Newspaper Page Text
THEANACONDA STANDARD, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1892. THEANACONDA STANDARD. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY IN^THE YEAR. Deliveredby rmw or mail at ten dollars a^year, three dollars a quarter or^oii^ dollar a niouih. THESTANDARD Iithe only dally newspaper with telegraph dis^^patches In H^r I.o.U^ county. It prints^more telegraphic newt than any otlirr^Bcwtpapcr In Montana. Correspondenceand hutlneia letter* iliou:d be^addressed to THESTANDARD Cornerof Mam and MM sln-et., Ana '-nntla.^Momaua. OFFICIALTAPER OF I'FFK LOfKjli 00O^TT. DemocraticStatu Convention. ademocratic sMB r intention win !^^^ held at^ftn/etnan. Mmit . on I Imi ol.iy, Junes. i.n^j. for^the pur|MiM^ of ^r|r^-tui^ atv delegate* and all^alternate delegates to represent Ih - dcntiM-racy^of Montsus at tin- national dt umei.ttlc HMii^lion to he held 111, Julie jl, ls^_-. ami to^lotus.-el such oilier hnsinots an tuny properly^t nine Itefnro bbss] n Thedemocrat ir fount\ e 'inmitlfe-i of the wv-^enl counties of th^ -tile bbs raeBBsMJ fte .-nil primary1: and Basest) eaafeeMeea for flicpin |iovt' of keleetill-; drlt*tf.ltcft to Hie stale^cnnvcuUiiii at .1* r.ii .t .1 dale ;-s I' prari it-al'lc. thei-'aiii Mill i.r^M i^ Theaeverali-muitic of^titled to representative- at ftesverhisul tMki-aite ilioteau Custer lnMto neerloitee mm IsaaatBi..... Tl:eill-le-'Htos sele^eonventinna to tin- Male eniivcntlnii i t Itt.rcniiiu il!also lie. to, order of tin- Mate rcutlal ^ olll.^laitlee, the dclr'ra'cs (o lite^' 1 oliViitioti 10^nominate a^^ Ii-k -l, lo ^^' hi'ld .il^Kail* al a dale to l^' hereafter luim il by Hid^conimlttee. TheMate eentral committee him MMed the.^following: rule* fur H ^^ n iv. rnmcnt of Baa slate^ron rent ion: 1.I^i ieuatvs ami alnv mi'^ doli' vali^. viall ha^MBBBMhl rvftHleUlHOf the eoltllty they rcpre-^tent. V.In the nl'm-iire of a delegate hs aiterunta^ahall flM Ma B8BB, a.In the attftcnce of a delci-ale and hit. Hl(^r-^itetc a majority of the iio]ce,iitton ol inai remity^itliall K' aetlll'sl In ^ a-t 'lie vote of the absent.s^. 4. In ca^o an^ i-otint' shall In-tvii:t rtjiro- t-tit*1i^u, either hi eVbtpnBM or thou .-.Itcriiittca,^^aakeeaatj abed eel be aetttted la vat*. |1yorder of the slate iloniiMvatlr ei-nital r ^m-^Bllltce.f K. I'IM.I.I.MS, t I1.llll11.1u. it.*T, cooiti, rJerreturr. IKillAY. JIM) :i. Wmt P!tDGtS THAT CO NOT COUNT.^inUla. rcpiililiransentinput tuiioirly^1 very i|iiart^t M I ho (^^ ninlry ruiiK in^faTIrT Iff HIirHT. Ih ^ llMflBM MMMM^P'ls BMtlnine to ii.tnk mi tin- MMMkaW^ul lheir I'lciltriil (Irli yatcs iih a ttm^tliat BSIMWl ht aWaltMi I'It ^l ^.:^^* tin not MMWal to iiiiicli.^TlaW*J is ^-niilli llaKida For iMlMCC^TIN ICfMlUICU 1 ^livi-iil urn in^ymiliU '^ate llirUiu tcil itn aWafBtaM !^^^MlsfW Ilanisi 11. M| M-nutor I'rlti^|TCW| I la* boayal ot tin- aWagaHaMa, MJfl^Ihal UN f'.ilo lias slwin BMM I' t^MlatilHf, ami In' (,'ms as tU as In prion^nc thai Maine may rowM ^it Nmilli^Utkots, TksvsniH in this imntancn isthat I'laitif ^as pot kMWM to m a^ramliilati- at (lit- (FaM WMM lia'risuii^instruct total wan v itnl. onI bay BtlafC 11.111 ^ 1. 11 .^^ n^NaWleM^toiivcntinn in Motitnna IgMNHl li;:i^1 isoii. rial \\ it ilitl Ml n so tar as^to instruct It! tiolcoatcs. it iimli 1 ln..k^to m'liti ^t in^j nnl IIIsJm BjaM in^alinncnnalia, it is tinmif ^afMittwl^ ihi'wisFcs 01 iin- uictiii cik of ina^couvrntioii arc to la- openly rMftnd 111^tins BajMWi 'Flic11 at lOMl -cpicM ntat ivc ItaMtM^most populous i lainly in (ins ptala If a^it piil'ln an artta Iimh Mid in so many^^rofil Dial l.lauio is a tnrkslcr who is^not lit to M 1 rcsalcnl. 1W icprcst'iil-^atiyt From llir mhiui at|on^tp| inuniy^is I pi 1 iii tiiici il 1111 ml o| llan iM'ti^ami mi tliri iik'h iMiiat, TWrtl may^t^s IMv In- two linn I10111 Mi ntana^irka, iii a hlruvvic. w^ iiitl s'a\ aVllh^I'lainc. tlicie me not nun- 1I..111 imo. Tminilt.t in c oi [Micrai0M0 IioMmi^Mi Felt in iHmnnli. Ibaygotatniy VfHIlthe 11111 k ol I he aVM^pii lillslieil tesl iniony ol I apt am I ouch,^one of this state's atolqrfttM, is that^three 1111 nil i rs ol the ileie^almn arc forHarriaott, two for IHalaa ind ana^tor McKiniay, I'meannoi idi boa bm h ^mi bj t in^^ 11.1t 11 nal coiixcntion. Taa bmui wkjo cniintBen ne Irnctoal da-fc MtMM BflcM^counts wain ut ins hoaL aV'a w*not^aaUava tkatl IHalM arUJ ba naMiajaaad ati liicu^o; we lancy (hat HaiTiaM^^ill Itr; lull pltilpii rtaatgalMIii nlil^mil save hitn. SCiiSCi.AND ^ NaN 1^-^^ ^ 11.1:11 aslroiiomriM anil piectricians^aaaa put Uwir Mania liigi taai ami^cvolvetl a Kclifitip lor siyiialmyr the^111I1.iliilants i.l the plMat Mais. It is prupoM'iiin take taatfaatl) lavataaM 011the c;trlh^k siirlace. not laaB than^If! BUlM 111 iliatueler. ami cover il^with a uniformly Hack prating of^some such 111 it on 11 as coal ilusi. Phil^area is tlieti In U-sp ue;ie.| \m( ii are MgManbaajlUuaa feet apart an.i m^aaainaotad that i^^ the turning ol a key allwill M iMtMtlj UgaHaa] or e\tit|.^gniaha I. liy tnraing the lights on ami^oil at rtgalar mlerxals. K is U lieve.l^thai the ettiMBI of M trs on looking^this way will note tM apajatMla ami^BJgln an ellorl lo ri spnml in km;l. In^tune, it is hop*i|. a coda ol lank liyjil sik'irilsmay he a;rri upuu ami inter planetarycoiniiiiiiu,at 1011 nitllhltanaaj^on a i^eriiiaiieut ami ptaelical baeia. Itis a laseinatini; theory, it mav M^tleiiionstrahle as a seieotilic hu t that^theplaiiwillwi.ik. it hast || tar as^this end ot the line is coiu-erneil. lint^to those w ho lane not In en taken into^the ileal il w ill he a U-auliful theme^for sjiei'iilatioii as to where Hie gentle-^M are aateg 1^ gal the money wheie-^ivilli lo estahlish anil ope 1 ate the plant.^I'uiuis are ohtainahle for any nrojoct^Uliiier the sun lliat jTouiiiiea retuiiis, froma new Ibing in ligittniiiR roils to^the latest idea 111 air ships, hut lliut is^a different proposition. It will coat^two or three million dollars to get^fairly started in the hiisineaj of nig-^naliiif; to the iiiliahitaiita of Mara, and^after all Mars may have no inhabitants^to he hifrnalcil to; or. if she has. their^organs of vision may be constructed^on a different hasis from ours and they^may not tumble to what we are doing^in a million years. Itis barely possihle that if com^^munication were opene.l up with Mars^her people might impart knowledge^possessing a pecuniary value, hut that^contingency is almost too remote to^recommend the scheme even to those^capitalists who are willing to assume^great risk in the hope of enormous^profit*. |f, however, the money ih^forthcoming and the scheme is to he^tried, one of our western prariea will^Im^ selected as the site. The city of^Helena cannot afford to let so brilliant^an opportunity esca|ie. IfMr. Clarksou has his way, the^colored nrother will lie slriclly in it at^.Miunea|Milis. ( larkson insists that a^colored republican shall he either tem^^porary or |^criuaiicnl chairman of the^convention. lie gels this tap from^what lately happened in New York.^The rt-piihlicaiis 111 thai stile, when^tl.ey met in convention, attached to^tlieir platform paragraphs ot^laiiien'al ion over the neglect of tM^MMnaJ vote in the -11111I1. Fins action^hroughl an expretsioii From one oF the^laatting colored men in New York^city who pointed out the fact Hut^while 1 he party is always asking H.QOO^colored mi 11 in (hat state to vole (he^repuhlican tieMt,ltpai sislen'ly ignores^the colored citizens of the stale when-^evt r any!lung however niodesi 111 the^wav of (lolitical favor is asked 111 his bataaJf. mrm.ntR S canal TheNii aiagua canal project has a^tMIMtanl tuau at its head in (he per^von of W arner Miller. At the mil el^he put the nigaiii/ation in MBaMja,^shape for pri-M iitation to the linaiit ial arornti Tl aiMflat, he Imjm tna MtHMlI'M cii s ^l getling th^'scheme^111 foi 111 for the l ivoiahleci iisiileial ion^of a leiii ral appropriatloll. He asked aicpuhiifi.n ron rant ton in lis own staleto approxe tie plan of letleial^aid. and. of couise, the New 1'aftt* las^pUbiiMM t;''! erously MMMlaal 'Fheii^lie wcikeil w ith Pios.ilcni HaWtiai 11. M^curing in the BMUaal uat-aee i f last Heiimicr:i atoaaj 1 aanajiandalIon of lie t ai al and a very fa\oiahle hint 111^11 e lire i f Ii I'eral support. Meanwhile.Mr. Miller stirred up the^pat pie 1 II the Pacific coast. Ilei-lioweil^tin m (hat the Ft i:\t is larMicr fn in the^Atliilit c pills of tM I mud Mates^IIt-tii any ot her country w hoe pn iim Is^I enter into BMaMtMaM W illi those of^the I'acilic coast; that wheat in lion-^bn} is 1 can r l.ivcrpi ol. \ ia the Mayei^ciiil. than wheal in MM I'ranc'sco.^Ifa pointed ont the i. t-i that Inltfor*^Hta. ^tragi^ and M aaniaiglM have in-^aatlnabla wealth in the r UaaMbaa^ioiests. I ut that existing lai lor^ti lBJ8MltathM make the lumhei next^lot aim less. Tnadtatanoa rroan s;m Ktmariana to New^ i vk or LifCfMajl is aj ' 'it MjOUU his. Mr. mIttar pioved to Mm t'aii tornIBM that (he luiihliug of the Nita- rBgnaranaj briragi the I'm-uie aaajal^more than MMUO miles maier the^ir.11 Mtl^I the Baal ami tetlmts the tmep oie thantara-tnirdafront what^it now is. ami thai if akrani raaaalfl MBinlo general use. as they BB^^ikNlbtadljf w.l1. Ihe tune will le re dneadfroaj ItO dajra to Ml Baara thM^in liaxs li^ steamers making ten kni ts^an hour, and to Ml dam Bf steamers^going at a speed of If BMta an hour. TbaaaFacts ami figures impressed^the husiuos men of the I'acilic coast,^anil (hey were among Ihe 1 lithiiMa.-tle^promoters ol the Nicaragua conven^^tion which held lis o|teuing session in^M. I.ouis\cslcrday. I'rohahly the re-^suits of (his coiiM'iitioii will he carried^10 Mnine innlis and. later 011 to Chi.^1 ill^, in the hone that tM MtkBMl^conventions will give t lie canal a sciul-^oli. Theambition al al Speaker Reed is topreetde iit MIbmbmIU, ami tins^w isli w ill probabiy ba gratitleaL Head^ran afford lo be fair in bath af the^rivals far the nomination he has an^anemjr. His lioatilitjf tonrard il urnmi^i^. not as long lived as is Ins enmity for^rllaine, but it la Bnara Intonae, He will watcliMl With bath eyes. 1! |^. gnja piei; aeit on the platform, for the aa^^portuniti that wiiip^^ruiii him to bring^tna nine hundred delegatei into ^^. brankfor a thild man. ASTO ClARKSON^As ii t larkson was of any anoiint.^What is his record^ It vxas said of^him that ho y\:n to !^' paatBIBater gen^era I in the llaii.-oii cahiue; W ana^maker got Ibeptoca. it yvas sani of^bha thai ba was to bareWecratnri Fiacy'splnee in (lice.linnet he didul gelit. 1' arna aaid af bam thai he was lohe at the head of the grandest news^paper enterprise ever undertaken in^the city of New Vert (he newspaper^never went \^ press. t'larl-sonwi s appointed third as^alatanl to 1 ho postmaster general ami habelieved ninaaalf in tank when he^BBfiBiajd thla Mhoidtiula pnelttun. lie^nwMgad to make himself effanaivelt^odlciona, he got inlo upon quarrel w Itb^the iuperinteno^nl of tha railaray set^riee, I'realileut llanwoaj Hnally told alllit to It-sign, ami ba II td In ;et nut. ThM1 i irkson started out with^ebaractariat ie rlotiriah la argMiaa ra^publican etllba. He soon go; (ired of^that, r.nally tj. iy wanted to get out^ol se- v ire iis chan man ol the lepuliln^can 111' ontl coiuinittee. hut lie was^anxious to name as Ins eucevsa ir some^inin vhoconld be relied on to batobaj^Uarriaon. He tbongbt ot t larkson. aod( larkson was willing, of course. Formouths il has heeu ('larluon'a^business to tramp the comment with^the air of a man who knows a great^deal more than he is w illing to give^away ahout Blaine's intentions. From^now till Tuesday it will be his occupa^^tion to stand 011 the conspicuous^corners in Minneapolis and tell lies^about lllaine's certain nomination on^the first ballot. Thenohili'y and gentry of tireat^Britain were so largely ami so conspicu^^ously represented at the Jackson-^Maviti priM light Monday night that^the fiat went forth, so siys the associ^^ated press dispatch, that no names^should ho mentioned. It appear!,^then, that there is a press censorship^in Faigland at well us in I'ussia. It is^easy to understand how the I'mice of^Wales ami his set might drop around^to the office of Ihe obsequious Lou^^don HIbMJ after the light and request^the suppression of their names.leaving^a box of cigars on the city editor's desk^as a slight token of esteem and an evi^^dence of good faith. But it is almost^incredible that the opposition iiewipa^pers. those that are continually doing^the reform uc: and osU-ntat lously prid^^ing themselves on their inile|K-nitence^of character, should also observe the^wishes of (he bloods in such a matter.^There is it good deal of itiiukeyism left^in John Bull's character. Kii.niM.bbjwbjbj aa^ tmi: mini:. All I n^ l.aliot.-r'm 'I'lilali 1'i-rlnr.lteil atw ajMaene af '-.-^'.e gaadaj^a German hi my ollleer sli'iifuitinc witli^b prisoner. BBBBbee M a uulituiy rifle and^kImniIs Iiis opp.iiii-ru through Mac hi ail. AlteraneabBj thBaajgh Menatebiaaaaaeef theskull, t he I ill tic t p.'iK'tr.itea tba frntttr tiouof a MtMeg eaarnnja anal bnbaali it^^self in the Ih sh of a passed.:.-r. Bat tbia^is 110'haig. a labeaar Bear the Eeadbsl^peaetieeeanea of aJJanBabal BMieeeaMbji -ii'uekal a awMnnee 01 IjaB. -,.1^.!.. or one midone-iiaii ajjaaa. riie hnHeti afaar^paanMi ettinnlt-tt- v NHMgh Ibai aaaaar^part aj tno Babjb^ buHtsi Meat! in the^aaaaenak llteaaajibtnabf 11 area erblent^that the BaaaaUaabre aaaaaer .of rtaaaa^bm buiieis aajajbt ni ba aaaa^aide of p issina itaMBjak seveeel aaan^in MaBaeeaiaaai ami ea^MtnaeMi with the^e.iii.ivei- as ii MBjal abeva ttata eaaMnaaM^sound. Now . BtBjnaa the .\ mi York ahaja,^as Hie trajnci-iry of llioatt |ir.ijeellie* inn rafyi*^m aase. tin. a|aeaa adHdn a/taleb aaan^will beenb|eeMj to Meh aBMMjeea in Kaa^babl has beM ganaabji exteiuhsi. it is^Haotiatn thai lire aaatr toaaaanad from a^dlatawee of SJB1 paMn l^ is BMMad M^trial that good ^aaaaaaaaae bm sjssjko ^0 percent, of hits ag iuis| laiL't'lsof MataMa aBBaeanaaaMal Ijat i yanis. ItHth aeneka* loss|i.older Bad the BBBBBOnsaBl faeibty of^dbaltioiiisliing cleai-fv .11 lono ili itaut-es^ilieatiiimay baeaeaa more accurate than beehoeMoBare Im':',i knawn. Itaaaeeeae^sbbaMtbant hut* tad aa a eaat af aye aaaaas Mtfaanalcool.'t-i'iii'.' of military- int-tli-eal nieii.wiiii n \ lev.' to aabuatbaji baapltal serviceto Ihe ue^ e\i|:el|i ies of th^ del.I. sutlliiii y'n sum^!-^^.:.^I'roiii tin- si. Paul Clones! I'n'.s,^Ii is iii.I woiiili'i fiil ili.-it ih.- Raagbefa nil ebonldbo ..un it Mead le dlaeovee a re lean^for Lead MeJaBBBBjr'a annthug aettaa* IBaaiart'. It dta-s M-t'iii to In' as gratutioiis Bidaanddal aa aaatthtag of ^ kleb a |aaeV^MJ*nmaver ttuiitx. eYiebn paa^aeal^|aaaelaen eeeaavbej aithin tin- year, and hisparty at it gitMi ili-sidvaiilage nlit-aily ,^i lie leailer of it proposes In open llelllieis^BteVj a tint -aion iieter raiaBd by either^|i.ii'ty. .m l to take a position 11,1011 it whichhe know* to i^. 10 aba bastocajeae ollelisixllilie-leinlis ol the |Msiplo of (rent ilrilaiti. nbiitevei- their pajMI '^- haaBlanjBah] hi MaaahaBa] nearly ba*^eeadttde. Hut Bbara is m Baa hiaaee iBBMng'he causiitiiii ia of tht LTaMed sains to hud a is'as. a. it hi aanab aaaae loMdnh thai laml BaBbBBBBJ aBaajab lost^his reeaotl or his balaiits'i ninth uioi-e a/ltttlaitbaranajaosinajbabtalig lobebasra^Ihati Beetsaj absleat aaMrhahta Ba4haMng thlei milled |e BBpaea to the last the^hone- rule hid winch the new parliament^is sure 10 p.i -s, he is n-atly to irunt'i up^some new Msiie to aybjah the ine-. itahle^tory defeat euaM ba iis rib ^l. aayat is)^leave a way In bbbbbbb lliat the coitairy hadnot n iiiy aaaaarad its.-if in turn of^hanai mle.^1011111 \t. noiis am^ tiossip. IfIt sho.iM |.e Plain^ an.I disk, the i-anipai.ii^I.,ii^ i. 0.11,1 I. ^ ^^ I he ataatM I aaat theilnmi.^/^/^in.a la-al* aVr .of. all.... I'vtiovi riii.1 Ames sais t!ie *tor^ thai Mrs, erterMrea' to have Bar taasBaeal run toraae ..leiii aaataM ni-n i^^ Mr.U^ He t-ttuBa K.aaateatas that Biara'aaeaj one ibbbj^to ,ii. a Baa a aaaaaa Bathes ei* her mind. WMiteti i i-i e may 01 mat not aaeeaenan^aaat. there la carUvIa 10 he a baj tkled-patt) iota^If aneareaa 1 IFataTM ^ith mi an BaBieaaltra ami^ni ^.. 101 ^! ^in ism ^ ai atari talk ittratlar laria re-^MajUl I'11I1 em's .a n.e 1 apiioi ,11 WaabBaay ton.av. l^aea /f./iii/.n*-. 10. ^r.i.i.iseal Bash'' aeaaai ion aaatty. n^BeeatHiaVaa ^ ..'cat team, facte .ien^. ..a^Mgmat aith BBtraeeei au.l eairfBnj an sir al^ni-,1. itiilliy. araaU ps i.u to eaiiateraalaeea^Hiaiaa'i lavalal atop ami Battel faro, /;...^., 1^eNaea, av-at. v.h iti'o : ait) i^. the aalaaaaaaf tte*i%laaaa^. aa-ieeftae. a i* aaei t^ p.. a .1 tii ti a s; aa^ vat Bat .i-.ii in he rallel in lytartasfi in^IBla Bate, Mad eBBaentBta jaei'aiB'Ota heaa^.oi.o'.-ii ii^s tear. reaaBa eaaai hue baea nila-ll lllolc ..:ttsfael^e \ (o nil SBBaenBal Mi-.-n 4r^aa. feeatur)thai Ueieraai ItalBaae* I aae eraiMa^aim in'i 11 fo BaBBeai liet la baehaj s artaa i-irratttkia.I hanks to Mural llal-t-ad and Km/ ala . nve'.t /. I'll, pea Helae* Ueear^Baa seamceBrnaa tba aara as -t-daBenjani if^tr ie.^' iieaeraer BBBMiresaa the bMbbM l'levelaaBIn thai OBBMBJBj it.s ,., 1, ui.ihir ibat ttie MenhMeaa aaiaj^Braar. aa aaai prerft eaa*. set 110 BnmaableiahBl^aaaaaei at eeaaa-aiala. ta*aaal ana hi sis- Mr. It.i.aiepo otlent. 1st It l^ iiinuliy ts-rtnin 1h.1t^la- is not t.a- Meat 01 mail to aa meBs fBeateeal^ tes a,11, ae.l tliat BBSal he jat.-s same^slllti Ut i hali.t-il lllletlll His II rail olll; oe roiisid- aredthat Ba atBl ataaes ay arteB irra aaat Bi ins^bane Baia^aaraliiai-k^o*i. ir. ii-oto i. /,. Tin.| 1.-si ion us to a I.a; IlieoHee liokh is ^ !,,^^Pan- Beaa aMera) th e alt s 1.. Mm:. p uaeie tad'.t. n 11.-^t ieea aainaneali aaaaeivvst,aeea^th. WaahtaaBea n Batana] h) oaaaftbe^eiesi,. ni s eesM Msaab Baarearaea Beaaissin-a | ^ tia-m to slay awat. 1, .{ia-iit'iv 1111aaai is- asaeend i^ I ^ tin-ia in Maw n b treethaw tha aarslBetit. ahrti a^kisl i ^ onAre^liolt'eis i.s to his nisja-s 11 Ihoniatlrt. ... s .aal thaibe .n i not aeal Nana le he iom'Snam iu^tin- tmtm attea at bbjahf Itaa* Whati^ ll:slne'^ MBBf It evi.hnt that^Itlattte is not p^sultiir .uon^ in n I. p . . a,,| l(i^111 the at the pits-lih-utial liar ,. Il . im, aeeraeae, aaat eaa rearBMaa Baaaa an^a iwot.aii.seiihei ti:. 'he BBraaateaaafMihe^Minne 1;. .is ti..iaui:.i, thai he BBaaaa t holdhie let-sent attitude eat il iibm aaaaaa Bara .1-le estii ii h^ ba Bude. eBia be arn re.^Baat bla liat Beer aWllaaltoa af ^v. B'Slrh ai^i n, law i^ LMaa'a pawr - t^fiekfcOitoa i. IN *. ^ i' IS* rLAITIab1litv. Caahllaa; I'radletod That Bfa Woald^M.k. ^ Mark la tha World. Krnmthe ^ hicaxo Tribune. AlexanderMeKencie of Dakota: I do^not know of a public man who luu tlevcl-^oiksI so rapidly aa Piatt of New York.^When he wea in the acnatv with Conkliug^he was overshadowed by that imperial^statesman. I had the great privilege of^knowing Conkling intimately. I have^heard him nay that in time the country^mailt! OMsB to know wimothiiig of Piatt^as a man of considerable weight. Ttiet^BM ^ good deal for a man liko Conkling^to say. He was not in the habit of pin^^nate, hoinpiet* 011 the lapel of any one ex^^cept Conkling. I knew something of the^last presiticnlial campaign. I stood where^I suw the inside working of tiic nine him ry^which the public knows nothing about. 1^behove it is generally I'otiisiHled among^pnhiii inns lliat the vote ii-oin the facto^^ries in IlixKiklyu cits-tcd Mr. Harrison, in^s|^ile of the president's opinion that it was^the lainl. The denes ruts wore of the^opinion thai the Hissiklyu factories vote^was all right for Cleveland, und no at^^tempt was BBBBB to p.n it down. B was MeeoatoafcadeMtMatopaMaMl eaaee^^baaidi I bMpaar la knaei thai PkrM m itand that lin told ihe leaders ami man^^agers of tknaaanpaajB aenad it.Mi themthat lit . 011I1I cot thai vote if he was^given ihe right sort of Bad. He trot the^aid. and bit got the vole. Somei-mly else^got iheeixslii. I'liitt ditl the work. 1'IIOHIXKNT till I'lX'I'l.l Alt. Althe reeent moctln. ot tho liorth-nltitral ev- lilliilloll ai laiml Ililllalo lill, sat ill stale. witliMis. Ala.-k.... 1:1 ill- seat of honor on l-W^rlaM. Mr. ^ ^^1, erei a in .il. 1 man fat lie' 1MB hntaerbaa tea BBBaa ot foaaaafcl aadWrae^Henaar and ail ice idiicr lords there. KirlegethSB antl .Mrs. i'.ronn I'sMf have^aiipart'iilly m nit-su.-h a ataoaeSI hi MaBOBaateT^Hi h Ml'. Il^lie^ ^ l:e t IMielle versit a ol the Bty*nsaearaas **Heas ami UaederM thai tin- pla;ami (lie arlisis are to lie 1 iaii-1' irtsl |e^1'ie sliallesl.iiiv MHB B 1.0111:011. ttlthoat^delay. I'liinkIt. W ilkie. a 1 til a uews|in|mm'mau.^eaaht not gat out of his lellbaj iinwn' hahBa^even Iii inakar: BB BttL WIn 11 opt-n-il Ihe^lio-lum-iit read: |tto everything la Biy al e.^Miiiie \v. Win.a.^ 1 hehrevByaea!ettaisaaaa^al tha wat eUght eal please the lawyers, aeri^die Ciiil 1.teii.ii..1 / on ., leu It ln'l.l waler an-l^aama| Us p.n|sise. TMaehayf is haht aa Mserettra of mwmf^Bjmsxs' Bjeahaaaa aibhi lenanea* arM CM aler- eiiii-aof his ilio e. ^. |BJ a MBBl of paiis'i vi-itsreaeeatyi he reniark^ii 10 a ei-i iain reateri^^Vour aMaea itptaejaei ata at tneae a bMi i seer^in MreeekM ^in ahel aatrr ' aaai (the a enjanai^aieeeaBea^, ^^eBetMenatef bbbbm it.^ was^tiie crave faaayaaaa.^Prim^ss i,i!ty Mbjarahgilaettaeajeaennl Keet\o|k Tlini'Mla-. BMMBJ on '.at' ataeBBM^\\ it'siantl. sliei^a ii.-iilve of sip-on ami bbs the wifeof rrhaaaaa YhagheB Khjbyafeaky. ana has^aeeeeaei a* e vhanuat aaai eeeaMaer in rvari^t ai'ttai of geraee ertth aaaaeaa, Nae BeseasB^turn ataaefBI maatsv sn- eaaXen trarkeBat, whosehhintle hair hangs itowa bar BBBI in a hraht.she has hraexBt eitb her aaaea nseeai thanslie 1 an wear, and s 'v.'ial Worth BBaMBBBj^she liits a item hie St rail iv.iriiis violin that BBS^vahusHt B*.i^ai, Klie Is the eaaahjM S^ ihe^nunMBSBle Wlf.' of Al'-Vllltler Ih. (la- ileeeasisl eeteerarefRasaBueadi^. iheiernre, afrefal^MeaB. Ayoung man w Im has suddenly Jtt!B|s*d into iironiineiii-eai the MaaaM aad sisutrksri vernt isv. ii. fate. Thomas A. lahson's elih f ahl ami aaataeerof tha HetBBa MeaaaBanaiai t uaiiiauy. Mr.T it.' eallie Ut Now Von* frol.l a paaaB I BBB- aBBiraBBji ahaai bbbs yeaei eaa, TBraeab Naa BBFaentf a Uien.l he trot a twenty-dollar a wts-kaaaAUee hi Mr. Ketaae'a efllasel RB.b1^I'r.ih eveaas .-is a ^Berthaed writer. In two^y.etrs'ttitie Bi tilled tin- (sisinmis of aa bter^ t^f- AosBBBaejsr Bad aaaaagi r of tae pBaaai M ead Mi.eeaiapii i-i'inpe.iiii'.. KBtaBy he foail'l ll.rn- siif iii eMt us of the Kdtaaa baharaaary, km^tae leacMahaati a of the laii-on iieneml ciee- Irisayatay to iU p^ lee Mr. Tale was up|mhited BBsBBjalof th^ HMa laaaBaBaMrBBJ BBM^pany. 1111:n \ ^^r rut: thim.. Smiiiw 111 the ai-'or's IIBBjb BnaBj^i'roiii Ibaeftaca he mis-., a.^And le' in IMjMBI may ba .een. 1anealtaaj a aBareiaadnt, a/aMleelaaafter.^I'e.ii.le efbaMnsM Mann never have to pe^very lar to get I . It let ^ Mai a. I'.!' BBJ'-.''sis thu! (he reason why Ml I - drain^footl Is Ih ^^ il;.e li^!l -A ' ill selioals. fl.^f.oi 7'r.o.- BMat. I'ariuloxlralits I* m ix Isn hn-t that the BasraMeaaB a bbw p n the Basra BsiaaeBM he^Broa Ilii'I'tt^ /^.miiiii.^. -'mil iM .it h in affeen beds} lb't reea,^ said^tine BtraBe reaaetBer. ^I ahaeM sari dbt, 1^w1.11 h) a lie -k.^ II aMhlagthaa BI it. bthaitlabehera i aaanani aserri rae. an*, if^aae wereea rSae a- ttveaoa. Mr. hartaraai^w ell. that's in-11 in- rtttJbeeai ^-. le aahBl t in a ry^aae sf yaa aaaraet. anal ni'-^t. BjaSBa llo vi.II helieve Ihere'i. sliell a thin-.' as aheeaMtbaaaa^ B/leka tiii. ye-, B^daadi std^B deeeade a paod ih^al 11p.n1 how p.tsl lookini;^the yirl is. aVadaa tVaaa ^c'. *YeBhave ilistliiiiii'ii you: new eier*.^ --yi'-.^Id- was a gtasl man. hut I.e hail no itisi-rimiiiii^Haa. 1 kept him BBftl he triad to sen a aaaaaM^af tna Brat aMar te a ttenMski oatdaat-** 10-^BaBe Uei M BaBBhfaa im'hi t ion mm UaBI dagadeal^MavBSBJBSB Bs human bBttBBS, I tool, poiito^lo ehareh had Mteader/. .lanes V'aaf smith^Weii. -ir. he siepi rnreeaej the aareaae. tnv. wiih ihei.nis QBsti ItaaaetM^Bsraaieead auait he afaar these barrM breed'^1.: beeard straw beta agani this aaaaeasr M sadi^Why Kthet: BBeeuae their Batua BM'a hate-^up aa, ff,n sertd tdteaeaae. MmeYeatend 1 met Mrs. Kerrai aa tin*^ereeee tttk* asorBBBBead -'n ;is!,i-a m to one^of her Hedeeada} rraahaga, iio yearBBakI^augtit to go witii.mi a vrltteu BrrFta tsar Kaai^Is* Hit! So; I should iroAtB'* a inainlaimis.^Lit'. Yt.'itremarks rren^lt^ |silntotl,^ sal.l the^eihler. t.. w Baas she Bert BBBMtttBd her teyaaa.^-Ii.. think ml ' aba BBaa ered. In a Mter of^daUget ^I dertda 1 ^^^ paed deal of HaaagM as^the ar;i. le.^ ^l dtdal refer la thatMajbl.^^aea Ua re|dv. ^i waa atlndleg to tMaaaater^style ef tMBBdarrWaaj.*' u .. ... .mm.-. iii:Is m 11. tM|let: u- in a rash sad reek Ms. erpd, baanh anetu.-ituier.^Willi tiraud|st la tm- harkgretiad sad bat aid I ha.on their baaiiri.^Thai is aine oi Maim Mitito arttlI thasaaal I reeaateintent ,0:1^Ut h^ii' Ba up leteui'b 'U IBs national eon-| Vetilloll. Bnt.ftiemltt sad fell Mr rttlaeaa, Baa t think it tora iniiitite.^We're here le SB)', all I sn\ i- bow, thai Jioiiti.1.'. /I.oioi 11* la t.' Theys.o he's h|.^keii iI.omi 111 health and ran- 11..1si.iml ihe reekH^'I hex re talking thns rli tl*elr liala, ef foaraa, ead haveno f ets lo bach it;^Tilt^. tr^ to in 1 ^^ us tiim. unit IHahie I. In 11 ajaelhtoa BaMlheman Ihe) tliliu. the man le run (or thaiiN^ltli^n.^Hut.tin n.1- ami l^dsa. doe t treat these ir a aaMdav Weie Ii. IB to SBfi aad 1 y 1. now. that Joi'iml^. fh.tint ni III it! iin t egake as aaan nhh bhMnan eaaet ahel raiBHahedBtter^Uf dae.luat loo. M'hal of that'.' Who tstnUI have w1 i.n-n bettei f gehedve.u.I I. .in.l yel diet kis-p li^ldolilli Ihet:inter-lion.^ -. ,: iv : in.' ^o,ls at ear^ he'll shake IheJim ^ .^ toeuilon.^Rat.rrleeda aasl feUoa ritUeoa, dualUdak B fola le.ltptt.'.^We're here it. sax. and sav ti n..w. -a a ftteatoju. fh.ii.i. 1.. oi ir*^^Jt 1 a |*er. ahah PROFESSIONALCARDS. PR.E. J. LEONARD.^DISEASES OT WOMEN^A ipecUlty. AW ef AWOCHILDEEB emcBBOCBSi BiSB a. IL to t r. b Ko.BIS X. Main St. Bear Woolmin. Bulla. Moot, pP. CHRISTMAN. D. D. 8. Ufflos,rtrst (street, between Main Bad Oak,^Anaconda, Montana. -TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOCT MbbV fts new proeeta. All Clsaaaa of rtaBtal^tl ork ei reined In Itrals-laai niaunsr. 4,rtUlcialTeeth Without flaloa. QR.N. S. SNYDER. -ruyilclanand Surgeon of St. Ana's HoaplUl-^and Montane Unhat Belroad. Cor.Main and Third Streata, QR.STEPHENS. OrnceOver Braxdon's Btobb, Emtbabob o.n1 iiisr smtir. ,^t^ldence on Oak street. NearSt. Ann's Hospital. Offleehonm * so a. m. to l^:!n p. ai.. froia ti*^lo i p. m.. and from li.aa p. ai. to I p. ul qh.p. j. lachapelue. OfllreNo. IT Mahon^y Street. ISl'ITl:t'lTV, MOSTAVA. ggeand Ear and Private l^ seaaes a siieelal y. JIJ j. McC-NNIiLt it co.. AlltlliTECTS. llt'lTK, ASAl tlMU AMD ll^l.r^ v. Leavenil eoninnin'.rations, orderii tor plans ani^MBMialMav whh sMB at Montana Hotel.^They will receive prompt attention. BUSINESSCARD3.^QHARL.ES HOUCK, DEALBUls REAL tkTATB vno Ml nino stocb Sehroeder'a Block BTnEET.rnwi' ^ ^ anaconda t j- VcCUl ie. 1.Ill ii hi 1:. MMhi'toof all kite!. mi Installment Plan. jitvabts \tii.i .. Maere, om Mceeat,Km. Mt'niMine ami Mai Mar 1 im ry a S|ierlalty.^All aarshi ti t'in- 1 a-orkweaeafatty eeeraa.^^ iti-ti sine years eeaerbais BMi and abb. 1ni^f. r. West liruiite Street.^rMhnneaadili'.'ss. soi.tli llntte. Montana. .wi'.' 7T. HEALTH RESTORER^USE IT! TTIB TIT F! IDTiAT, MmtHWB. Itsaeaea m laaat Bed Ehhtaya sei stooi^rh^r ,rrs II ailatha ins|^. -^i i, rraaeai an Appv^Bsij l'a BBS it-.c BapeM BBMBj *tnd hTnVosT'ao Wwli Hlrone. t'aedvvcrjrwlirre. BI ahottletaixfoi ^* EUROPEANSPECIALIST. MI., kot.k. rre^Wer- ISAkaSDALY. Vir*-Pre^Meat W.M. TUOKNTOS, Cashier. FirstNational Bank CFanat cnda. MONT. Coritat.* 100.000. Civ and sell mbbmm eel Ftrel-m I xe'ian^*^iiieI trsnsaet n ileneral Hanklte. llUMiies*.^teliriiioni promptly attemteil to. Kb.^seaoeadrawaoa i.eedoa. IhlleheiBBi tilSHitinv-.Imhliii. i^!fast. Paris,^llainhiir-,, lleian nini ail tba laadtaiI Biaa ot KeaeM 10Hill al'oMOM's Anier'.ranKv ' Nstlonal Ikuik . .Saw York ttmsluNational Hank^^ tinians \\e,Is, fun... iii'11Bau fian-lvn f(all Nutninal Hank Ogden Ilea-.I'li wnir,. It 1 .. Mri-hants' National UeekHelena LarabtaUrea. BCal^rer UtmM :DO YOU EAT a-ft MfltW ^^f MMH yon do. If yon^MM t^ HM Mflh iiu l ut a motlf^aet* i'lll'Upl.t ll|l alt till' IDAHOHOUSE Whanin n'BBBse. Ilabe. KMtJr fnr-^; rooms, fv-eaciit t.-ihle, set BM^I BU Ihe market sBarda In (a-:, a last cass hotel. Dell i ovei lHik Tin: llMllo. 1M'-sN, ^'. renin. Beard. p)JB |^er week,^i 1-i^iTal ai-ei oii^ tor rotuii.* rrlal^MMKHAT2ER L (ONES, Fropnetora MRS.M. D. BRAY liasreinoveil from tin.-Mortar Bhoak ti^I 1 (3 Soulh Montana Streot, Wlierj^he bei (or rent CI.fAN.SEAT. NfWT.V 1-TKNISHED^UUOMS. 1 . :: UeBJ Ml Steam Hem. MANNOODRESTORED. Pa.1. 1. Weera Xenra tan Hu^ix^fisrATMrHT, s^im., if.,- for livst.-n,,. iiudness.^I-its, Neeralela, lleedeehe.Nervou- Prosirstioe eaiiM'. I.} lll.'ohol or loliuv... Wakeful^. Mensi Itepnvsl mi, Sorteelnrof itrai'i eatt*lae insan.... ,,, s,..,.,|,a,PreBtature nd .-. 1 .n:i -:-ie s 1 ^( 1 war la either in^lui|...^en,-,. I ^ n '..iraoeii .m i 1.11 K. aule Weak- ^e. |m,.| nr.i.y i^...r.. BiiermatorrhoM iii.s^,. b nrer-exertion of brahi. ^'ir,,i,;w.^ovaj induhrenee. A month's treatment, bi i ..for^B\b) man Ha ntsrsateeali bovaa toeure. 1^ '^^'^'' f^i alt :^i !i is. *pj .en,1 wr^. leeranraetea to r.'f.,:, 1 if ,B,t rarad. ituaraataa U.^'^,m,h,,r,**'^'^^^ =-^^^^- JAPANESE PE3.S.ETS ArtPke masle on th. (stom.ieh. Urer and^lt..^-ri^. i.isoei iiisi^-psij. Hl'louftneaa, I'eve-a I'olils. Nervois I ijs,,.,|,.c.. s.1,.,.1,1 Appetiterestore the t'oair \l,.n. ta^frel ill lionfolloas (heir use. pualtive eiira foi -l-k^lleadaehe ami Coaathtatlon. sn.a I mild ^.i-i tuiake.Lares vtaB or ae puta, . ^ju. au^i bj^MBM bmitm iii.Ii, iinifiM, A;:... a M 111. QuiRed Biot ud Shoe Stora, 56NORTH MAIN ST.. BUTTE, BetweenPar' lad Fraidaray Straeti, Wherehe ran be eoa-^suited FRKE OK^chaugb Privateand^Chronic Die-^eaeee of Both^Sexea - Perfect CuroeWar^^ranted^No In^^curable Caeee^Undertaken--No^Injurioue^Druge. TATAPRH.Throat. I.itnr and Blood Diseases,^speedily an t penainently cured by my^new system of Inhalation of com^^pound medicated vapors.^Plseases of the Nervous system, meh as Halt^Amine, s. nilnal Wraknena. NTitht Louses, lyvaaof^N'vnal Power. IIIikhI litrorders and of^Amhllitin, Aversion to Koclety. Meuineholy, In^dleaatloii. etr., leatlhu to Sortenlnif of tha^^train and insanity, all rtirahte caaea. warranted^t^ sera in a very ahort time. No matter what^von have taken or who has failed to cure you,^l^r. .sennits warrant* a euro of every case ha^undertakes. Ills new remedy la tha^only rertain an I permanent cure In auch dis^^eases. PRIVATEDISEASES. Cnnerrnoexlileet. Ktrlcture. Kni..||olvmlt'.a,^Varlenrele, Hydrocele. KtnVRV and Bladder^neabMa Skis ami all lni|.urities of the blood,^eauaiug 1 rup'tmia. l iln)He^. I'yut ts. Blotches, etc,aeeeea} aerea kf bq bm BBMejr. WOMEN'SDISEASES. Rneh11s I'rolopse. AntlJbvtlon, lletroflectlm,^t^^iieorrhes. and all ilf-ehargea, ( iiRoNit- in-^BeieeaathBl SBS all Irregularities etr.. promptly eradleated. Mauvhun'lr^da of exsea eure.l In Montana and^adlolnini: states. W./A. Thormton FIREINSURANCE, REFBKSEXTIXQ LEADING FOREIGNAND AMERICAN COMPANIES. ENGINES ITara fe-s-T patti, and ae, BHBBaMaBHBBBiavtherefore leal IUel^ to pet Olil oforder thin any- other aaa or a-aaotln* enalma now^hctlu ugbt Uui buruer. lu.u Uis wbnd, and 11^auaa aU day. VAKiano s.nKi.l or Dnrr. Xodcablo or talne eTplnrhmii, an frequent with the uurelikhluspur];. ForBlaspllelty It BonU tha TTortd.^It Oils Itself Automatically, XoBatteries or Xlectrie Spark,^II naa erUh aCheaper Grade of OaeoUne ibaa any trtllt-rI.l.^.: rowMsenrTiri cinectaaa Aeet.t to)^PALMER eV REY, Mamufactubebb^til fnaua. Cat. an) frtsri. 0:. ^a t- Hour, m. a. r.itov.M.Kr, a. r. i -.iaii- Bi.iis,M a in. l^tfttx ti n BadhsBdJrn^EOGE, CR0WHLEE S CO, BANKERS, ai~~i ^ BUTTECITV. MONT. Transacta srneral hanking: bti*'.ne^^. P.s-^rhanire drawn ou all the leadlu; cillei ot^f urojie. HatsMMMalMMH attended to. rorrespondenta-.Veils. Fareo fc Co.. Nee^York: Wells, farso s. Co., Malt laMi Wells,^l urroK. CBu ^an f reeaMei iiinaha National^Uaul:, vmulia. Klral National llank, umaiia., t'lttsrNATIONAL IIAnK. anaconda. clippershades CONCERTHALL. TheOnlvaipiarenn.l Crowded Hnuaels^netitv. iwo entrance* from Wyoiii.uj^Itreet ior iTivato rartlei. Vocaland InMrunienrai Concert Every^fvrnln^. straiinrra vSltlni; thlv resort^are alwav* trenie.1 eeeriseestr. The^I Ppi^rr siiadrs has the;es-. ..:... ^i:t^1,1111 lts*at tritlo of any ie -^-a in lUJ MiftivruCeeesry. KIWT.Y^ HANSON, rrop'r t.D. Fitzgerald, NOTARYPUBLIC, RealL:stat Insurance. Collcciiotu nrnrE, - STANDARD CllI.DINIe. MARTIN^ FOX. iaeCiiT;iri Tobacco m Confeotionerjr I ^ L,.i ii,... ^.d i....... .eaitrt la kklAlt v^AZa