Newspaper Page Text
0 THE ANACONDA STANDARD, SATURDAY MORNING AUGUST 13, 1852. Speed,Skill a^d Strength gossip of TNI tuhk.^Ad Aiulriii Kn^ tnu AilvrriiM^mi^iit^-.\ HbMIn ^^^^* Hark ill Sr* Orleans.^Krom t)v New liitmiH*. Itwii\ not b^ ImM iliat in tin' last^niinM voiir \v.ii*' NMStagt m MMf parts m Mm[Tatted St .,,^^^^, km rumh fair pfogrwi^and the brvmliiig ^^f li^irw^t* Im* ,h *'^^iih-hm 1\ MMiripBd. Kew 1- tin'^only Hcviion ^^f tin* i-.mntr^ ilia) lia^* Imn'ii biekvtrdm tlit*^ attraction. TIhw* Ii not. norhas tlu*r^* i \rr U ^ 11. u i:.^*^^ ^o*fM ^^any MSlMM in MI ^l' lM''^yrt Niw Ihafjaml look *^^^ im r- st in tfoe^*'s|Hiri of kniu-^ long Iwfon- Mm lOT* iNMHdtlant trim mm4i m lOTtMtttiOT Mtin- tnrf. Hnnr\i*Gootlalf of N^^.ttft)Wot! Kifiy- HovonthHtttft, Ii im a rhoi^ull*rtlnM m rarrand u rtid^ i fnl old bafllll . P LOT* ^' *^ainonu the ppriodtesll mWi d.iil\ |OTfW^-U f^ot nil rtajra. twlaa ^ bound vuluaM^t.f ^Tat f'iitinnWan C'ratlael aad Masav^^taaatti I't-d. r.diM.^ paMMMMj la B ^4ot,^la njaajaailn Ruaarll. in wtal^at tin - paaar la tin-month of 4aa**t^ IMf,^aapa . tv^i ina folio* lag *^d\ octlsonaaiti v iio!i.i.i^ for iha laaaatrioui Uaarar^^VaaHaataoi ftacoa br^ run. Mr kaa^llrst linn- in Xi rt-r.iitflimd. on iba iial^^l.^v i^r Haataatfaar .i^*\t. in tao pai I* ol Mft^j^. 1 m, ono nni^ Mai ^ aaM aorta^1 if 11.-^ \. rn ii Bridao. I berowltl baa mnfn^aiaaaalaataa eontinnl Mai ffoaaaV lor^tao aoraajMaoiUtkwi of L mUbo ^ ha aau^wHUk to i^^ Bpoote^aiat aloo aoaaoaft ooon^aaaaaraf Baal ^iaia^aoiaa aaoa ^orivolo1 tariff-Mioiitfli tot- .1 ^ti tit l*-n 1 in and I. id\.^It Ioot|m*m^^iI tueoa baaoo will bo occupied^li^ aattaailai oppUoataaii Thaautan in ho iaa lor will In^ ill IV^dollars, disiaaoo rotmd tin- Caonfoo, ojm^iinir. an^ oao buna dftotaaoiag lao ^ at 4o^^Iaa hot or oorond Moat* alll bo ontitlodla^lao paroo* attu ra loo lao Roreoao M boroa^laalaol Hoot, aai boroo loooaa bat aaa^laara ^ in haaabarrad raaaiaa oojmo)! iaa divtatH^ |'^l^' totjs trom the mnninu^aatoa Rajtraaaaaaatay f^^r aaati haraa haa aor* lar, v hu ll will U^ run for in \t da\.l^v whatb)aottodtboocraa naaii Iaaoofooa* hl.iL^ or Imi-c th;ii w ins ihi^ puroo w ill bo oaataaaoliKuy Goatloniaa atoblipj laao^^bar a aaroo for nld Moato* arttl bava an^oaanrtaaity aajr Hojob baforo iaa loot o)aj^of this ojoatb h| opfdi Iaa to btr^ laoaoo^Sinih y. 01 Mr.\\ till ini Soayor, lu injf aaar said(jround. An^ In mho intend far Oaftd Ihmis,aitin poloo^ win bo aoaaai arloa*^Tha aaroo aaooi i^^ aaaa Iaa aaat aao^^rtooty at larao*o4ooh p. m. An^ baiaotao^^laar iba oaVaataaa a) laa laaoaa at Iaa^pooM aaaa raaninu tUv ra^- ^ mnsi taki* a^avtraajroda oopti oroaad aaMi ^aatai 'i'htHataoi of aaatoooaoatt aliaaaiaji van^aaoal la this pari of laa oaaa)trjr^ bao boaa^baoj praci bad in Karopo and la the Kaatb^^ora states, our |aotl) ooaasraod and^aaa*od*jiivd vvasiiin*; rox. m nh-it a^rojaaaaaf IWo la oator far lao Uoato aaaj^a^ aaaa barooi orori ^^ ^^^^, and oflaatanm^mado laa aaroo bfraooff^and aKvaaa at^^opadod la aoraoa a*aoa bo aaaM mum it^com rtiii lit: Iroojuaaily \n% bod Qoataaaoa^mid Laaaai of lao Rial faailllooi in ana r^to aaaaaroa * lao ba w d i A horooo Then-is looaotMaa bath latoraoiiaa and^Matraatlro la idIm aaaaaaaaaaaaa* laaar1^laa tin* hi bar of hi** natatiy hiriloaj aooa^llotuea and halloo of ihe Baal fboaBlro.^lao r. ]-'. Vs.. in order to oaaaaaaaa laa^breed of baroool l h;ii little bjoooaaoa^aovarbooa lool ^'ti later oeaaraAkaM ^^f^aatraaa^ for avaa loxlai it*- oafdloatloa^hi ^11 hi aron kojiolaiUa aaaooaoHM^^ blab bao aaajbl to do ailb laa tnrf. 11 ^^new raaboj aaooolataai aoato to) aaaa bot tint!on its yround--, the plea is that it is^aaaaaaai bi oraar laoaaaaraao Mw braaoV^1 nt of boroooi The old on of the aaaroa *^^^meiit of laaraojojaaoado Iddoo a nmHItiMfto^of sins oi the lard aaajaai otaad in laa ^ oaoor of n aata^oaaroo aaaal bo a aaralti in laaoo aaj ^ of Oiaiflhl t|.ieK^. It would ere.illy please thoe of 1 he iaoo^ojulaa waimmallir arbo^baa to ooo a aaataal Inaa rad lo i ud. 'i he^baaaooa owlvafa oaaaaod ilo^ uopapaato lo turnin oaj din i-tion, to follow the horses^ill the eiieuit of the 11 ,o k w ith.-ui niov btg^from tboOT OOalOi \letnojratlo aaaranaail oroaadtbopuli i^ag 1'^ hi on imp' s-iinlh\ noar^ boiNiaoo Ibo^baaaai are aaajbaal batwaaa radun;s. Aslaoo :i-* the pBrooiotraHion davo laraa^aarooafioao tbiaao la raoiaa^ as ^ loaaaol^Biaaaoai ran t^ n ^ou. Him alon ol aflor*^aarh pariao mi Ni ^ Uriaaao is aaa of his^last. 1 he auooraui ol ihe otato aaa^^aaaal aawn i ofl ^ pronoanloi. oad the^aalaaal oab ^ ^ubordlnau*^ \ roaa of^heats was run, ootrou boino roujulrod laaah^^laa tioatroti Klojal raoao at the end ofllit* filth, and .1 pi-oposjt (,.n \V;is m.itle i( loaa L Mom 1-, w ho bad a boroo m the^Bold* that ibo raaailnlaa two boraa on^laafoiiowiiiL*day. To this ihe ojoraraar an*)his stall ohjei teil. ond ibo horses wt'tv Ol'deledto the |k^s1 ;iy.u||. Itwas piieh dork. I oil h a hundred aaaaoMi* ibo aovoraco oraaaad* Some wen-lighted .it ihe st.1 rt 1 ut'-pos 1, and the^others u. 10 s, ,tt^ t. I along lao rail noar the BaUb. The fin let-~ tool* ^ l0||l0||| pjaaaoatei ataad oa lao fraand to he aaar^tli* baajao h^ laof paooed ihe line.^^^nunious,^ ioid tin- govornor^ Maaaaal btalidat the he.el ot ibo -treteh atul ooo it^then* is ati\ foul t idiuc. ^What*-taoaoo*Iiovoraor .^' the eoaaaal^replieii. ^j eoiildu'i 00aan^*iblaoT^ it's toa dark. MTaaaaaaraa yoa ootild beai* aonoMuiaoi* air^ thuteh pod tin- ebb I 1 \eeuii\ e. an^l laaaoooaoJ pjraaad his vai la ibo aalal ^^f thenun. ThinHeld not off m aaaM sort of order^ati 1 went on 0 itti the rare, mist i n, Init notaaaaaail Tin ^ oaaaol aoaoaad |a iaa houf4ieai*.N^ an*r and nearer they raitm*^The horses re.iehed ihe turn and a soind^of voiee^ was 111111-ted w it It the thump of aWaaafaoaakaya wen* BaMbbj laaarfe otlnr to OjoMM aaaa to pull or to pull out.^I^ut nothing could be rlooit| rtlotInjillolaud^till the II* Id passed the -pot on which^atixal the Colonel. Then a \oiee wait^foJacd alaix the elai tot*: *'I*ullout! pull out. 1 say, or 1*11 throw^you over the fi nee ! loaf BM ihrou^h. Onaaod iiie I'hatitoiu brlojMlo^tba aawad^of tie vaoaai ayaaj out Mod Ma baof boato^irrow mi; falatar as ibo mmI onoi pa proached.I le u ^ .tin' ;i oil ipi'iny oad^c raeKinjrof whips, follovod b| lao abontO ofMa opootaooroi Tao ra* *- was oaor ojof thecfiloiiel walk* 1 h.iek to the stand,^wle n. the jjovcrrxn mierroyate.l !i,i-i. Whatdid MM at e, BMMBM1 if1 Nothing.^ir. What^li^l you h#- o . sir.^* Iheard aoiia 1' 'd^ i ^ 11 as 'he i MMMJMai *l'ull out. pull out. I say. or^I'll throw \ou over the foace! iim^^through r Who Maid that, sir'.'*' Iam not aajoa,oba that 1 ^ould PJM)^w ho it w a^*. Whodoyoa think ii wa^, obfT*' Ithink ii aaa Bofabi Noraav oba** ^!Swiiti. was it 7 \WM. ytut -or^| on an- noj|bl OMO) ^ on saw no foul. Hir'.'** Isaw aatafajfe nir. I h^ u we w id have to paaM them M^the\ fini-.h^d. futlenien.^ turning lohn*^stair, and the nuiul i ts wet*' aMM ^I** Ml^iioho^h eould s^-e the^:i, however, a mall^w .is ordered to an up m the stand and^shout the names of the winner and the^s^ i oinl and third, his bollorod in some of t ao dark foHaj i andnarrow rieesses i^f \ew Olleatnt to^thisda^ the boa ernor had a MOaaol^In I aoOTB on the Porno ridden l^y Itohhy^Sw mi. *omiim dow n to aMfaaja of eooaaoaaa^^raaonao baaaaa interest, it it said that I*.^T. Palolfor uojooanao loMMaaaaor#1 ^^ar- ris.ui|M0 far rallna Tenny to victory. DoaJOlaii. know u at ^Miip.^* trainer of tin-Vul-iferhorse-,, seeing ih^ ^ ri*p l^auk- Uote.said to the jockey:'l I entitled to half of that .^'^^What for'.'^ the ^Snap|m r^ a*kod. Wh^.aoa know. I pal aoa Ma mount.^I aaoa the oaa as to ^ bo shall rtaa Ti nnv.^^^ You bava the obi :^ Ibaialaaa poborMa* Vonhad the sav till T^'liti\ went to the^post. Then (he slaiter had the sax.hut oftorthe flay dropped aoaaMaoV rJoa had^tin- ^ i \. Da aaa know aaa it was^'' Who*.^*^^(iarn-on. Porkeliuuthe h^^1e he walked nwav,^lea\tni;ihe l.oiyh on lloriovau. w ho tells^tie* story w ith BTOOl yusio. MatthewMiriies riins^his borOOO eyeiy^time a race show s on the programme that^it is siiMahlc for them, and h^ so doitu:^has won OOMO \ahialile -takes. HaaBMl^there no MMH | in booojtaa MOM in the^stalde. If other trainer- followed IU rues'^^yaooni l heir jm teenta^e w on Id Im1 far^ej^ aier ih in it is aaa . The trouhlcwith^BMfay of the trainers |fl that they want^races for their bOTOOl that look Ml eer-^taintils boforo the\ w ill atari n horse, a*^Maj Mjrl ^What is the use of starting a^boroO if von eau*t N-t on Iiim w ilh DOaaV deiiee. The oaoooaofal trabaaa like Huj;- alao lowers, lt^rnes. Stuart, Kolhus,^William Lakeland, John Mori :s, John^Marr and Manly ^ aniplK'lt, run lite r^horses lor the purses and h-t the bfttlnff^lake euro of iiself. The atakcH that close^on Motnlay. Au^nst la. an1 likid^ to rc-^e^^i\ea lat^e niiiuher of entries, as many oaarlaaMaaoa baaa hiu'idy tried. The hoartltif eontrol should make a rule to^hu\e the entries for the atakes cloao on^the same day, an each BOaOfdafOOB has obaaaadMVaaal dates for the mmImj of etrlain slakes, whieh eaiisi^s much con^^fusion. Trainers OBJ that if all the slakes iaooodoajthe oaoaooaaa it would \^^ of^eiaal aaaataaaala th'-m, aad Ma^ n^'om* aaaadAugust J^ and January I as the bOOl iloaaloaaranaoMaooooi Btaarooaj that^the aatdaaatloaa obaajd bo aaaai oa the samepi iiieipal, w hieh would make plain^sailing all who an* coneerniHl, .\Y^r^\ m k / hMOBOa CORBFTT. Coaaoataaa olaaad aanaal to tin eiTect that,in rase he 0/iBO Ma fiL'ht. he w ill hand^OVer MMMJ of the stake- to his w ife to |p^^\i'st in \* w *^ ork real estate. Jimis full of eolilhletiee,** eollt illUed Mr.Brad}. ^anil w hat's more, he Is not I ofraldofMaUlvaa*Ho will he the only; manever pitied ayainst Sullix an. eveept^Mttehell, who will walk up o theeham- 1^pioii in the rbaj and shake hands w MaMl^a tremor. Some ot MuMvan'o pariisatis |^elaiin that lie w ill ku^m U Jim out inside of i^M niiuntes, I boa lo differ. No man ever , iivod or Bvar w ill avo w ho ooaal kms-k out | Jimt'orU'tt inside of in minutes. WV . don*ibmmi to bnvoa oaao ioaaa%ban aa doclMM to bava an even ^ hatie^^ at the t^le inthe aaajaa of the aoajvooaaaaav Mr. Ihatlvreferred to th^^ trainiiiif tpiarlers^and BOBVolof ions to the BoapM 111 the \ icin- I^n^. Said he: ^We have aimed to have J^p%'ffMjytblaa here rea-oiiahl^ OJBBH and^oi dofl|. lo treat eoiu tcously ex Of y one^who eaiaoo here and lo sustain the most^i^eutlemaiil^ relations wilh the people of laavlcfaltyi x Iboaabtbaoi ploooof work t*eeeiit1 ^lid Us a BOod deal of aadoOBrvad^in]ur^ in tin** line. The way of it was^this: Jim. pan know, ean'i sw mi MMM batlorthan a hrleh bat. Two ortbroa strokesat most laaH that heean do Well,^MM MH BOOOaod IB a local BMMO to he^worth a joke at Jim's expense, ko he went^to wot U Bad B rote out a fak^ ehalh iiye t^^^James a. ltiadle\. founder and inaxor of^iobari l*ark. Ii aas a ehalleuye to a^sw iiamiuu mat eh. Well, of course, t \ cry-^bad| Iboaaal it was so and the loroJ cor- laotooadontiooal it oir to tin* awj papers andOVOryboO*)) was -ayiuu ; 'Wh.ii a (^h^I^Jjiu ^'orta'tt is!* Mi1. Hradle^ didn't know^it o t- | lake and. iiaturallx enough, waa^ollended. It was meant ah a piece of pjtoBoantr).hut that dftdn*! pravaal it froaa doinalint a food deal of harm. TrainerWilliam l)elaiie^ expressed him^^self bo |H'i'feet u iotloflod allli Porball*fl c.-i htioti DolBMa bao trained him for^Ovor) tiyht in wliich he has OVOTfabjOOJ^pai i. and know s loin throiiyh aad ihroimh. Hoaoyo tbol Uorboti show - up ao a otar aih'eteIn any line. Me lieals cl anip'o'is^in hand I dl. row tag;, l uiniinc. and almost^i'\ fry sport whieh require* OpBod ami ilH'iiBlh Tbo otbor da| Porball had bi en woikitt hard, and towaul ovonlnil took^Part in a fiv c-nulc race on Meal lake. He^won. There was oona dlo|Hlto aUmi it. Koararor and oo bo Midi **W'eii, Im^\s. if Iheal I want lo la at fnu aial si plan I'de intoroar ommvi iboro and ora*N roo ii avar aL*aiu. And lhe^ did. and t'oihcti won. 1Mob* aali aaa of aoonj lajrlaantoio show^in- otronatbi endnraaoa^ yrii aadlovaaf Ian*play. Thevisitor* ai Ibo tOBMlna iplart ^fg BTO hcei.uaayeach day more nuineroua and .^arc* BMoMMMI of all sort - of BBnpN from11^all ipiarlcru of tho country. Last Tlima*^day a party of the most fa*liioiial^b' peo^^ple in the park, mostly women, vihitcjd^him and watched him m his training. CorlM'ttutH'H to hetl at !^:'i'^ o'eha^k now ,^instead of 11, as formerly. It was hia^idea that he oiiyht to he lo Is d late in ol^^der to e. t usa d io aittimr up. no that he wouldnot pal siwpy bofara Maafajhv b) over.Mis latckers ohJe^ ted to this theory,^however, and issued a positive order that^lie must la* in the holt-u cm ry uitfllt at IMX BVaaafaB faftf. I'ruiuC'onki* t'lty.^H|iecln! t'orres|w)tnlence of the staiidoNL OoomC'lTY,Alia* 1-. Tim old Lancas^^ter hotel is rcccivilitf n^|^airH and reiu^Kle|-^luu, and w ill soon Im* opened aa a f'u -t-^elass hotel bp the Mining A Milling eoni-^panv. Mrs. John ^ in I w ill take charge of^it, and this w ill !^e saiMlciciii to warrant it^first class. Messrs.Nichols, t hittendeii, lllaudon^and Jones have leased the saw mill and paaaboryara*nfrom William M. Wright of la\illusion, and w ill toon have die mill in niaahajorolori afoooro.Smith and Matin:- areputtiuu upa new lilacksiuith shop on iheMatlaT lot.and Mr. Smith will aaaa have,a first-^class place to do Iiuh'ucsk in. I*,m. Baaaabi has just ooaa*barfc baaa a tripto Lb in^stoii. and w ill 000 to potiboj^the -aw mill in i iinnin^ onler. Mrs.(d ay of dardiner is \ isjtina Mr*.^( ni l for a few day s. Thework on the mad to the Alice K.^mine js lOaMJi paabod rapidly forwanl hy^a lartfc fon-e of men ami is ^ Xpoaiod w ill In'eonipleted this week. iharles I'ry. watchman of ihe KepuMic^company's smelter, has yone Last on a^visii io i-elativcs. Mis place w ill lie tilled dajraajhis oboeaco hy vTilllam Bouaea A.I'. Viiirud^e. ^ iMike ^ it^ *s representa^^tive at Washitiulon for the Ke^re^aiioii^lull, is cvpeeled home now in BMM)I two^w eeks. I|e has doOJO OOVOn BOOOJtbo of^hard work. and. .ilthoii^h ihe hill haa noi^paoood this session, bbj work has not hi en^in vain. aaadarP^aoaroooa Maaa^laajpaanoajfi sunda^. May v\ Ifnt^aad un^^til MHbor noiiee. the Montana l iiiou rail^^way vull sell ion Sunday oidyi round trip^tickets hei w ecu nil stations at one fare lor^round I rip, ^ood only on date ol sale. lAttnin the Valley addition. HoA a u^mk1^plage for a home or a s|^e^ ulation. M L. IIi. Co.. :to, VJ ami ;ti yVtiot fliaalta. Onlyllrst-clns* stin k in w ines, liquors^ondtiuars at Met oruiick A Hughes. GHE A P AD VERT IS EM ENTS AdrrrtUtmeuUunrttr thin head uiu rent \*r^vird mcti IHefltinn; rjucittl inlet mi nmtiaeU^Joe ^^^ *^ i' pertouA. JV^j u^itt/tu-etttelit atxeptcJ^Jur a*d Utan M eintA. EMPLOYKKNTAC;KNC;IKS. WfHtUoy MRU i *aUU'^ nm rmitrnt Mm- rsiilMrMls.prlfMln taMllm. rmllrtHMl. icd rnii^trMCun ^it it practical brlaxil all ktoUaoa -ii ti^nnii.-. ;^i iu+j liiiK'k, iiiiii^ litkaalDVBtab^Trlt'i ll in' :^K VVANTliUHKLP. W'aviii' \ ajwal aroaaaai aaaa ii Mn.^^^ s-.,u^^ Imardkti bauaa, BI-MotalaVi^PMUaaaairc. \\MNli:n Kir^i .-i^ -Ti wTrkir.-iJ-r rof^^^.nut Lull-s cUrih s; arajtro 9aa an*l rmiii'l.r^it;nlv :uU KlufiUM HleaaV L-mmIi ,^MtaoulA. \\-vn ri Ii rue Klkanra, mi n ndra ipj arvj^*' arierih'i i'm I. st'iily ^^^ik: ^uri' nay.\i-v}i in Mr... \jOf*m \ (.... Kikhuru, (Ha I'arlaiMi.ritrvman. losi. IWIT^^^^ kMMi aa) lint,. , Ina nl'.I H mi^j aaak, in'iiit o't ii'fi ,ii.iiiiii'i'.'i'i.^ItraiHMtil I D aa) Infl aHwikler; Wl r^war^ U r^ -^mi in ii to .In' Ti llllaair \\ n ull i.iii. iual K ,iiiiil! Mark a nl taa ilm. watch**1! Id[MNMaaa; aMa/ari in RMia nf llyM, Any^...i ^ istiirniuii Raina in Ifil Koath Ar./nna ^tri* '\^aaai iaamir| a lal aa Ubt*raM) raaranaad ial^^in i|tH'^l i ii .i^ki il. MISCELLANEOUS. nm: i iiami MiunaaVa ^^^i^-ni laiMikt'^^s [lay awl i'lftiin.; i*laaaaa, al la-as Waat(iraa^^l|i^ itni't. r.ntti', M^iit. Miti'iloii^all ^ .l..liu,-^Inn. |,silitin' VHIoartltmn Xalionfl l^ark (lixid^rloja for tourlMta. Inui'liiu or Hallbll |:u;ii'*,^uf aioil**rala i'ii'- -,. Tnaaat innii,iif.l i^\ in.*^toy, ^i i k . i ti.niiiii. aVUaUasaer, Uaaaj Has,^\ni Ih'.iiI enuiily, Mnat. \i:\i;i:i HANOI. Parta* alahliii tn m^into baaaaaaa iaa aav out ny ^ih-k at^*.i:^ niin on *^^! v rraaonabla wriaa. Adiln m *^nl Hilll|i^l.1:1 u f.^r |.:irli ulitr, Wm WWnst.-ln. UTAKTKIlKaarfSM ywaax m ill awuiaua^ii .-hi niu.... lli'li'lt'lMf*. ami .'^naaMal rvqulrml. Halary Itjl 0 par yvaf ami in^ii'if,i in buttlncaa, Aiwrvaa laa IliaUa ItuUd,^mi:. Sun i imih-im ii, i al. FOR^,ale. |MM: NAI.K Mi'xn an |i:ino ^, llaWa M ix^1 atul i', 11 I rajajl ,1 Prat i ok SALT A i niillilrti' ^f tilllli r s In i!h, Irkaap ailaraaa i. U, MtantoM uOtrr, h * a, I.'oitHAW. on KBXT a haMar ami In! In^Hulwaril ndattloa, a|^paalar hiitaruM Imusn.^a|'|ily nl en in ,. L'OUs\ll Alio pan, n ilr.n ^^ phrai^I nut- in p.n 11 In if.Bit'iu. \ppl^ .ii stiiiid'^^ra aatoa in aaatraaa. i-in: ^\ii a no.! i:ani it tir ii..iA^'BKs, I Rv* tin.i'. |OUtl| nf M.\nn,vlli.\ Mnnl., illl'.lll i.ii^m Mliln nil. i'm Turllii'i ml.n Tn.iti,^ti i .ill .ni^i. MarahalL * n tor. Mimt I/oils vi i: I'm ni;nii- mi I Hatur ^.. branllna^hail mi t^r ir Mi v.^t i i ^ mill: Iwia i runt nna^raari rra lat: ta board*r* Ituat wU to at*^I ad to ottwr umlaaaa, J. t'. Wlltou, Klrktllla,^111. knatmri IoS RaI.1 \ i ink It A Sl'H OK *^ ACHKaf^invrtl null', from HtaMiula. ^.'^Hrrr. miilrr^i i ll.Miii.n, I ^ tin t Hi-.'-, bujlillima. Mill^atrraaa. Anr ranaa. from ^ .^ im.ouu t^. i.m^i,uki t.^a^^.i llauliri. taw iTtubrr aloaa a ni Morr than pa%^ tlm ran. Ii. aaaraitU^utt placr, \ iihr,- Vira.^i. a. aaalthi MawaaS HK HLNlT 1.'MiltHUNT i i,mi.' nnal. turnl.lixd rooaM^W. 0.1 aaa M Waal Hroad^ i I'oliIM'N I KiirnKlMhl riwm h^r Unlit li. ii-d^arrpbuti r. mi. tn WaihlBatitai ilri il 'i.'oi! kin i v.-.v ra aUhvl rioim %.^r/^i 1 tra,nuau o. mi., i^in ., ., Mfaa: Klii r i Alii.I. aturav, aall furuta n I roatai IP) pal^1. ii'oirti. at tail Mlvi'r ll.'W .uui-l*^Mull! ^tii-.'l. Lull.- i,'!! i.i n i i ^ , ,i. tl.l.l .l Iio.nn, tot ^ .^plnit. Imiulra lliauctt-^Inn ^ atotr, ::t KaH l urk atrr. t. J.T. CARROLL COMPANY. ANACONDA,MONTANA. Manufacturersof and Dealers in Lumber,Laths, Shingles, Doors, Windows and Mouldings.^FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN, FEED AND COAL. Bainand SwcJt VafOOJ anl Hxtras. BttfgfetiCarnage^, Road Cara HARNESS.SADDLES, ROBES. WHIPS, ETC. OLIVERCHILLED AND STEEL PLOWS. AndA!I Kinds of Amtltwl Implements lit Exlras. J.T. CARROLL, General Manager. TUTTLE Manufacturingand Supply Company. NOCORN Anheuser-BuschBrewing Ass'n BK|WFINE BEtR EXCLUSIVELY. THEMOST PfiOFITABl.F, FOR THE PF.^.KR. THECHK^rEST I QH I HE CONSUMER. DocausoIT IS PUKE an J RELIABLE. Ttv^^ ii|,r IIHtUIKAT(MMal hi iii MTTt.l XU la tha i ti t-.1 ti.t li t .i . hi'Ii ^ b ^ I'-tr ^ it i Kal If pi uiiin i i \ flalHK ^NI.V l.l. .ii Hi It \t i t.n i ii' u'* ol: i 11 \ aiii i^^ii. li l- lanartl u ^M ^o^ M rra tar ^of iii . i i,u^ ^| bi^A ^ II HI ^l It - in m II HHINikU kuili UAllH, Aa,, ci OirD!. BLUM BROS ^j !,. Manufacturers ii 6' illConctDlrili MACHINERY. ANACONDA. Oealefs 1 Mink WORKSAT ANACONDA BUTTE. 6' lidBedrid^Micbioerj ud Suppta MISSOULA. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY TIMECARD. Kit.2. f.^*t mail t'nrrU's lli'*^t-(^la^if ilay 'li. I'u 'in.iii I'hI ifi cai,lie'r-t aiiiii^ i-i.air ear* und Tubman diu*^lor ^-ar^. i'affra^^laepar. O....i' lraf-^laa^Alf niarli. rullniuo imlaca*uilpiaii rjloaM Urmftt.^^Cocaat Mala im i..V. ma/k, lii-n.ral Agea*^i.AMSU.N, i Uf Ticket Agcut. UNDERTAKER 125E. PARK ST. fpnirt\rr r to crni-Ano. ciiiiaoo. s:. rAtrL Mixvi vruui \OMAH A II Ml.WAV. ^Tin-MNIRiiRM UMta Tillsl^ III^ mily lln^* nuiklne oawi-U in aa)^i: i . \ i A.): l ll l i5l 11 x li.w It ill ^t, It., rvnt'f^day lu the raaf Col i ni.'a.'ii ami PM Kitst. \i v \i Mmt new, laaaafeaaa'^^ ^ i. m. Leai' id vimn i^a. in. Lahi^ Ureal I all*liM p. ^^. Anre Mia it Wiaa a. m. ArrlvoUrand Korkafits p. in. Alltie M. I'aillIi:ji a. 111. \i i n.nt 11:1 i:s r y^ in.. LaaraMataabtrli p. in. ^:^ p. m. l.t'.im*lli'-i ln 1:11)11.111. 10:11^. p. III. J.ev.^ Baatmaa' :M p. in. -:^ta. in. ArriveSt. I' \l \ MHITIIV 1 ^t I HV I IHIV I.ruveSt. i', nt .. ItAfa* to. till p.m.^Arrlm Ml uuii- k'7 v. p in. | n. 111.7 0. 111. Arnvei In. ...'..i .. liM p. i:i. ^ m,i. in.;i :i,i a. in. Ihe ti nt l.lrn i^ tlir slioite.t Una In^fi.i'li illalano i aaa tlm 11^ i ataafo. sih-uic vottf^llBketauver Ihut Hue. Kor map folilaf a.ldraaa^I W. II IK|^AI.^^Oaparal lai aiaaai *i. mm t'^ut Hwi10 u ^^ nut aaa a(aaA#aaM tmm auuu- laONOOMA^iioor Catlly.P 'i-k'y ^^d Permar.tntly Reatortd^i ti imiii D Lnui i-'t itiui-uir E1IV1A. Wjrrant*J^^ eure or ni.tnpyI. !..:. I.1.'^It In aaM en a p. Miivp^aaarAiitpe l i nire i.ny^form of aaraaaa ataa*^ItaUaaw any ^^^..f tin' aaaMal ..ra^,:,, al^aafiat aa* ^-^u^ed^!'^ aaaaaalfa ow of^., t .i ..r Oaiaai. or^,. fMthlal IndiKfMiaa ..r saw ir.iiilarnri-el.,^li rlMM. t'enratatoaa, ^eB^falae^. llvtula. I e. Mm^l I'.'im^ Bollaatagellaa l'.^in ^eal ileiuurTUearliia Dowa Paina. S. iunnl w p.iktu^^^ilnlerfa. N.^:iirn.l k..,i^i. n.. Sp.rn.alorrh.ea.^j ^ i'..w..r and Imp uoey, .1 lea .1 aifatrtiA^^iht laad i . i naialata .1 un'' laaaalB/. p, ^.lycuaraaAaaa Prlaa. Il aa a aaai MaM^^.^^, ~i a. :.. mail on n..'i| t .f pu^ A writtn . .1 ^,lli etetv (:^ i iiorder leeeireA J,.'.( inj too la. ney it a aafaaaaaal cureii not l*- MlaTTIA ME'UHNK CO Petrolt. JUcli.^l or Safe In Urn ie. vtontat a^_at MTSI' Sit'l PHABMAOTr*^It N. PAU0M, Manager.^US ^ , ft l'art Mi.-rW Opp. t^i.t.-al F 'hool ~-1-;.-,..:'.--- ..t.-i Fromptanil Etlicient AUnnclnnce.^Wlwle.alo and lletall Digor 111 DaaMftakers' supp'.'ei lioilei Carefully Etnlaimed aad^Mfjaai to Ml part of the DaM 'il sta'ei una Europo. LADYASSISTANTS.^Ooen Day and Night.Telephone No. 57.Butta, Mont. PAINLKSS DENTISTRY !^The New Obtunder. Wehave at la t secured ;i process bjr* w hich teeth can be cx-^/rac'c.l absolutely without pain and without ihe u-e ol gas, chloro^^form or ether. Th.- patient remains perfectly conscious but feels no^pain. The only safe and IMIM method. Those who have investi utcdthis method no longer dread to have teeth out.^invest i;ate. Calland ThePatent^Flexible Plate Isthe Best,^Cheapest and^Best Fitting^Plate made. Tho;cwho examine this plate will wear no other. Call and examine^specimen-; at the office Filling at lowcit rates. W,H. WIX, D. D. 5.. lioomiol anil .19 Tlili.l floor^New Owlet- llloefc. Hull. Cllr,^Mont. Opi'ii tl.l ^i90 1^. M. NOWLOCATED IN BUTTE. Trya ^Cheap Ad^^In The Standard. RUPTURE PERMANENTLYCURED OR NO PAY Me nam ^'^^ * Guaraatacto odjadaaMaaa from aaaaaaaaaa COOpi.ll. iilH BbM Nla ^Mll^UHl i Mv.-'.inate our ra^1^^l' M,.^^11 kKNiii'SlVvuSai -SSi ofhow louj Btatnlillg- EXAMINATIONFRCiC. THE0. E. MILLER COMPANY. suoct. . .!., Hour.. .. lo wa. IB.. ^ l^^ 5 P m^send fok CIRCOtAa. tonsALIi tn Uu'.va by li. a. D ai Hi Ma riuuj.ttir.^todaaaaaaaaa M tua. bnuu MMW cou - t :j a I 'm or. ^iviirtrt^ l-^ ^ uUi NerveSoerts, i' ^ i If Mil' (^ ^ -' If si,. ^ itl ii ^rli- h ll^ \^ i flK Mt'IHiMTT^nluru,m .in- hrttn.fete**til i*;n^^-^l^ii^. 4#ulckn**^^. k.% A klrf iima. Ln^*k of^4 4^ultit.^iir^*, \i r^,^ui'r^^. l.o^illudr, u.l liii-ir.* and I m nf^iMrfltrul Ut4*UctM^ratiTr oi\ani In **nb*t ^^^* rmu*!^ t^y orer *^i^t^^^^^, hi ,:i t i: ^ r^. i r ^^ii-f^^lTO u**^ of t^N.w^ . ^Ptiim ^ r ^-liniu-^I..t;^^ . 'i' :i t i-^ :r.^lr:.:li^, t v .i-^n., [n i^-n *v\ IBMMlf. P^t ipivm.'nil n! t^ P^n fit v. -t ; ik iri. N nt I r mall tr Hn!ii ^^.k*4f^l ^ mi^ ii ; r^ *^ 1i^r|t,^r(l t ^^ W fth r-ry l*S ^^rd^*r w ft* ^* M \t fill I'll UU ^ i'.lfi* ^ * * ^^^^'^*^^ I'll nil !!^^^ IM. t(. \ | ililt (. I.AM I LUX. A ; ,iv- M.U\ t ^ t ; i: (U..( blc^^wt III*