ElectricHeights^Addition^*o BOZEMAN
Fromthe City Hall and the Hotel Bozeman
ThisAddition Comprises the FINEST RESIDENCE PROPERTY Now Offered in the City.
Lots$100 Each.
Mm$10 Per Month.
$20Down, Balance $ 10 per Month, Without Interest.
Murphy^ Stevenson, Owners,
InArm; Officer Talks About the Pro^^posed Garrison at Helena.
NotSituated on Government Land^and L turtle to ho Removed^Other Interesting News^Itoms.
N^^^^^!^ 1 to the St am la n I
MlssitlI \. Keh. Mi Haliiel Sully |^I.imm!^^The Milliniiani'' here I.^^t night MM^us largo iiikI seleet an .iiiiliriu m as the^eity eotilil Him out. It is Hi'lrloiu that tut-^uualiflril praise is ilescrvctl li^ a Imiipe,^I^t 11 in this Inataiiee one wmiM t^- at a hiss^tu know where in qualify. The play itself^is ^ \i iHi iitlv written, ami its pn senta-^tmii here \ius as near |w^rfoet as eati he^lliiagitiiil. Mr. Sully himself is all llial^i'oulil lie rleslml, ami he has In ^^ u iin-^usiiMlly fortunate in seloetiug his sii|i|tort,^for In* has mil lefl a weak s|Nit in it. l'rntii^twatitifiil Vr*. I mi Htnrn to K'ri renin, the^^tarrfer^ auction hnnil, otcry mu'inlier of^the tmupe can n il his |iart |iorfii*tl,i.
Ailay like this, when ihe snow is thaw^^ing rnpiilly ami water is tunning in all^direction*. ^Iioia s Ima lsull^ tlieeity niiili*^some surfnre illumines. Tin* sewer^teui. if it were oiiiu|iletcil. ivniihl nut itliv i-^itte the jircstiii ilillteiilt.i. as it is lint ilr-^siirtieil to earry away siorin water. A^large auioiltlt of 11 oil 14 ^ has Imcii H|M*llt oil^tilt* streets of Missoula liming the past^y ear, and many ini|irotemeiits have lieeti^made, hut some ul thosi^ imptmem* uts^are now the eattse of nitieh im mivi'iiielii e,^as the leveling anil grading of streets has^in limit* than out-iiistuiti-c ehmi il a natural^watercourse anil liunuil a ilnm iihieli^How forms a |hniI. I hi some streets the^jHiliey piitslleil luis iM-en to fille\ery hole^with uruvel instead of iligging an outlet^ami tarn the water runs on In the side^^walks. Next summer, when the street^eoinmisMoner paM to work, thi'te will he^110 slush and waler and he will |ierhaps^fiil'gcl that sllell ineouyelliellee e\er r\-^isti il. hut siuiicImi.Iv w hose eellar is full of^water from mi uiljuiiiiiig |iomi or who lias^Is en nhligiil to vv u^le to-day will |ierh.i|i^^n-minil him.
MajorMiles of l'orl Missoula yesleiilav^|hvc Hitnc interesting faeli* iMtieertlitiK^the new regimental |mM^t that the imuile^of Helena th sire to ha\e estahlishetl near^their eity. ami ahoiit the situation at furl^Missoula. When asked wllieh he consul-^cri*tl the la st ajaj ^ for a large (h st. lie de^^clined to answer, ns army otlieers ai-e not^e\|ieeteil toi xptess opinions on such mat^^ters while they lire open questions. Ac-^cortling la his st.iti mem. the Helena *jaa^^|^la hate purcluiMil laml. or at least have^an option on it i ^ ml nc the aetion of^eoiigreim They have promised that if the^post Ir- linateil there, they will run an^eleetrie street ear hue Irotll the eity to^tlw 1 s 1st, so that tlm ehiId 11 u of the
nflieersand soldir-rtt eilll littetld till'^eit^ kcllmil withuilt ineollV euieiiee. What^the Helena llieu an* Working lot I*- .1 ll'atls-
ferof the troops from Pari ^ uster to
Helena. When asked oliee. 1 he^ said that
theywen- not Irving In liuu Toil Missoula^aliaiiilnnit]. A. Fort I unler is nut m ar^any town of ini|Nirtauee and is far re^^moved from tl ^ tailpAidt. itb alwiidoii-
mi'iitwould lie no loss to any eily and^would eaitse a ureal saving in liaii^|x^ri.i-^tlon.
Inn-garil to l'orl Missoula. Ill'1 major^said that after it was diseovoreil that it^does not ^ tanil on government laud, the^^|iuiiiermaster of the department had Imvii^sparing of ihe appropriation*- for it, as hi'^said that the gov eminent ti nuhl lose all^IIm* permanent improvements if it had to^\neate the Innd. Were it not that there isa^saw mill at l'orl Missoula ami the l.ilsu^of till* tmo|is enllld Is* utilized, ft^would he im|iossihle to keep it in such^giNitl eoiidition iis it is in. Somen hat more^Ihati a year ago Major Miles tool, to tIn*^^ piartermaster at St. Paul .1 map sh* i\v mg^exactly how the |^osi is situated atal 011^what laud it .tainl*. The map was for-^wanh*il lo the secretary of war. w ho w roll*^(ioxertiiir Ti^sile a letter ashing him to^MM die mailer to the ul'i'iitinn of the^last legislature anil recommend that some^action In* taken with a view to giving the^government title to the *-ehool sei iiouou^w hich most ol the |*ot^t slands. Tin aaaaj^reason the legislature did not ail on Ihe^pro|M^siiioii and Ihe matter rests where il^waslietore with the |Mist slanihiiL' partly^on a school seetimi ami partly on .1 rail^^road section. Tin* railroad company has^withdrawn that section finm t ale.
l'rointin* explanation given h^ Major^Miles it ap|m*ars thai Missoula han^no ^immI i^roiuuls Ini' ass'ir.uiee^that the |sist will remain here^any consider.ihlc leiiuth oT time. thie^mall ill Ihe eily who in well lllloriui.'il.^says that the ivuuneiit.-il po* 1 at llclenu^means the aliandonuieiit ol' l'orl Missoula.
BVMif the i'ltinells of lleh 11a wen* as un^^selfish It.wards Mibsoula H iheu* ivin.irks^would make it ap|H*ar that th^ ^ .ire. tin*^matter of irau-.ferriii|2 troops fitiiu some^oilier |Hiint lo Helena Is one o\ei which^they ha\e 110 control and 11 is fully* as^likely that the BM eniuielil would ahaiidoti^a post to which it has no title to^v\ liotn its title is jk-i fiii. In the opinion^of tfie man refi^rred to als^\e, the only
way for Missoula to keep the |*ist hell*^t w mild Im* to induce the legislature to put^1 he r.i*lnNil mh*tion on whti li the tiosi is^loeati'd 011 the market, then I^11 ^ it ami Ihe^railroad sect ion and present them to the^I government. If such .1 course is ueressary^it itiiuht not lie amiss to take some action^{ as noon as poaaiblc to learu at least
whether the citf/ens collsillcr the |lost
worththat cost to the city.
AtiotlirrItelieknti I.oiIkc
Hl-n^.. Fell. If. Silver l.eaf U|l No.^j lo. II. nf |{., wan instituted at South lilllle^I tietii({ht w it 11 a charter inetiiln'ohip of Is.^1 InaUtuUns sen ices were tMSttttrtad hy^i IMiilip Hotson ul lio/einaii. uratul master,^! assisted li) A.J. White of Hlltle, (HJM
seiretail. and scleral nthcrKi'iind nlTleer-.
Thefollow nig i'ftlecrs w i ll* ehi'tcil: \olile
rraiid.Mis. (lillette; V. II., Mr-. I uric^low mail: |i^*ionlintf secretary . Mrs. \. ||.^Itramlillg! permanent seeretai.i. II ^ury^Warner; tii asuii r, Miw. William I.uxtou:^chaplain Mis. ^ . Knellil: outer fftMrd.^ l.iuiliin'ii. After tileoftloerw had Imh'U^Inatalldl ami Ihe l.nlt** placed 111 full^wnrkiuix oiiler. .nljotiriimeut was taken^and a haiti|iii*l followiHl at aliieh speei'lic!*^wi*rc made and toasts olferod for tin* MAC'^ii M of tin* Silver Leaf No. 10.
Ateinslnit Match.
litftUt I'eh. Hi A reuular e.iiii~inu^luati-hwill taki* phn*e at til:* race trut h.^Sunil.o. March li. umler the maMagl mini^of Otlbart Duraad and r*rad Sutherland,
Tfielllati h 11 ill Is* o|M*ll to all oojm in the^statl*. and ill (inler to illstll*c plenty nf
|Kitt.100 labbHi have biM ohtaiwd.
NoSelll. ni. iit Vet nf 1 lo* Mountain X Isu^hpur Trnillilo.
Ill1 11:. Keh. I'.'. The railroad trouble is^mil definitely settled yet, hut it is lielieved^that eiervthiiiK is practically ncrred 011^and that the delay will he hrief. It was^rc|sirteil that the railroad men would re^^turn lo the camp to-ilay. hut they are still^ill town and still Imartliiiu and MfJafafl^the ex|^eiise of the Untie Workiiitineti's^iiuioii. They will not he iMxiideil after^lo-iiiormw, howeii'i*. It was iriveu^out m fen days alio that^the camps were lo lie ahandoued^and stakes pulled up at once. Neverthe^^less, the three camps all' still then-, and^nolliinc has yet BMM inoied. PmUtgM^men aie still hoanlitiK out there. The^fact that the contractors have not yet tore^up the camps is taken as ei iih'tiea of the^fuel that the negotiations an* likely^lo prove successful,
Contractor (iuihrie left for St. I'.ml to-^day anil il is jjeneiall) hcliciei! that tliere^w iil lie no complete mi I lenient until the^rei eipi of a ilispateh from him at Si. Caul.^It is liehcMil he went to SI. Paul in MHf
10consult w ith nfllelals theru in n' to^Ihe ti im- of settlement.
in ri^i 11 1 BM UT.
Ht-rrt:,Mbk Hi -lack Smith ph- ideil^Uiiiltyiti police court to-day lo a complaint^for ilisliirhiiiB ihe |K*aee. In default of $.'^^and costs he was committed.
I).Suiii|*o was convicted of causing an^unnecessary iliKlurhance in Ihe highly^moral pn i ilu ls of Fast tialena sin el, anil^left $u ami costs on the counter.
JohnHunter and H0I1 t twi ns, two plain^drunks, wore sent to the hascinciit to^I mini out jl and coats each. Alex i asiuo^and John H^ ^ sIimmI pkMBMj wilh dis-^lurliiug the |mmci' hy lighting. Casino en-^lereil a plea of guilty and vv as assessed $.ri^and costs. Ihey eoticlmled that he was not^guilty and gave Isimls lo In- on hand for^trial Monday morning.
StuartMarshall, a petty larceny thief,^pleaded guilty to stealing some shirts, and^was scut up for im days.
JohnMet lellan. another ^lifter.^ wa*^si ul to jail for 15 days. He stole a pair^of shoo*.
PalPrice, the negro who stole an^Italian's watch lust night, was sentenced^for itn ilny h. Hi* call Is* thankful that he^was not iiehl for rohlMTy from the persou.
lamesl.cith ami Alfo'd Hrovvn, two^Imi.i s, vv err oiih'tiil ineari'erated for live^dav ~ * n il for stealing rbiebetoa.
t'h.irles ( all and John Toinpson eh.sell^the list. Kach was scut lo the chain gang^towotk out fa ami costs for i list 11 rim nee.
Ari-i'1.1 ml at Helena.
Illill . I'ch. 1J. ITpW a telegram finm^Sheriff l.lo)d, tlu' |ailiee at Helena 10-1 lay^ani sli iI II. C. Tlchiior. a Hutte new iug^machine agent. Hi* is accused of uiia-^usiiig liiiuls anil propcrt) placid in his^care, anil Ins employer had him arTMtflri
011the charge of laii eiiy as liailce. The^sheriirwas not ill id of the urti^st this even^^ing and he will go to Helena li^morrow^fni the prisoner.
IIWti. m siieeesM.
Illi |^k, Keh. 11'. The Turn Vctvin gave^its inasi|ui*rade Kill at Ketishaw hall nv^night. The tlvsir was cixiwdeil wilh^daiici'ri* ami some of the costumes were^handsome unit costly, while tin* usual^number wen*repulsively ugly. The affair^was in the wa) of pleasura and tlnatiee a^success. Van Orion's orchestra furnished^the music.
THKvenlici of the people isihaitlie^Bl vMiAKti is Molilalia s best nevv**^papci. Try it for u mouth. the MNi*i-Mhpe..
Ill1tk. Feb. 1'J. A lodge of the Knight*^of the Miiccahoen was organiied at tioml^Templars'hall in thin city to-night. with^SO members. The lodge was namcil Kuhy^Tent. No. ti., and w as Instituted hy F. H.^Wilson, state deputy siiproiiiecomtuauiler.^The follow ing officers w en* elected : Past^('oiutiiauiler. J. S. Wat hey : commander.
I. Fu.via 111; lieutenant commander. ('. A.^Jeliuson: rocoid ki'eper, Hichard Trem-^lialh *. finance ktMfNWi F. J. Itixon : eha|v^lain. A. F. Joiiei.; physician, .1. W. How-^aid: sergeant. I'.. F.. t'alhel: master at^arms, II. ti. Pearson: tirst master of the^guard, (ierry Nugent: second master of^the guanl. Alerk McKeniie: sentinel,^Nathaniel I. Koseiisteiu: picket. 1^. P.^Manchester. The next meeting w ill lie^held Monday evening.
H Ha* the tirlppr.^Hiitk, Feb. tli tlw ing to the fact that^the ^Marysville Kid^ has \^f^u coiitluril to^his room for lhe|iust five day* w ith an at^^tack of the grippe, the sparring match^which was to have taken place between^himself and ^Hrow 11. the butcher hoy.^ at^f'aiiliee hall lo-iuorrow night. Ins been^indefinitely poatpaMed. Il will, however,^take phice as siMiii as the ^Kid^ recovers.
AI'leasant Affair.
BOTMiFeb. IS. The Baptists had a de^^lightful social gathering to-night at the^Inline of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Randall. ML'^West Quarts street. Then* was some ex^^cellent singing anil a few speeches, after^which rcfivshineiits wen1 seneil. About^tOD guests wei*e present anil enjoyed a^tun.-1 pleasant evening.
A^ Ini rill SihIhI.^Hi l i t., Feb. Hi The iiicuiliers of the
ougn-gational ehtirch gave a pleasant^social at their church thin evening. It w a*^in the nature of a ^church family^ gath^^ering, and the house was turned into a^reception room. After a programme of^niilsii*, liuieli was scriiil.
.arfrerfumrna*under l/iu firait ^^^ rrnt prr^uiint #vi.*tl in^etl'in; njvruil raUr on fBjfrajgBl^lef aViliiiff ^^rnKfi. An adffilui-riiifal aectfilcU^for laa iIujii 3i ,^ !^*.
I.10kKKNT Hie t'nlifiirnU llouie; 17 fur-^I nlnhisl rooms. Apply In Mrs. F. 1 -.limit.^1.1..mle. Mont.
Inm: kknt KuraUtJMsl mom. ail taoaern im-^|i|,irrmentx In private faintly. m5 N. Maiu^ureet. Kutte^
i^H.^ltKKNT FttrnUlieil rooms, with or with-^I nut himiil. at 111^ \ililnn llini^^, i'lirner Alas^^ka ami \\est l.tanlta ilieelii. Misse. llarterty,
l^i il; KIM ri.ino^. organ*, sewing pjajaMaM^I ami Iviiewiilers. at E. II. tSliermauV i.
Talk stii'i-l. hutte.
I.10IIKKKT-UkBUKBT AMI BKKT HtiTIT,^I III llutti* t'ltx 1 with oil ' eXi'eplloil'. Fort)^ritnius. ht'stiies klti heii. ilhuiig inotn. ^toro room.^oMm^aaa bari steam ln .it. eteatno lights ami^aiiiiuiiriators, fronting two ttraatSj elaotrleear*^pa** Ilia dour every eight liuinite.: elnse in all^allien I stall. Uls. Keeentlv snhf to rinse .1111.^tale anil imw far lease mi Ihn'i al terms Ui rulit^tarty, t all ou or aihlres. tilcinoni li Uatuer, ii^l'a^t llioailwal, lilllle l it)'.
WWi l li Hv 11 I my of exper:eiie!\ s|tu^^tl tiotia. Iiouteket^ier In hold, liouti rrf-^rieui-es giien ami le-i'iireil. Aiidri'ss boy 11.^Hlanlarul iireau. Mlssottui, Ifant,
II'l\ t i ll Young | ile^lre^ MMlM at^t^ hgh! k and roiiipaiilon In ng *if^lady. AiUlress li. stan hinf utflee. Hutte
W'AVIEI \ o ing l.idv il^^ire* a^^^ assistant in a rlajf koti^e. Adilieu U ,^Stiudaril ufln e, Hutte.
KettleFalls is situated in northeast Washington^on tl.e Spokane ^ Northern railway, and oa the^Columbia and Colviile rivers, the ieater of a \ast^Mining and Agricultuial region.
GreatFortunes Are Always Made by Safe
investments in Real F.sta'e when i s at bottom prices,^and in a giowing (own, which, from t^ location is sure^to be^ otc a center for
Manufacturing,Mining and Agriculture,
thenatural increase in values making the holder a^fortune. Theic is no IPBCULATION 'n buying thtse^lots; simply a safe and sound INVB8TMBNT of capital.^For instance, the town of Kettle Falls is located at the^junction of FIVB great \ alleys, lich in agriculture and^timber; wht se mountains are loaded with valuable^minera's, such as
Gold,Silver, Copper, Lead and Iron.
Atthe junction of two rivers with unlimited water^POWER: at the head of navigation of the great Colum^^bia, and which only one year ago was without a single^improvement, and which now can show two churches,^one school house, ore bank, four saw mills, two planing^mills, ore grist mill ( roller p:o:es^) of too barrels daily^capacity, on * e!e:tr'c light and power plant, four gen-^eial stores, two blacksmith shops, two clothing and^gents' furnishing stores, one millinery stcre, one hard-^ store, one harre s shop, one boot and shrc store,^one bakery, two meat markets, two livery stables, one^newspaper otiice, three hottls and 156 other buildings.^A large concentrator is t ^ be erected this spring.
NowIs the Time to Invest.
Forprices and terms call on or address
No.6t w. Park St,
FitzPatrick^ Strickfaden,
Genera!Agtn's for the Rochester ^ Kettle Falli Land Co., the^Montana and Crescent Patk Additions.
No.205 East First Street.