Newspaper Page Text
THEANACONDA STANDARD: MONDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER X6. x3^c *NOUBKBBR ELt-CTR.C KA1LWAY TIMfc. CAR U takW.H kkkkit NOV. I, MM. MftiiUHicU.Murl ; LeaveI'ai roil. faWaV111. fs:.l'n.111. (::^in. 'M a.111. (#1,in. 0:111iiiii. 111:10a.Ill II:io ita i p. m I:J^ u. in.^:.': m y. m. .IM p.^^ 4:JUi^.m IMpin .^^: f^ pIII .7::*^|i.Ill .tjf pin !0:. ,uip.hi 5:10^ m tavt in. 7:^i a. iii vioh. 111 I'll ^ u. Ill 0i a. in iMa, in. -: 5 p. Ill^i :(10|^. ni^in p. in.^1: 0 |l ni Ml,ui^. 4^M k, in . :ji 111. ItI a, in .7 M p. 111.^. ^:ui p. Ill^.l^ 111 .Ikaxp. in AtMm. m.^. it :lo |^ m. TRAVELER'SGUIDE. MUMa n in vr.^7:05 A. M.-I n in Smart-Iamvok Kiutt 0:l.^ a Mill Cii'ok ti;.v, a in; shopi 7:a a in^^:.^- ^KriHll Klllle- leaves Itllllo 7:50 ain; Silver Hi-w i^:^i a iii, Mil irt K::i^^ a in.^lliflo A. ^^ ^ limn Untie anil liarnson- LeavesPnlte 10:40 a B| MutHh' 10'.7 am: Muart11:2s a in; lra\es Harrison in lo t in; Mll.udi'i- MlSSa in: Waiin iaiHall l|:il am iM^ .^^.- Kriini Nulla ami fcrriMa-^MM*aa^MIMBdipm; Silver How 5:4.'|^ in: hiiiari^lilt pin: Uii'.es tiarii-on r,:i0 Bail Deer^1-jde.e 5:J4 p in; Warm Springs f^:'^l p 111.^ihaiks Mill i*0 A. M -1',^i smart Sliop^6:i-jani; Mill^^ nek 0:3. a in; unite Mliiarl OlOani 8:10A. at r^r (iaiiitou -Muart s:30 am:^Warm Vprlri!' * '^^ a in; IXcr Ixxljie'J:.'} a M;^anlVH (ia i rim in '.i.via in. :loA. M.^tor liiute Stuart |4X|B| Sil^^ver I'na' 11:58 a in; arrive Itut'e in r. a in. 2.44r M --For inl'.'- nad Harrison - Stuart^L'uVipm; Silver ll.iw 3:J7 p m; arrive Kuao^^iMpMi Warm spiai^^3: 5 pm; iHei l/Kltfe 4:op in, arttva Oanlaaa its p m. THEWcATHER. Thodmly rcconl a| tlio Iht rmometcr in^th a city lor yes'erJay w is: 7 u. ni., 6^degrees aliove; lli m , 7 negroes alive;^4 p. in., 3 degrees above; K p. in., aero. ABOUT THE CITY. Semetired individual leaned a^larir glass ^^^ tin' window of Lon 1 ijr-^ni'tt'a store last night and smasturi the^glass into atom*. Asmall army ol ltaliaua arrived in this cityyesterday accompanied !^y the usual^ilir'y lilutiket aecoulrcmentl. If they^came direct from Sunny Italy they doubt-^lea* detected a alight difference ill the^climate. Themoon wan totally eclipsed laat^night lielwcen ti and 7 o'clock. It arose^under eclipse nnd renin.ned obscured^nearly half an hour. Tho eclipse wa^ ot^^aerrahle ill all parts o! the union weat of^tt:e Mississippi. Wordreached thia ciiy laat night that^Wells ('ahoon died yesterday ufternoou^at Deer Lodge, (ulioon waa fireman on^the Montana Union which broke^a sidebar between Deer Lodjo and Gar-^ri-ion last week when Engineer ^Foley^^Howe waa so seriously hurt. C'atioon waa^acaltled on the lega ao that when liia^clothes were removed at Ueer Lodge the^flesh peeled off in roil'. Ho suffered the^most inU'tiec ugony. (alioou's body will^bo takuii Ma* lor burial. CONDUCTO-t W-ST'S BRICK. ItWas m Good haiupia of Ilia Kind, but^i^l ihfi it rune Kind. Therailroad men tell a good story on^Conductor Chnuney Weat ol the Montana^ West is largely interested in sev-^' irai v illi, b fire clay and Are brick en-^lerpr s-.s. Ho i as one of the flueat quali^^ties of tire brick evi r made in America,^and is rcci iviug large orders from many^of tho priucipul smelters in this state.^I siially t ounucior West, on Ilia trips be^^tween Ihitte and Garrison, carries a sam-^lileol the lire 1)1 irk with him and b tweell^Hta'ions talks with mining men among^bis passengers about silica lire brick and^all that tort of thing. Theoilier tljy VMS West loft Butic^with his iraiu for Garrison h ^ carofuliy^wrapped up ui an old newspaper a choice^ made of the celebrated Hie^eiuy out if his claim near Garri^^son. Wini West's tram reached Stuart^she waa laid out about half an bour aud^Conductor V h on with hm train and crew^was ulso there waiting. Mr. West told^tho hoys on tho Anaconda run of his^aplend.d brick and told tin in to look ut^it^it wua ^ ii the top of the coal bos in^one of the passenger coaches, West aaid.^Conductor Nelson loves a j ike as on^Englishman loves a lord, and when West^w as not around Nelson took the lire brick^and wrapped the paporarouuda common^pad clay b.'ick winch I.e tcuud in front of^the postolUci* across tho Hack. West didn't know of the transfer of the^bricks until he had nearly lost bis tire^clay claim in a wager. When near Warm^^Springs West sul down alongside u well-^known liutte mine owner and began to^talk about lna tire brick. He told the^butto man where the sample of tbo brick^whs and went lo the Irjul of the train to^aiuud to seme work. The Bulte man^unro'ied the brick and seeing that it was^nothing but a pla.n red brick, thought^the genial conductor had gone daft. Whatdo you of UT ' asked^West as he came back and sat down. It'sa fair sample of building brick,^^replied the miller, ''but it wou't do ua^Are brick. Itwon't^ No,sir; it won't. WuyI lieeuuseIt'a not lire brick. (111.yea it la. Oh,no it isn't. I'dnke lo bet you on II. Why,I'd bet by life,^ asserted Ml^conductor wurmly. 1don't want it. Hut 1 would risk tbO^tbat you are mistaken. i11 b.'i my whole interest in the claim^against it spoonlul of mush that there is^olio of the beat samples ol lire brick in^Montana,^ said Chanucey aa b Legal,^taking the paper from the inoriar-iii irked^brick leli him by liu irieiid Wilson.^When West saw what the paper con^^tained he witlulrew all offers to Let and^sat down to ihiua tee mystery over. Brandon's drug store, c mar Main an J^First streets. J.A. Derreng't's bariier shop, 115 Front^street. Ladles utni children's hair cut^^ting u specialty. Baths reserved for la^^dles. ^^^ Forso i^The furniture of iwo bed^^rooms, including cornets, stoves, etc.^Apply upstair- ov.-r 'H F.rst street. Overcoatscan be procured at Estes 4^Council's ut the very lowest prices. Dr. St. Jean, ^11' West I'ark aretiue. Hospitalhours 9 t^^ 10 a. in. COMINGIN HUNDREDS N)Dtuatbe lecca lor tbe Chinese^Residents of Canada. HOWTHE CAME IS WORKED Itla Simp's Eut Distressingly Ef-^f(Ctlve-Why the Cit es of This^State Have So Many Mon^^golian residents. Trvthe Litru i'ale. Whattbe Standard said tbe other 'ay about tiie nieii.ods of tbe Chinese in^t va ling the customs laws was correct,^^sa d W. F. Kelley I ^ a reporter for this pu-^I er yesterday. ^Bui the half has never^been told. The way the Mongolians are^crossing the Canadian border into this^country these daya n a caution. I have^been along tbe international lino on the^north of ibis slate for several inonths.anil^I know ihat M-orse of Chinamen have^crossed Into Montana trim Canada in^that lime. The newspapcis have had a^good deal to say about tho way the Mon^^golians have been smuggled across tbe^line down around Niagara and Kingston^and lirockville, but all the performances^in that country have been decidedly un^^important as coiupurcd with the op^ ra^^tions along tho I anadiau bordi r^north of Montana. It ia only natural^that when a Chinaman wants to cross^the line into this country that he should^select the most secluded place^tho spot^where he would be least likely to bo^detected and turned back. Tbat place is^surely not along the Si. Lawrence or^Niagara rivers. In that country there are^not many Chinamen^a Mongolian in^any of the Canadian towns along mat^I art ut the bonier is a curiosity,^1 lien the country is illicitly settled tiiere^an i the custom officers are more^numerous and more ulert than along ihe^border of the Northwest. WhenChinamen are being smuggled^across the line at those eastern points,^then, under such carefully guarded^regulations, is it any wonder that ihey^are fl icking into this land by^hundreds up north where there^is but an imaginary line, where^there ia not one customs tfttcer^in 600 miles, w here thtre are hordes of^the sallow-faced fellows alive to the ad^^vantages of living in a country ao ricb as^thia state^ Not a bit of ii, and I tall you^ihat they are coming in numbers that are^truly alarmiug. Bo you notice a Strang-^Chiuaman in your city almost every day ^^I'll wagor that be recently crossed tbe^Canadian borilor. Iwas at Nelson, B. C, one day last^June when a small army of Chinamen^came into the pluce. They stayed only a^low days, and one by one di-appeared,^going a.ways to the southeast. Ihey^were steering for an unguarded spot on^tbe Canadian border. They own laun^^dries and run doughnut factories under^the stars and stripes loug before this.^There are 500 Cb namen in the Flathead^country; not 50 of them reached tbo coun^^try by the lake route. They were^smuggled across tbe line from Canadian^territory by white guides who are making^a good sum of money at this business.^Even tbe Indiana bav.-gone into tbe busi^^ness of smuggling tnese undesirable citi-^i^ns into this unfortunate country. Mark^what I tell you, this stalo is only com^^mencing to receive its Chiueso popula^^tion. In a few months every city in your^state will be overrun with them and your^workiuginen will be wondering iwhere^they all come from. Tbat is, if thia traffic^along your northern boundary is nut^stopi^eJ. Dotbe Canadians know that these^Chinamen are coining into the t inted^S:ales ut this wuy V ' asked the reporter. Certainlythey do,^ replied Mr.^Keeley, ^and tbey rej j ce in^their knowledge. A Chinaman^is no better as a cit aen in Canada than^he is in the country south of the line. And^he is no more wanted. Canada's iaw is^not so stringent against Chinese as the^law of this country, and the Chinamen^l.uve flocked into the Dominion by way^of Vancouver for years past. They keep^coming all the time, in fact, but it Is re^^marked Ihat there are fewer Chinamen^west of Calgary in Canadian territory to^^day then there were three years ago.^Where have ihey goneT The Canadians^know that ihey have disappeared over^the Aim r can boundary and the loyal^subjects of Queen Victoria are happier^on that at ^ i.inil. Everyf ^ot of the Canadian Northwest^territory boundary line is patrolled once^every '.'4 hours by mounted p These^officers are guarding the peace and look^^ing alter the interests of the dominion,^and it is not to b ^ supposed that when hey see a horde of the pig-tailed gentry^makiug tracks for the regions controlled^by Uncle Sam that they i ffer any slrenu-^f us objection. The pain truth ia the^Canadian uiouniod police, acting in ac^^cord with the lentiment of the people^tbey serve, lend a helping band when^^ever they can to the c xoiluMing celestials.^If you people in I Ins country want to send^tbe Chinamen back to Canada you may^do so upon ibe puyment of the usual Ice^of }60 (xacted by Ibu law of the dominion^for iv.ry Chinaman who enters tbat^ccunny. Soyou see it is a one sided game all^ d in which your neighbors to th ^^north hold decidodiy the stronger hand.^With the Canadians it ia simply a mailer^of business. They gladly escort the Chi^^nese across the American lute not o ily^because they nave no use for the China-^nun but for the cush there is in it as well.^They are naid for guiding (ho mongolians^into Ami r ci anil the government is paid^lo lake tin ni back. Doyou think tho American officers^are aware of these facts^'' Nodoubt of it^in a few instances^tho smugglers have been detected^and th ^ landing of the Chiucse^opposed, and others have been^given a close chase by American^oftic's. But no sane person would expect^the ' Hie i s of ihi^ countiy to serious y in^^terfere with lip- iiaftlc und r the condi^^tions. The Chinamen have everything^in their favor. Tbe officers of the United^States hive every condition to contend^against and nothing in their fevor. O n-^lone marshal or collector could hardly 1 e^empected to guard a iroinii r hundreds of^nines long, if the g vcrtim nl of this^country ^^ in earnest M Us Uglil against^the Chinese it must guard the lines as^carefully as Canada guards hers. Mr.Kelley has been prospecting in the^Kootenai and Canadian Northwest for^some months and savs that Ibe wotuler-^lul rcsotifcis of that country remain^almost uiikiiewu. He is a resi lent of^Toronto, O'Har.o, and is on h ^ way into^the Seven Devils country, in Idaho. Jut Kec'^A carload of choice apple*. C^ll nl^Mart allum A Clou'lor's and see th - q ml-^liy olid kfsVfa ttie ThePipestone mineral water is the best^mineral water in the mai l,, i. If yen want^water on Hie side or otic, rtvise, call lor it;^every first-class saloon has it on tap.^John V. l'eiriti is sole agent lor Anaconda^Icr mis m.iieral w^u r. JohnV. l'etrin wishes to tell those who^are aliout to go into mo saloon hti-lness^to give linn a call He will quote pr.ces^that are turv to secure bus.nca . AnKirm-.t^iiit^ Worker. Tothr totltnr nt the Stjn-f tr^f. f'aptaloVan Ktilen. the temperate* lectu er^am: worker Irom M^r.tli II iknta, hat b ea lioltl-^^M meet in** iii anil arotui.) tli aulK Oa Men^day rveuibii lie In I i forth lo a laruv autllenre in^Miners' liall muler I he ansinecs ^f tfleie^o^|^lell.piars. lie brass Ull.ule.1 Htoit '^^^^ iii'^order from the si. K chniel, up tninigl. Waiskev^row to the hall. Af er p.a^ei li^ i;ei. Mr M.-vi ^^Inn of ii.e Presbyter .iu cl tiren lie chief tem^^plar lie- captata, *ho lie il^the auillencH for leir.y sro heuis.^To say ibit he Is in Bjwstiaj an! logical but^!c^ h y ^ xpi.s e* it lie Is a p w.-r. Ai th ^ r gas^a euarteue sang very I eaiailnlly, ^W ne it a^Meeker.'' luesdsy evening th^ hetttre wis^more effect n^ than ih fti*[ II- vim (iota^here to ntinisey. wiier-* lie rnisuet with s^house. |^roin I He re to rhtlip-liure, when. In-^^a-s. - a liaifl ii-!.i oi work lust uuw. The cap^^iat i is mi , aiu vt ialk^i. an . slriseailght n in^I.if siiotilder. Ih isc wao fa.le.l to mm^missen a lreit. V tltamte.Nov 14. iiiIlia Mlinlrsale Trade. OurMr. K senfl-ld has had mi active^experience of 28 years in Ihe haiidiiUL' of^straight reditu d distillations.. In view^of ibis fact. We dial 'o your advantage. KeXTOCKTLIQCOa StOI.E,^Cor f.rat and Cherry Js.s. Brandon'adrug store, corner Main and^First streets. l'orSal* I lis. p Achoice lumie for a man of smah^means, by Charles H^ uck, real estate^dealer. First street. Brandon'sdrug store, corner Main ami^First streets. Liquorsof purest distillations, ag^.l^^wines most select aud old, cigars of^Havana'a best growth at the Kentucky^Liquor store, corner First aud Cherry^streets. Kepplerhas just receive I a lot of new-^goods, including handsome silverwar ^^and d.nmoiiils suitable for Ihe holiday^trade. J.V. I'etntx ia the sole agent for the^Pabtt aud Schlitx Brewing companies'^Milwaukee keg and bottled beer. Whateveryou do call for I'jbst or^Schlilx beer, the two finest beers on the^market. Ciears,tobaccos, nuts and candies nt^110 East First sheet. B. 11. .May hew, pro^^prietor. Goto the Combination n ataurant for a^good meal. J.C. Keppler is renovating and improv^^ing ins j-welry esiablithment. When^completed it will L ^ one of the finest jew^^elry stores in the West. TheCombination restaurant in Tooey^aV Hunt's, 11 and lf^ Main street, is open^day and night. No Chinese help. Alex^Owen, proprietor. Doyou want to present your best girl^with a ring^ If to, go to Keppler. He^can ahow you a beautiful line of atones^with handsome sellings. Brandon'adrug store, coruer Main and^First streets. Ifyou wish to keep warm this winter^you should go to Estes A Council a and^purchase one of their cheap, yet elegant^overcoats. Schlitibeer is now placed on ihe mar^^ket and is kept by all grocers and saloon^men. Call for it if you want a good glass^of Leer. Fin cigars, liquors and wines at Calla^^han A- Ahem's, sH First street. Ifyou waul a good time piece or require^an old one repaired, go la J. ( '. Keppier's. TbeCombination restaurant docs not^employ any Chinese help. Ticketsfor the ^Queen of Fame^ for^sale at Smith's drug store. Brandon'sdrug store, corner Main and^First streets. Baths,25 cents, at tbe Montana hotel^barber shop. Dr.Endris, 210 West Park avenue, up^stairs. TryIhe J. A. cigar at Lon Burnett's. OpenNov. 18. 1891. SAMSING'S CHOP HOI SE. RegularMeals, 25c. Mcalaserved to order at all henr^. Kish^and g .me in season. Everything^first class. 108First St. |Ncxt,,,Mry Wore NOMORE BACK ACHE' V-rtea m \mati^m fleccn'.y tht fottowlnq Nutlet w**rt4 in t*t Sanfranritco Ctirontctt.^^ T^dpp S^ hud rtrt*ti nick .inlv atxiu* two^weekv nnd it vr not until the Isi-t three Of^four duyn ^hat the tunladv to k n ^erlou^ turn.^At the IxgiKTiinijoi huillvr** he sud'errd fiom^diabcte* and fctomai li 41mm fef l.nter the^kidney^ Tcfu*ed to per tot nt their fiinctloiiK and^he pa*aVtM quietly awu^- Thu.^ tnJmI the life^of one m lite MOstl pii-min^il men in Cali^fornia.^ Like thotiv.ndu of other* hit tiri-^timrly deatli wan (he if-u.t oI'uck1cvUO^ caily^^^ mp'i^uis of kihu'^ din*Mth M.MMMMM. IF^ VOU ^^^ nretrouliledwith dlnhcteit. riiwl, or any d^^^^raii)'cnirn* of the kiln vs off urinnrv or^int,^Hun't Misty propei tf ttH*a)t Mtil you are^forced to ic^ve uj^ ^*our daily duties: timi*t^waMe your money oa v.^ ithle^s luiiiuititf^and wo rive \ ' ^^t * * t ut strike at the aeat of^the flMN ^t h%- the areitent of fll^known mn^die^, th*- te.**l.rated Ore^r.^ii Ki t-^ney Tea. It ha^ ^^av^| ttie liven of th ^ti^*ndv^Whv ahould it no* cure yon ^ Try it. rurely^vegetable a::d plcafui.t to take. 'I.UJa pack*^agr. tt ft^r pS.00. H,A. D'ACUKt;!^ Wboltftal* and KcUU.^lutu ( ity, MotiiaUaV EVANSOPERA HOUSE JOHNMAIHIRKMaaajer. Mondayand Tuesday, Nov.I 6 and 1 7, Fir-tproduction of Auzmt n Paly ^^0n .1i Flay, Underthe Gaslight Iuwliii-h will appear Mr.John Maguire. Theplay w II! h* rlalmratcly i reiltiefil nnd^staKtil, 11 f. .In- in, the Ml Railroadkail* im t-ea'snow en sale at mh Hi's itrug slurr. DANCINGSCHOOL. Messrs.Ultl'.SNAN ^ i.KI IIM'.H trill give ' Brgular UMW id haociu OnMomlay, Ttiwrtay ami Tliarsday even-^luirs of each weex at s e'cloek. Alto^a'lll lie pMJssMfl to Kim PRIVKTE + LESSONS lesuit a| iiheaats.^Music Fuintsheil lor Ualls, Parties, etc. It'gular 8oirce t\ery Saturday rvetiiDX. WindsorHouse. KlHSTCl.ass Ai i ^'M MiMIATI'lNK MealsA rent^. and Hoard f-.'i; |^t moutb^White Conk tm|4oy^sl.^1 ^ East Front Mie -t, Aii.iconda, Mont^I'KIIMtMIN ^ HI MiN, . . I'ropnetors. NOTICETO THE PUBLIC. Boice^ KcLeod's Dancing Academy Is(till iiinntne s'nl clrloit i orf.-c'. salisfacMl^tl^iii]t to ineraiised |iatroiia:e we in,, sr.-^allied tn redu.e |irue^ tor ladles All Mine He slrniitItis ^r terms eau artdre.i Uo^ ill, PklUiMhurfsVir.aletny e'alurdayat I'araei's ^a. HullK ^ Mi I.KUli. w JSliavc some handsome things in_^MARBLE, ONYX, BRASS^TRIMMED, CABINET Clocks^thai arc accurate toners and or*^Moments 11/ avv home. J.-Merrill ^ Go. Signof tho big Cold Watch, - First Streot. JHEWORKS ARE RUNNING Andthe People are Running to MACCALLUM ^ CLOUTIER'S, WhereThe/ Can Buy GROCERIES AM) PR017SI0NS Cheaperthan anywhere else. We also carry^a fine line of Gents' Furnishing Goods,^Liquors ot the choicest brands, Teas and^Coffees ot the best quaiity. kersey OiZERCOHTS. melton OVERCOATS, chinchilla 0VERCOA TS irishfre1ze OV6RC0HTS. StormOvercoats and Ulsters, Iust re reived by the Comeearly and -e'.ect on-^ u h-lc: the stock^is comp.cte. Ihey M* ahe tdv BOtng otl^ rap^idly this cold weftthef. Ourbetter grades are ei|Uil to taut^^tailoring Estes^ Connell Mercantile Ca D.J. Hennessy Mercantile Co Jtf/EHave Just Received Frcmthe liastern nuukets a full and^Eelect line of LAMES',MlMBt' and children s Jacketsand Cloaks. Alsoa Complett L n^ ol LADIES1WINTER UNDERWEAR, DewClothing, TrvLTs ami Youu Buy Now kern Etse / MacCallum^ Cloutier, 601 PARK AVE- Cor.Chtstnut Glovew, HOSIERYAND UNDERWEAR, Catpets, Bedding, Comforts, lite. ...^: ^^* -^^ . ------2 D.J. Hennessy Mer. Co. ANACONDABRANCH,