Newspaper Page Text
2 THEANACONDA STANDARD. MOlfDalT MORNINQ, SKPTBHBKB 17, 1804. THEANACONDA STANDARD STANDABDPOBLBBmO OOatBABY itaoo 6.00 kiteaoo^on* month^ 1.00^|Mr UO MainOffice. Standard Building, Ana^^conda. Telephone No 43.^Maw York Office, 188-7 World BuUdlnj. TheStandard ha* branch^Butte, htiaeoui* and Greet Falls oaaaralbusiness hyttsrsa*^jdanoa ahoold ha addraawd to tha^(standard PubUahincr Onrnpanr. Aaa- THEBEST Of THE NOSTBWE8T^Tha Standards new* service hi tha^e^iota U has patron* In every part at^th* Oraat North w**t Its carrier eervtoe^^cludaa Anaconda. Butt*. Helena, Mir^eouia. BoMman. UTlngaton, PhlUpeourrj^OranMa Oraat raiia, Daar Lodge, DUion^^ad attotbar Important points inmhu mm i mom. 9,859, NETDAILY AVERAGE FOR AUGUST Ma**mt Msavaaa,I Cssaiy*f IMtr Lodge s Fsraaaallyappeared hafsr* m^, ^aaal*^hal U. Mayk^ w, * Msfary faklto la aad^for tha Oeaaty *f Itesr Ledge. Stele ml^Maatasa, Ahs. Davis*. Caahlar, aad T. B^^alter, ClresUtar ml Tha Aa**aada^Staadard, wka bain* swara, dapa** aad^aayi Tha* aha aa* dally sewrag* alraaU-^ttea mt Tha Aaasaad* Standard for tha^sweat* mt Asga.t waa *,** ALKXDBTIMB, Cashier.^T. K. BCTLBB, Clrealasar. Saasarthsdaad swara la bafora aae, la^tha City at^ Aaasaada. thl* 4th day e^^kepleasbsr, lap*. ABBIBA^^. mitbiw, [UAL]Matary Fahlla, MONDAY.SEPTEMBER 17, ISR PintHalf.^S*pt*mb*r'* orat fortnight waa an^experience fall of oneoarafamant for^tha Ajaaaoda capital oonmlttoe^It^wttaaaaad ^ rally for thla elty ail along^tha Una. Cheering aaauranoaa com*^frost a dosan point* In Flathaad^oounjy; Bavarhaad'a aupport grow par-^oeptibiy.stronger; Cascade county or-^ganisad Is a atyla to impressive) that It^brought diamay to aociety elrclaa is^Halaoa; Is tha eltlaa of Eastern Mon^^tana, eiUxana of Butt* and An mo nda^rooairad a walooma that waa famooa^far its cordiality and Inspiring In Its^aasuranca of support for this city at^tha November poll*. Bat,host of all is Bntts. That It is^wait to piaea tha capital naar that elty^^tha canter of tha state's boalnass^and population^I* a proposition so^salf STldant that tha paopia of Butta^ara taking bold with on* ac^^cord In Anaconda's behalf. The^people of Butte ttke their own good^time In getting into line for the capital^oontsst^there never wu a shadow of^doubt as to that city's intention* to^throw Its strength to Anaconda. In^^deed, any contingent in Butu will^have to show why it should not be^posted as th* enemy of Butte, It It^undertakes to advocate tha award of^the capital to Helena, Xaturallyenough, Butta was first of^sll for herself In the capital contest of^1*91 Yet other cities had some show^in Butte's vote at that time; Ana^^conda was strong and Bowman fared^well at the hands of Silver Bow county,^In that contest. Helena was treated^with the eoanteet sort of courtesy then,^although Helena scattered thousand*^and thousand* of- money in the vain^hope of making a respectable showing^in Butte. iOu this score, the official figures ere^the most satisfactory illustration.^They show that the total capital vots^of I8V2 in Silver Bow county wu^8.830. Of this total, Butte scored 5,231^vote*, Ansconda 2,683 and Helena 314^Hozeruan got a much stronger vote in^Butte thsn did Helena. If you figure^it out, you will find that Helena polled^something like a miserable four per^ceut of Silver Bow county's vote.^That is admitted to be all that Helena^was entitled to under the conditions^^there isn't a valid reason In the world^why Butto should be for Helena. As^far a* any fancied common interests^are concerned, the two cittu^might just as wsll be two thou^^sand milu apart. Butte's second^choice wu always Ansconda for reas^^on* so manifest that their recital is^needless. Youwill find Butta ablsse for An*,^oonds before September ends, and the^people of that city will be the mors en-^thuiiutic shout It In view of the^splendid strength which Anaconda has^developed in so many widely-separated^sections of the state. Butte isn't a^city where the blundering that has^distinguished Helena's campaign tlnds^favor, Butte likes a contestant that^show* running qualities. N'erer fear;^the people of Jiutte, if for no other^reason than the prompting of their^own direct personal interests, will lift^Anaconda into first place and do it^with enthumaim. Theannual encampment of the^Grand Army ^^f the K-tpublic which^has just siSSSd at 1'ittstmrg was in^Rome respects the most interesting^and notable in the history of the order.^The membership of the ^;. A. 11. at^present is just about iJJ,vx). The stumhu bass reached, and from^ss the ranks will be throned by^death with Increasing rapidity. Of the^400,000 it is said that not leu theft M0,-^000 bear some sow or physical Injury^un ruult of the civil struggle Not^leu thsn 20,000 odd nave defective^vision, and tha large number of 175,^000 aulfer from rheumatic disease* of^the Joints more or lees developed The^hands appear to suffer peculiarly, a*^61,000 In round numbers have tost foil^control of s finger or thumb. Some^15,000, according to post reports, mut^now be in their last atloean Of the^veterans who did not attend this yaw's^encampment because they an away^from their native land, about 760 are^In Mexico, newly 1,600 are in Ireland,^8,000 in Germany and 2,600 in Canada,^Alaska and Manitoba. There are u^many Irish and German-Americans^who go across the watw for a short^stay that quits an array of veterans^will sometime* meet in a foreign city.^Some year* ago on the arrival of^Memorial day it transpired thst there^were nurly 1,200 Grand Army men in^Berlin. Speakingfor Helena. Nowthat Helena Is taking a look at^Butte, It is timsly to quote the re-^mwks of the New Iteue, the only^newspaper In Gallatin county that ad^^vocates Hslsna for tho capital Says^the New Time: ^The slurs that are^cut on Helena by aome of the newt-^paper* of the stste because of her Chi-^nou populstion are wholly uncalled^for. It Is to the credit of Helena thst^the Chine** are permitted to live there^unmolested Thiscomment, furnished by the^Helena literary bureau, puts before^the public Information which the Hel^^ena capital committee wouldn't ex^^actly Ilka to print in the pre** of liai^^son, Thst town certainly Is tha city^of refuge for the Chinese; they are not^^molested,^ and Helena shows entire^willingness to make things u pleasant^ss possible for thsm. TheStandard hu not csllsd In^question Helena'* right to harbor^thus Chinamen. We remember, how^^ever, what oouree other cities in tha^state took in dealing with them. As^fw Anaconda, It patiently retired tho^whole gang of thou. They are out,^and Anaconda proposes that they stay^out, ButHsUnshu lately been scatter^^ing printed notiou In Butte proolsm-^lag herself to be ^slivs to the Interests^of tha laboring man^ and promising^always ^to uphold the dignity of^labor.^ Hslsns's friendship for tha^Chinese may be a bright and shining^proof of bar profsssIons; that dspsnds^on how psntlmsnt runs In Montana's^labor olrelu on the Chin*** quss CsrtatnIt Is that uut of tha leading^cltlee In Montana went earnestly st^work to rldths stats of Its steadily-^Increasing Chinsse horde. The cru^^sade wu progressing in good form^when Hslsna checked It by opening all^hu doors and bidding welcome to^every Chinamen In sight. That may^be ail right; speaking for Hslsna the^New Tmue says it .is all right.^Whether the pefple in Butte to whom^Helena Is appealing regard it u ail^right Is snother question. Thoinvestigating committee ap^^pointed to go after the New York po^^lice with a shsrp stick has, after a re^^cces of a few weeks, resumed opera^tton* with fresh I sal It hu struck a^now lend That ths police of New^York hsvs bun in collusion with^keepers of disorderly houu and green^goods msn and hsvs levied tribute^upon all sorts of industries legitimate^and illegitimate hu bun abundantly^shown, It now sppesrs that pawn-^broker*, acting u fence* or receiver*^of stolen goods, had th* protection of^pollosmen and paid liberally for that^protection. Thou who thai bought^tha polios could always extort from^the owners of stolen property sll that^It had cost thsm before they sur^^rendered it Some of the officers did^a thriving green goods business in tho^capacity of silsnt partner* to ths pro^^fessionals, one csptaln receiving 9150^a month for the ^protection^ which he^guaranteed. The police force of Butte^hu its faults, but it is a collection of^white-robed angels compared with^New York's finest. hTthePolitical Field. Withtbe Breckinridge esse disposed^of, there is not much isft in this fall's^political csmpsigns of special or spec^^tacular interest to the country at large.^Perhaps the fight that will attract the^most attention is ths contest in Repre^^sentative Wilson's district in West^Virginia. Ths rspubltcnns propose to^defeat the famous chsmplon of tariff^reform if it is a possible thing, snd^with thst snd in visw McKlnley, lteed^and other prominent republicans will^take the stump in Wilson'* district.^This announcement has put ths demo^^cratic congressional committee on its^mstal, snd ths committee declares its^intention to make one of the most ag^^gressive csmpsigns In thst district in^ths history of politic* in West Vir^^ginia. Among thoss slresdy selected^for campaign service are Vice-I'resi^dent Stevenson. W. limirkv Cockrsn^of New York and T. C Cobbing* of^M ssissippi, with others of a like cal^bre to be announced hereafter. The^light will be a hot one, but Wilson's^chances are altogether the better, for^although his opponent It an unexcep^^tionable man personally, Wilson'* na^tional reputation will aaapaaj strongly^to the pride of his constituents, and^more iluu that Wilson in argument is^a match for the best orators the re^^publicans I in trot out. Ths'/gubernatorial contest in New^York will also possess national inter^^est. According lo the present plans^of the Plott machine, Levi V. MsrtgS^will be the republican nominee. There^is, however, just a possibility that Mortonwill be shelved, and is thst^m Channssy M Depew may ha^uso, Depew Is said to have hopu^of reaching Washington via Albany,^Asffor the dsmosratlc side, It ^^been sssnmsd that Flower wu to he^renomlnsted, but It saw begins to an.^paw that Flowsr stay bs sidetracked^sfter all, and *o tha democratic side sf^the Issue Is bsglnnlng to attract soma^attention. It la said that Mra ftowu^Is strongly opposed to hu husband go^^ing Into ths fight snd that ths gover^^nor himself Is urns what evens to It ThsIstest ssnution Is tha sugges^^tion that Senator Hill nay himself bs^ths nominu, and that possibly It wu^in visw of this that ha mads his cele^^brated detenu of Mr. Clsvaland^against Mr. Gorman's attack Hs cer^^tainly excited tho gratitnds of Mr.^Cleveland's friends, and It is known^that the president's personal feelings^tothsNsw York ssnstor ore not so^bitter s* they warn It Hill wants to^bs president, he would stand a batter^chance of the nomination u governor^of Nsw York than u unator. MONTANA'SCHINATOWN.^A Oraphle *sd TrathSsl riatar* mt ssstSBSn Fromt be Basla Tunas. Theraws* enunciates^when it any* organ lied labor baa bo nee^for Cbinameaf nor does It feel called^upon to emphasise the established fast,^byarsunsent, that Chinese labor is ths^cheapest of cheap labor aad a deadly foe^to tbe worklngraan of Montane. Bseog^niaint thl* truism, nearly every town and^eiiyin tbe state baa take* a dsssrtsd^^tand again*! the Introduction or employ^^ment of Chinamen. There la, however, one^exception. That exception Is Helena.^Thai elty la tbe Chinatown of M on tea*^^tba refuge of the celestial serf. Missoula^^trained several point* in taw to pet rid^of the curve. Great Falla put down her^foot against Chinee* cheap labor, and to^^day not a Chinaman nan be found within^bar limit*. Butta has eo effectually assy^cottad tbe heathen that bat few remain |^and tbe people of AsMsnde leas etaee^shut their tetss so closely opsins* ths methan nuleanee that the^of a Chinaman upon their street* is,^angels' visits, few and fw between. Butthe history of Helena dee*^record an Instance In which a single^has been taken by its eitlsena to^tbe enemy of whits labor from their^midst. On tbe contrary, Haleaa has en^^couraged the Influx of Chinamen. The^owners of her played-out placer^found eager purshessrs lathe;^aad for year* Ore Flos and Qrhntr and^et Chance gulehee swarmed with ths^rice-eating plagues. Tbe claim* which^they here worked end iwwcchcd In the^peel weald be a God eons' to her white In- rem to-day. Bat John^usurped tbelr heritage, and white white laare forced to work en Fort^for a dollar aad a quarter a day the pig-^tailed opium eaters board their sold and I*ever the hard tlssss^^washee^ hence profits, their tbelropium Joints, gambling dons aad^numerous stores and chirps Thsvisitor at Helena who will direct^his footsteps to the upper or south cod of^this great Chinatown of Montana wm be^surprised at the number* of too' hsstlSshs^and tbe evidence* of their loathsome^presence he sees. They are generally^well dressed^for Chinamen^evidently^well fed and sssmlngly contented and^happy. They have comfortable houses,^brick store*, wall-stocked butcher shops,^fruit snd candy stores, gambling bouses,^wall-patronised laundries and dosene of^dene occupied by their^painted ealoatisl fairies. Then let the^visitor turn his atone In other direction*^nnd be will find Chinamen to tha right of^him. Chinamen to the left of him and^Chinamen in front of him, eeoking in^kitchens, ducting in parlors,^and cleaning office* or packing polled^linen to tbelr waah house*. TwiceHelena baa been nearly destroyed^by fire through tbe eareleeueee of nor^Chinamen, both time* th* flame* having^originated In her mere densely populated^Chine** quarter*. Still the peats were^condoned and hugged to ths Helena^bosom because their labor i* cheap.^Helena reaeene thuat Chinamen are^docile, obedient and inoffensive. China^^men have no child ran to feed and elothe^andedueate. Chinamen do not attend^ehurcbeeer festivals, nor are they amen^^able to any social law. They live on what^will starve white men and will work for a^pittance. It is true they take bread from^tbe mouths of deserving wblts women and^girl* and will do certain work which white^men will gladly do, out Chinees labor la^cheap, very cheap. We, tbe peopln of^Helena, can eave a few dollars by employ^^ing them. We didn't tell tbe poor whits*^lo coma here. Let them take their chances^with ths cheaper class of labor. If they^can't stand it let them go elsewhere^to^Butte or Anaconda, where labor organisa^^tions prevail and where there la a higher^aeale of wage*- We can gel along with^Chinamen. We want the cheapest labor^In the market and will have it. The^Chinese can stay with us. We have use^for tbem in our business. Workingmenof Montana, thl* la no^fairy tale. If you doubt It go to Helena^and sea for yourselves. Ask any unpre^^judiced old-timer If Helena and her^Chinamen are net truly and faithfully^pictured in thl* aketch. The answer will^be, ^Yea.^ Then ask yourself If you pro^^pose to vote the permanent capital of the^slate to the Chinatown of Montana. If^your answer be in the affirmative never^again any a word agaiaat Chinese cheap^labor, for lie Montana home I* in Helena. toher rnisamen. aad put en SUSS elotbec,^white shirts, standing collars, ping hots^and patent leather chocs, and assumed^nit* whteh astonish the natives, the^proper reply is, gUt-edge codfish. Ws^ersll net, however,' dieeues bar diet 'er^Whether a codfish rampant le eenbtasened^_ en ths panels of her carriage* as tbe^Insignia of her office ea leader of Mon^^tana eooloty. Allaf one SUaaV.^Prom tha DtlKm Tribune. GreatFalls is ootid for Anaconda for^the capital. There will probably not be a^showing of 1 per cent. In favor of Helena. eweof the moot enthuslestie mass^meetings ever held in tbe history of tbe^town, a few days sines, tbe hearty aup^^port of the people wee pledged to Ana^^conda, the future capital of thla great^elate. InButte, the other day, tbe colored^voters met and adopted a eet of resolu^^tion* atroMly favoring Anaconda for the^capital, and thus the good work goes on. Fromreliable source* we learn that^M*di*en county will be about 70 per cent^In favor of Anaconda, in aplte of the fact^that Helena has subsidised certain par-^eons to toot her bora in the very can of^the people aha robbed of the capital many^yeara ago. TbeRuby valley will go almost solid^for Anaconda, thanks to tbe efforts of tbe^paper railroad. If one wanta to learn for^himself bow capital matter* stand in the^Ruby valley, let him interview a few af^tbe residents of that garden spot of^Southern Montana. Tbe people over that^way are not mealy mouthed about tbe^matter, but call a spade a spade. Ana^^conda baa never promised to build them^a railroad or anything alee, but they are^going to support her for the capital Just^the sin, knowing that if. In return, she^can do anything for them she will do it.^And It will be done without a great flour^^ish of trumpet* and much speech making^and the offer of $1,60 worth of etoek and^eOoento cash for a day's labor, as was^offered bp the great railroad. Farthe War ta the Orient.^From the (Missoula) Western Democrat Theremay be come truth in tbe report^that China hae opened a recruiting office^in Helena. HauntIselaiy. Fromthe Butte Topullst Tribune.^Helena newspapers and pamphleteers andothers on the side have much to say^about the culture and refinement, snd^elevated tone and purity of Helena ao^^ciety, and with many flourishes they point^to it as one of tbo foremost reasons why^tho people of Montana abould vote the^capital to that place. Aa for Anaconda^they aeetn to think that city is a latter day^Nasarelh from which no good can come.^There are too many dinner pail brigades at^Anaconda to please tho Helena aesthetic^BpO, the Helena idea being that workina^men are simply mudsills upon which the^nMSj mumrsiructure la built, and that^wealth, caae and luxury are the yard^^ticks w ith w inch the social stanu of a^people are measured. b^go, Ansconda, s^rrrnuirv of brawn and muscle and lion-^osi toil with a huge artnv of eray-marted^BUCSaassSdsd laborer* m not ju.t lb* plat e^for lbs capital. Thus reasons the Helena^Muslllstswi^llelrns's pretensions to superlative so res*of toshS aUBJaraafUaBS^^I ^Upsn what^Ibia our Hsieos feed that at^eo great T^ Ths eld timer ProfaaaStat Kspvswelva. Fromm* (Hamilton) Western News. Everytime a property owner in Missoula^or a farmer near town look* toward tbe^Part they cay **dHelena. Th*Stale Isatltattsaa.^Bsteaa Oerr. of the Ksw York Bersla. Toeeeoraplteh this be hi^nlng for yean, but his finest work looking^to the eneecee of the plan was don* in the^legialetore of 18S3. On* of tbe chief ques^^tions brought before that body waa tbe^ectabli*hmont of the elate university, in^eider to acquire the govern meat cash^propriatlona, and to get the university^.land into shape. .Tiers was a decided aeotiment em^part of educator* and Intelligent^generally in favor of consolidating tbe uni^^varsity at one place, to make it a great in^^stitution of learning. Marcus Daly^In fever of dividing the state university,^so that tbe several ambitious town* might^come in for a portion of the government^appropriations, and undar his influence,^B^tte got tbe school of mines, Bos*man^the agricultural college, and other sec^^tion* of the institute were parcelled out to^other towns. Each town that secured a^slice of tbe university spoils is bound to^vote for Anaconda for tbe permanent^capital. That some of tbem are already^aorry of their bargain is not to be doubted. THSGARDEN. CUerthe steom of the shivering pines. Thatwhisper when It Mows,^Behold th* ereeper-oovered wall, laa garde* that always grows. lasummer and In sprlnitlne. Andwhen tbe whiter snows^Bead tbe dark branches to th* ground. Thegarden always grow*. Thahand of man has made It. Th*whit* stones stand la rows;^Ths tsar* of th* world hsve watered It, Aadthe garden always crows. Therears many gardens like It, Then-number no sua knows.^Each day, mi th* world 1* ended, Thisgsrdsn always grows. LarimerStoddard. AgitatorWhat this country need* I*^compulsory arbitration. Teacher And^compulsory education. Preacher^And^compulsory religion. Old Maid-Yes, and^compulsory love.^.Veto York Weekly. OURSTOCK OF COT GLASS IsAttracting Much Attention^from lta Beauty nnd Low Price, Woalso cp^^n to-day a lias of^Chalimi D.sites, 5 o'clock Tea Ket^^tles and B iking PipUos. Receipt^Book lrca with firs', two Articles HIGHT^ FAIRFIELD. 1GEOFFREY LAVFXL, /NO.MacOINNISS, Manager. THOMPSONPALLS LAND ^ LIMBER CO.! SUCCESSORSTO LAVELL BROS.^Bia*SsslanM a* as LUJ1BBR.LATH. 5HINQLBS, DOORS, SASH, BUNDS. Csrrya FwJI Stack af^IS II ABO WOODS, SUtUMNd PAHS, OlAM, 1MB,HAIR. PLASTER AND FIRE BRICK.^F***M7 si Soott Bat**, Bswaun* atThssapsm Fals. 11Main Office, 45 W. Broadway. Botte, Mont j [CEMENT, UMl^IYards *ad 1 Thefirst of the season 150New Fall Styles in Ladies' Wraps,^Capes and Cloaks Now on Sale; all^Colors* all Sizes, an Elegant Assort^^ment to Select from. 11 i LADIES' WRAPPERS laWinter Weights^st Si, Si.sf, $1.50,^Is, Ss.50, $5, $550 LADIES*WAISTS At50c to $1.35. ALLWOOL WAISTS Trimmedwith Gimp^At Sj.50 to $6.50. loseeSi maxwell. No.110 Main Street GIG ASA PMVIWTIVB ytTiTn^mill SWlL iLJm Jl^_^m^m^m^m^ ^^mttrmtj VmmMm^mm, una ThsSmith Drug Oa. Bel* kA AQUIRB*S^jW OPERA HOUSE. I^Btttte,Mont^eVJaTBatAarjtttf^oprtstor^adMan-o T.WARD, ^ ^ ^ Acting Manager. Fridayand Saturday, Soft, si, as. ThsEminent Irish American Corn-^median, At. D^nW *ny, InBis Eotutlfnl Realistic Play. THEMILLIONAIRE. Seethe Greet Railroad Scene, See the^Strike), See the Driving of the Golden B*a*rvedseats^day seeming at redseats, tl; OsUsry s* ssnts.^**i* ones* el hex oSs* Thurs-^loo'otoefc THORNTON, FireInsurance S*|ir*ssstlsgLaaSssg FOREIONAND AMERICAN^COMPANIES. Mim mi V.Q. BROWNELL, Proprietor BnoBtes.IBj mi srniB in wc AtaoProprietor of Passenger, Baggage^and E sprees Une. Connection^made with ctt trains TRAVELERS'QUIDS. ANACONDATIME CARDS. Butte,Anaconda ft Pacific Railway. (Tim*Schedule.)^All trains Arrive and Depart tress Batts,^AnewMHia S rselss Depot. arriveixaxaoovpa. 5*.t, Bntts Mixed, arrive, dallylliMsss^e. I. Batts Express, arrives dally|SB p SS parabtraoif akaconda.^No. 1 Butte Kxpress connects at^Butt* with O. K.. tor ft Foul, Cnl-^eece sad Lastsra points departs dally..* SSSsni No.4. Butte Mixed, departs dallr.... Mlpm MONTANAUNION TIME TABLE. (TralasArrive at Anaconda)^No. * Frees Oarrsrae sad all point* westeatbeN.P SsMsm No.lot Butte Kxprsss1:19 p at No.101 Butte Express SiStps* (Train,Leave Anaconda)^Xe. US Butts and Garrison Express St*t*Bx No.101 Butte Express.1:10 pm No.10 Butte MixedTsSIaas NotsTrain lMeonneets st Silver Bow with^th* Union Faelfle fast mall (or all point, last.^South aad SUmTIMB CARDS. Butte,Anaconda ft Pacific Railway. (Tun*Schedule.)^Ail trains Arrive snd Depart from M~ssr*oo^Central Depot at Butt*. ARRIVBIK SUm No.1. Anaconda Express arrives Cany SiSt a m^No. 4, Anaconda Mixed, arrives dally_ 4:11 p m DirARTFROM BUTTS. No.s. Anaconda Mixed, leavet dally.. ^:*^ ^ m^No. 1, Ana oooda Express, leaves dally t:M p at NorthernPacific THAIS*ARRIVK AT BUTTS. No.T From St. Pstu. Chicago and all^Eastern points, arrives Montana^Culnn Depot dally at^:^ ^ SB atV. No. 2 from Spokans, Taeoma,^Seattle, Portland and sll Coast^pouts arrive* Montana Union De^^pot, dally at..tlOSBBt TRAINSI.EAVK BITTTB. U.V. No. I For Spokane, Tacoma,^Seattle, Portland snd all Coast and^California points, leave Montana^Union nepot. dally atState st Nos For St. Paul. Chicago and all^Eastern, Southern and Canadian^points, leaves Moutani fnloa De^^pot daily at !:^^ MontanaUnion. N*.s No.S No.100^No. lot^No. 0)1 No.1^No. T No.101^No. 10* TWAINSARRIVB IS N.F. Throurli Train..^Montana Colon Local Anaoond*Expressw: AnacondaExpress*i 0.P. TRAIXSI.EAVK BITTTB. K.F. Express. J MontanaUnion Local1 Anaoond*Kxpres*IS: AnacondaExpressft: U.P. Fast MalLt: 03m^oopm :15m 12pm :00pm UamCP* p m onp m^00 p m CheatNorthern. Bens. Offlcssnd Stable. First St., Anaconda TrainNo. -'i Atlsnt'.o Ex^press, Esstoound, for^6t Fsui. Otwaga, N*w^York, and all Eastern^points TrainNo. 23, Pucille Kv^press. Westbound, from^st. Paul. I'lileat:^ and^al Eat:ern po ms.... TrainNo I. lieleua and^Butto k\pres^ TrainNo. i Hutlo and^Helena Kxpress Dallyev.-eut Sundays. Leave.Arrive. 0:08*.m, 3:10p. m. j* *:00p. m.^11:40 a. SS. li[fl^i OFFICE orA. H. WIEBP.R. S*Sn*t of Main and Law. reneostr^-;^. Utdena. Mont., makes a sped,^ally of furs sum.' m.irotd uud o.Uer coulra*!,^ei^ w tli i .v., ^ u ^ o.-t TheAnaconda Brewery WHEN HasBeer on 5ali in every saloor.^and Grocery Store in the city. ASKFOR IT. YOUare re^Cy to l-^ave the City clout jail to cnu on A Pi.vcua^Ni 3 E^st fcroacway, t-utte^.'or^cneap Entroad Tc .e:s to all^hoini* um'ti; K^ie- Membjr^Of t.;e A^ia.-ica.i Qckst B:\.lter8'^AasaKtawtoa,