Newspaper Page Text
A VOL.III.-NO. 123. ANACONDA,MONTANA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1892. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MRS.DIXON'S RECEPTION Oneof the Most Delightful Luncheons^of tbe Season. FOR BUTTE AND HKI EN A Bllisintroduced for Public Build^^ings by Montana's Representa^^tive-Other Events at^Washington. pnelal10 UN xtumUul. Wamiis'c.Tijn. Jan. 5.^One of the hand^^somest luncheons ^^f ill^ season given^to-day at Mm by Mrs. \V. w,^Di\i^ii. wil'e of the Mont uia representa^^tive. The table was spread in the private^dining room. Before entering the dining^rfMini the gur.Jisv.cie received in the ad^^joining parlor b^ Mr-.. Dixon, assisted by^Mrs. Lieutenant WillianiN and Mis. Me-^Croary , wiff of Representative MeCroary^of Kentucky. The room was tastefully^decorated with flowers. Tin* cen-^tei |ii^ ^ ^^ of the luncheon table wax^1111.o il. Hat basket of indiv idiial hspicts^ot la franc roses, tied in pink ribbons.^Thee loqiMta were distributed to the^guests a^ the roiieltision uf the him lieon.^At each of 11^^^ tables wen- f irenlar baskets^of lafranc roses. \ pioee of pink satin^rihlion lay at earli plate, anil upon the^ribbon in gold w as the name of the guci t^to occupy the place The ladies present^wore Mrs. Governor Toole of Montana,^Mis. t.uncial Miles. Mr*. General^SelioHeld. Mrs. \drews. Mrs. Gen^^eral l.i\ingsione ..! Washington bar^^racks. Mr.-. General Wilcox^of the Soldiers^ home. Mrs. General^Ru^ ker. Mrs. Admiral Dahlgrens. Mrs.^fierce. Mrs. Senator Gibson. Mrs. Repre^^sentative McCrcary, Mr*. ^ apt.tin Nye,^Mrs. Lietiteiiant Williams of Washington^barracks, Mrs. General Vincent, Miu^Bessie Barker of tin* Solders' home, Mrs.^Adec. Miss Howell and Miss Bosceruns.^After luncheon. Mrs. l^i\on lield a rccep-^1 ion from '^'^ to s o'clock, assisted h\ Mrs.^Met 'roary. Mr.Ilixon seized the lirsl opportiinnv^lo-duy to introduce bill., to provide for the^erection of building ^ for the gov eminent^al Bui M and lb lena. (iniicI'.. Sciidcrling lias been appointed^po.-tinasler at the newly established post. oific..,.r ^;jeii K.k-k, Mom. INTHE SENATE. Vest'sResolution lb-gaitling the t *pnrla-^1 ot American Cattle. WimtWHW, Ian. ^'^.^The resiipiption^of the business session after the close of^tin holiday re^ ess was n. irked by a pi-oily^full attendant e of senatois. particularly^on the refiublii an side of the chamber.^The ii: ual mass of petition; was presented^and n feiifd. comprising several in favor^of a $S,ft^j.t|f^l loan to the Columbian cxpo-^siuoii on condition that the fair should lie^cloned on Sundays-, A number of lulls^and memorials of no general^importance wcie then presented.^\milig the former wa.. ope b\ Poller to^establish a bureau of irrigation and to^presenile the duties thereof: to increase^tin* circulating medium by issuing Irons^iny notes based on (...'1 and silver com^mid bullion, and to amend the eoinage^law ats^oitllllgly : to amend the interstate^commerce act and to prohibit options,^trusts and i omhinatioii*. Washburiieintroduced j joint resolm^lion authoriring th^ secretary of the navy^to empkiv any Pnited Stales vessel lor the^put nose of transporting coiiiributicns to^the inhabitants of those prov luces in Rut^s\-i suffering for want of food and if in c.^MM) lo charter v essels for that purpose.^He asked for its immediate consideration.^Tl)0 president's message mi the same sills^jeet has been just received and laid before^the senate. It was amended by limiting^the appropriation totJfnHjSOO and was then^passed In to M. the ncgati e vole;, licing^cast by Bert. Hi i ry. Valliton.Cokc. Harris.^Jones. \rk.. K^ li . I'ugli ami Veal. Ther ommission of n. W. Perkins, sen^^ator to succeed the late Senator Plumb,^was pn sni 11 e. I and rVffUga look tin- oath^o| office. Variousadditional hills were iutrodui ed^and rofci red. among them being a bill to^legulate rates of pensions and to prohibit^fiee railroad (Kisses except in certain^rases, and a resolution offered by Stewart^and refined to the jiidiciiuy committee,^instructing the to inquire^whether any further legislation is neces^^sary to coni|ic| the pro|ier officers of the^mint lo tvcojve ami coin silver bullion for^the benefit of depositoi... \anee was sworn in. Theresolution tilfcicd by Vest. Doc. lO,^requesting that tiie prcsiilcnt cans*, the^lorrcspoiidciicc and lbs mgoiiatimis he^had through the dcpai tinent of state, or^otherwise, with British authorities for the^purpose ..I securing abn -jabon or noslill-^cationof the regulations wh:ch icqttirc^American ^ attle to be slaughtered at the^port of entry, etc.. was taken up and was^advocated by Vest. Yet deprecated the^iiitrodiieiinii of tin. tariff discussion on die^n sohiiion. t.rc.u Britain's aj tion h.ul^been based ostensibly on the fai l there^had lieen s|Miratlic eases of pleiiro pneu^^monia found in o\|m,i-t.i| American^cattle. That those eases hail been^I irgely exaggerated in Kiiglaud from^met- iiiary motives, had been made, he^thought, fully appan lit by the re|iort of^the senate selei t . anllliltec. I f a 11 ar 1 I ^ ^^slnto dcpni linen! t ailed ti e attention o|^ii^- British go\( rnnient to the subject,and^ presented all lact^ show iug no dis^^eased cat tie mere oxportt d front the I'mti ^l^Slates, and the British auiiiortties refused^to treat American cattle justly, he iTeat)^would not is- found lagging w hen the r-ena-^ler from Maine propostd the most ^'x-^iretne nirasitrcs in order to rr-move the^oil.luge. \lt^ r some further ihsciission.^the resolution was adopted. Atiiougthehills Introihioed aere: For a^lis al govei iiuieut for I'tah teiriton . and^prohibiiiag fiei [mi.h ^ otl ladroads. ex-^^ ept in ^ i rtaiu rases. an ^^^Cttthre^ses-a-ii. ilie f ate adjoin i;ed. IN THE HOUSE. MMlI nil oil nerd for I It i lie lliol.lli. It^lit lasta ami lliittc. Wtaktl!fUTO!tt .laii. \ The ei ne Bfl the^fli^.r of the house this morning was a^Iim'I^ one. There was a large attendance^ol BMaVlMn and HsilOfai At BOOM I ha housewas ealled to order by Clerk Kerr,^w ho stated that he regretted to announce^the illness of the speaker and declared die onlybusiness in order was the election of^a speaker pro tem. Onu tot ion of Springer of Illinois. Mc-^Millin of Tennessee was elected. Ppon^having taken the chair he was warmly^applauded by Uis party colleagues. Ilaler call h^ states* large number of^bills were introduced. Among them : Au-^thoriiing national banking men to loan^money on real estate securities; to regu^^late iimnigrat ion : by Breckinridge of Ar^^kansas, for the admission of the Indian^territory as a stute; Gear^ of California, to^absolutely prohibit the coming of Chinese^into the Pnited States; Continette of Cali^^fornia, for the establishment of a gun lac-^lory at Bcnici.i, also prohibiting aliens^from holding olltecs of trust under the^government; M^ Kenna of California, to^extend the bonded |ierlod on dis^^tilled spirits; also to encourage^silk culture in California. By^Tovvnseud of Colorado, free coinage of^silver: Watson of Gisvrgia. to place jute baggingru. ties and binding twine on thefree list: Cowper of Indiana, for in^^vestigation of the |ieusiou bureau : Martin^of Indiana, a repeal of the sugar Isiunty^law: Bowman of Iowa, to establish a mint^at Council Rluffs; Simpson of Kansas, to^prohibit usury , also to establish a depart^^ment of finance andeonmieiee; MeCreary^of Kentucky, amending the rules regard^^ing appropriation bill*, as set forth^in yesterday's dispatches, also plac^^ing tin plate and agricultural^implements ad the free list:^11.sunei of Louisiana for improvement of^the Mississippi river: also, to provide a^coiistitutiouel amendment to prohibit lot-^teiies; Cliihiinn of Massachusetts, to pre^^vent aliens from holding certain positions^and doing certain work in the Vnited^States, designed to check the evil com^^plained of by labor organiiatinns of aliens^working daily in the I nitod States w hile^residents of Canada : Morse of Massachu-^seits, to i. peal the long and short haul^pooling clause of the interstate commerce^act: also, to prevent the opening on Sun^^day of any exposition, where appropria^^tions are made by the t'nitcd Stales.^Andrews of Massachusetts, plat ing raw^wool, coal and iron on tin* free list:^also, repealing the law authorizing^the purchase of silver; O'Neill of^Missouri, lo reduce letter postage to one cut; Kein of Nebraska, for adequate vol^^ume of full legal tender coin and paper^money.classification of funds in the treas^^ury and the establishment of a general^system of government banking. O'Dou-^nell of Michigan, to extend the free mail^deliv ery system in rural communities and^appropriating Ss.unO.Oflll for the first year: aldwcll ot t Ihio, to prevent desecration of^the Cniied States Hag. Billswere introluced and referred for^the erect ion of .i number of public huild-^ittgs. Among ilie points arc Lureka.Cal..^Santa Ro.-a, Cal., San Diego, Cal.. San^Francisco. Cal , and Butte and Helena,^Mont. Theca II of states was then suspended,^171 bills having been turned in. Pk kl^i of^South Dakota announced the death of his^former colleague. John B. Gamble, and the^house as a mark of rosptet to the memory^of the deceased ex-member adjourned. INTERSTATECOMMERCE,^tnnmil Re|K^rt ol the f (imniiMlnn snmr^Kcremmendat loos.^Wamunotiv . Jan. ^^. The annual ic-^i-oit of the interstate commerce commis^^sion states there has been a marked im^^provement during the year in the disposi^^tion of carriers toward a compliance w ith^the law, but as regards lo the duly of es^^tablishing and publishing rati s and^charges little pmgress has been made.^Public grievances, arising from the failure^of carriers lo comply w ith the law in these^particulars, are iiointed out. I'pon the^I ipiestion of connecting lines, the most^i important subject tieap-d is that of^through routes and rate s. The ijuestion^of legislative |iower to compel connecting^earners. granted through facilities,^is discuss* il at length, and while^the difficultics are aeknow ledged^and explained, thev are shown not to he^insuperable. Attentionis directed to the dissimilarity^of the terms of the various bills ol lading^in common use. and the conflict of judi^^cial opinion as to the respects of the^lights ami duties of shippers sud carriers^thereunder. The proposed uniform bill of^lading am! t he object ions of the shipping^interests thereto are discussed, and some^of its features, esriecially the provision^that property taken al the carrier's risk^shall lie rated as ope class higher than if^talon at the owner's risk. ;ue disapproved.^The commission roconimcndi a mode of^piocccding la-fore i|,e commission and in^the courts to enforce the commission's or^^der: a ^1^ finite aciion to i oiiiih I i he car^^riers to adopt a uniform classilleation,^and that the lemli si-etion of the act fa-so^amended that eornortitions, as wa ll as^their employes and agents, shall lie indict^^able. ingsin options and futures, to prohibit^the formation of trusts, etc.. and to pun^^ish conspiracies against the freedom of^trade among the people. Bowersof California introduced a bill^to-day providing that no person shall^lie entitled to make a declaration of inten^^tion to become a citizen until he has been^a resident of this e.aintry five years, and^five years shall elapse between the de^^claration and the issue of papers, not^more than 10 certificates bf issued by any^^one court the same day. Abill was introduced to-dnv by Geary of^California for the foreclosure of the mon-^gages of the Union and Central P.r*-it^^railroads unless the Imnds held by the^Pnited Slates be paid, principal and Inter^^est. When matured the mortgages shall^he sold and lines and grants of the com^^panies forfeited. \ government commis^^sion of sevi n persons is provided lo have^control of the management of the Representative14itt of Illinois for Rep^^resentative Taylor, introduced a bill to^erect a public building on the present^postofflce site in Chicago forthe use of the^post office and Pnited Slates courts, the^Cniied States sub-treasury. Cniied States^collectors and other necessary officers ol'^the government, the building to bean con^^structed as to occupy all av ailable area I f^the present sue. It is prov ided that the^h .tiding will Iw ready for occupancy^w ithin 1^ months and Si.Oun.tiw is appro^^priated. ITWAS NEVER REPEALED. THEGIRCUSJOW OPEN RepublicanStatesmen at ColQnbns Still^on tbe Fence. FORSHbRMAN OR FORAKFR LatestNews From the Big Sbow-^F'oraker's Force' Want a Se^^cret Ballot How Mat-^tera Stand. WASHINGTONNOTES. The HarrisonPreparing a ProrlaiasjMM^^Miter Batak^ 1'a-e. IPAanWMHBtslMk iv The pr. sidem is^now engnged in preparing a ppiclamalion^of retaliation against ih. countries^which refused to enter into reciprocal^trade relations w ith this OBUntl I ^ MM w ill^probably have it ready for fx lore^the end of the present vviii. AssistantAttorney Ceiieral Manry has^prepared the defeiidant'e brief m the case^of George O. Merrick i t al. a: ainst the^s't i'.'tary of ibe ireasiuy . Is ttei know n as^ih^ ^silver brick case.^ H.- n-'s the case^^llthelaws as setllisl b^ tin supreme^court, and decline* to argue unless rts-^ipic.tcxl bv the court. faner.,1 K ii.i/ to-dav wn^ placed on the ntired list. Therecent attempts ami threatened^ato mpts against the lives of p'oinitient^people by cranks, led U^ pn rentaliv'e^MeCreary of Kentuckv n. introduce a bill^to-day. to regulate the sale of dynamite^and other high explosives. SenatorKyle introduced a hill appro-^priatinj $;.'^i).(ijfi to lie usi d under the di-^RBttlon of the secretary of agri ullure for^the pur|Kise of sink'iig ari- ^. Ill well, |g)^In irid districts, and for tie aoiiraite.^ui' iit of agrieiiltun-. not more'hail IHuV^MB to Is. i:^.i| in anv one state. SenatorI'cflcr inlnsjin-ed a '^'I to pro-^usi interstate eomruerce, to prtVMl deuj- Senatorsaewnrl ( ull. Allentlnn lo an ttn portitiitt'oinase fan. WasIIIM.ton.Jan. Senator stewar*^of Nevada added a new feature to the sd^vei uuestion to-^Iay by the introduction ^^!^a resolution founded on the proposition^that the holders of .-:lver bullion are enti^tied, under an existing law, never MS^peiiletl, so far a*^ Ihfl st^iator ran ascer^^tain, lo tin five coinage of silver. The^resolution directs tin committee on ju^^diciary to mipiireif any furtlier legislation^is nrcessnny to make ii the fluty of the^proper officers of the mint to recciv e and^coin bullion lor the liencflt of deisisitors.^Senator Stewart said it i- pn^v idetl in^th^' act of KI7 that gold and silver bullion^brought to the mint for coinage shall !^^^^received and coined bv the proper otllci i .^for the Iw'uetil of dc|M^siiois. 'I here is^no other mode of manner provideil lor^coinage in that act. The Bland act of^1s7s revives tin- law of IK!7. The omis^^sion to enforce this provision is unaccount^^able : it appears to have Is-eu overlooked^bv all panics. The senator said: ^1 bave^examined the question and failed In find^any repeal or modification of the statute.^1 shall he surprised if the judiciary com^^mittee do not find that as a matter ot law^it is the duty ol the officers of the mint^to coin silver bullion into standard dol^^lars at the ratio of p. to 1 lor tihl batMaf i l^depositor. SPEAKER~CRISP. Hl Condition I'mitliinr* to luipiow Ihe l.ntestNews. Washim.tom.Jan. The condition of I^Speaker *'risp continues to improv e, but^It will proliahb Is- two weeks befoivbis^health will pi imil him to resume his dtl- Iies as presiding olficci . 1 he s|M aket' vv as^consulted as to bis wishe.t for sfieaker pro^lem of the house, lie said the rules did^not give him authority to name a lafljpa^rary suceess4^r. and he did not w ish to ex^^press any preference but lo leave to the^aaaaabam of the bouse, uiiinfluenc^ ,1 lo^him. the sel.s-iion f^f a spi aker pro tem. Thereis a general feeling on ti e BMfl of^deinis rats in favor of i he selection of M. - MHHb..__ I*relflsnlial ^'oniliiHlions. W/siiisoTON.Jan. -The pis^sident to-^day sent to the .-ejiate tin f-Hew ing nom^iualions: Inter .tat** comiueo'^ compii -^sinners- James W. M^ Dill of Iowa, vice^Thomas M. f'isiley. resigned ; William M^Lindsay of Kciiiuoky. sic* W. L.Bragg,^deceased. William U. Morrison of Illinois,^reappointed. Fourth assistant post^^master general. Fstes C Rathbo:ie^of Ohio; William B. Hess, con^^sul general at Constantinople; Will^^iam D. Met o\, Indiana, minister to^Liberia; Andrew |\ Mi-Cormii k, Tex c ,^circuit judec for fifth judicial ein uit^Matthew T. Allen. I'liiicd States attorm |^for the .Viiitheru district of Cnhforui i^Abraham J. Scay. governor of Dklahomi^territory ; Chief Lugineer Georg- W. M l-^v ille, to be Pnited State- engineer ill chief^and chief of the buieau of stomn engiiioci-^ing, with the relative rank of commodore:^Cuiled States consul, David h. Duck of IIre go n. at Sonncls-rg. laConferente With Plain. W|BMMM(,Jan. S^s retarv Blaine^.mil ^enor Monti. Chihaii imuistei. had a^long conlei*enec at the former's resident t^to-tiay. All that is know u aliout the coi^^ference is that it I.n ketl -'ifllt It'lll length^and iin|mrtaiice to keep Blame away front^the cabinet meeting. I'MttisOn's |{ . I ll i I'.ll -. Washington.Jan. ^^. Heprcsentativa^Pattison of f Ihio to-day intrtslured n joint^resolution amending the constitution bv^making the presidential term live years,^and dei luring the incumbent mi ligible tor^rf.clcctioti. Iteimirratlt ^ lute-. W'AsiiiM.ifi. Jan ,s. A tall is leaned tiedayhyChairman Wilson for a lie^on We^lueMlay . Jan. J*i. of tlie exeeul re^committee of the national assoclatiog of^denits ratk clubs. WonI.I Kill Ihs Srgru. St.Lol ls. Jan. Ii. In tliecourt afartei-^naI correction lo-tlay. w Icle (xsirge Join s^colored, vv .is on ttall for an attrinpi to^criminally ass uilt Mrs. Dr. Graliby. ih^latly positively Idetilifted the aopTo. when upon la called In i a liar. No s.s.nt i^hail he utn red the word than Dr. dial I^Jumped up. nnd wiih dirk in hand spi LfUJ^at the pffiaoaMT. The court officer , had .^dillu nil time in gt itiug him away. Ih^tlin-Mtens lo kill the negro. i. ^ -~ ^* tuptirtst,l Ilit-atlslllfTa.^sv^' Ft; w laOfki Jan. ' . The exports of^wheat and flour from tins |sirt lot il; ^ t ir^IK'I. the fltnir lieiug nslucetl tow In .t cent^^als, aggregated l^^.*^^4,fH'con!a|s. of a valu*'^of against Is.x,.mi refit lis,^of a raJueof tSXAll/fn for the ye n Ilea), Alink,- Uratl. MaDKII).Jail. '^. 1 he Duke ot D Ileal,^grant lee of spam and a ineinlsr of the^royal faniil). died to-da} of nitlm ^. CoitMBfs.I Ihio. Jim. V The grriiest^senatorial tontest the repiibhesns of this^state have ever known is practically at an^end. F.vrry political indication |voints to^the nomination of John Sherman t.vmor-^rovv hy a man i ll^ of In or U v^ites over^Foiakt r, altiioiigh this, of course, is not^ctiliiNa|e^l by the friend- of the latter.^F'oraker's friends still tin hire he has a^chance to w in, but the Sherman people^consider their v n lory as assured. Ihe press of Ohio this morn^^ing generally consider the contc-t at^an cud. The bitterness of the^Foiaker people toward the national ad^^ministration is intense and W. S. I aj pat.^lar of Mansfield, one of ex Governor I'or-^aker's leading managers, bxlay says^^Whether Sherman he nomina'cd or not.^bi vond this time he is .i politic il Itlank m^Ohio |M^litics for the reason that he will^hava no future field, state^oi National: anil v, hile the outrageous in^^terference of I he federal administration,^so conspicuous to all, is admitted, n must^le admitted that if tin- HarriaN^ndministratinn hopes to .iineed ll-^MM and carry Ohio, it v^ II hive^Iti climb a barbetl wire fence to^lie friendly with porakerand his following^in this stat*. The tenatoind contest will^leave sore places in every county, town-^ship anil Fihool distriet, ami if Mi Kinky,^the incoming govt rtl ^r, can conipn hend^and rraliie the snuniion and In able n,^lienl up the w oiind. he ^ ill hav a pat formed^a very credit ihle feat. But rheca are^those who believe that if Sherman Is- noni-^inated for the senate n ln^osilates tin^nomination of Blaine a. president to^svv iug I lino iuio the republican column. Thisst.ileniei.i of I ap|m liar l^ in eiv.'d^as an admissioi, that the poraker |^.ople^propose to array thrinselvi s against Pi.^idem Harrison and carry the state delega^^tion to the national convention for Blame,^or in the absence of lo . candidacy for Sell-^tor Culloni of Illinois ol some othel tie^elmi,| candidate lor piesidetp. Forthe hist time in the contest the^Slii-iman people to-day gave names nnd^figlllvs. I halllilall II mm of the slate i i 11-^tral comimttee say s . ^Sherm iu w ill ha e^Ml votes beyond all ipiestion : IS of ihe^e^will be seiiHtor- and 11 represt niativei-.^If the vote were taken now that w ool.I Is.^my estimate of the it-niP. However, it^may be increased. PepiesentativcDunn, w ho vv.,. . lainied^bv tin Forakci people this morning, has^untpialiti dly dei la|t i| lor Mnininn. Thenight before the great stu.itoual^Ivittle finds the inev iiahle still i tai ing^the Fivakcr lanaaj ommouslv in the face.^To theeg all lllihe.itii.iis of the |K^lilit al^situation point to defeat but they h i.^^uiatlc a gallant brtitle. anil the snuggle^established beyond contradiction one sig^^nificant fact :hat Foralicr is the un^^shaken ith.I of the young republicans of^Ohio. The declaration.' to-day of Dunn^Hid Poughcrtv for Sherman, old two mo:c^to the se nator's majority. and In:- liiend*^now ilium he bus ^*^'^ vole . while^they give Foiaket but I. the ie-^inaining twti Ising iloubtful. of^course the FeiaktT |Hsip|c OS not concede11 claims. It is gt nerallv lie- lieved this ev einng that Furak^ r's man i^gers aic basing their hopes U|m'ii a seen t^ballot. They think, should tin ballot l^.^secret, many of those iiiemls'is who are^confe .-etllv for poraker, but have gone to^Sliern.a n in olK-tliencr to t he w ill of their^iomtlttients. might Ini.ik away. 'I he^Sheunnii people Hre hind in ihcjrrlcmamls^for an OfaM b.illoi. by roll t all, ami BJOaV^taiutli H eviivthiiig should ls^ fan- ami^public. Ii |.k^ks ti night though an^open I. allot idea would pre id. TheHale trades ami labora^sernblv met^to-day nnd. as was anticipated, attempted^to solve the seuatoiial ajVjMMMk The^president, in his opening atidress. iii'iiim-^luendetl that the assembly not mt. i fere m^the matter, but despite this, a resolution^was this afternoon inirodiired id I'ounciiig^Sherman's senatorial record. It wag^^featefl after considerable wrangling, but it^is understood the Forakci MM will revive^the coiitroveitiy tisiiiorrow . MEXICAN they REVOLUTIONISTS IPfoiltlit lo Io.l i. In till I.I.. I lo-^SllIt Tttem.rMr*. fnil At.o. Jan. V An Fl Pas,,. Texas.^s|se|al' ll It idtt h is been learnedthat the leadt rs in the pit .cut ' f'Vofutloll oil the lower floiil'i r l.avt. l-teti ' workingin this in-,ghlsirh .sl b i aBeniMa^since last June. It has also been learnnl^that tin lieadt|uartei s of the 11 .olutionisls^are situated at \ew I irleau .. but their re-^ino\ al tti LI paso la contemplated, ns this^place w ill afford a hotter base of operas Hons. Ill' Mix a nli rev I'll i. i. s l.n1, | Iiya large ummini of money . and as s^hiii 1^as a fotiihnltl is obtauied m Mexico tin^revolution w ill begin |g eariu -t The loV I^of those backing the iimvt-nients |a to cut^off that |m^rtion of Mi xioo north of ^ laM^extentl ng from Tuipaa ^ii iho Gtahf of^Mexico to Maratkau on the I' iciflc ocean,^a lit I declare a lepnblli 11 lit It i the const pi,-^^ ion as promulgated in MB NEEDHAM AND IIYAN. TheyMill I Ighl rot n Hig IAMBI in S^w^rn leans. Clipvon, Jan. ^'^. A waifh has M 1 n n-^lallgifl In-tweeii Tommy liys'i of I l.n ago. I^tin wt Itervv i klu t hainpioli of the *orid^^oiil Danny Neeilhain of s,,:i FranciaeOi^' he liattle will take plate at the Met ^- poiuanrtub. Xeti OriMMg.durfJaj Mardl^tints week. I' w ill be for a purs^ of f:i.o^i^and a sidi w.,gi i ot i:,.'t'. each, Oi - #^ Boattog I.* tii-Hir.. IlKXvl i:. Jan. ^. Dr. Craves to-day le-^nietl iht siateim lit mailt bv linn y e.n r- v that t . lI Ballon I. ti in nver for fearof arrest. Mi s. I.rav aa and I ho iI.n--^n.r's mt it her a if conntleral'l) unpiwtsl m^i -alth lo-tla). SIXMEN KILLED. FilghtfulCelllslen on the Wsln h lull^rood Nrai Hannibal. SrttiMirm.p.Mo.. Jan. .N. At an early^hour this morning two Wabash passenger^^rains collided at Ml.elitl a station three^uiles east of B.iuniltai. Mo. The trains^met at th^ Alladin side truck. F.ngineer^Jiiiues R. Wilson, ..ti tin west hound train,^run on the main traik.not seeing the^switch in tbe fog, w hich was very dense,^and on w Inch he should have waited for^the east hound train. When he discov^^ered his mistake he started back up to the^switch, but too late. The ea^t hound^irain t ame up at a high rate of ^peed^and dashed into the west bound train.^Both engines were te|c^eo|ief| and all the^cars burned except two slee| and one^chair car. The killed are; F.ngineer^^lauic- |{. Wilson of Springfield. I ngintsr^\Iffil BoiifliMid of Springfield, three^Italian immigrants, names unknown.^^ i ii' burned lo death. Fireman Wai ls.v s^of Springfield was fatally injured. F'ire-^ David Council of Springfield and^William Kennedy, a ce4o*M aag%aroi De^^catur, were seveielv Injured. Several pas^^sengers w crc badly cut The^uijuietl wt'ie brought Pi this ofttj !^^ the^U abash hospital. K\pr^'ss niesseugt rs^I ^' l li ha tn and I lough wt re iniured. HENDERSON OF IOWA ll III limbo rs a Kesobitlnn Kri. ^' loig^the tVolhl ^ fair.^Wamii!^|iTO^'. Jan. V - Henderson of^low a introduced in the house ttsday a^lengthy resolution conrerning the world's^fair, setting forth the ippropris'ions and^the present apimrent si.itus of the exposi-^ congress be KsUy^advised concerning u^ piogis ss anil the^expendilurc-. of th^ amount available for^vvoik, and neces.-ary to complete the^same, that liiqii'iv OS niaih^ to ascertain^whether those obligated have conitilietl^withilic rtspiirennojta enactiNf. whether^Ihe money is judieiou -lv ex|ieii.letl, whetherthe eiltplov es anil .Ippollllif . art. execs.jveand their cotnpeiisaliofjl ejajgalst^able or arivmriae: that isipiea *if the^monthly pay rolls of all ofln i ts ami u\^-^IMiintces Is* iran-m'.tted to coitgit-ss for^'nil informiiiiou. ami all other points^paftlajanl to inmiirv be n-feiTetl to the^eoiiiiii'ttec on app'iipi ial ion^. FROMPHILIFSBURG. Iaaaa ^f Smallpox sNid to tte at l.tstilts PersonalVlenlfon.^sps. ,^1 tn thr SUUtUl'l PlllLir-iitML Jan S. A gentleinau w ho^has resided al Granite foi some tune past,^and who started l as' this morning, is^Hiithoi'ify forthe statement that there am^four cases of '.iiialt|H.\ among the I hinese^a' Graniic. He -aid that every effort was^being put torth by the heathen* to keep^the matter a secret. but thst a man who^had hail tin disease himself, ami w ho his^.i t u n in li v at urn. forne . got a glimpse^ol one of tho cases and without am hjaaV^tati.ui he proiioiinctsl n aagajlpoa. Dr^shgh of Granite tr^M the ,^tyMiAPp's sss |lorte|'ovi'r the tellpluilie I his ev I'll Utg It *' liehad he.ipl noihitig vet. but th a' kg^would give the matter immediate atten^^tion, and il true pro|x r tpiaraniine mcas-^Ul e, v oilld Is adopn^l at o||ce. Prote-ti \ovari is now training ^n^^ trrticstia of eight niemlMT , nutl intends to^give n i imeert shortly . They are all pi .-^fessional tmisit ians ami make sph'iid: I^music. Ifibert McDoiiel came hnek to-day from^a trip lo Boulder Sprine* and sina- the^praises of thai jesort. MISSOtlLANOTES. yilniollapp. nliigs of Intetrsi In the^^Irn ^ ilv. specialin (in. ..piinfnrif Mtssoi| y. Jan. '..- tin next Monday^evening Rev. D. Kelsey will lecture at the^Melbc.tliSI church on Vlntin.i. Whose^Shall She fja .'^ for the Isun fit of the col-^|e^. room 4lalgc Mtgaher of voting sts lcK people^weiii to Fort Missoula ttsmglit and at-^tendrsl f.n informal danee. Changeswill place in the schedule^of trains here in als-sn two weeks. N'o. 1,^east noiiuil. w ill arm e at H te a. m.. -t aoj|^hours earlier than at present. No. 1. west^Is'iind, w ill arrive at 11 .is p. m.. tw o hours^lalvr than at present. 1 he local from here^to Helena will leave at I .SI p. ni. instead^of 7 a. in., and the local from lb lena to^here w ill arrive as at present. WilliamB. Hall, of Ihe firm of Ball A^Wright, Great Northern railway contract-^ois. i- ill the city from Spokane. theTwo Anari hlsls. SrKIM.lII I P, III.. Jan. ^^. -Attorney^GaaMtraJ Hunt will lile a brief iii Ihe^Fulled States supreme court Monday . an-^svv.'iing the |viiiils in that filed in Ish 'lf^of ihe aunn Insis. Fielden and SchwaK In^subsiaiiee ifie reply asserts that the que-..^Hons inv olv i il relate w holly to the inter^^nal |siltee regulations of Illinois: that no^full nsj i,in i lion is iiivolvul. T he petition^had no right to In. prest nn d during the^heating of th^ tits i-ioii of tin supreme^Court, It in ither trn tl nor sentenced^him, but ojagafj |ias*ttlon tlie ojagga] of^Ita ' t ik i ounty eriniinal ctnitt. The fly^^ing of tin execution is a ministerial act,^and living II in ihe absence of the pris^^oner is no denial I tin due pn^ e^s ol^law. iiii;li B Hi. Is- III'srivsos'. \. |^.. .Ian. .*.. Alsnit I M^this moriiiug a doulile-heatler slock Hhiii^crasht'l into a bridge two miles this side of Se'Hiliel Blllte. Tin' ellgmiir disctiveretlthe brnlge was on Pis* and the^air btuke was applied, hut tisi late.^t iiguies and t iie car wein through, kill ng^Firemanf lough and seriou.-b Injuring tic*^otliet flrcir. an. Botheuui:.. i^ jumped al I aav ctl lin n UtOJk - ^ l.uii.tor I tilu*. Nlw B vv 1 N. Conn.. Jan 1 he Chinese .;I'll I ... (o. t.. ( i i I'lllttcl StallI two ^ n i in. ^ and an interpreter arrived m^thiscitv at to-tlay from Wanhiugloii.^II.- pattv rfritVj the Marin, RefMNsting^Arms coiii|sniy's factory ^ D is Ulldoratuud^il e iiiiuisler pl.e e,I j large nnlo for nth .^but lis ..Hid a. k'tow letlgmg tin fat t i lie^officer- BBfhjag '.o o . -i'.iss the niattci. tlverm tiimve of I mil.. iH!'. Jan. i. \ Mai on. t,i,., special savsthat fight men were kilted ui a geu-^etml tigln at Bright A Williams' tin|^ iitim^^^t,!l in Clinch countj, Salurday,, over^fJMM ^f i aid-. FATALTRAJr^ WRECK AdAccident on the northern Pacific^Hear Sentinel Batte. FIREMAN CLOUGH KILLED TwoEngines Go Through a Bridgo^Four Tralnmsn Injured-A^Fight With Knives at^Great halls. .Spei-lillto the ' ui ! ir t GLtMDIit. Jan. S.^ At I o'clock thio^morning an east bound extra stock tram^eomiMtsetJ of two engines ami Kdeuhle-^decked cars of sheep, belonging to Peck *.^f assidy ^^f iBasebtid. Mont., consigned tt^^Chicago, while half a mile east of Sentinel^Butte. N. D.. broke through a burnt bridge,^Isah engines anil a sheep car being^wns-ked. Fireman Bert f lough. * ho w aa^on the first engine, w i* killed outright^and found under the cah. from which h^s^iuui|ied, .mil as the engine turned over n**^was i aught and ciushetl. Enginei^r Cainp-^hell, of the fir.-1 engine, and I d Cunning^^ham, of ihe set i^ntI engine, were bruised^and i il led. w tide fireman Poor, of thei^see md engine, is scalded and bruised sen-^ousb . Brakeman I on Hall was slightly^inpircd. BLACK AGAINST BLACK. Colored( ^nk^ al breat T^\\% In I il^e In aCuliln; Malth.^Haaafoj to the Staadjnl. GfiyT l'ui\ Jan. s -This afternoon^about 12 :m o'cloi k John Lindsav. nr^'^rook, and Albert Gordon, tssisiant. ho'H^roloretl men. working in the kitchen of^the park hot.,), .,. .^m^ involved in a,^tpi.nrel . h i ll entftsl in a tenons cutting^affrav. l ioiuall ,n counts given by th^^emplovcsof ihe hotel, p seems tha* Gor-^I don had In ' ii drinking and was in a quar^^relsome ovssl. tinlv a few wortls had^I pissed Is'tvve. n the iwo men. when Gor-^! tlt.n t-euetl a ht avy meal cleaver antl^! hurled it wiih full foix-e at Lindsav. fortu-^' uately missing the mark, lie then send^another large knife antl made a run at^I intlsav. lindsav w as loo quick for him^ami pa ki d up a large butcher ktiif*^and stable.I Imidon in the atslo-^na n. uitlittiiig a serious gasli threw^tin lies long. Cordon at once weakened,^dropped Ins knife and t rte.| loudlv for^help. Drs. ^wt*at and Gelsthorpe were at^tin si in'm a short time, and the wounded^man was attended to. Lindsay, realising^the trouble he was in. Ib-d at once and for^tome time the police olht er , hunted lor^linn in v am. He w is finally d..-covered^hiding in the new opeia house. He was^aiissiiilby sheriff Hamilton and taken^before bidge R ice, where he waived ex-^aminatioli. and was bound over to ihe dis^^trict court muter J.'SO bonds. The pro-^prieiors of the Park hotel furnished bonds,^and 1.1 lit I -. v wa- released, resuming his^duties iii the hotel. Gordon is resting^comfortably benight, ami It is thought his^wound- will not prove fatal. PfcTERWILL FIGHT BOB. ylstptrn lalka Ip a ^l^oh Met w sen it.^li. i I 11 /^i ui mon*. Siy Yol k. Ian.''. A dispati h w^s re-^^ ^ m il toslav by a prominent sporting man^from President N.s'l of the Olympic club^at New OriMM aakhag if Charlev Slitchell^would ftght B-ib l^it^sininions for $L2,nni^^I.I . IB. The gentleman m answer recom^^mended N,sd to t oinmunicaie wtth^Mitc!ie|| pojoojaajBjTi BillyMadden, on hearing of the offer,^said: ^You can telegraph Noel that Peter^Maher. t h.inipiou t^f Ireland, will Bght^Fitisimnioiis for a purse of f lfl/m. Hefurlhtr -tated tint the California,^chili had dt t ithsl to offer an f*.uuil purse^for a fight between Mah.'r andCorbett.^but the latter w ill not nght before that^club on account of the unfair deal h**^rl mns ihe club gave him in his light with^Jackson. He is jierfecily willing thev^should meet I^fort the Pacific or Occi^^dent il dubs of ^an Francisco ,,r iho^I My mpic clubs of New i Irleans. InAmerican Ship on Fire. 1/MJWjagaj,f#Jk.o. A dis|Mitch from Syd^^ney. \. S W., slates tha' fire hrokeout on^the American ship W . H. Lincoln from^Taeoma iml dt spite all efforts to extin^^guish the Haines they are still burning.^Part of Iter inward cargo la still ^;wnl^her. Kroni present ap|naraiices. ttie dls-^pal h sa)^. the slup and cv cry thing aboard^w ill fie consumed. Ml-Q W^i r-t. i. .I |tv ttolioor*. |MrtMIIti. Mich.. Jan. a. John Glea-^son. pav master for the Cleveland Iron^Milling A- lion riaff^ company, was mur^^dered and robtvetl early lias morning.^Tiie w^t^ hman found him with a bullet^hole in his head. The robbers got Glee-^sou's watch. a small sum of money ami^some ^black d inioinls.^ u^et| f.n- drilling. Killedhy an I ngiae. (vpei'UItn tl ^^ -tainUnl. I ui V Jesse Smyth.^w|. . al one i inie vv orkt d in Ihe mines of^the \na'oinli tompaitv at Butte, was^.in . ugine of a passenger train^morning and instantly killed,^he vv as a n ^ t in arm al from I num. I lr^. -nuty^i ItMc i 1 i . 1 1lie suit yuashrvl. sv\Fhvm isi ii. Jau. 5. In the circuit^court of appeal- tistlay, the government^i suit again-' tlie MMHMr( Kobert aiel^Minnie, chaigisl w ith conveying arms to^the Chilian sleainer [lata, was quashed. .. .. llalloiiat Proi itlfat ^.^I'. ic in s. *. o. I.. Jan. Colonel R.I^lou. eon Us. I for Craves in the Deuver uiur^^dt r trial, arrived here ihis evening. II^^n fused io talk about the trial or the al^^leged confcs-ioiis of |lr. Gnive^. ^ .a ^ ^^Kan I, ni VajBti a BtMMl^HAH I'k vNi IOI 11, Jell. ^V McKee Rankin,^the well-known a- tor. lias begun a suit^for divorce from Ins wife on the grounds^of desertion. They have not been living^together lor aonat time. ^ a i^Tlllee tlrowned. Miortitvi.Jan.i. A rich farmer named^iH-s Jarvliucs. In- daughter and .^ hoy^named Koy.agisl |:l ytarn. hrogr thmugh^the ice ,it I.' Assumption Ust evening sad wM drow nctl