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THEANACONDA STANDARD, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE j, i*^2. FORTHE THIRD PARTY ItsMembers Get in Shape tor Regular^Campaign Work. PRIMARIES IN SILVER BOW Several of Them Were Held^Last Nitiht and a List of^Delegates Was MadeUp. Bl'TTl,Juno Primaries of the peo-^l^lo'a party wore \^^\^i tin* evening H^many of the precincts of MM count],.^Tlicre were no eoiilesls in any of tlie pre^^cincts and the name* of tlie delegate in^alJ cum** \u'ic kept m*crei and will not In*^stivcn out until tomorrow evening, when^a (Meeting of lite p.irl^ vv ill If licltl ami^^oporis from the precinct* recoiveU. The^n^ liarly did not hold primaries in all^ward, of the city, as the party is not or*^Canned in every mini. Althoughdie organization during three tllclltllK MM llllN BgM ll'l'l.ll katilc tin* strengthof tlie party lie lathe outskirts^of the city anil in I ha mi i n ^ iniling villages,^lull ill the central part al the ton a the^party has not yet BgvalgMd sii-cngili.^1 here were primaries in the Pint, Second.^Third and rilth. hut none in the Fourth,^Sixth. Seventh awl Kiahth vunla, 'J here^trere also prtin.iriei* in Walkervllk*, leii-^tcrville. South Mutte, Parrot iorncr and Misiti ri llli Thehiggcsl primor^ was in Mender-^villc.where the people's parly cluliiitt tn^kiavo ;nm mi iiiIn'Iv. The priinaric-. were^not over at tint, place until luoYlork this^evening. At the Parn.i t oruor the parly^hssthe next grcatcM sln-nct h. claiming to^liave IM' men in I Ilia loi .(III). 'I'hi-|ieople*n party pi .in.irv in Walker.^Villi* nan held in Mi Nllll v'^. kltlooll. which^v an more than Urnc ctunii.'li to accommo^^date the crowd. The uioctiinr war. not^callerl i^^ oriler until m aris lloVJork on oc-^coiiiii of the Kcnreitj of voter*, and when^the chairman linally rapped on the lalile, raavaa*aia joist 10 men m Use bottaeout* sideof himself and ll*e aecrotary. C\ W.^lintiscom. Ti'tary of ti.e ctniniv central^committee uud roltMlllttaaeaaa lrom tin* Walker*,illr preI,c a lic^l the uicctm-. 1oonlcr and aaja i'lri-'iil WTirtni*). .1. A.^Schifrmau was eic. '^ d ^ hniiiuuti. A ^ om-^Itiiuei' of fl v c, coil -of the chairman. Harvey('iilluui. ^ . \\ . llaiiM'oin, Mile- M^WVMsMMM ii. VM appoint! d to^select ilelciratck to the count*, coiiveutit u^to be held Tuctuhiv. June 7. The follow Hit:^were chosen ami coiilii uif fl h^ the mccl-^mg I !. legates J. A. Scl.iiTiii.iii. I . W. Hans- com.John I .Mich. m. M Barret, John Kosch.John lio*-*. Httjfll f'urncv. William^JtiifliiiiHii. Ltivvnitl Kccil. J. W. *1 huiiui,,^1). W. Itynii. It. Pea. Alternate*.Ilcnnm Siilli\au. I.cvvi*.^l.cwcllen, Georaa Muclicr, Jm*m m^-^Quajr, William Ihntvin, frank Driacotl.^M. Oat at I kill, I*. Sinller. .1. A. Mclloiiald.^deorire llrow n. J. .1. t arroll, W. J. Scott. Theplatform wan then BBgajaal on the^table and fight men signctl it. t'. W.^liunscoin mane a t*liorl addi*c^.s. ile said^that he had alwayn Itccii u rcputili-^enn up to June. MM*, but lie wouhl^never vote that ticket again as^I tin n^ then, wax a people^, parly^or any other similar or^aaizaiioii laasUteiwe. Hr asai Iaat aaltaar af the oldparties vi,.ultt give ihe aagjpla reform amithat las silver aaaatloB is aaaaaaeaat tosli other Ibbujbb. llcsnul: ^My motto lasilveraefoes party. Neither of the old AtarsiastrM erve us fin. t*aeaaaa as aaa^uaiicisl poli,-\ of ho*h parties is eon* rolled ill Wall mreel, tlie home if Hie^gold buns. When lata repul ilie.ius had a^iiutjorilv of ll.tlicv defeated a free coin^^age hill ami now the democrats arils) a^majorit.r of 117 hate done the eaase thing. Theturiff end all other issues all- of see.^omlarv MpggtajMa to tho free coinage |1lt**llftil. Mr.Hanseoin then look u crack at the^liicinhcrs of the old parlies who shout^lomlly for free *ilver and yet gaflMata^leave their party ami give ihctr whole as^^sistance to firiiigiug almul the pas .age of^taxorable si',M^r h'jjislation WgaiUieaa of aartyr.Beaaal hat the aaaast'a aarti lia'lnine men in eongit^s and that lho hadni! vatad far a nas silver lull iirst, Iaatand all the time, hut oi lh ^^Mi dele-^rales u^ ihe republican national eonveu-^tiouat MiiiueapoliN. the a|tralwp| ' aid thai oui\7:i of them vara in favor of free rajaapa*11e thought then* aouU Is* a^1 tajaf praraaalaaji ar aHVt r men m the^il^ Mineralii eoiiveiition. hut ani enough of^rhaat to brtaa shout ihe insertion of a^sllier plaaa la the aatl laaJ piatiorm. J.A. Si-hillliian ailthe. sed the nieetinr;^on the kjinic hue. alter whii-h it adjoiirueil. ina)paa aataraaa stiaala^Ttt Tt I . June J. Sam Tolikiu'st ity Hal! Kaat Ihondwny. will b^. .|*e|iid Sa'.tiKh.y light, 'ihe p'act is Ix-^tug i ah nni.til. pamti d and fitted up in^tine at) Is u^ le tally . and will Is- the largest^ami avvJat aalaaa mtewu. AaUMP Ls be.^lag arreted on which various |Msrforilc aaraa^III be aivea to.- iba rgrtartahmt I tlx guest . On Saturday eeeuJaiy there^will as a arratliDfl inatch for en aeati^bataai u 'I. T. K^ nt.c^taaiplna Ualitai'tglii^a rest pre ol tbi^ eity, aad IViUian r'stuy.^^ h.iuipii^n liglittrolglAi srrsticr of bis i^A.dh^. Theie will also be singiug b^ Us^t'eatrrville, gsro riab. I h^ * i* ^ I ig^asaara ^ill bs t urnlsa si\ kr, I ^ si .\,. fniu In ibrea. IMcuiyif oilier s|^ori is e\. isttsi, and liters a ill baaui auauilti oi tunfor all w ho .it ti in I tin .'-,;.', i v. \tM.irrl. Pa i .^Mntitits |*ai;k, .lime '. incanda ball fuiloncsCatiatilea asai, U.^^eland s.x- ond.I uiry thud. '1 .me. 1 Ms ',. Ull* mile utid a farttaaj Masttrlis'i won. sWabaa lacaadi Leaaata lbird. 'June. I Fivetin long* frieae son. Kespeiit^siiolid. Pelliei .h ull lh id I in i l*01J^. Sixfiuloegs K eg t sdttHJ at It. Juls n^second. ShclUi! k ihud. I me. 1 Hie mile and a lurloug Yorkt tile Hi lie^won. Madrid see. ml. Adalilur thml.^'J line. I iftPbt (hieHuh derlic I), won. CVaoaatt I ^^olid, l oin l ough laird. I line. I .11' . ataeasto riav baas iiiii.^lit 111 . Jim. . The Hutu* itnll team atasaaat laVJ B**ataaaa afsartsaaa asr I'hilipshurg.^li. h' lbs ^ will play Ratal* du and auaday. Tin laaaj will consist^ol Mau.igci M. t oi i ia k. Wilson. Hark*^aaaa. (aleawei. Ismul. Smith. Hrighi, naaaary,Rati) and Buraa. Capliugvr,^Iba aaa prteber, iji daoba lukm along tlhe arrives on tin . trij morning train,^in* it is espeetiMl be sill. I'oscrs basbeaa^secured to utupir^ 11., so eamas, which is^ssjuiraioat to saying taal iba U st laaat^will trial aad then- w||| bs ,^, maatieal^oilmen. In. Hint, boys are ronfldeul of^winning one of ti.e ^iu ifs J(t th^. ^^Inug uudhopi' to laaa aatli at taata. taxraaj iba baaa* BtTl r.. June J. - llo.ol Sii|KT\ikor llaj;-^getly and the nwid rlaajaga recenil\ aa^^pointcxl hy the iimtitj rasaatiassstaari tie^day aabyesad a rsats lor the araaaaad aaa roadon lissiu i-wk. 1 he wan i roospany^has a force of m^^u and laaSns at aaea^imilding a dam on liasin creek. I tie naier^fif that creek now lu ing diverted li^ the^Colorado aaasj fl'iin. trill Im-run into the lam on Saturdaj and the wood Uuura will^be taken duw u. ai rWM Mat t.r.rr. Wlnl Mr t:us to sav llioilt His Vlew^^^Ol llellgien. Bvttf..June -.^ ^I w lab yaa troaM give thisa place in your pa, t r.^ said William^LeIT. the frti thinker, aa l ^ bMssM the^following conimiiini at on i. ..t the Butte^office. ^I n.ay not be ''c t ^|wll cor^^rectly, or know a tense i.. m a bafbai wire leure. but that has holding to do^^ith it,^ i outinmsl Mi. U'lf. ^I know it^to Im- a fact that not a speaker i r writer^of any note has escaped a criticism of his^grammar or spelling. 1 have read a little^Hi my lime, and 1 know ol hut one writer^vv ho has v. ru leu w ith ubnoluta giaiiunati-^cal accural.v. and thai was an anoiiv molls writer.^Junius.' ^ Blaikalntsa. Utadataaai^II Crallon. higt ranll ami all of ibaw havelai n ci ii^^ i-ed lor theirgnttiiiuatleal arruis.bat^ aa I aaal^ tbal baa aothlaa to^do with the oaettjoa I bararaised witk theclergy, and I would line to make this^aiisw ^ r to the StaMIAKIi's editorial: ji.laa Mabre/ Mm blaaaavdj Inall kllMlnes. ami In all nimlnr I f ill ta see atwhat iigiii in. Igaori- esa have saithiax tnmi waa lbs |iio|iasiin.ii n,a-ie in tlie elerjiyi^Mint tlie llahi'ti.ii tils lhes tar ill.if li hv lite. Yen^win muteist.iuii nut | win hers allttttlaii to vonr^editor is I si isabasaeil in Miii'lii) innriiuiu's ea-^ser, sail I ^.ml la be ul ailigH) fair ^1m.iS (lie^ma1111. so in.ieii so that if I aavs ataae ^ ails*^t.n.i' I aeslie u p.'liih .1 aat, aad let tl.^ nutaa nf^klielllgent readers ol Ihe Ktamiaro skm aa^aaiatrilAl Itidraw al on u. i^-t it be gniau ^i that elie-l.alfnf the worils Initiiitih.ri l|.t ale mls|i*'tletlan i that I am nets scholar I cl^s-r^lull) a tint that I am set MM sell tnuy ami.^that I h ive hut a very kius*rtU-!al uuiiiliei of laras;bta I aa ail thb eaa sees say ssarssji on^lbs Muesti. n I hut to eoaiprebaaib sinloiith atber HahlIt i^'In carry II^blither, vv hat f.ul ^ ta see what^throw on the aabjeet.^pp'hlnlnarv remiuks cue step^till has. ni i an h ive, j, ^ lii 11-acipia.lit.'lici- w ith me In iln vvl'li adtjielM kluauf Ibis aatine^ boaU the fart of your be^^Isg srs,usUltnl sith MM* ur my Isriag sa Intel^hs'tual gtsal add noe jot nf rabte hi a dan lutsksl^of this i haiai'tei .' nr the c.iuilnl sml iinnarttal^evatiilliiplnn nf am |i:irlieiilar qiteigloaf Oaa^assatettt's relhetina Sill lell v..n that a niiiiie.^gieat soever II inav Is . ik ahsiilutclv nf im value^whalivri In prnv ing the vcoi re, liii-^s m agstt laetaessofaay an tune ar taeory. Hoea is tie1^astute ni lliiogs thai a as tar rag sat) mid^weight, ami uMsaleol thl* resiwi is nr as roase.^qseme waatever. l*srwiM grr t^ eaa an ev^ample 1 insist that it I* not known who wrote^the four gosis-'s of Matthew . Mark, l ake ami^Jolia.tbel tlie) are attogethei Raoay'UMMMi works^aadlksl we are ratirel) Igaoraal af laob s^i-^laarshia Una* this eetrsi'l in the shvhlest^ssgrtsi iroat taeir latrtaak rabie^ If tins is a^mistake at the atiaeaee tn lae renlraiv he^pif-fl. alal the WnlM elillrllti SSfiSS (hl.i al aiaalasiat, liagenough have we iMrti'Bard tosoTJevs,^ we .v..nt tn kaow, MM it kInoraer,sad^always has bestt, fur lae |eai Istt i .mil lafrudrrii^efthe l*hrtstiaa sisteai ol reiigM*sluunsluce^litis evali'iie-. I'.ui. thus lar. it n* vt i has Ist'ti^doae, Hearen lae llteiatare m all lae sUaM*eti^^ad toagurk of ssea, it la aat to as faaaa! in^aVratsad ass oarrivetly; I take for grhatrd titat^yuit ate us well awaie'. as aiiv liviu., that it^alisnhitfiv nu dlffereaee wlsi tie* geatk* mailaasfbat wrote tls1 ftrsl atultlidii at i.n t, amithe lart ol a rertsja man iavHdlag K. or^dlkcoveriai it. eauunt, in las aatareisrialaas.^aad to cr ostranl froat Ms iatrkisM talur. It is^paad lor s hat it t*oatala ^. .muI till* i- BMiUitaale^loetery fccleiice kimwn tn man ami everv ktat^gdttertfl*1 in ihe uuayeaslty af space. ladfraai thta ladex Im- t'kriktlaa nysteat of^l*Mlgioa 1* out rxeasai li f^MNsM. sad Must, hn^aiessiired hi tin- ssate iitaadard. go grata atal^mill'-, itut it n vv mi ;i ^pinus rraud ss with s h,-nlartiun.ltbagi'ts a rsiaailtous issltyof gnlngno,^ ami wbnever attarfcvv a sitrat*stlttoa^generaM| tdlrs up a Isuraet's aesl. aad win m Ins^uaa aggia he attaekeil aad Mad that superstl'^tkis defeadeil h^ all the a*eaaaesf that aajaaa^lly can Invent. rVopleshffiil'llearn ttiat hi uuim tits raiiunt he^aaswiired with lasaaaaad taal the Mara ayaa-^IhtaMai that si-iiuiars gave fosad aaavyeaslra^passages in the Mute hirnblMO got tin- illehtesl^evldears of Us eiiereetaesi ur that It Is Iras,^'Ihe saiiic nssertiua raa be truthfully taidi at^regsrd to lbs Koraa. ami lithe argiaaiiat is gu^d^^ in the .pis , t .i christian, has it net tin' larae weightiii tlie lllill.ttl ^^[ a Mi s'elll'.' Vnll sissin In la^isaswaat sseUaedtoaubiva tbal l wuinnii^ateaty of takers oa this utter, atal I sat ghsl of^n. laMyitstlejBsrat waoa lah rlatftb'r is read^Ihere win nut he a lad) all aaa g there Is a^gratletaaa h'lt, U win he |a ibastlin' the man^who Maalted tai'ai, Let at ataae Ihe i v|^n^^mat. Inia in liislnn. I think we -In,u:.1 all roiitrn eta*leajaer^ he a*ho has perfect posadesce Is tin'justit his, ansc ran atlunl In be good aa t.I. ami I want tn da WBNl little I cm in liriaglids suhhaM' itrtaelate intti srsetke, su^that we eaa diUet mi all these lakan ami still^tit.-so i'Hfli other s liamls In adamantine tmml*.^ami h'-nre I sha.i tak'* mi nnlii'i' wiiatf-vt-i fit^uetsuvtwIMtes, In tne tlis, ussinu af these que*^usas I have gathlag whatever in aowKhths^i'h.uai-tt r tif mi opiMiuetils, and this shall rc^iiiam, isi my put. a uialti'i tit p rn-r indlMer.^aaee, II is in tin- Mitilret aiattet thai mv^thoughtk shall lie directed, aad wlua this Iseti^hauvwed they will sad. I shall got call geotde^main's or sa . they are intichlno s riu ro as^aevold of prm i .is the hydra Beaded. all uu*h^his nu ^ ^ horae ^if ataltea ami are the^prop it .fit .ii ,.ll so 11 |a. 1 waul t^ I- fair ami^timi t pi.n^.s, to lure anv aasMgbaaded work Withap\I u 1; In ill.- meantime, let us all te- Btteuitieiti i , .ii.i .tint *haausiua in.tvim ^ ^f^I'entui'lus. ^Iteastiti 'suae; reltukKMaregisay;^ae are hrutlier* It i- safortuaste tlist iiroiiie^win turgat this. Had aiinw their isssdaas tn^eliiuil tin mimt. i ^iic. Lilly tin questloai that^iit*v11 t 'Vt been mdved,those nf ortgiaaad^tlest hv liangtit w.iiis that never ban heeg seatId. leiak thai never have heea eg. Idotetl,pi'.si..'.. hnk^ where eternal darktanis^ici-ii*. it . i in.. Ihrunga abbih the Uglil has^never pu n i ^!.a/M. II. I.i ri BAM UAL I YESTERDAY. MaUoaalLaaavas.^Ai BablBtatt : ^ inciiiiiati. I.^\t I'hilavlclplii. 7; t tucugo. 1.^At Washington ^i: ( levclaiid. 7.^11 Baghaa ^^; St. Louis, 7. IIKatg York 7: Pitishurg. 4.^At Urimk .. n 7: l.ollisv lllc. ... WeslelllIStttajtBSa AtK.iiis.|. I H) Kansas City, b| Oma*^ha. li. AtIntliauapolis t: Cssssssbus, li. \tr.^i i w,iv ne Teh da gagas, paat* pollCtl. ..Si sI' S*lt llllt'tl Plllttlt lift, ill, S|.i* Ii.'.pin h lathe Stantlanl Missuii \. .turn* J. The *^'^,.; i.y /.Viieti'^ba ^ ^ Ul i ^ ndod ^^ i^ ^ ..t irilv on imt.iinoi iba auaabar ol otbei (iaaaa) lapcis 'l |^ puhlishi r- i ^ ^^ tc-.titm*^imblieal lag shortly. ^ s i. tl s tt l||,.litis. III.ii. June l'. tins Will.. s apraarad^tog largi .nuIn tiec ut ihe mnTn Imuaa Bt^^iibjhl and init rtamt'd iii hit old and mm^inn.111. tvlf. There is null (,ns^Williams atstl be^ with Ins cgeellout ooaa* Ianv . w ill Im* at Mug nil c's dm lag the i. -^lltaittsleeol the week and fat a niatilua iisiattwaVv/f^e I allure, ni a Ytigk. ftaaa !^ Irba Brat af roaaay ttMartin, gr im broken*. ,s- gm I ttcd.iy laWilliam Bradford, altbauf nri fi pj am The( Im ago liraiicu askigut tl bfa) g|( Thif aaaauat^t lire faihaTg lat rtimated at^MOJM '..t ^ (i.OOU, .41 llano taaatag.^Laaea ardara lor w. a. rrniih at tin., Muilnali MusK* ^ o.'s.No.tii Mai:, street. It-llev -ilrni e korlrtt . HiII'. Jlllli* .. The fat i tit itll forho..11ug us rt'giilui tuoi'tinas ..^far apart, probably CI instil | ^. , enits^til ilio Unite lleiievtth'in v . soriatii n^I'll.' t last uig nt was Ibadala hi t in , i .^t il .,iial sorb, met ting. MISSOULA'SBOARD OI TRADE. (ttKolutl.ins^gapaaabal ^^e TruohU la theliwur d'Alone.^Nuf.'ial Insiar.ii to tlie Manilsrd MiHsoiL.v. June i-The Ismnl of trade^meeting was slimly attended to-niirht. A^communication w as read from Mrs.Francia^E. Moon-, stating that the W .ineii a Ko-^licf corps would furnish bW gn's '^ Wb^tcive the A. ti. V. W. visitors. Tbg thanks^of the Isiaiil wen' cxlv lidcil to Bar. Super*,^intcntli in llrimsoli sent g eotuiiiunicatlon^saying that the reception colt, in I tee wisild^Ik. charged only fine lare lor the round^trip ill gaitu 'o Helena to ret alva the A.^II. I^. W. .lei. gates. Thei n auit ry coiiiinittce laaogbaa pro-^gics., and was iiiKtl'tlctcd lo draw up nrti-^i h s til in(fii|H,iaiii ii of a en aim ry cum-^pauy ami snI lint them at tin' next meet^^ing. The secretary roud a pii'timblo and^icst,lotions as follows, which were^adopted: Willul an. A il.nen nee I a* arisen hctv.rsn thegaaan of the caata fAkata m unity of Idahoami the lllllle ovv lifts. winin vs, Btaqrcaabbttalatagiaaat ami^aaaaai bat a laadMaf hi aWatBi rataef Jaa ^^^tard BUSsBgas, W'HgggAa,Itt trails i f till* hiipnrtant inln- in;in ii hi Ing trihiitarv tn this city ami the eoettnuedrhstlagaaaraoimines I- basaspgg*^t'fptihiv it-it h| our aa ti busioesa sderssks, /:.rWrsd, Thai aadefdore th^ presentttaaBbl amilias Isiartl sltlinut pulling Ilk ^If on i. rurtl^a . sv aip I Hitting Willi e.ll ei parl.c^. would re.^^ |..tni.. men,men.I: I Irat, that the Mdasgg^t t llu 1 Sear d'Ak in s ^etr.e man t^ wliiini theyaaa entrust their interests: Mfoad, that^the mine owner* ahokelici sonic one uuldrntk^|ed silk II.'- pi est nt Cilia ally. .ui^l thud. Ihesr two10 Bill Iliad IB e|sea Hunt ^rha can have imbltM tn I lie matter, thev to raaaHMM a Is ani^..t nhMialhB. bajaya tsbaat paaraa nt ithes nf^the mIters iiml mine owners may cuiie with^laeh aragfata (ifinaml*. H.-f*lrrtl. that the Ismnlnfarhttratlon suhinlt^a plan nf sf Ith ment of the differeuiaa now ex^^.-t tn in tl f l.o|e wi ik nuiv he [t'siiiiaft at i'nparty eata, /,'.., if /, That the .ct ti tary tic Insiim tctl t. sigd in iba pu sifif nt af ti.e eaecatrsa asaaaitu^tte nf th.' Maton' union a agag of tiu^ |.if..nil. a^ami remliitlons. also ttt ti.e Mine Ow ncrs' asso^ciallf ii. attested hy the .sigm.tiiies uf th- ttllirers^tti the haar4 lbe finance ccmmitKe was instructed^to pay the f.rand Am y of the Kepiihlic^BMOttaad in ^-ntv itaiinng the state en-^^ anipineiii. 'I he si t n turv HftMMMl^to collect dues of niciiil.cis f .n n i omniik- sioiint I i*t aggrit Thedci t,luting i ciuiiiiltre tif the A. tl.^D, W. was instructed lo buy the hunting^and iMpcs used by the fi. A. Iv. CASCADE COUNTY DEMOCRATS. the* Select llflfgalt* In Ho- llorrinsn^^ oliienlltfli Dab ItrttSftu .iter S Heath. S|hf la] Plspat. h tn BM l. (iKEATI'aij k, June At the demo-^eratic i tiiiveiiiioii held at'.he court room^at 1 o'cltH'k tins evening nischci delegates^lo the state conventual ba kg held at^H.i/. iu in. Rabaet S. 'I'ord was chosen^is rmaiictit chairmaii aad Babgtti Flynn^Kccix'tary. The following delegates were^elected: T. K. t ollins, M. M. f ockrill, A.^K. Babaattg] if. It Fonl. A. Jciison. F. P.^Atkinst.n, BahaM IVnut, P. J, tinllagher.^J. W. Stanton. ilay, 11. A. ibibert- soti.Babart Flynn. Tbaaaaa Wheeler.C. L.Johnson and l^. F. Wilson. 'lh.-conventionendorscil the efforts of^tin- democrats in congress to secure pass^^age * 1 the lllanil lull and instructed tin^delegates lo lkuemaii to sec that delegates^are cltoseu to the Chicago coiiventton who^will ilmtw their infliu uce foi a presidential^eatadldate a*uo la in favor of free coinage. Theconvention also endorsed tho able^representation ol the people hy ( ougrcss- iman PiBOa ami applauded his ciforts to^iseeiiix' the passage of the mineral clu^slfb ication hill. fiov. Toobt'l udiniiiistration^til affairs w as approv ed. The resolu^^tions closed with the faNaargag in n-spect^and ht.tifir to the late t oloiifl Ibxradvvatcr:^W in in vs. An All W ise Prov t.leuce lias railed^fn.iu partk one uf Montana s grsl rJHgeas, fure- Iagag] in all ralerpris.'s. hf'tifiii'ial tn st.-iii'and leaaatry,and a laabfid leader af den.- tstie^in ii n't i 'ics. gad a 1.1 n hi ui ^ ^i v.. nt of all laieresbJ ictimlr.t iv.' In the welfiiu- ot tills, state, bbvrafgft^be it I U* gab .I. Tint tins t ageaaMga Baakajai Iba tlt.tlliof l olniiel Itrn.ulwaier sod Jans ill the^uulvi isal sorr.nv i .ist ii|iiiu tblt state by hit^death, ind this i'tiiiveut.on cnnimends his upright^anil i i .nly i nuise In the penple of Molilalia as^Worth* af emulation, anil, that a traps of this^leaaliabig he fnraarded lo lag fatnilv of Col.X^a. liroadwater Ile vela nil ami lluriusii. Wi|t:.i....W. Va.. June j. Patas*^cratit- th it rwtloag to the t'hic.lgo couvi ;l-^1 tion vveit s|, eteil at lour district ciuiw u-^tioits held vcsienl.iy. This state is ahmit^evculv d:v kjad iM'twecti (iormaii anil^t'lcvclai'-l, luii in olilv one iliHtrict S,^c-^timi ni~ i in Hons were given uud they^were it,r Cleveland. At least teyadajay^gan s no know n to pn fer (tormain HIHATTERS. Arcii iw blm* ;nir ut! the Ir'aUiOg Ac nu ff^r i i .. . KNOX, Miller,Christy, HATS. Mailniarrvprt'inp'.lv an i bMBsBJ MMBM la BAECOCKA CO., B a Itont ,1'be btrgfkt ami most complete stock^I aiataaa ami organs la the alsss al Uva^I', m Mam stmt. Grand :Jlllie It. a cnn.g Ibaautifulaouvoairsoogwill if i selitedl,i eai h v isllol a; i li ton Itros .^garni opcii'iig June ii. fcfcMBb it. c. Cirv* c. h Hut BintHI IkWUM IMII UTTMONT., K*.r:j :^ ^ii^' t^. MtVMi Qdia I ^^j^r^^*r mil \jnt4Utm T. ^^. |t..\ TT-i. ^^:i).-t., laotl i. i.!i..^ ^rD^r I'Uh niUraatt*%tnttt feiiilsil ^Ulak, Vtulll UullO. J.K. LVLLLTH. Managur. A.WEHUS ARMORY, ItAND 13 WEST PARK STREET,^BUTTE CITY. - - M'.NT. Wholeialesoil ltet.ll! TSssleri In duns,Rifles, Revolvers, Ammuni;iii and Sportsmen'sClothing^DOG FURNISHINGS. BaseBall, Lawn Tonnls. Cymna-^alum and Athletic Goods. COMPLETESTOCK -op-GLOVERS' DOG REMEDIES. Y BUTTt,MONT. JOHNMAGUIRE.^PROPRIETOR AND MANAGiR. ThreeNigbts and Saturday Jtatinee, Com^meDriug Tburiday, June 2. HECOMES! TheKcitrnintr King of Come ly TheSole l,*^.-itiniate t.rrman Diale.'t^leim diau on tlie American baa. PLEASANT, PLEASING, POPULAR FOUNDAT L AST I ASafe and Sire Method of^Extracting Teeth With^^out Pain!^The New Obtunder. TbeNew Method fx Pall-^let) EitrictiM ot Teeth^Without the Die ol^lBBithetia Thisis the only sure anil safe way of having teeth out^tho patient remaining^perfectly ronsrious but feels no |^ain, n . soreness or bail effects from its use. Thia officehas tlie exclusive ritflit to Use this method in this community. SOMETHINGNEW IN ARTIFICIAL TEETH. THi:PATl'-NT FLKX1HLK PLATS is abj moat beautiful and porfoet fitting^artificial teeth made. Thin, tough and strong. No dropping down or breaking la^tbe mouth. The cheapest and best plate made. Call and examine specimens. OPENEVENINGS. PermanentlyLocated in the New Owsley Block. WILLIAMH. WIX. D. D. S. CARLGAIL. President, E.B JMILLER, V.1*. and Treas, H.UNZICKER, ti.M. and Sea** M.UNZICKER. Western Reprtosentative. ChicagoIron Works, Buildersof Cone al Sur*it.^^l hy an uiiu^ua'.1y coiiiivetent^lri'ti|ie of player*., in tlie re-^vv rit en. p iwerflll. ^et^tlmplv lioiuo^comotty, Keppler's Fortunes. tveryWonl a Smile.^IHery byUabln a ls igh.^Kvery sentence a Hoar.^Kameniber-Till* iv. the only ami nrlidual star^el the name, anil lie i*. a faveritu fruin I anaiia atMm daMaa Qatt. Ke.'iila,'iirlt es, .nc an.I ft. Sale of se..t^ s ill i.i-niWsaaataiaj atargaajUffttaa L GoldMill^, Wet and Dry Crushing: Silver Mills,^Smelting, Concentrating;, Leaching, Chlorinating;^Hoisting; and Pumping Plants of any caput ity.^Tramways, Corliss Hny;im^, Compound^llngines, Boilers, Cars, Cages, Skips,^Ore and Water Buckets, Wheels^and Axles, and all kinds ot MINESUPPLIES. WesternOffice,Genera! Oft oa and Works, lLower Main Street, Helena, Mont. lly bourn Ave. ami Willow St. Chicago, Ut T HECOTTAGE HOTEL Cor.Colorado and Gal ana 3 to. Thishotel will be run on the Kuropcan plan, in a^ttrictly first-class manner. Rooms li^lit, newly^papered, painted and luniished throughout. livery^convenience for the comfort ot guests. Kates liberAl^Now open under the management of Wholesaleand Retail Dealer* la BEEF.MUTTON. PORIv. SAME ETC 4 MainStreet Anacondi .DR. (HORCROSS. ihomoiOIVVII1IST1 Sjiecitilist.l'hvMmn, Surgeon, HASMIIV I'll Til cm iii(hv/fi ii u 1mm s ni !). ll'st *'i ulieru h * tin - utl^fl gatag nif^*t e'.e-^g nit t.i. i- ^^ in iga We i.i in* ttttt't .i liar taearatl^ull tlie Iii est iaiiirtive.l lu,triiit.en's ami o|icra.-^gaj ettatr la ae in . ..nn. ,'\t.n m nil li ^ treat^men* ^^' ati liist-a-es t.f Wntti 'ii Hi* .u. e-s in^li.' t ^^ atllflll e! I'sia.ts ttt Wflll'll i^ well l,'in Ha naa aata I a great gtaaitaf ni ; if*-*^it.iilin. snatenol B tteatier all oilier duetora^l.avii fs'lstl. I's ofll. e liuiirs. i to t a, m. i*i-'..sesef Meg va .i itti s. Hlaou, Nttla.^tYjrsti aaaH|*aHitgtlaasastrfsteg v/tii stm- ,'t- ii ss. , niai giigiitvafegil m nil ratal. ii n ',:lt:it;.ui lice. DAC1FICHOTEL, mws'.la;l. ioamo. Oneof lh^ ll.tuili. ':nf-t an I li.1*! \*vp t.ul.'a^Utttaatt lu tiui i agaj J ajgaai. Exrellenttal^!e. rloan, well ventilate 1 nvnmt,^li^lilej hy eteftrifity, Willi or vvitlmut pagftl. |ViKVTU Ns. CO'.iF -srA -LB ani H ^MI.i.lKtS, Spet-'iaiaaagaaatatlatl att f.vr OaaaaMgalBl^Mi,i Itaraglaaajai Ktwuu. lists,%M to (.'.im per I*ay. MRa.K' ULLl.r.B, ^ ^ ^ rtjprietrais. NOTICE ChineseFancy Goods! AirSew i o .u aveal arr.veil. Cttlaad v gaalat laaat GEM.UhG^ CO., AnExcellent Restaurant^Run in Connection. SAMAY OTTO. EM'W. BLEARY HOUSK. ,^=^=.CttANlTC, M3tV I).G. BliOWNEI.U l r.U'rlelor. taggM,StiWlM tint! Hursti iar Uiri Alsoittcrrtetoi ef l'iis^^nitM'. ftacnacs aott E^^pre,* Line i ..niiee'iou usas^Willi su intuits MOT I..i.l kull iTiCE. I' 'urttiftj ,t reom. lr*ld*^.^tl ^ ilu if ftl it t I .^ i i*:e i si ^i 11 ^ I'.^on i' if ' ^ tl ^i ^^ fluu ii' It ^ tn - -M-. I.J! I'M't il ^Ot I .,I lO CSS eftan. r*l in* of .11.11,1*1 f iiiiflieil l',ti^1 itas gl 1 .ti .ui .ill castas al aaatl a;. A.itir u I P. O. Box yOO, ButltJ, M011U aud:....t. MM MivsM. Aiisttootla. S.RANITE,M.iNT. Ihton')' HM OHM Hotel In Oraa.ta 1le^aotly Furo:^lie 1 Kooma, OerTi, ' tire r.*ee.-.n. ,*^^ ftl the ManitnM otL^tactitisaes,but white Itelp Krapiofsd. I altsle.lUtes. J.1. CfLKAKV, Tr *t^rle..*. MkCitv Tent ..nd Mm Ca j MYNES' HOTEL. rationto H '^.'.'' -trv Tl- -Mi i'i4ft..*sl ssiiiU in.'u to Mi'iitanx Leaveorvivrt at Iii Sentli Ma u ^trt*.*t. Ernulti liouper, Piopriotota JSQ,M-3NT. rrrrit Ittto vuvvav. MDlklMComfcrtSsile aad ltomellk^^. aad _^r..... iml* ^ I lot f*f*. iJotM.TatNa, auJ cmaj*.^Vt. \ ^.t.siua U.xiuift. m11. bm