newed an in ipia.niance that wa* In guii^when ail three were pr^ unuetit in the^MMsImj of Ar MMbm When Fiteh ^im^located il Pn *clit |sj the |^raclice t^f the^law Mm northern .11 d n ntral portion* of^the territory w-re overrun by roving^baud* of mmm ^*^^, etin f aim n w hoin^were a large nmnix r of road atretitu, w ho^|nfe*t^.(t the *tag^* bites atid preyed noon^the MkMM g^ is. From time to they Wire Ippfvk tided ntld brought Up lor trial,ami Fia h was aim* ^t invari*^bly rctaihcti for the tlvleuse, lu everyrace, at what state of the odds to^liegm, and when to leave off. Ha In*^*lrurtctl them not to het on a certain^horse if ths ruler is changed or the^w t*athe r 1* bad, or If a hit ot stable go*,^frip has been tending to snow that^there might be aoiuctiuiig wrong, lie^talkrd a Unit the betting just as a com-^miKMion roan tells hi* men about buying^wheat or oat* or corn or pork. His^friend* sat annual on h ^ sides of bis^bed or on chairs ami li*tened to him an^in an oracle. A blnck *eivarit brought^him notes. Sum ^ be read, tore up and^paid Himplv: ^I can't do it.^ Oilier* he^would read, turn around, put his band^under his pillow and nruw forth a roll big^enough to choke a dog, skill ^ft^ *om^im ii- y and hand it 10 the servant, who^1 ben disappeared. The notes were up-^peal* lor loan*, and an appeal to Arthur^by anyone half-way Btraight was never^made m vain. Severaltime* he ha* severely crippled^hi* 1 ivala in I'ool alley by his heavy^plunging tin w inner* in their book*. Day^alter day he would *tudy lhu authorities^on hor*- -raring, lie kept potted on every^event about t ^ eomo oil' and had in hi ^^Itldld the record* ot those :h u had coum-^oir. He wa* perhap* the uio*i^aingular batting man in th ^ country, and^w inle it 1* true that there was coiisid 1-^fthie lurk in m* w lining*. In* main powi r^wa* hi* ^runti!ic hiudy of betting. Any^chump may Btrike a streak of luck und^win big money for uwlnle, but It is th^^Brjenro of gambling to w in a* Loon Aid, Alterplunging with mare or le** bim -^cofes during the first four month* of lbs^year, the tide of fortune rolled decidedly^agaui*i I11111 in M iy a* d June, when t^lo t in bet* net ween $ ^ l^000 and 91U0.O (II^It 1* not known how- mucii he lett, hut 1^i* thought by llMM) who awfsj tuiaiicial y^UBHoriaied with him that $.'5,(tK) is a fa t^estimate. A1\ xas cattleman *av* ihe outlook si^pn -t nl 1* that the supply of cattle fr- m^tlut Blate wnl lall MMTI l.(IUU.U0U head as^MMJMMMsJ w :th ihe numtH r laat year. flKKMCTOF THI OOKDiTIOM OtT THE^It Klral National Bank si Aaaotsjaa, tn iim taia^^,- Muulatia, at llie close ol huttlui*', July Will,I Mil. MJMMJMMJa lmn^ and dlsrouiits|; UvaMrafts,m*(-urt*i and mis rured... I. s. MMM to Maura circulation Marks,bc unties, chiiius.cti linefrom appiow d resri ve airenit liio fioiu other Nationul Hanks UaefrnaHta ^ Banks and huikers...^I tanking house, tin niiure and nxtures iutieiu e\|HMist-s and ta\^ s paid Itnlso| , ilu i hanks I{actional |vapvr rurreury, ulckeii MMcents aeeta Igal4ett4ler note* tir.anip .on r* 1 in I witkUi H. Ireasimr (Iper eaal ^^' en ^ utat am) DaefraMr. s. Trrasury^atkat \uaii^r. aat seM rcdctnption fund !40,ld :t.*.ii,^m^ssi VIM^m^M 4,-M au.uxo sTJin ii11,M h 1 i 1,12.100 Total. |M6.;;j7 UAMUTtMkCapi'iil stock pa d in$lor^inn Nuip us fund an,mo I'liUIVldedplollts *J^i,* I kMlonalHank aote* nattliagMg MJMi linh\ktual -ii pa-its Mb|eet to cluck.. IttXM p.inaudeellineate* t) He pa Kit ia*,:jt Time11 rt llirates of tleptislt H*MB linelo atker National nanks, 4m lineto Mate MUtftSMM MAkafg U^M TotalPMfeMl 87 htatkOf MOM ANA. I , 0H^ of Deer i.atge,\mi I,William M. Thoi utoti, cHili-er of the a time^MMfd Imiik, do aalesnuly swear that iheal. o\e^^tatesseul is true la die beat or mv kuowkd^o^and lielicf. WIM.IAMM. TIIHUNTOV, Cashier. Stihs.-iMm-iI and MMMJ M MMM MB MM M^da^ o! JttlV, IM1. KICIIAIIHA. KLNKLi:. .Notarynrttlle. Correct-Alteal 1 WildI am L IUH.H, i Htamis g BAMJaAJTT, i IHrectors BaMMMMM Market. lb- i on, Jul^ ML -The following were therloalllg MMMjttMMI Ahh ^ H klsiTs., IMM. ^Mk ^|M1.... is^*^Alclili rpklttdiial I ^ bond scrip Altii lw Ipkialild. I '* 1*1 mot. b MM .... HiirtMglintK tlkaa Umm is Mkim'vMarket. Kv.\\Vouk, July 'SI ^Mttnoy on call^easy; closed olleretl W |ier cent, I1 line mercantile paper, o*^t7 |ht^cclit. f .sterlingl'.xchange - Steady; 00-day^hill*, H M'/i, demand $1^7'|. liarBiivrr, rl 0/fct. I.omlnu Moury Mirkrl, I.ONPON,Jidy Closing. Consols:^Money, '.).^ bi ll*;doaccouift,1 a Id 10;United^Slate* 4'*. 1.0; 4',*, luO. liarsilver, o1^ I. per outlet*. Money,J^a J. per cent. I'i11 ol. iiiii ^l.arkid.^NKW Vohk, July '2X ^ Petroleum,^closed * 7*j|. UAMbLlNU A SCIENCE. st.Ci-iii**s ^lu*t I iim^ai^ *|^ori VVuij Cor-^tun*^ .o d I.o^i 'l lie^^i St,I. nt* Coi icvpoudt in i^ ball more American. luthe burial ot Arthur Lion, tho noted^Western bookmaker, ttwtay, tho earth^d'j*c I BMjff the remain* of one of the^weirdest character* that ever adorned the^pages of American turf history, lie was,^undoubtedly, the greatest and most dar^^ing plunger in tin* Western country, and^there have been very few in tin* Last who^have MMI and lost a* much on hor*r* a*^Lion did, day in mid day out. Arthur^Lion, a* he was familiarly known uniong^bt^oUiiiaU^ is, owners, trainer*, and tun -^men generally throtigiioiit the laud, en^^tered into the iKiokmakilig I u-^^Itesa Ml St. uMJM about 1J MMMJ^ago. For several \ear* be and^Uick Ivoi he wa re the only hokoies in theeit^, all I the ||Mf in a ing to N-'w^Voik a couple of years ggo matte Lion,^at tin* tune of Iii-* death, the pioneer in^th^ Ikook'iiiakn g MMMS3M here. Lke in:tuy in ins vocation of life. Lion^wa* prone to sp^ i ttlale on the horses on^HM oiit*t le, and during Ibfl laat lew MJMM^his plunge* reached into the tens of^thousands. At one tint** during the last^12 month* tie accuinul.n* d SOM*. thing^oke f kKi.lUU a- t! e MMJlt of his MJMMM inpicking wiiirer*. l^aiue KurtiMM di.n^wetn ngiiitst ti nt, atid h ^ loaw ^ wotihl^foot nt* io b twaatl HM U and UlgMJg in^a alngi* d iy. Fora MMJ prt viou* to In* th ath Arthur^w as laid up witti rheumatic g. ui. m^ padi-^lul tlufet even the preh-ur* a hctl sheet^op hi* ftkot gave iii pain, an I be wa*^c impelled to lay abed in hi* roam on^Kigbib street, w here he d d all In* betting^by proxy. Hi* runner* wcm to his room^alter every rac e, and tin re th.-y found^him propped up on pilloww :m the bed^Uttered with t* h grams from the dijTerent^race trackk, giving htm MlOTMalMst nboul^every coin * ivatde po'tit of inn h *t lo a^pi yer^the stati. of the areatha r, the con^^dition td toe ho^r*c*, tti* rondit.iiu of the^track*, the gas*ip of the stabia domj and^ol the iH'tting stand, fkere sea daily^newspapers that ih^ not n n ve a* much^^sad a- did Arthur Lion. lietold h * IMMMMJ |M)| what to do ill NOTtCBOPAPI'btt ATION TO CCT TIM-^ber In aeaoraaucs with the provision* of^^Sect inn B, of an ; ct o! l i litres*, . i pi oved Mai ^ Ii^:tnl 1 in, and the in i s ami p guf.iiion* ixsiod^ibereunaer. by lb* Hob. aeariUiy uf ti-e- la-^in lor, ami * ^ aMaawkMef of tin* ti^ aaral lake!^Ones, aattw |^h^*reb^ inven, thai .d t^iee\| ir-^sti itof II days, in m (li - tirst i^iinlir:itinu of^tin* notice, the undersigned, a ^^^^ |tarinerntup.^whose sja*loaw3* aihlies* is kexua, *!:**^ u a^teaaty, Mat* of Men ana, *1U ata^e writ tea^M p icadon io ihe bo ataMl aerfe^ an of the^In ^ i .ur ior aiuhorl ^ to cut ami n move all tne^atrirhmtskla mw i and itakgki liMk*r^^trtMliajgot | row lag aisat the even nuiuhiini,^or goveiaMeot **,etjatiCof laml, vlhailliee-.-^Iriaif hgiiailrtri of ^ aattaM ivaet ot lau i.ti* -^BtsTikssJ as iMiawii Uswit: t lUiitui'Uettlg at a^aoiat og tka nntikfiia Tai'itn- i: It, t III raw^stattag, in Hi^ ^cunt^ ami atats gfara* said,l nun lag thence ea*tci Iv iduug 1 * e^south aMS ^ f the ltabl ^f Way^of said r ulioad a distance of h u :iml one iiaif^(4HI Mbe*. to a i*^lnl known as ^t^itefn's cut;''^the ce ftoti'ueriv, one and onediaif il1, i miles,^mmv M list,, io pi* h*^i of the mountain*;^ih^ lice westerly, and following Usj f otofthe^luoii ta u is to a iHiml op no*, ^^ Heron station,^and them-e northerly ta place nt hegiuminr;^*;d.I tract of laud containing 1MM n ne um*^^*nml (k/MI mci ck, hut belgg uusiit\i yed, one-^^^If !^ nrniMfeiil I* tirlirggts fkr Northern ra^^cltic hailroad company. Il :s est .united there is^^^Milan and graw n,' (hereon tlu#s inilllou^fTMIijt Sf) feel of cdar. one miliioii l coa.uni^hit o| pme. five I in in i rt-tt UioukiimI ^ai,(on i-ri^ef tamarack. Mid ti\c huiidied ttiniisaiul ds*i.u 0)^fee. af tr, making ^ total ofat^oiii BY* mllliou^ftVMVMM feci on the eiiliretracl, ami aksMt Ms*-^kg f or iwa sattttoa Iv* humh d (SJMwaMI feet^h ng on gaveinment lai u. which th* ^ de*irc to^cut. The rlisraetar of the land of the abovaaaasfMMl traek i* m4qn^hio^cn, ami unlit fur agiaMtaral purpose*. Hit atid i on'a.ns ani nttie t aiaat aa nata per- puipi* for Wlileh 1 i.e limner^i^ t ^ be cut ami used i* for tin* liui uf telure of^him rr ami shingles, ihe ^am^ to ne used lor^mm ng. htilhttug, una far ether ii^*ful an I l^- ne-^leial piit|m^S k, with ii Ma Mateai Montana,^ami uoi lor *a e or e\|ntri out f *.ml stale. NpWkllUiikn. Ap.r.v ^ Co.^l alen lilt* Mtk d*^ \, IMt NoTicKorsVrrttrAiioN to *ut iim-^her. In accoi.iam*. with ths p-ovisi 'M of^setii a spruits and reguiailoot prestrtMji tiy^Ih Itunorabic ^^ rn tai) of the m;, n.^t ms^ ...^1M^1, 1, t e m ^ iMgned, a ics'ilcnt of 'I Injupsoa^I a i s, Mis*o.,la i-.'tniu. Moo tuna, lu-iebygive^ that at the ^ xpnsli li of wei.i^-oiie (lavs^fiointhi-nt si iiihicitiaa of this notice I Wil^Maa* w i aten app a-atioti to t he HMiaraMt i* o-^relary t^f the Interior for sutiiontv to rut ami^reatove all th* aMwkaatabe sswlegs a ne ami^t. ark timber mi he follow-m ^ u^ Mi (.. - i aaa^^Ur laao, to-a it i a eeruua Irsct of unsurv^yed^lam) h guui li* at a p lut oU Ih* I in - of the^^oftismII pacilh- railroad one mile west of waasvUk*, ar rada r sw sautk side of i lark's folk f\ i o;^. oS ti^ \\ eck*\ the, IliaBlUg tkrucS sautkskoutme-hslf mile tabaaeof in*aMMlk*j^iheuct la a w^*s^^rl^ iiircction io low n^haseor^mountain* about seven m U - Hi. in. iu a north- rfft|aweetloiul one-hall luii--to the balls, of tlarksioiku\.-i and ueail ^^i i . * t* Kildy stationon in Ihe Northern Iil ami con islalagaa area of abaai IjM* *n ^ sug Mvtgfl^taerraa about wvea m.ihou feet. t ptos t iuIht Udabout okr m ham bet o i.-iuaiark miner^,\! o thai atkH tract of gnsurve^i*| land he-^gin id tut at a I*'.i t ou line of Nnrt iern ^scilh in load, tunc i^os. .C, ^* d |*i l h iti^ uM MJM westof kthly -titioii, aud running west two^^Ilea to |*^si on n.c of rai to., maiMtl ilt, tnr^Width of sa*d tiite heiug ahoi.i i\(1[Uai ler* ol^a m:leail MUsiklag an ar s ^ I a' i it MMM^and bavuigIbereon nuuut iw- \ In n ireil iIkhi-^ssad f et of jaiir limb r. i e . 'i u ,. *f of sa.d^Muni is flat h ach^-s as*t MM I i . , lo agTSMl^lu e. all gl *a it laml m^ lai U ktkutVg 1^ UOB-^lid tic I al in clara.tir .did a*\4.^d pi IllSsoaU^eounty^ state of Mottiau.u w.a, iMfti Jub10, Imii. NORTHERNPACIFIC BetweenMiaaonla. Gimion, Helena,^Butte City, Boscman, LiTinp-^tor, BUliaci, Miiee City^end Glendive and^all Pomti EAST HND WEST. Tlicr.m oothlm better tlua iii.^irrvlc* oil THEDINING CAR LINE. lih uth riillm.n Mr.'i'inuCw and Fiirnlihsd^1. .i.i .at M. i |^.|i lially lirtw^fu fuiuis in MONTANA THE EAST. 120Hlln tbe StorUst Lint ti^ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND CHICAGO. I*artnct'oa.t train* pmi'hk tlirouirn Minn.^MU, .Norm DaS*a. .M^niaa^. lOitlio, iirj*^at'MVutriiaeioiicarry .'nuiiiU'ie e^|.iipra^ai ol^1 rl man J';i ap.- SMI .'ara, Fn*t und Seo-^seal .'I;*,. Ceacaeei inimati .nuil^t ana Fr*.^CMMill blM'i^rs. ana liie-nmi Uuiiuii tan. THROUCHTICK6TS Aii-m^U1 at all rouion rn^,eei nMlii* Northern^Facllr laiilead lo |^ni t a .North. Kan, nmU^uud Wvai in ti..- I'uitrd Stat*, and Onaila TIMEKSBBWW*- AHIIIVrAT I.LI IK. No.it7^ BaeMeea aanaa,iwn. m, n^. hcj^ i ov\ BavreMirisp. m. Ke ^- Atieat* Selltaoi^. in No.- From llie wmlIU::i'^ p. in. Vls.uuu.auUlli'lcna ..\ii.^^iu, Drj'ABlKHUU l:l I ik. No.1 ^Parit.i- mailffdOp. m. 8e.I lSMi*e SatUtfcreet* iruiu littai m. N. I AMeatla maili :Mp. in. No.lie^Heefaaa rxprrta*^** ^' No,m T^iii|netiel ^:i5a.m Mim^ilii anil Hi-lei.a rxpreei H4^aiii IWi-inan^\|Ti',. arnves anil leave* irotn^Son horn leclH de|mt. No,, a ami i. w,t uud^i UNt louud, aruve at ami li-are from MonLnia^I inon mi.. 1 ami 4 alffty Iwal mm!. 1-itKati'i. Map,, I .mi''laulc, or fiiiecial In.^form:i^ioii appiy to any a^eut. Northern l*aciuo^lali louii t1IARI.KS K. KF.E.^bcncral fasMaser anu Ticket A^aut,^H. I'aul, Minn.^JAM IS Md'AIO.^Uenrral Afent,^liEaet Brotulway. butte, MonL $500Reward ! wrwin paf aWafcaas paeaH t ^* ^^^r r**^^ ^f Lr**e i'otiii . I'y ^|h |^- i*. Fn * Hi f^.! v 1, ^action CViv Mi|.;.nn or l\-ei,^riM**a *^ eaa* . r^ with WSaM ITsgMsSMLIesr1*1 :u.*li^* lli^ o n *. n^ ^.*^^strictU;^i staeta .1^^ith 1 Tin t ar* r'^^:y t^f( t^Ma, **'(! asset liallta s!*^ p*|I-i^.ii,.^. S**J*CCsaU ' i ^r/*^a^asWaSSSSJ sd IMla, U rsst* ft** , ,. , f tjaMMMMII^miiI iwii-iia.** The r^rmti# i^*t it^.tur**! ssijr t*/^nil: Jfc^HM ^^ wr^t comi ty i UK*aii*XMa^THE SMITH DRUG COMPANY,^^sous MMJMa^^VAi^ MLLL1.A.N.i,. .n^a. MUM N'OTtCfOF aPPUCATIOM AO rUT AIM-^ber lu Mi rorU*iic^ with Hi* ^^mv^sious of^tin* rules and KKulatlouH pr**serit^eil I'T^tin* llmioiaii e ^tnTcury or thf* iDtcrlur, M.hvL^iMM,tho, (isoftrey A^avpit, whose S*iilllceud .res* I* Hulte, ^t.\er llow count; -^aiitaua, li^ tsh\ u \es tint ice that, st ilifixpt-^raiKm nf twenty-one days from tlie flrsl pulili-^i-atl'iii of lids notice, h will m;tkf au anplica-^lioii to llir ll^iit^rabtt^ hecrt-tarv of lli- lu-^leitor for pi rnii*^ion ^i^ cut and rmwvr timl^**r^for ii.erchandte, by en ting and con\ariinz Into^MMMJT aid m BS llatb rs, from the fslMsrlMl^tr -ui\^-\.d a d uuat pronrl ^^^' public Isnus,^situ t*d In ha t'otntv or Mlss-^u a, *la^eof^Montana, and 4 aerfted M MAMM. to-wit: 1 e*^Miam tin* IS ntbern Ki 11 ^ rallrtrd bridge^which iraMes i I k's Fork of lie ^ oluu bia^river, *vb ut t:ve m.l ^^ M|f(naMMM| lad*.^Mid kiiowii h* Mini ; lied the H'-lktUtP br djic,^attd thence cnibra ln^ a tr^c i f laud HVcmles^n width ^^u c;ii h hide of a* d t arade! to me saia^i lira's K^*rk ^ I he t'ohitiibia river aui rtttintnf^east* r.y up ti e sal i Ur 's I ^^rk *^t the i . um^lurnei, sIk-b lottv miefl to the *^^uiliwcst^bo nd ry of UM naVMMi Indian r*-sena'ion,^^ 'i.t-ti11 m: ^ aboul IV. ^ a^-re* Als^Isr that sertais tract of I nt beclnnlif^at ttie n niith f 'be Mi son la i iver and etnb ac-^iitif tlvt' n^i ^^ iu w.dt Ii on c*' h side cf ninl pir-^allcfl ^ lb** M d Mibsou a ilvar. ai.d rMMMs^^ou.hciiy and t a leriyalxmt foi t^-hve mi es up^III^ tsM Mis* ii a rrVrr, to a p tut where th *^ranp' ii e be wedi tatii* s and .:t wesl of the^MiaatMU M^iu i* Merattea v- i d ci^s^ s. n^iiv r, contatiiti ualHMit .so, ^ acir*. A^ io: t.iat ita n trai t of html, banning^at the mouth of th- M wSff Ituigi.i nv^ i ami^emhr.iciiiu five mill-* l'i w id h on each si^ie of^and parallel to the *^bl Nt Ite/isa river, andruiiui ,' westerly tip t!ie -nd -t. MMM^tm nvef iwiiny iniics, MMalaMf ub.'tt l.e, ii. in n As lo fat ^^^^^^a D n of l.i'd. I cnndn ;^a he n; u h ^f h' Thoini^sou ii*er and em^hraii n ii.entiles in nidibou cacn ude of and^I arsllct io .he ftk d I: ^ inj^ mi river, and ruu-^Uaf ii ita-riy twenty niun p lu s Id ihotnp-^b '11 m er, on aiiiinu about 1 -t, * u acres tin-tola area of the above de*eiibt*d tracts^Is alxiut 770U^J acf^^. but *t to exceed one*^tenth, or 7 , to a^ic* s avail aide limber land. Ih-l niter ftfawini! and st ti din^ thncon^aoaslats i f i dnar.u k about sl*jsj ,^^ ofe-t. MffVM^ain I Ma, UMtst. Ar abooi |UM\LM feet, aaaat^aboiu I BM ^i fee:. Mss^MsrMM ubuUL lo u^h si. Mm hlaa aaoM IM a ti et. Ihe ehai iulei of th* land Is n iuh snd tnnun-^talunii* and with tin-eveeption of sma 1 tr^ t*^nil ih^ iLer uud creek but touts is uulil for agri^^cultural purio*!.'*, UKOKhKKYLAVKLL. Julyl*3, tm. NOTKK OK Al'l'LIC tTION TO CUT TIM-^It-hit. lu aci'oruaiice wall tho p.ovlsiotis^ol 8cc. ^. rules ami rtvulatious prescribed by tho^Hon. rs creuiy of ihe In erior. May 6, Ihji. th*^undeisinued, v\i!'iain (ianluer, wln^*e |*)ktofllee^addre*s i* Walkri viUe. Mlver liow county, sista^of M'liiiana, liereby i:ive* notice that at ti ^* ex^^piration of uays fiuin Ihe tn*t publicattOD of^this notice, he wdi make appdcaliou to Ilia^Hon. h^^ n tary of Ibo Interior lor suthortty^to cut ami remove pint* and tir umber, lor niet-^chaudiM*. by cuttn k and eoiivntiuu into cord-^wutsl, itir fuel fur the reduction of ore* and for^itoiiifsdc use, an t pole Is^^iii^* Mid studs, lor^in uiuu umber*, from the lo lowing uuaupropn-^alctl i ublic lauds, silusted near th* bead of^Mown * ;-uii Ii sad v einity, in ibe counties of^MlVi-r now, JrfTcr^oii - nd l^eer l talice, sta e of^Mi u lull a, aud deb. 11 bed by l^ jal -ubdivisuiint a*^follows. lo-Wtti Mction* 10, l*.^ KM. flLM|M^ami :d, in lu* nshtp five norn. ran^e em lit W'St.^it so *ec ions j asu 4 in township four north,^MMM eUhl west t onlainl % an srea of ti,4^a^^aeies, but noi lo eseeeti acres Is available^tuidver laud, the Umber crowuik* unit siandinic^thrreon is very tc*itcr n/t and cdi* sts of iwle^n ue an t nr, about :^,2no cords of woo^l, shout^ao,usj pine aL'iruiK poa *, aud about mm fir siulls. Thfcliarae er o the land l* very lotiich aud^noun.aUious and wholly uunt tor agricultural ******WILLIAM viAKUNLIt. July1ft, IA91. Niiiif. Fint Arri r-At ioN iocuttim.^Ih r. In aivonlalice wilh the prnvisoii* of hmd i^iii ck ai rcinilatlous ar scribed by^the 11olioraotc (M iet try of the Interior. May ,^1e^9l. L the umlers,^ned, whose p'l-t.illlce ad-^dres* i* I'hilipshur^, lit er t.*i. ^^ county, Mon^^tana, pvc notice that at ihe evpiration of twen^ty-tuie days rum the lirst i .m of this^^atlrr. a In ataka apptloatioa to ihe itmioiahie^^ccietary of the Interior lor authority lo cut and^r.^uio'.e i! i iii ici antab e timber . f tir and p lie.^for las)Mrpases ^ t un ich.nidise. ih m *tie uud^muidi' parpaseit from th^ Id Ihwi k tie*er bed^uu-urveyed laud ^d the pulnl domain, ^Uuate in^miitl couii! ^, lo wit: touim U' in- at die Iii' pit ou Ihe north bank^uf ttis Waiildrr rrsirk rtliiniMJ Mi*aes ah ut two^mile* lo a *tak* mark -d 1 *. ' ^ n ihe hank of^Mil l sire, m tin nee two mile* hi ;mi easterly di^^rection to a *tast markt ti ^t*; ' tin mv twomiies^^|a a stake Marketi **Cthen e twomiies ^ to a slake m.i ked ^0;'* t hence two ml es a stake marked ^A,^ the plaae ot he- MaMj Toeabove tract: of land embrace* about one^laMtasad two i.. n ^^ d at re*, eantaialag Iberaoa^alnnit !^ ',i^^u c u ds ot woihI atid -,% nut irfle.o 0^fed ot bin-ber, the pmporta^a ol timber U'lUK^sbuut ^ i^' third pun- an i two third* dr. lliecharacter al the ai*^ve de-i hum laml Ii^verv iitoutit tti.ou*, of a m iwral natues, d-ep.v^^ i t'w t!i ravines and anati table foi aimcu turaJ^anaaaa oral purj *^**^*, all Miiif loc iled m the^|;oul n't^ va lev ..i d o t c ^^oih Jin ami ran^eon^lac south *u!c of wild Mr am ULAst i ItLi K 1 1 1 mi: ( O.,^Mi m.i i-., .Manager. Millps.nirir, July 7, 1k.^L sampramenko pkai.irm Fresh(lame, Oysters ANDFISH, 1h.urrf. c-, m i ;u,'. ^^ Nu:^. Krulta^Lulur ae* i !^^^.^ i CountryA**SI a Sficialtv. ta..M**V AnacouJd, Moat 7\.T. PL.MYTeR, Cor.Main and First-sts.. Anaconda DRUGS, FANCY GOODS, E'Q. ParticularAttention Given to +PRESCRIPTIONS MONTHNH Lumberand Produce Co, -DKAXXKSIK- z lumber,lath, shingles^doors. windows. mouldings I~7 WholesaleDealers in FLOUR. Wholesale and^Retail Dealers in Hay. Grain, Feed and Hard^and Soft Coal. We carry in stock a^full line of ba,nm.Wllwagons FromQuartz Gears to Light Spring Wagons.^Also Clark, Perry, Studebaker and STANDARD. BUGGIES . AND . CARRIAGE! anda Inll Una ot Bond Carta al twtt make*. Garden Cltr, Clipper and Chiliad Plow*^all line olfetera' and Uortlej Bros.' Concord Harness, bmltu, Wortlilnrton ft Co. Carrtag^I i'SB and Track Harness, baddies, Wlupa, liobea ami Ousicn, and .r.ryUUnK perialolni Vi.i Calland look through our Stock. It is complete tn ail the different line^and we defy competition, J.T. CARROLL. Manager. -THE- HAl.I. HOOF, PrMiarat, UAUCVaUALV, Vlce-I're,'t, HT.U. IHUKMU.M, Caahl. TELEGRAPHCOMPANY ixc0xxecti0m with ThePostal Telegraph Co. -AXD- Mackey-BennettGables Ha,Unequalod Facililiea for the^Tranamiaalon of Telegraphic^afeaaagea ToAll Parte of the World! FirstNational Bank -OP- ANACONDA,MONT CAPITAL. $1 OO.OOt Buyanil tell Doinratte and Foreign Exenaaf^aud trantact a aeuerai l^ankinj| bualnvaa Collecii'in,prompllr aliened lo. ^x.^diani:e drawn on Loudon. Kdlnbtirg,^tila,Row. Dublin, Belfaat, farla,^Uainbuix, Berlin und all Um^kuuluiic ciiie, ot Kuropa, rumr s poxdbxti : AmericanExchange National Bank...New Yor OmahaNuimnal Bank...Oman Well,,Furgo ft CoBaa FranclM ttaliKallonal BankOadt HopeKmanlie ft CoButt Menliant,' National BankHelen LarabMUroa. ft CoDeer Lud* GRANDRESTAURANT MUNHSJam^ una mtk. fetrlctlyFirit Cla.i. I | Open l^ar and Nlgn^^ .mic ol all kind. In Mason,^bide 1 uiuu.. room lor ladie, ana lamlHea, IUW Hill! UBXf.^GEORGE MOOINI, ^ ^ Manage W.M. THORNTON + FIRE + taranceAgency REPRESENTING owned BY- MONTANACAPITAL. *TNA.of Hartford. ftSQUMMnAHA, or Han FrancUco, I'ALIFor.MA.of Mn Franoiaoa,^COMMKltClAU of Caufornta,^Hl.l MAV.^ U SD. otCaUornla,^1IAI11XJK1). o) Hartford. IMMLlUaJ*of Loudon. i.i\uu iMji. ,Dd London aui uuibk, l.i Mm in ft LAM A ^ 111 HM. NATIONAL,of UarUorJ,^US ZKAl-AND.^M.MiAKA, of New Yor^,^1'liOKMX. of London,^Vl'KLN. ot IJMfl* imun.otcaiifan*. Ul.^ 1LUN, ol 1 oronUX PATRONIZE IT. iHE-^SMITH DRUG CO. DRUGGISTS.Read 's Old Stand.