Newspaper Page Text
4 THEANACONDA STANDARD: MONDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 16. l8^t. THEBUTTE OFFICE Ofthe STANDARD Is In tho^New Windsor Hotel Annex, No.^21 East Broadway. The Tele^^phone number Is 25S. AdTfrtlsMrn-ntswill lx^ iw wl M 111^ Untts CBICf Ot til* ^ I A MtAKD till i OYKKiS I-,41. tor SkWfOaa in tlii'loUo*-^Sag nmrmti^'t miner.^Die Rtawpakp is ilrmwcu u* Butts subscrlb-^^11 cai 1^ c\ er^ 11101 u.nfi. BUTTERAILWAY GUIDE. mok'iana i mox. clos1m.ami aiirivai. or MAIL*. An-iTeT- .M.'.'ifor California an.If-40 p.m.; theKoulliori; M.itov.; :ma.m.|i ...:n. Stallfor Kan via M. r. far!IMMI. Mailtor K*st m^ V. ^'. Hyi^ ki n.ra' Wwll.'rHiii vuiN.l'.Kn |;-t*. ivm. LUI Tt CUKRKNT NOI tS. H.O. Wil: i n, Do MM PssMa scent at^Helrno, wus hi tlx1 clly yesterday. Thejury in ilio H^lI-Si^ecuiator rnao^yistrriluy roiiipkU'd the wurk of exaniiu-^in; ttio niinra. JohnOWb i of Tnyior, Nov., ia visiting^KHaedai in mo city. I),v..I ilic man alio u as fouii'l dead in^ill ^ I.,-al.ii.Us ststir.lny iv II lie buried^fr.ini KlmH I at 2 pa in. to-day Thocity inspector of wei^lits and^mcusurrs i* on ilia warpath once moro^an . ik tl lUh.nt! nia i:i^pri iioii of arulca^ami measures begun a few weeks ago. Theeli.valor in the new Owalry block^will Iki ipriatfil hy an electric motor.^Tno powi r to rim it will be furnished by^I ^^^ BNVSf lion- Llectric L'lthl company. HarryjStsgaL tin- incorrigible young^hoodlum who has been repeatedly at^^retic.i lor | i-tty larceny, ia in jail once^wore. He wuh p!.-iceii under arrest Sat-^nr 11^ evening lor aiealitig a quautity of^luuilier. FrclWry think* it ia cheaper to f urn lull^l: a own electric light than to buy light^Ir j|n ^ iili. r of ihe electric light com-^panns. In accordance Willi thai idea ho^iioiifht ccssplasa iiicainlei cent plant^wlnle Kit-t, winch will lie placed in the^baaiiiulii M Ins new hotel. FR.EMAN HOW. '.. CONDITION. AllianceRsf the II. m I I^m lllctlrlcli^M:iy Dir. IUvn.,Nov. 15.^A clitmce lunch for^the he iter occurred to-.lay in the conili-^t.ou of !n'i.,.in lluwi, the Molilalia^Vinon engineer. Thn^ iiioniilig ho gave^t :;i.s ^ I r.'.timing couaciouaueta and rec-^^ gn ztd one of the aiteuding physicians.^A crnsiiltatirin wa^ held tcMlay, at which^It was dec dt d not lo an piilate tho hrokou^und iiiaugh d arm uniis* it Wus found^lalcr ^'li it was absolutely mcetsary^to saw II iwe a lite, it ia t ow thought^li e arm will Seel up, but it will always^remain mil. UhUa ilrirli, the man stubbed Friday^f go', was n ported l^ - lay I y hia physi^^cian lo be in u criucal conilnion. The^dNW aiuo, howivcr, that it would be^m-veial t!a^i beloic a ilt flimo opinion^could ha g ven M l.) IM il'ial ending of^the ci.hi . 'J'h*' preaenl danger acems to^ron hi of a liabili y ot p'euriay, ayinp-^l.iiii (f which are maiiifeatiiig thciu*^teivtb. CIimuI Hull Hum Mealing. BrtTK.Ni v. 16 ^ Ycaterday ^ veiling^A1111y KaS I x e, leaiding near Silver liow^Jtiiu ii^ ii, wat arrested hy Special t'on-^alai le ItMM OS a warrant charging^llim n uh 1 oiae au alilig. The complaint^was Mas' by l eu I) ^.^^uhart. who liven^near i'lpta one Spring-. Ihe animil %l-^leueil to have btM HotM hy Mi'K'i z e^la a marc wnieh waa running at hit no^near 1) g n aria ran h nil I ia claimeil^by U gei.hart. A abort t m ^ ago Mcj\ -i - ii, Mo in- Vorfcisg f^ r 'j'. ( inwc MiIck,^Mi log baiow Kllvwf Hi *, went toi'.pi^atona aid ilrov* away lb^ StafS and^tinned her ^ v. r to :dih^, who raid ake^I elm ged lo bin, Hegi uhart claima that^when ho | Hd the mine she was branded^^M, ' ^h i n since Ihen, he ta^^, haa been^clt: ng( it hy Milt* fo aa to make it up,.ear^like a iilamopd. A hralid anaweimg the^ili^cripi.on it the laltcr ia visible on die iiare, wine b at 1 reseni is in possession^ot M|a^ and ruttnisg tuli Inshanilif^Uciaaa, UiKendo his a letter from^Miles directing 1 in to go lo I'.nealolie^^I d gi i the mare and deliver her lo U\tn.^mUm ^ laims thai Deiienharl la misiaUcu^ami aaya the mare lit ver ladeiugt-d to^I .in. Mi Kei llm is out on btNMlSj llnlylaHtM i'l.e.-^ I-Ii.^1H TTi:, Nov. ia. ^Tho remaiiia of the^three I Lllianien who wera killed |Hat^'I In.relay l y the t xploaion of ptfvdjst in^J. fieraou cou ay were brnught to thia^ciiy for burial t any ttiia morning by HaSaltlitfcBohraaaat. The laaaelei mu-i haveBSas irathered no wiin a rake, lor^the CMsaSMtn were blown literally to^pierea. Of one there waa nothing left^but ihe iru il.; ot the two others, ajM Is einuaan artu and the top oi iho sasd, wanethe aim and Ii g- of the third are^C nil lead* ih till le i of (trail. Thr a.^fragiM' niar^ | eai - will lie fin. rrnl in i|^.^Chitieav I grout d at lo'alock to^^morrow alt' rncMii, THINGSTALKED ABOUT CooucbeWas Weil Kigio to^Many People in Montana COULDN'TWHIP THE JUDGE State Law Acrainat Employing^Wcmin in Saioona-How M.ko^C'Jonnell Waa Badly^Scared. BtTTF.,Nov. 15.^S^v^ral dayt ago the^death of tbo tamoua old war hnrae,^Comanche, waa telt graphed from K tnana^City and the erroueoua atalernent waa^made that forfH years he had been kept^at Fort Kilty, km. Comanche waa tho^only aurvivur of the great battle at the^I.ittie Ihg lloru, fought in lHTii. when^General Cutter and hia command of tho^gallant S -venih cavalrv w as awept from^the earth by Silling Hull and hia hordo of^Si nix. The noble old horao waa coveretl^with wounds when totind and was taken^to Fort Abraham Lincoln, then la ail^quarters ot the Seventh, where, bo m aa^kept a lew yeara, and when rennu^In ia ^|aarie..- were riinoved from 1'ort^LleeaaS to Fort Meaue, Comanche was^alaj transferrud and continued to be^tho apecial chatge of tho peg*^imriit Many p.'oulo now residing^in lltitte have ercti th^^ oh) horae at Fort^Moade, where ho i. e -ived tbo homage of Mirers and eliliatid men. was^over pei nulled to rale him, but on the^oecaaiou of i very review, inspection or^parade Comanche waa always in line,^bridled and aadtlh it and led by a trooper,^uaunily at the head of iho column. In^1-87, for last aaMtaaead ami hard aer-^Vice, the Seventh waa iran-f.-rred from^the ib partiiient o( Dakota to Fort K ley,^and again Comanche followed hia regi^^ment. At tho latter post the members of^the ^Fighting Seventh ' anticipated many^year* of weh-^arned real and ease aa a^reward fof their good aervice rendered in^the Norlhweal. Luat year, however, when^the Sioux again broke out the regiment^waa ordered bark once more into tlie tei-^ritory occupied by ita old enemy, and at^the battlo oti Wounded Knee craek^one of ita bravest and moat gal^^lant officer*, ('apt. George 1).^Wallace, waa killed and aoveral^othcra woundc I. When the fight of the^Little 15 g Horn took place Wallace waa a^lieutenant and would probably have^aharcd the fate ot moat of hia coniradea^bad he not managed to make his escape^bt fere the work of annihilation waa com-^pi- ted, by getting on a horae with Frank^Giard, the noted scout. The Iwo ran the^mantlet aucceaadilly, and G aril waa the^flratone to carry the new s to the outlide^world of that terrible ina satre. r.ugeneSullivan, the city budding in-^spector, ha* been knocking around in the^mining camp* of the W. at for many year*,^and like all old-tiinera haa an incxhauat -^Ida fund of and anecdote* of the^early days. He w as in the police court a^few days ago win ^ a man waa being triotl^for aa-Hiih and battely. *'l wonder if that^fellow will do a* a man did 1 once knew^in Ntvada,^ aaid 'G lie. ^He had been^lined by a juaiice of the peace^lor seme oft mi- , anil a long time alter-^ward he went to the *ame juatiec'a ^ Hie-,^and uaked him how much it wou d coal to^k|aa a fallow a good licking. Mr. Jua-^tie -said thai jjn waa about the amount^ft quired. 'Well, hero ia the money and^I m going to iick bell out of you,' replied^die man aa lie laid a !2) puce down in^front of die justice. J he judge waa u^ecrapper li.maelt, anil it took him only a^little while to the other fellow audi it^wlin pmr as lie probably never receivad^lielote. When la- got through with him^the judge let the fellow get up, who com^^menced lo niako tor the door aa faal aa^he could, tlelore ho readied the door^the judge told I .in lo nop, ami ^aid:^^Say, I'll only charge you t2.W for Una.^lor y.hi didn't lick me.' Tho lcllow took^In* change and left. Amt mber of the city council remarked^to-day that if the matter of closing up the^Clipper Shade* saloon i* to be brought^up next Wedneadav night, he think* it^would be a good teas to enforce lb 1 law^Hr.elly and rl^ *^^ up all place* of the^kind. There ia a Mate law which forbid* omen Irom b.-ing employed in at y^eapnc ly where liquors ate aold. This^law, if aefafsad) Setila close every beer^hall winch ha* female in the^city. The alderman in queatlon think* it^the propir thing to close them all up^now. Stelaan oaataaax,^^em, Nov. 15 ^t: J. Rrss atasi an Ot' 11 ^ at to lay In in the Capital lodging^houae. bul II a.cad of wearing tl e gar^^ment hiinaeU he audi il to another mail.^The ioaa of the coat wa-. i oon discovered^and OMaer ^ airoll taMStl n on a man^who said he I a I bollgl.t 11. and Volun-^n en tl to aee-rnpany ihe pi llci man iu^teaich ol the man who had aoid btM ^h -^coal. In a little while Cyan was found inone of the Bra aaat |aisn ia i iat Pars street,where he wn* apemling ha luoniy^received lor the Coal. He aj booked at^the SaeSb/ jail (or p tiy laieeny. Ifyou want a at od lilting pair of pants^to order from }ti upwards call at the^Union tailor.-, a Laal Qsartl (treet.^L. WUe: SlatIleal lliotograph gal a ry ; best light in the^city; rent reaaonab e. Apply to Gould^liro'.liera, opposite posiollh-e, lilitle. Ifyou want a (iral cla^a atlit of clothe*^made to order, from upwarda, call at^the Union tailor*. No. 11, Ea^t Quarix^ttteet. L. Wiae. Mke O'Doiiue.l a ho a faw nay. ago^^^^Id liiii half interest in the Hope mine to^a pyniucaie of Helena cipitatid*, with t.^U. F.dgt-rliin at the head, had a aerious^SSSfS the nidit he received hi* money.^^ I I) .lined a a hard working man who^never had more than a few dollar* at any^i tl.^ t ine ami when be received the^} i^ no i he could scarcely credit hia aenaea.^lie had money placed to hi* credit in^t lark's hunk and took a ccrtitleate of de^^posit for the total amount, lie did not^feel Ilka slayinu' ai the hotul thtt night^and tor ciimpauion-hip went home w ith^^Vsse* Mi Queen. During the evening^while ai-ateti in the liming room O'Uan-^nell look out all lit* paper* and showed^lllem to Mi tauten. A inoug ihe papers waa^the certlth'ale of de| oalt which, unnoticed^bv eidier, tloaled lo the door. Mr. Mc-^O'iaen'a brik'lil little 2-year-old was tdav-^ingieill. ' tl ^or, picked up tho i5^.o-o^t ertilleatc and, a* la ruatomarv with in^^fants', put it in her mouih. Presently^O'l) nneli began putting away !:.* papers^ami aa tl.ey were folded up one Ly one,^the ccrulicatc of dt poaii waa mi-aed.^They aearchi'd logb unit low all over the^room. When liny wro about lo give up^III despair and Mr. OTIiniiiell *aw the^vision of a competency for hia declining^yiar* fa-1 dlaappaaHBfc the innocent^child mi mini to divine what waa wanted,^pulled t!a-crumpled ccrulicatc fioni her^WOStll and siren ta d it out to Sat father,^i ha two men hew ed in frantic glee a*^they found the ffrf'.ouO ci rtillcalc, uonc^lea worae except lor the mark* ot tin-^child s leeth. HOHbub, MULI S. CAetTS. ETC.. tor Sala 4 lieilfl. Ihave for eale a lot of harse*, mulct,^^ lump i aria and harness; also complcta^U^aril^ug housu otiillt, including range,^kitchen uicuaila. etc.. a I of which will be^ttiapoeed of at a bargain. Applyto J. r, t arralL Krout street.^Anaconda, or AJ Karl Granite street,^lititte. TheSTAKDAKti has more readora than^any rival uewapaper read iu Butte by^many hundreds. Try it for your adver^^tising. Roue-. Thopublic are notilled that tho boycott^as I'. BmSesSSa the American tailor, No.^4^'WfKi 1'ark street, haa been declared^oil. Hyorder of the S Ivcr I'ow Trade* and^Labor Asaemb y. SagKant. Photographgallery ( beat light in Ms.^city; rent reasonable. Apply to Gould^llrothers, opposite poaUifflee, liutiu. TheSianiiakd ha* more reatb rs than^any rival niwapaper read in Unite by^many hundreds. Try it for your adver-^uaing. ALLFvJR PLIASURE Moseysp in for urmfc la tSe aslooaa ot theI lly. Bcttk,Not 15^While iverybody i*^aware ot the fact that an immense mm^of money i* spent daily in the saloons^and other place* of amusement in the^city, only a ft^'hare an idea of the real^immensity of the amount. Should any^^body lie asked bow much he thought waa^spent eveiy day iu Unite for fluid happi^^ness und cigars be would probably^answer, ^a goo 1 deal,^ but that would be^a* far ua ho would venture to guess. How^much ia really tpculin Una manner prob^^ably nob a y knows, but it i* a much^greater sum iban oven the wildest statis^^tical! wi uid imagine. Wh.lo talking to^one of itiu men who conduct* a concert^saloon iii the block hounded by Park,^Main, Galena and Wyoming *treei*, a^day or two auo, a t-TANOAKD riporler wo*^given a alight inaigbi into the real mag^^nitude of the bu*iucs* done by th^*e^places. Saul tho man referred to: Lately1 have l.crn doing a little figur^^ing lor my ow n amuaenn in anil the n^Mitt thai 1 arrived at convinced mo that^fi r H e number ot iiihubiiauts more^money ia spent in IJutte lor pleasure^than in any oilier city Is the country. The^llmir. a 1 made apply only to the concert^saloon* in tin* block ana aaiomahed even^myaelt. Ho you know that the actual^dai y expense* of conducting these piae.-a^ia n it less than f 1,(10 a day 1 Tina applies^only to ihe real cost of ruuiiiui; the^houses, and how so many murage to^ki op up ia moro than 1 can understand.^Hits ILOOt STS for rent, light, fuel, help^and other necessary outlays and do not^include tho personal expenses of the prc-^prietora of the saloon*. Not one of tho^places can bo run for le** than (100 a (lay,^mid Bsosi of them run up higher, ioiiio of^th in II jiinng uji a* much us $UU a day.^just think of it; $l,tXX) every day^in the year for actual expenses^and you can firm an idea of the^amount of money spent in one block^uioiie. Of coin^ o none of tt* are i tinning^saloons for cur health, so the amount ot^money taken in by ua is a great deal more^than the actual expenses, lor if we Uidn't^make more than expense* wo would close^up and go into some other kind of buti-^ueas. We all live, and live well, a* most^of lit like the beat of evciything.and this,^ycu know, cost* a great deal in Unite.^During the summer when times wcr^ (iull^1 i x pi en d to tee a number of the saloons^close up, but they managed to pull^through and what is more, all appeared^to male mom y. Now that time* are bet^^ter again and money freer, you can form^your opinion of th ^ business we do and^guea* what we must be doing when we^made money mini g the dull unit*. ELE.Vc.NTHANNUAL SbSS.ON llolng*of the Muutaua thrlatlsn Associ^^ation at Deer Lutlge. HtTrn,Nov. 15.^To-morrow morning^the eleventh annual suasion of the Mon^^tana Christian asst elation will close at^Deer Lodge. Si me of these attending^Irom Hutte returned to-day and report an^interesting meeting. The aasociatiou^represent* every socioiy in the Christian^^ ^lunch, ami thia city Is represented at the^meeting hy E. H. Ervin, J. L. Vincent^and Mr*. Shr pshire as church delegates,^and Messrs. Jones and Woison and Mrs.^T. F. Krvin wero there in the interest of^tho Sunday school, and besides the dele^^gates nearly every officer of the church^wa* in attendance as an ex-offlcio mem^^ber. The mt fting of ihe association was^riginally to have been beld on the sec^^ond Thursdsy iu October and at Ana^^conda, but was changed by the^executive committee to the present^time and at Deer Lodge. The^session commenced on Thursday morn^^ing, and U. B. Mmnford of Butte re^^sponded lo the address of welcome by^Prof. J. H. Meyers of Deer Lodge. The^day was dt voted to religious services,^and on Friday forenoon the session was^taken up with miscellaneous busiueaa^and the reports of committees and^treasurer. In the afternoon tho Sunday^school convention was in SSSSV n, and on^thia occaaion Wiley Mount joy of this city^delivered au uddress on iho ^Object of^Sunday School Conventions.^ The even^^ing seaaiou was devoted to the intere^t o(^the Young People's Society of Ch ri*tian^hndciivor, and was continued yesterday^SMtB*BS^ In the afternoon the C. W. B.^M. convention met, aud Mrs. Klla F.^Built r of Butte was upon the programme^ill I ^ Mion-i. to ail address of Welcome by^Mr*. Mamie B. Mill* of Beer Lodge, bul^Mr*. Butler wa* unable to attend, and^her place was tilled by another lady. Ai^the afternoon aeaaioii yesterday Mr*. J.^L Vincent of Butte read au eaaay on^^Missionary Work aa Belated to Our^Personal Interests,^ and in the evening^worship wa* led by Mr*. J. S. Wathty,^also of thi* city. To-day wa* devoted en^^tirely to religious services, concluding^the morning exercises with the adminis^^tration nt the Liru's simper by Rev, J. N.^Smith of Helena and Key. Kli Fisher of^Missoula. J. F. Lingstoii of Bulte con^^ducted the Y. P. S. C. E. services in the^evening. Ti -morrow morning the con^^vention will couclu le by cleaning up tin-^finished business. AT M At. IJ i HE'S. Preparation*lor the Urand Spectacular^Insula, ^Hi* Sea of lea. IH'Tlt,Nov. 15.^Cleat preparath ns^are being made for the prenematioii of^the great spectacular play, ^The Sea of^Ice,^ at Magu.ra's some time in the latter^part of the week. It will be an elaborate^production, mid work on the special^scenery has been going on for aaeafsj^months. As it i* not yet completed the^tlay of the event has not yet been named. Following^The Sea of Ice^ wdl SaSSi^a SSSSBSf of extra snoug attractions.^On Monday, thu :31, the President^company will if here for two nights^and a matiln e, and oil Wednesday the^Carlton Op ra company will lieem a lour^nights' eiigneemciii, with two matinees,^on Thaiiksc.viiig titty ami Saturday. Ilii^iheM'tehy following, Nuvi mbei-10, the^great Ui 1 c^ mpany will come for two^nights, und w ill be followed for the re^^mainder of the wick by the Grisiner-^Uaviea company. The attraction* imme^^diately fallowing the above booking* aro^Kule t laxtoii and Kate Putnam, anil to-^getlu r the list comprises an incompar^^able lot ot flrat-clasa attractions. Nliilea Harness. blifts, Nov. 16^A man giving Ida name^aa Joint Hiadby wa* arrested tin* after^^noon by Officers Caiilwell an I Carroll for^stealing a art of harness. The aflsl ^ ra^were told that Bradley hail *tolen ska bar-^in aa and sold it fur S.6, but were unable to^find out who the purchaser wits. In order^to hold Bradley until moro t valence^af t lnst him can lie si cured, ho waa locked^up in the n.) jail and a cliargu of vag^^rancy eiiier. :t again*! him. Ifyou want to read the bast new spaper^printed hi Molilalia, sub-enbo for the^BTAJtDAKO. Ills in Hutte lieforc daybreak^evciy morning. Atrip down the lordly t o.utnbia river trustlea ^Tea Psik-a*^si rnns^ss\ oro., onthe I'.-ion Pac.tie is enchanting, and^will n v. r be f orgotiru. Thev-dict of the seSSSI is that the^BTaJIBASS is Montana a bi-st newspaper. 1ry H lor a month. 1or II a Photographgallery; beat light in the^city; rent reaaonable. Apply to Gould^Brothers, oppusile postoffici;, Butte. HELPFORJTHE FALLEN EDlbnsialicMeeting at tbe Rooms o(^the Harpby Temperance Union. DONNIKGTHE BLUE RIBBON ManyAprce to Givo Up Drlnklntr^Into canta^Soeechoa by Dif^^ferent Oratora^A Lively^Meeting. BiTThNot. 15 ^The regular Sunday^SjSWBUiS gospel Ii tip i ranee im dim:^was hi hi to-day nt ttio Murphy ITeJSS^reading roiimi. Tinrj wa* it large at^^tendance of young men and others who^lisioncd lo the wiso word*of counsel thai^fell from the lips of acvral speaker.'. J.11. Knight conducted the meeting.^He spi ke with gnat force upon the evil^tendinou s of the age and the lempt;.^lions vhiSS beset the path of young men.^Ho rcl r.ed hi* personal IXaencnee ayitS^the I | icr habit and tohl h iw lie had^been in lias, d by it and the nwltit strut,^gle w'jicb he mado to free itself Irom its^ in. ^Our dealing-, witn one an^^other.^ said Mr. Knight, ^should partake^more of a charitable nature We should not^always look through fauli (lulling glaaaea^atour brother and continually lie on the^alort to dircover some (law or shortcom^^ing in hi* character. K im inner the^pregnant word* t t Christ when the mul^^titude reviled him (or raising the* fallen^woman; 'If theie Ih* one among you that^is guiltless, let him can ihe lusi stone.'^We sci^ men i very day who bavo beams^in Iheir own eyes aa big as tnudiit p.ecea^ant) yet SSeessftSSS of ihe fud and are^pointing out the mote in the eye* of their^lieighliora. There ia no persou *o de^^graded, so vile and so lost lo a aenae of^honor and shame, but who poises.en^soni^ commendable trStt, winch easts a^ray of light over tin. dirk black-^mat of their soul. Let u^ try and^disco, er wdiat these loftv trails^ot character are and judge of^the man from that standpoint. L i our^^^tuiiaiion of humanity be based upon ita^Virtue instead of its vices. We should^look upon tho better side of a man und^thus draw cur conclusion*, and as far us^possible overlook hi* faults.certainly not^ccinnicnting upon them. We will then^bring otu brother* into closer harmony^and be following out our divine master'*^precepts of loving one another. Bul^alas, how many of us are so wrapped up^in the mauile of ^elflshness that we little^think ot lightening tbe toad of somo^weary traveler on the pathway of life. Thespeaker then referred in most^scathing term* to the liquor traffic and^the men who are engaged lit il. He^spoke of the power which it wielded iu^publics, saying, ^'The trib^ of 1) 'metritis^everywhere keep* a xealott* eye upon any^attempt lo lake away its occupation. Themieting was also ad Iressed biii fly^by );^ v. Mr. Squires and Hev. Mr. Graves,^by President Johnson and Miss Stouer.^I. icn of these speakers made a strong^appeal to all assembled to abstain irom^using strong drink in any form. At tho^conclusion of the meeting some 20 or 30^signed tbe pledge and donued the blue^ribbon. Ifyou want to read the best newspape^printed iu Montana, subscribe for tbe^S i A.MiAttt). It is in Butte before daybreak^every morning. JFynu ^h;ive yourself you will^be intereste d to know th tt^our assortment of Razors is^lar^j;e, co^ prising only^those of such quality that^we can and do guarantee^each one. We also have^everything in S t ra f \^Intstst* Cups, ||^Pocket Kniws. we cany in^variety and number of pat^^terns more than all the^other stocks of Butte com^^bined Scissors, from the^smallest thin** used in em^^broidery to thus* u-ed by^coupon cutters and paper^hangers. HIGHTI FAIRFIELD, JEWELERS. winterOvercoats THECOLD SNAP has come. Winter^is here. How about an Overcoat^ You^want one ar d here are the newest and bestin MELTONS.KERSEYS,^CHINCHILLAS,^BEAVERS, ETC. Good,serviceable ffarnvn's, well made and^tri'.r med. Each and all of the best possible value.^Save money by buying one of thess cold ex-^c!u iers. RICHAND^HEAVY^SUITS JACKFROST has no terrors for^one who is protected by pood, warm^clothing. We think tve have the best^in town and the price, why I It is as^nothing compared with sonic we have^heard of. Doyou know the difference be^^tween one of our stylish suits and a^similar one made by custom tailors^^We'll tell yon. It's just about thirty^dollars See what we have before you^pay that extra thirty! UNDERWEAR: Nowis the time to buy. The assortment we^have is unsurpassed. All weights, all qualities, all^sizes. One price^the lowest. i-iennessy 1 1 MERCANTILE CO. BUTTE,MONTANA. montanaPRODUCE Co. (J.S. BUTLER. Agents MAIfih 1 HAY,GRAIN AND COAL, Officeof BROWN'S TRANSFER. RockSprings. Blacksmith, Arizona end Front Streets, South Butts.^a id PTinsylvanla Hard Coal.Telephone 44. MitchellWagons and fcxtras. Promt!and Efficient Altai.lvuf. Wholesale mi f Retail Dca'cr in Un\^dtrtakcrs' Supplies. Btdtti CariluHy Emoalnied and Shipped^te^ all ftu-ts ot ihe Vnittd Stmkl itttil Europe. LADYASSJSTANTS. Cpenray sad Sight. ItlephoaeNa 57. bUTTEMOM. TheModel HMsiTA k on FAST PARK hTKI'KT to Hid popular rowt it l^ ids nl^Ml^fewrnrior in hutte t*t im a plfiiaii wmuaji No'bloicnut FIRSTCLASS LIQUORS AND CIGARS i.rrk^pt in SJai fSs w: IMtaiS nrs iSMttM to til* BSSH ot BMSMM tt 11 lawssila ^ ^ villus orscta. VOCALAND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT EVERY ETEIM J.H. CORDON. PROPRIETOR. M2 ERST PKRK ST.