Newspaper Page Text
THEANACONDA STANDARD: FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 24, i8ol THEGREAT NORTHWEST Itemsof General Interest From the lei^States and Elsewhere. ANEVER FAILING FLY TRAP SteelRailroad Bridge at Vancouver^^steamer Built of Oregon Ma-^ - A Negro Builds^a Church. Thonew rlmreli built by George Wash^^ington, a wt'alll y culorcil resilient ot t'en-^tialiu. Wash., it about completed. It will^Imi dedicated us tlie Second Uuptiit^cburcti of (entrails. l.rt-itFalls Tribune: Montana fat^steers arc now bringing^.:^.) a cwt. in tlie^Cliieago market and til- heart of the cat^^tle king i* filled witb rejoicing. Ourlxef^i ruiluct will bring inio tbo stale tins year^scarcely leu than J10.utKi,^ OU. Al'endlion. Ore., firm i^ the fortunate^pe** sessor ^ ^! 11 M ver-lailing fly trap. It in^a litilo bird, which voluntarily took up it*^abode in the linn's ^ Hire, and since its^srrivul has devoted llsi It to the dcslrtic-^ti^ n of these, pests. It is said to be more^cllieient than anything ever before tried. Oneof the longest and most costly steel^railroad bridges in the country is now be^^ing erected by the Lniou Pacific across^the Columbia river at Vancouver, Wa*h.^The length Irom tho Washington to the^Oregon store will be t^,u.u leet, and the^draw pier will be over 41KJ feet long. T he^cost of tho structure will l^e over ^1,(X^J,-^UUO. AMM named Harry l'oiid, wiio bad^Ih'cii Ifiie^ 1 $.1 for contempt o! court by^Jti.'.ieu Mill' r, of l'etidleton, Otc., for^lulling to appear as a witness in u case,^met the justice on the street mbsccpli lilly^ami assault^! bint bv sir.king and kicking^him. for this offense fond was lined the^ridiculously milill Mini of Jin in addition^to the costs by another justice. TheUlasg..w //. rii.'i/ ray*: Miss Maud^l'arker of Nashue, one of the belles of^IJuwroii county, made glad the hearts of^hei many friends by her presence here^several days this week; partly because^she is a line performer on the piano uud^r^ ndeis some of the loveliest pieces ini-^nginable, and where there is such music^^I:m etirsid all ate as merry as a song and^tlatice. Sittirday afternonu a hound ran a^small bra n from li e hill to the mud ft it^opposite Newport, Ore., and after half an^hour's struggle, succeeded in injuring the^little one hj badly it could not get up, and^some of the boys went over and killed it^to end us misery. While the dog was^trying to kill it by bi'.ing its bams its^cries wm mo,I pitiful and plainly beard^In.u! the town. JohnFoster, ug-ed 71 years, and^lllei 1 la Dale pa, ayi d 17 years, were mar^^ried at t'orvaiiis last week. Tne crootu^is a pioneer of iletitou county, and is^wordi about S8U.U00. The event has fur^^nished thb gossips of Corvalbs an excel^^lent subject, and it is th.- all-absorbing^topic ot conversation. Mori- sensible^people, however, considi r that if the^brale and eroum can stand it tiny cer^^tain, y can. lute Niichio claims to have the only^lame in nk on record, says the Oregon^Mesjg The animal was capturx-d near^Hits eity a few \\i eks ago, anil by carclul^handling it has become domesticated, and^at presi nt is as playful as a kitten, ft is^probably six wet ks old, ami is allowed^the Ireidoiu of the shop, running about^the premises and playing with its keeper,^the little animal has become a great pet. Ihihugthe recent e'eetr.e storm a bolt^of lichihing struck u telephone pole on^the 1. 'wiston line near J. 11. McT'arlanc's^place, an I Miss Weatlu rd happened to^he pissing under the wire about a utile^south of where tlie stroke recurred and^was knocked down by the shock, suys the^Mo,cow Mirr'tr. She was not injured^other than being considerably stunned. I'nlcsssonic unforeseen dillli tllty arises^wiihin the next lew days a Irain will be^I tin through the Northern 1'acillc tunnel^on the Caejejl sVjslSfM cut oil by the* last^of this month, til it * completing the* con^^nection between Mullau, Idaho, and Mis^^soula. Mont, says the Mullati Tribune.^Nearly six mouths' work with several^hundred men have been required to undo^the damage done by last winter's snows^anil storms to the stretch of track lying^between Mullau and tho Missoula river.^The main tunnel on this branch, just^over the divide, bad cuved in during the^winter and was the means of delaying^the transfer of tho road from the con^^tractors to the operating department of^the road. Thowet weather this spring brought to thesurface a How of petroleum just above^town, says the ( hole ail .Ifuii'oiii'iiii. In^llopKuison's Held t'ljitc a little \ o id was^found lroiu the surface of which a pint^or more of oil could have been skimmed, andjust within the town limits back cf^Prisley's another seanage was found^which tmiitcd a strong odor and a bril^^liant blue gloss to the water. Another^flow was noticed some hundred yards far^^ther east, across the creek, which spread^out orrr the water a thin film of th*^standard article. George Adlam, who^was with the experts who visited the^Kootenai oil fields across the line some^years ago, says he saw more oil back of^l'a is ley's than was found in the Kootenai^country. Yet tho experts reported the^prospects got si lb-re and cfTered 115 an^acre for otherwise worthless land*. Just^keep your eye ou the ( hotcau oil fields^'or a short time- uud mayhap you will sec^something. Tbofirst trial trip of tho splendid new^propeder Victorian, owned by the Union^Pacific system and built from stem to^stern of Oregon material, by Oregon^labor and ingenuity, took place Thursday^afternoon under the combined suspires^of tho -tie iron works, by whom^all the machinery of the steamer was con-^i structed, and the owners. No jollier*, rmore^\ representative company ol citisens ever^' graced tile deck of any vessel ill these^'^ waters than that which leaned over the^guard rail and filled the saloons of the^j stately craft as she left her dis k at ex^^actly 2: 1* o'cleck, says the IWasjfJga,^BasJST spectators lined iii^ aijjeelll^wbarvts, and as tho beautiful hoal^s|-ceded down the placid waters of the^Wiil.iinelte, with tlajs Hying from every^i vantage point, cheer after cheer went up^I from ih- enthusiastic sightseers. The^| shrill whistles of paising boats greeted^I the ilea- flyer. Sawmills and factories^I sent forth their greeting'* in prolonged^toots of steam whistles; locimmvct on^each side of the river, as they passed and^^ repassed, opened their steam chests and^Bu.uti'd, while even the youngsters whose^delight it is to bathe in the waters of the^river, stood up on saw logs and the- ad-^jacent banks, clad in nature's garb alone,^and waved their bands and yelled them^^selves hoarse as the steamer passed them. TheOSJSSSBSl Vt as l-^eu*eu. Theconfederate soldier had his fun,^with his short rations and pay in inflated^currency, says.thc.tTiaitanocga Timrx, and^die ^Van!.^ was not always the subject.^The wrili r of ^four Years in Ucbel I'uii-^itals.^ graphically illustrates the point: liefreshedinwardly and outwardly, the^men would march down the street, an^^swering the waving hankercbiefs at^ v ery^window with wild cheers. Nor did they^spare any amount of chaff to those luck^^less stay-at-homes encountered on the^streets, tonic oin'r that black coat!'' ^1 know^ye're a con-cript! Don't you watil'er go^for a sojer V^ ^Yere's yer chance to git^ycr siibter loot!'' Theseand similar shouts, leveled at the^head of some unlucky wight, brought^roars of laughter from tho soldiers, and^from the \ iciim's unsympathetic friends. Atone house a pale, boyish-looking^youth was noted at a window with a lady.^Itoth MM rgeiieaily waved handkerchiefs,^and the men answered with a yell; but^tin- opportunity was too good to lose. Colin-right along, sonny!^ was the^cry- ^ih^ lady'll spare ycr! Here's a^little mil-kit fur ye!' Allright, boys!'' cheerily responded^the youth, rising from hts seat. ^Have^you got a leg lor me, too*.'' and Colonel Fstruck the shortest of stumps on the windowseat. Withone impulse the battalion halto'1,^faced to the window, and came to^'^Present'' as their cheers rattled the win^^dows of that block. 'That chord had^been touched by which tin- roughest sol^^dier is ever moved. A.W. MclNTYRE, 11101T11E101' Arccrrsl tranfer business t ran*sct^st frixsi-elasssiugie nn.l iioub ^^ rim. Omnibusto nil trains. it-U-phuiiijNo.: i Stable,.'roadway. Nttn r|M U7MBKK DEALD* AND HAW Mil L^1 v. ii. liid^ wi I U^ tvi-eivitl tit** minis!).^iiilt pMsj Uilneiy ul ;fc*7m' feet an (Me i4f Ukm of^lumtur on the liii^ of Flint neek, Ik-twven^^;^ OIKftoWl,olxl the fool Of tin* full*, the flatvery ot Him niinhei to Ih ^Io on or uhont the^|W^fl)to*ilwh 4^y m Juiy* IflW. una to l^^ eotn-^plelstl I y the fifteenth ft;t\ .it b. pteintn'1. I MM. IIh- i/reitter |m*rl|i n of the ueteiilieil^ltiiui^ r is tobr tw^^ fj) inch plank, of :t*..oiieii^TAulihH ami kfMlkfli tiiul tin* other i*oition^diniriiKion inatena,! all to t^^* Koun.l, free from^U ose knotH.. In-t kti, hlukeH anU other detectk ^^f^like rliaraeter. stiXHtihiy ent itnd tif even thick-^lietikuntl whlih tintMiu'loMit FurtherlufnnuAlloa eont-emin^ ih^^ al^o\ ^^^inav be had l y a rtfi ^itflMJ tin unUersi^m d, MS^I4n,* BuUe City. Moat a ItAKEU^. 11 AKl i K^Ilutte. Mont., .lulj s, wji CATCHESTHE WORM IX TheStandard's Lightning Express to Butte, Itsliarly Edition for Western Montana, Andits Daily Increasing Mail and Express Eacilitics HIVEB80IB ITS ClllltLlTIIIN U'.tt BOND All KI'RT.TOK! I TIS THE FIRST PAPER READ BV l'ASSENC.ERS COMING INTO^the State on the Northern Pacific, Union Pacific and Great Northern Kail-^ways. It has a News Bureau in every town ol importance in Montana and^its Special C orrespondence covers the whole Northwest Wehave made arrangements by which traveling Montanans can get their^Bavorite Paper in Every LhrgeCity in the United Sthtes //Can N0B be I-oitmi on /i/e at the Folhwitu Hotels. NewYork^Eifth Avenue, Windsor, Gilsey and Hoffman.^CnicAGO--Auditorium and Grand Pacific. SanErancisco^Palace and Baldwin.^Salt Lakh^Knutsford- Sr. Paul^^West. PortlandPortland. TACOMA^Tacoma. Siattli:^Rainer. HOFOR CASTLE! JheQreat Carborxale Camp LIVINGSTON . AND ^ CASTLE^Daily Stage Line. tEVKNTIMtS A WEEK^-WTHROUGH IN TEN HOURS* CouiforUibleOsWfeH ^iooil llurssi anU carelul Unvt-rs. sV~l'asssiiL-r-r kit a Willi so A l Ulnoer^si Minlli 4. \'au llurnc s. FARE,$700 ROUND TRIP, %\m JOHNNYLEWIS. Prop. V^OTICKTO rRFIMTOKS.-Efctato of Calfb^1^ K, liVMif. 1 ^.-i fjic.-.i. Noiii'e i* hen-t-yni\en^by thr iintlt iMgniMl, ^'\tt;iit^r vX Hit* I'siatt* of^(\\U i I . Irvine, Urn-MM-d, to iti^* crcdilort of.^and all |H*r*ons mir t itilin* asitlukl tlie viM^dft't-HM-d, to fxriittlt tin in v llli the neeesMtry^voucherft, witlitn tour month* aft'-r Die f[t %l pub^lirnlloii of tlim uotiee, to the raid executor, at^lilt* ^:ih'*'. in the M^nd tid huitdnitr, rtirner of^M:i n iinl 'Ihtrd stithe ^nnie t^ t. 4 ihe tilHen^fm the tiausnt'tion of the Inline!* of taid est,a^(^InMiecityof Anaeonaa, l^eer Lodjn County,^M^ nt.N. H. h.NVhhlt. Eieeiitorof iha tstate ol Caleb k. livine, iNH'easid. Daieu.June ^ ^l wa km springs rDHIRY stalmann^ lewis, I'HOl'HIKTOIl-i.! FRESH deliveredevery day^in the week. JOHNSC0V1LLE, Manager. FRASERk CHALMERS, CHICAGO. L.C. TItENT,^ Salt Lako CHy, Ftnh, Gcucrulfatal M.-innpcr, /llt-lciia, Montana. MININGMACHINERY, AndMachinery far the Systematic Reduction at Ores by Amalgamation,Concentration, Smelting ami Leaching.^Bu Mens ol the HOMF-STAKF, GRANITE MOUNTAIN, DRUM LUMMON ANACONDA,BLUli K RD. LEXINGTON .ml BI METALLIC^5 'MPANIE^:^ ' Hoisting REDUCTIONWORKS. Inginss, Coat-ad and Direct Acting, Prospsctlnrjand Oovalopmtnt Holsta.^Builders of Improvod Air Comproesor* and Wire Tramways.^Fruo Vanning Mnchinos and Embroy Concentrator. -E=3ELECTRIC MOTORSE=- BOI.B WS8TERN AOENT8 J-Q11 liidgeruiood Hoisting Engines, AHO menwwe works doublcchimped mum cloth.^Eleotrio ^Light Flanto. DiamondCors Prospsotlng Drills. CONCENTRATION7wTILLS.^ELECTRIC ELEVATORS. Itandftssw Or/lit and Compressors. Otis Clttators. Knowlts' Pumps, Root tlttetr%^ugi,KINCSUND ^ DOUGHS S*W MILLS. jffif,SHAY PATENT LOCOMOTIVES. SHLEOPENS JULY 25 THE BARKERT0WN3ITE COOTPHNY Willccmnicnccthe sale of the lot* in^the Harker ' on the '25th^day of fiily, iSpf, at the following places: HelenaAt the ofiics of IAS. t. POETER,l'ower Hlcck^Great Fa'.ls^At office of THOS GAHAGAN.liarkcr^At the office of T. W. THOMISCN_ ;^ Mi... r,,^ ^ . ri . t .'v I ul- ie p'scrs.and ^^artj i.i m^-i^-. M wutcll mi-n.'.iu.- i,mi^ tl is''-e s l r-t elu lee -I 'll^ MS* SS Is^ .... i, mysssnl 11 srorarM ^f lbs ssashsss^ii.tant ^ sis 1 stint 0. Tormao f Sale will bo One-Third^Cash, balanco 6 and 12 months^at V Per Cent. PRICEOF LOTS $150 TO Anadvance will POSITIVELY be made in the price of^LotsonAUGUST 10, of $50 per Lot. Thisis positive,^and no Lots will be sold at the first list price after^that date JAMESP. PORTER, Power Block, Helena. RAILROHD WILLBE COMPLETED in TO Barkcr ByAugust 15, '91. Barkerhas the assurance^of beinjr one of the best ore^prc-cluciner camps in Mon^^tana, new strikes beingr^made daily. An abstract^thowtltf perfect title will^be furnished free with the^deed on final payment.