Newspaper Page Text
THEANACONDA STANDARD. FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 3, A^-.tilling to.iin ii always tlic money UMt. Alxmt liulf a null.^!' po'iml* of^maker, ami a iiieinhcr of a aiiiuii^if team I ^ aliiiuct 4 I let la trisSSSIB ^^r^^ ^^^1^I ut^in n'.wajs in tlriiinnil. !f llien' was ever I'j'y., hut this was an ex^optional trans-^l any tlnulit ulmut Hie honesty of tlie gallic nc-tion, where iiolhiiii; I ut ' aluwl *^it was ilifc|*lletl in IK'Ki. Hail there hocii Hula nipper could la^ ua^tl.^the slightest crotikitlncsN it woiihl ha\e We hn\e for some lime reported In*!^leaked out dwtag ihe Brt^theriiootl ^ar. till* runi'miiy lias practically heeii otttabf^^ lieiT pl;i^ers and ma(.Miale^. wi re arraycil tlic market, mid n^^ wmUlM oiippfc.*^against eaeh other in the bitterest klml of I of that lirand Ix ilij; ohtHin.ihl' . whatever^BALL GAMES ON SUNDAY ! * s'lU'tttl'for existence. Tl.cii^.c. the little I price liicy asked liuil to he paid, hut allthe ci rets, il there were any, mould Irutmaclioii in no eriteriou ^^l i lie mark. ARIVAL OF THE OLYMPIC TheConey Island Clnb Waots Some^Slugging Matches. thin MONTANALUMBER AND PRODUCE COMPANY, BUTTE AND ANACONDA. A.C. Spald nx Interviewed on the^Subject Among tho Fltfhters^-Jacob Caurt.inr and^John Tcomer. Thet oney Island Athletic club, HH*Nfk^Manager l.uuiley. has mad^ a move w li^mould seem to indicate a sepia li' light I j-,,,,. ltl^m itli the ^ llyinpie cluh of New Orleans. It '^was in the sliafte of an t^fffor to Jack Nfe-^Aul.fl'c and Hilly Myer to^:- their^BOBleSt, now lulled lor Sept. .^^. ill New Or- I^loans, to tins ('. 1. A. ^'. Tiie agr-oiic'tit^^\a^ in the form of J-'.oli ad le.l to the |^puna-of Sltl.'UMoffei-ed hy t!ie (^lyillllic. \ '^ude issue in the negotiations between tho^men is a rl.Ukl forfeit which M\or claims^on tbe ground that Mo.Yiiliffe refused to^continue the match thai was hy Ihe I^^posting of snnl loi fell. The Olvuipic eluh^prolltlttcd. wImii he signed the present^uriiclesof agreement.t.^ make tins amount |^Ciaal to Myer. Manager l.umh'y propose* :^in make ihe loser's end ot his f I J.HH purse j^Sl.oii. and that McAuhlfe shall pay Ihe I^forfeit claimed by Myer out of his share. |^Thus if MrAuliffe should be lieai-n by ,^Myer. In- would not tela rent, wlile if I^MeAnIMN should win, M ^ ^ttrtMaM tcive ' SOOQ, MeAulilfi) says ho would rather^light at Coney Island for the larger purse.^A telegram man sent to Myer, in Chicago, :^bearing Ha' new proposal.^Jack nl Cast It..^.lull is m il. In-d tolight I'rcd Cnls of Pklladt iphia fasts*. t^Johnny Keagaii is folloning John l..'s I^Btylo and says a IMBS BSMS is not big I^enough for him to fight. SolSmith of l os Angles knocked out |^llaii Hawkins, who claimed the I'acitlo^coast bantam cl.aiiipioiiship. in H loiinds^winch were well contested. Charles llnglit and Hilly Wise, light- i^weights, fou;;ht to a lini-li at ^ireeiishiirg. 1^l'a. Wise was gaeu eight pounds away^and ^a* outlotight at all isiiuts. AtWilkesUuiv. l'a.. May -J. I'uther^l'hillips. a Caiholie priest, put a stop to a^light Is t.n-cn I'at Ilnrk and I'. Turks alter^the hiiuth round. It was called u draw,.^Hoth lll'-ll v. ere Lntl'y punished. Mall has ^ hilletig-l IVilrhar.l to^box sis rnuiul-. ..i t.^,'i pounds. The latter havecoma' to the surface. Theie ^s noor-^gati'/e.l betting on lias ball. There nrn^no pool r,M^ms that make a specialty of^taking beta on the games like there are^on horse racing. Tho management of the clubshave no |shj| pri. ili'gcs III. Inthe National league BaSBBBl still holds^a hauilsome margin. Hiutikly u lienm una-^ble to cut dow n the h ad. Chicago and^are lighting |af third place^while Pittsburg. Cleveland, Lutiiaville and^New York are lighting hard. A game or^two mini or |ost make , gn at changes in thestanding of tin^wins a shade more^this year is doing lcudauee thus far I dubs. A te^than half the gallics^good work. The al^^ts Ih'cii remarkable. ihowsthat the game is not on HH^. as pessimistic |ioople an* at limes^d toth,nk. Haltiiuoiv still lias a^u last phe e, bin has hopes of yet whu h^I deelini^i iiiclim^' cinch i Ih ailing St. IjIrBll. The Hrow lis ha\^'doiii^^ BSSff work this season, which goat af show^that I oiiiiskoy, after all. mas aoiuuthing^of a manager and captain as well, Basehall nppcurs to Im- at a pretty low^ebb in Philadelphia.^ says the I'lltsburg^! M^BBtaa, ^Cor a city that pn tcmls to so^I lunch, iho Quaker lomn is the worst nuii-^I ter of any in tin* league circuit. It i. an^cm eptioiial m ason, i.nd yt t Ihe Philadcl-^plna cranks won't attend. This i. partly^due to tbe fact that Ihe I'lnlla s do not^1 stand \ery high in the race and that I'hil-^adi Iplua want ^ base hall at ( cm . with^' a lice stri ct ear ride and a bag of peanuts^J throw ii in. The peculiar unanimity with which a^large crowd olieys the orders of otio man^! is shown iM'twi'cii the innings by ihe occu^^pant . ot the Ideal hel'lc -. As SIHM1 as a^side is reined soluclsidy gels up ill his^place and shout*. ^Kverylsnly stretch!^^With one accord the several thousand^' men and boy s get up. straighten out their^cramped luiils, stamp once or twice and^1 shake theiuschc. Then ihe same party^yells, ^IAcr^ body down'^ and the thing^^ 4MM with the regularity of a disci^^plined army. \l'uh^gy of MaMMth ^l'ringle^w rites in the I'ittsburg^Mlaal ^The few remarks I m ole^week about scullers, together w till a ing^ ueral. Casting copper e. ihout tbe^same at 11,./1H,c. Wa have not beard^of any bualoaaa in An/on^ l*MZ eoppaf.^whi. h is still held for l^',e.. but Una is^abo\ e the ideas of bllVCI's. ! MM*' tbe market has Ih-cii rather^ii'H gular. Iu the beginning ol Hio wan-k^| prices ncie taiMj well iiiaintaini-d. but^: a flci a at ds there were Baal or real nations,,^and prices for q, M. H.'s ihchnad to ^46^l'.'a. ikl.n las. for s|K^t and t'lTmfor^llMMHMMba prompt, and these are the^clo^ iug quotations. I'or manufactured mo^mi that I MMM I Inglish tough. Lis'': tn'st m-^leetcd. t.'/flti A'.^** It's. ; stnuiL' sheets. CM^l.s,. it^.7; India MJMM^ CtaftaM I'*.;^yellow metal liheets, c'^tl. Thenegotiations regarding the produc^^tion aii-still pending, and. it i^ auid,, ara MMin ireoiupleiiUith the American andforeign producers having made^slight concessions. Ihe TharsiK com-^BMM has so lar not |MM il* aiMieix-nce,^I.ut is expected to do mi before many day*.^On repeated occasions we h ive given it as^our opinion that no material assistance^would lie rendenil to the cop|inr iiiduatiy^by sin b .Hi agreement, iiarticillarly as Ilia^p,obabiliti -s are that lieforc von'long it^w ill sun one pai ty or another to go Maw^Mm \ ..... and wo are Mill of opinion that thei-Hoot the prices will entirely de- pml on ihe consumption, wlueli. so lar^tin-year, has Im cii wry satisfai tory . and^the chain es are that Ibis Htate of alfaira^will eoiitiuiie.ind rend^ r uun^ecs*ar^' any^artiiieial assistance. iManufacturers and Dealers Inall kinds of /Us-last^siihs hasrefused lo iicee| t. hut agu es lo light sispient statcineiil made by .lames A. Si.^Ihill at III |sauniis lor hVatta side. ee;ht I John, his prompted an IMJMaMMl of^^ nail flaw signing artleiea,I opinion Iroiii the MMM oar.nun atidex- TherHIMUliI Hi! inn.ions lljht in S-p- | eliainpion. Jaiii.cs Taylor. Mr. St. John^Ii uiber kt M idem I) ill. I: Lath,Shingles, Mouldings, Doors and Windows, PLANINGMILkL. WORK. Estimatesmade on Hard Wood and Fas.ern Pine Finish for buildings of any size, Aspecialty of Ccrd Wood in Car Lots and Fir Mining Timber* AFULL L1NSOP ilt.'p th^^ Hi ;i ii IttflH I In* ' ^l^ uipic cluli^v. ltl ilr!iM^ Ins c\|icnM^i ami n.i.v ^ny ior-^li-il ii^Mi'M!^;ir^. 1'i itt-lianl Htutrtl S^^|iU'in*^*^. tlio ^1ul^^ it.unt il |af Mm l^^ tt^lil^I il/i-tmnioiis, Would ii* I ^i\i- bin ' li'-u-jh^llMfl to ttaiti. I'l iti lnnl pMvtWHvM In*^v ill tijlii l ii/ iintiiittii in llic 01\nip^ia^^ Mill Bftjf ^l ^ ^ ^^^ Imm fWH I', bvm kittac u I'Ih*rari iT of J^m^ ^ lio^ n**kl tu'Risa tho^.nit w ill Im* w .iii Ih iI w iih n^^ littla afvfJPM ' totOVMt, II*' Uatal fiV^ H ^ lil** il BaN OHttl btaMotlof koto, an.I tlu n* i- ttttto il.m(^i^a ulmt h*a Mill \h* al'lv ti^ 1'iwiT Hi*'^iuJnm i^f in.uix i^i tlir a^|tiiiaiit^. fin rhatii- jon ImOjooojoofooi the big i^olcr. \\ liilf^HH) iOjOjoY i* Immtiit v iu-!i^*.(. p't'ji!** jin* in^In- n-^a '^^*! wttb 'Ii' poon - t ; | .nutria^llMOOjOjb wliii'h Si|ili\.in ami I orfiDtl MO iut, I'M ii t^^ tl^^ mIimIooI detail* AI mi* libitfaottlOa fof tli^ |in*m-;it, |i.m'* illl^ till*^I I ^ ^:^i * I tin- Km t1^ r. |f w 11 i * Ibl |^l ^^ -niall^- ;.\ s i-- t.uc. w lioi \ainilii il lli^ at -iohii.^In- OMM) vtt bs ^ lorninlal'li-o.i|Hii|t-iil,^nil ! lie h'm\^ i'lioMtli atul vli'^nir* rtiaii^li^to tli.w n OVOOj- ||mb . mMMDO of i t-rln tt. InIim til i-in t' ^' limry is watching Mm roolua tight i H'M\. t^u ( ti.iri^ \ Klmmlrli ui:l Jock xv ilkJmoo i borhij Ii ootdoom oooo hofo sine -ins 11 ^ i^ lo the^Moot,which ptovod oo ilioaoloniN) lohhiii BodOOI fHoOJoV 00)d atlnnii-is will all It* ottloyw to too boo In- faputtn hhiaoolf. I*^laMMlhol in-it| |Ktiiriii it* a bonl Mlti^ami a pooj bufaOT^ lint In- o ill OVOd it .ill lo^lut'ft the lilt I** giant M.,;n^ .^|- litan.^* ItoHojr boO botoj traininj i-ai^l^i!i\ fur tlv**nt ami ^ ill OOj|Off thf riui; r Ml a \ Ikhthh rho rooioo of too Hcuai-oin olU* htic ^*!iiU slioiiM Im* lilli-il i.i ^ |ht^^tu.iti-li. ^ lorn o*iii bo no liuuhl o s ,^-ni itn*^^'in'. IVilhoo hft MOO HNftoi lit. i!,t^\* \* ran l oin VII. n in Ht. LnuU,oinl Toin^I a U bi train in-; * OjoHpj .^ t/.... m in lu^f,^lMMI Tint H\ uipic phib Im NBcoivod ho oos^^^nil 11- |N^^.ii .- t t^ljU(i Limn \lt Ivt nttod) on^bahhlfui liiii M 'i bWAylMfo boool- lOOthpootod N*tttj\ ami bit MO nitl i boi 0'11 Ik* ioro onlod o boo duo, Tho * mm lolaojdi Inb s oil -i, ihWOfoM), -^. iiiri ||!-^loOjod* riii- Otf iOj|iigg bIm Imiojoti tbo^J-'iUsninnons-riiii Lai^l light will bo all^Viojit, ohlMMjg - tho| do Mot |i ibiiftii nil)^huoitilro iu!^i; ..ii ohottl luoir |iUqm^TooohtbtUttm m^* belftovo tii^t Uw pi^^-^blbithro laws kntiuditDod iIm looioloiiinj^will bi siTionsh i . in .ulon t|. all in-^loodhlfl mm) it- in Lo Kola tig boi ^ othoMb^^cliilm. an.] llw^ g**iitM*al Mpirit in 1101 ut all OdVWMtO till' rJM)|t. Iti.ll.lUt OOd OOOOfti^A. 0. Spahling. In an inwr\ it-w wild a Chlsooopi |mh-t.'i tin nii^. bod tiiiM poini^lo MomO ohoot Ino Sumloi gooop ^gooiiun.^Ih'huid: ^I f in s^s imIomTM hi Suiul iv^hall, although I WtUt glO'ttga OJgJMOOd to il. 1h m, hott o\ it. i hi l k' i si ii in foooootg (In*^Siindav OOJM i- ,i OOod lhlhg^ l.ini^i olunilm*., Ohio, tor IllotottOOi TIm ioIooo^k^^*|*i^ there joiin-tl ill a |m uih.ii in |hi^roimril ^^kiiig ft^r Suinla\ imhi^-. I In ^^c ^t IhaMBi 1 h^ boobon NoM ^ m^ ptod ibot^ihn Suii(ia^ oport BTOuid hi'ip t h. - ii- boot*^ni'ris. I^ut it ih ln't. Men Brho bod olwo^a^hung umutHl tin* Saloon^* on Sninlay went^to BBS HM ganii ^. was not BOoopdhk]^to tla-ir iih-as. I he Kilo^m kei |w*rs next^lofood in ^ iih the ( hrn^tian BOMootlt then^fightmir SatiUith (h'Not-iation. ami .iskoiI^thai tho gatnicn he ntop|k*il; that thrv wci*^a tia I thing- 1 he ^ btlolUo OOOB4B wne^^tangeien. Tho hat(m^ti men nnwit-^tingly Uilhil oiT their hmlihtig Io,m^. hihI^the oixlerl.v eh in* nt sac! I hoi boOB boM^Ill'Jvt l^ a guHwl thnnr if the r-aiootlf* op-^poa^e^j it. Tin* agitation w .(* ej.ojto* ^| ami^(^olumtm* if Mill BoMrhBJOOOnlol hall. 1^ihink that puhlie m-ntitiimu is bMoMoj that^w a^ . Thert*is no ont.loor kimih in tin- world^BjBOJBJB BB hoBB hall. It ik a hove moojoi^Ion. Not ^lliee l*7i^. when I ^e v i Uu,'. i a\n .^Hall BBol KloholBi the LoOjtovttlB rrw^|i,^wore relegated lo the hi ark list, ha* there^Ix-eu any . rooked work on tin* dioOjt0oo%^'1'ho i-eaaxui !^* obviotjtt. Hasi^ hill ,tmJ^gainhlers have nothing in eomm ^n. None^o! t he h agaes or a*^**^^**iat ion^ del \ e an^^|OjOBOue from tho ^ale ol |mk^Is. It is ihe^oiil^ game or j^ori eomlm-t^-.| Bt/OTtl| OH^1U menta. it pa^s to pla^ honest hall. few^lays ago maile the Htatomeiit that^w hi'ii in eomluioi, Jaeoli (iandatir it the^fastest seuller in Ani'Tira. (lur trit^ml^Mi. Taylor BBBBMB tlii^ reply : ' Thert' appeaitnl in ^ our pa|M-r l.i^:^w *-ek a statement made hy *l. A. St. John^thai when in eomhtioii Jueoh (^audaur^wan th^* boo] oarsman iti AiiM-riea. In^BBMOOJf to this I would like to Mute thai in^the ^' lake poojotta John Teenier^boat OoiwfnUf RtfO length ', in one mile^and a boll BThOOj holh men were in OOOd^condition. I aeted as huo\ judge m that^ra^ e, and thocvfofO know what 1 am ^jh-.ik^^ing of. 'The lane BBoAB hi MMjI MOO BTofl^|M minutes _i. se^-iindH for tlui*e miles.^Teenier ti..iie d and Im Li d hy oVofl^Mori i , i'n i hampioii ot Am. rie.(, .lohu^Te. n ^: in ihe fa- lest representa11\e oars^^man 0*0 tloVO hid In tbo la*t II ^ ears.' MThoobuV4 -laleineiil lo sine to ho in.^tojoolioc* coM%iQo; as it llooB fiitin one of^the boot in Loot of rOOftafl atid OJOMjpi in^I ihe w oi ld to-d.t\. To bo a little OOo4MbO^^I tial 1 0 ill s-.ate thai I profess to know u^1 liiti* .tlx ut orlllHojg ni^ mi - It. and 1 haw^J boon hltoffOBtod in the s|Hirt ojojoa the time^BrhoOj QfOOO failed to defeat t.oh ^ ham-^, bofBa \*. e||. I mdoT so v\Bff| thm^ t hat Mr.^T.vlor -a:-. I aw the BBOB he n*fers to,^and If mora man WOO OMtCOMMod in a B0O^^le t ^ .nalaiir V BB PMlHoOBOd that d.t^ hy^l roonjBBfi Wliv. \ on i-ouldn't eouipare the^! ne n. and if ever a man wat^ in gotwl eon-^diltou that day (.audaui BTOO, I tiiinJ^ Iw-^lirt/O lint Teenier would ha\e d^ 1-atetl^\ any man in the world on that da^ at t oii-^neiiit. He rowiil one of the lust ojoofl ih.itit Iuh 1m*i*ii my fortune to, True, jUutfttloNV ma^ bftVO lojojoovod mIojOB then,^hill 1 fool Juki as eertain BB of the lar| of^nix rsUofoojeo that t.amlaur m \er BoW the^da*, ami never will when Ii^ w as as fast a^I Kt'.mthe TUi.ut. Bod Mhool ^r M ^ -**^The mat Uet has nited i|uiet hut llrin, for^alihou^h IhB demand has been 003MB m^Ml-^erate ami eon ^iimer^ BBB rolls rvatixe ill^their views, it ha* hecn diHieult to mako^pun hasc ^ at any nmeession from the^prices em n ut Iftofl week. LobB iug^* *N^In Id at l.'^/l-J- eenls and win- bars at^12)l-*4 ami easting brands are ipiotetl^at UJftfUK **^^^^^ The Calumet A Meela^has sold 6LM.tkH| pounds rakes and w ire^bars at l.'| i eeuts for immediate di-livery.^'The pnee for w ire liars in now 1-T* ejeuts.^'The nd\aiiee that took plaee la-i week in^Loudon in the piieeot Men li.uit bar* has^not Ijooii maintained and eahleadxiees^BJBBta a decline to CM*'d. S|^ot and117 futures. A^ .1.000 ^ Inlm I'al.l. LiAl^\ li.LK. ^ ol., Mairh -J**^Mr. Crtrltt* W'tii firkl,, Stat* Ayrn* American^Crt.u.^f/^|/ Junuratire tuitl ^rvuriti/ ^ 'um/Ktny^of IlfiftiiiitHT f'lVv. ihdoJ City* Montana.^Df.ak Sik : Your prompt action in tho^matter of oBBOaff to it ttiat poJIap \o. JU4,-^I K\ held by 1*. J. ( utiiiuigliaiu. and JKiy-^j able to me, was so spe* d;ly adjusted and^1 ull^ paid, that you deserve from lite heartr^I li lt thanks, not alone lor the pft^mpttien*^| you have MMBolood m. hut for your kind^condolence to a i^ra*f-sira keti faimlv-. No^amount ol money can take the plaee of a^kind InisUuid and father, hut the #5,U(^j^pa I by your coin|*any will enable nie to^rear and educate the fatherless children^i left to my ogf, always to iv\or^* lh^ ificrn-^| oiy of a Ihoughlful and proviilcut father,^{ and feel grateful to a beiiifleoojl company^1 such a-|ours. A on thanking you for^' your kindness in this matter, i am^lvYs|M*elfulJy. Munr a. ft NMM.itAvt. HAY.GRAIN. FEED. FLOUR CORN MEAL. ETC.. RockSprings Lump. PennsylvaniaAnthracite^^and Cumberland Blacksmith BAIN~WABDNSAND EXTRAS. Allgrades of Buggies, Carriages, Road Carts, Lightand Heavy Harness, Saddles, Robes, Whips, etc.. Completestock of Oliver Chilled and Steel Plow3, AND ALL KINDS OF AgriculturalImplements and Extras. StateAgents for |B.F. ^ H. L. SwectYCommon Sense Sleighs s Wagons llCH til.' hi 11. T W;|^ ^| iin*n|iiiii..ii i^ akand^.in authority Male^'In1 ^ v -. Liainpi. .ii. Baalaaa thai Taaaaar t\\;.K ll.l* l.c-l t..w,.|- id*. iawll, Wliotliur tin. . I ma at^. I.titti Unit T^^-in. ^ w.ik tlic Im'ki ;ice ar t aneaVi ... i iMwhiei ^l.^KwaapuaS doeet, hi.i lMlI. M^K.-llv. Rail) hset arttllrTai^\^i- baat, l.\ho Heffi IIII I icl jU 11* ii .11 Iem i.l aa lintI il.) l..\\at Ah rialsla .*! buitin n 1 a ajelai aaraa|M . . Iii- uul lil,..|y that Tcoi.,. T ^ II] ever ilo.iu-i''i arliai in* bsa eaea,as4H lanafl^likul) lltal a~a vill ra*| ajsjdlli pal aiaatiMr^Tanex i. M.iiv u ilm |niy. r*aeaa ami^t.uiick.i.ics li.iv.. rtiiniHl all proapaata. an*J^.in ;. ..ilnii! prafaaaiaeeal arc at ill Inrllniil^locai ^^ .mi the ^feaa leasaJM*' iwieiataaa Ilie |^; .^:^^m^.(I il'iulilo m nil race. ^ lileli li^s utHf lar tea^eels ac cNe it t'Oiiill esaer bava baas Itii.wu.-il .in t'ie lieatl ^..^ aliri;|c l\. Tla re areanofm feit tip. attfeaeeii Uiapiihlic were^ that tbsra vea. Hew tii.ii leeiejsi^i~ ..if Maaara, Ueelee ami (^'^ aeeor liatra lill'li'tlthen BtlaelbjS lo M.iiil.inv atld^aeSBSd) Malilmi ^ can liml ,n \u..^mile. QHMsa ( liroll.-i lino baoe nnule :..tea arorU'i iihainidiie,'anil 11 m.i^ es^ ^^ ^ ill have a big boat rare or twn^In as tliik year. Ceraaiiilya cAulaat bsts esterase^^'^ ^iiuml Stanburv ^^ ntil In- inieit^i mi;. it.|i|n.i- laaesi t^Eatuwiuttf uml Viuuu .intiriml. v Teasaarbal for cvfsjae h.i* ease oaasl^bet steady, a lair besteesaliaa haaedo. ill| III Lake al iiImhH lie.. Willi a '.-^ inlll^l.its ii IfUh r^^:i r. llIM i ..i.i^..hii ^iivli ,i ,^^till rr.intn.iml n |^remiiim. tli..i:_!i *i mil,^aii.l b.ia.e ar^. it j-. i titl ut Arata*. Hi'TTK. lees 1. 'I'lie unilcr muiiimI^Msssnu Hi *^ Satvaaon. rot.'ritjn IIr.-in tlti'lcrtaUiliL' Lu-inekS coililu. fci| ili.^ tIn iii at N^^. 14^^ West Park street,^ilesin- tn ret'iiinnu ml most heartily to their^Irictitls a ml patrntis their sueeessnrs at^the same ataeaV MSBSSaja Mi^ aithy A-^Mcl'.iatti. ^ . v. tlionatc/li arqnnttitaiieo arltball dataila of tea iiiMbalatilin laiaf^aaaa ami alda aspcriPDre, couplrd a*lth^saefasseaettcetlae it* ail. will fuUll all tin*taejuirt'tiieiits tif .inr many lticuits.^The UDilaraianad will fmiml at rtsj^saiii'-place l'.*r the i^e\t inntith far tee^ptirpaaa sf sattlles up oar beainaaa. Siiii Ur| ,V .iiv. TheI'liii'ti Paeille railway olTcni s|^ocial^in.(neetin tits tn psaaansaffV dt atlead lo^ lieyiinil tht^ Missouri river. S|Mvi.i| Bata |a uls.. asad in boosbiesMilsTeetata .it1.1fI.^iii all |Mintts in l.uro|M^. Ctin^alt^their ..cent at irt ta ral railway anil atcaiu*^sh'p olliee. eoruiT Mitin ami Broadway,^llitita. Ih-Ioio aaYsfaMasjj tickets ^ las* v.liere. Miniieapi.liHami return. Account ihe^national tepiitilicaii eoiiveiitii.n. t'if.^Northci n Paeille raih ad will kill tickets^lo Municapolis and ivtiiru for M'tfortltS^r.niii.l trip, rickets m ill In. tin Bala front Mtt .tl t^^ lues i inclusive, uood leternuai untillllll. It1-^paiJa a^^asesaal ran- w^i cut l^i hose P..till... aecadedthai the Delse l'a. .He isnot IJM BMal ihrect hue la Mm- sitboesjitiie^ heve neds half^^:^ aesaeel af the leeebUcsn cos^^iiwuicbaaaatatbacasees ~ih. mid^B'iablee to ps yet thin route will ra* runi ^hm ireatn:cnt ami w ill l c itt^^lessd a atMSSel trip. Parties wish.tig rcslTlailotc. in llll*oli|jit sleeper should . p lilyiuiini'diately at corner Mi.a and^lh..a l. .... Ticket! will be on aale May^Hint i...11.n^' '^' 1 for return June 251 li. Moiiit-a|...luami lleturn t^lo. MaySt, lune 1. S, 3 and I. tin- flaast^Nnrthtin will sell lickelH to Minneapolis^and ii'tuiu lor f*in. on iiectiiint of the aa*^tit.u..I t. iHibliceS cotivctitlsMt rteoicinbecthis la th^ only UhaVfkb^tracks direotl) In front ..f the r.\p.. it:on^baikliie;. Pall on or write the undi iwiuued^early and ^acurt* your aAVoniieodajitansea^ibera will lie a ruati. J.h.. l^AWaojt,^(iuncral Vaont. J,Wei Merrill, attorney and notary, 2K KortkMam st re. i. [kitla City, kloat. 1ii b inpins. i'.^^. s. t.r \. Leys.i||e law eh ttgpBaking Usedin Millicus of Homai^40 Years the Standard. finUirCCJ^^ E^^t Oranlta Ktreot, Uutta,^WIT L\*Cj-\ Kiuut Mi cot. Au.iroutla. J.T. CARROLL, General Manager. TUTTLE Manufacturingand Supply Company. Dealers MiniBf: Manufacturers 0 AndEltctrietl^MacLinery ud Su^plitd ANACONDA. WOPKSAT ANACONDA BUTTE. AndCoQcentraliii* MACHINERY. MISSOULA. N ORTHERN PACBPICR.R. ThePhoenix Nursery Co, THE Dlil.AVAN,WISCONSIN. GREATTRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTE, ris^ tliroiieh Wuomiln. Mlonetota, NortU^Dakota. MaultoUa, Muuuua, loabo, Oregoa^and Wulituittoa t^ DINING CAR LINE. Dlulns^^ar^ ar^ run l'etween BMSMSj st^Paul. MlnueapnlK. v\ ^ ^ ^ i^'-1;. lli, hullo,^Tacuma, beatlte uid I'oituiu.1. FullmanSleepioj Car Rout). rtallyliftwr^n ChU mo, St Nnrtliwest;BBS Pullmanier*1.^Purl. Mnnlanaiiuil lice Pant. t-tweenM Paul, MlnncaiN.lli .ml^urlll 1 lakola aBtl MuUltOlM |K..UU. THEPOPULAR LINE. TallyK\pre*^ 1 rains rarry rlpuatit I' .llman sjaaajacfar*. Dbess Cafi. i^ay CBaabaa, Pbb- Dimlc am aleepeik ana trea Coiuaut bimu-^lug GSrS YELLOWSTONEPARK ROUTE. TheNorthern raclfle R.U. Is the ra'l llnsta Tel^lowitntie Park; the papular line la t'ahfornla^an.l Alaska; antl 1U trams past tlituui;li lUt^gruiiUesl iceuery u. Miveu Mafay THROUGHTICKETS (npM al all roupnn olTiW of th^ Northern^aolllc railroad lo pniuu North. East. houlUiuid^ lu lue tulleJ Stale, ana cau.ulik -HM !X. ULDL AlintVCat i1lttk. Ho.r. Morenian K^ press, hrlnn* pao-^M iners all eastern p. int^. ur-^rlM i al Norllietu I'acllic dep. i, Wecarry a first class stock of ShadeTrees, Fruit Trees, Shrubs,Flowers, Etc.,^ALL NORTHERN GROWN AND HARDY. Weinvite our pitrom to examine our (rci^lr. bill* an 1 satisfy^themselves tint oui goods arc shipped lroin Wisconsin and are cul^^tivated there. Weare making preparations to establish ABRANCH AT MISSOULA, withthe intention of putting in a Green House and pecking grounds.^Ojro!)e:t in doin^ this is to enable us to hold our British Coluin- L.G. BARRETT, Missoula. Mr.a :er for tin- North west S.aktaVM iiabtrain^Moauaa I^ p in IMan lain N...1. ladle Mail. TbTi fromt'liieai;.!. arrives al I'limnileisit ulan;. i^eo. IflB, Poui lApresg. M-n.lav, Wea uasdiyauttriida). Nut'.liern I'aeiue d-lot Tits p at Ka.1. Atlantic vail. threuLlitra.ufr.-ei Portland,ai l ives at M. utaua UalaS depoti daily i jtiaiasas llelcuat spren. arrnii at M.uilaua^Luiuii depot laSBT)^v : dei-actriluM M.ttb. Ms1 raclfle Mad. for Spokane. Iacn-^iii i, settle. Portland ana all t'ahvr-^UU i^niits. leave- boat Moutiuia^I i.'cn lie pill ..lad; ^(.a.^ raaiii aaall ramifji train M^all t oast |^oliit^. thmuifli .IwiH-r-. leal...tlolll M^lltalll 1 lir'll depot. MalaT)^j_ llel-naan.l M,^soui.i Expi ^^^. Item HoataaatTnion ^i^ ^.t uiaiivi^|lo. ^.^ Ailauti.' Mall, ttirouchtrala for^W Paul, i iue.w^ an.l all eastern^is.Inls. lean s lr-'Bl Monl.ui.1 I Id Ml^flrpot d.iuv i.voouooo fio Bu email K\pre^*. llOIB NOTtB- en,Paelflc dc|s.t. lor M. PauL O*^eaiio aud all eastern polntt idainr] * J'o. lie. I'ons K .press. Monday, W ed-^ii.-dii aii I in...... na\e. from KorvbrranaaNe den.d rr.ani^^ So i lias tlirouti.i fl.c,M^r^ lor St. raul andi :.i .1 _^^So I has thraash ^le.-uer^ tor Sp iKar.e, T^. aaaia,b **ie a P. is a *^Kor Kate^. Maps Time Tahl^^ or Spc-lal li- apply to tui^ a;;ent. Noilhera 1 acdia e PML '.MlfTealr^**^*Ui;ri OUU I Ifkt't AjVaiti wmITOMY,^***- i - j^i*ua hmmciiAcrot,^^Btuul iJKiuWdD. Uuttr. MouL :^ p m ;jo %m p ta NoTirrto roouNnis.-T-i Gcori* W^I't mi. IM^ tn R, l'cnii. JotM ^'la^ baueti. .1. Iv^Luke. sWWeVrO l^tuii.-l, ^ lin^iik.i . ^uur uvui^ruLreuUM. atiniiiiii*ti.ii.^i^^t MftljpM: You^!^ h*tfli*t^^ liOtHie'l lliut ^'l:i.i^ -m-Hnlwr,^jfiur tfo-tmniT. lias In .n-ft'itluii'-t- with tlM \ ro-^(1^Imm ^^r ^eotftOB KattL ftovftMtl m.iluu,*^ of Utfi^LiiiteU hiaios. e\|H^uUetl Ui Labor an^l Lnproro*^1 D^'iiLs .:|M^n (In) l'r^ m-r*ot i|tUsftl lot'.o lainiirj^; itillTi. lui'Utnl ut lh^ lifjil of Hit* \\e\t Itiriv. of |^ iii-^oiit ^iiicu, 10 mm'* froM inn*Mti Lav u^I Divr UhIk* fstMmtjr. Vout.. for the pmt I MM,^I t'UA lmn^lr^M i^!^^*) iloll;tr*^. r^^provi*!itlii\^ork,^MM voti. *tt^orr^* W. nrM| LiJv arn s. l't'iin .loiin I'lirlafgll. al. K. laffsiuS E4iWrUl IH Whit. - 'liionia*-.ropnt'-t! ount-is. au l .ill nttfaff |ierv^Dl^wh^^m It may iNtm-eru. :ti ^^*l'y notlii'tl tn.a il^l:inn wt (lays n't^i tni* a ^i pul^ii^ atioa MMlau to puy t^t Um*:-i_,o' I fovf I'MfMMCa m portloM ofMftal rMiM acfoi.t ii-, ty roar p ii^luit rest, if any, ^our HeM laterMt, if an... m mtm^rUkJi will Im*ooiu^ tl.u iiroitony of um uu ,^f.^r^L,n* il. pursuant to law. iI ATS I'll \ li ..IL^Dated VtmruniU, Moot., i -t^. 1, IMfei.^i-iret i'uui.iaatiun. l-tfb. Q1TYLIVE R Y S T A B L E. _ NPOnCITO CKKIMTORS Kstale o( L-ttle^11. Stiaulinl. .leeease.l. ^ol|e(. i.. Ii iel.y^l'lv. n l.v lh.. inidcr- i.-iie.i. adnilulstratat of DM) 'Ilittle l^. Htranbal, dRsea, la laa amiap persons bavuut rlilM^Id tleeeasril. tn . \h!hi! tl em with^nrnajry i.e.lei-, rlthlti font mantli*^,.. Die nrst ptiMleatbm of IIU^ aotlea. la tji saidadmlBlktrator at Ida Ida.f liBaiaeaa. tba sane-lielair thi uiaei^ for llie Iran action of Ilia^bualneaa of said estate, at llarrHon. In th.^^is null of lied I..mIs.-. -.late.^ Moa'ttlui. IMt' .l April*.IKBJ.1 n'.^*' N- A.liulnutratornf tha estate of I. tie- I', siran-^Ital. .ice- a-.e.l. Mtatecreditnffs ol^aaalBSl 1 be I^tli^aft tinM pelI TOTITfTO rSKDITOUK Ratas* af Ms^S Hales, deceasMl. Notice Is hereby flvaa by^e uml. rsliiucl. atlmlBlstr^tor of Hie estate of^ ^. dee. a ..-d. lo tba creditors of, and a.I^I ||j,|.|ia daluik against iii.' si'i 1 lie. eased. iiii.ltth m i. .tli tl..- Beeeasari eoucbei aitbla four muotbs aftar tbe nrst inii leatbta ^ ' the raid ;a,r,...-..-trat ^r at In^if bnsluess, th^sami iM'lnntbe psaee t..r f tba businti said c-tate. at OOlintJ^i I..- . bBajBi stall* of^M al.aua. ..ate, \p:.. ^. y pitiiWN.^Administrator ol lh^- esuti^ ol Ida Uatal da-^c^ueJ th th.transaction i^i. ,ri in i ^^HILIPSBUKG.MONT. A.W. MclNTYRE, Freelo ilip iSictei PKOPHItTOil. AGENERAL^TRANSFER^BUSINESS^TRANSACTED. ah^ tm are BBaTsrtaaf frota ihecitei't i of YaaHb^fid Triors. l/s^^ of BUBSaad, iaMbH r.asaia.^' i.ouair...a'a. titeot, ^ii:cturc, sypiila. aud taa^, many iron. Ie^ wbh-u ;.ra H.. vnev's id i.aas^! tflTlbl* daoiders ^tu, FltkS OP^i iiak'.r. iuli .lii.cfe.i. , . : l., p. il .uul ewt aasBsaMSsat bbbm i^y vir.t.n^ to tin* mt'LAsi slMtl \.\ii I'OL'ELE UK ^ Uataii lalal aod iaaal Lv*ai| Omnibusto all Irelns lumphonsNo* i. lav.;,Market SirnH. s^Califoruu SBL.aa.a